

Vol. 7. No. 12. Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania Thursday, January 6, 1944 Thespians Present "Moorborn" To Speak Life Of Poll Of "Snow Ball" Is Student On Nursing Biggest Event Of Bronte's To Opinion Taken This Week Be Enacted In this edition of the newspaper, Christmas Season the Beacon staff has decided to Thursday, January 6, will mark begin a series of student polis on On Christmas night in the Ad- Britton, ASTP at Yale; and John the opening night of Moorborn, by some question of the moment miral Stark Room of the Hotel Cohl, ASTP at Washington and Don Tetheroh. This gripping which may bring forth interesting Sterling was held the "Snow Ball," Lee. Other outside guests besides of the Bronte sisters repre- viewpoints. We shall endeavor to the annual Christmas dance of the Miss Doil were Miss J. Barbara sents the first major production of secure a different group of stu- Junior College. The dance was Kocyan of New York, George Koc- t.he Thespians, the Junior College's dents in each issue, so that we may a tremendous success this year, as yan of Lehigh University, and dramatic society. be sure of getting fresh ideas each can be testified by all who crowded Gordan Leigh of Plymouth. The play was originally opened time. the large ballroom to dance to the The committees worked hard to on the New York scene in 1934, The question we have submitted rhythms of Jack Melton and his make this "one of the nicest with Katherine Cornell and other to the students at this time is one orchestra. This was the first time dances we've had." General chair actors of her calibre. It was pro- which has been used on a popular that the dance was held on Christ man for the "Snow Ball" was Rob- claimed rn immediate success and radio program, bringing forh as mas night. The Army Air Crew ert E. Barnum, president of the enjoyed a long run. much favor for as against it. students swayed the vote to that sophomore class. Other commit- The plot of the story centers "Should the goernment subsi- night, because they were in town tee heads were: George Rader, around the three immortal Bron- dize college education and because they had been invited Ruth, hall; Gifford tickets; Carol te's and their love for their way- The answers we obtained fol- to the dance. Besides the Air Ca- Capellini, orchestra; and Ruth ward ne'er-do-well brother, Bran- low: dets and the Junior College stu- Punshon, invitation and publicity. well. It tells how the girls, all Kathryn Hiscox, sophomore: dents, many alumni, including for- On the ticket committee with widely varied in character and un- "You mean, should mer students now in the V-12 pro the govern- George Rader were: Al LaVie, derstanding, united' to save as best ment pay for our college educa- gram at Bucknell University, were Durwood Davis, Jean Judge, Bea- they can the reputation of Bran- tion? there. The faculty was represent- Well, I think that if it pro trice O'Donnell, Beatrice Anthony, well, whom his father believes to vided free education for everyone, ed by Dr. and Mrs. Farley and Al Freeman, Al Dervinis, and Bev- be an unrecognized genius, but it would Gene, Ethel, and A/S Robert Far- just give some loafers a erly Graham. Assisting Miss Ruth who in reality is a drunkard with- chance to idle away another four ley, Dr. Nicholson, and Dr. Reif. on committee 'were: Aileen out any redeeming qualities. You the hall Mrs. Mary Barrett Lowery, as- years. Yet I do think the deserv- A spial guest of Ethel Farley Carr, Lois Buckingham, Mary Ken have met Charlotte, Anne, and ing who attended the dance was Miss sistant superintendent of nurses students should be given a ney, and Arthur Williams. With at the Georgetown University Emily in their tense, thrilling nov- chance. Maybe some plan could Ruth Dohi, of , nior at els and lovely Miss Punshon on the invitation and School of Nursing, Washington, D. ethereal poetry, and be worked out whereby it would Swartmore College, Swaithmore, publicity committee were: Caryl you will meet them again on the pay Pa. Some of the many alumni that C., will speak at Bucknell Junior part of their college expenses Thomas, Jean Donohue, Ruth College on Thursdy, January 6. stage of Chase Theatre. Tetheroh and make them work in return so came were as follows: Cadet John has Tischler, Clem Kaschner, David Mrs. Lowery represents the Na- been immensely successful in that the money wouldn't be an Mangan, senior at West Point; fiart, John Wilski, and Nancy Ho- bringing to life the strange and Nelson Jones, Lloyd Jones, Arthur tional Nursing Council for War outright gift. That question re- gan. William Murray was co- moving story of these characters, quires thought before you can Rowe, and George Rifendifer, all Service and the United States Ca- the chairman of the orchestra commit- det Nurse the new govern- intimate details of their daily answer it." of the Naval Air Corps; Kenneth Corps, lives, their dreams, hopes and Cranston, of the Army; Milton tee with Gifford Capellini. ment plan which, under the U. S. Phyllis Smith, freshman: "I Public Health Service, offers a fears for themselves and Bran- think it would be a good thing if free professional education to well. there were aptitude tests given. qualified students. Her visit is All in all, Mqorborn promises to However, there might be danger Xmas Party Sorority part of a nation-wide endeavor to be a highly entertaining play. All in that the government might also recruit 65,000 student nurses this we need say is that Moorborn will control what is taught and then year for wartime replacements be even better than all past pro- we wonld have mechanized educa- Heid For Supper aused by acute needs of the Army, ductions of the Thespians, and tion, with the students learning Navy and civilian health agencies, that will be reassurance enough only what the government wanted Students Enjoyed and also to interest college women that on Thursday evening, Janu- them to know. There could be in preparation for post-war ca- ary 6, you will experience the pure danger of having a dictatoship in Chase Hall reception room and On December 17, 1943, the Beta reers. joy of seeing an excellent story that respect." enacted by excellent players under Chase Theatre were the scene of Gamma Chi sorority held a Christ- The latest information on the Bill Hannigan, sophomore: "I mas buffet supper in the reception expert direction which will make don't think there should be subsi- great merriment on December 18, U. S. Cadet Nurse Corps will be an room of Chase Hall for the Fresh- by who for excellent evening. dized education. If that were 1943, when Dr. and Mrs. presented Mrs. Lowery, Farley man and Sophomore members. has recently conferred with Miss Mary Kenney will play the part started, college standards would held a Christmas party for the The committee in charge of the Luciie Petry, its director, and of Charlotte, the middle sister, lower and the technical advantages was student body. affair headed by Beverly Gra- other national authorities. Re- who assumes the role of mothering would tend to diffuse. Some stu- ham, and it consisted of the foi- By means of small tags, the stu- cruits in the corps receve free tu- the family. Florence Mackiewicz, dents would not study at all, and were divided into two groups, lowing members: Lois Bucking- ition, free maintenance, distinctive as Emily, will portray the moody, college would be just four years dents Aileen Carr, Caryl Thomas, one of which spent part of the ham, gray and scarlet street uniforms, sensitive oldest daughter of the of play. A college education isn't evening farmer dancing in the the- and Helen Morris, sophomores, and a monthly stipend during their Reverend Mr. Bronte. Anne, the for everyone." atre, the other part of which spent and Jean Kocyan, Florence Jones, entire period of training in ac- youngest daughter, will be played Jean Donahue, sophomore: "It the time playing games in the re- Rita Wertheimer, Phyllis Smith, credited schools of nursing. In by Carol Ruth. Branwell will be isn't basically practical. However, ception room. andIarian Ganard, freshmen. return, they promise to remain ac- portrayed by William Hannigan; the government should help by T'e centerpiece was formed of tive in essential military or civil- Martha and Tabby, lifelong ser- granting to fathers educating chil- After the dancing and games, a miniature Santa Claus and vants of the Brontes, will be por- refreshments were served in the ian nursing for the duration of dren in college an allowance from sleigh surrounded by holly, and the war. trayed by Helen Bitler and Sophie their income tax. Higher educa- reception room. A big fire was the individual tables were lit Glowacki, respectively. John Wil- A native of Ohio and a tion benefits the government in built in the fireplace, and Mrs. by red candles. Favors were crys- gradu- ski will enact the role of Reverend Farley entertained the guests with ate of Ohio Wesleyan University the end, anyway, by producing bet- tal candy wrapped in red and Bronte, and Bob Lehet will por- ter citizens. I think that having a humorous letter written about green crepe paper and tied with at Delaware, Ohio, and of the them which brought much laugh- Frances Payne Bolton School of tray a minor role.. the government pay entirely for ribbon. The sage old members of Thespi- college expenses is an Utopian ter and applause. The program was as follows: Nursing, Western Reserve Univer several sity at Cievciand, Mrs. Lowery has ans and all other dramatic neo- idea, not practical. Maybe some- Helen Bitler sang beau- Solos by Helen Bitler, accom- phytes are working tirelessly on thing like the English system of tiful, but little known, Christmas panied by Mrs. Eugene Farley. done post-graduate work in ortho- pedic nursing. costumes and scenery and plans college education could be started carols, and tle whole group par- Piano selections by Ruth Pun- to make everything authentic to here, in singing the well-known She has served as assistant head though. If they can do it, ticipated shon. the nth degree. And it will be a we every nurse and nurse Univer- can, too." carols which mark Christ- Carol singing by the entire head at very discerning eye that will be closing with "Si- sity Hospital in Cleveland, and as Marian Ganard, freshman: "Yes, mas celebrat'on, group, led by Helen Bitler. able to find any flaws in the re- lent Night," the favorite of all. Distribution of the dedication instructor in anatomy and psysi- I think everybody should be edu- search department's work. cated. This would result in higher It was an occasion for celebration issue of the Beacon. ology at the Frances Payne Bolton by everyone, and will be remem- It has been said again and again standards of living, because then School of Nursing. that those behind the footlights re- everyone would be qualified fit bered by those who attended it for BUY WAR STAMPS AND to the deep enjoyment it afforded. BONDS. (Continued on Page 4) (Continued on Page 4) (Continued on Page 4) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor PageTwo BUCKNELL BEACON Thursday, January 6, 1944 CRACKING CAMPUS HASH TCRIALS EVA YAREMKO I THE QUIP The New Year is here again, aside and whisper all the assign- complete with its well-meaning nfents which were JACK P. due by January THE BUCKNELL BEACON KARNOFSKY resolutions. By this time one-half 3, they'd just shake their heads As we were sitting in our home the student body has broken one- and tsk tsk loudly. Vol. 7. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Thursday, December 6, 1944. No. 12 the other evening enjoying our half its resolutions and everyone Did You Know Dept. is ready to EDITORIAL STAFF holiday rest (?), we were startled begin where he left off There is a drug store in Wilkes- by the shrill ringing (bless Don on December 17. Especially the Barre which sells nothing but Co-Editors Marcelio Novak, Jean Donohue Ameche) of the telephone. Cheer Fres'nies. By the time one gets to drugs . . . A popular sophomore Assistant Editors .Phyllis Smith, Eva Yaremko ful thoughts of Christmas greet- be a Sophomore, he has assign- has but one little vice: that of add ReportersNancy Hogan, Mary Kenny, Ruth PunSnon, Ruth Holtz- ings raced through our mind, but ments boiled down to a routine. But ing a bit of hair, eyebrows, or a man, Helen Davidson, Rita Wertheimer, Caryl Thomas, Art alas, this is what we heard: "The ve Freshmen, poor individuals, are goatee to pictures lacking these re- in Williams. Beacon must be out Monday, so such a muddle in regard to note- spective articles . . . When you Photographer Rita Wertheimer hand in your column by tomorrow, books and assignments (especially see Willard Goodman, he is usual- Business Manager Jeanne Kocyan or else." Being full of good spir- notebooks), that we look hopefully iy waiting for Jean Williams, or Business Staff Marian Ganard, Ruth Birk, Ruth Young, Jean Franklin its (hic), we accepted this 24-hour toward the New Year and its prov- vice versa. TypistsHarriet Zimmerman, Beatrice O'Donnell, Irene Koniecko, ultimatum, knowing only too well erbial clean slate. The Freshmen Following is a letter that was Aileen Carr. that this issue will not come out wish to go on record with the fol- received by a Dad from his son in Faculty Advisers Dr. E. S. Farley, Dr. Robert Nicholson till Easter (these eggs will come lowing resolutions: Ireland and the Dad's reply: in handy). Speaking of Christmas, To keep history notes in not Dear Dad: Gue$$ what I need we certainly enjoyed Dr. and Mrs. more than three notebooks at the mo$t? That'$ right. $end it Farley's 'pary, though we did won- same time. along a$ $oon a$ you can. I $hall der about the missing mistletoe. Not to fall asleep more than $end you $ome $naip$hot$ a BACK TO WORK Is it possible that this important once a week in chemistry lecture. $oom n$ I hear from you. item had been forgotten? Or per- To begin English themes at Your $on, With faint regrets and fond remembrances, we look least 'four days before the date Chare$. backwarcl on haps the good Doctor doesn't think the two-week holiday of last year. Bits of too well of this year's crop of kiss- due. Christmas carols still linger in our memories, holiday spirit ers. By the way, did you know To do all outside reading Dear Son: Your letter received. still unfolds us. But the holidays are over, and we must that Miss Z. worked the whole and sociplogy research not later Nothing new to write about. I again roll up our sleeves and get back to work. Algebra blessed day before coming to the than one week after assignment. will write to you aNOn. Jack NO- seems dry and dead, history is boring, English iswell, party? Poor kid! Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! When we'd meet friends and lan asked about you yesterday. He just English. In a few days, though, we will have to be- While our curiosity was not strong neighbors during the Christmas said he kNOws you very well. enough to consult a dictionary, we vacation, they'd shake their heads, Write us aNOther letter. NOw we gin concentrating again. School must go on. And with tsk-tsk loudly, and exclaim, "You must say our New Year's made various inquiries and learned goodbye. resolutions still fresh in mind, let us make that "Potpourri" defined is "a lit- lucky people! A two-week vaca- Love, it a point this year to carry them out. Let us resolve to tle bit of everything;" in other tion!" But when we'd take them Dad. really get those themes written before the last bell rings words, a lot of nothing. (This we for class let us surprise the Profs and get our work done suspected all along.) With all the for a change, and let's gt to class on time, too. We can wolves around B. U. J. C., Miss POETRY CORNER all do it if we try hard enough, and the beginning is al- Gates' engagement announcement ways the hardest. was purely an act of self-defense. ZOOLOGY THE FOOTBALL GAME What month is it to be, June? If I think that I shall never see Football is an interesting sport, the Misses Biaiogowicz and Bo- As stiff a course as our zoology. Known in almost every port. gusewski are still fretting about Who'd ever, ever want to learn It really is an exciting game their names, may we assure them The segments of an angleworm? And well deserves its catchy name. POTPOURRI that neither one has a name as Or do you want to know To see the boys go charging on, JEAN DONOI-IUE hard as Stone. Wouldn't you think What makes the green grass grow Aided by many a cheering song. Karnofsky is bad enough as it is Birds, flowers, and bugs were in- Down the field to victory, Almost Confidential: thinking of late about lots of without getting "L" on top of it? spected, Building steps toward history. Just came from a session of things, and it has dawned on us And some in the lab were dis- The erowd goes wild with happi- selling men's unmentionables at more forcefully than ever that sected. ness, one of our leading department with the way things are going in their clothes strewn about the We mounted butterflies and moths, As their team intercepts a pass. stores, and I've decided to appreci- tue theatres of war we may actu- lounge with gay abandon and the We studied bats and sloths; Then onward, plunging, running, ate school. It has taken a year ally finish school in peacetime. It freshmen just abandoned? We examined all cells and tissues, driving and a half, but now I know. Physi- will be somewhat of a novelty not The picture of LaVerne Ashworth And argued all debatable issues. For the goal line the team is str'v- cal labor is not for me. I guess to possess that underlying feeling standing in the window chortling The tests were hard and very long, ing. I'll be a professorouch----the fac of anxiety which is behind every- with glee as she threw the 'purse Many questions we answered Then it happens, someone's hurt, ulty. thing we do or say. and contents of a fellow freshman wrong. The best back has hit the dirt. Christmas is behind us and To go on to lighter things. We out the window? The traitor . And, of course, you know the rule: Silence then alone doth reign, those visions of sugar plums were wish that there were an under- And I never (lid get my lipstick "No helping" (?) in our school. For who, but he, could save the translated into a realityto bor- ground tunnel running from the back. . . . The day we found Irma's And looking back, I seem to think game. row a phrase of Dr. Farley's. The Square down to Bucknell. Trot- hand cream and had a gay time That in the tests I should have Ah, poor boy, he can play no more, indigestioo was also a reality. We ting dowsi South River Street messing everyone up and how we used blue ink. Fate has closed his open door. read somewhere that eating pro- these dark mornings and encoun- laughed when someone made a But, when all's been sa'd and done, For off the field in deadly pain vides an escape from mental tor- tering the wintry blasts from the bullseye in someone's mouth with College zoology realily was a lot Goes the one to save the game. ment. No wonder the cafeteria is river, we feel like anything but a huge blob of the greasy, smelly of fun. In runs the substitute in greatest always crowded. At any rate, I studying. It's an actual fact that stuff . . . Those many happy Anonymous. joy, ate enough this vacation to escape South River Street is ten degrees hours spent in thinking up those Then someone yells, "Why, that's reality for the next semester. colder than any place else in wild excuses for getting out of GREETINGS! my boy!" Reality is taking a beating here. Wilkes-Barre excepting, possibly, swimming, and then taking one Greetings to a friend so dear, In he goes to set the pace New Year's resolutions are prob- the room where we have philoso- look at Sangy's face and deciding Who is so far and yet so near; And help his team to win the race. ably floating around the lounge phy. No wonder Dr. Miller en- that swimming was a wonderful Wherever you will choose to travel Five more m'nutes left to play by now, and everyone is expound- courages those go.od heated discus- health-building sport? . . . We kept My heart will always follow. Is he ready to save the day? ing their future wonderful be- sions. telling ourselves. . . . The first aid We've been friends for many years Back goes the ball and there he havior with firm lips and lying Sidelights: class when we sneaked into the And never once did we have fears runs hearts. If they all stuck to them \Vhy doesn't someone form an "John" to get away from traction That we wtould part and never see Down the field for two first downs. we're going to have paragons of ice hockey team? The response splints, fractures, drowning and The friendship now 'tween you Those ten long yards to that goal virtue and very boring gab ses- would be terrific. We could use almost drowned when we couldn't and me. line sions. the "Y" pool. A few degrees low- turn the shower off and the water Of course we've had our ups and He must run in quickest time. Vacations are wonderful things, er and we'd ve solid ice. Whee! kept getting higher and higher and downs, Now someone's pulling him, some- but not to come back from. Just I'm a nasty character! we kept getting more hysterical Wh'ch always ended with our one's calling, think, one more month and the We were dreaming of a white and more hysterical with glee and fr owns; Yet is he conscious that he is fall- semester ends, but why mention Christmasnow we'll settle for fear9....We never found out. But now we think of them as past, ing? that. There are certainly more anything. We remember the snow- Those silly phrases we had For we've a friendship that will Then a cheer and then the band, pleasant things around Bucknell. ball fight we had last year across The dictaphone in the lounge? last. For he has crossed the golden You doubt it? I might mention the street on the dike on the spot The 6-inch hole in the rug? Ruth M. Tischler. strand. the Christmas dance, which was a where General Sullivan met and hose anonymous lunches we Suddenly there is heard a roar, great success financially as well as defeated the Iroquois Indians (or used to eat that stilled the pangs cycle rides we used to enjo last That game is to be played no more. socially. This proves that we can so the plaque says). We had lots of hunger, but didn't help the pains spring9 ...Our first Eurythmics And from the crowd a cheer is make these affairs successful if more fun than General Sullivan, or conscience any? class and how wu laughed and lifted the students lend their support. and no bloodshed, either. The episode of the missing laughed? We're still laughing To the one who was so g'fted. We hope that all future affairs will Speaking of the past: Do you books and the Don Quixote who re- but sheepishly. How horribly we How he did it he never knew, follow the precedent set by the remember Madame Lulu sitting in turned them to their wayward felt when we put on our Euryth- 'Twas only for a friend so true, "Snow Ball." The buffet supper solitary splendor on one of the owners . . . Will you ever for- mic suits for the first time, and Whose place he took and didn't fail was worth all the time and effort tables in the lounge? Staring be- get the premature celebration of how we shivered with cold and To clutch the victory for his pal. the committee put forth. My, but nignly on our school girlish gig- the Fourth of July in Dr Albrecht's apprehension at going out on the That substitute is now on stride. we've gone in for sweet talk. gles and our proprietary pride? class? Things certainly popped! lawnand the poor misguided His name is known the country- That's enough drooling for now. The day the sophomores re- The night of Edy Herschen- creature who got her signals mixed wide. We've been doing some serious turned from Eurythmics and found fold's party, when one (1) man and tripped out very confidently The Did we roy- thrills and excitement of that showed up? treat him and very alone? I never have re- game ally? . . . The excitement when the covered from that! I don't think first contingent of Air Crew ar- I've ever recovered from being a Are never mentioned w'thout his name. rived? . . . What did happen to freshman. I hope not. I wish I KEEP AMERICA SAFE the C. P. T.'s9 ...How about the were still a freshmanI seem to Still the memory shall never die, terrible gnawing sensation in the have lost all zest 'for silly fun lik Although that game is long gone pit of your stomach when you first that. I can truthfully say that I by. got up to give your fifteen-minute think it was one of the happiest For never can a game so gay speech and you looked around years of my The fun we had, BUY WAR BONDS life. Die a today. and met all those alien glances of the friends we hadthe genuine horrible death your closest friends? . . . The bi- (Continued on Page 3) Ruth M. Tischler. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Thursday, January 6, 1944 BUCKNELL BEACON Page Three POPULAR A Field Trip CAMPUS SHOT OF HISTORY CLASS I3UCKNELLIAN Fantasy By DR. CHARLES REIF To the faint-hearted engineers who occasionally wander up from their drafting-room lairs to wit- ness the dissection of a cat in the zoology laboratory, or to the un- fortunate commerce and finance students who never venture into che haunts of the scientists, the zoology sudents perhaps seem just a bit queer. We zoologists do not purposely wish to foster such a concept, but at times the evidence does support the idea that natural- iss are hopeless, though harmles Having failed to find a favor- able day for a field trip during the early part of the semester, the zoology class agreed to meet for an excursion on the Monday after Christmas. Some of them balked at catching the 8 o'clock bus for Dallas, but the majority swore up we did agree that the foot of and down they would be there if water was too deep for Ruth's left KATHRYN HISCOX the temperature were above 40, footed galoshes, although she did Bucknell Unrolling the sun shining, and no wind not seem to mindcold feet, warm The choice of Kathryn Hiscox blowing. heart, as the saying goes. as one of our most popular sopho Well, as you know, a rain Sun- I had intended to take a route Night To The Reel mores is one which meets with en- day afternoon covered the roads through the woods, but since every By PHYLLIS SMITH thusiastic approval on all sides. It with ice. Monday morning knew branch was coated with ice, we e Held Every year, as you all probably is also timely, since Kathryn is at no dawn. When I arrived at the received too many crumbs of ice know, various people, organiza- present the president of the Thes- Square, the darkness of midnight down our necks, so it seemed best Tentative plans are now being tions, newspapers, and magazines pians, who will produce shortly the still prevailed. In front of Porn- to follow a trail, and anyway there made for the annual Bucknell pick the ten best pictures of that drama "Moorborn." eroy's store I found Rut'h Young was more snow along the trail, Night to be held on January 15th year. This reviewer would like Kathryn was one of the several and John Holbrook huddled deject which gave Ruth a chance to lay at the Y. M. C. A. by the men of your permission to l'st theten best members of the sophomore class idly in a corner. They were the her one-sided tracks. the college. pictures of 1942-43 as selected by who came to Bucknell from Han- anly two students who were fool- We found the temperature in- In former years this has always the Philadelphia Inquirer in the over High School, where she was ish enough to admit the possibility side the iiansion of Fair-Lea to consisted of a basketball game, December 19th issue, since she a member of the honor society. a field trip on such an unprom- be several degrees lower than that swimming meet, and a dance af- feels that this list is almost the At Hanover, she was a Girl Re- ising morning. I explained to of the air outside. Holbrook, who terward. A nominal fee was way that she would have picked serve and an active supporter of xuth that she did not have to go, claims to know stoves (he says his charged last year, and the pro- them. the dramatic group. hough John and I had the habit grandfather wore a stovepipe hat) ceeds were donated to a worthy So here goes: from last winter's work on the began to fire up. At first, we cause. There was an enthusiastic Random Harvest (M-G-M) She has carried her dramatic in- turnout terest over into her college life, lake. When I returned from buy- raced against the frigid atmos- of both men and women, Casablanca (Warner Brothers) ing my ticket, Ruth disap- making the a for she had a leading role in each had phere of the kitchen in which the affair success. This Is The Army (Warner peai'ed, which did not surprise me, stove is located. John worked un- This year the college women Brothers) of the The pian productions of have volunteered last year, "C die Song" and "Are for after all, she does have a til he was numb, then the three of to take over the So Proudly We Hail (Para- straight A average and had no us rushed in, carried him outside, swimmini meet and to help in the mount) You a Mason?" This year, as polishing program president of the Thespians, Kath- need of apples by going and threw cold water in his face. arranged for the night. For Whom the Bell Tolls (Para- on the field trip. However, she After he had revived sufficient- Rehearsals have already begun at mount) ryn has the difficult task of super the Y. all the activities which are reappeared in time to board the ly, he went back to continue the W. C. A. on a relay race Watch On the Rhine (Warner vising bus and me. and formation carried on in the production of a with John effort, and finally succeeded in swimming. Brothers) As the bus passed through Lu- laying down a fine smoke screen. The college men are forming a Stage Door Canteen (Sol Les- play, yet she also finds me ta basketball member of serne, our threesome picked up Ruth and Jean, meanwhile, went team to play the Navy ser) be an active the Glee V-12 team from the Club and Beta Gamma Chi. Jean Williams, which would have down to the nearby creek to catch campus, and it The Constant Nymph (Warner been handy for bridge had John some fish to smoke. They soon promises to be an interesting bat- Brothers) When first Kathryn came to B. tle, with it was with the intention not forgotten the cards, and Ruth returned, saying they had each all B. U. J. C. students The Human Comedy (M-G-M) U. J. C., she did rooting for the home of majoring in journalism. How- admitted that not remem- caught a fish. We were surprised, team. Bataan (M-G-M) ber what was trump, so our four- therefore, to find three fish in the After these events, a dance will Whether you agree or not, there ever, time soon dissuaded her frdm be un- some settled down to playing creel: two trout and one smelt. held in the "Y" gymnasium to they are. Personally, I'm in fa- that aim, and she is at present guessing games the music decided as to her ambition in life. (we tried to guess Jean began the culinary work of big-name bands on vor of omitting "Stage Door Can- where everyone else in the class by mixing fresh milk, evaporated records. It sounds like an inter- teen" from the list. That was Her deep interest in dramatics esting might indicate a leaning toward might be, but all had the same an- milk, cocoa syrup, and a spoon in affair, so let's get behind it merely a bad copy of the Irving swer, so gave and push hard that as a life's work, but further that up) until we a pan. The temperature in the to make it a suc- show, "This Is the Army," acquaintance with the gal reveals transferred at Dallas to the Har- kitchen had risen above freezing, cess. except for the scenes where Kath- an uncanny ability to psycho-ana- vey's Lake bus, which, strangely although the jug of ice on the erine Cornell quotes from "Romeo enough, took lyze people and a talent for sketch- us to Harvey's Lake. sideboard belied the fact. Only and Juliet," and Gracie Fields, the ing. Now in my pack were supplies Jean's vigorous stirring kept the Book great English star, sings "The She might be called "the girl for twenty-five people. I had cocoa from solidifying. John twice Review Lord's Prayer." with a sense of humor," for she four quarts of fresh milk, four froze his hands in the fire while This columnist would also l'ke always has a witty retort for any cans of evaporated milk, cocoa, trying to make the stove work. A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN to take the further liberty of remarks, and one of her nicest at- sugar, three extra coats, and some After an hour or so, John discov- Betty Smith either adding to the list or substi- tributes is her ability to enjoy gumdrops left over from a trip I ered that the damper was shut, This is the story of Francie No- tuting for some on the list (which- jokes on herself. Kathryn likes to took in 1916. The pack weighed which he claimed accounted for lan. Francie's father, Johnny No. ever you prefer) these pictures: eat pe'anuts at movies (she prefers over thirty pounds and John (my the smoke in the room. By then lan, was a lovable drunkard; her Air Force (Wnrner Brothers) the kind of movies that make you man John) saw no point in his we were completely blackened up mother, Katie, was a woman hard- My Friend Flicka (20th Cen- cry), to meet new people, to drink carrying it all the way. Thus our and Ruth was singing "Swanee ened by poverty. rIhe Nolan fain- tury-Fox) chocolate milk floats, walk in the first stop was in the Alderson River," the fish were smoked, and ily lived in a tenement house in Lassie Come Home (M-G-M) rain, talk hours 'n hours on the Cemetery, where we hid the extra a colony of bees which had settled Brooklyn, and the story traces Also, last but not least, Noel telephone, work in overalls build- milk behind a tombstone Slate under the sink for the winter were Fiancie's youth in this squabbly, Coward's great picture, "In Which ing sets for plays, ice skate and 1873) hoping that no new burials swarming about the kitchen. crowded section of the greatest We Serve," a picture to be ranked jitterbug. were scheduled before our return. Because of the low visibility, borough in the world. among the all-time ten best films. She dislikes very few things, We then proceeded toward Fair- Jean allowed one of Ruth's socks It is told with candor and Perhaps some people would feel and whenever she finds something Lea, the country estate of the Far- (which had been hung over the with warmth. The squalid and the that this picture should not be distasteful, she has a mania for ley family. stove to dry) to fall into the cocoa beautiful lay side by side. The considered, since it is an English analyzing it to find out what is Ruth had discovered (during our and the event was not discovered characters are warm, human, true production, but in cases of out- wrong. stop in the graveyard) that her until John said that the cocoa had to life. There's Sissie, Francie's standing merit, we feel that tech- Her favorite costume is "some- mother (who had pushed Ruth out a decided hand-knitted flavor and aunt, with her boundless generos- nicalities can be overlooked. thing comfortable," her favorite of the house while she (Ruth) was not a little kick. ity and bubbling vitality, Sissie, You may not agree with these candy, J. D. Williams' fudge; 'her yet asleep) had put no lunch in Finally all was in readiness for who marries many times without ligts. If you don't, why not send favorite friend, a good conversa- her paper bag, but had supplied lunch. Since Ruth had brought going through the tedious legali- in your own estimates of what the tionalist; her favorite pastime two overshoes, both meant for the only her overshoes for lunch, Jean ties of divorce. There's Johnny, ten best films are for this year? (when she has time), painting in left foot. Ruth, being versatile gave her one of her two sand- devil-may-care, who drinks away We'll be glad to receive them and water colors; her pet peeve, writ- and ambidextrous, put them on wiches, John gave her one of his his responsibilities. Katie, Fran- comment on them. ing themes; and her favorite topic anyway, and then spent the rest of two sandwiches, a piece of cake, cie's mothtr; Neal, her brother; This columnist will have more of conversation, her brother Harry. t'he day making baffling tracks in and a tangerine, and I gave her their neighbors, friends and rela- Academy Awards which Hollywood Kathryn lives in Lee Park and, the patcl.es of snow along our half of my sandwich and half of tivesall are finely drawn under to say in the future about the since space is limited, for further route. my mincemeat pie. The three of the skillful pen of Betty Smith. always gives out in connection information, the phone number is We visited a beaver dam en- us then sat and watched with You follow Francje from the w'th the best performances of the 2-3931. Need we say more? route to Fair-Lea, but found the hungry eyes as Ruth gorged her- days of hop-scotch, and bringing year. We would like to make a beavers sound asleep, or at least self and we starved. junk to the junk dealer for pen- nomination for an award as the they were doing absolutely nothing But all good things must come nies to her first job and her first best actress of 1942-43, Joan Fon- POTPOURRI about the torrent of water which, to an end. When the temperature heartbreaking love affair. You taine, in her magnificent portrayal (Continued from Page 2) thanks to the rains of the previ- of the kitcben reached fifty de- struggle with her in her search for of Tessa Sanger in "The Constant affection for Bucknell and the sin- ous night, was threatening to in- grees above zero Fahrenheit, the the beautiful in the dull, dingy Nymph." How about you; what cere admiration that sprung up for undate their dam and lodge. Just time had come for us to depart. tenement life. The descriptions do you think? the men and women who were our what they could have done about We set fire to the barn, took sev- are goo.d throughout. The chil- Also, Warner Brothers' and M- teachers. it we were unable to decide, but (Continued on Page 4) (Continued on Page 4) (Continued on Page 4) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Page Four B U C K N E L L B E A C 0 N Thursday, January 6, 1944

JORDAN H. A. Whiteman Est. 1871 r MEN's FURNISHINGS & Co., Inc. Former Bucknell students who studying at Loyola University, Los Ariz. . . . Sgt. Charles F. Temple- visited: Pfc. Milton R. Britten is Angeles, Calif. . . . Pvt. Thomas ton is stationed in with a and in the A. S. T. P. at Yale Univer- Owens, Pvt. Frank Kamiaski, and Maintenance Unit. Wholesale sity, New Haven, Conn., where he Pvt. Charles Rifendifei- are receiv Former Bucknellians who at- HATS OF QUALITY is studying languages . . . Pvt. mi their basic training at Fort tended the "Snow Ball" on Christ- 9 W. Market Street Earle Herbert is studying engi- Benning, Georgia. . . Aviation Ca- mas night: Sgt. Kenneth A. Crans Paper and Stationery neering under the A. S. T. P. at det Carl Thomsen and Aviation ton has been transferred from Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Cadet Victor Patoski are at the U. Camouflage School, Walterboro, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Cpl. Thomas Evans is a celes- S. Naval Pre-Flight School at Cha- S. C., to Dale Mabry Field, Talla- tial navigator in the U. S. Army pel Hill, North Carolina . . . Pfc. hassee, Fla., where he continued at Pocatella, Idaho . . . Lt. Benja- Edward Nork is in the Medical his studies as an aerial photogra- ruin Badman is a bombardier in Corps at O'Reilly General Hospital, pher . . . Cpl. Robert Templeton is For Good Furniture t.je U. S. Army Air Corps at Salt Springfield, Mo. . . . Pfc. George with an Ordnance Detachment at Lake City, Utah . . . Pvt. Joseph Papadolos is in the Anti-Tank Camp Santa Anita, California Come To The Gramophone Jo'neikis was recently transferred Company of the Infantry at Camp Aviation Cadet Nelson F. Jones is to Fort Meade, Maryland . . . Pfc. Adair, Oregon . . . Henry N. Pet- at U. S. Naval Pre-Flight School, Shop Robert Wesley is stationed at the ers, A/S, has been transferred Chapel Hill, North Carolina GEM U. S. Army Air Base at Maxton, from the Naval Training Station Aviation Cadet Lloyd H. Jones is Furniture Stores Records - Accessories North Carolina . . . Pvt. George at Sampson, N. Y., to Bainbridge, at Naval Training School, Lock Parker has been transferred to the i\Iaryland, whre he will begin study Haven, Pa., where he is studying 7 East Main Street Record Players S. T. P. at Louisiana State Uni- at the Physical Training School under the Civil Aeronautics Ad- 154 South Market St. versity, Baton Rouge, La. . . . Pvt. Lt. Donald 0. Roselle is in Moroc- Harry Baut is studying advanced co, Africa, with the U. S. Army ministration War Training School NANTICOKE, PA. 931/2 S. Main Street civil engineering at Pratt Institute, Air Transport Command . . . Lt. Aviation Cadet George Rifen- S. Boguszewski, New York City . . . Cadet Stewart Reuben W. Rader is in the Medical difer and Aviation Cadet Arthur Frank Prop. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Het'tig, Jr., is taking his pilot's Administrative Corps of the Army Rowe are at the U. S. Naval Flight training at U. S. Army Flight at Louisville, Ky. . . . Pfc. Andrew School, University of School in California . . . Pvt. Har- Kerr is in Gunnery School at the Preparatory old Smith is in the A. S. T. P. U. S. Army Air Base at Yuma, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Frarlk Parkhurst, Jr. INC. HARTER'S PASSING BY To Speak on Nursing STUDENT POLL General Insurance Trucksville (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) Miners Nat. Bank Bldg. ANONYMOUS Mrs. Lowery, a member of Kap better jobs, and this would do Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Dairy Ever in search of news, your in- away with a lot of pa Alpha Theta Sorority and Mor- unemployment quiring reporter stopped by at the of unskilled labor. It would also Pasteurized Dairy lounge one day during vacation tar Board (college honorary so- cut, to some extent, the starvation Products and found a gang of gals agog ciety,) took part in numerous un- and poverty groups in our society." with resolutions for the New Year. dergraduate activities. She was Arthur Williams, sophomore: "I Stull Brothers "Aha !" says we, "methinks this a member of the Y. W. C. A., t°nink there should be competitive Trucksville, Pa. may interest our public." So forth- president of the women's student scholarships, and not free educa- Phone Dallas 35 with we proceeded to make a place government at Ohio Wesleyan tion. In that way, if enough for ourselves in the circle and en- University, a reporter on the scholarships were given, everyone Automotive Parts gage in a little fruitful conversa- Transcript (the university publica- could be educated who deserved TiresBatteries tion. tion), and women's editor of the an education." We managed to sneak some of Bijou (the college annual). She Helen Bitler, sophomore: "I Wholesale Deemer & Co. the unsuspecting gals' remarks think it would be was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, a good idea pro- School and Office down on paper and incorporate and graduated from Ohio Wes- vided an aptitude test was given them in a column. Naturally, leyan with high honors. to the students and only the cap- KJNCISTON Supplies since no one wants their New able were given the opportunity WILKES-BARRE Year's She is a member of the Ameri- resolutions to become the can Nurses' Association, the Na- of going on. If this were done, col- Gifts and topic of conversation of all liter- tional League lege training would have to be ate members of our of Nursing Educa- Stationery student body, tion, and the American Red Cross. general, and specialization in spe- we are for our own personal rea- lines would come Nursing, Mrs. Lowery believes, cific later." sons keeping this column anony- Eva Yaremko, freshman: "I RUDDY'S 6 West Market St. in ous. is war work with a future. The think the government should sub- first women- to go overseas with Wilkes-Barre. Pa. that sidize college education, but on a Drug Store To continue, we discovered the armed forces were the Army and strict competitive basis. There Cor. S. Main & South Caryl Thomas resolves: "I am Navy nurses. Even before she are so many who have the oppor- going to be Earnest about every- graduates, the student nurse is to go WILKES-BARRE, PA. now recognized tunity and don't appreciate thing." Her minor resolutions: as being in a ser- it, and there are so many who want "I am going to get to classes on vice as essential as that under- go and can't, would be FOR,YOUR HEALTH'S taken by the to that it time and not spend all my time WACS, the WAVES, a good idea. The biggest com- sitting in the lounge." Ha! Ha! and SPARS and the Marines. Stu- SAKE DRINK dent nurses release plaint against it is that there would Bee Anthony says: "I resolve graduate be a lot of red tape involved. I to drop Spanish next semester and nurses for service overseas, or In believe military or naval don't that there would be, to Get A Man." hospitals at and anyway, that's a minor point." Woodlawn Jean Donahue remarks sarcasti- home. cally: "I resolve not to make any As a post-war profession, nurs- Unrolling The Reel resolutions, 'cause I break 'em ing offers opportunities which Homogenized anyway." have been greatly expanded by the (Continued from Page 3) Elayne Williams: "I'm gonna war. Nurses will be called upon G-M's studios might be nominated Vitamin D Milk quit 'leadin' the blind'." to take part in post-war recon- for producing the best pictures, as Kingston Aileen Carr: "I have to do struction programs abroad and at one can see from a glance at the something about economics before home. There is now, and there is list that they produced most of the Provision Co. mid-year's come along, and I must every evidence that there will con- pictures selected. try and make Miss Leidy more tinue to be after the war, a great cheerful in class, but ooh, those ca- need for nursesnot only in hos- BOOK REVIEW Modern Improvements dets !" pitals and other institutions, but (Continued from Page 3) Plumbing, Heating, Bev Graham: "Good night! I also in public health nursing, as never make resolutions, but with teachers in schools of nursing, in dren's games are recounted with CRAFTSMEN Sheet Metal a flair for will have Bill coming home, I guess I'll have government work with the U. S. detail that you ENGRAVERS to knuckle down on my Spanish." Public Health Service, the U. S. recalling your own childhood Beedee O'Donnell: "I resolve to Bureau of Indian Affairs, the U. games, and the passages about Town Hall Building Turner Johnny's funeral won't leave you cut down on this date business and S. Veterans Administration, and Phone 3-3676 get to work.but definitely." in a number of specialized fields. so quickily, either. VanScoy Co. This is not a romantic, ideal- Katy Hiscox: "I'll get an A in Mrs. Lowery will discuss op- the book. as arts class or bust!" portunities for college women in istic It's true to life as 27 E. Northampton St. ham and eggs. "A Tree Growns Marcella Novak: "I'm going to nursing, and will hold conferences Est. 1871 find out why Sangy always 'has it for students interested. In Brooklyn" is Betty Smith's first ED'S Food Market novel, and this reporter is looking in for me'." Quality Meats forward to more work from the Home-Dressed Poultry To continue further would be next New Year's with some same pen. would new Groceries, Fruits and dire disaster ,for then we dope on a new class of girls. G'bye Holtzman. Vegetables LIFE OF BRONTES have everyone on here but us, and Ruth for now, and don't think it ain't 275 WYOMING AVE. (Continued from Page 1) by process of deduction they might been charmin'. KINGSTONN, PA. figure out who wrote this, and then FIELD TRIP ceive all the glory and those back- ? We will not meditate on Editorial comment: In accord- stage all the labor. ance the (Continued from Page 3) But where the the unfortunate results in such an with writer's wishes, this Thespians are concerned, there column is being is instance, but instead will bring kept anonymous. era! of Genie's watermelons, bor- reached Wilkes-Barre. If the a labor of love and lots of fun be- this to a well-deserved end. How- Any communications or the writer, rowed a farmer's horse ,and rode chance ever presents itself, we are sides. So they'll trade all the glory ever, we warn you, we'll be around however, may be addressed to the merrily overhill and dale (singing going to return to the Alderson for the rollicking good fellowship Bucknell You we Beacon. have our carols as went) back to Har- Cemetery and secure our milk. The found behind the scenes. So be

assurance - BACK THE ATTACK WITH that all will be prompt-vey's Lake. We arrived safely in milk will still be good if some spir- on hand. If you aren't, you'll be WAR BONDS AND STAMPS. ly forwarded. Dallas, and thence by easy stages its have not gotten into it. sorry. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor