\ /^nr I C r\ C D C \ 4 r\ \ / A 1 adequate space and facilities imperatively demanded by its rapid growth i>VJ 1 li^C Vjr KciVlUVAl AMKRICAN AKCHIT'ECT has moved to new and commodious offices in tLe ^ »v^i.Ti T ^ IThirty nmth Street Euildrng. 230 ^est ;3(/t h Street.


Urgular CDition

Vol. xciii. JUNE 24, 1908 No. leoe.

\i\v r.rii.niNG FOR THE NATIONAI. Mfsr.rM. W'ASI!! XCTON-, D. C. ... 203

DoME.sTii WoKK OF THE RENAissAM i-: IN K.NT.i.AND (Part IT.^ 205





EDITORIAL COMMENT 210 Commendable Resolutions Adopted by the National Fire Protec• tion Association. Recent Collapse of I'.uildiii.Lj in \\•a^hinJ,^on Calls Attention to Ap• parent Necessity of Improvement in Building Laws Through• out the Country.

ILLUSTRATIONS: The New National Museum. Washington. D. C. (8 pages).

Additional, International Edition: Interior of Cloister. Tours Cathedral. Tours. T'rance. Court in the .Archiepiscopal Palace, Milan. Italy.


Entered as secoiul cluss matter November 18. WA. at tlie Pont OfBce at New York, N. Y'.. under the Aft of Congress. March 3, 1S79, The American Architect and Building News. [Vol. XCIII.—No. 1696.

Established 1^30 ROMAN STONE THE ROBERT C. FISHER COMPANY, A manufactured but NOT an IMITATION STONE. Each stone being finished and tooled after casting gives Successors to FISHER & BIRD the material the cxacl appearance of natural stone. See full page Ad. in this paper of July 20th. MARBLE. MOSAICS and TILING The STANDARD BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CO. 828 Fulton Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. I39th-140lh Sts.—Locust Ave. and East River. New York

EDISON PORTLAND CEMENT 85% Thru 200 98% Thru 100 C Eminent authorities all agree that the finer clinker is ground the better the cement. C It costs more to grind 10% finer than other brands, but— "WE DON'T CARE!" • 'FINENES f he finer a cement is ground, the bettor its quality. Water .icts only on the finer particles, while the coarser particles are almost always inert. The liner a cement is around the tjreater will be its covering cai»city; thoreforcj^the greater its value as a cementina material. To produce the greatest

blow or disintegrate than a coarse one, since the free or loosely combined lime, being in fine particles, is thoroughly broken up and readily rendered innocuous by the water when,it is addedided."—. (H. A. RETD, Assoc. M. Am. Soc. C. E., Assl. Engr. Bureau of Butldings, .V. Y. City, in ' Concrats and Reinforced Concrete Construction.") ST. J.l.nES BUILOIXU, NEW YOUK.

WHAT BOILER DID YOU SPECIFY.? There is satisfaction for you and your client in BOSTON COPPER BOILERS BY TEST, THE BEST Let us send you illustrated F) A H T (^\]\ !V1 PO 38 WEST THIRD STREET booklet and rrw,: list :: :: L/A Tl U 10 1 iVlTO. V^U., SOUTH BOSTON

HOME MECHANICAI' Dl^ ^TTTDY '-o"'^" Reinforced Concrete SAMSON SPOT ^ ^ ^ ^ Construction. Structural Drafting. Heating. Ventilation. Plumbing. Wiring. Superin• tendence, Estimating. Architectural, Perspective and SASH CORD Mechanical Drawing. Catalogue free on request AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CORRESPONDENCE. Chicajfo


Dexter Bros Co S K Silver Lake Co. (e.o.w.) Ka\vneer Mfg. Co. (e.o.w.) Smith Co.. H. B. (e.o.w )..._ 37 Alscn Cement 39 Dixon Crucible Co.. Jos .lo Keasby & Mattison Co Society of Beaux-Arts Architects. 30 American Luxfer Prism Co 33 Dunning, W, D .18 Kewanee Boiler Co 3.S Standard Building Construction American Mason Safety Tread Co. 34 Co » American Radiator Co. (e.o.w.).. L Edison Portland Cement Co Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co 38 American School of Correspond• Leader Iron Works (e.o.w.) 11 Elevator Supply and Repair Co. Stanley Works 34 ence 3 Loomis-Manning Filter Co 34 (e.o.w.) Staples Valve Co 11 American System of Concrete Re• Lowe Bros. Co., The (e.o.w.) .... i$ Estabrook's Sons, R St. Louis Portland Cement Co... 40 inforcing (e.o.w.).. 8 LufkinRuleCo 3.'; Expanded Met.al and (Corrugated Smith ii Anthony Co J Art Metal Construction Co 36 Bar Co. (e.o.w.) M Artesian Well & Supply Co. Marquette Cement Mfg. Co 40 T (e.o.w.). Merchant & Evans Co. (e.o.w )... Taylor. J. W 3<> Atlantic Terra Cotta Co 14 Faber. A. W. (e.o.w.) Monument Pottery Co .so Thorn CTo . J. S. (e.o.w^ Atlas Portland Cement Co 39 Fisher Co.. Robert C a Mullins Co.. The W. H. (e.o.w.).. 13 Thorp Fireproof Door Co 7 Follansbee Bros, (e.o.w.) i'> Murdock Shaw Co. (e.o.w.) , Triumph Ice Machine Co. (e.o.w.) B French & Co., Samuel H 34 Trussed Ojncreie Steel Co 10 N Bedford (Juarries Co., The •1 Frink. LP 35 Bcrgcr Mfg. Co 3" National Fireproofing Co z$ U Bird. P. W. (o.a.m^..., G National Lead Cx> 0 U S. Changeable Sign Co 31) Brown Bros. Mfg. Co. (e.o.w.).. Gabriel Concrete Reinforcement National Regulator Co 34 U. S. Mail Chute Equipment Co. Burt Mfg. Co. (e.o.w.) Co 16 Neuchatel Asphalt Co i') (o.a.m.) General Firenroofing Co. (e.o.w.) Never-Split Scat Co U. S Mineral Wool Co 3S Gilbreth. Frank B 12 New York Belting & Packing Co. Union Fiber Co. le.o.w.) 35 C^bot, Samuel, Inc i() Globe Ventilator Co 39 (e.o.w.) 32 Universal Portland Cement Co... 40 Campbell. Walter M 30 Gorham Co. (o.a.m.) Northwestern Terra Cotta Co. University of Illinois 36 (iardinell-Vincent Co < 7 Griffin & Co 3'' (e.o.w.) to Un-versity of Michigan 36 Carter White Lead Co 3'; Gumey Heater Mfg. Co 40 University of Pennsylvania. 36 Guastavino, 1< CJarver Geo. P 36 ' ' Okonite Co. (Ltd.) (c o.w.) 3'> V Bridge & Iron Works.... 15 H Vaile & Young 3S Chicago Portland Cement Co 40 Hayes, Geo 34 Vinson. M A I* Q\:irV Co.. Myron C 8 Peerless Rubber Mfg. Co. (oa.m.) HiRgins&Co., Chas. M. (e O.W.).. 10 Voigtmann & Co (o.a.m.) Clinton Wire Cloth Co. (o.a.m.).. 13 Pennsylvania Rubber Co 33 Holland Furnace Co 37 Corrugated Concrete Pile Co 34 Pierce. Butler & Pierce Mfg. Co. W Hunt & Co.. Robert W 40 Coulson & Co.. J. W.. (e.o.w.).... (e.o.w.) 3 Warner Co.. Charles (o.a.m.) Hunt MeUl Comer Co. (e.o.w.).. Cutler Mfg. Co 34 Warren Bros. Co .s Hyde Murphy Co 11 R Raymond Concrete Pile Co 1 Washington University 3O I Weld Co.. Geo. A. (o.a.m.) Dahlquist Mfg. Co. a S Winslow Bros. Co.. The 37 Samson Cordage Works (e.o.w.).. a Dalilstrom .MeUllic Door Co 30 International Moulding Co,(e o.w.) Wolff Mfg. Co.(o.am.) Sanitas Mfg. Co ' Dean Bros S-"! Woodbury Granite Co 10 J Sandusky Portland Cement Co... X3 Deming Co.. The^...... 3$ Jenkins Bros 16 Schilling. Frank H 6 Y Detroit Steel & ProducU Co...... 34 Johns-Manville Co . H W 6 Schreiber & Sons Co.. The L. 3" Ycomans Bros 34 Detroit Show Case Co. (o.a.m.).. Jones. T. W. (e.o.w.) 34 THE AMERICAN ARCHITECT






239 WEST 39th STREET

{RfHular Edition. June 24. IQOH)


January to June, 1908. Volume XCIII


—A— Eighth Inlernulitmal llousinK Coiii;ress, London, National Sculpture Society's Exhibition at Balti• 171 more, The. I."JO Absurdities in Stage SettinRs, 201 England's First "SkyscrarM-r." 209 National Scu.ptor .Soeiet.v's Exhibition. 146 A<'coiiiilJil)ilily "f ilii' Arrhitcct to His Client, 111 lM|iiil.'ii.le llnildiiiy, Ciinlflnplaleil I •••ii n ih i ii iii "f, New Campanile "f St. Mark'8._ Yenice, The, 33 Aei)iifiii(-.s at. Applieil in LiirRe Iiiterinrs, 11 1 16 New Municiiial Building. N. Y., Objectionable Points Action of Authi>ritie8 Due to Collinwood Uisoster, Fxi-avation of .Memphis. The, liS5 106 in the Competition Program, 7 Exhibition of III.. T Seriments on Win'l Pn>s8ure. 121 Phillip."' Hei isioii :is Afferiinn Trade Unions, 42 —O— Amended I'roitraiii l' N'l-w Vork Slate I'rison I'lant, The, OS —F— Old anil New New York School Houses, Compari• Annual Exhibition of the yVrchilectiiral LeaRUo of Fielil of Architeeture. Prosptict for, 1908, 7 son Bi'tween, 138 New York, The Twenty-third, 51 Fifth Avenue, .New \'ork. Association, 122 Old Pewter, 48 Antique Furniture and Modern Furnishings, 26 Fire Proof HuiMiiiKs, 111 Olil .Stained Glass in the Metropolitan Museum of Aiipropriati' ;ind I'lirtMPS.'fiii in An-liilci'I uir, Thr, Fire Tests in Concrefe liiiildings, 186 Art. New York. 177 61 First Western College, The, 10 Opera House Fir«'. The Boyerton. Pa.. 34 Architecture and I'aintinRS of PeruKia. 01 Origin of the Greek Temiile, Recent Yiews as to, 59 Foundations. The I'.se of Divers !inf the City Hall, New York ("ity, 43 Machine. 147, 148. 149, 150, 151, 152. i;.3 Architecture of Munieipal BuildinRs, The, 82 (•iitiook Towards Ci\ic Betterment. Favorable, 122 Fountains, 123 Artistic lOxptesslon of Concrete, The, 4(\ Artistic lisi- of Steel anTi'8 First Subway, 162 LesKi-r Known Woinls. The, .'>7 Pas.sing of ttld Landmarks. 130 Building. Code Revision. 24 GoverntniMil's Tests of Huililing Materials, Tin-, I .">.| Perugia. Its Paintings and .\rclulecture, 91 Huihling of a Church, The. 67 Creek Templi', Recent \ic«s a.s to the OriKin of, .OO Pewter, Old, 48 P.llllinch, Churles, I'.l.) GrowinK Appreciation of Art as .Applieii to ..Xrchi- Pliiitonraphy. The Ni;w Color. 77 tecturc and the Civic Center, Tne, 58 Planning of Coimtry Houses, The, 107, 115 Cirowing .Vriistic Appreciation in .Xmerica, 194 Preservation of the Ancient Landmarks of Rome, The. 82 Camera for Arirhitects. The Hand, 71 —H— Preservation of Holyrood Chapel, 146 Cement in Hags Transformed into a Wall, 121 Problems of the Sk.vscraper, 24 Charle.stuwn, Ma.ss., High-School HllildiiiK. 5 Half-Timlier Ibiililings. 103 Prouram of ('ompetition Issued by the New Y'ork Chiiagu Architectural Club Exhibition. 153 Heiust liuildinc;. The .New San Fraiu-isco, 19 .'-^l.-iti' ('iiiiiinis~iiiri on New I'lisim-, 71 Church, The Building of a, 67 Hearst HiiildiiiK, San I'Vancisr-o, TlnicinceriiiK Fea• Proposed Wideiting of Fifth .\venue. 82 City Hall. New York, Original Plans of. 44 tures of, 21 Piililishers' Need of the Co--t.\ 's Lilir.ary, The, is.'i 58, 90 Holyn»)d ('hiipel. I'reservation of tin'. 1 li'> Real Fslate Marki i in New Vork. 'The Recovery of ColleKe of the City of New York, 155, 163 the, 1011 Collinwootl Si'hool-Housc Fire, 90 Recent Collap.se of ]5uilding| in Washington. D. C. Color PhoKigraphy, The New, 77 21(1 Columbus Moiuiineiii at the National Capitol, A, 199 Imitated Mast. r-W. rks 20-* Recent Important .\rch.Tological Kxcavations. 154 Committee on Isducatifin, Report, A. I. A., 86 Imiirovi ni-nt inPres nt Day Methods in .'architeeture. Ri n' \ lews a- I'l ill'- I','-it:in nf the Creek I eniple, Comijetitions in Great Britainj 130 Genera'. 202 59 Competition l.ssued by the New York State ('iim- Italy to Protect Her Art Treasures. 127 Recovery of the Re.al Estate Market in New York, mission on New Prisons, 'l"he, 74 Tlie'. IIMi Competitive System of Selecting Architects, The, 122 -J- Complex Services Demanded of Modern Architecrt, Reduced Cost of Building. 186 Judire Phillips' Decision as .\ffecting Tradi- Unions 194 RKiNroHCEi) CoxrnitTE:— and the .•XmidKtimiited Glass Workers' Union, 42 Conferring Diiiloinas on the Graduates of Archi• .Artistic Use of .Sieel and Reinforced Concrete, tectural Schools, Tiie Advisability of, 66 17. 25 Ccin,~iTv:iliiiii III' ( luf \';iliiinai Resources, Thr, I 7,s —L— Ai'i-lii' T.\;>ie-.ii in . I I'nniTelc.. 'I'lie, 4t; Contemplated Demolition of the Equitable Build• lii.|i(iii III Cnnuiiiitee mi l-iduealiiin. A. 1. .\.. Sl'i ing. 16 Limdmarks, Pas-sing of Ojd. 130 Le.s.sons of the Parker Building Fire. 34 Report of Committee on Registration of .Vrchitects, Countrv lloiise.s, The Planning of. 107, 115 LicensiuK of .Xri'liiiects. The. 209 79 I'iMiil iifiisi.in.-, lieceiil, .Sl,!)7, ll.'i, 127, II."., Ilil, Life at the Kcole des Heaux-.Vrts. 134 Resolutions by N. I'". P. .Association. 210 1159, I'.12, 193 Limitation of Height ami Area of BuililiiiKs of New Rest oral ions, 1S2 Courtyards and Stairca.ses of Italian Cities, 116 York. 125 Restoration of Baptistery, Florence, 160 Criticism of the Modern Architect, Unwarranted, 95 lie-iiii:iliiin of ilie piiilhs of Diocletian. The. 82 Rights of i;xhibitors in Public h^xhibitions. "The, 98 London County Hall Cotniieiilion. The. 122 —D— —S— Decay in Wooil I'revcnted, 89 —M— .Sage, Mrs, Ru.s.sell, <;ift of. 16 Desiralile Field for Young Arcliitects, The South, A, 42 Manhattan Real Iv-iate Improvements. 162 .San Francisco, Cathedral, IS3. 1S4 Diary of .lohn McComb, Jr., 15 Masonic l einplc, .New. Washington. D. C. 120 .Seareity of Wood .AITecling .Architecture. 186 Domestic Work of the Renaissance in England, .MeComb, John. Jr.. Diary ..f, 15 .School Problems that Confront the Architect in I'.irt I, IS7, Part 11. 2(J5 McComb, Jr., .lohn, The Drawings of, ."iO New Vork City. 42 Drawings of John Met^om'", .Tr,, The, 50 .McClelland. .Mayor (JeorKc 15. of .New York, An Skill Running to Waste, 191 Drury Lane Theatre Fire, The. 146 Appreciation, 114 .Sky.seraper Details. 77 Mechanical l-;r|iiipnii'nt of Schools. 42 .sk,\sci':i|ier. 'The, Prol)lem of, 24 —E— Mura! Piuntinn an I-is.wniial Part of .\rcliiteetinr. OS .Society of Betiiix-.Arts .Architects. The. 138 Municipal BuililiiiR. Wimhington, D. C. The. 00 South. .A Desirable Field for Young Arclute<-ts, The, Eastern Long Island, Its Architecture and Xrt Settle• —N— 42 ments. I OS St. Gaudens, Augustus, 89 Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Life at the, 134, National Gallery of Art, The, 94 St. Mark, The Tower of, 10 New Y'ork Public School Buildings, 27, 35, 75, 83 National Museum, Washington, D. C, The. 203 .St. Mark's, Venice, The New Campanile of, 33 The American Architect and Building News.—Index. [VOL. XCIII.

—W— —T— •j wenty-lhini Annual l'".xhihit4on of t.lie Arrhitertural LeaKue of New York, 51, ?i8 WaHhington, D. C. Architectural Club, ExMbition, TarifT on Art. Tlie. 119 Tyi)ieal .Schools in New Y'ork, ChioaRo, and .^t. LouiR.9 TcnilciK-v 'row.-ini." Sjn'oializal ion. TIIP. .')() Tl>e. 17fi, Tost Willi Mill! .-^Ii'i-l l''.mbe(icli-ninK of Fifth Avenue, 33 Tomb of MauHohiK. The, ItlO Union .Si:iiion. Wasliintrlon. p. C. l7tt W'iilening of Fifth Avenue, Proponed, 82 Traffic in Light an


ACCORDING TO AUTHOR The figures refer to the number of the Journal, not to the text. Items containing the reference {Int'l) relate to plates which occur in the International Edition only; all others are to be found in both Regular and I•ntemational Editions

—A— lO.vre, Wilson:— Rodef Sholem Synagogue, Pittsburg, Pa. 1682 House of Marlston Deacon, Tnxeilo N. Y. 1694 (Eioht Plates) Albro & Lindelierp:— (Fi.ur I'-ates' Parker & Thomas: John Greenleaf Whittier School. Farm Cottage for Tracy Dows, Hhinebeek, N. Y. lloiisi- of Theoilore Conklin, (^uogiii", L. 1. 1685 It-,72 (Three Plates) Dorchester. Mass. 1671 Farm Collag*- for Tracy LHiws, Rhinebeck, .N. Y. ••|':iiracie,K, " .l.-nkiiitown. Pa. 16S4 (/n/7) Pell & Corbott: Maryland Institute. Baltimore. Md. 11172 ( Tin, I'hUvH) Unl'l) "Fair.irr s. ' ,Ji nk:ntown, Pa. 1684 1677 lliiiii^f I'lir.l. I.angdon I'.Vving, (12 Iv .'•Oth .St., New House for Maxwell W.veth, Roseniount, Pa. 1885 Plait. Chas. A.: House of Henry Howard. Brookline. York, N. Y'. 1089 (Four PIIIICK) (Five Plates) Mas.s. Ims (Three Plates) Atterbury, (JroHvenor:— —F— Poole. Geo. E.: New .Jersey State Normal School, llc.n.se:il LoeuNi \'alley, L. I. 11187 Field .V .Medary: - - Montclair Heights, N. J. 1678 (Four Plates) lliiiisi- Ml Ui'lgelii'hl, Conn. Iii.s7 Cloister for the Colonies, \alley I'orgi-, Pa. 1687 Pope, John Russell: House of John R. McLean, Lei liTii and I'lirrlose, .St. .John's Cynwyd, Pa. l(i.S7 Wa.shington, D. C. 1694 iFour I'laies) Washington Memorial tJhurch, \:illi'y I'orge, Pa. Post & Sons, George B,:— —B— liisT Broiiklyn Terminal Municipal Ferry, Citv of New —G— York. 1677 lluiiieii, ilji.\nis .V- Harneii: Ilon.se uf Eugene Ciette. O. .1.: .Measured Drawings of a House at College of the City of New York. 1690 (Int'l) Cueud.t, .St. Loui.s, Mo. J688 ( 7*100 Plale») lla.-brourk Heights imd Bogota. N. ,1. 11172 1691 (Infl) Bourne, Frank A.: ChelRea. Mam., St. Luke's (Kpis- (Tuo Plates) Pediment Cleveland Trust Co. Bldg. 1(177 copal) Church. 11179 (Three Platea) Creen A- Wicks: .New York .Stale Fair Clrounds, Priie, Bruce. A De .Sibour: Freedman's Hospital, ••^yiac-ii."-, N. Y. MoN rrhrr, I'ht,." Boyd, 1). l\ni< kerbacker: House at llryn Mawr, Pa. Central Building, Washington, D. C. 1692 1687 —H— Price A- McLi nahaii: Interior Residence Charles '1'. .Sciiorn. Iils7 Boyi dllii e. .New ()rli-ans. La. 1687 D, C. 1687 llornMowr ,v M.'irshall. National Museum. Washing- I'.i ile. ,):niii-. An-h : 11 cmsi-of U . \\ . l)n , SCHIM lair, Schweinfurth, J. A.: Baptist Church, Brookline, N. Y. 1676 (Two Plates) iM,,. n r. icdi'. (/•;,.;/,/ /•/.//.«! Mass. 1679 Burnham & ("o., D. H.: Union Station, .New, Wa>ih- Howulls A- Stokes:— Shepley, Rutan A Coolidge: Hou.se of N. W. Harris, ington. D. C. Um (Ten Plates) 1693 I/«/'/) Mc.Adoo Terminal Building, The. .New York. .N. Y. Lake Oeneva, Wis. 1676 (Three Plnteii) 1671 Shepley, Rutan A t'oolidge: House i>f N. W. Harris, .Miinicip.'il Building, Competition, .New York. 1692 L.ake C.eneva, Wis. 1676 (Iiifh (Twn rinles) (Three Plates) Sneden, A. Durand: Hou.se on Shark River, N. 3. llubhell A- Benes: East End Baptist Church, Cleve• ir,,s7 Cambio, Ariiolo. di: Court and Stairway, Chateai: land, Ohio. 11179 Smith. Arthur .\.: Italian Church of the Mother of lii Poi)pi, Are/,7.o, Italy. 1678, 1680 (htt'l) Hunt iV Hunt, I'irst Precinct Police .'•tJition. .N. Y. Sorrow, Rutland, Vt. 1679 Cari>enler iV Blair: Library, A anderbilt University. 1677 Stiekney A .\usliii: ('luirleslown High School, t'liarle.s- 1677 —J— lown, Ma.ss. 1671 (Two Plates) .losselyn. iMlgar .\: ('ity Hall, Slandord, Omu. IH77 Carrire & Ila.Mtinga:— Si rat Ion A Baldwin: House of .James Hamilton, Hou.se (;.M>. L. Hives, New York".City. 16M9 l Thr.r —K— Detroit, Mich. 1678 Plates) .Snvdor, C. B. J.: Public Schools. New York. N. Y'. McKinley Monument at Buffalo. 1677 Kimball, Francis H.: City Investing Building, New- 1674. 1675. 1680, 1681 Municipal Bulldiug Competition. N. Y. 1692 York, N. Y. 1677 (Three Plates) Kirb.v. Petit A Oreen: Hearst Building, The New" Tomb at W(K)dlawn. 1677 San I'rancisi'o, C^al. 1673 (Ei(ihl Plates) Clinton Russell: Municipal Building Competition, —L— Taylor, James Knox: Post Office, Toledo, N. Y. New York. 1692 (Three Plates) 1692 Longfellow, A. W.: Gardners' Cottage, Dedham. Cope iV- .S|ew:iriison: - Ma-sa. 1688 Thomas, ( "hiindimau A Molitor: Chapel of the Medi• C-ollege of Physicians. Philadi'lphia, Pa. 16S7 Lord iV Hewlett, Brooklyn Municipal Building. 1677 ator, Philadelphia, Pa. 1687 Muniiipal Building, Washington, D. C. 1683 Portch'.ster Fire lb tise & Amusement Hal!. 1677 "I raev .V Swarl wool: - (Eif/ht Plates) Lynch, Elliott: Baptist Church, .Amherst, Ma.s.«. Home Club, The, 1677 Waahinglon University, .St. Louis, .Mo. 16S7 1679 House of Mr. ClilTord Wharton, Nelherwood, .N, .1. Cram, Goodhue & Ferguson:— —Mc— 1672 Chancel Furniture, Church of the Holy Trinity, .McCon.l), .lohn. .Jr.: City Hall, New York, N. Y. Trumbauer, Horace:— Havana, Cuba. 1695 1676 (.S/.r Plates) House at Ambler, Pa. I (1S7 Christ Church, West Haven, Conn. 1«195 (Three McKim, Mead A White;. Municipal Builrling Com• PUUe$) Residence of Perry Belmont, Washington. D. C. petition. New ^ ork. 1692 (Three Plates) I(1H7 •Church and Rectory at Guanfanamo, Cuba. 1695 Hamilton Trust Co., Phil,ndelphia, Pa. 1687 Church for St. John's Parish, West Hartford, Conn. —M— A Philadelphia House. 1687 1695 (Thr e I lutes) Y. M. C. A., Philadcli)hia, Pa. 1687 .St. Thoina- Cliurcli. .New York, N. Y. 1677 Maher, Geo. W.: House of Ehner liaker, Kenil- Ib.us- for E. C. Knight. 1687 Mather School, Dorchester. .Ma.-^s. Itwl (Fimr worth, N. .1. 1688 Mar.-h .v lii-ii.'; I'lainJield Savini;- ll,-ink. I'i.'dnlii-M, Plates) N. .1. 1688 (Three Plates) —V— Medallion, Calvary Church, Pittsburg, Pa. 1687 Marsh A Peters: Walter Ree