41 bus time schedule & line map

41 Newbury - - - - View In Website Mode Bradeld -

The 41 bus line (Newbury - Thatcham - Cold Ash - Chapel Row - Bradeld - Theale) has 6 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) : 1:30 PM (2) Bradeld: 10:25 AM (3) Cold Ash: 4:25 PM (4) Newbury: 11:51 AM (5) Thatcham: 8:50 AM - 10:42 AM (6) Theale: 2:32 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 41 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 41 bus arriving.

Direction: Beenham 41 bus Time Schedule 21 stops Beenham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Broadway, Thatcham The Broadway, Thatcham Tuesday 1:30 PM

Bradley Moore Square, Thatcham Wednesday Not Operational

Billington Way, Thatcham Thursday 2:10 PM Friday 1:30 PM Cold Ash Hill Southend, Thatcham Saturday Not Operational Hatchgate Close, Cold Ash

Cold Ash Post Oce, Cold Ash Strouds Meadow, Thatcham 41 bus Info Cold Ash Primary School, Cold Ash Direction: Beenham Stops: 21 St Finians School, Cold Ash Trip Duration: 34 min Line Summary: Broadway, Thatcham, Bradley Peach's Stores, Upper Moore Square, Thatcham, Billington Way, Thatcham, Cold Ash Hill Southend, Thatcham, Hatchgate Close, Cold Ash, Cold Ash Post Oce, Cold Ash, Cold Ash Pease Hill, Upper Bucklebury Primary School, Cold Ash, St Finians School, Cold Ash, Peach's Stores, Upper Bucklebury, Pease Hill, The Blade Bone, Chapel Row Upper Bucklebury, The Blade Bone, Chapel Row, Beenham Hatch, Chapel Row, Lane, Beenham Hatch, Chapel Row Southend, Wellington Gardens, Southend, Heath South End Road, Bucklebury Civil Road, Southend, Bradeld Village Hall, Bradeld, Beenham Hatch, Chapel Row, Six Bells Ph, Beenham, Hungerford Lane, Southend Recreation Ground, Beenham, Victory Hall, Beenham, Stoneyeld, Beenham Wellington Gardens, Southend

Heath Road, Southend Heath Road, Bradeld

Bradeld Village Hall, Bradeld

Beenham Hatch, Chapel Row Six Bells Ph, Beenham

Recreation Ground, Beenham

Victory Hall, Beenham

Stoneyeld, Beenham Church View, Beenham Civil Parish Direction: Bradeld 41 bus Time Schedule 9 stops Bradeld Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 10:25 AM Broadway, Thatcham The Broadway, Thatcham Tuesday 10:25 AM

Peach's Stores, Upper Bucklebury Wednesday 10:25 AM

Pease Hill, Upper Bucklebury Thursday 10:25 AM Friday 10:25 AM The Blade Bone, Chapel Row Saturday Not Operational Beenham Hatch, Chapel Row South End Road, Bucklebury Civil Parish

Hungerford Lane, Southend 41 bus Info Wellington Gardens, Southend Direction: Bradeld Stops: 9 Heath Road, Southend Trip Duration: 16 min Heath Road, Bradeld Civil Parish Line Summary: Broadway, Thatcham, Peach's Stores, Upper Bucklebury, Pease Hill, Upper Bradeld Village Hall, Bradeld Bucklebury, The Blade Bone, Chapel Row, Beenham Hatch, Chapel Row, Hungerford Lane, Southend, Wellington Gardens, Southend, Heath Road, Southend, Bradeld Village Hall, Bradeld Direction: Cold Ash 41 bus Time Schedule 9 stops Cold Ash Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 4:25 PM Broadway, Thatcham The Broadway, Thatcham Tuesday 4:25 PM

The Blade Bone, Chapel Row Wednesday 4:25 PM

Scotland Corner, Chapel Row Thursday 4:25 PM Friday 4:25 PM Pease Hill, Upper Bucklebury Saturday Not Operational Byles Green, Upper Bucklebury

Peach's Stores, Upper Bucklebury

St Finians School, Cold Ash 41 bus Info Direction: Cold Ash Cold Ash Primary School, Cold Ash Stops: 9 Trip Duration: 63 min Cold Ash Post Oce, Cold Ash Line Summary: Broadway, Thatcham, The Blade Bone, Chapel Row, Scotland Corner, Chapel Row, Strouds Meadow, Thatcham Pease Hill, Upper Bucklebury, Byles Green, Upper Bucklebury, Peach's Stores, Upper Bucklebury, St Finians School, Cold Ash, Cold Ash Primary School, Cold Ash, Cold Ash Post Oce, Cold Ash Direction: Newbury 41 bus Time Schedule 17 stops Newbury Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Stoneyeld, Beenham Church View, Beenham Civil Parish Tuesday Not Operational

Victory Hall, Beenham Wednesday Not Operational

Recreation Ground, Beenham Thursday 11:51 AM Friday Not Operational Six Bells Ph, Beenham Saturday Not Operational Beenham Hatch, Chapel Row

The Blade Bone, Chapel Row

Scotland Corner, Chapel Row 41 bus Info Direction: Newbury Pease Hill, Upper Bucklebury Stops: 17 Trip Duration: 37 min Byles Green, Upper Bucklebury Line Summary: Stoneyeld, Beenham, Victory Hall, Beenham, Recreation Ground, Beenham, Six Bells Ph, Beenham, Beenham Hatch, Chapel Row, The Blade Peach's Stores, Upper Bucklebury Bone, Chapel Row, Scotland Corner, Chapel Row, Pease Hill, Upper Bucklebury, Byles Green, Upper St Finians School, Cold Ash Bucklebury, Peach's Stores, Upper Bucklebury, St Finians School, Cold Ash, Telephone Box, Ashmore Telephone Box, Green, West Community Hospital, Newbury, Hawthorn Road, Newbury, Park Way Top, Community Hospital, Newbury Newbury, Park Way, Newbury, Newbury Wharf, Rookes Way, Newbury Civil Parish Newbury

Hawthorn Road, Newbury

Park Way Top, Newbury Park Way, Newbury

Park Way, Newbury Parkway, Newbury

Newbury Wharf, Newbury Wharf Road, Newbury Direction: Thatcham 41 bus Time Schedule 18 stops Thatcham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:50 AM - 10:42 AM Bradeld Village Hall, Bradeld Tuesday 8:50 AM - 10:42 AM Heath Road, Southend Heath Road, Bradeld Civil Parish Wednesday 8:50 AM - 10:42 AM

Wellington Gardens, Southend Thursday 8:50 AM - 10:42 AM Friday 8:50 AM - 10:42 AM Hungerford Lane, Southend Saturday Not Operational Beenham Hatch, Chapel Row

The Blade Bone, Chapel Row

Scotland Corner, Chapel Row 41 bus Info Direction: Thatcham Pease Hill, Upper Bucklebury Stops: 18 Trip Duration: 21 min Line Summary: Bradeld Village Hall, Bradeld, Byles Green, Upper Bucklebury Heath Road, Southend, Wellington Gardens, Southend, Hungerford Lane, Southend, Beenham Peach's Stores, Upper Bucklebury Hatch, Chapel Row, The Blade Bone, Chapel Row, Scotland Corner, Chapel Row, Pease Hill, Upper St Finians School, Cold Ash Bucklebury, Byles Green, Upper Bucklebury, Peach's Stores, Upper Bucklebury, St Finians School, Cold Cold Ash Primary School, Cold Ash Ash, Cold Ash Primary School, Cold Ash, Cold Ash Post Oce, Cold Ash, Hatchgate Close, Cold Ash, Cold Ash Post Oce, Cold Ash Cold Ash Hill Southend, Thatcham, Billington Way, Strouds Meadow, Thatcham Thatcham, Bradley Moore Square, Thatcham, Broadway, Thatcham Hatchgate Close, Cold Ash

Cold Ash Hill Southend, Thatcham

Billington Way, Thatcham Grindle Close, Thatcham

Bradley Moore Square, Thatcham Bradley Moore Square, Thatcham

Broadway, Thatcham The Broadway, Thatcham Direction: Theale 41 bus Time Schedule 24 stops Theale Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 2:32 PM Broadway, Thatcham The Broadway, Thatcham Tuesday 2:32 PM

Bradley Moore Square, Thatcham Wednesday 2:32 PM

Thursday 2:32 PM Billington Way, Thatcham Friday 2:32 PM Cold Ash Hill Southend, Thatcham Saturday Not Operational Hatchgate Close, Cold Ash

Cold Ash Post Oce, Cold Ash Strouds Meadow, Thatcham 41 bus Info Cold Ash Primary School, Cold Ash Direction: Theale Stops: 24 St Finians School, Cold Ash Trip Duration: 38 min Line Summary: Broadway, Thatcham, Bradley Peach's Stores, Upper Bucklebury Moore Square, Thatcham, Billington Way, Thatcham, Cold Ash Hill Southend, Thatcham, Hatchgate Close, Cold Ash, Cold Ash Post Oce, Cold Ash, Cold Ash Pease Hill, Upper Bucklebury Primary School, Cold Ash, St Finians School, Cold Ash, Peach's Stores, Upper Bucklebury, Pease Hill, The Blade Bone, Chapel Row Upper Bucklebury, The Blade Bone, Chapel Row, Beenham Hatch, Chapel Row, Hungerford Lane, Beenham Hatch, Chapel Row Southend, Wellington Gardens, Southend, Heath South End Road, Bucklebury Civil Parish Road, Southend, The Queens Head, Southend, War Memorial, Bradeld, Buscot Hill Top, Bradeld, Hungerford Lane, Southend Bradeld College, Bradeld, Lone Barn, Bradeld, Chalkpit Cottages, Engleeld, The Street, Engleeld, Wellington Gardens, Southend Theale Green School, Theale, The Crown, Theale

Heath Road, Southend Heath Road, Bradeld Civil Parish

The Queens Head, Southend

War Memorial, Bradeld

Buscot Hill Top, Bradeld

Bradeld College, Bradeld

Lone Barn, Bradeld

Chalkpit Cottages, Engleeld

The Street, Engleeld

Theale Green School, Theale

The Crown, Theale 4 High Street, Theale

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