CAS 2017/A/5434 Olga Vilukhina V. International Olympic Committee (IOC)
CAS 2017/A/5434 Olga Vilukhina v. International Olympic Committee (IOC) ARBITRAL AWARD delivered by the COURT OF ARBITRATION FOR SPORT sitting in the following composition: President: Mr. Jacques Radoux, Legal Secretary at the European Court of Justice, Luxembourg Arbitrators: Prof. Philippe Sands Q.C., Barrister and Professor of Law, London, United Kingdom Prof. Petros C. Mavroidis, Professor of Law, Commugny, Switzerland in the arbitration between Ms. Olga Vilukhina, Russia Represented by Mr. Yvan Henzer, Attorney-at-Law with Libra Law, Lausanne Switzerland, as well as by Mr. Alexei Panich and Ms. Polina Pdoplelova, Attorneys-at-Law with Herbert Smith Freehills CIS LLP, Moscow, Russia Appellant and International Olympic Committee (IOC), Switzerland, Represented by Mr. Jean-Pierre Morand and Mr. Nicolas Français, Attorneys-at-Law with Kellerhals Carrard, Lausanne, Switzerland, and Ms. Tamara Soupiron, Legal Counsel, International Olympic Committee Respondent CAS 2017/A/5434 – Page 2 Table of Contents I. PARTIES ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 II. FACTUAL BACKGROUND AND PREVIOUS PROCEEDINGS ........................................................ 3 A. BACKGROUND FACTS ................................................................................................................................ 3 a. General facts .......................................................................................................................................
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