2 Tel +44(0)2074378656 London W1J0BA,UK Burlington House,Piccadilly Email [email protected] Tel Cambridge, CB40WF, UK Science Park, Milton Road Thomas Graham House andMediaEditorialNews Office Contact us Scott Ollington Design andproduction DavidCook, Contributor JessEvans Edwin Silvester, Claire Southgate Jon Edwards, Elisabeth Ratcliffe, Editorial team NeilClark, Guest editor HelenPain +44(0)1223432294 facebook.com/RoyalSocietyofChemistry .com/user/wwwRSCorg twitter.com/RoySocChem instagram.com/roysocchem linkedin.com/company/roysocchem Voice |April2020 EDITORIAL

organisation at suchasignificant time. provide anopportunityfor allofusto both reflect andinnovate proud to andIfeel very beleading the which global challenge we needto address. and thinkinnovatively abouthow we can change andadapt to better connect ourcommunity, nomatter to supportourmembers, deliver ourstrategic priorities,inspire thenext generation ofchemical scientists this modernspinfor generation anew ofteenagers (p6). people to study –ifyou liked chemistry ourNotAllChemistsWear White Coatsposters, I’m sure you willlove Women’s Day, andwe lookback at that onp12.Andwe alsolookat campaign ournew to inspire young to thestage withourPresident, Professor DameCarol Robinson, for celebrating anevent International possible by theincredible efforts ofRSC members around theworld. Last monthIwas honoured to take we share theimpact from achieved ourwork to celebrate theInternational Year ofthePeriodic Table, made our diverse membership community to supportandadvance thechemical sciences. InthiseditionofVoice support chemical scientists. Donot hesitate to get intouch ifyou needconfidential help. Fund, whichoffers ahuge range It’s ofsupportservices. avital andsometimes overlooked part ofhow we information aboutwhat theRSC can dofor you (p10).Particularly important istheChemists’ Community and guidance inthecoming weeks andmonths–inthisissuewe’re highlightingsomeimportant when travel isrestricted? in oursixth Twitter Poster Conference –could thisbecome amodelto supplementorreplace other meetings agenda. TheRoyal Society isnodifferent. ofChemistry InMarch, more than700scientists displayed posters platforms can helpto address thecurrent challenge aswell asadvance both aninclusionandsustainability in person. Iwillnot bethe first to pointouthow remote meetings andinnovative usesofsocialmedia about how we can enablenetworking andsharingofknowledge withouttheneedto travel or to bepresent of anumberinternational, andthenlocal, events that have hadto becancelled orpostponed. was not taken lightlybutwas widelyendorsed by thecommunity. This,ofcourse, proved to beonly thestart withasignificant numberofourvaluedin February community not present. Ourdecisionto cancel thisevent than 380delegates, including50from China,itwould have beeninconceivable to runtheplanned2020event to four years since 2001,isaninternational meeting for allofoureditorial boards andcommittees. Withmore for ourteams across theglobe. own locations withprofessionalism andresilience. From their lead, we have beenableto putinplace plans editor the from Latest Please docontinue to share your stories andthoughts withus.Thenext three monthswillnodoubt I amconfident that whilewe deal withtheimmediate challenges presented by COVID-19 we willcontinue During thesetesting times,itisimportant that we continue to recognise theimportant work doneacross It islikely that manymembers, andpeopleinourwidercommunity, willbelookingfor support challengeOf course, comes withevery anopportunity, andthisistheopportunityto thinkdifferently The impact onourcommunity issignificant. TheRSC Editors’ three Symposium,whichwe’ve heldevery our teams inChinaandJapan whohave worked through thedisruptions intheir and thenacross to Europe, theUS andthenglobally. Imust pay tribute to disruption to ourcommunity asthevirustook holdinsouth-east Asia by theChinateam gave ussomeopportunityto planfor greater even my role ofActing CEO.Theearly realisation ofthechallenges faced us could have predicted at thestart of2020where we would be Beijing and Shanghai in mid-January –justBeijing andShanghaiinmid-January at thepointItook on Welcome to theAprileditionofVoice. Idonot thinkthat anyof new coronavirusnew was havinginChinathrough ourcolleagues in at thispointintheyear, withaglobal pandemic touching the lives of each and every one ofus.Evenlives ofeach asIwrite, andevery itisdifficult to know where we willbeonCOVID-19’s trajectory injust a membership community remain safe andwell. (mid-March) andwhenthiseditorial reaches you, ourglobal few days’ time,let aloneweeks. Ihopethat between now As anorganisation,As we were alertto theimpact that the

© Getty Images V FEATURES PROFILE IN BRIEF oice April 2020 04 06 12 Technical excellence round-up andmore Our response to COVID-19, IYPT ChemBio andCancellations Corrosion, Commonwealth, COMMUNITY BENEFITS MEMBER OPINION NEWS 16 14 18 deserved recognition Parliament, IYPT, andsomewell- The results of ourmembersurvey strategy for thefuture Regulation, andachemicals Voice |April2020 CONTENTS 3 IN BRIEF IN BRIEF

New Synergy report outlines a route to #RSCPoster 2020 The sixth edition of our virtual poster conference tackling corrosion #RSCPoster was the biggest yet, with almost 800 A new report from the Royal Society of Chemistry – put together by a diverse group of experts entries submitted from 59 countries around the world. – identifies the next steps needed to enable businesses to adopt non-metallics as an alternative The event took place over 24 hours on 3 March, with 4700 conference attendees – accounts to corroding metals. which used the hashtag #RSCPoster – taking advantage of the event’s global, cost-free and low-carbon format. Corrosion of metals affects most of the world around us – Scientific discussions took place between presenters and attendees at every career stage, from rail to aerospace, and from batteries to wind turbines. with over 9,900 tweets leading to a potential audience of 32 million Twitter users. This costs the global economy £1.9 trillion per year – it is Whatever their research, however they worked, #RSCPoster 2020 united the global not sustainable to keep protecting, repairing and replacing chemistry community, and was a conference with clear advantages. corroding metals. Sustainable, non-metallic materials could present a To see a list of all the winners, please visit rsc.li/poster-winners-2020 non-corroding alternative to traditional materials like steel, bringing major benefits to industry and the global economy. However, adopting these materials is a multi- faceted long-term challenge too complex and risky for any single organisation to solve alone. Before businesses can adopt non-metallics, they need a high level of confidence in how these materials will perform throughout their lifetime. Tackling a challenge of this nature requires collaboration across the supply chain, multidisciplinary research and development efforts, and appropriate policies and regulations to enable the new materials to be adopted. Last year, the Royal Society of Chemistry brought RSC launches together a diverse group of experts representing independent and governmental technology organisations and multiple industries and sectors, to share knowledge transparent peer and begin to tackle this challenge. This formed part of Synergy, our programme for UK businesses who want to review tackle complex chemistry topics collaboratively. The findings of this group have now been published in a RSC Chemical Biology has become new report. the first Royal Society of Chemistry The report discusses reasons that industry may wish to journal to adopt transparent peer adopt sustainable non-metallics in the future. These drivers include public perception and environmental awareness, review – meaning that reviewers’ future regulatory changes, climate change, business comments can be read publically. requirements, and advancements in key technologies. As well as the trends influencing innovation on this As part of our commitment to make research and our decision- topic, the report also outlines the technical challenges and making processes more open, robust and accessible, authors are potential gaps in existing knowledge. It identifies specific encouraged to opt in for the publication of an article’s peer review opportunities for cross-industry collaboration, and lists five history. This includes reviewer comments, author responses and key areas that will be important for enabling collaboration. editorial decision letters. Transparent peer review is optional for authors submitting to To find out more about our latest report or to give us RSC Chemical Biology – 50% of submitting authors have decided feedback, please send an email to [email protected] to take part so far. Authors can opt out at any decision stage throughout the process, and reviewers will be anonymous unless they choose to sign their report. RSC Chemical Biology is a new gold open-access journal for Commonwealth Chemistry’s president elected exceptional findings in chemical biology. Article publication charges for the journal are waived until mid-2022, meaning it will Commonwealth Chemistry, an international federation of chemical sciences societies, has be free to read and free to publish in for its first two years. elected Dr Vicki Gardiner as its first president. We’ll continue to monitor the uptake and usage of transparent peer review on RSC Chemical Biology, with expansion to further At its first meeting, the executive board agreed that the federation’s annual journals in mind. general meeting and inaugural chemistry congress, scheduled for May 2020, should be postponed due to COVID-19. New dates will be confirmed for both To find out more visit rsc.li/rsc-chembio events. Commonwealth Chemistry is the result of international collaborative work we took part in throughout 2019. Events cancellation With the countries of the Commonwealth being home to 12% of the world’s researchers and an estimated 60% of its population being under the age of 30, In light of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we are now cancelling we expect it to play an ever more important role in finding scientific solutions for or postponing all events that were planned between now and the Currently serving as President of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Vicki’s the world’s future benefit. end of June 2020, and we have asked that any Member Networks two-year term will begin in May 2020. She will be supported by newly-appointed Under its guiding principles of equality and inclusivity, Commonwealth running events on our behalf take the same approach. executive board members from Australia, Botswana, Canada, Ghana, India, Chemistry will have representation from all Commonwealth nations, with For events from July onwards, please check with the organiser New Zealand, Singapore, , Sri Lanka, Trinidad & Tobago and the recognition that those with greater resources will contribute more in order to nearer the time before planning to attend any event. United Kingdom. assist those with fewer resources.

4 Voice | April 2020 Voice | April 2020 5 FEATURE FEATURE

Making the difference

ne of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s most important Reaching the target demographic roles is inspiring the next generation of chemical In January we launched the campaign, focused on a set of O scientists. Members and staff alike love to share their new videos and a refresh of our “A future in chemistry” careers passion for chemistry so that the pupils of become the website, with the aim of raising awareness and increasing visits to chemists of tomorrow. the website. We used paid-for social media advertising as well as In January, we launched an exciting new campaign called relying on our own profile and networks to get the message out. ‘Chemistry: Making the difference’, with the goal of inspiring It’s clear that so far the campaign has been a brilliant success. teenagers to study chemistry and pursue careers in the chemical Our videos and adverts have appeared more than 20 million sciences. It is based around a series of videos and careers profiles times across the social media channels we’re working on. We’ve showing the wide range of possibilities available to people who attracted 50,000 new visitors to “A future in chemistry”, and the have studied chemistry. YouTube videos alone have had tens of thousands of views in We developed it to engage the Generation Z audience – a total. Furthermore, we’re able to use the analytics data from demographic that is highly motivated by the issues facing the these social media channels to determine that the vast majority world, and more determined than ever to impact on them. They of those viewers and visitors are aged 13–17: exactly our target are ambitious for a career that is driven by a cause, wanting to demographic. We know we’re reaching the right people. make a difference to the world in which they live – locally and globally. Expanding the audience In three months since its launch, the campaign has got off to a This is only the beginning. We’ve already begun to use the videos, flying start: we know from insights and digital measurement that posters and messages from the campaign across a wider range of lots of the right people are watching the videos and accessing the media, to raise even more awareness. website. We recently conducted a survey of young people – of whom a quarter said they are inspired to pursue a career that helps to Design led by research battle climate change because of the school-age activist Greta The campaign began by asking questions: what kinds of messages Thunberg. Releasing this finding to the press resulted in lots and stories will the target audience – teenagers – find interesting of positive coverage across the web and broadcast media – and inspiring? What kind of media should we use to reach them? including across all ITV regional networks – highlighting our new And how will we know if we’ve chosen these correctly? Working campaign and the benefits that a career in chemistry can bring. with a specialist agency, we researched teenagers’ preferences We have even more planned: we want to use the campaign to and behaviours. build more resources specifically for teachers and schools – keep We discovered that this generation of teenagers is especially an eye out for more communications about those. interested in going on to a career that makes a real difference in the world – and particularly helping to solve the global challenges How you can support the campaign we face today, like sustainable energy, water and food, and We want as many young people as possible to see these videos climate change. We know that chemistry will be at the heart of the and be motivated to pursue a career in chemistry. Please do solutions to these challenges, so we knew we could make a clear share the videos on any social media that you use, and also and attractive link between the two. share them directly with any teenagers you know are thinking In some ways, today’s teenagers get their information very about their future careers. differently. When we launched Not All Chemists Wear White Coats, We all know it’s vital to inspire the next generation of a popular campaign with similar aims, Google and Facebook chemists. We know our new campaign hits the right notes – help didn’t even exist. Mark Zuckerberg hadn’t even been born. We us spread the word and support the future of chemistry, young have a new range of communications channels to reach our people, and the whole world. next-generation audience – primarily YouTube, Facebook and Instagram – and so we built the campaign mainly around those. But in other ways, teenagers get information in much the same way as they always have: from their friends, teachers, careers advisers and families. We know we need to target not only the students themselves, but the adults that will influence their Watch the videos on our refreshed careers decisions. This means thinking more broadly about the channels website edu.rsc.org/future-in-chemistry and messages we use for these important secondary groups.

6 Voice | April 2020 Voice | April 2020 7 FEATURE FEATURE

Periodic success A lasting legacy from the International Year of the Periodic Table © Cambridge Regional College © Jonas Schönle

“I am delighted that EuChemS – through its (reimagined) periodic table highlighting element availability and vulnerability, including elements that can come from conflict minerals and those in smart phones – has been able to play a part in this crucial © Royal Society of Chemistry campaign. Some of the elements in smart phones are projected to be dispersed within 20 or 50 years. We must develop ethical ways of recycling and incentives for handing in used electronic goods. The Royal Society of Chemistry’s campaign is a major step on the way to doing this.” – Professor David Cole-Hamilton © Royal Society Royal © ofChemistryChemitChemistry o

Last year was designated by UNESCO as the International Year of interest in chemistry. Our RSC.org IYPT pages hosted visitors from Above: One of the Periodic Table (IYPT), marking the 150th anniversary of the 182 countries around the world! our flagship IYPT but young people now own so much technology that it points activities saw a light Mendeleev periodic table. It remains an iconic image of chemistry We organised 20 free-to-attend IYPT public lectures across the show illuminating towards a problem of increasing importance. Worse, very few and a vital tool to all who learn and work in science, at all stages of UK and Ireland in association with science centres, universities universities around individuals knew how to recycle unused devices. their learning and careers. and other scientific societies – they attracted over 2,000 members the UK and Ireland for Our campaign to hit the headlines launched on August 21, and Chemistry Week.

IYPT allowed us to celebrate our profession, our members and of the public. © Royal Society of Chemistry by the end of the day our original article on BBC News had been our communities and we were able to work with our communities We gave out more than £83,000 in grants to enable members of Right page, clockwise followed up with extended coverage on BBC Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine to engage people with both the periodic table and what we offer our community to celebrate IYPT with us. This included funding from bottom left: helped the Compound Interest website reach 4.8 million page show, BBC Radio 1, 1 Extra, a Channel 5 News feature, Mail Online, The Restart Project as the Royal Society of Chemistry. for projects around the world, with our international sections in demonstrates how views last year – an unprecedented figure for the site.” The Times, The Telegraph, EuroNews, CCTV2 in China and Reuters. We planned lots of exciting and diverse activities throughout India, Italy, Belgium, South Africa, New Zealand, Finland, they can dismantle Phase two will see continued publicity and targeted online Consumers were made aware of something they didn’t even 2019 – including public lectures, teaching resources, public and Tunisia all organising IYPT outreach events. and repair phone; activity for the infographics, as we have translated them into realise was an issue. When our colleague Elisabeth Ratcliffe outreach, grants to our member networks and communities to Our spectacular IYPT light show lit up 11 universities in the our expert panellists Hindi, simplified Chinese, Spanish, French, Italian and German. appeared on BBC Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine show, people called in speak at a Precious fund IYPT specific activities for their respective communities, UK and Ireland for Chemistry Week. It was also livestreamed on Elements event held at from all across the country to express their surprise at being part and themed journals and books. This gave us an opportunity to social media channels, including into simultaneous events at the the Royal Institution; Precious elements of the issue, with reactions echoed across news coverage and develop new resources and raise awareness, to inspire people of Scottish Parliament and Royal Institution. Cambridge Regional Sustainability is perhaps the biggest long-term challenge facing social channels. all ages, experience and backgrounds. We commissioned Andy Brunning, mastermind of Compound College created a us all today, so with the aim of reaching as wide an audience During the following days we received an incredible 576 pieces knitted periodic table; Gemma Wood, RSC special projects and IYPT programme Interest graphic designs, to produce 118 elemental infographics, and the Gymnasium as possible, IYPT got us to thinking about elements in everyday of coverage across print, radio, trade, consumer tech, TV and web, manager, coordinated our IYPT efforts across the organisation. which we released one-by-one throughout the year. The social St. Antonius in technology: our smartphones, tablets and computers. A number right across the UK and internationally She said: “IYPT was a brilliant example of what can be achieved media statistics are staggering. Compound Interest’s #IYPT2019 Switzerland turned the of rare elements are found in the average gadget and, while Professor David Cole-Hamilton, Vice-President of the European when our sector works together for a common goal. To celebrate graphics alone were seen by more than 4.5 million people on whole front of their evidence existed that these devices were not being recycled, we Chemical Society, created a special IYPT periodic table to show the school into a periodic our most fundamental tool so publicly, engaging such staggering Facebook, while on Twitter @CompoundChem’s content was table. Find out more didn’t know why. relative scarcity of the elements we have on Earth and supported numbers of both scientific and non-scientific audiences was a seen by 1.8 million people, with a further 1.7 million reached on about these stories at Finding out would help us tackle the issue and raise the notion our #PreciousElements campaign, including appearing as part of huge achievement. Instagram. www.rsc.org/news- of sustainable technology within the national consciousness, our media outreach. He said: “The Royal Society of Chemistry’s “I was particularly proud to see the nation lit up with periodic Hosting the graphics on the Compound Interest website events/ so we commissioned extensive research to look at consumer campaign to highlight the problem of recycling of elements tables, and the value of grants awarded throughout the year resulted in 268,526 views of the graphics page alone, with 2.1 habits, asking: from electronic devices including smart phones is crucial to reflects how engaged our wider community was with IYPT. My million unique visitors to the website over that time – and this • what electronic devices households owned, the development of the circular economy, which must start personal highlight? When a (non-scientist) friend sent me a number continues to rise. • how many unused electronic devices they had, now. Elements in phones left in drawers are simply lost to the message on NYE 2019 saying how sad she was that IYPT was Andy Brunning said: “The reaction to the #IYPT2019 campaign • the age of the oldest unused device they had, resource pool.” finished – my work was done!” has been incredible, with people from all over the world sharing • what they planned to do with unused devices, Our IYPT campaign has been recognised as a communications periodic tables made from the graphics and showing other ways • if they weren’t planning to recycle them, why not? success by industry professionals and we have been shortlisted for IYPT in numbers they’ve been using them. We discovered millions of UK households are stockpiling old campaign awards by Memcom, Better Society and Edie. We hope Our IYPT themed content was hugely popular with teachers, “The graphics have longevity beyond IYPT and will continue to technology, with up to 40 million old devices stored away after to bring you news of the continued success of IYPT’s legacy in a students, and people with both a long-standing and new-found be a valuable educational tool for years to come. The campaign being superseded by new models. All age groups were stockpiling, future edition of Voice.

8 Voice | April 2020 Voice | April 2020 9 © Getty Images 10 © Image credit Voice |April2020 FEATURE

© Royal Society of chemistry chemical sciences.” safe andwork withusto continue advancing the Team, Iwould like to askallof ourcommunity to stay more details. challenging anduncertain times–seebelow for Fund andthehelpitcan provide duringthese make peopleaware of theChemists’ Community our community inthework that we do. value thesupportof ourmembers, ourpartners and operating duringsuchuncertain much times.Ivery teams are working incredibly hard to keep theRSC our key Chinamarket duringtheinitialoutbreak, and that we could continue to deliver remotely services in stakeholders. the needsoftheiremployees, customers and organisation, allwithastrong understanding of supported by seniorleaders from across the by ourDeputyChiefExecutive, Paul Lewis, and outbreak. Ourcrisismanagement team isled continuing to refine inresponse to theCOVID-19 continuity plansinplace, whichwe are We have established andtested business Ensuring businesscontinuity Helen Pain, 50,000 membersandto ourglobalcommunity. and well-being ofouremployees sothat we cancontinue to provide supportto our As amulti-national organisation we have prioritisedourwork to ensure thesafety Our response to COVID-19 On behalfof ourTrustees andourLeadership One way you can supportthecommunity isto are“We well prepared asanorganisation andour We successfully introduced measures to ensure Acting CEO ActingCEO how quicklymy application hasbeenprocessed and Fund for awarding me thisgrant to helpmy family.” I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the “Thank you somuch!Ihave beenbowled over at Member who recently received financialsupport Continued supportfor ourmembership [email protected] the networks team on+44(0)1223432269orat this decision,thenplease donot hesitate to contact need to self-isolate over thisperiod. not wishto exclude thoseinourcommunity whomay certainty to both organisers anddelegates andwe do information ischangingrapidly, we wishto give measures. Whilethelandscape andpublichealth community to follow advice ofsocialdistancing events onourbehalftake thesameapproach. 2020, andwe askthat anyMemberNetworks running were plannedbetween now andtheendofJune We are now cancelling orpostponing allevents that Cancelling events untilendof June2020 may cause. advance, we apologisefor anyinconvenience this possible whileourstaff are working remotely. In We are aimingto operate ascloseto normalas •  •  Other updates andactions [email protected] the usualchannelson+44(0)1223432141or but you are still able to contact themthrough in responding to you over thenext few days, working from homesothere maybeaslightdelay The membership team are transitioning to •  At thetimeofwriting(endMarch): Please checkourwebsite for thelatest information. Closing ourUKoffices perform its normalactivities asfar aspossible. advice regarding COVID-19 to ensure that theRSC can will continue to reviewourplansinlinewiththelatest respond to theneedsofourcommunity andstaff. We international locations. early March to ourUKoperations aswell asourother from afullscale businesscontinuity exercise heldin are applyingtheselearnings aswell asthosegained 30 April2020 Thomas Graham House(Cambridge) iscloseduntil website. To helpthosewhosuddenlyneedto teach resources, supportandguidance onoureducation Teachers can ofchemistry findfree teaching until 30June2020 areas, andMembers’ theLibrary Room, isclosed Burlington House(London), includingallpublic If you have anyconcerns orneedanysupporton This isto ensure that we are supportingour The crisismanagement team meets dailyinorder to distancing Social phonecalls whenself-isolating orsocially to requests for urgent financialsupport. caseworkers are ready to respond rapidly, especially you inthedirection ofother Our avenues ofsupport. and ourspecialist caseworkers maybeableto point Chemists’ CommunityFund –contact usifyou •  •  •  •  email [email protected] phoning confidential Please service. get intouch by theFundfinancial support, offers acompletely Society member. ofChemistry be ableto offer you financialassistance asaRoyal that thesupportwe can offer willbelimited, we may income –please speak to us.Whilewe recognise have ledtoespecially ifthey changes inyour regular impact onyou, your partner ordependants – RSC members andtheirloved onesintimesofneed. the Chemists’ Community Fund –hasbeenhelping For 100years Fund ourBenevolent –now known as are inneed of interest to you call uson RSC member, oramemberofstaff. Ifthiswould be enable aregular socialconversation withanother are hopingto offer ourmembers telephone calls to distancing themselves ongovernment advice. We Many members willbeself-isolating orsocially more information onourplansassoonwe can. division awards, events andgrants. Wewillprovide and widercommunity to ensure continuity ofour Our staff are working withourDivisionCouncils now aspart ofafree-to-access collection. papers related to COVID-19 are available to read All Royal Society research ofChemistry-published service. – authors shouldnot experience anydelaysto manuscript to us,please dosointheusualway If you are planningto submitapaper orbook number andpassword to gain access. prompted to signinandenter your usualmember option ifyouChoose the‘Iamamember’ are World website asabenefitoftheirmembership. Members receive unlimited access to theChemistry education coordinators. packs andonlineQ&Asessionsfacilitated by our remotely, we are aseriesofresource developing If you would like to discussorrequest If current events are havinganegative financial The team can talk through theapplication process [email protected] +44 (0)1223432227orby emailingusat Voice |April2020 +44 (0)1223432141 FEATURE

or or


International women’s day On the evening of Thursday 5 March, our headquarters at Burlington House played host to a very special event – a conversation between our president, Professor Dame Carol Robinson, and our acting CEO, Dr Helen Pain – in honour of this year’s International Women’s Day. All photos © Royal Society of Chemistry of Society © Royal photos All

Left to right: Dr Helen Pain, Dame Carol Robinson and Dr Suze Kundu

The conversation was chaired by the brilliant Dr When I saw the job at the RSC advertised – Younger So then I fixed that very simple thing and the next strength to do some of the things I’ve done later on stage on piece of advice, or go back and give some “I pledge to be visible and available Suze Kundu: chemist, science communicator, and Chemist Liaison Officer as it was called at the time – year I got it. And my career completely changed. in my career. advice to your younger self, what would you say? to younger researchers.” Head of Public Engagement at Digital Science. I thought “that’s something I can do”. I always say now if you don’t get the position you – I’ve worked my way through the organisation, want you have to make that difficult call. Ask for Celebrating success Carol: I’d tell my younger self to be more confident. Madeleine Watson Every career path is different overseeing and working with most of the teams, and some pointers. Failure can be good, because you Suze: Now we’ve talked about failures, what are Really celebrate your difference. Don’t go around Dr Suze Kundu: Can you give us an overview of your taking on new opportunities probably every couple can build on it and learn from it. your greatest successes so far? pretending it’s a bad thing – make it a good thing. I “My pledge is to challenge any careers so far? of years, until I found myself as Deputy CEO. Then guess as you get older you just think “this is me”. unconscious bias that I may have.” this year – my gosh – I’m Acting CEO. Helen: Science is all about experimentation, and Helen: Ten years ago I led a project here to refurbish – Hassun Al-Zafar Professor Dame Carol Robinson, president of experimentation is about failing and succeeding. So this library. Every time I’m in this room – for a Making a commitment for the Royal Society of Chemistry, Chair of Dr Lee’s The importance of failure we should be able to talk about failure. meeting or a dinner or an event – the sense of pride gender equality “My pledge is to value my own Professor of Chemistry at the University of Suze: I think that in the chemical sciences we’re not I chose a double honours subject for university is amazing. You can find me stroking the walls The theme of International Women’s Day 2020 contribution to my work and to Oxford, and Co-founder and Director of OMass very good at talking about failure. I personally think – chemistry and maths. But at the end of my first sometimes! actively support other women to Therapeutics: there’s a lot of value in failing, because it’s a step year, I found that I hadn’t done so well in my maths is “Each for Equal”, which asks every individual I started as a laboratory technician at Pfizer – seven towards success. exams, and I wasn’t sure I would be able to carry on Carol: Something very new to me is my spinout to consider what they will do to forge a gender take their place.” – Kerry very happy years. I then did a PhD, and then I had into my second year. company. We had a few great discoveries in our equal world. Guests at Burlington House on 5 a seven year career break, which is very unusual Carol: When I came back from my career break I group and I happened to be talking about it and March, as well as members of staff from both our “I pledge to have more courage nowadays, to raise my three children. applied for my first fellowship. I put so much effort That sense of failure was enormous and I had someone said, “I’d like to give you a million pounds UK offices, were invited to add a commitment and more confidence to pursue I came back as a postdoc, and then got a in and I didn’t get it. I remember getting this thin to really compose myself and make some quick to make it into something”. to our “Pledge Wall”, saying what they will do to help forge a gender equal world. what I want to and what I believe fellowship, which transformed my life, and then envelope – it was my son’s birthday and I had decisions about my next steps. I spent all my time We took over a brownfield site and made a in.” – Nichole went on to be a research professor, and now I’m the to pretend everything was fine but I was really that summer revising to resit my exams, around my nice new swanky building, and it’s created a huge president of the Royal Society of Chemistry, so I’m devastated. job in a bank, and luckily when I got to that exam I number of jobs for people all over the world. I don’t “I will leave the chemistry culture “I pledge to offer encouragement very proud to be that person. I decided I would like to know why I wasn’t did really well. think of myself as an entrepreneurial sort of person, in a better place than I found it.” – considered, so I rang them and asked. They said What I learned from the experience was how to and I never thought I’d be sitting here saying I had a and support to early career Dr Helen Pain, Acting CEO of the Royal Society of it was because I was “not very international”. I really gather my resilience, focus on what I could do, spinout company, but I’ve very proud of it now. Carol Robinson researchers, whatever their Chemistry: had three young children so it was hard to travel. I and how I could get control and make a difference background.” - Serena Best I did my degree and PhD down at Exeter and I knew explained this and they said “you just need to get to the situation. I do wonder whether, if I hadn’t Be confident “I will listen, learn from others and from early on that I wanted to work with chemists. some international referees”. gone through that, whether I would have had the Suze: If you could give anyone in the early career share my experience.” – Helen Pain

12 Voice | April 2020 Voice | April 2020 13 PROFILE PROFILE

Technical excellence


“At times the job can be like a specialised practical teaching role, running technical classes, or Veronica Dobbyn is Chief Technical Officer at Dublin City supervising entire student University’s school of chemical sciences. After her team won our research projects.” Higher Education Technical Excellence award, we spoke to her about the importance of upskilling technical staff, bringing their work into the digital age, and how to recognise the increasingly broad role technicians are required to fill.

In March we released our “Technician Taking place at Burlington “just” support staff – but that is Commitment” – an action plan to help House, London, the launch included starting to change now. Recognition is universities, research institutions and presentations on securing status important – as reflected in the RSC’s industry place technical staff at the and opportunities for technical Technician Commitment launch forefront of what they do. As part of a roles, alongside improving health, yesterday. It was a great honour to Science Council-led initiative, our plan safety and accessibility in higher visit Burlington House: the medals are (see rsc.li/technician-commitment) education laboratories. It finished fantastic and the certificates will go up aims to increase visibility, recognition, with the presentation of our 2019 on the wall here. career development and the Higher Education Technical Excellence

sustainability of technicians in the Award to Dublin City University’s What has your career path been? © Piers MacDonald chemical sciences. (DCU’s) school of chemical sciences, Straight from school I went to a This will be achieved by our range in recognition of their health and technological institute and took classes. Through this I worked on teaching students and imparting your How is your work environment staff – career paths and development crossed the bridge between technical of grants, awards, networking, safety work. We spoke to their a diploma before working for a different instruments, such as LC, GC, own interest in science – to encourage changing? in particular. This needs to reflect and academic, what happens? If you discounted training, and mentoring – Chief Technical Officer, Veronica pharmaceutical company called Elan. and AA, and specialised in SEM. I was them to be as enthusiastic about their We currently have an injection of the evolving demand of the role. At choose to go for advertised teaching alongside professional accreditation Dobbyn, to shine a spotlight on their I worked there in a QC capacity for a Technical Officer (TO) for 18 years own career path as they can be. capital from the Irish government to times the job can be like a specialised positions do you then leave the and registration (RSci/RSciTech). In achievement. two years before moving to DCU in before the Chief Technical Officer role change how we engage the newer practical teaching role, running technical role entirely? If you directly addition to supporting individual 1988 – and I’ve been here since. came up. This is very different – less Your award was specifically for type of student that is out there. For technical classes, or supervising assist research projects should you technicians, we are encouraging How does it feel to win? At DCU I worked my way up. It hands-on, with more administration, health and safety, can you tell us instance, we are looking at artificial entire student research projects. On be named co-authors on papers? We organisations to get in touch with us At the time I found it very daunting began with basic laboratory classes HR management, budgets, and more? intelligence and preparing for a future the other hand, some universities in need to at least secure a remuneration for assistance in achieving their own as we are not used to getting awards. for first and second year students, procurement. This role and my career One of our biggest process workplace that will be very much Ireland have separate salary scales for all those extra hours and skills that goals with regard to technical staff. There’s the old adage that we are progressing to years 3, 4 and masters have changed and grown as the innovations was the introduction of robotic by integrating IT and coding for “experimental officers”, who are technicians provide as the scope of the department itself has. an electronic form and database for skills into teaching of fundamental technicians branching out into being role develops. hazardous substances. It took the principles. highly skilled on a specific instrument Any tips for a technician to progress team several years to develop, and and away from teaching. Read our Technician Commitment their career? is essentially an Irish version of the What are you most proud of? We are also becoming involved request help with your For a TO, you hit a point where you COSHH system, adapted in line with I’m proud that as a team we are very in delivering lectures – the job title organisation’s own action plan at: don’t progress if you don’t have a directions from our own authorities. It much seen as an integral part of doesn’t reflect this, so once you’ve rsc.li/technician-commitment masters qualification. We’re at a reduces paperwork and saves time via running the department. Sadly, when stage where most of the team have drop-down menus, it makes students I speak to technicians from other a masters now, and it make sense aware of any dangers, and guides institutes I get the feeling that’s not to upskill people. I’m not sure this me in what needs to be contained or always the case. I have the power happens in every university or stored in a particular way. to close the lab here if needed, we individual department currently – but I think young students don’t are invited a lot to give opinions on it should, and if it doesn’t you should always realise that what they work various committees – particularly ask for it. with now can affect them when they health and safety – and our opinions are older – particularly carcinogens, are very well respected and applied What skills are most important for a or something that affects their across many faculties. This is probably technician? reproductive health. When I first because we are accommodating, and The job is incredibly broad! TOs need trained, health and safety wasn’t as very accessible: while we may say “no” to be adaptable – you need to be open stringent as it is now. Then when I sometimes, we would always offer a to learn, apply, and take on new tasks was planning my own family I had solution. willingly. I found one of my team here an experience that really made last week drilling holes in a piece me question what I had been in What more can be done to support of wood because that was the best contact with. It’s always in my mind technicians? solution to a certain problem for a that chemists should take care of Similar to the Technician Commitment, researcher. themselves – all the way through we are meeting here in spring to

© Piers MacDonald You also need to have an interest in their career. discuss our own support for technical © Piers McDonald

14 Voice | April 2020 Voice | April 2020 15 OPINION OPINION

Cooperation and negotiation Transition priorities

Stephen Elliot Dave Bench Chief Executive of the Chemical Industries Director – Chemicals at the Health & Safety Association (CIA) Executive

Stephen discusses future regulation and policy in the wake of Dave provides an update from the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), Brexit, explaining the importance of cooperation, and answering the explaining what their priorities are over the Brexit transition period. question “Where should the UK start?”

Great strides have been made by the chemical With the launch of formal negotiations, both the UK to evaluate and take decisions on chemicals After leaving the EU on 31 January this year, the  Allow trade with the EU and the rest of the world a new regulatory decision is made or an existing industry over the past decade, whether that’s UK and EU chemical industry need an agreement that from a common data pool. UK is now in a transition period that will end on that is as frictionless as possible. expiry date is reached. EU decisions relating to REACH towards achieving cleaner manufacturing sites, recognises the economic and environmental logic of 31 December 2020. During the transition period In the transition period, HSE is no longer acting as a and any decisions on active substance approvals reducing waste and improving circularity, or remaining closely connected, particularly with regard Such an approach would mean the EU law and frameworks continue to apply, with ‘leading authority’ in conducting certain assessments or Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) will also apply contributions – direct or indirect – towards a low to the REACH regulation. More specifically, industry UK could evaluate and take decisions on some changes, but from 1 January 2021 we will be within the EU regulatory systems. During this time, in the UK during the transition period. After the UK carbon economy. welcomes a chemicals sector-specific annex as part chemicals, informed by what is acknowledged as one operating standalone chemicals regimes. UK-based businesses have the same rights as EU- leaves the transition period, future EU decisions will On the products front, the EU REACH regulation of the trade agreement, looking to a commitment of the most comprehensive databases on chemicals, The responsibility to protect the health and based businesses to have their submissions accepted not apply in Great Britain, but may apply in Northern has seen businesses across Europe working in developing a Memorandum of Understanding to whilst minimising future divergence. In this way, safety of people, and the environment, remains the and processed by ‘leading authorities’ based in EU Ireland under the terms of the collaboratively to develop one of the world’s largest enhance further cooperation as well as the possibility the UK can help create a policy environment that is same during the transition period and will be the member states. Protocol. HSE will communicate more detail about databases, with more than 90,000 registrations to agree data and information sharing mechanisms. sensitive to innovation and growth – strengthening same when we leave the transition period. HSE will All registrations, approvals, authorisations and this distinction as soon as the details have been for 22,000 substances. Over 10,000 of these However, in pursuing this approach, and in order the chemical industry’s capability to deliver continue to maintain an effective regulatory system classifications of chemical substances and products agreed. registrations have been submitted by the UK, to build on progress made to date on regulations sustainable solutions across the whole economy for the management and control of chemicals to accounting for over 5,000 substances, making UK such as REACH, industry is urging negotiators and wider society and tackle the major challenge of protect people and the environment, both during and companies the second highest contributor to the to agree as a minimum: climate change and decarbonisation. after the transition period. Our relationship with the EU and its Member States during the transition period number of REACH registrations after Germany. During the transition period, EU legislation and the will be conducted as an independent country. Where there are opportunities It should come as no surprise, therefore, that in 1. A close regulatory cooperation between the UK Both the UK and EU chemical current terms of market access will continue to apply for the UK to engage, influence and promote UK positions, we will do so. looking to shape future policy, industry is urging and the EU that goes beyond the level of technical industry need an agreement to the chemicals industry. Our priorities are to: Government to find a way to build on the progress cooperation ECHA have with other countries  Ensure the effective and safe management of and investment made to date and to avoid the under existing agreements. that recognises the economic chemicals to safeguard human health and the that were already in place before the UK left the EU HSE is continuing to process product applications duplication of direct cost and resource. Securing a 2. A mechanism to share data between respective and environmental logic of environment. remain valid now, and will remain valid after the end under the Plant Protection Products Regulation and deal with the EU that guarantees tariff-free trade, authorities that would enable both the EU and remaining closely connected.  Respond to emerging risks. of the transition period. That will change only when Biocidal Products Regulation for the UK market and close regulatory cooperation and access to skilled that process will be broadly similar after the transition people continues to be of critical importance period. During the transition period any applications for the chemical industry. With well-established A sustainable chemicals revolution will be considered against current EU rules and supply chains and materials crossing the channel standards. multiple times for even basic products, a vital Tanya Sheridan – Current attempts at the massive undertaking gives students the understanding and skills that will and the UK could be a strategic partner in the Our relationship with the EU and its Member States aspect of a future agreement is to ensure the Policy & Evidence of addressing chemical pollution are not working. enable them to become scientifically literate and near future. Circular economy approaches could during the transition period will be conducted as an future UK/EU trading relationship is as frictionless Manager at the For the world to solve the major environmental responsible citizens, and provides a sound basis become a reality through new targeted initiatives in independent country. Where there are opportunities as possible. Royal Society of and health challenges we face, there must be a for future study and careers in a range of fields. The the chemicals sector, including in electronic, plastic for the UK to engage, influence and promote UK On regulations, industry has continuously Chemistry sustainable chemicals revolution. It is time for curriculum at all levels should support students in and food wastes. positions, we will do so. pushed for a cooperation agreement that The chemical governments and civil society to take a fresh look at gaining the necessary skills and understanding to Regulation. Regulators and industry work At the point that we leave the transition period would see the UK formally connected to the sciences and the working together to develop a revolutionary global make and use chemicals safely and sustainably for together to ensure chemicals are made and used in all of the existing rules and standards will remain European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and chemicals sector chemicals strategy – a strategy that delivers on the a modern world. a safe and sustainable way – to benefit society and the same, but a degree of divergence from EU related EU regulations. This would be the most are important vision of economic growth and on delivering new, Innovation. Chemical science innovators to create a level playing field for trading chemicals decisions is likely over time. This is because we will effective approach to regulate chemicals, contributors to sustainable development, now and life-changing chemical products. have the power to create solutions to some of and products. We support risk-based regulation be taking independent decisions on the basis of our enabling Government to deliver on its future in the future. They revolutionise our lives with new Scientists in our community have engaged society’s biggest challenges – from climate change (wherein not only the hazards of chemicals are assessments, and potentially at different times to environmental ambitions whilst minimising products and solve grand challenges, through the actively with us in round tables and workshop to combating disease. When researchers and considered but exposure too) as informed by the the EU regime. In due course, the Government will the cost to the UK’s manufacturing industry to development of new materials, new science, new events to help develop our vision for a chemicals businesses come together with international best science evidence on exposure, toxicology and decide on the nature of a future work programme compete globally. Without such an agreement on technologies, new ways to keep us healthy and new strategy. This work, although done in the context of collaborators, we can implement new approaches considering socio-economic factors, to enable for chemicals regulation in the UK. The Government chemicals regulations, the UK is expected to set ways of assessing the risks of chemical hazards. new chemicals strategy development in the UK, sets and inventions to tackle the biggest of global pragmatic and effective decisions to benefit may also, following the usual consultation, propose up its own regulatory regimes, and lose access According to the United Nations Global out principles applicable elsewhere. Together, we challenges, including plastic pollution and society best. changing some of the chemicals regulation regimes to to scientific data submitted by companies to Chemicals Outlook II (GCO II) report ‘From Legacies have identified four pillars on which any chemicals climate change. Science needs to be at the heart of all chemicals better suit our position as an independent country. ECHA and 10 years of investment in compliance. to Innovative Solutions’ published in June 2019, strategy has to be based: education, innovation, Circular economy. Circular economy strategies. Governments should seek maximum Once the outcome of the trade negotiations The cost of duplicating EU REACH alone in the chemicals production and consumption is set to circular economy and regulation. approaches are becoming increasingly possible. cooperation and consistency with the United between the UK and EU is known, HSE will provide UK is estimated to exceed £1 billion for UK double by 2030, from a $5 trillion industry globally In our new policy document, “A chemicals New data and digital technologies enable more Nations Strategic Approach to International further information on how the chemicals regimes businesses, directly affecting the future viability in 2017 – with production set to increase mainly in strategy for a sustainable chemicals revolution”, transparent communication, data sharing and Chemicals Management (SAICM). We are making will operate in the UK from 1 January 2021 and of products, potentially forcing duplicate testing emerging economies. If chemicals production is we have outlined our vision for the year 2030, with better managed chemical supply chains, although the case for UK chemicals strategies to enshrine any preparation that may be required before then, and seriously questioning the environmental doubled, chemical pollution must not double as a respect to these four pillars. challenges remain. The EU has been leading the high standards, cooperation and consistency with through the guidance on the HSE website. You can benefits in informing future policy, such as the consequence. Education. Successful chemistry education way in developing circular economy strategies, EU chemicals policy 2030 and the EU Green Deal. also sign up for HSE’s e-bulletins where changes to forthcoming national chemicals strategy. our guidance will be announced.

16 Voice | April 2020 Voice | April 2020 17 MEMBER BENEFITS MEMBER BENEFITS

Member survey 2020

The results of our biennial member survey are in. Find out what we learned, and what steps we’re taking to improve your membership experience.

very two years, the Royal Society of Chemistry every stage. professional credibility and given them a sense of and diversity within the chemical sciences. From 2020, we have committed to report publicly surveys you, our members, to gather As early career chemists, you told us that achievement and pride. Some of our most recent research has focused on on our diversity data, and data from our membership Supporting you during the information on perceptions, opinions and enhancing your skill set and taking on new If you are thinking about achieving a professional these areas, such as support for women within the survey will form a large part of this. This will COVID-19 outbreak E We understand that this will be a very difficult overall satisfaction. This is your opportunity to share responsibilities are your main priorities. A key tool award, or manage individuals who would benefit profession as laid out in our ‘Breaking the barriers’ collectively empower us to provide more accurate your experiences with us by feeding back on all for supporting early development is our approved from this framework for professional development, insights, which highlighted challenges to women’s analysis and reports to improve our services and time for many of our members. You can find out aspects of being a member of the professional body training courses database, which encompasses our accreditation and qualifications team can retention and progression in the chemical sciences, provide the best possible offering to our community. more about our respond to COVID-19, including for the chemical sciences. topics and techniques across the whole spectrum provide expert help on selecting the right award. and our collaborative efforts with the Institute of the support available to you, on p11. We use this to improve your experience of the chemical sciences. Booking is available at a Some respondents said they would like Physics and the Royal Astronomical Society on the Looking to the future by listening to your honest feedback. Whilst discounted rate for members. assistance with the different steps required to report ‘Exploring the workplace for LGBT+ physical Over the coming weeks and months we will continue opportunities for discussions at events and activities Mid-career chemists frequently responded to this achieve a professional award. Our team can help scientists’, which emphasised the need to create to explore the responses that you provided, identify are numerous, we value the wide and varied section saying that they were looking to improve with this, right through from application to building working environments where all employees feel trends in membership groups and begin to plan responses you provide to us in this research – which their skill set, but also to take on a more senior role. a report or portfolio and assessment. comfortable and can therefore flourish. future projects, products and services that will help covers all facets of RSC membership and the wider Our mentoring scheme is the perfect platform for Over the coming year we will be working to With our new in-depth diversity data monitoring you in your day-to-day roles as well as more broadly organisation. individuals to get a flavour of what is involved and to increase support across the board for our registers questions, we align our data collection with current across your work and home life. The results of this biennial investigation form the gain some valuable CV-building experience. and chartership applicants. best practices such as those used by Stonewall, The Every answer is valuable to us, so your time, basis for decisions taken around future development Our in-house career management team are on Find out more at: rsc.li/professional-recognition Royal Academy of Engineering, the Science Council, enthusiasm and experience gives us confidence in and professional support for our members at every hand to provide support for our whole membership, the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), and using this research to build a stronger membership stage of their career. at any stage of your career – whether you are a recent Chemists’ Community Fund the Office for National Statistics (ONS). for every part of our community. We would like to extend a big thank you to graduate or you are planning your retirement. As a member of the RSC you have access to our everyone who took the time to complete this year’s Of our career and professional development Chemist’s Community Fund. The fund exists to set of questions and provide us with some really support, you valued the access to specialist advisors provide support to you and your family when life useful detail and insight. most highly, alongside a number of allied services. gets challenging (read more on p11 of this issue). We will be using the responses you have provided Over two-thirds of participants were aware of the The headlines to begin a broader review of all of these activities to fund and the numerous ways it can provide support Over 6,000 of you shared your views during the ensure that you continue to get first-class guidance in times of hardship: from legal advice to coping four-week window, with respondents ranging from throughout your career. with bereavement, and from financial support to those working in industry to teachers and lecturers, Find out more at: rsc.li/careers health and wellbeing services. However not all of and from academics to consultants and researchers. you felt confident in how to access it. Of those surveyed, 93% rated the RSC positively, Professional awards We will continue to increase promotion of this key with 46% selecting excellent and 47% saying Our registered and chartered professional offering for our membership in order to combat the good, representing an overall positive increase of awards are the cornerstone of our professional numbers who are unsure of how to access it, or who 4% from 2018. development platform for our members – and over are unsure of their eligibility. This year is the fund’s There were also increases in the number of a third of respondents currently hold, are working 100 year anniversary so we have many planned members feeling proud to be a member of the RSC, towards, or are familiar with our flagship Chartered activities that will help to answer these concerns. feeling a sense of belonging, and rating member Chemist award. Find out more at: rsc.li/chemists-community- benefits and services as excellent or good. Of those who hold or are working towards an RSC fund professional award, 81% told us that they feel it has Volunteering contributed to promoting their career success. Many Inclusion and diversity We were overwhelmed by how important commented on how the award has increased their This year’s survey asked your opinions on inclusion volunteering is to you. There are a large number of ways you can volunteer as a member of the RSC, whether that’s engaging with your local section and interest groups, being a member of a working group, delivering outreach activities, speaking at events, or peer-reviewing our publications. The survey highlighted that you want more local options for volunteering and participation. As a result we will continue to address the scheduling and location of different kinds of RSC events and build on online access to services and products for members. The survey showed more than half of participants not currently involved indicated an interest in one or more volunteer opportunities, in particular those earlier in their career. We will build added guidance and communication to help you access wider opportunities to support us at every career stage in the coming months.

Career planning When it comes to making plans for future career

steps, we want to support all of our members at © Image caption

18 Voice | April 2020 Voice | April 2020 19 COMMUNITY NEWS COMMUNITY NEWS

Lizzie Driscoll © Lizzie We received a grant from the Royal Society of Lithium shuffle Chemistry’s Outreach Fund, which was of enormous help. It enabled us to purchase props and T-shirts for filming, and sports bibs for using this activity as an Lizzie Driscoll, PhD student at the University of Birmingham, produced a fun, informative educational playground game. video explaining how rechargeable Li-ion batteries operate. She also rolled out the activity The day of filming was slightly chaotic but a great as a playground game for schools. success. A wide range of people volunteered to take part – from senior battery chemists and materials By Lizzie Driscoll Driscoll © Lizzie scientists to PhD students and undergraduates. Through the development and successive The people playing the part of the lithium ions commercialisation of the Li-ion battery, which and the metal current collectors did a perfect job of established the portable electronic industry over moving and throwing the beach balls – representing 20 years ago, the world’s infrastructure and social the electrons – while I shouted “charge” and mobility has drastically changed. These batteries are “discharge” out of shot! found everywhere – from mobile phones to laptops, I also led a series of primary school workshops. and, more recently, electric vehicles. One of the memorable ones involved some Year 4 With the technology so widely available, it is students, a workshop that I ran with Dr Gavin Harper, important for the public and school children to Faraday Institution Research Fellow, in November. understand how they work, and what research is We started the workshop off by asking students being done to improve them. The most common to think about what is in batteries and the responses demonstration to introduce batteries is the potato-/ were amazing. At the age of 8 or 9, I found it amazing lemon-electrolyte batteries. Although this is a great how much they know about batteries, and how well demo to introduce the concepts of electrochemistry they made connections to the everyday. I was further and non-rechargeable batteries, it can’t be used to impressed with how they co-operated in the workshop explain the rechargeable types. activity to demonstrate charging and discharging This led us to create a visual aid to show how rates. We used bean bags to represent lithium ions and these batteries work so as to create a useful learning each pair of students represented the two electrodes. tool for battery education suitable for introductory Read more and watch the video at: (secondary) up to degree level. rsc.li/community-news Inspiring school children with chemical biology Talking science to policymakers Dr Wael Houssen from the University of Aberdeen has developed an initiative to inspire STEM for Britain – the poster competition where early career researchers showcase their primary school children with chemical biology. work to Members of Parliament – took place in Westminster on 9 March. John Deehan © John By Aberdeen of © University Aberdeen of © University From midday, exhibitors, judges, MPs, and representatives from learned Dr societies gathered in the Attlee Suite, in Portcullis House, in the Houses of Parliament. Each exhibitor received a visit to their poster from at least two of the judges – all leading academics and industry experts. STEM for Britain differs from the usual type of poster competition, in that it places an emphasis on being able to communicate science to a non- scientific audience. It’s an opportunity for policy makers, most of whom do not themselves have a science background, to learn more about the work being carried out by researchers in their constituency. The competition is held annually, and exhibitors present their posters under the categories of physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering and biosciences. Gold, silver and bronze medals are awarded in each category, out of a shortlist of 30 exhibitors.

(l–r) Gemma Smith, bronze medal winner, Florence Gregson, gold medal Gold medal winner winner and Fabienne Bachtiger, silver medal winner. Florence Gregson, a PhD student at the University of Bristol, won gold. Florence, who grew up in Derbyshire, studies how liquid aerosol droplets crystallise and She said: “Being able to communicate what you do to lay people is really dry from solid particles. important for policymaking – it informs policy, it informs other people that She explains: “It’s very important for industrial applications like spray drying, might actually want to be involved but don’t necessarily have that level of also important for inhaler therapy and atmospheric chemistry. Drying is expertise – but you can make that accessible by explaining what you do at a everywhere!” more friendly, user level.” Wael Houssen In response to winning gold, she added: “I’m absolutely thrilled. The judges This initiative, supported by a small at secondary school level, in effect the information on DNA is translated a chemical substance that carries the were all very kind about my work, so that was nice, and all my peers – the other Bronze medal winner grant from the Royal Society of there is a lot that can be presented to into proteins and how DNA and information on which protein is going competitors – here have been really supportive. I am hoping to print my PhD this Gemma Smith, from Tunbridge Wells, is a postdoctoral researcher at the Chemistry’s Outreach Fund, aims to younger children. It is also important protein folds in our body. to be produced in our body. They week and hand it in – so I’m right at the end. This gives me a bit of a boost for the University of Manchester and won the bronze medal. . inspire the proportion of children to target children at a very early age Some fun activities include enjoyed solving chemistry crosswords final hurdle.” Gemma studies porous materials with a view to using them for the capture who prefer biological subjects with when the impact of such activities is observation and monitoring of heat- and puzzles where clues were written of sulphur dioxide gas. Sulphur dioxide is made by burning fossil fuels and is chemistry – by showing them how maximal. induced denaturation of proteins as DNA sequences. They translated Silver medal winner harmful to human health and the environment, so it’s important to be able to chemistry and biology are interlinked Experiments include the use of while making differently-shaped the codons in these sequences into Fabienne Bachtiger, a postgraduate at the University of Warwick, took home the capture it before it is released into the atmosphere. and how chemistry could fulfil their chromatin dyes to see chromosomes boiled eggs. Then an explanation of amino acid single letter code and used silver medal. She grew up in Switzerland but moved to the UK when she was 12 She said: “The fact that my research has a very real application is really passion for understanding biological at different stages of mitotic division, a similar analogy with straightening these letters to solve the puzzle. and went to Durrington High School in Worthing. motivating, especially when we get positive results.” phenomena. and the isolation of DNA from fruits. hair was provided. Fabienne uses computational methods to find out how to stop large ice Although chemical biology looks Activities involved the use of physical The children were excited and Read more and watch the video at: crystals from forming in biological materials – for example blood samples or the Read more at: rsc.li/community-news more suitable for mature children models and Lego parts to explain how understood the concept that DNA is rsc.li/community-news storage of other fluids.

20 Voice | April 2020 Voice | April 2020 21 COMMUNITY NEWS COMMUNITY NEWS All images © Chris Hamlett © Chris images All Science at CoCoMAD 2019 Science had a huge presence at Birmingham’s CoCoMAD festival for the third year in the row, thanks to a collaboration between local organisations.

By Chris Hamlett more than fifteen stalls of outreach cushions, wooden periodic table, University of Birmingham) to building It is the first Saturday of July and activities across a range of scientific neon lighting and even some pots of a space base (Dr Ian Whitaker, through the music, arts, and dance disciplines for people of all ages. elements for people to peruse at their Nottingham Trent University), green of the annual CoCoMAD festival To celebrate the 150th anniversary leisure. The School of Chemistry from polymers (Dr Josh Worch, University comes the deafening enthusiasm of the periodic table the University of the University of Birmingham also of Birmingham) and even how of scientists!! Since the RSC first Birmingham’s School of Chemistry attended with over 15 student and microbes build biofilm fortresses awarded a group of local science and the School of Metallurgy and staff volunteers, from undergraduates (Ana Martins Pinto De Magalhaes, communicators (BrumSciComm) Materials showcased research into to professors. They presented their University of Birmingham). an Outreach Small Grant to run a Li-ion batteries, demonstrated by “ChemBAM” experiments including: Following the success of three chemistry tent and busking activities a dinosaur and a game of Jenga extraction of DNA from fruit, fragrance years of science at CoCoMAD, weekly at the CoCoMAD festival in 2017, (Prof Peter Slater and Prof Emma chemistry, chromatography, science clubs were run in the park science has been a staple of the Kendrick’s groups), and recycling alginate slime and adapted Jenga during the school summer holiday festival. But this year’s activities were demonstrated by activities sets to explain the workings of (using kit purchased with funding upgraded to an entire science field! involving both waste separation lithium ion batteries. from the RSC) and monthly clubs BrumSciComm teamed up (Dr Chris Hamlett, ‘Discover In total at least 2000 people run by local science enthusiasts are with University of Birmingham’s Materials’) and reuse of plastics visited the science field to see ensuring that the legacy of the initial ‘Research in the Heart of Brum’, (Prof Andrew Dove’s group). these activities, engage with our RSC Small Outreach funding is going ChemBAM, Barber Institute and In addition, an RSC IYPT award was science busking activities and listen strong – roll on 2020. Lapworth Museum in addition to both used to make a periodic-table-themed to the science talks ranging from Read more at: ThinkTank and Mondelez to deliver chill out area consisting of elemental nanomaterials (Dr Ilija Rasovic, rsc.li/community-news National recognition for chartered chemist Rebecca Ballantyne was recognised at two separate awards ceremonies celebrating female talent, alongside being named on the 2020 Global Shakers list.

By Rebecca Ballantyne In late October I was thrilled to find out that I had been shortlisted for two national awards – for my work in science at Sellafield Ltd and my additional work undertaken in Cumbria to encourage our younger generation to pursue STEM subject choices at school/university and then onto STEM careers. This was an even bigger surprise when I realised that the awards ceremonies were just two days apart. The ceremonies took place in London in the first week of November and the award nominations were as follows:  “Outstanding Contribution to Widening Participation, Diversity and Inclusion in STEM” at the STEM Inspiration Awards, held at the House of Lords  “Outstanding contribution to Science” at the Women of the Future Awards, held at the Hilton Park Lane The STEM Inspiration awards provided an Rebecca at the STEM Inspiration Awards Rebecca at the Women of the Future awards opportunity to celebrate STEM Ambassadors whose enthusiasm for their subject is inspiring! The the inspirational stars of tomorrow across diverse curriculum. I also met Theresa May at this event awards seek to recognise STEM Ambassadors that sectors. I was shortlisted for my contribution to where I had the opportunity to briefly discuss my are making a real impact on young people, firing science, both in my work here at Sellafield Ltd and work. up interest in STEM subjects and careers. I received for my work in challenging gender equality. On 11 February, the International Day of Women the highest commendation award for my work in Here, I received my second highly commended and Girls in Science, I found out that I’d been placed the local community on encouraging children and award of the week. I was able to meet so many in the top 20 female scientists in the world by Global young adults to pursue STEM subjects at schools inspirational women; it really was so humbling to Shakers. I’m completely blown away by this – I’m and universities. I also received special recognition have been shortlisted alongside so many fantastic listed alongside astronauts and pioneering doctors, for my work in taking an active role in challenging women given the amazing achievements they which is unbelievable. gender equality and wider diversity issues that can all had accomplished. Part of my STEM session I’m incredibly grateful to those that took the be encountered in many STEM areas. work with primary-aged children is based around time to nominate me for these awards, as it gave I then attended the Women of the Future Awards interactive storytelling to explore the sometimes me the opportunity to discuss topics that I’m very a few days later. The Women of the Future program hidden, underlying science woven into all stories. passionate about on a national stage. I’m really is an international platform for young, successful, I received special recognition for this aspect of my excited for the future: I’ve already begun working future female leaders. Now in their fourteenth year, work with recommendations that my teaching on new collaborations to build upon the success of the awards continue to unearth and recognise methodologies should be rolled out across the the awards.

22 Voice | April 2020 Voice | April 2020 23 Supporting our community through Covid-19

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