J J I Exclusive Fall Coats New Fall Druses Blouses War Crimes Verdict
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' , . f . i M ■ i ■ noDJcr, xiJOTgr so. im m I ■ V jnmtrfr^atrr Etiifttittg ll^tfalb I- Avtnga OradailoR U m Waathar Ih r tfca H obEi at M tr. hwawMd at V .« . WaaEM oofporata in present ^Uclaa y ^ - Oaatar. Raiaatatmenta and convar- PhlUlp L. Damauay Squatrito Family oua advantsgsa avaUabla atona n a y also be effected at the Piklr, MO « E o w Register Bidif Veterans 4ar th* new N8LI law. local VA office, Mr. Sweeney | 8,909 .v«d read baa Joined _ "N 8U Week, • Sweeney conttnu- potatadouL army through tha recruiting aU* Holds a Reunion at tha AirfH tion m Hartford. ad, "emphasises anew the recent Naarbig New Pupib Hold Insurance libenllaaUon in the provlaiana of A reunion of tha Squatrito fam policlaa, broadening the scope of MonehmUr-^A CUy of VlUag^ Charm , _ IHM BOibw Ot HMchMUr Tha annual banquet of the ily was held laat night In the Give Shower Party Sm U tkd(«to on tiM Bona cheater Package Stow tawunmee by authorising wdow- Colony ResUurant on Farm Next Week Designated ment pollclea that wUl enable vet jf dmwtof of n 4-4oor win bold their 4th Public Schools to Be ington avenue In Hartford, operat For Miss McCooe MANCHESTER, C0NN„ SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1948 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN1E S | | i^ fg^aB* Tha drawlnc took Thuraday avenlng. Sept. 22 >t the ed by Ra Squatrito. tliia is the As National Service erans to aave for their old age or VOL. LXV„ NO. 283 ohMa laat Sunday at Um Bona of VlUa Louiaa. Bolton. Open Tuesday for Pur- their chlldren’a educ«Uon. also au first Ume In five yean that it has thorising modes o f letUement that oaUac tn Hartford. *nw ' pose of Enrolluient been possible to have a reunion of Life Insurance Week A miacellaneouB ahower waa giv drawn waa 6BS8-B but •nia Mary Cheney Library and the family. The affair waa attend permit paj'ment of Insurance, in the Weat Side Branch will be the event of death, in one lump aum en for Mias Kathryn McCooe, of S T a ta b did not boar any namo. ed by Mr. and Mra. John Lloyd The week of September 1 to 7, 113 Biaaell atreet. by her mother, IT tha hoMor of that Uckct reaidaa doaad on Labor Day. *■ All the public schools of Man or in monthly Installments rang Wants Big Three of Manchester. Mr. Uovd was re inclusive, has been designated by Mra. John McCooe. and siatera, Bi t»u« Ttcinity ha diould praaont chester will open for registration of cently discharged from the service. ing from 36 months to llfsUme In Romanian Payments Mias Bernadette and Misa Jeanette War Crimes Verdict Tha Alpina aoclety will not hold new pupils, September 3. between the govemora of the six New Eng comes. •In tickat to Hobart Oonoraal, Harry Squatrito, who has Just been McCooe. •tata Barbar ahop, Btaaall atreat, Ita regular monthly meeting tma the hours of 10 and 12 In the morn discharged was.alao prssent. He land stataa aa National Service "The new law alao removet re ing and 2 to 4 In the afternoon. It There were 25 gucatis present To End Sparring Bi ordar to maka hla claim. month. The neaLmeeUng vdU be leaves Monday for Fordham Uni IJfe Insurance Week, Thomas J. strictions on the choice of bene on October 6 at the Italian Amer is urged that all p>ipH« entering versity where he plana to complete ficiaries and offera an arrangement from this town and Hartford ican club on Eldrldge atreet. thi» Bchoolfl of Manohciter for tno Sweeney, Jr„ VA- contact repre for total disability income bene The gifts were arranged around ; Mr. and Mra. Harold K. Borat of his education. Mr. and Mrs. John first time be registered at that Casaie of Chicago, were also sentative In charge of the Man fits payable in the amount of fO and in a decorated basket under a Slated for Sept. 23; Washington, Aug. 31— —8aa-. minor polnta. Tharo la too much To Russia Adopted; #7 SdKWl atraot and Mr. and Mra. Mr. and Mra. Arthur Leduc and time to avoid delay on Wednesday, present. chester Veterans AdministraUon par month for each 31000 of insur decorated archway, using pink and ator P«pp.r (D-Fla) propoaad to- rooster fighting going on to d a y - Joaaph Roaoetto of Delmont atraet children, of Edmund atreet, have the opening day. office, announced today. ance without decreasing the face whltn color scheme. day another "Big Three" meeting too much eperring for poeitlon.'' vtalM Natural Bridye In Virginia A dinner was enjoyed with en return^ home after apendlng a Piipila will be admitted to kin tertainment following. Sal Squa Mr. Sweeney anUcipates that value of the policy," Mr. Sweeney After the many beautiful gifta of President Tnlman, Prime Minis Ha held both Sides equally ae- tbia araak. ten da3r*a vacation In Cheater, 1 a., dergarten only if they will become trito tang several selMtlons, Jack National Service Life Insurance said. were opened and admired games ter AtUee and Premier Btalln to oountable for thls,‘addlng: and at Atlantic City, N. J. 5 years of age on or before Jan Ryan did some ta | r dancing, Bill Week will be obeerved by local vet ’ 'Information on various other lib were j^yed.- end "rooster fighting" In Interna "I am not suggesting that we al Mra. L. E. DaVall of 4 Drive O. low ounelvaa to be pushed around ree on uary 1, 1847. They will be admitted a a rk aang IHah aongs and Jimmy, erans through reinstatement of eralisations in National Service A buffet lunch waa served by Complete Final Pleas tional rolaUona. IS. j W m iiices. Silver Lane Homaa, celebrated her Tha South Mancheater Fire De to first grsds only If they will be ah employee of the rwriaurant aang lapsed policies, conversion of S4ime Life Insurance effected by the new the boctesaea, the centerpiece be He told reporters, bafon leaving by Ruaala. Neither do I think that wedding annlveraary on Wednea- partment had two Area yeateiday. come six years of age on or bkfore a aong of hla own compoaitlon, policies to other forms more satis- legislation can be obtained from ing a lovely ahower cake. Miss on a West coast apeaklng tour, we should attempt to push Ruaala day evening w^th a dinner party January first, exdept that when that affatn have reached the point around.” Both ware itill alarma "Tired Hands,** which Is to be pub factory to the Individual holders, contact representatives at the lo McCooe ia to be married September Read Herald Advs. Fo^Power Recommea- attended by her daughter, Mra. waa a bruah Are on Memorial Flel^ they teaide in a district served by llahed li. the near future. and application for changes to In- cal VA office at Veterans Service 14. to Henry Wlttke of^Manche«ter. Tribunal Hears Impaa*! where the United States, Great Tbs Florida senator said ha be Denies He ia Corpse Perea at the Sharldan reataurant and tha other at al* o'clqck la* a school which has no kindergar Bendix Trophy Race Winner Britain and Buaala all ought to lieves the world might hava at- datiolM for $300,000i»- A moat enjoyable Ume waa bad by evening urfts an overflowing oil ten. they will be admitted to firat aioned Speeches by “back up andstart over.” eaped many of Ita praaent mlaun- all praaent. bumar at «S Maple atreet. No 1 grade if they reach their sixth Ringleaders of Hit*! "Ta# Much Rooster Fighting” dentandln^ If President Roosavalt 0 0 0 in Jlepara||oii3| anawerad tha firat alarm and No. birthday on of before March firat Pepper said a Big Three meeting had lived. Ha said he plans to urge a the aacond. of next year. ler’fi War Machine might "resolve the major conflicts weat coast Democrats to "auppoit And That Italian Bor^ All pupils entering achoola here / which will have to be settled before the Roosevelt program at noma der Be Adjusted in F ^ Tha regular meeting of the for the first time are requested to Denying Guilt for there can be agreement on more and abroad.* USWV to have'been held on Mon submit birth certificates or other , vor of France in Moat A day will be poatponed until Mon satisfactory evidence of date o f ' Four Hours; Justice 1 day, Septambar 16, on acfount of birth. In addition, evidence of Lawrence Praises Cenifi Plateau Region Labor Day. smallpox vaccination Is alao r e -. Win Favor T^ay qtilrcd. A ll Counsel— itL—JCase Expects Yugoslavs A special maetlng of Campbell Btia schedules will operate on the | I m council, Knighta of Columbus, was same plan as last year, subject to , Paris, Aug. 81.---^ (ff) «— held last night to take, action on the Nuernberg, Germany, Aug. mtw such adjiiatraenta as may appear Four-powor rfi<K>mmeiida1iaM 1 15^ death of Roger Sullivan, victim of necessary after schools hqvs been 81.—</P)—The verdict in the To Pay for Deaths CoBunander Ernest Peterson an explosion, In whlrh he suffered nine-month - old Nuernberg that Romania pay Sonat in operation for a few days. RussU 1800,000,000 in xwom^ InvItCB You To Gdt Complete bums, at the United Aircraft, All schools will open to operate war crimes trial will be giv * * Wednesday afternoon. Sullivan died on regular aessloim on Wednesday, Washington. Aug. 31—</P)— Ths • landed without loss of Ilfs Aug. f rations and that the Itania Details About The D.