Iicraral and COMPANY's PERFORMANCES Tions of Lite
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essas m&fw 14 THE"" PETTSBTJRG DISPATCH, SUNDAY, I'EBKTJAKY 8. 1891 ADVERTISEMENTS, ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTTSKM KNTS.g NEW ADVEItTTSESrEmS. nolntl quote a few words very well said by C down considerably. Now, this proves to me NEW HEW F. Matbewson. He says: just what I bave argued nrore than once. I AREVIEWOFPORTS. "At-tb- sanfe time the report forma a basis havo contended that after this first flush upon which tho A A V. can build in regula- of excitement passes from the magnates, tion of the expenses of its other athletes; It things, as as are concerned, has already, last meeting, lar salaries HARRY DAVIS' DUQUESNE at Its accepted the will resnme their good old way: that is, good system of prizes therein prescribed. That will get good and so on. Why expenses, players salaries, ,XS ' S. portion relating to being of snch Im- is John M. Ward to receive such a big salaryt E 5 SHMV Some Comments on the Proposed New portance and Intricacy, could not Intelligently Simply because, as a player and as an attrac- be passed upon in a moment, and was laid tion, his services are in demand, even at this THEATER. Rules Relating to Expenses over till tbo meotingof the Board of Managers, singular period of baseball history. It will FIFTH AVENUE to be held In Boston February 14. believe sarao m a comparatively grig? us, I be Just tbe all round a Athletics. most. If not all of believe that the interests short time. The very desire of the magnates m(flWDlVf""DYf.KEErWI Z of Amateur of amateur sport, particularly in the case of themselves to outclass each other in players PitlslrarE's Playhouse. clubs located at a distance from others, re- will cause It. Good teams cannot be gotten to- Uji quire that certain expenses (to be fixed here- gether nnder present conditions without IU after) should be allowed to athletes in case of Why, notwithstanding tbe very strong senti- D. HENDERSON AND JOHN W. NORTON, clnb games, as well as championships. re- FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY GOOD FEATURES POINTED OUT. the ment expressed against tbe sales system and eater MANAGERS. Otherwise, many clubs could have only their cently by the League lnacnates, I know some Iisoi I own athletes at names given by such clubs. of the latter who are ready to purchase at high (Near Sixth Street Bridge). IT make these comments in order that there cost certain players. also know that other THEATRE may not arise any erroneous understanding I General Admission, 50 Cejits. The Great Kecessity of Drawing a Tight as. players can have big financial inducements to and Children's Favorite UNDER THE DIRECTION R. M. GULICK 8c. CO. iu uic necrs&arjr Mzupu aou intent 01 me report play with certain clubs. All this proves what I Ladles OF Line Between Amateurism and its framers. In my opinion an amendment am contending for, so that, after all, the play- Amusement Resort will be engrafted allowing payment of specified ers have not reached a period of mel- Beginning Night, and Professionalism. expenses of athletes (other than 'cyclists) in ancholy tbat is to be permanent. I club game, and I certainly shall advocate it, as am not going to say tbat salaries iu COMMENCING I constantly bave in the board and elsewhere. I the past were not too high, but I do say tbat MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9. Commencing Monday, February 9, believe it to be just and necessary. The only a ball player has a right to all tbat BPI SI STEM IS BASEBALL AFFAI1ZS. question is as to the limit and character of the be can get for his services. But what 1 OUSTS "WIEEIK:., expenses to be so allowed." MATINEE ON SATURDAY ONLY. chiefly contend is tbat any concerted effort Wednesday-MATINEES-Satu- . on tbe part of tbo National League to limit COMMENCING The Local Amateur Association. salaries will likely fail because ot tbe desire of Monday, Feb.9 Effcrti ef tie Xiceal Club to Eecm Pliyera Dotsip the magnates to each hare the best players. There was nothing significant in the executive This desire might nut cxtst so stronzly as at Return of the Favorite Abcst Fugfluti. of tbe A A. TJ. deferring action on the applica- present were all tbe receipts of baseball pooled Monday, February 9, "By Jove, the entertainment is a success from tion of membership of the Allegheny Athletic and equally divided. But as thmes are at American Extravaganza Company, Association. was only what ex- present it docs exist, and it exists in a very It could be even no denying the fact that the IT. is nowadays potent form. I will not be surprised if of In The Great Operatic Spectacle, start to ilnisn. hew york There is pected, because the A A not before this season is out tbere will be some very Grand Revival the Ever Popular herald. public is now taking a greater interest in transacting business in the dark. No organiza- heavy blading for players who are abovo the America's Marine Hero and Savior amateur athletics than has ever been the tion is taken under its protecting wing except average in ability. of Human Life, country, and while this is true snch organization can read its titlo extremely case in this clear to and the very fact Affairs of the Local Club. there is not such shelter, that it may also be admitted that action on the application was deferred until in- No matter how we look at the baseball situa- JVST FRANCIS WILSON enoueu prominence given to amateurism by quiries concerning tbe local association could tion, tbere is always a black clond o'erbacging ONE many whose dnty it "is daily to tell the peo- be made, is a strong reason for the desirability Pittsburg. While our hands may not of any association becoming part the A. WEEK. ple about the sporting affairs, or the recrea- of A be raised against every man, every man's cum U. The latter is not made up of any and every us. may be something of clnb or association; by any means. hand, seems to bo raised against Capt Sydney Iicraral AND COMPANY'S PERFORMANCES tions of lite. There not That In short, appears mo we never- tho Allegheny Athletic Association will bo ad- it to that 1m paradox in what say, it is true I but mitted to tbe A. A. U.. 1 feel certain, simply be- are not the people. During the week "What mean is simply this, that by company BIOGEB, Of the New Operetta in Three Acts, theless. I cause there is no reason whatever why it there has been an abundance of talk about Interpreted a of Sterling Players. BRIGHTER, use first-cla- while tbere is now a greater interest in shouldn't, and if it shouldn't it is no having players we will get and first-clas- s Entire New Scenery especially for this it at all. If events should turn out the A. Coney Inland's Life Saving BETTER amateurism there should still be a greater. that players we will not get. It may not be safe to Commander of production. Novel mechanical ef- THAN A U. should refuse our amateur organization crew, where lor tne past tour years no EVER. That there will be a greater I am confi- It is certain that it would collapse, because it is say that nobody knows who we will get outside has unaided saved fects and all auxiliaries. - the only aim or at least tho creat aim of the the players that have belonged to us in the re- w dent and am not afraid to say I . gentlemen who aro members of it to become cent past. It is impossible for Messrs. O'Neill SCORES OF HUMAN LIVE& patron of sports the body. But 1 re- Frolicsome Topsy. MCDi7ynMDPu that every intelligent connected with national and Hanlon to work' harder and more faithful peat, tncre is no fear whatever of their applica- will give graphic descrip- will wish for that time to come because than they are doing, and while it He at each lecture a f-oi- H tion being refused. Tbe names of such gentle- is cheering to know that President tion of tbe manner in which tbe Life Sav- The Irrepressible Marks. , , ,. H 1 9 B Hi 1 m 1 1 S flJB Bj S B H B in proportion as it comes most assuredly men as John Moorhead and O. D. Thompson, O'Neill is certain of having a great ing Crews risk tbeir lives to save n I 1111 g college will many of the huge professional money-makin- who bave done great things iu sports in ball team in Pittsburg I would feel more tbat of others mnst an influence. may be of corporations known as clubs disap- their day have It confident if we had tbe great players signed. Comical Donkeys. Prince interest to tbe curious to know tbat one of the It would be well if Ad. Gumbert were to sign a FROM A "WATERY GRAVE. Prettiwitr and pear, and with them these "great" events reasons for action on tbe application being de- Pittsburg contract. I don't think be would re- was copy by Genuine Little that yield a man 511,000 or 512,000 entirely ferred because a of the rules and gret It, because his good work here would The stanch little craft, "The Neversink," by Siberian Bloodhounds. Cinderella. laws of tbo association was not forwarded to ccitainlyhave better results than it would 'in his side.