An exploration of patient experiences accessing an Emergency Department for mental health crises. An untold story. Kim Edwards, CNC MHECSC ‐ Southern NSW LHD Researcher DipHlthSc(Nurs)(UN), BHlthSc(Nurs)(SCU), MMHN(NursPrac)(UWS) Correspondence: C/‐ Rose Roberts, Nurse Manager Goulburn Inpatient Services – Mental Health Southern NSW Local Health District Kenmore Hospital Administration Locked Bag 28 Goulburn NSW 2580 P| (02) 48 273666 E|
[email protected] Acknowledgement: This project was undertaken as a participant of the Rural Research Capacity Building Program – 2011 Cohort as provided by the NSW Health Education and Training Institute and would not have been possible without the training, support and guidance that the program offers. Specifically, I would like to acknowledge the following people: Emma Webster – for persistence, always being at the end of an email and never giving up David Schmidt – for delivering my light‐bulb moment about ontology and epistemology Dr Susan Samaskis – for giving me the research spark and keeping it alight The staff of Goulburn Base Hospital Emergency Department – for wanting to know Rose Roberts, Julie Mooney, Sue Fowler and David West – for believing in the importance of the research question and supporting the program Springfield House and the McDermott Centre – for the use of a quiet space My colleagues at Southern New South Wales Local Health District (Southern NSW LHD) Mental Health Services – for listening and unconditional support An exploration of patient experiences