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20 January 2021 No 1 ISSN 1664-7963 Current Concerns PO Box CH-8044 Zurich Current Concerns Switzerland The international journal for independent thought, ethical standards, moral responsibility, Phone: +41 44 350 65 50 Fax: +41 44 350 65 51 and for the promotion and respect of public international law, human rights and humanitarian law E-Mail: [email protected] Website: English Edition of Zeit-Fragen At the beginning of the year by Erika Vögeli Mural “Health and Freedom” by Hans Erni (today exhibited in the Palais des Nations in Geneva): On the left, the young fam- ily, in the background of which lurks the disease-bearing Death as a hooded man, in the middle the happy family – whereby the gesture of the woman pointing to the left picture could also be interpreted as an awareness of the foundations of one’s own hap- piness in the face of existing injustice, while the right part reminds us of the importance of sufficient and healthy nutrition for a healthy development. (Picture ma) With the spread of the virus SARS-CoV-2 one to understand the situation as an “his- reason are discontent with the current po- and the measures taken against it around toric opportunity” and to urge our govern- litical, economic and social conditions the globe our lives partly have been ments to use our limited resources instead must not wear themselves out with polar- turned upside down. For many people – of wars and the destruction of life for its isation and the unrest and fragmentation especially in poor countries – life has be- protection, for far-sighted prevention and that goes with it. They must not let them- come even more difficult. The outrageous research as appropriate. “This is the mo- selves be roped in for “Wutbürger” (en- injustices have become even greater. The ment to rise up to the challenge, demand raged citizen) strategies or be fobbed off global financial elite and some sectors of reasonable budgetary priorities, laws and with endless pseudo-democratic squab- the economy have enriched themselves regulations that place people above prof- bling. Instead, the actual majority of even further, the super-rich have become its, demand ethics in foreign policy, an our states, which are fed up to be served even richer and the poor even poorer. This end to the insane arms race and criminal with “managed democracy” and control is in all the newspapers, and the progno- wars.” via global governance, could take on the ses about the negative consequences are Diana Johnstone, in her article “The real issues themselves. What is urgently piling up everywhere. The question mere- great pretext ... for an anti-utopia” (in the needed in the thunderstorm of globalisa- ly is what conclusions we draw from this. last issue) pointed out, that “cries of alarm tion is a return to value-oriented unions, The would-be global governance will from the margins” will not change the bal- of initiatives and opportunities of direct, do everything in its power to maintain ance of power. What is needed, according not “controlled” discussion and encoun- and, if possible, expand its position. And to her approach, is “for people to get to- ter from person to person, to the recov- according to the motto “Divide and con- gether everywhere to study the issues and ery of the political, of good faith and trust, quer”, the debates about rightness and develop well-reasoned opinions on goals so that people can get once again an own nonsense of the measures taken, the fuel- and methods of future development.” Cer- voice “from below”, and to the strength- ling of antagonisms and alleged conflicts tainly the question arises whether and how ening of existing self-organisation. This of interest will surely find their place such public discussions could be protect- cannot be done overnight, but where you there. The fact is that all the changes pre- ed from dishonest influence ... in order to start, it changes something fundamental: It tended necessary because of corona, in enable a real “free market of ideas”, and is the step out of powerlessness, resigna- the sense of the “Great Reset” have long that regardless of any political correctness tion, and anger towards civic responsibili- been in the planning – and implementa- “the right to be wrong” (Alfred de Zayas) ty and self-help. These approaches exist in tion. Readily the opportunity is taken to is guaranteed. many areas – perhaps we just don’t make push them further. Alfred de Zayas coun- In any case, Diana Johnstone’s advice enough use of them. ters this with a decidedly other possibility. expresses something fundamental that our In his committed plea, he calls on every- time sorely needs: those who with good continued on page 3 No 1 20 January 2021 Current Concerns Page 2 Every human being has the right to live in peace Push-back against the “Great Reset” by Prof. Dr iur. et phil. Alfred de Zayas The coronavirus up- top economists like Jeffrey Sachs, Joseph All humans have a right to live in peace heaval justifies rais- Stiglitz and Thomas Piketty, and reorient – not just ourselves, but also all the peo- ing and addressing the economy toward a coherent human-se- ples that our governments assault, exploit fundamental ques- curity paradigm that leaves no one behind. and humiliate. We demand that public in- tions. Do we want We can and must demand transparency stitutions promote and protect our privacy to go back to “busi- and accountability from the authorities, and family life. Both are under attack in ness as usual”, do whose responsibility it is to convert the flagrant violation of articles 17 and 23 of we want to pick up economy into a sustainable people-centred the International Covenant on Civil and on a dysfunction- institution that creates jobs in the health, Political Rights (ICCPR), and Article 10 al economic model education and services sectors. of the Covenant on Economic, Social and Alfred de Zayas characterized by We must push-back against the em- Cultural Rights. We must assert our indi- (Picture ma) wealth imbalances brace of Big Brother, globalism, milita- vidual and collective right to our culture, and structural vio- rism, totalitarianism, intrusive govern- identity and traditions, our right to access lence? This is a historic opportunity to de- ment surveillance, conformist culture and all information, as stipulated in article mand and implement cross-cutting chang- homologation, thought police and denun- 19(2) ICCPR, our right to impart informa- es in the system, redefine our priorities in ciation, fake news from government and tion without governmental or private-sec- terms of human rights and human digni- the so-called “quality press”, fake law, tor censorship, our right to our own opin- ty, demand that our governments cease fake history, fake diplomacy, fake de- ions, our right to be wrong. If we allow wasting our limited resources in wars, mocracy. ourselves to be intimidated by the tenets missiles, drones, military bases, false flag We must push-back against efforts of “political correctness” and succumb to and other criminal interventions, and in- to turn us into mere numbers, robots, or self-censorship, Orwellian dystopia has stead devote more research and develop- “consumers”. Inaction against the so- won. ment into preparedness strategies – pre- cial virus of conformism and indifference We demand from our democratical- paredness to anticipate threats, prevent means surrendering the fundamental free- ly elected officials that they do what they them where possible or combat the con- doms and human rights acquis that prior were elected to do, that they represent us sequences of future pandemics, volcanic generations won for themselves and for and not only the lobbies or the corpora- eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis or aster- us. This is no time to cop out, deceiving tions. The alternative to action is reckless oid impacts. ourselves that things eventually will fall self-delusion. The Romans already knew This is the time to revive the legacy of into place. This is the moment to rise up that mundus vult decipi – the world wants Eleanor Roosevelt, rediscover the spir- to the challenge, demand reasonable budg- to be deceived. Let us not be deceived ituality of the Universal Declaration of etary priorities, laws and regulations that by the World Economic Forum’s “Great Human Rights, ensure that human rights place people above profits, demand eth- Reset”, the latest scam to keep the rich are juridical, justiciable and enforceable. ics in foreign policy, an end to the insane rich and the poor poor. Even Julius Cae- It is also time to draw on the experience of arms race and criminal wars. continued on page 3 The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) Article 17 2. Everyone shall have the right to free- 2. The right of men and women of mar- 1. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary dom of expression; this right shall in- riageable age to marry and to found or unlawful interference with his pri- clude freedom to seek, receive and a family shall be recognized. vacy, family, home or correspond- impart information and ideas of all 3. No marriage shall be entered into ence, nor to unlawful attacks on his kinds, regardless of frontiers, either without the free and full consent of honour and reputation. orally, in writing or in print, in the the intending spouses. 2. Everyone has the right to the protec- form of art, or through any other 4. States Parties to the present Covenant tion of the law against such interfer- media of his choice. shall take appropriate steps to ensure ence or attacks.