THE PURITAN i\NCESTORS, IN AMERICA of GEORGIA ANN EASTMAN Mrs. William Morris Bennett Born, Savannah, Georgia, May 3, 183g Married, Buffalo, N. Y., June 6, 1870 Died, Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. ~ 1921 COMPILED BY Russell W. Bennett Jacksonville, Fla. 1929 •-o .. '" ;.---Ci'. ~f:I'V'< ·f- . •'(') ~,. /4-""'o.,._ '~. '-'5"'0... <- • ..,.,~-~ ► --::to,-----..._ <- C..;,o,... ·*,.oM ✓• . U:.:;0~4. CJ 1 · '~ ---==iE==~~~~~~~--~6!:..-:::-,-:1.,-- ~ ~\?~ . 1_ .i J0.5cPh' \ rLt'TCfl£.e uzAB I RANNeY . ,{)ANNt:Y t:Ll- '/IR r,-- ,11t/ H aAIL. 11 1A1f~ . '",A --~----- -·· Ap.tJI< . ~- /~c F< \ C ' · _('~~·105 ~s ;("0:~l~ J~iJ. ., - ., it. THE IMMIGRANT ANCESTORS OF GEORGIA ANN EASTMAN {Mrs. Wi 11 iam Morris Bennett) First place of residence, (or arrival), date, and where from, as far as ascertained. Andrew, Anna Roxbury, Mass. 1630 Twiwel I, Northamptonshire, Enrland Ashley, Robert Spriogf ield, Mass. 1639 Bliss, Thomas Braintree, Mass. 1635 Belstone Parisb,Devon,Englaad Blott, Robert Roxbury, Mas,. · 1631 County Esaex,Eogland Bol twood, Robert Wetbersf ield, Conn. 1648 County Essex,Eaclaad Burt, Henry Roxbury,Mass. 1638 England Chapin, Samue I Roxbury,Mass. 1635 Dartmouth, En1Iaad Ciapp,Barbara Dorchester, Mass. 1630 Sa I combe lle1 is, Eng I and Clark, John Cambridge, Maas. 1632 lp1witcb,Suffolk,En1land Coit, John Sa Iem, Mass. .- 1634 · ·G lamor1aa1bi re, Wa I es Coo I ey, Samue I Mi Iford, ·Conn. 1639 Prob. fr. Wales to Mus., 1631 Gooke, Thomas Gui I ford, Coan. 1636/9 Cooper, Thomas Boston, Masa. 1635 Eactand Cowl es, Jobu Hartford, Conn. 1635 Ensland Crane, Mar1aret Boatoa, Mass. 1636 Coaesha 11, En1 I and Crane, Margery Cambridee, Mass.
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