Alphabet Soup  SEO: The process of improving a website in order to garner traffic from free organic search results on search engines.  PPC: An important form of online where advertisers only pay a fee when one of their ads is clicked.  CTA: A prompt in an advertisement that motivates its audience to take an action.  CTR: An important measure of the effectiveness of a web advertisement or link.  CRO: Improving user experience in order to increase the success rate of getting website visitors to take a desired action.

A Site Unexamined  Analytics: As a free tool, Google Analytics is the industry standard for understanding your website's traffic.  Meta Tags: Be sure each of your pages has unique and well thought-out meta tags.  Spiders/Robots: spiders visit your website to download and analyze its content.  Inbound Links: You want to have links from quality sources that are also relevant to your vertical.  Mobile Traffic: Many websites don't work well on mobile devices. Have you checked yours?

Notable Networks  Facebook: Make content stand out with video and images, or consider using paid Facebook ads to reach the right audience.  Instagram: Brand adoption is rapidly increasing, and brands/companies post an average of 5.5 times per week.  Hashtags: Help with searchability and engagement across a wide range of networks including Facebook, Google+, Twitter.  YouTube: Youtube reaches more adults aged 18-24 than any other cable network.  Microvideo: The trend is rising in popularity because it delivers information quickly and captures the attention of viewers.

Reach the Top  Bounce Rate: This is the percent of users who navigate away from a website after only interacting with a single page.  Black Hat SEO: Google does not approve and will take manual or automatic actions against sites that use these techniques.  Organic Search Results: Having great content, a user-friendly site, and quality links will help you move up in the rankings.  Search Query: Understanding what people search for is the key to getting traction with your online ads.  : Use this in circumstances when you have created a link that you do not want to pass trust to or give a vote.

Story Time  : A growing tactic that focuses on building a relationship with your audience instead of the hard sell.  Marketing: An effective distribution strategy for your content marketing that offers a higher conversion rate.  WordPress: This customizable platform offers a vast array of options to publish and create websites.  LinkedIn: Considered the most effective network in generating B2B leads, driving 90% of the traffic to B2B blogs and sites.  SlideShare: Growing more and more important with 60 million views/month and 70% of traffic coming directly from search.

Buy Me Love  Keyword Research: An imperative step when building a PPC campaigns and for website search engine optimization.  Landing Pages: It is helpful to create special pages for web ads to create continuity and the best user experience  AdWords: Google's popular online platform that is based on the second auction model.  Yahoo!: You can simultaneously target Bing and Yahoo! Search results with Pay Per Click advertising on Bing’s platform.  Goals: An important activity that takes place on a website, such as a form completion or a phone call, is considered a conversion.

Want to Learn More about ? Contact Us! Eron Cohen, Digital Marketing Specialist, [email protected] Kelley Trosko, Director of Digital Marketing, [email protected] Julie Braverman, Digital Marketing Manager, [email protected] Christina Grieves, Social/Content Marketing Manager, [email protected]