Experience [ Sustainable Transport Solutions ]
Scania australia EXPERIENCE [ SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT SOLUTIONS ] Fleets, farmers and families flock to NTG [ R 620 V8 ] Prime Mover Safer, cleaner, more frugal and luxurious, Shoobridge Transport finds the Scania New Truck Generation to be the cream of the crop. #1 – 2019 [ Contents ] 26 48 22 32 4 www.scania.com.au [ editorial ] Drive cleaner, safer vehicles uring the second half of 2018, we began to see the first of the New Truck Generation Scanias hit the road Din Australia. And as you’ll read within these pages, there are more to come. For me, it was very exciting to see 36 the NTG come to life here, after having been involved in the preparation phase at the factory over so many years. Even more pleasing was the very high level of interest and orders for the NTG across our diverse range of solutions. In particular, the response to our innovative standard safety equipment offer has been very positive. And our success in 2018 was not limited to record sales of trucks. Our Bus, Coach, Industrial and Marine engines divisions all generated record orders through the year, capped by the launch of the new Scania Touring in October. And yet we continue to have even more bold plans for growth, not only in sales, but also in customer after sales. We will strengthen our dealer network and open a second workshop in the Sydney area in 2019. We will welcome the new 7.0-litre 6-cylinder engine to our portfolio this year, for even greater competitiveness in the urban distribution and delivery markets.
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