Telegraph Lines to Russia Cut to E
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WEDNESDAY, ;TANUARY 30, isis THE LETHBRIDGE DAILY HERALD PAGE THREE 'BRINGING UP FATHEr By G. McManus 4 < WlOST CALL NO- JObT ON MC OLD ' CUSTOMERS EH? J«<;<;*>- ALU -rooR. REUA.TtON'i.O WEEK fttNCe. • / \ fit received, for the fine display mad« The other ladies aiding, Mesclamcs, Ted Lewis Has Great Record; Jane Rowberry, II. Phippn, F. Be»t< TELEGRAPH LINES :l A. FJ. Cook, F. W. Atkins, and Jams* Leadlietter. 40 Knockouts in 162 Bouts Tho program was an-anged hsr-MoH^ damnn Lendbettor and O. D. Weeks, TO RUSSIA CUT TO and was ver.v oroditably renderofl and Welterweight Champ Been Fightinc Almost Continuously some excellent musical numbers were given. The opening RonK: "Tho MapU Since the Latter Part of 1910—Won Featherweight M'ashiugton, Jan. 29,—Cable and tel- Leaf," wti3 followed by the addrcya- egi-aph lines to Bussla have been cut, ot' welcome from the president, Mrs, Championship in England. E F. iW. Atkins. Vocal soloa were ran- American Minister Jlorrls at Stock What Is Clonie Tait Up To? holm reported today and tho only re dernd by JMrs. A, Peterson, Mrs, Fan maining j-outos of communication nie Brown and Mrs. C. W,.Hinman, In ili()se days o£ business and cau as the welterweight champion when he with Petrogrnd now are through I'er- Take Up Project Now—Wom while Miss Daisy Phlpps gave a pianii • tious Ijoxors It la rcrreshing to glance outclassed Willie Hltchio In that nev sla and Vladivostok. en's Institute Gives Fine solo and Jliss Susie Pitcher a mnrli Tells LocalClubHe's Coitiing over (he record of'O'od Lewis, wclter- er-to-be-forgotten battle In New York The land lines were severed, Mr. enjoyed reading. As seven ot the lady . w'elglit champion of the world, and see In 1916. Morris reported, at Haparanda, tha Reception teachers now made their appearance) how the sensational British boxer has . Lewis and Jack Britton fought a cables at Vlborg. He gave no Indica' Mrs. Hinman's vocal solo being re rtopartqd from the path usually trodden 20-round battle at New Orleans on tion ot the significance. peated for their benefit. Mrs, O. D. , by the majority of boxing champions. Apvil 24, 1916, which the Englishman (From Oiu- Ov;n Corre.spondent) Weeks also rendered with enthusiasm . Tod's slogan always has been fight. lost, and the CHich^oan in turn W'RS Curdston, Jan, 28.—There was a a patriotic solo. ' But Arranges Bouts in East very fair attondance at, the regular .Since he took to tlio ring In tho latter recognized as'the world's welter'cham meeting of the Cardston 1LF,A, on The refroshinonts were then- duly part ot i'JlO. Lewis baa engaged In 162 pion. Thirteen times Lewis and Brit attacked and thoroughly enjoyed. Mr, Saturday at 2 p.m, in the Gaboon Clonic Tait s««ms to be running round ruddarlvM. The other day battles In all parts ot the world. He ton met, until on June 25, 1917, Tad CUT OFF HYDRO FOR Fitter, here In the interests of tli« Hotel Hall, the local club received a wire from him atatlng that he wa* coming won the featherweight champlonshi)) turned the tables on Britton, beatlnig farmers, had been invited and be spoka v/eet In a few days to Winnipeg wher« he had a match lined up. He of England and the Lord Lonsdale belt, him on points after 20 rounds, and an Not all ot the delegates had return in very high terms ot the way. llin was then coming on to Lethbrldge for cure and wae willing to meet a emblematic ot the title, at the National nexing the world's title. Since then ed from the big convention at Cal ladles of Cardston had conducted their good boy here. The club had Phil Bloom alLplektd for him. , Sporting Club In when he knocked Ted has engaged In more than a score NON-ESSENIIAL PLANTS gary, and-in tfie absence of tho presi program, and suggested that they In But the Canadian champion saems to have several minds since his af out Alec, Lambert in 17 rounds. The ot battles,' aAd'has defended his title dent, Mr, Jas, H, Anderson, Mr, Jas. vite Mrs. .McKlnnoy, J!,P.P„ to ad fair with Rocl<y Kansas. Monday's Edmonton Journal contains a letter next year Ted won the Kuropean feath more often than any otjier boxer of tho P, Low, the first vice-president, occu dress them In the future. from him In which he iaiks of boxing In Lockport Mid Buffalo again erweight champlonslilp by defeating present day. Included among his vic Hamilton, Ont„ Jan, 29.—As a result pied tho chaii', • Over sixty ladles were present and right sway. Here is what he sayrf: ^ Paul Til, the French tille-holder> In 12 tims arc some ot the leading middle- of drastic action decided upon by the Reports ot the delegates shotild'have a substantial addition -was made to "Weir I boxed Rocky Kansas'here the other night and although I lost rounds. Lewis, by the way, was the welghtB, including the peei^ of them all, Hamilton Hydro Commission . today, been heard by a large number of the the list ot members. The gathering out by a shade it sure was some fight. W« went ten rounds and all. first Britisher toSioUl the Kuropean Mike Gibbons, the St, Paul Phantom, power for non-essential Industries will farmers, as not all may read the news was closed, by the singing of the na- , the fans are wanting to see us go again. He sure is a tough boy and no' title at any weight. and Mike O'Dowd, who was acknow be cut off one day each M'eek and paper accounts of the doings it the re tional anthem. wonder Johnny Kilbane hit the canvas when Kifnoas craeked him on the Having beaten everybody In his class ledged, the world's middleweight chan)- thousands ot employees will have an cent convention. The secretarj', Mr. chin. • • in Europe, Ted then made a trip to the plon when he knocked Al McCoy out enforofid holiday. Tho city has been John F, Parrish gave a very good re New Opera Houe.e "i expect to box Jimmy Duffy aiic raundt at Lockport within a few Antipodes, Ho had developed Into a recently, divided Into six sections for this pur port of tho happenings and he show We are looking'for som.ething new • days. I am in good shape and will give a good argumont as the experi lightweight, and so returned the feath Lewis has won 10 of his bouts by pose. The National Abrasive Company ed that the farmers Interests were be all the time in'Oai-daton—rumor says ence I gained in fighting Kansas will undoubtedly help me. I box erweight belt to the National Sporting tile knockout •ro\ite, making his per^ usltig 12,000 liorso i)Ower a day was, ing carefully looked after by this great we are to have another crelimery com- ' Young ,prne at Buffalo shortly and figure that I will give him a good Club, In 1014 Lewis won the light centage of knockouts 25 per cent. He tho first to feel the effec^t toda.r. The organization. He was especially pleas pany. and on Saturday last It was de lacing. weight championship of Australia by has been defeated less t\ifi.n half a doz- I new order has the approval of Sir ed wIth'tUo broad view and able man cided by the officers of the Alberta • ."l;.aminow under the management of'Chas. Murray, of the Queens- defeating Hjjghio Mehegan on points en times, and has only been knocked Henry Drayton, f agement of the president, Mr, Wood, stake to build a new opera house In Cardston tor the purpose ot supplying bury A.C., and>e will likely keep me real busy as he is a well liked in 20 rounds at Sydney. Soon aft«r- out once, that being soon after he and .so long as such .i man ^tood at its a first class place of amusement for match-makor. Say hollo / Edmonton friends and tell them not to wards Lewis put a crimp in Young started ia tho business. Lewis was born head he was sure tliat'tho farmers ot the young people resident In this part.. be discouraged over my defeat by Kansas for I am still young and am Shugriie's championship aspirations by in London, Kngland, on (jet. 24, 1896; Alberta would gain' steadily In mem of Alberta, There is a large district , ./ learning every^ day." giving him a bad heating in 20 rounds, la a Hebrew, .and his real name is bers, prestige and Influence with the also in the Land of the Kangardo, Com Oeriihoa Meneloffj He fought 10 bouts people of tho Dominion ot Canada, surrounding Cardston and it is to this Local fans would like to know whether he intends ' to come back point most of the people look for tho where he won the Canadian championship to defend it against all com ing to America, Lewis for a time was In 1910, 30 in 1911, 34 in 1912, 11 in To Have Elevator iinablo to secure any bouts, Americnn 1913, and a similar number the next The farmers lio^e are determined best in the drama, IJie dance, or the ers or whether he is camouflaging. If he is coming hp can gst matches, musical entertnlnm'ent, opera or other if not, arrangements will be made to import a couple of boys of rea^ lightweights not caring to sample the year;'20 in 191.^: 19 In 1916, and 25 in | to have an elevator and this project Britisher's wares, Phil Bloom finally 191?.