

Water Turtles has several threatened and Blanding's - endangered turtles. Candidate are CANDIDATE SPECIES those that could become threatened or endan- This turtle is named for Dr. William Bland- gered. are those that may ing, who first observed the species. Its chin become endangered or extinct. Endangered and throat are both bright yellow and the species are those that are in danger of extinc- bottom shell is hinged. This turtle's range is tion. These turtle and other turtles in the exclusive to the northwestern part of the state are protected by federal and state laws state. and regulations. If you see or find one of these turtles, you should respect the laws and Red-bellied Turtle - leave it alone. THREATENED SPECIES This turtle is Pennsylvania's second-largest turtle, reaching lengths of 10.5 inches to 12 For more information inches. The red-bellied turtle's colors are Check out these resources to learn similar to those of the painted turtles that more about Pennsylvania turtles, live in Pennsylvania. Red-bellied turtles have other and their habitats. been located only in small areas in the south- east and southcentral areas of the state. Online Resources Fish & Boat Commission - web site: www.fish.state.pa.us ENDANGERED SPECIES US Fish & Wildlife Service: www.fws.gov Loss of habitat is the largest factor in the eNature: www.enature.com decline of the bog turtle. It is a very small Fact sheets, articles, turtle identified by its black head with a and brochures yellow, orange, or red blotch well behind the eye on both sides of the head. This turtle on the Commission's web site prefers wetlands, bogs, marshes, and swamps. www.fish.state.pa.us PLAY – Introduction to Reptiles Those Other Turtles Native PA Species Bog Turtle, Slipping Away Portrait of a Eastern

The bog turtle is an endangered species. Loss of habitat is the main reason for the decline of this species. www.fi sh.state.pa.us Pennsylvania Angler & Boater • September-October 2006 55