Download FIFA Third Superseding Indictment
AES:SPNIMKMIKDE/PTH/KTF/Dl\.1P/BDM F.#2015R00747 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ----------------------- - - - - X UNITED STATES OF AMERJCA SUPERSEDING INDICTMENT - against - Cr. No. 15-252 (S-3) (PKC) HUGOnNKIS, (T. 8, U.S.C., § 145 l(e); T. 18, U.S.C., MARIANO nNKIS, §§ 98l(a)(l)(C), 982(a)(l), 982(a)(6), FULL PLAY GROUPS.A., 982(b), 1343, 1349, 1425(a), HERNAN LOPEZ, l 956(a)(2)(A), l 956(h), 1962( d), 1963, CARLOS MARTINEZ, 1963(a), 1963(m), 2 and 3551 et~.; GERARD ROMY, T. 21, U.S.C., § 853(p); T. 26, U.S.C., ARJEL ALVARADO, § 7206(2); T. 28, U.S.C., § 246l(c)) MANUEL BURGA, Luis CHIRIBOGA, MARCO POLO DEL NERO, EDUARDO DELUCA, EUGENIO FIGUEREDO, JOSE LUIS MEISZNER, A TI{U£-COP. • ROMER OSUNA, ' A· f;IT:'.ST • . DATE -?J,.r;. r{)) / q ioU RICARDO TEIXEIRA, W)UQ'LASC. P,~MER -_ REYNALDO VASQUEZ and JACK WARNER, Defendants. ---------------------------X THE GRAND JURY CHARGES: IN1RODUCTION TO ALL COUNTS At all times relevant to this Superseding Indictment (the "Indictment"), unless otherwise indic:;ited: I. The Enterprise 1. The Federation Internationale de Football Association ("FIFA'') and its six constituent continental confederations-the Confederation ofN01th, Central American and Caribbean Association Football ("CONCACAF"), the Confederaci6n Sudamericana de Futbol ("CONMEBOU'), the Union des Associations Europeennes de Football ("UEF A"), the Confederation Africaine de Football ("CAF"), the Asian Football Confederation ("AFC") and the Oceania Football Confederation C'OFC")-together with affiliated regional federations, national member associations and sports marketing companies, collectively constituted an "enterprise/ ' as defined in Title 18, United States Code, Section 1961(4), that is, a group of legal entities associated in fact (hereinafter the "enterp1ise").
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