KANSAS CITY, KANSAS LANDMARKS COMMISSION June 3 2019 Minutes The Kansas City, Kansas Landmarks Commission met in regular session on Monday, June 3, 2019, at 6:00 p.m., in the Commission Chamber of the Municipal Office Building, with the following members present: Mr. David Meditz, Chairman Presiding, Ms. Karen French, Vice Chairman, Mr. John Altevogt, Mr. Murrel Bland, Mr. Stephen Craddock, and Mr. Jim Schraeder, (Absent: Chamberlain, Taylor and Van Middlesworth.) Mrs. Melissa Sieben, Assistant County Administrator, Ms. Janet L. Parker, CSC/APC, Administrative Assistant, and Mr. Michael Farley, Planner, were also present. The minutes of the May 6, 2019 meeting were approved as distributed. Case Starts At :50: CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS #CA-2019-2 – JAMES GARNETT – SYNOPSIS: Certificate of Appropriateness for the demolition of a house at 809 Oakland Avenue, within the 500 foot environs of Sumner High School and athletic field, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Register of Historic Kansas Places and a Kansas City, Kansas Historic Landmark. Detailed Outline of Requested Action: This application has been submitted to demolish the home adjacent to the church. It is in the 500’ environs of Sumner High School and Athletic Fields. Recording Secretary Parker stated that this application was heard at the March meeting and was denied; the applicant was not present at the meeting. The applicant appealed the denial to the Unified Government Board of Commissioners which was heard on May 30, 2019. The Board of Commissioners referred the application back to the Landmarks Commission so it could hear the testimony from the applicant. Present in Support: Harold Simmons, representing the church James Garnett, applicant, representing the church Present in Opposition: No one appeared Staff Recommendation Starts At 10:18: Assistant County Administrator Sieben stated that the vacancy registry has been in effect for about one year and it was noted at the March meeting that this property should have been listed on the registry.
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