See 17-20 for Home & Garden Fair winds Leaders blow over to address Shalom change Apartments at annual 'Green' grant of$ 1.4 meeting million includes wind turbine B Y MAnY Ko,rn Special to The Voice & Herald WARWICK - 'Shalom Apart ments, affordable housing fo r seniors and disabled individuals administered by Jewish Seniors Agency QSA) of Rhode Island, / Wendy Joering is the recipient of a $1.4 million NECHAMA volunteers take a break grant through federal stimulus /E lizabeth Roberts dollars, the only applicant in the LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR state to receive one thus far. from their hack-breaking labor ELIZABETH ROBERTS Shalom is also the first in the nation to receive approval for a FROM LEFT, FRONT, Mark Sweeberg, a volunteer through Temple Am David; Elie Lowenfeld, Outstanding wind turbine through the pro founder of Jewish Disaster Response Corps; Lori Jargo, a volunteer through Temple Beth-El; Dan gram, which will generate 80 Hoeft, NECHAMA's operations manager; Sarah Sellers and Heather Stern, NECHAMA volunteers volunteers will be percent of the property's common from Pennsylvania; Chad Ostlund, rear, left; and Dave Castle, rear, right, NECHAMA volunteers recognized area electricity. It should be up from Minnesota. They were at the site of a flood-damaged home in Greenville on Wednesday, April 21 . and running by the end of Sep B Y NANCY Kmsc u tember of this year.
[email protected] The grant was awarded through Volunteering is an honor the G reen Retrofi t Program for PROVIDENCE The multi-family housing, created Jewish Federation of Rhode through the A meri can Recov and a labor of love Island 's QFRI) annual meeting, ery and Reinves tment Act of smell of mold.