TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 3, Pages 1447-1453, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM103-57, August 2021.

Development of the Concept of Cybersecurity of the Organization

Anatolii A. Loishyn, Spartak Hohoniants, Mykola Ya.Tkach, Maksym H. Tyshchenko, Nataliya M. Tarasenko, Volodymyr S. Kyvliuk

The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi, Kyiv, Ukraine

Abstract - The article is of interest to managers and Analysis of trends in science and technology scientists at all levels who deal with combating cyber shows the growing dependence of man on digital threats. The study analyzed the security environment tools, organizations on databases in networks, and confirmed the rapid growth of and banking on digital payments, countries on the cyberattacks. The stages of development of cybercrime management of weapons of strategic importance are analyzed, and the most significant cyberattacks that have taken place in recent years are identified. through computer technology and software. Statistics on the number of cyberattacks and their Every day, groups of experienced cybercriminals devastating impact on economies are presented. A brief seize control of other people's computers and gadgets description of the available types of malware and the of all forms of ownership; launch a series of algorithm of unauthorised entry of cyber attackers into destructive programs against sites. In a matter of the system is given. The article offers a variant of seconds, ATMs, companies, telephone lines, and developing the concept of cybersecurity, defines the even the presidential sites of the world's powers range of participants in ensuring the organisation's cease to function. There is a tendency in the world to cybersecurity, and formulates an algorithm for its increase attention to cybersecurity and information development and operation. resource management. Keywords – Cybersecurity, Cyberattacks, No one could have predicted that the financial Cybercrime, Concept of Cybersecurity. crisis in 2007-2008, which began with the US mortgage crisis, bank failures, and falling stock 1. Introduction prices, would lead to a global economic crisis (sometimes called the "Great Recession") [1]. Today, security in information and cyberspace is Next, humanity faced an infectious disease that becoming increasingly important. There is a rapid was first detected in humans in December 2019 in trend towards the digitalization of all spheres of China [2]. The disease began as an outbreak that human activity. developed into a pandemic. The cause of the disease was the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 [3], [4]. The disease has dealt a devastating blow not only to human health but to the global economy as a whole. DOI: 10.18421/TEM103-57 https://doi.org/10.18421/TEM103-57 1.1. Novelty of Research Corresponding author: Anatolii Loishyn, The National Defence University of Ukraine named after The disease forced a significant part of the world's Ivan Cherniakhovskyi, Ukraine. population to consider the issue of remote work, Email: [email protected] educational institutions switched to distance learning, a large number of online conferences, meetings, and Received: 21 February 2021. Revised: 12 August 2021. business meetings are held every day. This Accepted: 17 August 2021. undoubtedly stimulated the trend towards expanding Published: 27 August 2021. the scope of digital technologies. Given the above, the financial crisis and infectious © 2021 Anatolii Loishyn et al; published by diseases like the "black swans" could not have been UIKTEN. This work is licensed under the Creative foreseen in advance to develop appropriate Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial‐NoDerivs 4.0 countermeasures [5]. Therefore, one should not deny License. the possibility of a catastrophic world-class The article is published with Open Access at cyberattacks that may take place in the future. Today www.temjournal.com it is impossible to predict what social, economic, and

TEM Journal – Volume 10 / Number 3 / 2021. 1447 TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 3, Pages 1447‐1453, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM103‐57, August 2021. political consequences the world will face if the So, in 2015, the cost of reimbursing global damage stops even for a day. for attacks using ransomware amounted to $ 325 Thus, it should be noted that our personal and million. In 2017, according to preliminary estimates, corporate computer networks and digital processes these costs will exceed $ 5 billion, and by 2021 the have to be reliably protected. The actualization of the figure will exceed the $ 6 trillion bar. Global research topic is confirmed by the need to counter cybercrime spending is expected to grow by 15 per cyberattacks, study them, and analyze the cent per year, reaching 10.5 billion by 2025. development of the prerequisites for their occurrence Combined, this exceeds the damage caused by and possible countermeasures technologies. natural disasters per year and will be more profitable than the global illicit drugs trade together [7]. 1.2. Setting Objective When comparing computer viruses and biological viruses, we will find many similarities. As a rule, the The purpose of the article is to develop a variant of disease causes a runny nose in a person, and along the cybersecurity concept for an organization. with a runny nose comes sneezing, the particles of which, falling on another person, can infect him. 1.3. Methodology Cybercriminals use a similar technique, and it is called "spam". By sending thousands of infected To achieve the purpose defined in the study, its emails, they infect many computers. The flu virus has decomposition was carried out. So, within the target, mutated since it uses the body of an infected person the following tasks were performed: to spread the virus. It is also not enough for a 1) It is a description of the security environment computer virus to infect only one computer; it tends (brief statistics of the background of the study, to spread over a large area. Severe virus attacks can determination of prerequisites for the development of kill a computer or damage the system very badly, just cybercrime, analysis of the largest cyberattacks in the like biological viruses. Many viruses can remain in world, statistics on the number of cyberattacks and the body of an infected person for a long time, up to predicted losses from them, classification of types of several weeks until he finds out that he is sick. cyber threats). Furthermore, during such an incubation period, a The scientific knowledge methods were used to person can infect other people. The same goes for solve the problem: a systematic approach with computer viruses. Computer viruses can go careful consideration of environmental safety, unnoticed until a works remotely and analysis in determining the numerical indicators used launches them. in the study, synthesis - a combination (grouping) of Additionally, the number of cyber extortion elements (arrows) of the study. (ransomware) cases is proliferating [8]. Ransomware 2) Development of a variant within the concept of is defined as malicious software that blocks users' cyber defense of the organization (determination of access to their devices or blocks access to files until the prerequisites for developing a concept, an amount of money or a ransom is paid. determining the circle of participants in the Ransomware causes downtime, data loss, the development and implementation of the concept, potential for theft of intellectual property, and in determining the algorithm for developing and some industries, the attack is considered a data implementing the concept). breach. From 1989 to the present, this type of To solve the set partial task, the methods of cyberattack has a general upward trend. In 1989, the scientific knowledge were used: a systematic first-ever ransomware virus was created that was approach - in describing the functioning of the transmitted on floppy disks. The drives contained organization's cyber defense system, analysis and malicious code that hid file directories, blocked synthesis - in determining the elements of the filenames, and required victims to send $ 189 to concept, their grouping, and the like. Panama if they wanted their data back. This case was the impetus for the development of this type of 2. Results threat. Cyber extortion is a significant problem today. It is predicted that in 2021 there will be an attack 2.1 The general trend towards an increase in the with organization requirements every 11 seconds, up number of cyber threats, in turn, leads to a sharp from every 40 seconds in 2016 [9]. increase in the costs of business and government To confirm the importance of research, one should agencies for data protection. So, according to stop and give examples of the largest cyberattacks forecasts by Cybersecurity Ventures, over the next that have taken place over the past years (Table 1). four years, global spending on cybersecurity will amount to about $ 1 trillion. However, the damage from cybercrime will also increase significantly [6].

1448 TEM Journal – Volume 10 / Number 3 / 2021. TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 3, Pages 1447‐1453, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM103‐57, August 2021.

Table 1. Known cyberattacks were carried out between Analysis of the information presented in the table 1999 and 2020. (Table 1) allows us to trace a clear trend - hacker

The purpose methods are increasingly modelling the corporate Year Ref. Brief description of the attack hierarchy. Cybercriminals unite in online International The teenager hacked the communities (such as Red Hacker Alliance [25], 1999 [10] Space Station NASA server. [26] Red Hack [27], which allows them A virus has been created to attack objects together. As indicated in the table, that infects Windows Infection of the target of cyberattacks can be: government computers (Melissa). computers organizations, commercial organizations, banking The virus modified [11], based on institutions, private accounts and accounts. The 1999 critical files causing the [12] Windows profile and methods of activity of hacker attacks can system to crash. operating have not only economic goals, but also political ones, Approximately 20% of systems computers running which in turn equates cybercriminals with Windows were infected. cyberterrorists. Cybercriminals create It is can also cite the following facts analyzing the Hacker attack groups and carry out targeted use of cyber weapons in international and 2007 [13] on Estonia attacks across the domestic politics. One of the first large-scale country. applications of cyber weapons occurred in Iran in Infected equipment at Attack on 2009-2010. Unlike common malware running on manufacturers' factories 2010 [14] Iran's nuclear popular operating systems, the Stuxnet virus used got into a protected program against Iran was explicitly designed to infiltrate system. industrial computers. This virus paralyzed Iran's Hacking Sony The Lulzsec hacker nuclear program, due to which the production of 2011 [15] PlayStation group hacked into the uranium in this country was reduced by 20%. As a Client player database. result of several disclosures and information leaks, it Database can be argued that specialists developed this virus The largest DDOS from the United States and Israel [28]. attack in the history of Analyses of the activities of organized cybercrime the Internet. The blow require defining the main significant events that [16], was so powerful that it Attack on accompanied its origin and development 2013 [17], slowed down the entire Spamhaus (Table 2). [18] Internet on the planet, in some countries it led to a Table 2. The activities of organized cybercrime require network outage for defining the main significant events that accompanied its several hours. origin and development Mt.Gox exchange $ 470 Million Crypto Period The content of the event 2014 [19] hacked by Coins Stolen The first computer were from the hackers Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). Hackers Some members of the group used the new Blueprints for 20 of the 1960s hacked digital university computers for their purposes to latest weapon systems 2014 [20] protection of manipulate programs [29]. have been stolen. US military Hacking local and international phone 1970s bases. networks to make calls for free “Petya” virus Government sites and Hacker groups began to form. The first was attack on businesses, banks, 1980s Legion of Doom in the US and Chaos [21], 2017 computer institutions, media and Computer Club in Germany. [22] systems in private sites were 1983 The first film about hackers "War Games" Ukraine affected. 1984 Publishing of the hacker magazine "2600". Hacking For the first time in its history, the US Brazilian Congress passed the Computer Fraud and The damage was not 1986 2018 [23] Ministry of Abuse Act, making computer hacking a crime disclosed. Defense [30]. Server A self-replicating program called the Morris Cybercriminals gained Worm disabled about 6,000 university and access to Nintendo 1988 government computers across America, Hack 2020 [24] Network IDs (NNIDs). causing massive damage estimated at about $ Nintendo The attack affected 96.5 million [31]. The famous NCSA Mosaic web browser 300,000 people. 1993 appeared.

TEM Journal – Volume 10 / Number 3 / 2021. 1449 TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 3, Pages 1447‐1453, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM103‐57, August 2021.

The subjects of the commission of computer activity on the user's device. Software when it enters the device of crimes can be both internal users (persons who are in ransomware an ordinary user encrypts files labour relations with the enterprise where the crime programs was committed) and external users (persons who are valuable to him. not in labour relations with the enterprise where the Programs begin to exploit the crime was committed). The generalized data of cryptojacking resources of his computer for mining cryptocurrency. forensic practice show that internal users commit Software that forces the user to buy hoax- programs 94% of crimes, while external users - only 6%, while another product by deception. 70% are users of the computer system, and 24% are spam Unsolicited correspondence. service personnel [32]. The number of cyberattacks is growing every day The presence of the threats indicated in the table due to the rapid scientific and technological progress allows us to state that it is possible to satisfy any of digital technologies and an increase in the unlawful needs with the help of cyberattacks by proportion of remote execution of tasks due to the stealing (transferring) funds, obtaining various world's problematic epidemiological situation. information, blackmail, disclosing personal Experts estimate a 600% rise in cybercrime due to information, hacking and appropriating accounts and COVID-19. Figure 1 depicts how the total number of accounts. computer malware infections has increased in recent In our opinion, when the world is in a problematic years [33], [34]. Unfortunately, accurate data on the epidemiological situation, the demand for the number of cyberattacks in 2019 and 2020 in 2020 opportunity to work remotely has increased. Cyber Security Statistics (the Ultimate List of Stats, Employees of organizations receive office Data & Trends), is not listed. computers, or remote access to perform the necessary

work remotely, conduct online conferences, 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 exchange service information. Remote work outside 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 the office, especially at a computer that is not reliably protected, leads to the ingress of harmful software 1000 products into the corporate system due to disruption 812.67 800 702.06 of the functioning of service information in the 580.4 general system of the organization. 600 452.93 In order to access the information system of any 400 308.96 organization, a cybercriminal has to perform several 165.81 interrelated steps (steps), which are: 200 82.62 48.17 12.4 29.97 0 1) Collecting information about the object of the 1 cyberattack;

2) Identification of weaknesses in defence; Figure 1. Total malware infection Grows Rare 3) The choice of cyberattack tools; (in Millions). 4) Infiltration of malicious content into the system; 5) Unauthorized entry into the system; To understand the information presented, it is 6) Deployment of covert criminal activity; necessary to bring the general structure of cyber 7) Software control and management; threats, which currently occur (Table 3). 8) Achieving a specific criminal goal; 9) Destruction of the facts of presence. Table 3. The general structure of cyber threats. In our opinion, one of the most vulnerable places Malicious software performs for a cyberattack in the protection of any system is e- trojan software unauthorized destruction of files of mail boxes, software applications, and automated both system and regular applications. telephone exchanges. Mailboxes are the input and Programs inject malicious computer viruses output channels for the circulation of all information instructions into any user software. both within and outside the organization. This A malicious code uses network worms resources during its distribution. vulnerability needs to be neutralized by clearly Programs unauthorized and separating the ways of communication between staff spyware purposefully collects information within the organization and obtaining information about the user. from external consumers. Many modern services It is a type of social engineering in combine internal and external document management attack which data is “fished out” from the to organize the circulation of information within the user. organization in the software market. In general, it is rootkits It is utilities used to mask suspicious necessary to consider creating a gateway in the

1450 TEM Journal – Volume 10 / Number 3 / 2021. TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 3, Pages 1447‐1453, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM103‐57, August 2021. organization, which will accumulate incoming factors that affect the institution's security system. documents to the address of the organization, and The result of this work is a draft concept of after careful inspection to be delivered to the cybersecurity of the organization, which includes structural units for internal use. some interrelated elements: All of the above confirms the need to implement 1) Description of the security environment; appropriate tools to counter threats in cyberspace. 2) Purpose, goals of the concept; Every organization needs to build an appropriate 3) Participants and powers; system to counter cyberattacks. 4) Resource provision; The study's result is the development of the 5) Contractors (suppliers); author's version of building a system of concepts 6) Instructions (instructions for managers; within cybersecurity of the organization with the instructions for employees; action protocols; development of an appropriate concept. This concept schedule of circulation of documents and aims to a holistic perception of cyber threats by information, external and internal). management and staff, and it develops an appropriate model of how the system protection works. The It should be added that the stated goals and concept covers all processes in the organization to objectives set out in the concept should correspond to prevent cyber threats. the abbreviation widely used in management and project management - SMART (Specific, The primary purpose of the concept is to minimize Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time related). internal and external cyber threats, including: The draft Concept is submitted to the 1) Internal threats: information leakage, malware organization's management to ensure the distribution, unauthorized access, and conflict of implementation of the security policy function in interest. cybersecurity. Moreover, the implementation of the policy 2) External threats: intelligence of competitors, including comprehensive support of the organization unauthorized access of external users, theft of considers the need for appropriate resources and information, distortion of information, blackmail technical means necessary for the implementation of (extortion), and financial fraud. measures to combat cyber threats.

It should be noted that the list of external and It is necessary to pay attention to the compliance department's activities, which within the internal threats is much broader and identified threats implementation of the tasks checks compliance with can have both internal and external features the law and determines the required level of (characteristics). implementation of requirements in the organization, The starting point in the development of the including compliance with technical requirements for concept is the study of institution's security equipment and information protection. These department and prerequisites for its construction. As requirements are summarized and submitted to the of today, the prerequisites for building a reliable technical support department to consider the system to combat cyber threats are: requirements during the draft technical support plan's preparation for the partial implementation of the 1) The general tendency to increase cyberattacks; organization's support policy. The technical support 2) Infiltration into the malware system; department also provides proposals, if necessary, on 3) Rapid development of digital technologies; the feasibility of attracting external support - IT 4) The use of electronic document management in audit, the need for software maintenance, the name of the organization; suppliers of machinery and services, the involvement 5) Increasing the complexity of data processing; of other services and equipment necessary for the 6) Increasing the requirements of national and organization's smooth operation. These tasks have to be performed under the security department's close international legislation to combat cyber threats. supervision, as the main body responsible for Also, the prerequisites for the development of the organizing access and the need to provide it to the concept should include proposals from other organization's systems to both employees and departments of the institution: external users. The primary basis for implementing the above Compliance unit – on the compliance of the approaches to the organization's cybersecurity is organization's cybersecurity system with the relevant primarily the need to isolate information flows within legislation, requirements of international (domestic) the processes that take place in the organization. It is standards (if necessary); achieved by ensuring the circulation of official Internal control unit – on identified risks in information only through secure channels in the cybersecurity and the need to develop appropriate mandatory absence of employees' possibility to use third-party media. It is also essential to determine the countermeasures. level of access to each employee of the organization. Next, the security unit analyzes the security All incoming or outgoing information has to be environment and analyzes external and internal passed through appropriate security gateways. At the

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TEM Journal – Volume 10 / Number 3 / 2021. 1453