MA-RE Publications 2008
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Appendix A MA‐RE Publications 2008 (not yet complete as new publications for 2008 are announced) Branch, G.M. 2008. Trophic Interactions in Subtidal Rocky Reefs BOOK on the West Coast of South Africa. In: Food Webs of Marine Zoology CHAPTERS Subtidal Ecosystems. (T.R. McClanahan and G.M. Branch, eds). Oxford University Press, Oxford. Pp50‐78. Branch, G.M., Thompson, R.C., Crowe, T.P., Castilla, J.C., Langmead, O., Hawkins, S.J., 2008. Rocky intertidal shores: Zoology prognosis for the future. In: Polunin, N.V.C. (Ed.), Aquatic Ecosystems: Trends and Prospects. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; pp 209‐228. Field J.G., Moloney C. L., du Buisson L. , Jarre A., Stroemme T., Lipinski M. R. and Kainge P. 2008. Exploring the BOFFFF Hypothesis Using a Model of Southern African Deepwater Hake MA‐RE Institute (Merluccius paradoxus). K. Tsukamoto, T. Kawamura, T. Takeuchi, T. D. Beard, Jr. and M. J. Kaiser, eds. Fisheries for Global Welfare and Environment, 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008, pp. 17–26. © by TERRAPUB 2008. Jerardino, A., Branch, G. M. & Navarro, R. 2008. Human Impact on Precolonial West Coast Marine Environments of South Africa. In: Zoology Human Impacts on Marine Environments, Erlandson, J. M. & Rick, T. C. (Eds), Berkeley: University of California Press; pp 279‐296. Lutjeharms, J. R. E. 2008. A short history of physical oceanography Oceanography in South Africa. In History of Physics in South Africa, editors: R. de Kock and C. Engelbrecht, South African Physics Institute, accepted. Lutjeharms, J. R. E. and Ansorge I. J. 2008. Oceanographic setting of the Prince Edward Islands. In The Prince Edward Islands; Land‐ Oceanography Sea Interactions in a Changing Ecosystem, editors: S. L. Chown and P. W. Froneman, Sun Press, Stellenbosch, pp. 17‐38, 6 plates. McClanahan, T.R. and G.M. Branch. 2008. Conclusions ‐ an ecosystem perspective of shallow marine reefs. In: Food Webs of Zoology Marine Subtidal Ecosystems. (T.R. McClanahan and G.M. Branch, eds). Oxford University Press, Oxford; pp 209‐233. Biastoch, A., Böning C. W. , Scheinert M. and Lutjeharms J. R. E. Oceanography 2008 The Agulhas system as a key region of the global circulation. Springer Tagungsband, Springer‐Verlag, Heidelberg, in press. Biastoch, A.,Böning C. W. and Lutjeharms J. R. E. 2008 Agulhas leakage dynamics affects decadal variability in Atlantic Oceanography overturning circulation. Nature, 456(489‐492), doi: 10.1038/nature07426. Shannon, L.J., Moloney, C.L., Cury, P., Van der Lingen, C., Crawford, R.J.M., Fréon and Cochrane, K.L. 2008. Ecosystem modeling approaches for South African fisheries management. Zoology Pages 1019‐1039 in J.L. Nielsen, J.J. Dodson, K. Friedland, T.R. Hamon, J, Musiek, E. Verspoor, Editors. Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation: proceedings of the Fourth World Fisheries 1 Congress. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 49, Bethesda, Maryland. 1946 pp/ 2 volumes; ISBN: 978‐1‐888569‐80‐3 Griffiths C.L., Robinson T.B. & Mead, A. 2008. The status and distribution of marine alien species in South Africa. In: Rilov, G. & Zoology Crooks, J.A. Biological Invasions in Marine Ecosystems. Ecological Studies 204. Springer‐Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg. Pp 393‐408. Ansorge, I. J., Roman R.,Durgadoo J. V. ,Ryan P. G. , Dlamini L. , Gebhardt Z. , Rainier S., Smith M. , Mtonsti T.and Lutjeharms J. R. JOURNAL ARTICLES Oceanography E. 2008. The first oceanographic survey of the Conrad Rise. South African Journal of Science, 104(9/10): 333‐336. Ansorge, I. J.,Pakhomov E. A. ,Kaehler S. and Lutjeharms J. R. E. 2008. Physical and biological coupling in eddies in the lee of the Oceanography South‐West Indian Ocean. Deep‐Sea Research I, resubmitted. Biastoch A., Lutjeharms J. R. E. , Böning C. W., and Scheinert M. Oceanography 2008. Mesoscale perturbations control inter‐ocean exchange south of Africa. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 35 Blamey, L.K. and G.M. Branch. 2008. Habitat diversity relative to wave action on rocky shores: implications for the selection of Zoology marine protected areas. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Systems (in press). Branch, G.M., Odendaal, F. and Robinson T.B. 2008 Long‐term monitoring of the arrival, expansion and effects of the alien Zoology mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in relation to wave action. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 370: 171‐183. de Young, B. & Jarre A. (in press) Regime shifts: methods of analysis. In J.H. Steele, S. Thorpe, K. Turekian (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Zoology & MA‐RE Institute Ocean Sciences 2e. Elsevier, Oxford, UK. Expected publication: December 2008. Demarcq H., Richardson A. J. & Field J.G. 2008. Generalised MA‐RE Institute model of primary production in the southern Benguela upwelling system. Mar Ecol Prog Ser. Vol. 354: 59–74 Durgadoo J. V., Lutjeharms J. R. E, Biastoch A., and Ansorge I. J. Oceanography 2008. The Conrad Rise as an obstruction to the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 35 Fauchereau N., Sinclair S. ,& Pegram G. 2008: 2‐D Empirical Mode Decomposition on the sphere: application to the spatial scales of Oceanography surface temperature variations. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences , 5, 405‐435. Jarre A., Paterson B. , Moloney C.L., Miller D.C.M., Field J.G., Starfield A.M. 2008. Knowledge‐based systems as decision Zoology & MA‐RE Institute support tools in an ecosystem approach to fisheries: Comparing a fuzzy‐logic and a rule‐based approach. Progress in Oceanography 79 (2008) 390–400. 2 Lambardi, P.,Lutjeharms J. R. E. , Mencacci R., Hays G. C. and Luschi P. 2008 The influence of ocean‐currents on long‐distance Oceanography movement of leatherback turtles in the South‐west Indian Ocean. Marine Ecology – Progress Series, 353: 289‐301, doi: 10.3354/meps07118. Lutjeharms, J. R. E., and Meyer A. A. 2008 On the origin and Oceanography circulation of bottom water on the Agulhas Bank, South Africa. Continental Shelf Research, accepted. Martins R. S. and Perez J.A.A. 2008. Artisanal fish‐trap fishery around Santa Catarina Island during spring/summer: Zoology characteristics, species interactions and the influence of the winds on the catches B. Inst. Pesca, São Paulo, 34(3): 413 ‐ 423 Muller, A., Reason C.J.C. and Fauchereau N. , 2008: Extreme rainfall in the Namib desert during late summer 2006 and Oceanography influences of regional ocean variability. Int. J. Climatol., 28, 1061‐ 1070. Nauw, J. J., van Aken H. M. , Webb A. M. , Lutjeharms J. R. E. and de Ruijter W. P. M. 2008 Observations of the southern East Oceanography Madagascar Current and undercurrent and countercurrent system. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C08006, doi:10.1029/2007JC 004639. Painter S. C. , Sanders R. , Waldron H. N. ,Lucas M. I. , Torres‐ Valdes S. 2008. Urea distribution and uptake in the Atlantic Ocean Oceanography between 50° N and 50°S. Mar Ecol Prog Ser. Vol. 368: 53–63. doi: 10.3354/meps07586 Painter S. C. , Sanders R., Waldron H. N. , Lucas M. I. ,Woodward E. M. S. ,Chamberlain K. 2008. Nitrate uptake along repeat Oceanography meridional transects of the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Marine Systems doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.12.009 Pillay, D, Branch GM and Forbes A. 2008. Habitat change in Zoology Durban Bay: anthropogenic influences and a regime shift in biotic interactions. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 370: 19‐31. Richard, Y., N. Martiny, N. Fauchereau, C. Reason, M. Rouault, N. Vigaud, and Y. Tracol (2008), Interannual memory effects for Oceanography spring NDVI in semi‐arid South Africa, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L13704, doi: 10.1029/2008GL034119. Robinson, T.B., Branch, G.M., Griffiths, C.L. & A. Govender. 2008. Resilience and elasticity of intertidal communities in response to Zoology harvesting of the alien mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. J. exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 354: 169‐181. Roman, R. E. and Lutjeharms J. R. E. 2008. Red Sea Intermediate Oceanography Water in the source regions of the Agulhas Current. Deep‐Sea Research I, accepted. Shannon, L., Jarre A. And Schwing F. (in press) Regime shifts: ecological aspects. In J.H. Steele, S. Thorpe, K. Turekian (Ed.) MA‐RE Institute Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences 2e. Elsevier, Oxford, UK. Expected publication: December 2008 3 Siedler, G., Rouault M. , Biastoch A.,Backeberg B. , Reason C. J. C. and Lutjeharms J. R. E. 2008. Modes of the southern extension of Oceanography the East Madagascar Current. Journal of Geophysical Research, accepted. Swart, N. C., Ansorge I. J. and Lutjeharms J. R. E. 2008 Detailed characterisation of a cold Antarctic eddy. Journal of Geophysical Oceanography Research, 113(C1), article number C01009, doi:10.1029/2007JC00‐ 4190. Swart, S.,Speich S. , Ansorge I. J. , Goni G. J. , Gladyshev S. and Lutjeharms J.R.E. 2008. Transport and variability of the Antarctic Oceanography Circumpolar Current south of Africa. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C09014, doi: 10.1029/2007‐JC004223. Vigaud N. , Richard Y. , Rouault M. & Fauchereau N. 2008 Moisture transport between the South Atlantic Ocean and Oceanography southern Africa: relationships with summer rainfall and associated dynamics. Springer‐Verlag, Clim Dyn (2009) 32:113–123. DOI 10.1007/s00382‐008‐0377‐7 von Bodungen B. , John H.‐Ch. , Lutjeharms J.R.E. ,Mohrholz V. , & Veitch J. 2008 Hydrographic and biological patterns across the Oceanography Angola–Benguela Frontal Zone under undisturbed conditions. Journal of Marine Systems. Vol 74: 189–215 Waldron H.N., et al., A prominent colour front in False Bay, South Oceanography Africa: Cross‐frontal structure, composition and origin, Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. (2007), doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2007.10.020 Watermeyer, K., Shannon, Griffiths. 2008. – Historical Northern Zoology Benguela Models, Last issue of AJMS Watermeyer, K., Shannon, L.J. and Griffiths, C.L. 2008. Changes in the trophic structure of the southern Benguela before and after Zoology the onset of industrial fishing. African Journal of Marine Science 30(2): 351‐382. Watermeyer, K., Shannon, L.J., Roux, J.‐P.