
A sample entry from the

Encyclopedia of and ( & : Continuum, 2005)

Edited by

Bron Taylor

© 2005 All Reserved Network on Conservation and Religion 1193

Levy, Robert I. Mesocosm: and the Organization WWF 1986) the standard for the activities (interfaith of a Traditional Newar City in Nepal. Berkeley: Uni- meetings, celebrations of specially designed versity of Press, 1991. like Harvest , environmental projects run by Slusser, Mary Shepherd. Nepal : A Cultural religious in collaboration with scientists Study of the Kathmandu Valley, 2 vols. Princeton, NJ: and the WWF, publication of more declarations) of the Princeton Press, 1982. Network from 1986–1995. During this , the WWF See also: – Tibetan; Hinduism; Mongolian Network on Conservation and Religion published a Buddhism and Taimen Conservation; Mountaineering; periodical The New Road, and in cooperation with WWF- ; Tibet and . International and ICOREC it helped pave the way for several other publications, including among others the series World and published by Cassell. Network on Conservation and Religion In 1995, the WWF Network on Conservation and Religion was subsumed by the Alliance of Religion and Conserva- In September 1986, to commemorate its 25th anniversary, tion, ARC. the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) founded a Network on Conservation and Religion. At the initiative of Tim Jensen the then-president of the WWF, Prince Philip of the UK, and Martin Palmer, director of ICOREC (the International See also: Alliance of Religion and Conservation; World Consultancy on Religion, and ), a Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). strange mix of environmentalists, including grassroot environmentalists, prominent officers of WWF-Inter- national, and representatives from the five so-called world religions (Buddhism, , Hinduism, and ) undertook a to Assisi, Italy, the birth- The New Age movement is an amorphous association of place of St. Francis, the Roman Catholic whom the people who identify primarily as spiritual explorers. Many Vatican had in 1979 given official status as a heavenly if not most feel that is at the dawn of entering protector for environmentalists. into a new of . The new Age of The final session was staged as a religious in , unlike its Piscean predecessor, is to be a time the basilica raised above the grave of St. Francis, and for balance between male and female qualities, the included apologies to First Peoples represented by a Maori elimination of aggression and power obsessions, and a warrior. Representatives of the religious read more in tune with the rhythms of nature and their declarations on religion and nature and pledged based on a more equitable development of poten- themselves to cooperate with each other and the WWF tial. New Age adherents or associates, inevitably charac- in order to help save the , Mother Earth, from terized by various forms of spiritual , are ecological disaster. The WWF Network on Religion and seekers after what they believe to be and . With Conservation (sometimes also called The New Alliance), this protean mix of nuance and the bizarre, the New Age was thus formally established. Other religions joined the itself remains among the more difficult of contemporary network in subsequent years, including Bahá’í, , spiritual developments to comprehend and portray, but and Daoism. as a “religion of commodification,” it parlays with any The behind the Network can be summarized as number of alternative medical or psychological methods follows: the religious traditions, with their spiritual and ranging from , , , ethical values as well as their billions of adherents and , , , Hermetic their impact on substantial geographical and cultural practice, and . areas all over the world, can cooperate with conservation- Beneath the popular image of New Age, its antecedents ists to make a substantial and durable contribution to derive from various venerable aspects of what Colin environmental thinking and practice. Though recognizing Campbell terms the “cultic milieu.” Among these we find that the religions in the past have not always contributed the Spiritualist, New and Theosophical traditions in a positive way to the conservation of the natural of the nineteenth century. From these particular orienta- environment, the Network sees them as an alternative tions, New Age inherits its practice of channeling spirits to a purely materialistic, dualistic, anthropocentric and or entities from other dimensions, its that both utilitarian which has been partly responsible illness and are or diseases of the , for creating the environmental crisis. and its understandings of and . The The in Assisi, and the issuing of the declarations “cultic milieu” is itself a mix of non-mainstream spiritual (published by WWF-International as The Assisi and esoteric ideas imported from the East and blended Declarations on Religion and Nature: Interfaith Ceremony, with Western and pagan notions. The bedrock New 1194 New Age

Age spiritual position is Gnostic or Transcendental and shifting rostrum of spokespeople, therapists and . seeks divine truth as something masked by the physical In short, its fluid organization or even non-organization phenomenal world. From this perspective, nature is con- makes it more of a consumer phenomenon than anything sidered ultimately an and something that must be that could be understood as traditionally religious. In , penetrated to gain access to “higher understandings.” New Agers frequently proclaim that they are not religious In the 1960s, at the in , Califor- but spiritual. This non-institutional nature and marketing nia, the Jewish-German ex-patriot introduced choice of New Age appears to be its underlying appeal. his Group with its stress on the of The New Age represents a if not the spiritual consumer immediate, authentic within a framework that supermarket that is steadily superseding the appeal of takes the mind/body as a holistic organism rather than a traditional religion in the . In the present- Cartesian . Perls, along with such seminal day of rapid , New Age may be cited thinkers as , Otto Rank, Kurt Lewin, and as an affirmation and celebration of spiritual choice. and such complementary practices as Abra- But this in turn leads to severe accusations of cultural ham Maslow’s Self-Actualization and ’s appropriation – especially from -endangered Psychosynthesis, launched the field of humanistic psy- peoples such as Native Americans and the Aboriginal chology from which the Growth and Human Potential peoples of Australia. As a rebuttal, New Age insists that movements took their birth. Beginning in California and the multi-cultural register is now public domain and quickly spreading beyond, Human Potential intertwined accessible to everyone. with the American psychedelic heritage and spawned In short, an inordinate amount of criticism is directed numerous self-help/psychophysical therapeutic practices. against its varied practices and more prominent beliefs. As these became increasingly integrated with the “cultic Foremost is the critique that dismisses New Age milieu,” the New Age as a self-conscious spiritual move- as essentially narcissistic. The self-preoccupation that ment began to evolve. has to do with “” only is described as touchy-feely, Following the of transpersonal airy-fairy, intellectually vapid and eclectically woolly. For from and concern with the trans- many, New Age is described as cheaply false, spiritually cendent potential of the individual in self-actualization, kitsch, and a mumbo-jumbo mash that is pastel-colored New Age represents the spiritualization of the Human and lavender-scented. Its central purpose is frequently Potential movement. Placing relationship with understood by the non-sympathetic as little more than an into a holistic worldview, any development of an ecology effort to make money from those reputedly foolish enough of self eventually includes an ecology of the planet and to purchase the many gimmicks and psychophysical the potential for cross-fertilization with the concerns of therapies that are marketed under the widely embracing deep ecology. Succinctly, and grounded by the astrological label of New Age. consideration that we are leaving an age of for the The New Age response to anti-religion criticism accepts new , the New Age is an of that religions have their roots in early practicalities and individual change that will coalesce into a quantum leap anxieties but argues that and the need for of consciousness. Following current of pragmatic solutions is no less a part of our ever-changing complexity that study spontaneous self-organization in and increasingly complicated world. The New Ager is also which the whole becomes more than simply the sum of its as likely to retort that if Christianity, Buddhism and the parts, New Age continues the of the counter- other major religions are now established, they were not culture of the 1960s as a modification if not refutation always so but were once themselves essentially new of contemporary cynical trends by affirming the of religious . Despite the wide range of beliefs as it relates to self-transformation, communal and practices that might fall under the general rubric of development and progressive global change. “New Age,” as a religious perspective, New Age is no less a While New Age derives from specific cultural or sub- shared attempt to understand what constitutes the world, cultural trends (, , humanistic and humanity and the and the relationships later transpersonal psychologies), it is nevertheless a dis- between them in ways that give meaning to participants’ parate conglomerate of different movements and/or lives and help them determine what is valuable within religions. Sociologically, it remains difficult to grasp. It is some sort of workable framework. The heart of New Age is neither a traditional church, identifiable , mainstream not such superficial peripherals as candles, crystals and denomination, nor a single unorthodox . There is no incense, but is instead the increasing in today’s institutional mechanism for determining membership or world of individual and cultural multiplicity countenancing expulsion, no one who can speak for the that religious choice is a personal decision. Insisting that movement as a whole, there is no list of , and there is religious truth is no longer the monopoly of private elites no register of membership. It is instead a loose series of or esoteric cabals, New Age religion may be said to repre- networks, often cellular and replicate, with a constantly sent a democratization of spirituality within the emergent New Age 1195 age that validates universal suffrage to individual – whether through meditation, yogic practice, spiritual prerogative. , personal discipline, human potential and/or Consequently, the shallow, scented and evasive pro- psychophysical therapy. The rationale is based on the clivities of what is termed characteristically New Age are belief that as individuals develop and transform, so too primarily a media-induced creation. The press has tended will both global and the human . to sensationalize the practice of channeling, use of crystals Personal enlightenment in enough numbers will bring and the for “flakiness,” but New Age itself may about collective enlightenment (i.e., a new age). The social be something more than these. As holistic theoretician dimension of New Age, on the other hand, is epitomized in describes it, there is an “Aquarian con- Ferguson’s 1980 publication of The Aquarian Conspiracy. spiracy” that endeavors and promotes humanitarian and Here the emphasis is on social service and pragmatic ecological consciousness. The problem for New Age in in the areas of educational, institutional, environmental gaining a respectable public image perhaps more with and remedial change. The concern is neither with the self the fact that decentralist empowerment policies, citizen nor with transcendental or magical assistance but with diplomacy missions, ecological and educational reform, concrete work that brings about empirical transformation. and integral thought do not sell newspapers. Apart from The social-service wing of New Age preoccupies itself the unresolved issue of cultural “theft,” New Age’s deepest with work and both humanitarian and ecological problem is a public relations issue. reform. Nevertheless, New Age appropriation from a truly When critics ignore the more serious and less sen- holistic perspective might constitute the movement’s sational sides of New Age, they tend to dismiss it as little Achilles’ heel. Inasmuch as New Age facilitators exploit more than a fad. New Age becomes accused of indigenous culture for financial profit and self- shallow, self-indulgent, escapist and superstitious – gratification, they remain largely insensitive to the sup- offering little more than a potpourri equivalent of snake- pression, denial and socio-economic constraint under oil cures. But once again, even to the degree that such which the traditional holders of such culture have labored. accusations may contain an element of accuracy, faddism They also appear to be callous with regard to the damage is simply New Age’s means and not its . New Age uses and destruction they cause to the heritage of people whose the currently popular to explore, and digest each identity and potential for survival are intimately con- religion’s , images, objects and “spiritual ” nected to their own spirituality. For those for whom know- as resources to understand their and usefulness. ledge is something that is privileged and not simply a While to date much of this pursuit can accurately be marketable commodity, the unscrupulous and ruthless labeled uncritical and insensitive, New Age’s insistence on exploiter of “sacred ” becomes simply a fraud, the undemanding and pleasant is simply a reflection of charlatan, liar and cheat. The “plastic” shaman and New present-day consumer-society mores. The critic accuses Age wannabe who claim that practicing native spirituality New Age of adopting the position that “anything goes,” is “their right” are condemned by those who feel robbed as but the reality of New Age experimentation is that every- seeking “a quick-fix or religious Band-Aid.” If it were true thing is tried and sampled. There are no restrictions. This that spiritual can no longer be privately owned, is the way it seeks to uncover meaning and value within a New Agers have consistently demonstrated a flagrant lack religious framework that applies as much to the individual of sensitivity to the broader consequences of this issue. as it might also to various collectivities, communities, Analytically, New Age may be broken down into three society or the planet. distinguishable and often overlapping orientations: Despite the great disparities of practice and pursuit occult, spiritual and social. Occult or esoteric New Agers encountered throughout the broad range of what can be accept the supernatural as a real and intervening in labeled as New Age, we find certain common denomi- human and terrestrial affairs. Frequently there is in this nators of belief. Among these there is the that orientation an expectation of violent or even apocalyptic we have all lived previously; that our present life is not our (storms, famine, earthquakes, pole shift, first or only life. This is largely to be traced to plagues) that will constitute the transition into the new Eastern ideas of reincarnation that New Age inherited era. There is general acceptance of a ex machina or from Theosophy. It is predicated upon the essentially divine intervention as the instigator if not designer of Gnostic belief that the cycle of rebirth is something from emergence. By contrast and which to escape and transcend. In this sense, New Age unlike the media-promoted occult side of New Age with its contrasts strongly with contemporary forms of Western associations of guides, channeling, crystal medita- that embrace the world as a desirable and tion and appropriation of symbols from different , welcome reincarnation as offering a means for the return the spiritual and social dimensions of New Age place their to earthly life. The corollary to this, therefore, is that New emphasis on human effort rather than supernatural inter- Age is less likely than Western Paganism to promote vention. The former stresses of the environmental . 1196 New Age

From its Spiritualist legacy, on the other hand, New Age is one spiritual that distinguishes New Age from accepts that we can communicate with the dead. Once the world’s other major religions, it is probably this. To again, this possibility relates to the that this life is not the degree that the “negative is encountered,” it is seen all that there is. With or without reincarnation, or at least simply as an “opportunity” for spiritual . between successive , there is, to use the And, finally, in keeping with its place in the Gnostic Spiritualist designation, Summerland – the realm of spirits lineage, New Age is the belief that spiritual truth comes in the beyond. Spiritualism insists that we can communi- from within. Insight is not a product of or cate with our deceased members and loved ones for external acquisition, but one of inner development and guidance, knowledge and confirmation. New Age has discovery. In this complete valorization of self-experience, tended to take this further and, especially through its New Age affirms its belief in both seekership and the Theosophical affinities, is less interested in the departed validation of private experience. In this sense, New Age as it is in contacting spiritual masters or mahatmas, offers a Gnostic form of – not a mysticism of extraterrestrial or space-brethren, and extra- escape as we find in Hinduism and Buddhism, nor quite dimensional discarnates. New Age is not concerned with the mysticism of union with that occurs with esoteric Spiritualism’s to prove the of life after Christianity or Sufism, but a mysticism of becoming a but rather with the acquisition of “higher ” god. and validity belong to the inner, private to assist one’s spiritual development in the here and now. individual where, for New Age, lies the source of truth. At the same time, as environmental alarm increases in the All these essential New Age beliefs – that we have lived world at large, New Age channeled messages have before, that we can communicate with discarnate forms revealed a growing turn toward more “green” issues. of consciousness, that we can heal ourselves and are in From its origins in , New Age assumes charge of our lives, and that spiritual truth is something that is an illusion of the mind. It seeks therefore to to be discovered within the sanctity of the self rather eradicate both illness and penury for the individual – at than in a sacred text, or from a pulpit, or through an least the evolved individual who comes to understand the ecclesiastical or via an act of external or almost limitless power of the human brain and its relation- transcendental grace – resonate with the contemporary ship to ultimate universal . For New Age, this forms of spirituality that appear increasingly to be turning translates into the that we can heal ourselves. Its away from traditional institutional forms. In our world of many Human Potential therapies from Rolfing, , today, spirituality is about choice – perhaps reflecting our , shiatsu, reflexology, t’ai chi, gestalt, encounter, bio- increased valuing of the consumer and the right to make energetics, , est, , , neo-shamanism, decisions that reflect personal needs and as apart Transactional and Transcendental Meditation from automatically following the dictates of established are simply different vehicles through which the New Ager authority. seeks self-healing. In other words, these techniques aim to Because of its Gnostic and Theosophical heritage, there assist the individual toward actualizing the implicit is an underlying throughout New Age to consider assumption that the negative is simply a figment of the the environment a secondary concern. At the same time, imagination. As New Age shaman Jonathan Horwitz however, the nature-as-illusion versus nature-as-real perceives the healing consequences of the illusory nature dichotomy has not been clearly articulated within much if of evil, the challenge arises from this to “network nature” not most New Age expression. Through such collective and halt the “slaughter of the environment” – using the efforts as Findhorn, and Esalen or such com- powers of the in the optimum way for the planet munal centers as , Sedona and Ojai, New Age and all its inhabitants. efforts develop immediate awareness of – and The Human Potential aspect of New Age also relates have direct impacts on – their local environments and directly to what could be identified as a fourth New Age have tended thereby to emerge as vanguard ecological belief, namely, that we are in charge of our lives. This models for the global audience. Experimentation and attitude, along with the belief that the negative or evil incorporation of organic farming methods, renewable of illness and deprivation is an illusion, comprises the energy sources, conservation techniques, , singular uniqueness of New Age: its insistence on the home-spun textiles, alternative technology, cottage indus- positive and utter denial of hindrance. In this sense alone, tries and cost-efficient production have shown that where New Age is an affirmation that demands the world to be New Age types of spirituality meet the Earth, they are as it wishes. of retribution, original and fully capable of developing a sustainable environmental become completely alien in the New Age equilibrium. Consequently, despite New Age’s affinity and context, and however naive and foolish such an attitude continuation of , the movement’s overall para- might be judged to be, New Age represents a daringly doxical nature as well as its interface with paganism and courageous spirituality that affirms the power of positive shamanism encourage a holistic inevitability that thinking as a means to obtaining progressive ends. If there encompasses not only whatever other concerns there are New Religious Movements 1197 with self and but also the well-being of the New Religious Movements planet as a place upon which “to walk gently.” The expression “” (NRM) is a term Michael York of designed to circumvent the negative con- notations that, sometimes correctly but perhaps more Further Reading often erroneously, have accrued in the public mind to Bloom, William, ed. Holistic : The Essential such sociological constructs as the “cult” and “sect.” More New Age Reader. London: Allen Lane/Penguin, accurate terminology might be “marginal religious move- 2000. ments” or “alternative religious movements.” These terms Bloom, William, ed. The New Age: An Anthology of avoid the question of when ought a group no longer be Essential Writings. London: Rider, 1991. classified as new, but “NRM” has emerged in the academic Brown, Michael. The Channeling Zone: American Spiritu- as the currently accepted and pragmatic ality in an Anxious Age. London: designation. Press, 1997. Among the higher-profile NRMs are the Church of Sci- Campbell, Colin B. “The Cult, the Cultic Milieu and entology, the Unification Church (the Moonies), ISKCON .” In Michael Hill, ed. A Sociological (International Society for Consciousness or the Yearbook of Religion in Britain 5. London: SCM Press, Hari ), The Family (formerly, the Children of 1972, 119–36. God) and Rastafarianism. Others more contentious in the Ferguson, Marilyn. The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal past but now generally less so, either through internal and Social Transformation in Our Time. Los Angeles: transformations or through changes in external percep- J.P. Tarcher, 1987. tion, include ’s Transcendental Grayling, Anthony C. and Michael York. “Should We Meditation, Maharaj Ji’s (now Treat New Age Beliefs with Respect?” : Elan Vital), followers of /Osho, , Saturday Review (6 February 1999). Summit Lighthouse/Church Universal and Triumphant, Hanegraaff, Wouter. New Age Religion and Western est/the Forum or Centres Network and . On the other Culture. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997. hand, certain groups have demonstrated various degrees Heelas, Paul. The New Age Movement: The Celebration of of violence – either self-directed against themselves (Jim the Self and the Sacralization of . Oxford: Jones’ Peoples of Guyana; Heaven’s Gate in San Blackwell, 1996. Diego; the Solar Temple in both Switzerland and Canada) Lewis, James R. and J. Gordon Melton, eds. Perspectives on or engineered against others (Aum Shin Rikyo in Japan) the New Age. Albany: SUNY, 1992. or as themselves the recipients of external violence Mears, Daniel P. and Christopher G. Ellison. “Who Buys (David Koresh’s in Waco, Texas). Less New Age Materials? Exploring Sociodemographic, prominent groups that come under the label of new Religious, Network, and Contextual Correlates of New religious movements include the Aetherius Society, Age Consumption.” of Religion 61:3 (2000), Raëlians, Kumaris, , , 289–313. , Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner York, Michael. “New Age and the Late Twentieth Century.” Awareness (MSIA)/Insight Transformational Seminars and Journal of Contemporary Religion 12:3 (1997), Nicheren Shoshu Buddhism/. In general, 401–19. NRMs that can be located as or through identifiably York, Michael. The Emerging Network: A Sociology of organized groups derive chiefly from the traditions of the New Age and Neo-pagan Movements. Lanham, Christianity, various forms of Eastern spirituality (Hindu, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 1995. Buddhist, Jain, Sikh or Sufi) or the more secular Human See also: Aboriginal Spirituality and the New Age in Aus- Potential Movement (including UFO groups). Nevertheless, tralia; Astrology; California Institute of Integral Studies; other influences and innovations found throughout the Celestine ; Cetacean Spirituality; Channeling; general alternative-spirituality market that Colin Campbell Dolphins and New Age Religion; ; Ecopsy- referred to as the cultic milieu continue to modify and chology; Ecotopia; Esalen Institute; / shape Christian, Eastern and secular NRMs. In addition, Community (Scotland); Harmonic Convergence; Rainbow less organized, structured and/or totalitarian religious Family; Re-Earthing; Rustlers Valley (); expressions have also emerged, namely, the more Shamanism – Neo; Steiner, Rudolf – and ; amorphous New Age and Contemporary Western Pagan Theosophy; ; ; movements. UFOs and Extra-terrestrials; ; Whales Many of the “older” NRMs developed as counter- and Whaling. responses to the 1960s in which radical experimentation and rejection of established social mores led to disorientation, polarization, hostility, confusion and