

Ecological Monographs, 84(4), 2014, pp. 533–561 Ó 2014 by the Ecological Society of America

EcoVeg: a new approach to vegetation description and classification

1,11 2 3,12 4 5 DON FABER-LANGENDOEN, TODD KEELER-WOLF, DEL MEIDINGER, DAVE TART, BRUCE HOAGLAND, CARMEN 1 6 7 8 9 10 JOSSE, GONZALO NAVARRO, SERGUEI PONOMARENKO, JEAN-PIERRE SAUCIER, ALAN WEAKLEY, AND PATRICK COMER 1NatureServe, Conservation Science Division, 4600 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, Virginia 22203 USA 2Biogeographic Data Branch, California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, California 95814 USA 3British Columbia Ministry of and Range, Research Branch, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 9C2 Canada 4USDA Service, Intermountain Region, Natural Resources, Ogden, Utah 84401 USA 5Oklahoma Biological Survey and Department of Geography, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73019 USA 6Universidad Cato´lica Boliviana San Pablo, Unidad Acade´mica Regional Cochabamba Departamento de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierı´as, Carrera de Ingenierı´a Ambiental, Cochabamba, Bolivia 7Ecological Integrity Branch, Parks Canada, Rue Eddy, Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0M5 Canada 8Ministe`re des Ressources Naturelles 2700, Rue Einstein, Bureau B-1-185, Quebec City, Quebec G1P 3W8 Canada 9North Carolina Botanic , University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599 USA 10NatureServe, 2108 55th Street, Boulder, Colorado 80301 USA

Abstract. A vegetation classification approach is needed that can describe the diversity of terrestrial and their transformations over large time frames, span the full range of spatial and geographic scales across the globe, and provide knowledge of reference conditions and current states of ecosystems required to make decisions about conservation and resource management. We summarize the scientific basis for EcoVeg, a physiognomic-floristic-ecological classification approach that applies to existing vegetation, both cultural (planted and dominated by human processes) and natural (spontaneously formed and dominated by nonhuman ecological processes). The classification is based on a set of vegetation criteria, including physiognomy (growth forms, structure) and floristics (compositional similarity and character- istic species combinations), in conjunction with ecological characteristics, including site factors, , bioclimate, and . For natural vegetation, the rationale for the upper levels (formation types) is based on the relation between global-scale vegetation patterns and macroclimate, hydrology, and substrate. The rationale for the middle levels is based on scaling from regional formations (divisions) to regional floristic-physiognomic types (macrogroup and group) that respond to meso-scale biogeographic, climatic, disturbance, and site factors. Finally, the lower levels (alliance and association) are defined by detailed floristic composition that responds to local to regional topo-edaphic and disturbance gradients. For cultural vegetation, the rationale is similar, but types are based on distinctive vegetation physiognomy and floristics that reflect human activities. The hierarchy provides a structure that organizes regional/ continental vegetation patterns in the context of global patterns. A formal nomenclature is provided, along with a descriptive template that provides the differentiating criteria for each type at all levels of the hierarchy. Formation types have been described for the globe; divisions and macrogroups for North America, Latin America and Africa; groups, alliances and associations for the United States, parts of Canada, Latin America and, in partnership with other classifications that share these levels, many other parts of the globe. Key words: biogeography; Canadian National Vegetation Classification; cultural vegetation; ecosys- tem; floristics; growth form; International Vegetation Classification; natural vegetation; novel ; ruderal vegetation; U.S. National Vegetation Classification; vegetation type.


Manuscript received 19 December 2013; revised 5 March There never has been greater need than now to 2014; accepted 15 April 2014; final version received 12 May systematically inventory, classify, and map the incred- 2014. Corresponding Editor (ad hoc): N. Christensen. ible diversity of vegetation and ecosystems on Earth as 11 E-mail: [email protected] 12 Present address: Meidinger Ecological Consultants, 639 managers, conservationists, and policy makers are Vanalman Avenue, Victoria, British Columbia V8Z 3A8 Canada. facing ever intensifying land uses and degraded land- 533 534 DON FABER-LANGENDOEN ET AL. Ecological Monographs Vol. 84, No. 4

scapes. The implications of global change for biodiver- the last century (1909:142), ‘‘Why not use each growth sity, ecological processes, and ecosystem services are form [lichen, moss, herb, dwarf-shrub, shrub, tree] as a profound, even as historic natural systems are replaced foundation upon which to build a special class? The by new or novel ecosystems. A paramount need for following classes could then be distinguished: that of assessing these alterations is a system of vegetation forest formations, of bush-formations, of shrub-forma- classification that is operable at multiple spatial and tions, of dwarf-shrub formations, of perennial-herb temporal scales of resolution. Although vegetation- formations, of moss-formations, and of alga-forma- based classifications are often eschewed because of the tions ...from a morphological standpoint this would heterogeneous and dynamic nature of vegetation, possess a certain interest, but from a phytogeographical modelers of both climate and land-cover changes also one it must be dismissed, because it would involve the recognize the merits of describing the dynamics of separation of formations that are oecologically closely vegetation types (Leemans 1997, Williams et al. 2000, allied.’’ (Emphasis added.) Mitchell 2005, Willis and Birks 2006, Beckage et al. Similarly, Daubenmire (1968:252) observed that ‘‘...a 2008, Chiarucci et al. 2010, Williams and Baker 2011). ‘needle-leaved coniferous forest’ category would em- In addition, ecologists and conservation scientists need brace the Pinus elliottii forests of Cuba, the Pinus real-time knowledge of ecosystem structure and compo- ponderosa forests of Colorado, the Sequoia sempervirens sition in order to characterize reference conditions and forests of California, the Picea glauca forests of Yukon natural disturbance dynamics across the Territory, etc. Collectively these share nothing in (Swetnam et al. 1999, Scott et al. 2002, Stoddard et al. common from the synecologic standpoint ...thus it is 2006, Leu et al. 2008, Keene et al. 2009, Tierney et al. clear that physiognomy by itself lumps vegetation types 2009, Thompson et al. 2013). that are vastly different in their ecological relations, and Vegetation ecologists acknowledge the need for more so results in an artificial classification. Then the opposite comprehensive systematic approaches to both vegeta- difficulty is illustrated by Warming’s placement of salt tion survey and classification (e.g., Chytry´ et al. 2011). marshes dominated by shrubby Salicornia in a different Although vegetation classifications are a priority in category from salt marshes dominated by herbaceous many parts of the world, the systems devised cater to species of the same genus ...all this is not to deny that national or subcontinental interests and scale (e.g., physiognomy can serve a useful purpose in defining Curtis 1959, Rodwell 1991–2000, Sawyer et al. 2009, major groupings, but it is useful only when Navarro 2011, Chytry´ 2012), thereby limiting the need ecologic and other considerations are allowed to govern for the classifiers to account for the worldwide diversity its application.’’ EVIEWS

R of vegetation patterns. A globally applicable classifica- Floristic approaches, such as those of Braun-Blanquet tion system is lacking. or Daubenmire, often give strong consideration to We present a hierarchical classification that integrates ecological relationships when assessing vegetation types biogeography, bioclimatology, and land-cover data into (Westhoff and van der Maarel 1973:619). In fact, the a scientifically based global vegetation classification for historic association concept typically includes the interpretation of vegetation pattern at all scales. Our conditions (Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg 1974, Will- methodology, which we term the EcoVeg approach, ner 2006, Jennings et al. 2009). Thus, both physiognomic provides a repeatable scientific system for the develop- and floristic characteristics can provide the biotic ment and description of vegetation types. The goal is to information needed for defining vegetation classification systematically classify existing vegetation, reflecting units, and the organization of their relationships can be both ecological and human processes and applicable assessed by their ecological, dynamic, and geographic from the global to local scale. While we do not argue (chorology) relevance (see also Pignatti et al. [1994]). that this is the only vegetation classification approach to There are other vegetation characteristics that are still use, we will show that it does address an important set of being explored for their role in vegetation classification. current needs and solves other classification shortcom- For example, inductive approaches to characterizing ings. plant functional traits are now being gathered at the The EcoVeg approach builds on the traditional same scale as floristic data, such that classifications may physiognomic-floristic-ecological classifications that benefit from considering these traits for classification have been developed over many (e.g., Ru¨ bel (Box 1981, Cramer 1997, Gillison 2013). Although these 1930, as cited in Shimwell 1971, Whittaker 1962, fine-scale traits can be used to characterize environmen- Westhoff 1967, Webb et al. 1970, Beard 1973, Werger tally adaptive aspects of , more research is needed and Sprangers 1982, Borhidi 1991, Adam 1992). These to understand how they might be incorporated with classifications suggested ways in which multiple criteria physiognomic and floristic criteria for classification for vegetation classification could be used to organize purposes. We note how information on functional traits vegetation patterns along ecological lines. Common to could be used to extend our approach. these authors’ perspectives is that both floristic and One of the challenges of a global classification is to physiognomic units should be constructed in the context provide guidance for type recognition across all scales. of ecological relationships. As Warming stated early in An accurate, concise definition for a global-scale November 2014 ECOLOGICAL VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION 535 tropical dry forest formation may be difficult, given the In 2003, the Vegetation Subcommittee of the United enormous diversity of tropical forests across the globe. States Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC Because the principles of the EcoVeg hierarchy ulti- 2008) sponsored the Hierarchy Revisions Working mately bring global and local scales together, there is the Group (HRWG) to address shortcomings in the opportunity for ongoing refinement and improvement of UNESCO (1973) physiognomic-ecologic classification type definitions using both top-down and bottom-up that formed the basis for the first iteration of the United methods (e.g., Miles et al. 2006). States National Vegetation Classification (USNVC; see No other global vegetation classification approach Grossman et al. [1998]). UNESCO (1973) was intended that we know of is based on an integration of to facilitate global vegetation classification and mapping physiognomy and floristics across all vegetation types using remote sensing imagery. Because of an FGDC at multiple scales. Perhaps the closest in scope to our requisite that international standards for vegetation approach is that of Di Gregorio and Jansen (1996), but classification be considered during development of the theirs is a comprehensive descriptive method with USNVC, the HRWG was composed of vegetation multiple attributes organized around a few core ecologists from across the western hemisphere (see categories. There are also a number of important Appendix A for a list of members), and it sought peer continental or subcontinental physiognomic-floristic review from international experts. The HRWG focused classifications, though they differ from our approach on the conceptual development of the upper and middle in a variety of ways, including in North America (Brown level units of the hierarchy to complement the lower et al. 1979, Brown 1982), the former USSR (Komarov level (alliance and association) units already put in place Botanical Institute; Aleksandrova 1973), in Australia by Grossman et al. (1998). The FGDC (2008) and (Specht et al. 1974, Specht and Specht 2001), in Europe, the physiognomic-floristic classification that guides the Jennings et al. (2009) provided guidance for the Natural Vegetation Map of Europe (Bohn et al. 2000– collection of vegetation field data from plots and for 2003) and EUNIS (European Nature Information the description and analysis of lower level units of the System; see Davies et al. [2004]), with its various classification, guidance that is relevant to the descrip- predecessors (e.g., Devillers et al. 1991 [CORINE tions of all levels of the hierarchy presented here. They also provided a glossary of terms. A brief introduction biotopes manual] and Devillers and Devillers-Terschu- R to the USNVC was given in Faber-Langendoen et al. ren 1996). Apart from Brown et al. (1979), the units and EVIEWS hierarchy neither attempt to represent global patterns of (2009), Franklin et al. (2012), and Kent (2012). An vegetation nor contain multiple scales of global to local introduction and systematic description of the global types. We therefore developed the EcoVeg approach to formation types is provided in Faber-Langendoen et al. address this need. (2012). The terrestrial vegetation focus of EcoVeg is based on METHODS assumptions that vegetation represents the majority of Working group primary production of terrestrial ecosystems, is readily The classification approach presented here is the observable, and to a large degree integrates the biotic product of numerous efforts that began in the 1970s response to a variety of abiotic and disturbance factors and 1980s to establish global ecological classification at local, regional, and global scales. Thus, the approach frameworks (see Grossman et al. [1998] for a brief adopts a bio-ecosystems (Walter 1985), as opposed to a overview of various physiognomic, floristic, and phys- geo-ecosystems (Rowe and Barnes 1994) approach, and iognomic-floristic approaches). At that time, any effort is largely synonymous with the natural or ecological to develop a systematic vegetation classification in the concept used by a variety of state agencies United States had to first respond to challenges to and organizations within the United States (Grossman community-unit concepts raised by continuum-based et al. 1998). theories (Austin 1985), disenchantment with strongly The conceptual development and description of floristic approaches based on the character species EcoVeg units draws on important ecological products concepts of the Braun-Blanquet method (Mueller- from bioclimatic (e.g., Holdridge 1947, Pojar et al. 1987, Dombois and Ellenberg 1974:208–209), which led to a Rivas-Martı´ nez 1996–2011, Metzger et al. 2012), bio- greater emphasis on the characteristic species combina- geographic (e.g., Takhtajan 1986, Rivas-Martı´ nez et al. tion (Chytry´ and Tichy´ 2003), and a desire to explore 2011), and classifications (USDA 1999, Eswaran et more bio-geo-ecosystem approaches (Driscoll et al. al. 2003) to facilitate the understanding of vegetation 1984, Pojar et al. 1987, Bailey 1989a, Rowe and Barnes patterns. In addition, the multiscale structure of the 1994). Concurrently, however, improvements in remote EcoVeg approach is compatible with existing sensing technology and spatial modeling tools created a classifications that are utilized at national, continental, demand for a classification system that was consistent, and global scales (see USGS National Land Cover repeatable, and operable at multiple spatial scales for Database [data available online];13 Loveland et al. 1991, characterization of vegetation-ecosystem patterns from both the ground and the air (Lowry et al. 2007). 13 http://landcover.usgs.gov/natllandcover.php 536 DON FABER-LANGENDOEN ET AL. Ecological Monographs Vol. 84, No. 4

2000, Di Gregorio and Jansen 1996, USGS 2001, growth-forms based on structural types (e.g., tree, Bontemps et al. 2009, Fry et al. 2011). shrub, etc.), leaf form (e.g., broad-leaved macro- phyll), relative plant and leaf size, and seasonal Methodological principles activity pattern (e.g., summer green) for predictively We contend that an operable vegetation classification mapping world or vegetation formations. scheme must have the capacity to describe existing Thus, regional patterns of growth forms and species vegetation patterns, including both cultural (planted and constitute distinctive patterns that can be used to dominated by human processes) and natural (spontane- define regional biomes, reflecting a long-term adjust- ously formed and dominated by ecological processes, cf. ment of vegetation to sites (Williams et al. 2000). At van der Maarel 2005); describe vegetation types at the same time, natural disturbances and human multiple thematic scales, from thematically coarse activities can rapidly alter the growth forms and formations (biomes) to fine-scale associations (bio- species composition. topes); provide a readily interpretable inventory of 3) Vegetation characteristics are the product of natural vegetation and ecosystem patterns within and across and cultural processes. Cultural processes are human landscape/ecoregional/watershed units; document status activities with purposeful, direct vegetation manage- and trends of vegetation and ecosystems (e.g., trends in ment objectives that produce distinct suites of species extent, such as range shifts, or trends in condition); and growth forms (e.g., orchards, vineyards, row facilitate interpretation of long-term (even paleoecolog- crops, , forest plantations). Natural processes ical) change in vegetation with short-term change of are ecologically driven and lead to more or less existing vegetation, based on multiple vegetation criteria spontaneous vegetation patterns (Ku¨ chler 1969, (growth forms, structure, floristics, etc.); and document Westhoff and van der Maarel 1973, Di Gregorio the real-time shifts in ecosystem states caused by and Jansen 1996, van der Maarel 2005). See also , land use, and climate change. Basic categories of the EcoVeg approach: Natural and Based on these contentions, the EcoVeg approach cultural vegetation. contains nine core principles. 4) Characterizing and describing vegetation types is best accomplished using plot data, including both vege- 1) The classification is based on existing vegetation tation and other ecological data, which is collected types, defined as the plant cover, including both and compiled using systematic protocols and survey floristic composition and vegetation structure, docu- techniques. Data management tools, including bo- mented at a specific location and time, under tanical databases, vegetation plot databases, and EVIEWS specified ecological conditions, and preferably de-

R vegetation classification databases (Westhoff and van scribed at an optimal time during the growing der Maarel 1973, Dengler et al. 2011, Peet et al. (Tart et al. 2005, FGDC 2008, Jennings et al. 2009). 2012), are essential for these activities. This is in contrast to potential vegetation concepts 5) Vegetation types can be defined using a number of (Ku¨ chler 1964, Daubenmire 1968, Loidi and Ferna´ n- differentiating criteria, including diagnostic, constant dez-Gonza´ lez 2012), which rely on assumptions and dominant species, dominant and diagnostic regarding vegetation successional stages, the presence growth forms, and compositional similarity. The of selected late successional plant species, and most useful criteria are those that express ecological ecological species groups related to soils, topography, and biogeographical relationships and that clearly and climatic factors in the description of vegetation distinguish types (Warming 1909, Curtis 1959, types. The two concepts are related in that mature Westhoff and van der Maarel 1973, Pignatti et al. examples of existing vegetation may represent 1994, Dierschke 1997, Willner 2006). These criteria expected states of potential vegetation types (Loidi should be defined for application in the field or lab, and Ferna´ ndez-Gonza´ lez 2012). so that recognizable field characteristics are provided 2) Vegetation types are characterized by full floristic to ensure consistent identification using keys and and growth form (physiognomic) composition, which other tools (De Ca´ ceres and Wiser 2012). To that together express ecological and biogeographical end, types are preferably defined as extensive relations. Floristic data can provide joint species concepts (the class concepts of Whittaker responses to environment and disturbance, both in [1962:114–118]). Extensive concepts describe the full the short and long term. These responses can be membership or range of variation of a type in indicators of environmental change, disturbance relation to other types (e.g., as shown in Austin regime shifts, and anthropogenic alterations. Growth [2013: Fig. 3.4]), as compared to intensive or nodal forms reflect ecological and evolutionary pressures concepts, where the membership or range of varia- and processes; thus the composition of growth forms tion in the type is based on selected typical plots, but expresses both the long-term and immediate set of such variation may exclude intermediate plots. abiotic variables influencing vegetation structure Intensive concepts may provide a first approximation (Whittaker 1975, Werger and Sprangers 1982, Adam of a type, which can be later expanded with increased 1992). For example, Box (1981) defined 90 plant knowledge of the type. There will always be November 2014 ECOLOGICAL VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION 537

difficulties in assigning stands to a type as one type body. The coordinating body can review types transitions to another along a gradient, even when published in independent publications to determine differentiating criteria are well understood. their relation to the standard set of vegetation types 6) Classification and field recognition of vegetation to ensure that all scientific contributions to the types is a distinct process that differs from vegetation classification are considered, but the coordinating mapping in that all vegetation maps are constrained body provides the critical role of ensuring that by issues related to scale and technical limitations of published types are clearly distinguished from each mapping, which may restrict the ability of the map other as much as possible. This assures that an legend to show all vegetation types in a mapped area. authoritative version of the classification is main- Conversely, mapping units can describe spatial tained at all times, and it prevents potential relationships among types not described by the confusion over duplication, overlap, and uneven classification (e.g., dry-dune–wet-swale type relation- scaling among types. A coordinated approach makes ships). Because vegetation maps are often developed a standardized classification system readily available to study the geographic distribution, extent, and to practitioners, policy makers, and others (e.g., landscape patterns of vegetation, the linkages be- Rodwell 1991–2000, Grossman et al. 1998, Davies et tween recognizable field characteristics of vegetation al. 2004, Mucina and Rutherford 2006, Jennings et classification and vegetation mapping should be al. 2009). established (Tart et al. 2005). 7) Differentiating criteria for vegetation types can be These principles are essential when a consistent and arranged hierarchically from upper levels primarily comprehensive set of vegetation types is needed that are based on general growth forms to middle levels based organized by vegetation and ecological relationships on specific growth form and floristics that includes within a global framework. We encourage local or suites of general and regional combinations of regional inventories and classifications to retain the core characteristic species, and lower levels based primar- methodological principles 1–5 on defining types, even if ily on regional to local floristics. At all levels, their classification hierarchy is structured differently, in vegetation provides the primary criteria for descrip- order to permit linking these local and regional

tions within the hierarchy, but the organization may inventories with this global approach because these R

be based on the ecological and biogeographical inventories are an important sources of information for EVIEWS relations expressed by the vegetation (Ru¨ bel 1930 any global classification effort. as cited in Shimwell 1971, Whittaker 1962, Westhoff Related classification methods 1967, Pignatti et al. 1994, Brown et al. 1998). 8) An integrated hierarchy of vegetation types is best The philosophy guiding the EcoVeg methodology established by considering each level as both reflects, to varying degrees, the physiognomic-floristic- independent and interconnected in a nested relation- ecological systems noted in the Introduction (e.g., see ship; that is, criteria selected to differentiate levels in Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg [1974] for a general the hierarchy are sufficient to define and distinguish presentation of such systems). Those systems have types of a particular level, thereby preventing it from typically not developed the kind of formal principles being arbitrarily defined by the level immediately and methods presented here, so comparisons are difficult above or below in the hierarchy. Thus, the EcoVeg to make (but see the basic postulates of vegetation method is both top-down and bottom-up. It is largely classification and mapping for southern Africa presented an inductive method, in so far as it rarely poses in Mucina and Rutherford [2006]). One system deserves formal hypotheses, and the method of induction can special comparison: the Braun-Blanquet approach, as be appropriately applied at any level (Mentis 1988). the HRWG learned much from it. Excellent summaries Opportunities for hypothesis testing (e.g., how of that approach are available in Westhoff and van der relationships among vegetation types are established Maarel (1973) and Dengler et al. (2008). First, both based on their physiognomy, floristics, and ecology) approaches share many aspects of principles 1–6. In may emerge as the hierarchy is further developed. particular, it is worth noting that principle 4, collecting 9) A coordinating body should be established to oversee plot-based (releve´ ) vegetation data for classification the recognition and integration of new classification purposes, a core feature of the Braun-Blanquet ap- units. A coordinating body is needed, given the more proach, has become embedded in most formal vegeta- or less continuous nature of vegetation patterns and tion classification approaches, including this one. But the potential for both multiple overlapping or uneven there also some noteworthy differences. The Braun- concepts. Even when such concepts are published, Blanquet approach strongly emphasizes floristic-diag- they may be difficult to reconcile with other nostic features at all levels (cf. EcoVeg principle 2), independently published types. Proposed vegetation restricts the scope of vegetation to natural and types, whether previously published or not, should seminatural or spontaneous (not planted) vegetation undergo a peer review process specific to the (cf. EcoVeg principle 3), arranges the hierarchy based classification standard conducted by a coordinating strongly on floristic-ecological criteria, with less empha- 538 DON FABER-LANGENDOEN ET AL. Ecological Monographs Vol. 84, No. 4

TABLE 1. Conceptual categories and level 1 of the hierarchy.

Category and level 1 Scientific name Vegetated Natural vegetation Forest and Mesomorphic Tree Vegetation Shrub and Herb Vegetation Mesomorphic Shrub and Herb Vegetation and Semi-Desert Xeromorphic Woodland, Scrub and Herb Vegetation Polar and High Montane Scrub and Cryomorphic Vegetation Aquatic Vegetation Hydromorphic Vegetation Open Rock Vegetation Mesomorphic Vegetation Cultural vegetation Agricultural and developed vegetation Anthromorphic Vegetation Nonvegetated excluded from classification, per se

sis on physiognomy (cf. EcoVeg principle 7), specifies 2002). We discuss these similarities when presenting the one level, the association, as the fundamental unit, levels of the hierarchy. thereby placing other levels in a more dependent relation (cf. EcoVeg principle 8), and relies on the accumulation BASIC CATEGORIES OF THE ECOVEG APPROACH of literature-based, peer-reviewed publications to estab- We introduce two basic dichotomies that guide the lish types, with no official coordinating body (cf. overall hierarchy: the distinction between (1) vegetated EcoVeg principle 9). Another difference is that the and nonvegetated and (2) natural and cultural vegeta- primary top Braun-Blanquet level, the class, contains tion (cf. Di Gregorio and Jansen 1996). These categories many hundreds of units, e.g., 80 classes are reported for explicitly demonstrate how the approach systematically Europe alone by Rodwell et al. (2002), with no formal classifies the enormous variation in terrestrial vegetation higher levels. In principle, the Braun-Blanquet method and how the classification units produced by the does have one higher level, division (Hadacˇ1967), but it approach can be part of a larger set of categories that is rarely used. The aggregation of classes is typically cover all ecosystems on the globe (freshwater, marine, accomplished using ad hoc formations, but there has subterranean; see Table 1). EVIEWS been no interest in the development of a formalized R procedure for those units (Mucina 1997). This leaves the Vegetated and nonvegetated global patterns of vegetation unaccounted for by the All terrestrial areas are classified as vegetated that Braun-Blanquet approach. Third, lack of specified class have 1% surface coverage with live vascular and criteria for both physiognomy and floristics at the upper nonvascular plant species, including vegetation levels of the Braun-Blanquet approach has led to fewer (rooted emergent, submergent, and floating aquatic range-wide standardized publications and applications, vegetation). For guidance on classifying nonvegetated except through occasional synoptic publications. To terrestrial , users should consult units provided some degree, the lack of systematic criteria for these by the Food and Organization of the United units within Europe led to the creation of alternative Nations (FAO) Land Cover Classification System (Di European classifications, such as EUNIS (European Gregorio and Jansen 1996) and the United States Nature Information System). That system provides a National Land Cover Database (see footnote 13). For comprehensive and specific set of criteria at the highest classifying freshwater and marine habitats, users should levels of the classification for all European vegetation consult Cowardin et al. (1979), Higgins et al. (2005), and (Davies et al. 2004), though revisions are under way to the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification System make it a more consistent framework (M. Chytry´, (FGDC 2012), among others. personal communication). Because of these differences, we believe the EcoVeg approach can better serve as a Natural and cultural vegetation global vegetation classification framework. Although the term vegetation is often explicitly or Although there are other components of the Braun- implicitly (as in many texts that describe regional Blanquet system that bear further consideration (no- vegetation) restricted to natural vegetation (e.g., West- menclature, requirements for a type releve´ when hoff and van der Maarel 1973, Barbour and Billings describing a new type, etc.), they are beyond the scope 2000, van der Maarel 2005), here we extend it to include of this paper. Instead, we emphasize that there also is cultural vegetation. The EcoVeg approach adopts this great compatibility between the two approaches, as is inclusive view because of the distinctive and ever- apparent in the natural vegetation map of Europe (Bohn growing quantity of human-dominated/derived land- et al. 2000–2003), which incorporates Braun-Blanquet cover types, whether cultural vegetation (Ku¨ chler 1969, types to describe European vegetation (Rodwell et al. Di Gregorio and Jansen 1996, Davies et al. 2004), November 2014 ECOLOGICAL VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION 539

FIG. 1. Asian elephant passing through a tea plantation (cultural vegetation) in the Valparai plateau in Anamalai Hills of the western Ghats, India, on its way from one natural forest patch to another. Classifying the type of cultural vegetation is important to R

the overall assessment of elephant habitat because, although the elephants are able to use the tea plantations as part of a migratory EVIEWS corridor, they are also likely to run into conflict with humans as they pass through (Sukumar and Easa 2006). Photo Kalyan Varma. Used with permission. cultural soils (i.e., the proposed Anthrosol order [Bryant these influences form a continuum of human and and Galbraith 2003; International Committee for ecological interactions. Anthropogenic Soils, available online]),14 or cultural Cultural vegetation possesses a distinctive structure biomes (Ellis and Ramankutty 2008). Describing cul- and composition that is determined by the response to tural vegetation is also important within state and human intervention (cultural vegetation sensu stricto transition models that characterize the successional Ku¨ chler 1969, Di Gregorio and Jansen 1996). Charac- relationships among types on ecological sites (Bestel- teristics of cultural vegetation are (1) regularly spaced meyer et al. 2004). Thus, including cultural vegetation in herbaceous vegetation with substantial cover of bare the EcoVeg approach is vital to characterizing the full for significant periods of the (usually determined by range of variation in terrestrial ecosystems and in tillage, chemical treatment, or agricultural flooding), (2) wildlife habitats (Di Gregorio and Jansen 1996). That vegetation consisting of highly manipulated growth variation will include challenging areas of transition forms or structures rarely found under natural plant between the two, such as sites where former industrial development (usually determined by mechanical prun- plantations have been partially cut and abandoned and ing, mowing, clipping, etc.), and (3) vegetation com- acquire an increasingly native or naturalized flora, or posed of species not native to the area that have been where native are grazed and managed so intentionally introduced to the site by humans and that intensively they take on many characteristics of seeded would not persist without active management by pastures. The roles of natural and cultural processes are humans (e.g., ). not mutually exclusive. For example, although cultural Natural (including seminatural, ruderal, or weed) vegetation can provide a degree of connectivity between vegetation is composed predominantly of spontaneously natural habitats that wildlife depend on, knowledge of growing sets of plant species with composition shaped the type of cultural vegetation is important to under- by both abiotic (site) and biotic processes; these are standing potential conflicts with human activities (Fig. vegetation types whose species composition is primarily 1). Thus, we incorporate human and natural processes determined by nonhuman ecological processes (Ku¨ chler into our high-level distinctions of types, recognizing that 1969, Westhoff and van der Maarel 1973, van der Maarel 2005). Although natural vegetation is variously 14 http://clic.cses.vt.edu/ICOMANTH affected by human activities (e.g., logging, livestock 540 DON FABER-LANGENDOEN ET AL. Ecological Monographs Vol. 84, No. 4

, fire, introduced pathogens), it retains a distinc- derived , comprised of invasive cogon grasses tive set of spontaneous vegetation and ecological (Imperata cylindrica, Imperata brasiliensis) mixed with characteristics (Westhoff and van der Maarel 1973, Di other weedy native and exotic grasses, herbs, and palms, Gregorio and Jansen 1996). rather than a natural cerrado savanna (Veldman and Natural vegetation is sometimes restricted to historic, Putz 2011). In the southwestern United States and native vegetation or vegetation with analogs to potential Mexico, a native invasive, Prosopsis glandulosa, expand- natural vegetation (e.g., Barbour and Billings 2000, van ed into more natural vegetation because of strongly der Maarel 2005). Here, we follow the Braun-Blanquet altered fire and grazing regimes, leading to the tradition and others in extending it to include the full formation of dense stands with an understory of Opuntia range of natural vegetation from what Ellenberg (1988) spp. and Bromus spp. (Belnap et al. 2012). P. glandulosa called near-natural to seminatural. Thus, just as cultural is also an exotic invader in parts of South African and vegetation is not devoid of some natural influences, so Australia. These kinds of seminatural vegetation types too within natural vegetation there is a range of both reflect a fairly strong role of anthropogenic processes ecological and human processes affecting the vegetation. alongside successional ecological processes leading to a Ellenberg’s near-natural vegetation of central Europe set of characteristic species with distinctive growth includes native, historic vegetation primarily shaped by forms, ecology, and biogeography. For that reason, we ecological processes, such as the forests, , add a ruderal label to the name of the type to indicate dunes, and alpine vegetation. His seminatural vegetation their placement in the classification (see Natural includes modified, ruderal, or weedy vegetation that had Vegetation: Hierarchy levels for natural vegetation: 3. been moderately to substantially altered by anthropo- Macrogroup and ruderal vegetation). We define ruderal genic disturbances, such as central European grasslands vegetation as ‘‘vegetation found on human-disturbed and dwarf-shrub heaths with relatively moderate human sites, with no apparent recent historical natural analogs influences, as well as ruderal and weed communities and whose current composition and structure is not a found on heavily soil disturbed sites, and even the more function of continuous cultivation by humans and intensively manipulated vegetation of forest plantations, includes a broadly distinctive characteristic species hay, and litter meadows. Apart from our treatment of combination, whether tree, shrub, or herb dominated. the more intensively manipulated vegetation as cultural The vegetation is often composed of invasive species, vegetation, we agree with Ellenberg on the full scope of whether exotic or native, that have expanded in extent what is termed natural vegetation. We leave it to the and abundance due to the human disturbances’’ (Curtis classification process to determine how distinctive the 1959, Ellenberg 1988, Lincoln et al. 1998). Our term is EVIEWS more restrictive than that of Grime (2001), who uses the

R vegetation may be as it relates to the varying degrees of human vs. ecological processes. Inclusion of both native term for any vegetation that forms after regular and and weedy vegetation within natural vegetation is severe disturbances, whether natural or human caused. perhaps akin to many botanical manuals that treat both By cataloguing these ruderal ecosystems, we seek to native and naturalized species within their scope, but capture the full dynamics of existing vegetation on the exclude the multitude of cultivated species found in landscape. lawns and farm fields. NATURAL VEGETATION That said, there has been growing interest in the more distinctive ruderal, invasive, and weedy vegetation types; Criteria for the description of natural vegetation that is, those with no apparent historical natural Growth forms and floristic characteristics that reflect analogs, sometimes referred to as novel or emerging ecological and biogeographical variables (Faber-Lan- ecosystems (Hobbs et al. 2006, Belnap et al. 2012). These gendoen et al. 2009) are the primary properties of systems are often composed of invasive species, whether natural vegetation and are used to define all units of the exotic or native, that have expanded in extent and hierarchy (cf. Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg 1974). abundance due to human disturbances, whether from Further research is needed to determine whether the abandonment of sites with cultural vegetation or from approach can be extended to include plant functional extensive alteration and degradation of more natural types (Gillison 2013). vegetation. For example, old fields in eastern North Growth forms and structure.—Growth form criteria America that form on abandoned farm contain a include (1) diagnostic combinations of growth forms, (2) mix of weedy natives and exotic shrubs, such as dominant growth forms, singly or in combination, and Rhamnus cathartica and Lonicera spp. (Wright and (3) vertical and horizontal structure of growth forms. Fridley 2010). These fields have no analog to surround- Growth forms are defined as the shape or appearance ing historic native vegetation in the regions. Similarly, (physiognomy and structure)ofaplantreflecting vegetation that forms after tropical forests are cleared growing conditions and genetics (FGDC 2008). We use and burned may differ from any native vegetation in the the term growth form in preference to life form, sensu area. For example, when sites with cerrado seasonally Raunkier (1934), who defined forms into types based on dry forest are extensively cleared and frequently burned, environmental condition, specifically based on the they may subsequently contain a floristically distinct position of the bud or perennating organ during the November 2014 ECOLOGICAL VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION 541 most unfavorable season. Growth forms describe a strong ecological relationships, at least not as currently variety of types that reflect multiple ecological condi- defined, in which case, they may still be identified as tions. Growth forms are based on structural types (e.g., constant growth forms (i.e., found in a high percentage tree), leaf form (e.g., broad-leaved macrophyll), relative of the plots sampled for a type, cf. Natural vegetation: plant and leaf size, and seasonal activity pattern (e.g., Criteria for the description of natural vegetation: summer green; see Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg Floristics). [1974], Whittaker [1975:359], Box [1981], Box and Growth forms also are closely related to plant Fujiwara [2005], Mucina and Rutherford [2006: Table functional types (PFTs), defined as a group of organisms 2.1]). A growth form is usually consistent within a with a shared response to environmental factors (Gitay species, but may vary under extremes of environment. and Noble 1997). For example, regeneration strategies The growth forms provided in Appendix B are a first of woody plant species subject to recurrent fire vary approximation for defining upper level formation types between regions, but many share the primary functional (FGDC 2008) and for characterizing global vegetation traits of resprouting following a crown fire and the patterns. The list consists of both general (Appendix B: retention of a viable postfire seed bank (Gillison 2013). Table B.1) and specific (Appendix B: Table B.2) growth The PFTs used for global-scale ecological assessments forms. Morphological, anatomical, and physiological closely resemble the growth forms in the EcoVeg adaptations can be used to derive additional growth approach. Thus, PFTs can be concatenated with growth forms, but the use of species in combination with growth forms within a formation (Leemans 1997) for modeling forms at middle levels of the hierarchy will alleviate this the response of formations to disturbances and to need. Nevertheless, the list in Appendix B can be climate change, following Box (1981), Cramer (1997) amended to include, for example, the growth forms and Box and Fujiwara (2005). suggested by Box (1981) and Box and Fujiwara (2005) In the EcoVeg approach, the following definitions are or some of the characteristics of plant functional types applied to growth forms. (e.g., the VegClass elements of Gillison 2013). Dominant growth form has a high percent cover Because the growth forms used in the EcoVeg (typically .10%), usually in the uppermost vegetation approach emphasize morphological adaptations, the layer. suffix morphic is applied to vegetation types: hydro- Diagnostic growth form is the presence, abundance, R morphic, mesomorphic, xeromorphic (see also Ellenberg or vigor of growth forms that help differentiate one EVIEWS [1988: Table 4]). Although comparable to the use of vegetation type from another. Diagnostic growth forms hydrophyte, mesophyte, thermophyte, or xerophyte in also reflect certain climatic and site conditions and can other classification systems (e.g., Warming 1909, Rod- be identified using conceptual and analytical techniques, well et al. 2002, Huber and Riina 2003), we contend including their relation to global climatic factors (e.g., those terms are more aptly applied to species. In Cramer 1997, Box 2002, Wang et al. 2003). addition, the term hydrophyte in North America is Structural features, such as the canopy height of each applied to species occupying wetland habitats, irrespec- vegetation stratum and canopy spacing, may be utilized tive of any obvious morphologic or anatomical adapta- for description of vegetation types. Cultural types (e.g., tions. For example, Tiner (2006) defines hydrophytes as apple orchards) often differ fundamentally in both the ‘‘plants growing in water or on a substrate that is at least growth form and the structural characteristic from periodically deficient in oxygen due to excessive wet- natural types. Structural features may also serve a ness.’’ By contrast, hydromorphic vegetation is defined descriptive role within or between types, such as early, by rooted and floating aquatic growth forms with mid, or late seral forests, or open and closed . anatomical features such as aerenchyma. Floristics.—Given that species are a fundamental unit By identifying the growth forms on a site or in a of biodiversity, floristic composition is important in vegetation plot, it is possible to empirically characterize characterizing vegetation types. The definition of a the growth forms of a vegetation type and relate them to vegetation type is summarized by characteristic species ecological factors. Thus, we can assess the diagnostic combinations, including (1) diagnostic combinations of and dominant types of general growth forms that define species (character and differential species), (2) constant a formation class, such as xeromorphic (desert) vegeta- species, (3) dominant species, which reflect similar tion. At finer scales of formations, additional specific ecology and dynamic significance, and (4) vertical and growth forms may be needed. For example, in distin- horizontal structure of species. The terminology for guishing the tropical lowland rain forest from the characteristic species combinations largely follows the tropical montane forest formation, Whitmore (1984: Braun-Blanquet tradition (Westhoff and van der Maarel Table 18.1) noted differences in canopy height, leaf type, 1973, Chytry´ and Tichy´ 2003), with the inclusion of and flowering phenology among the growth forms of dominant species, which is also an expression of the dominant trees, and he included a variety of minor dominant growth form. The characteristic species diagnostic growth forms, such as vascular and nonvas- combination is considered a strong indicator of biocli- cular epiphytes and climbers. In other cases, growth matic, biogeographic, geoedaphic, and successional forms, such as flowering forb, do not show particularly conditions. We use the term species broadly to mean 542 DON FABER-LANGENDOEN ET AL. Ecological Monographs Vol. 84, No. 4

taxa, as the diagnostic value of taxa are occasionally Diagnostic species may be identified through analyt- made at the genus or subspecies level. ical techniques, such as tabular sorting based on fidelity 1. Diagnostic species.—Diagnostic species exhibit a criteria (Westhoff and van der Maarel 1973), and relative constancy or abundance that clearly differenti- numerical analyses, such as two-way indicator species ates vegetation types and includes character and analysis (e.g., Rolecˇek et al. 2009), indicator value index differential species (dominant and constant species (Dufreˆne and Legendre 1997), phi coefficient (e.g., may or may not be diagnostic). Chytry´ et al. 2002), and hybrid approaches that optimize Character species show a distinct maximum concen- clustering for diagnostic species values (e.g., Tichy´ et al. tration, either in constancy and/or abundance, in one 2010). well-defined vegetation type, as compared to all others, 2. Dominant species.—Dominant species have the and are recognizable at local, regional, and larger highest percent cover (the standard abundance measure geographic scales (see Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg for vegetation classification), biomass, or density. [1974:178, 208], Bruelheide [2000]). Character species are Species dominance is often assessed by strata, because often determined by comparison of vegetation types taller statured species have greater volume or biomass. within the same physiognomic unit of a climatic or At the stand- or plot-level, the average cover of a biogeographic region (Dengler et al. 2008). dominant species is .10%, including codominant Differential species are distinctly more widespread or species. At the type-level, a dominant species is defined abundant in a pair or closely related sets of plant as a constant species with at least 10% average cover communities than in the other(s), though they may still (adapted from Pojar et al. [1987]). In habitats where the be more abundant in other communities not under vegetation is rather sparse, relative dominance may be a consideration (Curtis 1959, Bruelheide 2000). The more more helpful criterion. limited a species is to one or a few Compositional similarity.—Compositional similarity is types under consideration, the stronger its differential defined as a measure of the similarity in the presence value. Character species are a special case of differential and/or abundance of plant species between two or more species, since they differentiate a type from all other plots or types. Numerical indices (e.g., Sorenson, Bray- vegetation types, whereas differential species differenti- Curtis, Euclidean distance), ordination, and cluster ate one closely related type from another (Dengler et al. analyses can be used to assess the degree of composi- 2008). In both cases, there is a ‘‘continuum in fidelity tional similarity (Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg 1974, (diagnostic capacity) of species to vegetation types’’ Peet and Roberts 2013). At middle scales of vegetation (Chytry´ and Tichy´ 2003, Chytry´ 2007). pattern, where plots increasingly lack overlap in species EVIEWS composition but occupy similar ecological and biogeo- R Constant species are present in a high percentage of the vegetation plots sampled to define a type. Threshold graphical space, compositional similarity is assessed constancy values vary from lower to middle levels of the using suites of diagnostic species and growth forms hierarchy because of increasing vegetation heterogeneity related to biogeographic patterns (Pignatti et al. 1994). between levels, i.e., 40–60% for association, 40% for Ecological context.—Criteria for ecological context alliance, and 25% for group and macrogroup (Mueller- include (1) biogeography (from large-scale biogeograph- Dombois and Ellenberg 1974, Chytry´ and Tichy´ 2003, ic regions to regional biogeographic and biogeoclimatic Chytry´ 2007). The lower levels of constancy for mid- zones), (2) climate (macro, meso, and microclimates), (3) level types means that they are often defined by partially disturbances (natural and cultural disturbances, and overlapping combinations of species. Constancy is successional patterns), and (4) topo-edaphic factors, influenced by plot size; thus, a fairly constrained range including the topographic features of elevation, slope, of plot sizes is recommended for vegetation studies and aspect, as well as edaphic factors, such as pH, (Dengler et al. 2009). moisture, nutrients, and texture. The term diagnostic species may overlap with the Box and Fujiwara (2005) note the role of two terms indicator species and ecological species groups ecological perspectives in interpreting vegetation pat- (‘‘species whose presence, abundance, or vigor is terns: ‘‘a historical-floristic perspective concerned with considered to indicate certain ecological conditions’’ migration, dispersal and the historical development of [Gabriel and Talbot 1984]), particularly when the regional floras; and the environmental perspective indicated ecological condition is known. In some concerned with environmental constraints and ecologi- classification methods, diagnostic species identified cal relations influencing distributions.’’ through data analysis receive more weight in determin- 1. Biogeography.—Biogeography enters the hierarchy ing a vegetation type, particularly when they have well mostly at the middle levels to facilitate the identification understood relationships to specific environmental of vegetation types that have very distinct floristic variables (, soil pH, nutrient regime, patterns. The province level of Takhtajan (1986) was disturbance regime). However, diagnostic species may very helpful for the EcoVeg approach, because it not always indicate a clear ecological relationship nor expresses the limited overlap in floristic composition will all indicator species be diagnostic of a particular between the dominant vegetation types across regions, vegetation type. and it accounts for the area affect (small provinces November 2014 ECOLOGICAL VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION 543 require more distinctive species than larger provinces). summarized by environmental gradients or a topo- Thus, physiognomically based formation types that edaphic classification based on the primary gradients cross biogeographic provinces are typically distinct that determine vegetation patterns (e.g., moisture and floristically, which points the way to division-level nutrients, moisture and elevation; Curtis 1959, Whit- distinctions within the formation. The role of biogeog- taker 1975, Beckingham et al. 1996, Peet 2000). raphy at lower levels (L6–L8) is less explicitly tied to biogeographic units per se; rather, greater emphasis is Hierarchy levels for natural vegetation given to the interaction between ecological and biogeo- The classification hierarchy consists of eight levels graphic gradients. that are aggregated into three groupings: upper levels 2. Climate.—Climate is considered in all levels of the (L1–L3), middle levels (L4–L6), and lower levels (L7– hierarchy. Macroclimate is used to describe vegetation L8; see Table 2). The criteria outlined in Natural types at the continental scale and is mostly independent Vegetation: Criteria for the description of natural of and vegetation (e.g., Ko¨ ppen and Trewar- vegetation are used to develop descriptions of each unit tha climate types, in Bailey [1996], macrobioclimates of in the hierarchy, but recall that the utility and relevance Rivas-Martı´ nez et al. [1999]). Mesoclimate (ecoregional of the criteria vary with the level in the hierarchy. We climate) describes large geographic areas and is modified provide the name, definition, and description for each by continental position, landform, and elevation (Bailey level. 1989a, b, Working Group 1989). Mesocli- Upper levels (L1–L3).—The upper levels were devel- mates are often inferred from vegetation formation oped based on the formation, a prominent concept patterns (Bailey 1996). Microclimate (or site climate) is throughout the history of vegetation classification modified by local topo-edaphic position. (Shimwell 1971, Beard 1973, Mueller-Dombois and The bioclimatic approach is helpful here because it Ellenberg 1974, Faber-Langendoen et al. 2012). The describes the relationship between temperature and formation as defined by UNESCO (1973) is ‘‘basically precipitation and the geographic distributions of species physiognomic-structural in character with supplementa- and ecosystems (e.g., Holdridge 1947, Thornthwaite ry ecological information integrated into its various 1948, Rivas-Martı´ nez et al. 1999). The system of Rivas- categories and applicable to natural and semi-natural

Martı´ nez et al. (1999) recognizes five macrobioclimates vegetation’’ and by Whittaker (1962:150) is ‘‘a commu- R based on variation in rainfall, elevation and tempera- nity type defined by dominance of a given growth form EVIEWS ture, and bioclimate variants at the continental scale in the uppermost stratum (or the uppermost closed (tropical, mediterranean, temperate, boreal, and polar). stratum) of the community, or by a combination of These, along with the desert climate category of other dominant growth forms.’’ eco-geographers (Walter 1985, Bailey 1989a, b, Schulz Formations are treated primarily as physiognomic 1995) are reflected in the global formation types. units with descriptions based on ecological consider- 3. Disturbance regimes.—Disturbance regimes are ations. However, at the formation (L3) level, limited use used in descriptions at all levels of the hierarchy, from of floristic (and biogeographic) descriptors from lower cultural or anthropogenic disturbances to flooding, fires, levels of the hierarchy can be applied. The comprehen- grazing, pathogen outbreaks, and windthrows. For our sive set of formation types for all three levels is provided purposes, a disturbance occurs when the floristic or in Appendix C. A detailed description of each formation physiognomic characteristics of the vegetation are type is available in Faber-Langendoen et al. (2012), disrupted. Thus, disturbances may include both presence along with guidance and comments over the precise and absence of certain ecological or human processes boundaries of these classes. Practical applications of the that maintain a type. Disturbance regimes describe the classification suggest that clearly specified criteria for types, frequency, severity, and size of disturbance on a what constitutes forests and as compared to given landscape and the interactions among disturbance various grasslands and shrublands is important for types (Frelich 2002). The description of disturbance conservationists, land managers, and policy makers. regimes is a function of the spatial and temporal scale of Here, we summarize the criteria for the three levels and observation. In natural vegetation, humans have little to compare them with the division level (Table 3). moderate influence on the frequency or severity of 1. Formation class (L1).—The formation class is spontaneous ecological disturbance processes, whereas ‘‘defined by broad combinations of dominant general in cultural vegetation, humans largely determine the growth forms adapted to basic moisture, temperature, disturbance processes and those processes are tied to and/or substrate or aquatic conditions’’ (FGDC 2008; human activities. cf. Beard 1973, cf. major physiognomic types of 4. Topo-edaphic factors.—Topo-edaphic factors are Whittaker [1975]). The formation class is the level at applied at mid to low levels of the hierarchy, but factors which users typically enter the classification; thus, a such as consolidated or unconsolidated rock, mountain relatively small set of clearly defined types is helpful. ranges, , or other waterlogged soils can be utilized in 2. Formation subclass (L2).—The formation subclass the upper levels of the hierarchy. At finer scales, the is ‘‘defined by combinations of general dominant and relation of vegetation to topography and soils can be diagnostic growth forms that reflect global macro- 544 DON FABER-LANGENDOEN ET AL. Ecological Monographs Vol. 84, No. 4

TABLE 2. Levels, definition, and example of the hierarchy for natural vegetation.

Example names Natural hierarchy Definition Scientific Colloquial Upper levels L1: Formation class A broad combination of dominant general Mesomorphic Shrub and Shrub and Herb growth forms adapted to basic moisture, Herb Vegetation Vegetation temperature, and/or substrate or aquatic conditions. L2: Formation subclass A combination of general dominant and Temperate and Boreal Temperate and diagnostic growth forms that reflect global Shrub and Herb Boreal Grassland mega- or macroclimatic factors driven Vegetation and primarily by latitude and continental position or that reflect overriding substrate or aquatic conditions. L3: Formation A combination of dominant and diagnostic Temperate Shrub and Herb Temperate growth forms that reflect global Vegetation Grassland and macroclimatic conditions as modified by Shrubland altitude, seasonality of precipitation, substrates, and hydrologic conditions. Mid levels L4: Division A combination of dominant and diagnostic Andropogon–Stipa– Great Plains growth forms and a broad set of diagnostic Bouteloua Grassland and Grassland and plant species that reflect biogeographic Shrubland Shrubland differences in composition and continental differences in mesoclimate, geology, substrates, hydrology, and disturbance regimes. L5: Macrogroup A moderate set of diagnostic plant species and Andropogon gerardii– Great Plains diagnostic growth forms that reflect Schizachyrium Tallgrass biogeographic differences in composition scoparium–Sorghastrum and subcontinental to regional differences in nutans Grassland and mesoclimate, geology, substrates, hydrology, Shrubland and disturbance regimes. L6: Group A relatively narrow set of diagnostic plant Andropogon gerardii– Northern Great species (including dominants and Heterostipa spartea– Plains Tallgrass EVIEWS codominants), broadly similar composition, Muhlenbergia Prairie

R and diagnostic growth forms that reflect richardsonis Grassland regional mesoclimate, geology, substrates, hydrology, and disturbance regimes. Lower levels L7: Alliance A characteristic range of species composition, Andropogon gerardii– Northern Mesic habitat conditions, physiognomy, and Sporobolus heterolepis Tallgrass Prairie diagnostic species, typically at least one of Grassland which is found in the uppermost or dominant stratum of the vegetation. Alliances reflect regional to subregional climate, substrates, hydrology, moisture/ nutrient factors, and disturbance regimes. L8: Association A characteristic range of species composition, Andropogon gerardii– Northern Mesic Big diagnostic species occurrence, habitat Heterostipa spartea- Bluestem Prairie conditions, and physiognomy. Associations Sporobolus heterolepis reflect topo-edaphic climate, substrates, Grassland hydrology, and disturbance regimes. Note: The name of the level can be added to the type name for clarity, where needed.

climatic factors driven primarily by latitude and and -type of Whittaker [1975], Lincoln et al. continental position, or that reflect overriding substrate [1998]). Here the vegetation patterns typically reflect the or aquatic conditions’’ (FGDC 2008; cf. Whittaker combination of major climates and substrate and 1975). Macroclimatic factors largely determine vegeta- topography. tion patterns. 4. Other applications of the formation concept.—A 3. Formation (L3).—Formation is ‘‘defined by com- number of physiognomic or formation systems (Whit- binations of dominant and diagnostic growth forms that taker 1975, Brown et al. 1998, NLWRA 2001, Olson et reflect global macroclimatic conditions as modified by al. 2001, Specht and Specht 2001, Rodwell et al. 2002) altitude, seasonality of precipitation, substrates, and were reviewed when developing the EcoVeg approach hydrologic conditions’’ (FGDC 2008; cf. formation-type (Appendix D). Most of these classification systems November 2014 ECOLOGICAL VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION 545

TABLE 3. Interpretive guidelines for vegetation and ecologic criteria for upper formation levels.

Level Guideline Formation class Formation subclass Formation Division Growth forms Broad combinations of Combinations of Combinations of Broadly uniform sets of dominant general general and specific dominant and growth forms and growth forms and dominant and diagnostic growth canopy closure (same specific growth diagnostic growth forms based on either as formation, but forms. Overlapping forms. Some growth individual diagnostic variant expressions; general growth forms forms partially growth forms (e.g., e.g., conifer- (e.g., shrub, herb), nonoverlapping , seagrass dominated Rocky but combinations of among subclasses beds), or Mountain forest diagnostic growth (e.g., broadleaf combinations (e.g., division, compared to forms generally trees in warm temperate broadleaf nonoverlapping (e.g., warm temperate evergreen hardwood dominated xeromorphic forms in forests and tropical broadleaf, cool Eastern North desert vegetation). forests). temperate broad-leaf American forest cold-deciduous). division). Essentially Relative abundances nonoverlapping in relation to floristics. ecological factors important. Ecological factors Basic moisture, Global macroclimatic Global macroclimatic Continental (climate, distur- temperature, and/or factors driven conditions as macroclimate bance, and edaphic/ substrate or aquatic primarily by latitude modified by altitude, separates formations hydrology) conditions. and continental seasonality of by continental or position, or that precipitation, major inter- reflect overriding substrates, and continental climatic substrate or aquatic hydrologic patterns. Broad range conditions. conditions. of conditions consistent with continental

expression of R formation (e.g., the division spans EVIEWS floodplain and conditions). Divisions within a formation are often geographically separated. Diagnostic species One or more sets of strongly diagnostic (character) species among the diagnostic species; species have high fidelity but variable constancy. Notes: The division level is included for comparison. Empty cells signify no data possible. See also Table 4. develop a large set of general physiognomic units within results in the resolution of floristic affinities at middle one or two levels (about 40 world formation units) levels. Nevertheless, as noted in Methods: Methodolog- rather than having multiple physiognomic levels. Sim- ical principles, middle-level types and descriptions can be ilarly, the EcoVeg formation units are based on multiple drafted independently of or prior to the establishment of criteria at each level, reflecting global-scale ecological units lower in the hierarchy, drawing on the large body factors rather than a single major vegetation criterion at of knowledge on the response of species and growth each level (Faber-Langendoen et al. 2012). The objective forms to regional ecological factors. Thus, the biogeo- was to ensure that the EcoVeg formations were truly graphical and ecological relationships structuring vege- global in scope and contained a range of growth forms tation patterns can be described within the regionally (Appendix B) that together reflected major ecological scaled level of the division (regional formation) and the factors. finely scaled alliances and associations. Criteria for the Middle level units (L4–L6).—The middle level units development of middle-level descriptions are summa- are based on regional species pools that have been sorted rized in Table 4. through biogeographic and ecological drivers (regional 1. Division (L4).—Division is defined as ‘‘combina- climate, topo-edaphic factors, and geologic substrates) tions of dominant and diagnostic growth forms and a of species composition and growth forms. EcoVeg can broad set of diagnostic plant species that reflect take a bottom-up approach to classification, which biogeographic differences in composition and continen- 546 DON FABER-LANGENDOEN ET AL. Ecological Monographs Vol. 84, No. 4

TABLE 4. Interpretive guidelines for vegetation and ecology criteria, from division to association.

Level Guideline Division Macrogroup Definition (FGDC 2008) A vegetation unit with broadly uniform A vegetation unit that contains moderate growth forms and a broad set of sets of diagnostic plant species and diagnostic plant species at large diagnostic growth forms that reflect biogeographic scales that reflect subcontinental to regional biogeographic continental distinctions in climate, composition and subcontinental to geology, substrates, hydrology, and regional mesoclimate, geology, substrates, disturbance regimes. hydrology, and disturbance regimes.

Biogeography/floristics Large scale, continental, biogeography with Subcontinental to regional ecological largely nonoverlapping floristics (i.e., most gradient segment (often mesoclimatic), species ranges fully contained), species reflected by sets of strongly diagnostic heterogeneity high. Global formations species (many species ranges fully separated by continental-intercontinental contained); overall composition very patterns of species into divisions. distinct from other units.

Diagnostic species A large suite of strongly diagnostic species Multiple sets of strong diagnostic species, (large number of character species among including many strong differential and the diagnostic species; species have high character species. Constant species fidelity but variable constancy). become more important; at least 25% constancy expected.

Growth forms Broadly uniform sets of growth forms and Broadly uniform sets of growth forms and canopy closure (same as formation level, canopy closure. May be specific growth but variant expressions; e.g., conifer- form variants that support floristic dominated Rocky Mountain forest patterns, e.g., herb vs. shrub, coastal soft- division vs. broad-leaf deciduous leaved vs. inland sclerophyll hardwood forests of Eastern North chaparral. American forest division). Climate Continental macroclimate. Separates Subcontinental mesoclimate. Indicative of formations by continental or major primary regional gradients in vegetation, intercontinental climatic patterns. e.g., latitudinal, altitudinal, continentality EVIEWS (major zonal or strong azonal gradients).

R Disturbance regime/succession Variable range of disturbance regimes Broadly consistent, but variable disturbance consistent with continental expression of regimes indicative of subcontinental formation. climate (e.g., , large-scale ).

Edaphic/hydrology Broad range of conditions consistent with Broad range of conditions, sometimes continental expression of formation (e.g., reflective of broad topo-edaphic the divisions span floodplain and swamp interactions with climate (e.g., large-scale conditions). droughty soils with or without fires) or broad-scale specialized geological substrates.

Notes: These are typical criteria, and the role of factors may differ for some types. The role of ecological factors at each level may also differ depending on the site conditions, e.g., at the macrogroup and group levels, the substrate factors on atypical or azonal wet or dry sites may more strongly influence on vegetation patterns than do mesoclimates, which may more strongly influence vegetation on typical or zonal or characteristic mesic upland sites. See also Table 3.

tal differences in mesoclimate, geology, substrates, the definition of the division is not physiognomic. We hydrology, and disturbance regimes’’ (FGDC 2008). suggest that, the difference in definition notwithstand- Whereas the formation level (L3) is more strictly ing, divisions may converge in practice with the physiognomic, the division level includes both physiog- formations of the Anglo-American ecology as broad nomic and floristic criteria. The term division was physiognomic units limited to a given region or adopted from the Braun-Blanquet approach, which continent.’’ proposed it as a level above the class (Hadacˇ1967, As the EcoVeg approach explicitly defines the division Westhoff and van der Maarel 1973, Pignatti et al. 1994). using both physiognomic and floristic criteria, it should For example, Westhoff and van der Maarel (1973:665) largely be compatible with their definition of division. define the division as follows: The term division is sometimes referred to as a ‘‘A [vegetation type] above the class level that unites regional formation (Richards 1952, Beard 1973, Whit- related classes within a floristic region (or province) on taker 1975). For example, Richards divides his tropical the basis of common division character-taxa. The rain forest-type into the American rain-forest formation, character taxa may be species, or genera or both ... African rain-forest formation, and the Indo-Malayan November 2014 ECOLOGICAL VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION 547

TABLE 4. Extended

Level Group Alliance Association A vegetation unit that is defined by a A vegetation classification unit containing A vegetation classification unit defined relatively small set of diagnostic one or more associations and defined by a on the basis of a characteristic range plant species (including dominants characteristic range of species composition, of species composition, diagnostic and codominants), broadly similar habitat conditions, physiognomy, and species occurrence, habitat conditions composition, and diagnostic growth diagnostic species, typically at least one of and physiognomy. Associations forms that reflect regional which is found in the uppermost or reflect subregional to local topo- mesoclimate, geology, substrates, dominant stratum of the vegetation. edaphic factors of substrates, hydrology, and disturbance regimes. Alliances reflect regional to subregional hydrology, disturbance regimes, and climate, substrates, hydrology, moisture/ climate. nutrient factors, and disturbance regimes. Regional ecological gradient segment Regional to subregional gradient segment Subregional to local ecological gradient (often broadly topo-edaphic) (often more narrowly topo-edaphic or segment reflected in several reflected by a set of moderately biogeographic), reflected by at least diagnostic species, including diagnostic species (at least a few several moderate diagnostic species, differential species and constant species ranges fully contained); including from the dominant strata; dominants across strata; overall overall composition broadly distinct overall composition moderately distinct composition not well separated from from other units. from other units. other units. A set of moderately strong diagnostic Several or more moderate diagnostic species, At least a few diagnostic species, species, preferably with one or more preferably including at least one strong preferably including at least one strong differentials or character differential (character species may be moderate differential. Constancy 40– species. Constancy of at least 25% absent). Constant species more important 60% for a suite of species. expected for some species. for defining type, with at least 40% constancy expected. Moderately uniform growth forms and Moderately uniform growth forms and Strongly uniform growth forms, in canopy closure, (e.g., varying from canopy closure, at least in the dominant both dominant and other layers and evergreen to deciduous and open to layer (e.g., conifer and mixed hardwood, degree of canopy closure (e.g., closed closed canopy). other layers may vary from shrub to herb canopy evergreen dominated or moss-dominated ground layers with shrubland with a primary understory

either open or closed canopy). growth form dominant (sedge forb). R

Regional mesoclimate. Could indicate Regional to subregional topo-edaphic Climate rarely a driver; rather a EVIEWS secondary regional gradients factors, sometimes reflective of narrow range of topo-edaphically (depends upon selected primary biogeography and climate. related influences. gradient for macrogroup). Moderately consistent disturbance Moderately specific disturbance regime; may Narrow range of disturbance regime; regime; may incorporate successional group successionally related associations. may have disturbance or successional stages that are otherwise floristically relationships to other local similar. associations. Moderate range of variation in specific Moderately specific edaphic or hydrologic Narrow range of edaphic or hydrologic topo-edaphic or hydrologic conditions, e.g., dry, dry-mesic, mesic, conditions, indicative of locally conditions. wet-mesic, or wet moisture conditions and significant factors, e.g., soil moisture/ poor, moderate, moderately rich, or rich nutrient regimes, soil depth and nutrient conditions. texture. Site-scale drivers of structural variation (e.g., dry woodlands). rain-forest formation. We retain the term formation for lowland humid forest, Brazilian-Parana lowland humid the more strictly growth-form-based global type. The forest, Guineo-Congolian evergreen and semievergreen division concept also overlaps with the term biome. For , and Malagasy evergreen and semievergreen example, Rutherford et al. (2006:32) note that, strictly rain forest. Typically, suites of diagnostic (character) speaking, the term biome includes both plant and animal species are selected that are restricted to a particular communities on a continent, but because of the division type, along with the dominant species that dominant nature of vegetation cover in (nearly) all express the dominant growth forms. In turn, from the terrestrial ecosystems, biomes have been based only on bottom-up, it is the shared growth forms among division vegetation characteristics (see also Ladle and Whittaker types reflecting a set of shared climatic and edaphic [2011]). Thus, the Rutherford et al. Nama Karoo biome factors that leads to their placement within the same (or subcontinental formation) of South Africa is largely formation. equivalent to a division. When developing global division units, we consulted With the introduction of the division concept and Takhtajan (1986), as well as regional biogeographic floristic criteria, the upper-level formation units can be studies, such as Greller (2000) for North America, subdivided on the basis of biogeographically distinct Rivas-Martinez et al. (2011) for Latin America, and regional species pools. Thus the tropical lowland humid White (1983) for Africa. These provide useful guides to forest formation can be divided into Amazonian the scope of biogeographic regions relevant to describing 548 DON FABER-LANGENDOEN ET AL. Ecological Monographs Vol. 84, No. 4

division level concepts. These biogeographic classifica- Humid Forest contains a number of macrogroups based tions are not used to introduce a formal phytogeo- on species changes that reflect regional climate and graphic regionalization into the hierarchy (as done by elevational gradients, including Central Amazon Humid Brown et al. [1998]); rather, they inform us of the Forest, Northern Amazon Humid Forest, Southern likelihood that, for example, Mongolian grasslands Amazon Humid Forest, Southwestern Amazon Low- share species in common with either European or North land Humid Forest, Southwestern Amazon Subandean American grasslands. Not all formations have patterns Humid Forest, Western Amazon Lowland Humid relevant to Takhtajan’s biogeographic units. For exam- Forest, Western Amazon Subandean Humid Forest. ple, whereas the biogeography reflected in the dozen or The California Scrub division is based on both a variety so divisions for the temperate grassland and shrubland of distinct species and distinct growth form patterns, formation correspond closely to Takhtajan’s provinces, e.g., California Chaparral and the California Coastal the two divisions of the mangrove formation do not. Scrub. Below the division level, large-scale, biogeographic-scale When assessing compositional similarity, presence/ descriptors typically yield to other factors. absence data (as measured by constancy) may work By emphasizing the diagnostic value of species or reasonably well to distinguish the wide diversity of suites of species, the division level facilitates the species and growth forms found within and between establishment of lower-level classification units, thus related macrogroups, though dominance should not be minimizing the need to search for universally valid ignored. Analytical tools such as shortest path or step- diagnostic species or genera for those units. The value of across similarity (Boyce and Ellison 2009) can address diagnostic species groups is clearer among similar compositional similarity. Constant species are defined habitats within a biogeographic region (Mueller-Dom- based on a 25% threshold, given the higher level of bois and Ellenberg 1974). Species that are widespread heterogeneity among stands at this level, as compared to and occur across multiple biogeographic regions may lower levels (Chytry´ and Tichy´ 2003; and see Pojar et al. have potentially different ecological niches, and thus [1987], who refer to these as important companion different diagnostic characteristics among the regions, as species). discussed by Damman (1979) and Wells (1996) for 3. Macrogroups and ruderal vegetation.—For the and fen species shared between eastern Canada and EcoVeg approach, the macrogroup level appears to be Western Europe. a very appropriate level for recognizing ruderal (weedy, 2. Macrogroup (L5).—Macrogroup is defined by invasive, or novel) vegetation, that is, vegetation found ‘‘moderate sets of diagnostic plant species and diagnos- on human-disturbed sites (abandoned farmland, quar- EVIEWS

R tic growth forms that reflect biogeographic differences in ries, roadsides, or vegetation dominated by invasives; see composition and subcontinental to regional differences Basic Categories of the EcoVeg Approach: Natural and in mesoclimate, geology, substrates, hydrology, and cultural vegetation). Ruderal types often contain rem- disturbance regimes’’ (FGDC 2008; cf. Brown 1982, nants of the larger regional species pool, as reflected by Pignatti et al. 1994). the division level, but otherwise have a very distinctive The macrogroup is similar to the class level of the species composition. For that reason, macrogroups of Braun-Blanquet approach, which uses the definition of ruderal vegetation are labelled as such. For example, ‘‘the common ecological space of the included associa- within the Eastern North American Cool Temperate tions, and recognizable by the occurrence of a common Forest division, there are seven native forest macro- set of characteristic taxa, which are by preference groups (e.g., Northern Pine and Oak Hardwood Forest) chorologically [biogeographically] homogeneous’’ and one ruderal forest macrogroup (Eastern North (Pignatti et al. 1994:150). According to Pignatti et al. American Ruderal Forest). The latter group is typically (1994), three primary conditions must be met for the found on abandoned farm fields that contain both recognition of a Braun-Blanquet class: characteristic weedy native and invasive exotic forests species (e.g., taxa, ecology, and biogeography; and one secondary Acer platanoides Ruderal Forest, Robinia pseudo-acacia condition, physiognomy. A vegetation class should Ruderal Forest, and the old field Pinus strobus Ruderal therefore have a wide geographic distribution. These Forest, dominated by Pinus strobus and Acer rubrum, same conditions appear in the macrogroup definition, with various invasives shrubs and herbs [e.g., Rhamnus but, as with the division, the physiognomic condition cathartica , Alliaria petiolata]). plays a more explicit role. The Braun-Blanquet approach also recognizes distinct A macrogroup definition should typically contain a classes (equivalent to macrogroups) of invasive or weed moderately large set (dozens) of strongly diagnostic vegetation, both forested and nonforested (see Rodwell species that share a broadly similar physiognomy and et al. [2002]). The Robinietea of central European ecology in response to continental, subcontinental, or vegetation (Chytry´ and Tichy´ 2003) contains anthropo- regional differences in ecological factors (Table 4). Thus, genic tree communities dominated by Robinia pseudo- the macrogroup expresses the floristic, growth form, and acacia, Acer negundo,andAilanthus altissima that regional ecological factors that separate vegetation colonize disturbed habitats, such as deforested lands, within a division. For example, the Amazonian Lowland cleared forest edges, and agricultural and industrial November 2014 ECOLOGICAL VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION 549 fallows. The Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (anthropogenic many moderately differential species or two or more pastures and meadows) is an example of a more strongly differential (character) species. There should be complicated mix of natural and ruderal vegetation, several diagnostic species in the dominant stratum or reflecting the long history of agricultural use on both growth form, but the diagnostic value is typically that of originally natural and extensively human-created mead- constancy and dominance. Several dominant growth ows. In Rodwell et al. (2002), this class is treated forms are consistent throughout the type. There may be alongside other native European grassland types. In some variation in dominant overstory species, where Hungary, a grid-based vegetation mapping project overall floristics and ecology are otherwise quite similar explicitly distinguished habitats strongly dominated by (e.g., subalpine larch and Engelmann spruce–subalpine perennial alien species from habitats containing native fir with similar site factors and disturbance regimes). species, with or without some proportion of perennial The criterion of compositional similarity addresses the aliens (Botta-Duka´ t 2008). The former category paral- overall range of composition, rather than specific lels our ruderal macrogroup. diagnostic species or dominants. Whereas for the For a new type to be defined based on invasive plant macrogroup, presence/absence may play a strong role species, it must contain a new set of diagnostic species in in discriminating among types (given the large number the region and have essentially removed the diagnostic of species that are expected for macrogroup discrimina- species of existing native types. That is, when invasive tion), for the group, the abundance of a set of dominant species overwhelmingly dominate a stand (e.g., .90% species along with other diagnostic species together play cover, but this may vary by type) and native diagnostic a stronger role in the characteristic species combination. species are largely to completely absent, or replaced by As with macrogroups, a constant species could be as low new, often ‘‘weedy’’ native species, that stand is placed as 25% (Chytry´ and Tichy´ 2003). within a ruderal macrogroup. Setting a high threshold 5. Comparison of middle level units to other classifica- minimizes the creation of new types until it is certain tions.—A number of classifications have parallels to the that a new characteristic combination of species has middle levels of the EcoVeg approach (see also Franklin been formed. Such is the case for abandoned exotic tree et al. [2012]). Comparable units have been developed at plantations and post agricultural forests in Europe and the class and order level in the Braun-Blanquet the United States; these exhibit some characteristics of classification (Walker et al. 1994, Peinado et al. 1997, R more natural vegetation, but differ from a near-natural 2011, Rivas-Martı´ nez et al. 1999, Spribille 2002, EVIEWS analog for at least a full generation of trees, during Barbour et al. 2005, Talbot et al. 2005). In British which time native diagnostic species establish (Ellenberg Columbia, a comprehensive set of classes and orders has 1988, Flinn and Marks 2007). The same is true of many been described for most vegetation types based on a secondary tropical forests (Zanini et al. 2014). modification of the Braun-Blanquet approach (Mei- By expanding the category of natural vegetation to dinger et al. 2003). include historic, native, and recent naturalizing and Brown et al. (1998) published an impressively altered vegetation, we provide ecologists with a method comprehensive list of biotic communities for North that goes beyond a simple dichotomy of pristine nature America (including Central America). Biotic communi- or not and allows us to document types that reflect the ties are defined as ‘‘regional [biogeographic] plant range of influences on natural vegetation. We can then formations characterized by particular species of plants begin to assess the proportion of that contain and animals,’’ that express the multivariate effects of native vs. invasive vs. cultural vegetation (Botta-Duka´ t environmental factors and are identified using both 2008). There is a long history of interactions between dominant and diagnostic species (Brown et al. 1998). natural and human processes in some regions of the The scale of their units is comparable to the macrogroup world, and we recognize that it will not always be easy to or group. Although descriptions are only available for make these distinctions. the American Southwest, Brown et al. (1998) also 4. Group (L6).—A vegetation unit defined by ‘‘a produced a list and map for all North American types. relatively narrow set of diagnostic plant species (includ- The terrestrial ecological system classification was ing dominants and codominants), broadly similar recently completed by NatureServe for both the United composition, and diagnostic growth forms that reflect States (Comer et al. 2003) and Latin America (Josse et regional mesoclimate, geology, substrates, hydrology, al. 2003, Sayre et al. 2008). Terrestrial ecological systems and disturbance regimes’’ (FGDC 2008; cf. Brown are defined as ‘‘a group of plant community types that 1982). As with the macrogroup, meeting this definition tend to naturally co-occur within similar environmental requires four conditions: characteristic taxa, physiogno- settings, ecological dynamics, and/or environmental my, ecology, and biogeography (see Table 4). It is gradients’’ (Comer and Schulz 2007). Although devel- similar to the order level of the Braun-Blanquet oped as a single, nonhierarchical set of types, they have a hierarchy (Pignatti et al. 1994). fairly strong correspondence to the EcoVeg group level. A group description should contain several to many Indeed, their concepts were consulted when developing diagnostic species that share a similar structure and group concepts in North America because, as with ecology, responding to regional ecological factors, with groups, system units are derived by a bio-ecosystems 550 DON FABER-LANGENDOEN ET AL. Ecological Monographs Vol. 84, No. 4

approach that includes vegetation and ecological fac- strongly altered stands, where overall composition, tors. Whereas groups rely more strongly on vegetation diagnostic species, and invasive species change along criteria correlated to ecological factors, systems more that gradient. It then becomes possible to define a limit directly use ecological factors and landscape pattern of alteration, after which the type is so altered that it together with vegetation to define types. Both systems becomes a ruderal type (see Natural Vegetation: and EcoVeg groups consist of aggregations of associa- Hierarchy levels for natural vegetation: 3. Macrogroup tions (data available online).15 Systems guide the and ruderal vegetation). Analyses of types may benefit mapping legends and successional models of natural from initially removing altered phases when character- ecosystems for the USGS LANDFIRE program (data izing floristic and growth form patterns, then adding available online)16 and for wildlife habitat characteriza- these phases back in to determine their relationship to tion of the USGS Gap Analysis Program (Comer and minimally disturbed types. The phase level may also be Schulz 2007, Lowry et al. 2007). useful at multiple levels of the hierarchy. That is, as the Lower levels (L7–L8).—Although not our focus, composition of a natural association is altered by human these levels are briefly defined so that the reader can impacts, and invasives and weedy natives increasingly see how they integrate with L1–L6. For complete dominate a stand, it may only be possible to assign a descriptions of the lower level units, see FGDC (2008) stand to an alliance, and as the composition across the and Jennings et al. (2009). alliance is altered, it may only be possible to assign a 1. Alliance.—A classification unit containing one or stand to a group. Very strong alteration could lead to a more associations and defined by a characteristic range novel type and placement in a ruderal category. of species composition, habitat conditions, physiogno- my, and diagnostic species, typically at least one of Type description and review which is found in the uppermost or dominant stratum of Many aspects of type description are discussed in the vegetation. Alliances reflect regional to subregional FGDC (2008) and Jennings et al. (2009), including plot climate, substrates, hydrology, moisture/nutrient fac- data preparation and analysis, interpretation, documen- tors, and disturbance regimes. Additional information tation, and archiving, and type description, nomencla- on the alliance concept is provided in Appendix E, ture, and peer review. Those publications focused on the including guidelines, literature review, and glossary of alliances and associations. We focus on the middle and terms. upper levels of the hierarchy. 2. Association.—A classification unit defined on the basis of a characteristic range of species composition, Vegetation field plots and analyses EVIEWS diagnostic species occurrence, habitat conditions, and Field plot data collection methods described in R physiognomy. Associations typically reflect topo-edaph- FGDC (2008) and Jennings et al. (2009) are suitable ic climate, substrates, hydrology, and disturbance for all levels of the hierarchy, since collection methods regimes. for physiognomic, floristic, and relevant ecological The alliance and association concepts have been used information are included. A hybrid, nested plot design widely by various vegetation classification systems (see method for data collection is recommended (Jennings et discussion in Jennings et al. [2009] and Franklin et al. al. 2009). In particular, we recommend the nested 0.1-ha [2012]) but are most fully developed in the Braun- design with core plot sizes between 100 m2 and 1000 m2 Blanquet approach. As outlined in Jennings et al. (2009), because almost all vegetation can be adequately the concepts for these two levels has close similarities to characterized within these size ranges (Peet et al. 1998, that approach (more so than for other levels of the Dengler et al. 2009), though many studies still sample hierarchy) and builds on decades of work applying those open grass and low shrub vegetation at between 10 m2 terms within North America (Grossman et al. 1998). and 100 m2 (Dengler et al. 2008, Peet and Roberts 2013). 3. Subassociations, variants, and phases.—Additional For vegetation that is very species rich and physiog- lower levels, such as subassociation, variant, and phases nomically complex (e.g., tropical ) or very may be developed, if desired. For example, in the sparse (e.g., ), additional plot sizes of between USNVC hierarchy, these levels are noted, but not 0.25 and 1.0 ha may be needed to accurately describe formally included (FGDC 2008). Westhoff and van floristics and physiognomy. By using these plot meth- der Maarel (1973) provide guidance on the definitions ods, the physiognomy, floristics, and ecology of a wider and applications of the subassociation and variant range of vegetation types can be consistently character- levels, and Boublı´ k et al. (2007) provide a contemporary ized at multiple spatial scales. application. The phase level is an optional level that may Choosing a nested design, with a relatively narrow be used to track levels of alteration caused by human range of plot sizes, also increases the compatibility with impacts. That is, the phase level can be used to describe other plot data and the consistency of the overall data. the range of variation from minimally disturbed to There is no good ecological reason, apart from 15 http://explorer.natureserve.org/servlet/NatureServe?init¼ differences in stature, to change plot sizes between types Ecol with different dominant growth form (e.g., grasslands 16 http://landfire.cr.usgs.gov/viewer/ and forests) in terms of composition, diversity, and November 2014 ECOLOGICAL VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION 551 ecological responses. Studies in Europe have found that indicate that the class definition encompasses all stands vegetation classification analyses are confounded when dominated by mesomorphic (i.e., broad-leaved or plots of different sizes are included, because measures of needle-leaved) trees of varying height and canopy richness and constancy are not comparable (Chytry´ spacing. The term grassland is broadly applied to 2001, Chytry´ and Oty´pkova´ 2003, Oty´pkova´ and Chytry´ include upland herbaceous (forb and graminoid) dom- 2006, Dengler et al. 2009). Thus careful consideration inated vegetation. Formation class names include: should be given to the merits of retaining as uniform a Mesomorphic Tree Vegetation (Forest and Woodland), plot sampling design as possible within and across Mesomorphic Shrub and Herb Vegetation (Shrub and vegetation types, anywhere in the world. Herb Vegetation), Cryomorphic Scrub and Herb Veg- The increasing trend toward standardizing vegetation etation (Polar and High Montane Scrub and Grassland), data collection methods and online database repositories Xeromorphic Woodland, Scrub and Herb Vegetation is encouraging. In North America, VegBank has helped (desert and semidesert), Hydromorphic Vegetation set standards for plot databases and data collection and (Aquatic Vegetation), and Rock Vegetation. can help aggregate the diverse set of plots from across 2. Formation subclass (L2).—The subclass name North America (Peet et al. 2012). Additional vegetation reflects the structure, physiognomy, and environmental databases are documented in the global index of factors that characterize the unit. The primary environ- vegetation databases (Dengler et al. 2011). Access to mental factor is macroclimate. Physiognomic terms are this quantity of global data will allow for large scale sometimes more specific than the formation class name analysis of vegetation patterns and clarification of the (e.g., scrub vs. shrubland, where the vegetation may hierarchy at multiple levels. include tall, xeromorphic, tree-like plants such as tall cacti or microphyllous-leaved shrubs). All such terms, if Nomenclatural rules used, should be defined. Examples include: Tropical We continue the approach taken in Jennings et al. Forest, Temperate and Boreal Grassland and Shrub- (2009), whereby a scientific name, a translated scientific land, Cool Semidesert Scrub and Grassland, and name (based on the vernacular plant names available Saltwater Aquatic Vegetation. from widely accepted standard taxonomic references), 3. Formation (L3).—The formation name reflects the and a common name are all provided. Translated names structure, physiognomy, and environmental factors that R and common names are provided in English and other characterize the formation. The primary environmental EVIEWS languages. The names can include both physiognomic factors are soil moisture and elevation. Physiognomic terms (forest, grassland, bog, ) and plant species terms are sometimes more specific than the formation names, and may also include a biogeographic term. class or subclass name. All physiognomic terms should Nomenclatural terms from other classifications can be be defined in the vegetation type description. Examples noted in the field for synonymy. include: Tropical Lowland Humid Forest, Mediterra- Upper level nomenclature.—Formation types (L1–L3) nean Scrub and Grassland, Cool Semidesert Scrub and are named, defined, and organized by structure and Grassland, and Marine and Estuarine Saltwater Aquatic physiognomy to reflect global climatic and site factors. Vegetation. Naming the formations is aided by the use of common Mid- and lower-level nomenclature.—Lower level terminology (FGDC 2008) reflecting the habitats nomenclature for alliances and associations is described occupied by a unit (Whitmore 1984:155). A one-sentence in Jennings et al. (2009). For mid levels, many of the descriptive summary is provided for each type. The same guidelines apply. These include: result is an easily recognizable set of formations with readily memorable names that describe concisely the 1) Nomenclature shall contain scientific and colloquial ecological characteristics of the formation unit. While names. not developed here, formal Latinized names could be 2) Combinations of floristic and physiognomic terms developed for these three levels, as proposed by Ru¨ bel are always used in the name, and biogeographic and (1930–1931, as cited in Shimwell 1971: Appendix II). ecological terms may be used. For example, Deserta for the desert and semidesert class, 3) Among the taxa that are chosen to name the type (up Siccadeserta for the warm semidesert subclass or to three species for mid levels), those occurring in the Frigorideserta for the cool semidesert subclass. same stratum or growth form (tree, shrub, herb, 1. Formation class (L1).—Class names are based on nonvascular, floating, submerged) are separated by a the general growth forms that correspond to global hyphen (-) with a space on each side, and those moisture/temperature regimes. The single name identi- occurring in different strata are separated by a slash fies the typical growth forms that correspond to (/). Diagnostic taxa occurring in the uppermost particular moisture/temperature conditions, and a par- stratum are listed first, followed successively by those enthetical set of names can be included to inform users in lower strata. The order of taxon names within a as to the main vegetation types included. Given stratum or growth form generally reflects a dominant overlapping usage of terms such as forest and woodland, of high constancy (whether or not strongly diagnos- both terms are combined (Forest and Woodland) to tic), a dominant of moderate to strong diagnostic 552 DON FABER-LANGENDOEN ET AL. Ecological Monographs Vol. 84, No. 4

TABLE 5. Example names for macrogroup and group.

Scientific name Colloquial name Macrogroup Juniperus coahuilensis, Pinus cembroides, Quercus arizonica Woodland Madrean Lowland Evergreen Woodland Macrogroup Great Basin and Intermountain Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus, Coleogyne Great Basin and Intermountain Dry Shrubland ramosissima/Achnatherum hymenoides Shrubland and Grassland and Grassland Macrogroup Acer saccharum, Betula alleghaniensis, Pinus strobus, Tsuga canadensis Northern Mesic Hardwood and Conifer Forest Forest Macrogroup Acer saccharum, Betula lenta, Quercus rubra Forest Group Southern and Central Appalachian Northern Hardwoods–Hemlock Forest Group Acer rubrum, Acer platanoides/Rhamnus cathartica Ruderal Forest Eastern North American Ruderal Forest Macrogroup northern and Central Juniperus virginiana, Liriodendron tulipifera/ Northern and Central Old Field Forest Lonicera tatarica Ruderal Forest Group

value, and a strong diagnostic species, whether or not Savanna and Shrubland, appropriate division names dominant. Species may meet one or more of these (both scientific and colloquial) include Caribbeo-Meso- criteria. american Lowland Shrubland, Grassland and Savanna; 4) Physiognomic terms used for middle levels should be Brazilian-Parana Lowland Shrubland, Grassland and as consistent and specific as possible within forma- Savanna; Mopane Savanna; Indo-Malayan Mesic Sa- tions. For example, various mid or lower level units vanna and Grassland; and Australian Tropical Savanna. may use physiognomic terms such as grassland, See Table 5 for examples of names for macrogroup and marsh, bog, and woodland. A catalogue of terms group. and their usage should be maintained to ensure Although our nomenclatural approach allows for consistency (see Natural Vegetation: Peer review). somewhat lengthy scientific names, it is concerned with For example, the term scrub is used to describe clarity, and provides a concise common name accessible vegetation where shrub and tree-like growth forms to many users, as is typical of biological nomenclature

EVIEWS are hard to distinguish, as in desert and alpine for at least larger sized organisms, such as plants,

R regions, whereas shrubland refers to more typical insects, birds, and fish. multistemmed, weakly canopied, mesomorphic-dom- Description template inated vegetation. 5) Types that fall under the category of natural The template provided in Jennings et al. (2009: Box 2) vegetation but are dominated by invasive species or is appropriate for describing units at all levels of the found on strongly human disturbed habitats, such as hierarchy (see also FGDC [2008: Section 3.2.3]). The old fields on abandoned farm sites or invasive grass- specifications for describing a type including: (1) a dominated , and which clearly have no standard template is used, supplemented with a few analog to historic native vegetation, should be placed additional fields for data management purposes. (2) A in a distinct macrogroup with the term ruderal in the standard set of growth forms is used, as provided in Appendix C. These should be consulted to maintain name. consistent concepts. Growth form types are placed in 6) Nomenclature for vascular plant taxa should follow italics to remind the reader that the terms have specific the name in an accepted botanical reference (e.g., in meanings. Additional growth forms will be added as the United States, USDA PLANTS database (data needed. Over time, biogeographic terms and scientific available online).17 Each plant taxon used in a sources for species names will be added. (3) The scientific name shall have only one common name descriptions can be submitted to a coordinating body that shall form the basis for the common name of established for a country or regions. types (e.g., quaking aspen, not aspen or trembling aspen). Peer review At the division level, the names are expected to The approach to peer review described by Jennings et include biogeographic terms, as large-scale biogeograph- al. (2009) is applicable for those adopting the EcoVeg ic patterns play a large role in their concepts. Because it approach. The process is based on a dynamic classifi- is difficult to choose a few typical species at this scale, cation standard, where peer review is an open process scientific and colloquial names may initially be the same. conducted by professional organizations in collabora- For example, within the Tropical Lowland Grassland, tion with other interested parties. It is administered by a peer review board under the aegis of an institution or 17 http://plants.usda.gov institutions capable of providing independent reviewers November 2014 ECOLOGICAL VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION 553 with experience in vegetation classification. Currently, Together these criteria are evaluated in a human NatureServe manages the data content for the Interna- management context. tional Vegetation Classification, working in collabora- Ecological context.—Criteria for ecological context tion with international partners, such as International include (1) climate (macro, meso, and microclimate), Union for Conservation of Nature, World Wildlife though human management activities often overcom- Fund, The Nature Conservancy, International Associa- pensate for many of the climatic effects, except at the tion of Vegetation Science, a variety of agencies, extremes (frost free climates, extreme cold or organizations and academic scientists, and with national climates), (2) effects of human activities (e.g., plowing, projects, such as the USNVC and Canadian National mowing), and (3) topo-edaphic factors, including Vegetation Classification (CNVC). Whether a more creation of ponds, plowing, modifications of pH, formal international body can be developed will depend moisture, nutrients, and texture. Because many crop on the interests of vegetation ecologists around the species are planted and maintained outside their world (see also Implementing the EcoVeg Approach). provenance, biogeography is rarely considered in the description of cultural types. CULTURAL VEGETATION All type concepts based on these criteria should be Criteria for the description of cultural vegetation derived from field observations, in which the crops or Vegetation criteria are the primary properties used to managed species, growth forms, and their abundances, define all units of cultural vegetation, but the role of along with the field observation record, overall vegeta- human management processes is often much stronger tion structure, management activities, and habitat than ecological or biogeographic processes. Excluded setting are described. These field data provide the from the vegetation criteria are explicit habitat factors fundamental information for the description of types. (e.g., climate, soil type) or land use practices (e.g., grazed All types at all levels should be described and pasture vs. ungrazed pasture), except as these are characterized. expressed in the vegetation. Some types are difficult to Hierarchy levels for cultural vegetation place in terms of natural vs. cultural vegetation (e.g., some intensively managed forests, some pastures), and As with natural vegetation, the hierarchy consists of the user may need to look in both parts of the hierarchy eight levels that are aggregated into three sets, but R to determine the type’s location. physiognomy plays a greater role for classifying cultural EVIEWS The criteria for classifying cultural vegetation include vegetation. The criteria outlined in Cultural Vegetation: growth forms, floristics, and ecological setting (Di Criteria for the description of cultural vegetation are used Gregorio and Jansen 1996). The definition of terms to develop descriptions of each unit in the hierarchy, used for cultural vegetation criteria largely correspond with the utility and relevance of the criteria varying by to that of natural vegetation (see Natural Vegetation: level. In this section, we provide the names, definition, Criteria for the description of natural vegetation), but and descriptions for each of the levels (see also Table 6), compositional similarity is not a primary criterion, given following FGDC (2008). the monodominance of many cultural vegetation types. Cultural upper levels (L1–L4).—As with natural Some common characteristics of cultural vegetation vegetation, physiognomic criteria are the primary include (1) regularly spaced vegetation with substantial properties of cultural vegetation used to define the four cover of bare soil for significant periods of the year (e.g., upper levels. The formation concept, as discussed for tillage, chemical treatment, or agricultural flooding), (2) natural vegetation, is relevant to cultural vegetation too, dominant growth forms or structure are highly manip- but units are assessed in light of human activities that ulated and rarely found in natural vegetation (e.g., govern their properties. mechanical pruning, mowing, clipping, etc.), and (3) 1. Cultural class (L1).—Cultural class is defined by a dominant vegetation comprised of planted, nonnative broad and characteristic combination of dominant species. growth forms adapted to relatively intensive human Growth forms.—As with the natural vegetation, management, as reflected in relatively rapid changes in growth form criteria include (1) diagnostic patterns of structure and/or composition. Relatively intensive hu- growth forms, (2) dominant growth forms, singly or in man management refers to activities affecting vegetation combination, and (3) vertical and horizontal structure of composition and/or structure that occur from multiple growth forms (Di Gregorio and Jansen 1996). Distinc- times in a year (haying, mowing) to decadal (thinning of tive sets of cultural growth forms are not currently forest structure, orchard pruning, swidden slash and described, but will be needed (orchard tree, vineyard burn cycles). grape, row crop, etc.). 2. Cultural subclass (L2).—Cultural subclass is de- Floristics.—Floristic (crop or managed species) crite- fined by a broad combination and degree of herbaceous ria include (1) diagnostic combinations of species/crop vs. woody growth forms that reflect widespread human or managed types, (2) dominant species, reflecting management activities. The types are based on broadly similar agricultural or developed vegetation patterns, distinct growth form combinations, including herba- and (3) vertical and horizontal structure of species. ceous vs. woody vs. aquatic cultural vegetation types. 554 DON FABER-LANGENDOEN ET AL. Ecological Monographs Vol. 84, No. 4

TABLE 6. Levels, definitions, and examples of the hierarchy for cultural vegetation (see FGDC 2008).

Example 1 names Example 2 names Cultural hierarchy Definition (FGDC 2008) Scientific Colloquial Scientific Colloquial Upper levels L1: Cultural class defined by a broad and Anthromorphic Agricultural and Anthromorphic Agricultural and characteristic Vegetation Developed Vegetation Developed combination of Vegetation Vegetation dominant growth forms adapted to relatively intensive human manipulations, as reflected in relatively rapid changes in structure and/or composition L2: Cultural subclass defined by broad Herbaceous Herbaceous Woody Woody combinations and Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural degree of herbaceous Vegetation Vegetation Vegetation Vegetation versus woody growth forms that reflects global human management activities L3: Cultural formation defined by the degree to Row and Close Row and Close Forest Forest which canopy structure Grain Crop Grain Crop Plantation Plantation and of dominant growth and Agroforestry forms is annually Agroforestry converted or heavily manipulated/harvested L4: Cultural subformation defined by the spatial Graminoid Graminoid Row Forest Forest structure of the Row Crop Crop Plantation Plantation Vegetation, including whether in swards, rows, and degree of manipulation to the canopy

EVIEWS Mid levels

R L5: Cultural group defined by a common set Tropical and Tropical and Temperate and Temperate and of growth forms and Temperate Temperate Boreal Boreal Conifer many diagnostic plant Corn Crop Corn Crop Conifer and and taxa sharing a broadly Hardwood Hardwood similar region and Plantation Plantation climate, and disturbance factors L6: Cultural subgroup defined by a common set Temperate Temperate Corn Native Eastern Native Eastern of growth forms and Corn Crop Crop North North diagnostic species American American (taxa) preferentially Conifer and Conifer and sharing a similar set of Hardwood Hardwood regional edaphic, Plantation Plantation topographic, and disturbance factors Lower levels L7: Cultural type defined by one or more Zea mays Crop Maize Corn Pinus strobus– Native White- dominant or Crop Pinus Red-Jack Pine codominant species, as resinosa– Plantation well as habitat Pinus conditions and banksiana physiognomy Native Plantation L8: Cultural subtype defined by one or more Zea mays var. Sweet Corn Pinus strobus White Pine dominant or saccharata– Crop Plantation Plantation codominant species, in Zea mays conjunction with a var. rugosa characteristic set of Crop associated species, habitat conditions, and physiognomy Notes: The name of the level can be added to the type name for clarity, where needed. Scientific names are not well developed for all levels of the cultural hierarchy. November 2014 ECOLOGICAL VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION 555

3. Cultural formation (L3).—Cultural formation is Natural Vegetation: Peer review; and Natural Vegeta- defined by the degree to which canopy structure of tion: Vegetation field plots and analyses). dominant growth forms is annually converted or heavily manipulated/harvested. Nomenclatural rules 4. Cultural subformation (L4).—Cultural subforma- As with natural vegetation, the EcoVeg approach tion is defined by the spatial structure and specific includes a scientific name, a translated scientific name growth form dominance of the vegetation, including (from the vernacular plant names available from widely whether in swards, rows, and degree of manipulation to accepted standard taxonomic references), and a com- the canopy. mon name (Table 6). Translated names and common The comprehensive set of cultural formation types for names are provided in English and in a variety of other the top three levels is provided in Appendix C. common languages. The names can include both Cultural mid-levels (L5–L6).—For the mid-level physiognomic terms (forest, grassland, bog, tundra) units, the combination of criteria based on the specific and species names and may also include a human dominant growth forms, genera, and species that management term. Nomenclatural terms from other comprise cultural vegetation are applied. classifications can also be noted in synonymy fields. The 1. Cultural group (L5).—Cultural group is defined by guidelines for naming cultural vegetation needs further a common set of growth forms and many diagnostic development and will be developed in the future with plant taxa sharing a broadly similar region and climate, interested parties. Examples are provided in Table 6. and disturbance factors. 2. Cultural subgroup (L6).—Cultural subgroup is IMPLEMENTING THE ECOVEG APPROACH defined by a common set of growth forms and diagnostic Development of the EcoVeg approach has spanned 12 species (taxa) preferentially sharing a similar set of years, during which time we have had the opportunity to regional edaphic, topographic, and disturbance factors. work with state, regional, and national partners to test Cultural lower levels (L7–L8).—For the cultural type and refine the approach. At the national level, the level, emphasis is given to the assemblage of dominant USNVC partnership catalyzed our initial efforts (FGDC or codominant species, along with the associated species, 2008, Peet 2008, Faber-Langendoen et al. 2009, Jennings habitat conditions, and physiognomy. At the subtype et al. 2009, Franklin et al. 2012), assisted by partnerships R level, species compositional variation can be recognized with the CNVC (Alvo and Ponomarenko 2003, Baldwin EVIEWS within a dominant crop type, reflecting different soils or and Meades 2008), and the Bolivian vegetation classifi- different treatments. cation (Navarro 2011). Partnerships in the United States 1. Cultural type (L7).—Cultural type is defined by and Canada have also been strong at the provincial and one or more dominant or codominant species, as well as state level, allowing for rigorous applications of fine- habitat conditions and physiognomy. scaled concepts (e.g., Hoagland [2000] and Sawyer et al. 2. Cultural subtype (L8).—Cultural subtype is de- [2009], among many, as documented in Grossman et al. fined on the basis one or more dominant or codominant [1998] and Alvo and Ponomarenko [2003]). Development species, in conjunction with a characteristic set of of the EcoVeg approach across the western hemisphere associated species, habitat conditions, and physiogno- has been greatly assisted by the prior development of the my. NatureServe terrestrial ecological systems classification Examples of cultural types for all levels are provided (Comer et al. 2003, Josse et al. 2003), which provided in Table 6. midscale units comparable to group units. Subsequently, The development of a global cultural vegetation various multijurisdictional collaborations emerged, in- hierarchy is relatively novel and has no parallels in cluding in the Andes (Josse et al. 2009) and Africa (Sayre other global vegetation classifications. By the same et al. 2013). Collaboration with IUCN and WWF on a token, it needs further testing and review, including in global grasslands classification has helped refine our the name of the levels. For the United States, a approach (Faber-Langendoen and Josse 2010, Dixon et comprehensive set of cultural vegetation types is al. 2014). Discussions with European colleagues have available in pilot form for most levels, based on the produced a better understanding of the relationship Natural Resources Conservation Service’s National between this approach and both the Braun-Blanquet Resources Inventory (NRI; see FGDC [2008: Appendix approach (Rodwell et al. 2002) and the European Nature I]). These may prove valuable as a global set of cultural Information System (EUNIS; Davies et al. 2004). types, pending further review. Thus, our system is now well-developed for application Type description, peer review, and analyses across large parts of the globe. NatureServe maintains all International Vegetation Classification units in an insti- Guidelines for the classification of cultural vegetation tutional database, posts North American units online, needs further development and will be developed in the and is working to make all units across the globe future with interested parties. In the meantime, stan- available publicly.18 The comprehensive and multiscale dards for natural vegetation may be followed, as desired (see Natural Vegetation: Type description and review; 18 natureserve.org/explorer 556 DON FABER-LANGENDOEN ET AL. Ecological Monographs Vol. 84, No. 4

set of types documented by the EcoVeg approach will aid It can support the documentation of status and trends in documenting at-risk status of ecosystems under of vegetation and ecosystems (e.g., trends in extends, IUCN’s emerging red list of ecosystems (see Rodrı´guez trends in condition). The current conservation status of et al. [2011] and Keith et al. [2013]). IUCN and partner macrogroups and systems in the western hemisphere is ecologists require ecological classifications, including being assessed as part of the IUCN red list of ecosystems terrestrial, freshwater, marine, and subterranean, to guide project (Keith et al. 2013; Comer et al., unpublished red listing efforts, both nationally and internationally. manuscript) and complements the global and state/ Although these classifications may take a variety of forms provincial assessments of at-risk associations in the at national or subnational levels, their contribution to a United States and Canada (Grossman et al. 1998). global ecosystem red list would be greatly facilitated by EcoVeg facilitates the interpretation of long-term the multilevel hierarchy such as that provided here and change in vegetation with short-term change of existing through the IVC. The IVC could serve as a reporting vegetation, based on multiple vegetation criteria (growth framework for integrating national information relevant forms, structure, floristics, etc.). Short-term changes can to various levels of terrestrial ecosystem types, in much now be examined at multiple thematic scales to assess the same way that the WWF ecoregions have provided types from association to formation scales. Long-term one source of standardized units for reporting ecoregional changes can be examined using mid-level types docu- conservation status (Olson et al. 2001). The IVC is mented in the paleoecological record. Delcourt and Delcourt (1987) used multiple thematic scales, including already strongly compatible at the formation level with a level corresponding to the division, to show how the terrestrial component of IUCN’s species habitat vegetation and environmental change varies from classification scheme (version 3.0 2007; available online).19 dynamic equilibrium to disequilibrium over the last Improving the IUCN habitats to IVC compatibility could 60 000 years, in contrast to a simple transitory view of greatly facilitate reporting of both the ecosystem red lists vegetation at one level, the community, and a stable and the description of the species–habitat relations for physical template on the other (Hunter et al. 1988). species red lists. Similarly, the late quaternary biomes documented by In conclusion, the EcoVeg approach is now able to Williams et al. (2000) in the eastern United States have address many core needs for vegetation description and parallels to current existing biomes at the division and classification, and sets the stage for further research. It macrogroup level of the EcoVeg approach. The slower can describe existing vegetation patterns, including both rates of historical change for these units, i.e., their cultural (planted and dominated by human processes) persistence over longer periods of time, as compared to EVIEWS and natural (spontaneously formed and dominated by

R the lower level units of alliance and association, opens ecological processes). By providing a set of hierarchical up new avenues of discussion on vegetation change and units for both cultural and natural vegetation (including conservation applications (Delcourt 2002). ruderal or novel vegetation), the EcoVeg approach is The EcoVeg approach can provide a structure to track able to describe the full range of anthropogenic and real-time ecosystem responses to invasive species, land ecological influences on vegetation patterns. The ap- use, and climate change. The EcoVeg approach treats proach to description and classification of cultural invasives both at the level of variants within natural vegetation types requires more research. types, for example, where they can be an indication of EcoVeg describes vegetation types at multiple the- degradation of types characterized by native species, and matic-scales, from thematically coarse formations (bi- ultimately, should native species disappear from stands, omes) to fine-scale associations (biotopes). The eight- as a basis for describing new types. For all these reasons, level hierarchy for both cultural and natural vegetation we encourage the use of the EcoVeg approach to draws on well-established traditions of classification in describe and classify vegetation. vegetation ecology, compiling both the existing infor- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS mation on vegetation types and providing a peer-review Our international team contributed to and strongly benefit- based process for improving and documenting new ted from the revised U.S. National Vegetation Classification types. (USNVC) standard (FGDC 2008), which is supported by a EcoVeg can inventory vegetation and ecosystem partnership between U.S. federal agencies, the Ecological patterns within and across landscape/ecoregional units. Society of America Vegetation Classification Panel, and NatureServe, working through the Federal Geographic Data In combination with the terrestrial ecological systems Committee (FGDC) Vegetation Subcommittee. They agreed to classification, the EcoVeg approach provides maps of sponsor the Hierarchy Revisions Working Group (HRWG), units at the group or macrogroup level and above for the with both national and international expertise. In particular, we United States, South America, and Africa. The geo- thank Ralph Crawford, chair of the FGDC vegetation subcommittee for his many years of support and Alexa graphic distribution of all major grassland divisions McKerrow for her coordination of the many activities required around the globe is now available (Dixon et al. 2014). to implement the revised USNVC standard. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the U.S. federal agencies that 19 www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/classification- helped fund the work of the Hierarchy Revisions Working schemes/habitats-classification-scheme-ver3 Group from 2003 to 2012, particularly the U.S. Forest Service, November 2014 ECOLOGICAL VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION 557 the interagency LANDFIRE team, U.S. Geological Survey, vegetation of California: communities of long-inundated and National Park Service, as well as the Bureau of Land deep habitats. Phytocoenologia 35:177–200. Management, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Beard, J. S. 1973. The physiognomic approach. Pages 355–386 Environmental Protection Agency. We thank Sherm Karl, Otto in R. H. Whittaker, editor. Handbook of vegetation science. Huber, and Andy Gray, former members of the HRWG, for Part V. Ordination and classification of communities. their input at critical stages early on in the development of the Springer, The Hague, The Netherlands. formations. We thank colleagues from the Canadian National Beckage, B., B. Osborne, D. G. Gavin, C. Pucko, T. Siccama, Vegetation Classification Technical Committee, led by Ken and T. Perkins. 2008. A rapid upward shift of a forest Baldwin, for their ongoing feedback at various stages of ecotone during 40 years of warming in the Green Mountains development of this approach. of Vermont. Proceedings of the National Academy of We appreciate the support and review from members of the Sciences USA 105:4197–4202. Ecological Society of America Vegetation Classification Panel. Beckingham, J. D., I. G. W. Corns, and J. H. Archibald. 1996. In particular, we thank Scott Franklin for his comments and for Field guide to ecosites of west-central Alberta. University of facilitating review among the panel and international ecologists British Columbia Press, Vancouver, British Columbia, and Janet Franklin, Mike Jennings, Chris Lea, Orie Loucks, Canada. Este Muldavin, Bob Peet, Dave Roberts, and John Sawyer for Belnap, J., J. A. Ludwig, B. P. Wilcox, J. L. Betancourt, their peer review of this and related documents. W. R. J. Dean, B. D. Hoffman, and S. J. Milton. 2012. We thank Ken Baldwin, John Benson, Elgene Box, Milan Introduced and invasive species in novel ecosys- Chytry´ ,Ju¨ rgen Dengler, David Keith, Jesus Izco, and Michael tems: friends or foes? Rangeland Ecology and Management Rutherford for their reviews. Milan Chytry´ ,Ju¨ rgen Dengler, 65:569–578. John Rodwell, and Joop Schamine´ e also provided European Bestelmeyer, B. T., J. E. Herrick, J. R. Brown, D. A. Trujillo, perspectives on the development of alliance units and on the and K. M. Havstad. 2004. Land management in the Braun-Blanquet approach in general. We thank Andrew American Southwest: a state-and-transition approach to Gillison for his extensive comments provided as journal ecosystem complexity. Environmental Management 34:38– reviewer and insights on plant functional types. 51. Throughout, NatureServe senior ecology staff have been a Bohn, U., R. Neuha¨ usl, G. Gollub, C. Hettwer, Z. Neuha¨ us- solid rock on which to stand, as we considered various lova´ , Th. Raus, H. Schlu¨ ter, and H. Weber. 2000–2003. Map approaches. We especially thank Shannon Menard, Milo Pyne, of the natural vegetation of Europe. Scale 1:2 500 000. Marion Reid, and Lesley Sneddon for their many contribu- Landwirtschaftsverlag, Mu¨ nster, Germany. tions. We thank Mary Russo and Kristin Snow for maintaining Bontemps, S., P. Defourny, E. Van Bogaert, O. Arino, V. and editing both the USNVC and the IVC databases. Their Kaliogirou, and J. Ramos Perez. 2009. 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Ecological Archives Appendices A–E are available online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/13-2334.1.sm

Don Faber-Langendoen, Todd Keeler-Wolf, Del Meidinger, Dave Tart, Bruce Hoagland, Carmen Josse, Gonzalo Navarro, Serguei Ponomarenko, Jean-Pierre Saucier, Alan Weakley, and Patrick Comer. 2014. EcoVeg: a new approach to vegetation description and classification. Ecological Monographs 84:533–561.


A sentence was omitted from the end of the first paragraph on Nomenclature rules on p. 551. It should read:

“All first letters of english words in a vegetation type name are capitalized, and separated, as needed, by either a hyphen, with spaces ( - ), a comma and space (, ) or the "and" symbol with spaces ( & ).”

These rules should be applied to Tables 1, 2, 5, and 6, and Appendix C, and wherever formal vegetation type names are used in the text. E.g. Table 1. “Forest and Woodland “ should be “Forest & Woodland”, etc.