E a VENT REVIEW and Inlaid U F Thq C*Atillath
E A VENT REVIEW And Inlaid u f thq c*atillath. " Here is the patience of the Saints : Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus." Rev. 14 : 12. VOLUME 37. BATTLE CREEK, MICH., THIRD-DAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1871. NUMBER 8. Zlze xttrirm and WeraId quickly, and my reward is with me." Rev. 2. Because it was subversive of all those Offices are in operation. The orders issued rep. 22 11, 12. " And at that time shall Mi- forms of fanaticism which had made their resented $34,054,000, being more than $9,000,- IS ISSUED WEEKLY BY chael stand up, the great prince which stand- appearance somewhat in connection with the 000 over the previous year. The number of or- The Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association, eth for the children of Thy people, and there second-advent cause. These were at once ders paid represented $34,000,000, being an in- BATTLE CREEK, MICH. shall be a time of trouble, such as never swallowed up by the solemn power of the crease over last year of $9,500,000. After pay- was." Dan. 12 : 1. , midnight cry, as the rods of the magicians ing expenses, there was a net profit of $90,000. ELDER JAMES WHITE, PRESIDENT. But the shut door of the parable illustrates were by the rod of Aaron. The number of post-offices in the United States, &a-TERNS: See Last Page. the closing of Christ's work in the holy place 3. Because the work was marked with so- June 30, 1870, was 28,492 ; number of post-qf- of the heavenly sanctuary, at the end of the briety, humility, solemnity, reverence, self- fices established during the fiscal year ending June 2300 prophetic days of Dan.
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