Apprenticeship Vacancies Employment & Apprenticeship Vac ancy Listing 16 December 2020 Apprenticeship Vacancies What do we have in here? This listing provides details of current employment, apprenticeship and traineeship vacancies in Wiltshire suitable for school and college leavers. Food and beverage, hospitality, retail, health and social care, leisure and construction are all good sectors to consider when using various search engines such as Indeed, Reed, CV Library in addition key words such as entry level, trainee, no experience needed can also help produce relevant opportunities. Contact the Employment and Skills Service via email
[email protected] if you have any questions in relation to these vacancies or those in neighbouring towns such as Swindon or Bath. Vacancies may close early should a high number of applications be received, if the employer interviews and business needs change. Apply now to avoid disappointment. Did you know you can receive our Hot Opportunities monthly e -newsletter directly to your inbox? Designed to keep you in the know about opportunities for young people like you, this includes events, courses, and news about things that matter most. To receive the newsletter, complete our easy to use form and we’ll do the rest. If you are a local employer or training provider, you can also let us know about your employment and apprenticeship vacancies and we’ll feature them in the next edition. Fill out our easy to use form and we’ll be in touch. Contents Apprenticeship Vacancies pages 3 - 12 Job Vacancies