International Cultural Policies and Power J. Singh ISBN: 9780230278011 DOI: 10.1057/9780230278011 Palgrave Macmillan Please respect intellectual property rights This material is copyright and its use is restricted by our standard site license terms and conditions (see If you plan to copy, distribute or share in any format, including, for the avoidance of doubt, posting on websites, you need the express prior permission of Palgrave Macmillan. To request permission please contact
[email protected]. International Political Economy Series General Editor: Timothy M. Shaw, Professor and Director, Institute of International Relations, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad & Tobago Titles include: Hans Abrahamsson UNDERSTANDING WORLD ORDER AND STRUCTURAL CHANGE Poverty, Conflict and the Global Arena Morten Bøås, Marianne H. Marchand and Timothy Shaw (editors) THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF REGIONS AND REGIONALISM James Busumtwi- Sam and Laurent Dobuzinskis TURBULENCE AND NEW DIRECTION IN GLOBAL POLITICAL ECONOMY Bill Dunn GLOBAL RESTRUCTURING AND THE POWER OF LABOUR Myron J. Frankman WORLD DEMOCRATIC FEDERALISM Peace and Justice Indivisible Barry K. Gills (editor) GLOBALIZATION AND THE POLITICS OF RESISTANCE Richard Grant and John Rennie Short (editors) GLOBALIZATION AND THE MARGINS Graham Harrison (editor) GLOBAL ENCOUNTERS International Political Economy, Development and Globalization Patrick Hayden and Chamsy el- Ojeili (editors) CONFRONTING GLOBALIZATION Humanity, Justice and the Renewal