Asymptotic Behaviour and Correctors for Dirichlet Problems in Perforated

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Asymptotic Behaviour and Correctors for Dirichlet Problems in Perforated ANNALI DELLA SCUOLA NORMALE SUPERIORE DI PISA Classe di Scienze GIANNI DAL MASO FRANÇOIS MURAT Asymptotic behaviour and correctors for Dirichlet problems in perforated domains with homogeneous monotone operators Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze 4e série, tome 24, no 2 (1997), p. 239-290 <> © Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 1997, tous droits réservés. L’accès aux archives de la revue « Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze » ( implique l’accord avec les conditions générales d’utilisation ( Toute utilisa- tion commerciale ou impression systématique est constitutive d’une infraction pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fichier doit contenir la présente mention de copyright. Article numérisé dans le cadre du programme Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques Asymptotic Behaviour and Correctors for Dirichlet Problems in Perforated Domains with Homogeneous Monotone Operators GIANNI DAL MASO - FRANCOIS MURAT 0. - Introduction In this paper we study the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of some nonlinear elliptic equations of monotone type with Dirichlet boundary condi- tions in perforated domains. Let S2 be a bounded open set in e, and let A: Ho ’ p ( S2 ) ~ H -1’ q ( SZ ) be a monotone operator of the form where 1 p +cxJ, 1 / p + 1, and a : --~ kv satisfies the clas- sical hypotheses: Carath6odory conditions, local Holder continuity, and strong monotonicity (see (1.4)-(1.7) below). We suppose, in addition, that a (x, -) is odd and positively homogeneous of degree p - 1. Given a sequence of open sets contained in S2, we consider for every f E the sequence (un ) of the solutions of the nonlinear Dirichlet problems We extend un to Q by setting un - 0 on and we consider (un ) as a sequence in The problem is to describe the asymptotic behaviour of the sequence (un ) as n tends to infinity. The main theorem of the paper is the following compactness result (The- orem 6.6), which holds without any assumption on the sets Qn. For every sequence of open sets contained in Q there exist a subsequence, still de- noted by (Qn), and a non-negative measure it in the class such that for every f E the solutions Un of (o.1) converge weakly in to the solution u of the problem Pervenuto alla Redazione il 21 marzo 1996. 240 Here ~, ~ ) denotes the duality pairing between H-1 ~q (SZ) and Ho ’ p (S2), while is the class of all non-negative Borel measures on Q with values in [0, +oo] which vanish on all sets of (1, p)-capacity zero. Moreover, we prove (Theorem 6.8) that (un) converges to u strongly in for every r p, and that (a (x, D u n ) ) converges to a (x, Du) weakly in RV) and strongly in RV) for every s q. Finally the energy (a (x, DUn), D u n ) converges to (a (x, Du), Du) + weakly* in the sense of Radon measures on Q. To prove this compactness result we observe (Remark 2.4) that all problems of the form (o.1 ) can be written as problems of the form (0.2) with a suitable choice of the measure it = in the class Actually we prove (Theorem 6.5) that, for every sequence (pn) of measures of the class there exist a subsequence, still denoted by and a measure /,I E such that for every f E H-1,q (Q) the solutions un of the problems converge weakly in ~o’~(~) to the solution u of (0.2). In our proof an essential role is played by the solution wn of the Dirichlet problem or, in the general case (0.3), by the solution wn of the problem As the sequences (un) and (wn) of the solutions of (0.3) and (0.4) are bounded in (Theorem 2.1), we may assume that (un) and (wn) converge weakly in H6’ (Q) to some functions u and w. By using a result of [4] we prove that and converge to D u and D w strongly in for every r p (Theorem 2.11). The crucial step in the proof of our compactness theorem is the following corrector result (Theorem 3.1), which is interesting in itself: if f E then 241 where and The idea of the proof is to consider the function which, due to the homogeneity of a(x, ç), satisfies an equation similar to (0.3). We then use un - uwn as test function in the difference of (0.3) and of this equation. Using the strong monotonicity of a (x , ~ ) we prove that (u n - tends to 0 strongly in H¿’P (r2) (Theorem 3.7). Actually the previous description of the proof is not accurate, because in general w can vanish on a set of positive Lebesgue measure. For this reason we are forced to replace uwn by w~~ with 8 &#x3E; 0, and to consider separately the sets where w (Lemmas 3.4, 3.5, 3.6). Another important step in our proof is the construction of the measure it, which depends only on w and on the operator A. We prove (Section 5) that v = 12013Au; is a non-negative Radon measure on Q which belongs to H-1,q (2), and we define the measure It by where Cp (E) is the (1, p)-capacity of E with respect to Q. We prove also that this measure to (Theorem ’ belongs 5.1). It remains to prove that u coincides with the solution of (0.2) corresponding to the measure it defined by (0.6). To give an idea of this part of the proof, we assume now that 2 p (the case 1 p 2 is more technical) and that f E (the case f ~ needs a further approximation). Given w E Co (S2), we take v = as test function in (0.3). We would like to take v = as test function in (0.4). This is not always possible, thus as before we replace w by w v e for some E &#x3E; 0 and we take v - test function in (0.4). Subtracting the two equations we obtain I i n-2 Using (0.5) and the homogeneity of A, as well as some technical lemmas proved in Section 4, we pass to the limit first as n oo and then as s 0, obtaining 242 As by definition v = 1 - A w, we get and thus (0.6) gives Since the set (p E is dense in n (Proposi- tion 5.5), it follows that u is the solution of (0.2). In the case 1 p 2 the main difficulty lies in the fact that the function jUlp-2 u does not belong to for every u E We solve this problem by considering a suitable locally Lipschitz modification, nepr the origin, of the function t « which enables us to complete the proof following the ideas of the case 2 p +oo. When p = 2 and A is a symmetric linear elliptic operator, the compactness result proved in the present paper has already been obtained by r-convergence techniques in [2], [1], [23], [7], [39]. These results were recently extended to the vectorial case by [27]. When 1 p +00 and A is the subdifferential of a convex functional = Ig D u ) d x defined on ~/o~(~), with ~/r~ (x , ~ ) even and positively homogeneous of degree p, the compactness result was proved in [20] by r-con- vergence techniques. The general case .) is not homogeneous can be obtained by putting together the results of [2], [15], [16] on obstacle problems. Further reference on this subject can be found in the book [18] and in the recent paper [21], which contains a wide bibliography on the linear case. Another method used in the study of this type of problems was introduced in [31] and [37], where the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of (0.1) in the linear case was investigated in various interesting situations, under some assumptions involving the geometry or the capacity of the closed sets The case of general Leray-Lions operators in T~’~(~), with A possibly non homogeneous, was treated in [40]-[45], [32], [26] under similar assumptions. The linear case was also investigated in [14] by using test functions as in the energy method introduced by Tartar [46] in the study of homogenization problems for elliptic operators. In this paper some restrictive hypotheses on the sets S2n were made in terms of the test functions, and a corrector result was obtained. The same method was then extended to a more general situation including also the case where 1 p +oo and A is the p-Laplacian (see [2], [33], [38], [11]). The linear problem with a perturbation with quadratic growth with respect to the gradient was recently solved in [8] and [9]. A new decisive step was achieved in [21], where a compactness result without any hypothesis on the sets was proved in the (not necessarily 243 symmetric) linear case by introducing a new sequence of test functions which were defined as the solutions of equations (0.4) above with p = 2. Our paper follows the same lines as far as the test functions are concerned, but presents an alternative method of proof for the compactness and corrector results. In conclusion, the compactness result proved in the present paper is new when the homogeneous monotone operator A is nonlinear and is not the sub- differential of a convex functional.
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