Tennis Time! More Heavyweight Championship Hold- He Intimated Tonight That Georges Er Have Bet N Defeated Wh.L Carrying Carpentier, French Hero of the War, Now Is

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Tennis Time! More Heavyweight Championship Hold- He Intimated Tonight That Georges Er Have Bet N Defeated Wh.L Carrying Carpentier, French Hero of the War, Now Is rilE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1D11. to b the better boxer of the two. but as to what boxers will introduce the These fans are curly wolfing those 1 the struggle. All world events are aside, puo-li- c Dempsey . has achieved a remarkable fistic carnival, as Fugate is out with a already here. brushed for the Managers ALL TOLEDO ASTIR James W. Coffroth's special train, wishes to know if the dashing Demp- fiUMOfiS FLY THICKLY ring record with his incessant rushing, IS broken hand. Swaggert and sey lut free-hitti- type His fol- communicating- carrying 100 San Francisco sports is of the same caliber as the of offense. Kendall are with two Dempsey, mid- lowers base their predictions of hi Portland men to leave tonight and re- steamed in late tonight. Jack the great Portland on his ability to rush and place White and Fugate. Drnpiey Men Confident. dleweight. way through guard In the words of the late Billy Jordan, GREAT FIGHT his Willard'a OF GIANT BATTLERS ON EVE OF BATTLE Seventy per cent of the fans here "er go." BEFORE Ind reach a vulnerable spot with one TOPS LEAGUE are for Dempsey strong. They are for "Let more of the crushing blows which SEATTLE RIFLE him because of his splendid condition YAXKS TEAM have disposed of so many previous and because he is the under-do- g. A DEFEAT ENGLISH opponents. Belllngham, Tacoma and Everett is always favorite. The a more ag little fellow the DemDKr Is considered Tie for Second Place. Salt Lake marvel stands out like the Americans to Meet French In Cham- gressive type of boxer than Willard "I Believe I Am in Portland Man Wagers $3500 lost battalion in the Argonne and many Kcarr.s Denies He Demanded but the champion has always been Perfect SEATTLE, Wash., July 3. Final wise heads are cocksure that he'll pionship Events. of reserve thought to have a store standing In tbe Western Washington duplicate, the latter's feat. 2. Dempsey. strength upon which to draw should Shape," Says Champ. an- Even on Champion. in VERSAILLES, Wednesday, July $50,000 for Rifle league, which closed June 29, In the eddies of human emotion golf competitions beginning to- the occasion demand. While his nounced tonight, shows Seattle won the hotel lobbies you hear a lot of die In the knockout record Is not nearly as Im day on the La Boulie links the Amer- five matches and dropped one. Bel cussion pro and con as to who will be English and presslve aa that of the challenger, the lingham, Tacoma and Everett were affected most when standing-i- the icans defeated the team champion haa at times shown flashes SO, will meet the French for the cham- tied for second place, with four vie center of 000 howling enthusiasts. English of tremendous speed and hitting; pow TRAINING LIFE REVIEWED torles and two defeats. Arlington and BIDDLE STAYS AS JUDGE Will Dempsey or Willard be the most pionship. The won four of the HOTEL LOBBIES THRONGED er. fully in Keeping wun nis nuge ended even on series. Com excited? You at home who have not eight single ball matches, but fell down Many close hold the Monroe the in the foursomes. bulk. observers mencement bay won one match of the viewed this mammoth stadium can con Sergeant opinion that the Fourth of July bout six shot and Snohomish finished at th jure a picture of bow big it is. Lieutenant Harry Davis and ill call thla Into use If he Is to tri bottom of the pile with six losses. Think of the strain under which the William Rautenbush of the United umph over his youthful and hard. bit "Mr Youth, Strength and Boxing After the prise shoot at Fort Law Prices Soar Skyward and Beds Are two contenders will be placed when States had a hard match with P. Boomer Sfany Who Make Wager on Chal tins; rival. ton tomorrow a team will be chosen to Referee Pecord motions them to the and A. Boomer of England, winning the Less Than Dempsey contest by a single hole. All four play- Old-Tim- Bath Boxers Are Sliest. Ability Will Offset Willard'a compete in the national matches at Hard to Find at center. Will break under it? tenser Seem Happy; e I cannot believe so. ers made the round in less than 80, While neither boxer haa made any Caldwell, N. J. $10 a Xight. turning in a card of 77. In Boats Revived. public statement regarding hia plan Extra Poundage" Dempsey. Fan Swelter In Heat. Rautenbush loteres reports of ring campaign, from the AMERICAS ACE IS HONORED In past championship affairs the Tennis Stars Sliino ArhIii. training quarters Indicate though there holder of the title has been the hardest ill be little time waated In long hit. Dempsey has everything to win. LONG BEACH, Cal., July 3. Maurice range sparring during the early rounds TOLEDO. O., July 3. In statements, Pin, Set With 28 Diamonds, Given (Continued From First Page.) Willard, the title and everything else McLaughlin and Tom Bundy, three at least. Dempsey Is of the contest prepared for the Associated Press, Eddie Rickenbacker. man at a fast enough clip to lose. The psychological conditions times national tennis champions, again o):r.niit to rir.HT noted for his eagernesa to get to close Willard and Dempsey gave views on smaller Utah are against the Lawrence larruper. held the spotlight in the second day's ;K9 HrlC'KKJT A1t quarters with an opponent and stand the contest of tomorrow aa follows: TACOMA. Wash.. July 3. (Special.) to defend his titli weighing It's hotter than blazes here. A white play of the 32d annual Pacific const MOST 1 tlV. ing toe toe to ne Champion Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, Ameri wni,, will enter the rinor to demonstrate tnat Jess Willard said: 245 pounds. He stands 6 feet 7 collar is about as useful as a pair of men's doubles championship tennis Associated Pres return from Is the better man In a two-ftstc- d com "From the day I signed the contract can ace of aces, was presented with around growing. The snowshoes. Many a pair of trousers tournament on the courts of the Hotel battle Inches. Dempsey is still de- the world rhamplonshlp bat. to defend the championship it has been diamond- pin here tonight made in the 6 1 will be ruined the fight tomorrow Virginia here today when they rd pride of west is feet inch in at at Toledo today can only be This Is not aa a rule the system the to afternoon, for the pitch is boiling out feated Variel and Frees, 1, 1. of Assoc- ! by height and will cause the Fairbanks at the office adopt by Willard. but it is said when he steps of the new lumber of which the stands iated Press newspaper. Nobody close of the title bolder that he hit the mark General Sherman s Assoc- friends on It. The champion has a reach of S3 are constructed. Ortega Wins Over Bartficld. els will have thrm. The has been greatly displeased by reports S05JE IMPORTANT FISTIC BATTLES SCHEDULED FOR TODAY. chal- famous remark regarding war is not tl" not permit Its training; an in inches, against 78 inches for the BUTTE, Mont., July 3. Battling Or iated Press of alleged indifferent vs. Dempsey, 13 rounds, Toledo, O. strong enough to cover Toledo's heat. news to be displayed Pt at ow Jess Willard Jack at lenger. , Speculators who had hoped to glean tega of San Francisco, tonight won a members. ability to meet j.empsey at nis Pal Moore va, Jimmy Wilde. 10 rounds, at London. England. rrwjipapT office of Its game, despite his physical advantages. Wallace, Arena Accommodates 80,000. a juicy harvest are out of luck. There decision over Soldier Bartfield of New Tberefor the place to Ret Matt Brock vs. Joe Leopold, 20 rounds, at Idaho. York, in 12 rounds of fierce fighting. bt Clew Aetioa Is Expected Joe Gorman vs. Muff Bronson. 10 rounds, at Eugene, Or. Tex" Rickard's Bay View park is not a chance for them. And this is th (tihi story promptly and . too. In ad- The decision of Referee J. H. Macintosh ortto-nla- n angle Joe Burman va-- Herman, JO rounds, at Baltimore, Md. arena, especially construciea ior mo hard lines for Uncle Sam, will b at Tbe In discussing this of the Pete persons, al- to 3100,000 revenue the fed- was popular. corner. Mtith and Alder match the champion's closest friend Bill Brennen vs. Harry Gieb, 15 rounds, at Tulsa, Okla. occasion, will seat S0.000 dition the vs. Young Reddy, 10 rounds, Montreal, Canada. though tells me that 100,000 eral treasury expects to pocket from streets. From 1230 V. M. today indicate their belief that be will star Krankle Flemmlng at Ike Doran law O. mcg-apho- Lynch 10 rounds, Baltimore, Md. crowded in if they put in an its tithe of the regular receipts the T. Gibbons Beats K. Brown. the end of the fight a tie the boxing world by a display of Joe vs. Jack Wolfe, at can be 50 until aggressiveness and Jimmy Duffy vs. Frankle Burns, 4 rounds, Oakland. Cal. appearance, can you imaBiiie a. imu provides for an additional tax of man will the return hard. last mitin at' . maniacs? The per cent on all moneys received by DENVER, July Gibbons aa aa they come off of the heretofore foreign to his ring cam Jeff Smith vs.
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