West & Council Review of Governance Arrangements

Unparished area of Please reply by Wednesday, 14 Phase One December 2016 Tell us what you think about the ways you can get involved with decisions about your local public services

Visit: cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk Community Governance Review of the of Ellesmere Port Cheshire West and Chester Council (the Council) is committed to enabling local residents to be given opportunities to have their say on what happens locally in their areas and how local services are delivered. The Council is committed to undertaking a borough wide “Community Governance Review” which means it will explore and examine what existing governance arrangements are in place. This will enable local residents to have their say in what happens in their local areas and, if necessary, the Council can propose changes. Some communities in Cheshire West and Chester are represented locally by or councils, funded through a separate charge on residents known as a parish precept. Town and parish councils are elected corporate bodies and their activities fall into three main categories: representing the local community, delivering services to meet local needs and improving quality of life and community well-being. They can provide and maintain a variety of local services including allotments, bridleways, burial grounds, bus shelters, car parks, open spaces, community transport schemes, events and festivals, , leisure and sports facilities, litter bins, public toilets, street cleaning and lighting, tourism activities, traffic calming measures, greens and youth projects. Other communities are represented by different forms of community governance arrangements e.g. community meetings, management, tenant management organisations, residents’ and tenants’ associations and community associations. These groups or organisations consider services such as winter gritting routes, grass cutting, bus services, the local environment or can host or stage local events. They are not funded through a separate precept. Areas represented by community governance arrangements, other than parish or town councils, are referred to as “unparished areas”. Since April 2011, the Council has undertaken reviews of areas which were already represented by town or parish councils and, as a result, some changes to boundaries and parish council arrangements have been made. The Council is now embarking on a community governance review of the unparished area of Ellesmere Port as shown outlined on the map. Listed below are the wards that come under this unparished area: Ellesmere Port Town St Paul’s Grange Strawberry Ledsham and Manor Sutton Little and (part) Netherpool Willaston and Rossmore

Since 2009, the Ellesmere Port have carried out ceremonial functions in Ellesmere Port. They do not have wider community governance functions. The impact on the Charter Trustees of any new proposals for new or parish councils would need to be considered. This is Phase One of the consultation. Depending on the results of this consultation, further consultation may follow.

The consultation period closes on 14 December 2016. There are a range of ways to express your views:  Complete this form or go online to: www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/CommunityGovernanceEllesmerePort  Email: [email protected] and quote ‘Community Governance Review Ellesmere Port’ in the subject field  Telephone: 01244 972283  Write to: The Research Team, Cheshire West and Chester Council, 4 Civic Way, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0BE

What is a Community Governance Review?

Under the provisions in Part 4 of the and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 (“the 2007 Act”) Community Governance Reviews are intended to improve the development and co-ordination of support for citizens and community groups so that they can make the best use of empowerment opportunities. The Government (through the 2007 Act and the ) and the Council (through its corporate plan and agenda for locality working) recognise the important role that parish councils play in their local areas both in terms of community empowerment and engagement and the delivery of local services.  Parish Councils – Parish councils are the most local tier of government in and are responsible for areas known as civil parishes, funded through a separate charge on residents, known as a parish precept. They are elected bodies with powers and rights laid down by Parliament to represent their communities and provide services for them, including a right to raise money by precept. They must hold an annual meeting and at least three other meetings each year. Larger parish councils may be warded. A parish with a small electorate may share a council with one or more neighbouring parishes A parish council may be known as a `town`, `community’, `village’ or `neighbourhood’ council. Those parish councils which border the unparished area are being consulted.  Parish Meetings - Not every has a parish council. However, all parishes must have an annual consisting of all the local electors in the parish. A parish meeting has a number of functions, powers and rights of notification and consultation. The trustees of a parish meeting hold property and act on its behalf.  Other (non parish) forms of community governance – Cheshire West and Chester Council must consider other forms of community governance as alternatives to or stages towards establishing parish councils. These include arrangements such as community meetings, neighbourhood management, tenant management organisations, area/community forums, residents’ and tenants’ associations and community associations.

If you are aged under 16 you will need the permission of a parent or guardian to take part. They will need to sign in the space provided in Q6.

Completing the questionnaire is voluntary and all the information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence. No information will be released that could identify an individual or organisation.  Please use a blue or black pen and follow the instructions for each question  Please answer the next question unless asked otherwise  Please feel free to leave questions blank, if you do not wish to answer them.

If you live in, or have some connections with the unparished area of Ellesmere Port, highlighted on the map on the front cover, then please tell us your views.

Q1: As well as your Cheshire West and Chester Council ward (s), residents in the unparished area of Ellesmere Port may be represented by other forms of community governance arrangements. Do you know what these are in your local area? Yes No Not sure

Q2a: There may be a number of ways in which you can participate in decisions about the local public services you receive. Which of these are you aware of in your local area? Please cross all that apply. 1 Local community meetings 2 Community association 3 Neighbourhood management 4 Residents’ association 5 Tenants’ association 6 Ward councillor 7 Other (please specify)

8 I am not aware of any of these

Q2b. If you have selected any of the top 5 boxes above, please write the name of the association(s) or meeting(s) below

Q2c: Considering the ways that you may be able to give your views about local services or what happens in your local area, as listed in Q2a, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the opportunities available to have your say? Please cross one box only.

Very satisfied Quite satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Quite dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Not sure

Q3: What improvements to the opportunities for you to have your say, if any, would you like to make to the current governance arrangements in your area? Please write in the box below

About you To ensure that we have asked a cross-section of people in the area, please will you answer the following questions. They will be kept confidentially and will only be used for statistical purposes.

Please complete your postcode and street name, so that we can look at views from the different sections of the unparished area of Ellesmere Port. Please be assured that this will not allow us to identify individual addresses.

Q4a: What is your postcode?

Q4b: What is the name of your street?

Q5a: Which of these best describes you? Please cross all that apply.  Resident of unparished area of Ellesmere Port  Local resident but don’t live in unparished area of Ellesmere Port  Ward Councillor in unparished area  Ward Councillor outside unparished area  Town or Parish Councillor or Charter Trustee  Belong to a local community group or organisation  Other (please specify)

Q5b. If you are representing a local community group or organisation, town or parish council, or the Ellesmere Port Charter Trustees, please name the group or body in the box below. If you are a Ward Councillor, please state the Ward you represent.

Q6. Which age group do you belong to?. Please cross one box only. Under 16 Parent /guardian to sign 

 16-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+

Prefer not to say

Thank you for completing this questionnaire.

Please post it to: The Research Team, Cheshire West and Chester Council, 4 Civic Way, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0BE

Closing Date is 14 December 2016