Publications State Historical Society of \\7Isconsin L\1Ilo ~-1. ()Uaif~

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Publications State Historical Society of \\7Isconsin L\1Ilo ~-1. ()Uaif~ Publications OF THE State Historical Society of \\7isconsin Edited bv l\1ilo ~-1. ()uaif~......, Superintendent of the Soc:ety Wisconsin Historical Publications Calendar Series Volume l COVERXOR DIXWIDDIE SU:\I:\IONS THE VIRGINIA NlILITIA Publications of the State Historical Society J of Wisconsin Calendar Series, Volume I The Preston and. Virginia Papers OF THE Draper Collection of Manuscripts Madison Published by the Society 1915 ~ublisutb bp §utboritp of 1latu 750 COPIES PRINTED D:BlMOCRAT l 1 RlNTJNG CO. STATE PRINTER Contents Page Facsimile of Gov{.,rnor Din'" idd:ie·s sumrnc,:us tc Virginia 2\-iilitia . Frontispiece Prefatory Note V Papers of William Preston . 1 Virginia :Manuscripts 14:1 Index 310 Prefatory Note Students of .. A.n1erican history require no introduction, at this late <lay, to the Draper Collection of :\Ianuscripts in the Wisconsin State Historical Library. Fo1: many years they have been constautly dra,vn upon by historical inYestigators. Around the1n as a nucleus has been develope_d a great historical library, manuscript and printed, to ,vhich all serious investigators of the frontier phase of American history must ultimately resort. · l\iany years ago the late superintendent of the Society, Dr. R. G. Thwaites, published a descriptive list of its manuscript collection. · The present volume marks the first step toward the publication of a detailed calendar of the Draper l\1anuscripts. In detern1ining the contents of the volumes of the f ortheoming sei·ies it has been deemed best to conform. to the sc_heme of classification adopted for the original manuscripts. The present volume calendars the Preston and the Virginia series of manu­ scripts. The former comprise six and the latter sixteen of the four hundred and sixty-nine. bound volumes in the Draper Collection. A brief description of the contents of the t,vo series may be found on pages 60-64 and 91-98 of the 1906 edition of the Descriptive List of lilanuscript Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, * :j!: * edited by Reuben G. Thwaites. The 1narginal pressmark in­ dicates the location oi the original docun1ent in the Draper Collection. The number before the letters shows in which volume of the series the document occurs, the letters designate the series, while the number fol­ Io·wing the letters indicates the page or pages of the volume occupied by the docun1ent. To illustrate, in the case of the first document calen­ dared the pressmark 16ZZ1-35 means that the docun1ent is found in the Virginia Series, volume xvi, pages 1-35. The ·work of calendaring the volume has been performed by l\iliss ~Iabel Clare Weaks, chief of the division of maps and manuscripts. The preparation of the copy for the press bas been the ,vork of l\iiss Annie A .. Nunns, assistant superintendent of the Society, and Miss Eleanore E. Lothrop, the superintendent's seeretary. l\L l\L QUAIFE. 1 '1ra,.._, '• 11· •~'-'c,"11 ',' "fa·"'"h.,,.,, l '- ' ..&.. 91-191:_. PRESTON MANUSCRIPTS [c1730] Macky, Robert. London. Letter to Capt. James Patton, APR. 7 St. Columb, Cornwall, [England]. His in­ ability to secure position for William 8te,vart 1QQ2 in a counting-house; recomn1endation of his uncle and Craghead as commission dealers ; ne,vs from Ireland through . his cousin Joseph Ewin [g]. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Mr Don­ aldsons Letter. 1731 Milaer, Maj. J. 0. Ballycassidy, [Ireland]. Letter to JAN.17 Mrs. Rebecca Daviss, Dublin. In reply to letter of 13th inst. regarding arrangements for the lQQI support of her brother's daughter, Katharine. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: lVIajor Millers Letter. 1738-39 Beverley, William. Essex County, [Va.] Statement of ac- 1\Li\.R. 17- count against Capt. James Patton, Whitehaven. JAN. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Capt. Patton's accot & 1QQ3 plats. 1738 Burke, Peter. Indenture to James Patton for five years' APR. 28 service in return for his passage to America, and for food, clothing, and lodging. Witnessed 1QQ4 by William Walker, Lord l\:Iayor. Printed form filled in, signed by mark. 1 p. Endorsed: Peter Burke his Indentures for 7 years. The Ship arrived in Virgina. ye 23 of August 1738. 1742 Gooch, Lieut.-Gov. William. Williamsburg, Va. Com- APR. 24 mission to James Patton as lieutenant-colonel of militia in Augusta County. D. S. 1 p. 1\1:u- 1QQ6 tilated. [1742?] Borden, Benjamin. Lease to John Buchanan of 634 acres JULY 15 of land in Augusta County, Va., being part of a tract of 92,100 acres granted to Borden, Nov. [ 1 ] Wisconsin Historical Society IQQ5 6, 1739. Witnessed by Robert Coulton, Charles Donahee, and George Moffett. R-ecorded in Orange County. Printed form filled in, signed. 1 p. Dfutilated. [1742] Augusta County, [Va.] Proceedings of militia court- SEPT. 15 martial. Names of officers present; appoint­ ment of Thomas Le,vis as clerk; prescribed lQQIB-22 oath; returns of delinquents; trial of same. Signed by James Patton. Contemporary copy. 5 pp. [1742] Augusta County, [Va.] lVIuster-book of militia. William Beverley, County-Lieutenant:- and James Pat­ lQQl0-17 ton, Colonel. Rolls of Captains John Smith, John Buchanan, James Cathey, John Christian, Peter Shoull, James Gill, John Willson, George Robinson, and John l\,IeD01vell. [Rolls of Cap­ tains Andrew Le,vis., Sa1nuel Gay, and Hugh Thon1pson not given]. A. D. 8 pp. Printed: V'irginia. 1llagazine of History, 1901, viii, pp. 278-283. 1743 Augusta County, [Va.] Proceedings of militia court- SEPT. 14 martial. Names of officers present; awards for the killiDg of wolves; exemptions from service in 1QQ23, 24 the militia; the third Wednesday in September, 1744, appointed for general muster. Signed by James Patton. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 1743 Gooch, Lieut.-Gov. Willian1. Williamsburg, Va. Com- OcT. 25 1nission to James Patton as collector of duties arising from the importation of horses into Au- lQQS gusta County. Signature cut a,vay. 1 p. Mutilated. 1743 Gooch, Lieut.-Gov. William. Williams.burg, Va. Co1n- OcT. 25 n1ission to James Patton as collector of duties upon skins and furs in Augusta County. The 1QQ7 College of William and Mary to receive the pro­ ceeds. D. S. 1 p. l\futilated. 1744 Augusta County, [Va.] Proceedings of militia conrt­ SEPT. 21 n1artial. Nan1es of officers present; list of claims for killing ,volves; orders concerning IQQ25, 26 awards; the court to n1eet on third Tuesday in [ 2 ] Papers of William Pre$ton January at residence of Maj. John Pickens; re­ turns of tithables and delinquents to be made. Signed by James Patton, President. Contem.., porary copy. 2 pp. 1744 [Augusta County, Va.] A plan of 16,500 acres of land lying on the Great or West River of the Calf 1QQ9 Pasture * * * Shows lands · of Alexander Dunlap, William Jameson, Thomas Gilham, Robert Crockett, David Davis, Thomas Weems, Henry Gay, Francis Donnally, Robert Gay, Samuel Hodge, John Miller, Robert Bratton, James Lockridge, John Graham, Robert Gwin, John Preston, William Warwick, James Carlile, Jacob Clements, John Campbell, and James Carter. A. D. 1 p. 1744-45 Augusta County, [Va.] Proceedings of militia court­ [1745] martial held at residence of Maj. John Pickens .. JAN. 15 Names of officers present; Thomas Lewis, Clerk,. ordered to receive tax money collected by cap­ 1QQ27, 28 tains of the several companies; claims for killing -wolves; a general muster to be held the second'. Tuesday in September, 1745, at Colonel Bever­ ley's mill. Signed by James Patton, President. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 1745 Little, Thomas. Order on Sheriff of Augusta County, MAR. 6 [Va.] for amount of judgment obtained against Col. John J.Jewis. On the reverse is John Mow­ 1QQ38 port's receipt to James Patton for £4 11s. 6¾d.,. Apr. 17, 1746. A. D.S. 1 p. Endorsed: M_r Little order upon ye Sher of Augusta. 1745 Augusta County, [Va.] Proceedings of militia court- SEPT. 11 martial. Names of officers present; George Hume's charge for running dividing line be- 1QQ29, 30 tween Frederick and Augusta counties; inspec­ tion of accounts of Thomas Lewis; assessment of fines; persons summoned to appear before the next court-martial; general muster to be held the first Tuesday in September, 1746 .. Signed by James Patton, President. Contem­ porary copy. 2 pp. [ 3] Wisconsin Historical Society 1745-51 [Buchanan, John]. '' Memorandums Releting Sundrey OCT. 4- passages with Respect to my Journey to Wood's MAY 28 River commencing ye 4 of octobr 1745. '' Includes a diary of his trip to Wood's River, during Octo­ 1QQ38-56 ber, 1745, which was evidently undertaken for the purpose of selling land ; gives names of set­ tlers with whom he lodged, and with whom he transacted business; refers to Peter SaUing's journal; miscellaneous accounts; Borden's deeds; court returns. A. D. 25 pp. 1745 [Augusta County, Va.] Proceedings of a committee of Nov. 13 the court-martial. Members: James Patton, John Buchanan, and William Thompson. Al­ 1QQ31 lowance made to the widow Dowchar [ 1] ; adop­ tion of measures relating to collection of county taxes and the killing of ,volves. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 1746 Augusta County, [Va.] Proceedings of militia court­ SEPT. 3 martial. Names of officers present; Captains William Evans, Crockett, and Daniel Harrison }QQ32-34 refuse to serve longer; assessment of fines; orders concerning payment of certificates for killing wolves; appointment of committee_ to in­ spect accounts of sheriff and clerk of court­ martial; exemptions from paying levy and mus­ tering; general muster to be held first Tuesday in September, 1747. Signed by James Patton. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 1746 Patton, Col. James, Col. James Wood, Col. John Bu­ OCT. 10 chanan, and Capt. George Robins on. Articles of agreement between grantees of tract of 1QQ57, 58 100,000 acres of land on Wood's River, as to terms of sale and settlement of the said grant.
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