Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit Landesstiftung des öffentlichen Rechts

2017 2019


2017 2019


Report by the Executive Board 6 The Future of Therapy Research 42

Development Figures 8 Department of Neuropeptide Research 46 in Psychiatry

Department of Molecular Neuroimaging 47

Department of Public Mental Health 48

Hector Institute for Translational 50 Brain Research RG Developmental Brain Pathologies 51

Department of Biostatistics 52

PATIENT CARE Institute of Cognitive and 53 Clinical Neuroscience CLINICAL DEPARTMENTS AND INSTITUTES RG Brain Stimulation, Neuroplasticity and 54 Learning

RG Psychobiology of Risk Behavior 54 Clinic of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy 12 RG Body Plasticity and Memory Processes 55 Clinic of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and 20 RG Psychobiology of Pain 56 Psychotherapy RG Psychobiology of Emotional Learning 57

Clinic of Psychosomatic Medicine and 24 Institute for Psychopharmacology 58 Psychotherapy RG Behavioral Genetics 59 RG Translational Addiction Research 60 Clinic of Addictive Behavior and 26 RG Physiology of Neuronal Networks 61 Addiction Medicine RG Molecular Psychopharmacology 62 Adolescent Center for Disorders 29 RG Neuroanatomy 63 of Emotional Regulation RG In Silico Psychopharmacology 64

Adolescent Center for 30 Institute for Psychiatric and 65 Psychotic Disorders – SOTERIA Psychosomatic Psychotherapy RG Experimental Psychotherapy 66 Central Outpatient Clinic 31 RG Experimental Psychology 67 Case Management and 31 Department of Genetic Epidemiology 68 Emergency Management in Psychiatry Outpatient Clinics at the Institute of 32 Department of Geriatric Psychiatry 70 Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience Department of Clinical Psychology 72 Outpatient Services at the Institute for 33 RG Psychology and Neurobiology of Sleep 73 Psychiatric and Psychosomatic and Memory Psychotherapy (IPPP) RG Social Effective Neuroscience and 74 Cross-Clinic Information 34 Experimental Psychology Department of Neuroimaging 75 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine 108 RG Translational Imaging 76 and Psychotherapy RG Social Learning and Person Perception 109 Department of Theoretical Neuroscience 78 RG Psychobiology of Selfregulation 110 RG Computational Psychiatry 78 RG Emotion Regulation and Social Cognition 111 RG Systems Neurophysiology Group 79 RG Experimental Psychopathology 112 Department of Psychiatry and 80 Department of Addictive Behavior and 113 Psychotherapy Addiction Medicine RG Clinical Neurosciences 81 RG Neuroenhancement 114 of Motor Behavior RG Behavioral Addiction 115 RG Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 82 RG Therapy and care research for addiction 116 RG Behavioral Physiology in Psychiatry 83 disorders RG Molecular Research 84 RG Neuroimaging of Addictive Behavior 117 RG Developmental Biology of Psychiatric 85 RG Translational Addiction Research 118 Disorders RG ADHD in Adulthood 86 Core Facility Animal Laboratory 120 RG Psychiatric Epidemiology and 87 Core Facility Transgenic Models 121 Demographic Change RG Animal Models in Psychiatry 88 RG Longitudinal and Intervention Research 89 RG Translational Bioinformatics in Psychiatry 90 RG Physiology of Neuronal Networks 91 RG Schizophrenia Research 91 RG Systems Neuroscience in Psychiatry 92 Biochemical Laboratory 93 RG Stress-Related Disorders 94 RG Mental Health Services Research 95 ORGANIZATION RG Translational Imaging 96 CIMH AS AN EMPLOYER , Sleep Research/Sleep Laboratory 97 SUBSIDIARIES, EDUCATION AND FURTHER Forensic Psychiatry 98 TRAINING, STAFF, SUPERVISORY BOARD, SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD RG Translational Research in Psychosis 99

Department of Child and Adolescent 100 Psychiatry and Psychotherapy CIMH as an Employer 124 RG Pediatric Psychopharmacology 101 ZI Service GmbH 126 RG Developmental Clinical Neurophysiology 102 of Childhood and Adolescence MVZ Mannheim Mitte GmbH 126 RG ADHD in Childhood and Adolescence 104 Center of Psychological Psychotherapy 127 RG Autism 106 RG Developmental Neurosciences in Psychiatry 107 Personnel Matters 128

Supervisory Board 133

Scientific Advisory Board 134







2017 to 2019 were important years on our level. The major new research projects include the Transregional path to sustained growth. We reached several Collaborative Research Project 265/1 on loss and recovery of important milestones in terms of our strategy- control in addictive disorders, the second funding period of the Collaborative Research Project 1158/2 “From nociception to chronic driven development. Our overarching goal pain”, the BMBF-funded projects coordinated by the CIMH, remains translation, i.e. gaining new scien- namely, SySMedSUDs (Resilience and Pathological Mechanisms tific knowledge about neuropsychiatric dis- of Substance Misuse) and RELATER (Communication with Refugees orders and rapidly translating it into effec- in Psychiatric Care), the Graduate College on Childhood and tive therapies. Our Center for Innovative Adolescent Trauma, and the Emmy Noether Junior Research Psychiatric and Psychotherapeutic Research Group on the role of sleep in the development and maintenance of maladaptive memory. (CIPP), which opened in 2019, is a prime example of this. OVERCOMING SECTOR AND AGE BOUNDARIES New clinical services such as our tracking units for individuals with psychotic and affective disorders, focus even more intently SUCCESS FACTORS FURTHER STRENGTHENED on patients and their individual needs. In these tracking units, we Created as a community-based model institute, the CIMH has continuously support patients with a fixed therapeutic team unique advantages: With a mental health focus, the center is across the various sectors (outpatient/daycare/inpatient) over clinically and scientifically integrated into one easily accessible prolonged periods. Soteria has been opened as a second adoles- campus. These success factors have been instrumental in our cent center, focusing in particular on adolescents and young further development. We have incorporated the CIMH research adults aged 16 to 24 presenting psychotic symptoms, psychosis infrastructure into the Center for Innovative Psychiatric and risk syndrome and addiction disorders. Here we aim at early Psychotherapeutic Research. Directly connected to the wards of intervention in a special, relaxed, protective atmosphere. our four clinics, we now have a neuropsychiatric therapy research Innovative treatment concepts also include ward-equivalent platform that is unique in continental Europe. Read more about treatment, an approach that we are keen to constantly develop. this in the feature on page 42. The fact that our clinics and centers are virtually full demon- strates the high demand for treatment. Against this backdrop The Hector Institute for Translational Brain Research (HITBR), and given the fact that we cover the entire Mannheim region, generously funded by Hans-Werner and Josephine Hector and quantitative and qualitative growth in patient care remains our their Hector Foundation II, has successfully started its work. mission for the future. This is where the CIMH and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg pool their expertise. Research on nerve cells SOCIAL IMPACT and brain models generated from induced pluripotent stem Two celebrations in 2019 clearly showed just how long the CIMH cells opens up new avenues in psychiatry and the neurosciences. has been doing highly relevant work for society: the CIMH’s Department of Community Psychiatry, the core of community In addition to these two flagship projects, a look at third-party psychiatric work in Germany, celebrated its 50th anniversary. funding and the scientific publications shows that our 300 plus And the Social Psychiatric Service, an outpatient contact center researchers are working continuously, intensively and at a high for individuals with severe and chronic mental health issues in 6 EXECUTIVE BOARD


Mannheim, which the CIMH jointly runs with other care providers, refurbishment and renovation in the therapy building – for the celebrated its 30th anniversary. But the work of the CIMH is also CIPP, the new tracking units and Soteria – also presented special socially relevant in the area of research: The results of the MHG challenges for our construction team. With the completion of study published in the autumn of 2018, in which a research the new J 4 building, we can increase our capacity to around 400 consortium led by the CIMH investigated the sexual abuse of beds and treatment areas, as planned, and take over full acute minors by clerics under the auspices of the German Bishops’ psychiatric care for the citizens of Mannheim. Conference, attracted attention across Europe and increased the pressure to educate in the area of sexual abuse of children and EXECUTIVE BOARD CHANGES adolescents. We also expect a major social impact in the area of 2019 was also marked by change within the Executive Board. early detection and prevention of mental illness from the Mental Katrin Erk moved to Dresden University Hospital after 13 years as Health First Aid (MHFA) Project. The aim with this project is Commercial Managing Director of the CIMH. From May 2019 similar to the concept of somatic first aid. Courses will be run onwards, Andreas-W. Möller, Head of Human Resources Manage- so that everyone can gain the necessary knowledge to take on ment and Compliance as well as Deputy Commercial Director, the role of a first aider and help those showing signs of mental took over the reins as Commercial Managing Director of the illness. This nationwide project is about to be launched. CIMH until Dr. Matthias Janta was appointed the new Commer- cial Managing Director in January 2020. We would like to take COMPLEX FRAMEWORK CONDITIONS this opportunity to thank Katrin Erk once again for all of her hard The health policy and legal framework for our work continues work at the CIMH. to be complex and challenging. Hospital comparisons, the latest MDK (medical health insurance services) Reform Act and, in The continued success of the CIMH is due to the unstinting particular, the guideline on staffing in psychiatry and psychoso- commitment of over 1,300 highly qualified and dedicated matics (PPP-RL) are just three areas that require a high level of employees from various professional backgrounds. They all have commitment in both administrative and clinical areas. Not only a vital role to play. Without their commitment, CIMH would not developing innovative care but also convincing patients of its be able to develop further at such pace. We are extremely benefits remains an important, on-going task as far as we are grateful to each and every one. We are all united by the mission concerned. of the CIMH: excellent research and outstanding therapeutic services for individuals with mental illnesses and society as a INTENSIVE CONSTRUCTION WORK whole. We look forward to continuing our onward journey The construction work highlighted within our CIMH 2020 Master together. Plan has made great strides forward. The J 4 building, which is constantly evolving, is the most visible example of this. However, Kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer- Prof. Dr. Dr. Tobias Andreas-W. Möller Dr. Matthias Janta Lindenberg Banaschewski Commercial Managing Director Commercial Managing Chair of the Executive Board Deputy Medical Director June to December 2019 Director since January 2020 7 EXECUTIVE BOARD





25.7 12.4

13.8 14.5 14.9 13.3 11.2 11.1 8.8 0.8 7.6 10.4 7.1

2017 2018 2019

Third-party funding total | Project Third-party funding unweighted | thereof BMBF + DFG DFG and state large-scale equipment + construction | operating funds of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg


1,874 354 329 1,662 1,725 327

1,057 1,089 1,121

2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019

Total | corrected by co-authorships 8 EXECUTIVE BOARD




3,652 97,298 27.6 28.2 3,476 3,456 96,338 95,915 26.4

16.3 15.7 16.7

1,135 1,199 1,198 18,512 18,770 20,020

2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019

inpatient | day care



9 104 11 91 12 94 271 271 296

78 78 84 1,179 1,227 1,270

2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019

inpatient | day care CIMH | CIMH Service | MVZ 9









The Clinic of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy provides care to the population of Mannheim, and in order to do so has developed a differentiated range of services. These are tailored to the patient’s clinical picture, age and day-to- day skills. In addition to full inpatient treatment, the clinic offers day clinic treatment and, if necessary, post-inpatient outpatient treatment. This is supplemented by compre- hensive diagnostics and therapy in special outpatient wards. Treatment is increasingly based on the CIMH- Track-Model. Thereby diagnosis-specific units flexibly Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg Medical Director combine inpatient, day-care and outpatient treatment, to ensure continuity of treatment across the sector boundaries.

Clinical research is carried out by a range of research groups with a clinical and translation focus and by the Department of Geriatric Psychiatry, which develops con- cepts for new diagnosis and treatment methods and evaluates these from a clinical perspective in order to be able to use them to benefit patients as quickly as Prof. (apl.) Dr. Michael Deuschle, possible. Deputy Medical Director

In addition to its care work, the Clinic of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy also trains students at the Medical Faculty Mannheim of the University of Heidelberg in the field of psychiatry and psychotherapy and is involved in the con- ceptual design of the Mannheim Reform Study Program (MaReCum) and the development and implementation of new study programs in the faculty.

Prof. (apl.) Dr. Dusan Hirjak, Managing Assistant Medical Director



The clinic offers all necessary instrumental and non-instrumental procedures for ensur- ing the targeted diagnosis of psychiatric clinical pictures and concomitant diseases from other medical specialisms. The various concepts in the wards integrate psychophar- macological and psychotherapeutic ap- proaches to the treatment of mental illnesses. Treatment groups in the wards and in the Department of Occupational Therapy aim to develop practical everyday activities and those with a focus on enjoyment. In addition INPATIENT TREATMENT: WARDS AND TRACK UNITS to this, a trained nursing team, social work- The clinic of psychiatry and psychotherapy has the track units ers and physiotherapists are involved in the crisis and diagnosis (KD-A), schizophrenia and psychoses (SP-A), individually tailored treatment. and bipolar disorder and depression 1 (BD1-A) and 2 (BD2-A). In addition, it has one psychiatric intensive care and admission ward, one protective acute psychiatry ward, two gerontopsychiat- During treatment, value is placed on explain- ric wards and offers a ward equivalent treatment at home. ing the disease, practicing social skills and implementing rehabilitation measures that The crisis and diagnosis track unit is available to patients who are aim to reintegrate the patient into everyday experiencing life crises or who have mental illnesses that have life. yet to be diagnosed. Track units guarantee that pre-inpatient diagnostics, inpatient, day-care and if necessary, post-inpatient outpatient treatment is carried out by a multi-professional team. Thereby a stepped treatment - depending on the severity of the disease - in a protected, open, semi-inpatient and outpatient setting is possible. The intensity of treatment can be flexibly tailored to the severity of the illness and the patient is treated by the same multi-professional team at all treatment levels.

The track unit schizophrenia and psychosis offers a specific treatment for patients with psychotic syndromes. In coordination with the early detection outpatient clinic, the track SP-A takes care of persons at risk for psychotic diseases and first-time patients. As a track unit SP-A treats patients in a flexible way depending on their degree of severity of the disease. In addition, the team of the track SP-A has developed the ward equivalent treatment (StäB) of patients with psychotic disorders in their domestic environment. This therapy offer is aimed at patients who urgently need inpatient treatment, but for personal reasons or because of special circumstances cannot come to the hospital.

The track unit bipolar disorder and depression 1 (BD1-A) primarily treats patients with affective diseases whose depressive or manic symptoms mostly require psychopharmacological and psycho- 14 PATIENT CARE


therapeutic treatment. As part of treatment, specific psychother- professional team. Various treatment modules are available and apy procedures are offered to patients with acute depressive in addition to innovative pharmacotherapy with the aim of episodes (Interpersonal Psychotherapy – IPT). The track unit optimizing tolerance also include individual and group psycho- BD2-A treats patients with chronic mental disorders, such as therapy, bifocal psychoeducation, computer-assisted cognition chronic depression and anxiety disorders. Therefore, psychother- training, metacognitive training and occupational therapy apy plays a particularly important role there (Cognitive Behav- services. Since reintegration into professional life is an important ioral Analysis System Psychotherapy - CBASP). At BD2-A it is also topic, patients can complete a half-day trial with an external possible to get treated as day patient or as outpatient. company. Once a month, the day clinic offers what is known as a club evening for all day care patients, outpatients and former The protective acute psychiatry ward offers specific diagnosis patients, with socializing and leisure activities. and treatment services for those patients who require a protec- tive setting due to the severity of their psychiatric illness. Patients RELATIVE SERVICES with schizophreniform psychoses and manic or severely de- Scientific studies have shown that the provision of information pressed patients are admitted to this ward. Further treatment and training to relatives as part of what are known as psycho- diagnoses may be organic mental illnesses, addictions and educative groups has a considerable impact when it comes to personality disorders. preventing relapses. In these groups, relatives are taught about causes, symptoms, treatment and relapse prevention in a manner The geriatric psychiatry and geriatric neuropsychiatry wards suitable for laypeople, and methods for handling patients’ provide comprehensive treatment tailored specifically to elderly specific problems are discussed. CIMH has offered groups for the patients with concomitant physical illnesses and relatives of outpatients for several years. They are run by doctors, syndromes. The protective nature of the neuropsychiatry ward social workers and psychologists and the relatives of between facilitates the activation of retained everyday life skills and also three and eight patients can take part in each group. serves as an introduction to care following inpatient treatment. The ward is supervised by a double specialist in both psychiatry and psychotherapy and in neurology. The geriatric psychiatry ward specializes in the treatment of mood disorders in elderly patients and mild dementia. In addition to providing psychophar- macological treatment, the activation of and training in everyday skills and the adaptation of the domestic care situation are also important.

The intensive care and admission ward is supervised by a double specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy and in internal medi- cine or neurology. In this ward, crisis intervention and diagnosis are carried out within the first few days in order to guide the patient to further treatment in a specialist ward where necessary. All general and geriatric psychiatric wards offer multimodal diagnosis to differentiate the condition from other central nervous disorders (psychopathology, psychometry, imaging, cerebrospinal fluid and blood tests) and the diagnosis and treatment of existing psychiatric and general medical conditions.

DAY CARE TREATMENT A day care treatment for patients of the general psychiatric clinic is integrated into the track units, but also offered in the day care clinic (TK-A). The day care clinic is in the former Villa Hecht, an art nouveau building in L 10, 1. Treatment is provided by a multi- 15 PATIENT CARE



OPEN CONSULTATION Our open consultation provides an opportunity for a brief consultation with our doctors and psychotherapists – without an appointment. The Adult Psychiatry Open Consultation has been running every Wednesday from 2 pm to 4 pm since 2013. The purpose of this consultation period is to provide a brief consulta- tion based on an initial diagnosis with subsequent referral to either the outpatient, day-care or inpatient services of the CIMH or external agencies. Given the swift turnaround time, we directly advise patients on how to proceed with their concerns with a maximum waiting period of one week.

The rise in case numbers proves that this service is well received in our healthcare area. For instance, in 2017 we advised 7 patients on average each week compared to 17 in 2019. O

PSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTION OUTPATIENT CLINIC (PIA) The Psychiatric Institution Outpatient Clinic is for patients with severe and chronic mental illnesses and offers individual therapeutic discussions, pharmacological treatment and social counselling. OUTPATIENT CLINIC OF ANXIETY AND UNIVERSITY OUTPATIENT CLINIC (HSA) OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDERS The University Outpatient Clinics combine research, teaching With a lifetime prevalence of 15 %, anxiety disorders are one of the and patient care. Here we offer diagnostics and disorder-specific most common mental illnesses. In this special outpatient clinic, psycho- and pharmacotherapy for unclear psychological condi- a differential diagnosis of the various anxiety disorders (e. g. tions with a consistent focus on research in line with our agoraphobia, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, social teaching mandate. phobias) and possible concomitant diseases are carried out and individual treatment concepts are developed. Obsessive-compul- PRIVATE OUTPATIENT CLINIC sive disorders are clinically characterized by compulsive actions This outpatient clinic offers the diagnosis and treatment of the or compulsive thoughts that vary considerably in severity and full range of mental health conditions. The head of the clinic and duration and can cause considerable impairments to various various senior physicians offer consultation hours. Components areas of patients’ lives. Important aspects of the treatment of of treatment include differential diagnosis, the provision of both clinical pictures include psychoeducation, including about specific therapies or referral to external treatment providers. the triggers and maintaining factors, and treatment options. We A second opinion is also more commonly sought. provide advice about the various treatment options (e.g. psycho- 16 PATIENT CARE


therapy, psychopharmaceuticals, psychoeducation, movement rehabilitation. If interest is expressed, participation in scientific and physical training, self-help strategies), depending on the studies and scientifically supervised behavioral therapy treat- duration of the disorder, previous treatments and the desire ments (e.g. internet-or group-based) is also feasible. for treatment, and then offer the treatment ourselves or refer the patient to an appropriate facility. As an important part of OUTPATIENT BIPOLAR DISORDER CLINIC diagnosis and treatment, we also offer advice to relatives and/ Bipolar disorder is characterized by the episodic progression of or partners. depressive, (hypo)manic and mixed phases. It mostly occurs during adolescence or early adulthood and the frequency and OUTPATIENT CLINIC FOR ADULT ATTENTION DEFICIT severity are often underestimated, with patients often experienc- HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER (ADHD) ing considerable impairments in quality of life and psychosocial Disorder-specific diagnosis and treatment are carried out in development. Bipolar disorder is one of the ten most common this special outpatient clinic. In addition to the current ADHD illnesses that lead to lasting impairments (lifetime prevalence symptoms and the recording of symptoms during childhood, approximately 1 to 5 %). The special outpatient clinic services the effects on various aspects of life and possible concomitant are aimed at all patients who are suspected of having bipolar diseases are also recorded. An individual treatment concept is disorder or have already been diagnosed with the condition who then developed on the basis of this diagnosis and can include want a diagnosis, advice and further treatment. The disorder treatment with pharmaceuticals and behavioral therapy in specific diagnosis is supplemented with clinical instrument based addition to psychoeducation. Psychoeducation is offered both in tests and laboratory chemical tests. Advice is provided on treat- psychological and medical discussions with individual patients ment options on the basis of this diagnosis, and where necessary and in open psychoeducation group discussions under psycho- an individual treatment concept is developed and established logical supervision. Social workers are also on hand to provide based on modern treatment standards including psychopharma- counselling and support for both medical and vocational rehabili- cological, psychotherapeutic and psychoeducative approaches. tation issues. Furthermore, through close collaboration with our occupational therapy outpatient clinic, there is an option to CONSULTATION HOURS OF MENTAL ILLNESSES partake in group-based social skills and mindfulness training. IN THE TIME AROUND GIVING BIRTH Neurofeedback is also available, depending on individual Mental disorders in the period around birth (peripartum period) indications. Services are available to patients in whom ADHD are often underestimated in their frequency and scope. Thereby was diagnosed during childhood and who wish to have further about 5 to 20 percent of all women giving birth suffer from treatment and to those in whom ADHD was not diagnosed postpartum depression. This leads to peripartal mental illnesses during childhood. Since 2019, we have worked closely with the often remaining unidentified, with the women affected experi- ADHD outpatient clinic of our child and adolescent psychiatry encing considerable impairments and often not receiving any department to focus even more intently on coordinating the treatment. Early diagnosis, advice on and treatment for peripar- transition from childhood to adulthood and the links between tal diseases improve quality of life and have a positive effect on special outpatient clinics and private practices more effectively. the health of both the mother and the child. Our outpatient advice, diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses services are OUTPATIENT ADULT HIGH-FUNCTIONING AUTISM CLINIC aimed at pregnant women or those who have given birth in the Treatment is targeted at adults who are suspected of having last year and women who have a mental illness and/or are high-functioning autism and at individuals who have already taking psychopharmacological medications and are planning a been diagnosed with high-functioning autism during childhood pregnancy. or adolescence. A disorder-specific, multidisciplinary diagnosis is carried out and, where necessary, psychiatric and pharmacologi- cal treatment is offered for concomitant psychiatric symptoms. Cognitive behavioral therapy-based group therapy in which special communication and social skills are learned and trained can be carried out where there is a demand for this. Psychoedu- cation and counselling from our social work department are also available in response to issues of vocational integration and 17 PATIENT CARE


SPORTS PSYCHIATRY CONSULTATION HOURS determination of a diagnostic concept on first admission, the The sports psychiatric consultation hours offer specific specialist recording of psychometric and neuropsychological findings, the diagnosis, advice or treatment to competitive athletes, their start of psychiatric and psychotherapeutic interventions and a caregivers and their relatives. The time-related, physical and control of the progression of the early stage of the illness. The mental challenges of competitive sport are taken into account team in the screening clinic consists of a senior physician, one when planning appointments and administering treatment. specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy, one specialist in Our sports psychiatry services are part of a network of university neurology, and two psychologists. Patients can participate in centers across Germany founded by the Sports Psychiatry and scientific tests of the cause and treatment of schizophrenic Psychotherapy Unit of the German Society for Psychiatry, psychoses in the screening clinic. Psychotherapy and Neurology (DGPPN) in collaboration with the Robert Enke Foundation.

OUTPATIENT CLINIC OF SCHIZOPHRENIC PSYCHOSES Schizophrenic psychoses are a group of clinical pictures charac- terized by changes in perception, thought and feeling but also by disorders of concentration and drive, reduced capacity and changes in mood. Our services are aimed at adults who are suspected of having or already diagnosed with psychosis and comprise the following aspects: • Diagnosis: Recording of current symptoms and the history of the progression of the illness and the treatment, where necessary supplemented by instrument-based and neuropsy- chological methods. • Treatment: Development of a treatment strategy that comprises occupational and sociotherapeutic services and psychothera- peutic methods in addition to treatment with medication. Admission for day care or as a full outpatient is also possible in crisis situations. • Research: We carry out regular tests to research the causes and the progression of the illness and to optimize treatment.

SCREENING CLINIC OF PSYCHOSES People who are suspected of having the early stages of a schizophreniform disorder are examined and treated in the screening clinic. The diagnostic and therapeutic services in the screening clinic include extensive clinical examination, the



OUTPATIENT MEMORY CLINIC involves an extensive examination of sleep (polysomnography) The outpatient memory clinic is a highly specialized facility for being carried out where necessary over a period of two nights the recognition and differential diagnosis of brain disorders in following an extensive discussion. The doctor who referred the elderly patients. Early identification of the cause of the illness patient will then receive an extensive report with treatment is important so targeted treatment can be started. In this way, recommendations. We offer disorder-specific behavioral concepts illnesses that can regress can be identified and their causes for patients with primary insomnia or nightmares. treated. The clinical course of other forms of brain disorders can also be favorably influenced. In addition, we pursue a holistic OUTPATIENT COMMUNITY PSYCHIATRY CLINIC treatment approach in the memory outpatient clinic, which The outpatient community psychiatry clinic is integrated into the includes both relatives and patients. Non-medicinal as well as department of the same name at CIMH. It is primarily chronically medicinal treatment strategies are employed. In addition to mentally ill patients who are generally receiving treatment treatment, comprehensive counselling of patients and relatives outside of the clinic from one of the department’s cooperation on the disease per se and subsequent care, including social partners (residential community, home, sheltered workshop) aspects, is a core competence. An Alzheimer’s relative group is who are treated here. A key area of focus in outpatient work is linked to the outpatient memory clinic. As a general rule, the also professional rehabilitation. The multiprofessional team in examination procedure includes a medical assessment of the the department of community psychiatry (specialists, social symptoms by questioning the patient and relatives, a blood workers, nurses) supports trial work days as part of the Mann- sample, a neuropsychiatric examination, structural imaging of heim Starthilfe project and provides information on additional the brain (MRI or CT), recording of brain activity (EEG) and services offered by other rehabilitation service providers. neuropsychological testing. In addition, a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sample, a genetic diagnostic examination by means of a OUTPATIENT OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY CLINIC blood sample and functional imaging of the brain are carried Patients of all ages with mental illnesses of all kinds including out for specific examinations. The findings are discussed and addiction are treated in the outpatient occupational therapy summarized by an interdisciplinary team of doctors from clinic in individual and group therapies in line with the latest different disciplines. A doctor experienced in geriatric psychiatry occupational therapy standards. The aim of outpatient occupa- discusses the diagnosis with the patient and their relatives and tional therapy is the development, the restoration and the then introduces the therapeutic strategy. In addition to medica- maintenance of the cognitive skills required to manage everyday tion, these may also include occupational therapy, speech life, the skills to handle everyday tasks and requirements and therapy or psychotherapy. If necessary, a social worker will advise communicative and social and interactive skills. The aim is also and guide patients and their relatives on further assistance, to improve patients’ personal responsibility and ability to make such as the degree of care required, day group session, etc. Our decisions, and for them to learn compensation strategies, where memory outpatient clinic further promotes the overall care of necessary taking into account the tools and adaptations to the patients and relatives by providing opportunities for patients to living environment they have. The tasks carried out by the participate in scientific studies investigating neurodegenerative outpatient occupational therapy clinic also include the develop- diseases. In this way, we can work with patients and relatives to ment and improvement of illness management and the develop- make a long-term contribution to the improvement of diagnostic ment of self-awareness. and therapeutic options.

OUTPATIENT SLEEP CLINIC The outpatient sleep clinic looks at the medical explanation for non-restorative sleep, disorders with falling asleep and with sleeping through the night, tiredness during the day, somnolence during the day (hypersomnia and narcolepsy), restless leg syndrome, nightmares, sleepwalking and night terrors, disorders of circadian rhythm and other sleep problems. We collaborate closely with other sleep laboratories in the region on nocturnal disorders of breathing regulation. Diagnosis is gradual, and 19 PATIENT CARE



The Clinic of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psycho- therapy offers outpatient and inpatient care for pediatric and adolescent patients in the region of Mannheim and the northern Rhine-Neckar district. Cross-regional care can also be provided to patients with rare disorders that are difficult to treat.

Treatment and diagnosis in the clinic covers all pediatric and adolescent clinical pictures. The treatment concept Prof. Dr. Dr. Tobias Banaschewski is primarily based on behavioral and systematic family Medical Director therapy principles. Curative education, physiotherapy and occupational therapy can also be used.

In order to take into account the particular situation of an inpatient stay in the case of children and adolescents, the diagnosis, counselling and treatment of young patients are always carried out in close collaboration with the parents, guardians and institutions in the child or adolescent’s environment. The multiprofessional teams on the wards are tailored to this approach and consist of PD Dr. Sarah Hohmann Deputy Medical Director doctors, psychologists, social workers, educators and nurses.



The Clinic of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy is involved in the training of students at the Medical Faculty Mann- heim of the University of Heidelberg and also offers its doctors specialist and psycho- therapeutic training events.

INPATIENT TREATMENT protected acute ward B-KJ is also available for the The clinic includes four wards and the adolescent treatment of mostly adolescent patients. The two centers for emotion regulation disorders as well group rooms in each ward result in various options as psychotic disorders (Soteria). Within the wards, for therapeutic work both in individual contact and group care (two patient groups are supported by as part of group work. two nursing teams in each ward) offers an excellent opportunity to carry out therapeutic work with the DAY CARE TREATMENT young patients. The treatments are supplemented We offer day care treatment places for the entire by further therapeutic services such as occupational child and adolescent psychiatric age spectrum. therapy, social skill training, sports groups, strength These are distributed among the children’s day training, an anorexia group, enjoyment training clinic (TK-KJ) in K 3, which provides treatment and a cooking group. The open-air area on the third services for children of preschool and elementary floor offers numerous playing and exercise options school age and places a special emphasis on and is supplemented by a separate fitness room involving the parents in the therapy, as well as and a herb garden that is tended by the young the day clinic service for adolescents in ward A-KJ, patients. There is also a barbecue area for the which has started operating in April 2019. The summer months. Adolescent Center for Emotion Regulation in K 3 also offers regular inpatient treatment options for A group of preschool and elementary school adolescents and young adults between the age of children and a group of older children and adoles- 16 and 24. cents (aged from around 10 to 15) can be admitted to the ward C-KJ. The ward A-KJ primarily treats children and adolescents between around 10 and 16 years old and day care patients between 12 and 18 years old. For older adolescents we have the ward D-KJ with two groups. This ward also has a partially protected intensive care area for children and adolescents experiencing an acute crisis. The 21 PATIENT CARE



adolescents in whom long-term, continuous treatment is medical- ly necessary, in whom an improvement in symptoms and social stabilization has not been possible as a result of other outpatient services or in whom chronic, recurrent progression can be expected. In addition to a broad range of diagnostic tools, the clinic also offers numerous groups and individual therapeutic services and help and advice services provided by the clinic social services.

SPECIAL ADHD OUTPATIENT CLINIC G Extensive diagnostic procedures are carried out in the special pediatric and adolescent ADHD outpatient clinic on children who are physically restless, inattentive and impulsive to determine the presence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and the differential diagnoses and comorbidities of this. Once the diagnostic procedure is complete, an extensive explanation (psychoeducation) of the clinical picture is provided and a recom- mendation on the pedagogical, psychotherapeutic and medica- GENERAL OUTPATIENT WARDS IN THE CLINIC OF CHILD tion-based treatment options is given. Long-term pediatric and AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY adolescent psychiatric treatment can be given where necessary. The outpatient services in the clinic cover all pediatric and This includes treatment with medication and participation in adolescent psychiatric disorders. Children and adolescents can group services, in addition to providing advice to schools, facilities be referred for treatment by a private family doctor or specialist. and competent authorities. If desired, there is also the possibility The outpatient clinic offers the diagnosis of all relevant mental to participate in ongoing therapy studies. health conditions in childhood and adolescence, crisis intervention as part of emergency care and group services that also include SPECIAL AUTISM SPECTRUM OUTPATIENT CLINIC parent groups. Collaboration with support systems (e. g. teachers, Severe developmental disorders are diagnosed in patients from school, youth welfare services and therapists providing further the age of two in the pediatric and adolescent special autism treatment) on the planning and preparation of inpatient treat- spectrum outpatient clinic. In addition to a differentiated clinical ment is also integrated. There are also special consultation hours examination and a developmental diagnostic procedure, autism- for children and adolescents with ADHD and autism spectrum specific examinations are also carried out. An extensive expla- disorders and an outpatient clinic for unaccompanied minor nation (psychoeducation) of the clinical picture of autism is refugees. provided and a recommendation on the pedagogical and psychotherapeutic measures is given. Long-term pediatric and PEDIATRIC AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTION adolescent psychiatric treatment can also be given where OUTPATIENT CLINIC necessary. This includes providing advice to schools, facilities and There has been a pediatric and adolescent psychiatric institution competent authorities and supervising psychopharmacological outpatient clinic since 2008. It offers services to children and treatment. 22 PATIENT CARE



THE CLINIC SCHOOL: SCHOOL IN SQUARE J5 The School in Square J 5 is a state school in Mannheim, in which children and adolescents are taught who are inpatients or treated in the day clinic in the KJP and the adolescent centers. The School in Square J 5 also teaches two intensive groups at the Wespinstift Children‘s and Youth Center.

The school has ten classrooms with the latest board systems, variable furniture and IT equipment, material and administrative rooms and a staff room. The pupils learn in groups of six to eight children or adolescents, with the lesson being adapted to the individual ability, the individual level of performance and the curriculum provided by their main school from both a method- ological and a didactic perspective. Tests are taken and certifi- cates issued like in a regular school. The teachers are able to teach elementary school and secondary school, both vocational schools and high school as well as for the various specialties of Consultation support for a residential group for unaccompanied the special education and counseling centers. minor refugees that is run by IB as well has also been provided since mid-2016. Since the fall of 2019, a specialist consultation is A counseling center is attached to the school for all questions taking place in two additional therapeutic residential groups for related to mental illness and school. The counseling is free adolescents and young adults in Reilingen (St. Thomas e. V.). of charge. More information on the internet: www.schule-quadratj5.de NETWORK OF SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS The association (www.foerderkreis-kjp.de), which was founded COMMUNITY PSYCHIATRY ACTIVITIES in 2001, aims to support patients in the clinic and their families CIMH has continuous collaboration with the youth welfare by funding important elements outside of the scope of the offices of the City of Mannheim, of the Rhine-Neckar District and treatment itself. The procurement of materials and devices for other youth welfare offices in the region and youth support learning and play and for sporting and artistic activities, activities facilities. The doctors in the child and adolescent psychiatric such as excursions, visits to cultural and sporting events and clinic provide specialist supervision and psychiatric training of leisure activities have been funded to date. employees in various youth welfare facilities, along with medical care for the children and adolescents. The facilities supported include two therapeutic residential groups (Johann Peter Hebel Home), three intensive groups (Wespinstift), two emergency admission groups (St. Joseph and St. Agnes pediatric and youth centers) and professional rehabilitation in collaboration with the professional training center at IB Mannheim, the Mannheim Labor Office and the federal state of Baden-Württemberg. 23 PATIENT CARE



The Clinic of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy currently has one ward and two treatment teams. Treat- ments are carried out using a multimodal approach based on the concepts of Dialectic Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Individual therapies are combined with specific indication groups (e.g. skills and attention groups, creative, movement, and physical therapy groups, relaxation methods).

Professor Dr. Christian Schmahl Our concept also includes the medical treatment of somatic Medical Director diseases. In addition to this, where necessary, we also carry out differentiated psychopharmacological treatment tailored to the psychotherapy.

Dr. Frank Enning Deputy Medical Director



GENERAL PSYCHOSOMATIC TEAM be pursued with the support of a multiprofessional This team offers inpatient treatment places to team consisting of doctors, psychologists, nursing patients with psychosomatic diseases such as staff, social workers, physiotherapists and occupa- affective disorders, anxiety, personality disorders tional therapists, and in the final weeks differenti- and dissociative and somatoform disorders and ated discharge planning will be carried out. specializes in borderline personality disorders. In a multimodal treatment setting, Dialectic Behavioral POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER TEAM Therapy (DBT), which is currently the best evaluated This treatment team has inpatient treatment treatment concept when it comes to the treatment places for the treatment of complex posttraumatic of borderline personality disorders, is used to work stress disorders. Treatment generally lasts 12 weeks on improving affect regulation, interactional and is carried out in line with the guidelines on disorders and identity disorders, with the inclusion Dialectic Behavioral Therapy for Post-Traumatic of therapeutic elements of Acceptance and Com- Stress Disorders (DBT-PTSD). In the modular mitment Therapy according to Hayes and Eifert treatment program based on individual and group and Compassion-Focused Therapy according to therapies, confrontation with stressful memories Gilbert in individual and group therapies. The basis is the focus of psychotherapeutic treatment. The for this is the attention training, which takes place aim of this is to reduce the stress caused by at regular intervals. The treatment duration is 8 to difficult feelings, to evaluate negative core beliefs 12 weeks. An individual problem and objective the patient holds about themselves and the world analysis will be carried out within the first three and to develop avoidance strategies to keep the weeks. In the subsequent weeks, the objectives will disorder level stable. 25 PATIENT CARE



The Clinic of Addictive Behavior and Addiction Medicine treats patients suffering from dependence, drug addiction (cannabis, , cocaine, heroin, etc.), medication dependency (benzodiazepines, opiates, etc.), gambling, internet and media addictions.

The clinic has two wards, a day clinic, an outpatient sub- stitution clinic (opioid replacement therapy) and a general outpatient addiction clinic of the treatment of addictions Prof. Dr. Falk Kiefer and their comorbidities. Medical Director

A predominantly qualified withdrawal program is carried out on the wards and in the Day Clinic of Addictive Disor- ders. Treatment in the clinic is acute treatment and is covered by statutory health insurance. It mostly consists of a combination of psychotherapeutic measures and treatment with medication supplemented by social therapy counselling and occupational therapy. Accordingly, a team of doctors, psychologists, occupational therapists, specialists in psychiatry and physiotherapy and social Prof. Dr. Bernd Lenz Deputy Medical Director workers are involved in the treatment. (since January 2020)

Prof. Dr. Derik Hermann Deputy Medical Director (until October 2019) 26 PATIENT CARE


INPATIENT TREATMENT therapist. In the group, patients take part in skills The key element of inpatient treatment, qualified training, attention training, a basic psychoeduca- withdrawal treatment for alcohol, drugs or medica- tive group, the five senses group, the sports group tion addicts, is carried out in close collaboration and social skills training, as well as medical between the professional groups involved (nurses, addiction education and addiction skills training doctors, psychologists, occupational therapists, run by a psychologist. The DBT-A treatment is social workers, physiotherapists) and ensures designed to be carried out over a period of 12 weeks. comprehensive and holistic treatment of the There is close collaboration between the Clinic of individual patient. Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at CIMH to ensure further outpatient or inpatient In addition to the established concomitant treat- treatment. ment of comorbid psychiatric conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders, adult ADHD or Since patients who are dependent on both legal schizophrenia, we also have beds for the treatment and illegal drugs often have to be admitted at of addiction patients with comorbid borderline short notice, treatment places are available for personality disorder. The specific, modular treat- crisis intervention. After the withdrawal symptoms ment program Dialectic Behavioral Therapy for have been treated, patients are supported through Addiction (DBT-A) is available for these patients. a qualified withdrawal program to help them live The various modules enable individual adjustment addictive substance-free in the future. In order to to the problems and the objective during individual do this, they take part in psychotherapeutic in- and group-based psychotherapeutic treatment. dividual and group discussions, information events, During treatment, patients are given cognitive skills training, relaxation exercises, sports, occupa- behavioral therapy-based individual therapies and tional therapy and sociotherapy. Problems caused have individual discussions with a relational by alcohol or drugs can also be explained and treated.

The Clinic of Addictive Behavior and Addiction Medicine provides treatment within a network of numerous collaborations with various facilities offering addiction support (e.g. addiction advice centers, self-help groups, specialist long-term treatment clinics), enabling even those with a severe addiction to obtain interlinked further treatment. The focus is on increasing the intensity of collaboration with the Clinic of Addiction Therapy and Withdrawal at Nordbaden Psychiatric Center in Wiesloch. In the past few years, treat- ment concepts have been able to be tailored as part of these joint specialist training sessions and mutual work shadowing opportunities, in order to ensure optimal care of patients in the region. The establishment of the joint Feuerlein Center for Translational Addiction Medicine enables a rapid transition of innovative therapeutic approaches into care, to align research with care needs, and to present the therapies of both institutions jointly within the regional addiction care system. 27 PATIENT CARE


both substance-related and non-substance-related, including psychiatric comorbidities. In addition to the general outpatient addiction clinic, the services include special consultation hours for cannabis, amphetamines, ecstasy, opiate addictions and gambling and internet addictions. Regular group behavioral therapies that aim to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed are also available. The first appointment at the outpatient clinic is at short notice, low-threshold and is initially non-binding.

In addition, there is a special offer for patients with an addictive disorder and a comorbid borderline personality disorder within the framework of DAY CLINIC OF ADDICTIVE DISORDERS Dialectical-Behavioral Therapy for Addiction. Here, The focus is on alcohol, cannabis, amphetamines, the diagnosis and therapy planning for inpatient medication dependence, gambling addiction and therapy and outpatient disorder-specific psycho- internet addiction. For affective disorders (e.g., therapeutic treatment for this group of patients depression or anxiety) in addition to addiction, a take place. psychotherapeutic treatment program with interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) was created in OUTPATIENT SUBSTITUTION CLINIC 2018. The treatment program is carried out on In the outpatient substitution clinic opiate-addicted working days from 8 am to 4:30 pm with psycho- patients are treated with the replacement sub- therapeutic individual and group therapies, stances methadone, Polamidon, buprenorphine occupational therapy, relaxation exercises, socio- or prolonged-release morphine. Many patients therapeutic counselling, doctors’ visits and where consume other substances such as cocaine, necessary treatment with medication. In order to sedatives, alcohol and nicotine in addition to their improve the management of craving (desire for the heroin addiction and have psychological problems addictive substance), group therapy sessions were that are also treated by our specialists in psychiatry launched in 2018 with mindfulness-based relapse and psychotherapy. With constant daily care of prevention. A requirement for treatment in the Day around 150 patients per quarter and contact on an Clinic of Addictive Disorders is getting through almost daily basis, the outpatient clinic is urgently evenings or weekends without addictive substances, needed to ensure that care is provided for opioid- after having been prepared for this during the day in addicted patients in Mannheim. Collaborative our treatment sessions. Patients who are not able to efforts have been set up with the Mannheim undergo inpatient treatment because they have to Communal Addiction Network, the city of Mann- look after children or a relative are also suitable for heim, Mannheim Drug Association, the outpatient this. Treatment in the clinic is acute treatment and pain clinic at Mannheim University Hospital and is covered by statutory health insurance. Nordbaden Psychiatric Center in Wiesloch.

OUTPATIENT ADDICTION CLINIC Counselling and treatment of the full range of addictive disorders are available in the outpatient addiction clinic. A referral from a family doctor or a specialist is a requirement for this. It covers all outpatient treatments within addiction medicine, 28 PATIENT CARE



The Adolescent Center for disorders of emotional The ACE has both inpatient and outpatient regulation (ACE) opened in January 2016 under the treatment places, and two treatment teams: One joint leadership of Prof. Dr. Dr. Tobias Banaschewski, primarily treating patients with BPD and the other primarily treating patients with complex PTSD. Medical Director of the Clinic of Child and Adolescent Treatments are carried out using a multimodal Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Prof. Dr. Martin Bohus, approach based on the concepts of Dialectic Scientific Director of the Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Therapy (DBT). Individual therapies are Psychosomatic Psychotherapy and Prof. Dr. Christian combined with specific indication groups (e.g. skills Schmahl, Medical Director of the Clinic of Psychoso- and attention groups, creative, movement, and matic Medicine and Psychotherapy. physical therapy groups, relaxation methods). Our concept also includes the medical treatment of somatic diseases. In addition to this, where necessary we also carry out differentiated psycho- CONTINUOUS TREATMENT pharmacological treatment tailored to the FOR AN IMPORTANT PHASE OF LIFE psychotherapy. The objective of the ACE is to correct the deficiencies in the care system in adolescence and early adult- hood and to provide young people with severe disorders of emotional regulation such as border- line personality disorder (BPD) with disorder-speci- fic, continuous and evidence-based treatment over the entire phase of adolescence. This means that the psychotherapeutic treatment is in the hands of a constant treatment team. Patients who are generally between the ages of 16 and 24 are guided and supported with relationships and independent living during this important phase of life when they finish school. This “track” concept is on the one hand longitudinal, in other words it extends over a period of several years, and on the other hand the tailored treatment modules mean it can be adapted to the individual patient situation regardless of whether they are inpatients, day care patients or outpatients. This approach overcomes both the previous barriers between pediatric/ adolescent psychiatry and adult psychiatry caused by the system and the division between inpatient and outpatient treatment. 29 PATIENT CARE



Soteria, which opened in 2019, is a joint venture personal interactions. The treatment focus is how between the Clinic of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, to cope with everyday living together. The patients the Clinic of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and receive intensive individual support during acute psychotic crises. The homely atmosphere of Psychotherapy, and the Clinic of Addictive Behavior Soteria plays an important and beneficial role in and Addiction Medicine. Soteria offers special milieu the recovery process. The rooms are designed to therapy for adolescents and young adults between provide numerous opportunities for informal 16 and 24 years of age presenting psychosis risk conversations. The center’s focal point is the syndrome or psychotic disorders. Comorbid addiction spacious kitchen with adjoining dining and living and dependency disorders are also treated here. room. Staff offices and function rooms are open-plan while patients’ rooms offer plenty of scope for individual design ideas. The special, low- hierarchy team structure gently eases young The spacious kitchen with patients into their initial contact with the psychiat- open-plan dining and living ric care system. The integration of all healthcare area is the focal point of Soteria. professionals (doctors, therapists, nurses and recovery counsellors) into a joint duty rota is intended to ensure a constant staff presence and consistency in terms of treatment design and relationships with patients. In-patient treatment generally lasts about 12 weeks and comprises the following phases: diagnosis, problem-solving and the transfer of knowledge gained into everyday practice. The focus is on developing skills to improve perception, cognitive abilities and stress tolerance. Key treatment components include the psychological and milieu therapy elements, regular group sessions, the recovery strategy, peer work with the assistance of recovery counsellors, out- door education and the sparing use of antipsychot- ic medication. Treatment is also available in a The Soteria treatment concept has been scientifi- day-care setting at Soteria. cally tested and sustainably promotes relaxation of perceptions and emotions. This is achieved through a calming environment, an underlying mood that inspires security and a team of therapists who set limits in terms of psychotic experiences and, at the same time, display trust and normality in their 30 PATIENT CARE



As a result of the integration of the child and adolescent outpatient clinic, since 2016 all of the outpatient clinics at the CIMH have been orga- nized under the central outpatient clinic, created in 2013, with the exception of the Center for Psychological Psychotherapy (CPP) and the sleep laboratory.

With the relocation of the outpatient clinics to the new building, K 3, in 2016, the first clinic-over- lapping, demand-orientated use of a total of 46 C treatment rooms at the CIMH was implemented.

In 2019, 26 employees (medical assistants, health- care assistants and nurses, office clerks, psycholo- In collaboration with the on-call doctor, case gists and one doctor) ensured the smooth running management and emergency management of outpatient departments across six areas for coordinates and supports admission management a total of 16,000 cases per quarter and around for patients who present themselves to the 85 practitioners in 11 specialist outpatient depart- emergency outpatient ward of the Clinic of ments. Psychiatry and Psychotherapy and of the Clinic of Addictive Behavior and Addiction Medicine or for With the integration of a central appointments whom inpatient or day care treatment is planned. system, the increased organization of the psychiat- ric clinic according to a tracking system and the The objective of case management and emergency inclusion of the “2850” call number on the CIMH management is transparency and optimization of homepage, organizational treatment tasks for the the interfaces between outpatient and inpatient in-patient sector were also taken on board from services to improve the patient care process and 2019 onwards. In 2019 we guaranteed 73 % direct achieve high levels of patient satisfaction. access via the central outpatient department switchboard with weekly calls totaling approxi- On working days, case management coordinates mately 1,400. bed planning and management to prevent providing insufficient care, providing excessive care or providing incorrect care, is involved in communi- cating support services to patients and relatives and is the primary contact for private doctors in relation to planned treatment. The emergency outpatient clinic is staffed around the clock by an on-call doctor and the on-call nursing service. 31 PATIENT CARE



of new psychotherapeutic treatment methods. The outpatient clinic consists of two sub-outpatient clinics and offers specific treatment for patients with the following disorders: Chronic pain, tinnitus and post-traumatic stress disorder (sub-outpatient clinic 1), as well as for depression, addiction, especially comorbid patients with alcohol depen- dence and depression, specific phobias, psychoses and ADHD (sub-outpatient clinic 2). O SPECIAL OUTPATIENT PSYCHOTHERAPY CLINIC OF VICTIMS OF STALKING The services provided in the special outpatient clinic of victims of stalking range from an initial CPP OUTPATIENT TEACHING CLINICS discussion through in-depth psychological The Center for Psychological Psychotherapy (CPP), diagnosis and psychological crisis intervention and Mannheim, supports large teaching outpatient on to outpatient psychotherapy. During the initial clinics at three different locations in Mannheim discussion, positive ways to deal with harassment city center. Over 80 staff are employed in these are discussed and tips are given for how the outpatient facilities and provide diagnostic negative psychosocial consequences of stalking investigations and psychotherapy for patients of can be counteracted. Crisis intervention (max. 12 all ages under qualified supervision. In addition sessions) aims to help those affected to reduce to consultations and acute therapies, individual their stress levels and gain greater control of their behavioral therapies are also administered (as situation. If the crisis intervention is not sufficient short-term and long-term therapies). Our group and there is an indication for outpatient psycho- psychotherapy portfolio for adults, children and therapy, we offer those affected cognitive behavioral adolescents was significantly expanded over the therapy based psychotherapy (short-term or long- past year. term therapy).

UNIVERSITY OUTPATIENT CLINIC OF PSYCHOLOGICAL PSYCHOTHERAPY Only modern, evidence-based methods from the field of behavioral therapy and behavioral medicine are used in this outpatient clinic of research and teaching. The objective is to achieve an optimal interlinking of treatment with high-level research on the development of and change in mental health conditions as well as on the effectiveness 32 PATIENT CARE



In the university outpatient clinic of the IPPP we focus on diagnosis and therapy of trauma related disorders and disorders of emotion regulation (borderline disorders). Where necessary, the patient is referred for inpatient treatment in the Clinic of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy or to registered psychotherapists or psychiatrists.

In addition to individual services, the outpatient treat- Prof. Dr. Martin Bohus ments offered include skills groups for borderline patients, Head trauma patients and mothers with disorders of emotion regulation. There is also a specific counseling service for medical students as well as, within the framework of the psycho-oncological cooperation with the University Hospital Mannheim, outpatient treatment for those affected by cancer.

Privately insured patients receive evidence-based psychotherapy for all disorders.






PATIENT ADVOCATE Monika Wolff The patient advocate is there for any suggestions, wishes or complaints the patients or their relatives have and represents their concerns as a neutral link. She can contact the relevant areas directly at any time with the patient’s consent. Concerns that are brought to the patient advocate are treated confidential- ly and clarified in collaboration with the various areas of the clinic. Both patients and relatives can contact the patient advocate if they wish to talk to her. Her consultation hours are once a week. As a former patient at CIMH, Monika Wolff knows the patient perspective from her own experience and is very much able to understand how those affected feel during the acute stage. D

DISCHARGE MANAGEMENT C According to the framework agreement on discharge manage- ment in force since October 1, 2017, pursuant to Section 39 (1a) sentence 9 of the German Social Code, Book V (SGB V), all patients are entitled to assistance in solving problems during COMPLAINT/PATIENT FEEDBACK MANAGEMENT the transition from hospital to the various care areas. Discharge Central patient feedback management (“Lob und Tadel”) is management has therefore been developed and implemented implemented by the Quality and Risk Management Department at CIMH since 2012. This is the targeted planning and implemen- at CIMH. The aim is to use rapid, systematic processing of tation of the transition from inpatient and day care facilities into complaints to achieve early de-escalation and increase the an existing or new form of residence, work or care. In order to satisfaction of our patients in the long term. ensure that care is provided after hospital treatment, patients therefore receive comprehensive help and support when deciding The feedback can provide valuable information about potential on the suitable form of care, information about all of the import- areas of improvement, by means of which risks and deficiencies ant aspects of further care and advice when making a decision can be identified more quickly and optimization measures on further rehabilitation, treatment or care. In addition, physi- developed and implemented. Feedback can be submitted by cians can certify incapacity for work for the first seven days after telephone, via e-mail, via internet form, via letter / fax or in discharge and prescribe medicines, remedies and aids, and home person. Individual solutions are developed in cooperation with health care. the employees of the departments concerned and the feedback providers are informed about them. If negative feedback is Discharge management at CIMH is a task carried out by multiple repeatedly obtained on the same topics or processes, the relevant professions working in close collaboration with patients and, processes will be reviewed in detail and where necessary where applicable, their relatives. improvement measures will be introduced. 35 PATIENT CARE


and Psychotherapy will continue to switch from classic wards to track wards which can provide disorder-focused services to inpatients, day care patients and outpatients in the new facilities predominantly without interruptions in treatment. This is already being implemented through the established ward-equivalent psychiatric treatment (StäB), as well as on our BD2-A and Soteria wards. This is the principle we want to base our nursing work on:

“The patient and their concerns are the focus of nursing care. N Contact with each individual patient and individual support in the form of nursing during a patient’s stay at CIMH is very important to us.” NURSING DEPARTMENT Head: Claus Staudter, Deputy: Doris Borgwedel A realignment of psychiatric nursing is taking place. The diversity and variety of our nursing activities and tasks can be seen from the clear differences in the four clinics. Treatments that are just as tailored to 3-year-olds as to 99-year-olds require specialist alignment of the nursing staff, who traditionally focus more on an overall treatment objective in close, multiprofessional collaboration. C Employees from the fields of health, illness, geriatric and pediatric nursing and social pedagogy and education do various different jobs at CIMH. The department is also actively involved COMMUNITY PSYCHIATRY DEPARTMENT in research projects and treatments, and work in the sleep Head: Dr. Jens Bullenkamp laboratory and the community psychiatry department. The The Community Psychiatry Department is primarily responsible nursing team is available to its inpatients 24 hours a day, for the external care of people with mental health conditions in 365 days a year. Mannheim. Its social-psychiatric work combines the medical aspects of mental health disorders with social issues arising from All nursing processes are individually planned and implemented the areas of family, life and profession. In this way, mentally ill in a targeted manner following a detailed, specialist assessment adults receive the support they need to manage the effects of of the patient’s situation and included in the ward organization disease. and in further training. The employees in the nursing team, around a third of whom have completed two-year further In general, the activities of the department are composed of the psychiatric training, work based on recognized and scientifically areas of treatment and counseling. These include a number of sound treatment standards. This evidence-based nursing can psychosocial services, which are based on the different needs of be seen in many areas of the clinic, so objective parameters can patients. Through professional support, the employees of the easily be compared with other clinics. We can be very proud of department give people with mental health conditions the the results we have achieved in this, for example in the fields opportunity to develop and preserve the skills they need to lead of prevention of falls and decubitus and in de-escalation as independent a life as possible. The department offers various management. supportive measures in the fields of living, leisure, work and consulting. These areas of work are supplemented by services as This current level should be seen as an incentive to continue to part of the outpatient care at CIMH. The focus here is care of expand our professional skills and continuously improve. In the people who have a rather difficult course of the disease or who coming years, the inpatient services in the Clinic of Psychiatry are attempting to achieve professional rehabilitation. 36 PATIENT CARE


The second area of activity consists of extensive collaboration with all external facilities for people with mental health condi- tions in the city of Mannheim. This includes not only a presence on numerous working groups and committees but also the regular provision of specialist medical and psychiatric advice to the individual care teams in medical, vocational and social rehabilitation facilities. As a result, the community psychiatry department has a very good overview of the psychiatric care situation in Mannheim and contributes significantly to its maintenance and development. P

OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY PHYSIOTHERAPY AND MOVEMENT THERAPY Head: Marco Heser Head: Antje Breisacher The Occupational Therapy department provides occupational As a key facility at the CIMH, the physiotherapy and movement therapy care and special DBT therapies to patients from all four therapy department is responsible for all clinics, including the clinics at CIMH and the associated day clinics. Treatment is intensive care unit and the day clinics. The department’s body- carried out in line with the latest recognized and scientifically centered treatment approaches include both physiotherapy and based standard. movement therapy.

The employees in the Occupational Therapy department work Movement therapy involves targeted exercises and procedures based on the reference occupational therapy system in multi- to support the underlying mental illness. Individual therapies are professional and quality-conscious treatment teams, and thus combined with specific indication groups (e.g. escrima and independently on cross-ward group and individual treatments. physiotherapy groups, morning exercises, Qi-Gong, dance Occupational Therapy uses expertise to help achieve treatment therapy and boxing). objectives, thereby making an essential contribution to treat- ment in a multiprofessional team. As a promising alternative Our concept also includes physiotherapy for somatic diseases. to established treatment concepts, the track concept has the Experienced physiotherapists use tailor-made therapies and primary goal of better integrating the treatment setting in the training programs to alleviate pain and promote health, well- course of a mental illness – while ensuring continuity of the being and performance. Patients receive conventional physio- treatment team. Regardless of whether patients are inpatients, therapy and special sessions as well as medical training therapy day patients or outpatients, they have a fixed contact person and back sessions. Senior workouts, walking sessions and specific who is there to support them and provide them with intensive fall prevention training are part and parcel of a modular training care. program geared to older participants. In 2018 we came much closer to our goal to provide a continuous, evidence-based treat- The occupational therapy measures serve to provide patients ment portfolio. Department staff adopts the reference therapy with constructive stimulation and offer them options in terms system. This means that patients and therapy teams alike have of their integration into a domestic or professional environment. a constant contact person. A replacement system reduces the Occupational therapy aims to restore or improve abilities and number of avoidable missed therapy sessions. The range of group independence in everyday life lost as a result of disease. This therapies has also been expanded significantly. New exercise and includes important areas such as self-care and household fitness equipment is available in a modernized training facility. management, but also economic independence and professional practice skills, or continuing training and leisure activities. A holistic approach is used in which patients are not merely trained on certain processes, but rather the person as a whole is included in the measures. The focus of treatment is the patient’s individual situation. 37 PATIENT CARE


INTERNAL MEDICINE CONSULTATION SERVICE Head: Dr. Marco von Fürstenberg The Internal Medicine Consultation Service is available to all four hospital clinics. It is run by Dr. Marco von Fürstenberg, Internal Medicine Consultant. The requirement for an internal consulta- tion service for CIMH in-patients arises on the one hand from the high percentage of patients with concomitant diseases in the P field of general medicine/internal medicine, and on the other hand from the fact that many patients are only able to be treated PSYCHIATRIC, PSYCHOSOMATIC AND ADDICTION MEDICINE to a limited extent in external clinics. The specific situation of CONSULTATION SERVICE AT MANNHEIM UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL mentally ill patients must be taken into account in the internal Senior Physician: Dr. med. Maria Gilles medicine consultation and treatment of concomitant physical The Psychiatric Psychosomatic Addiction Medicine Consultation diseases. In many cases this requires a change in the general Service at Mannheim University Hospital is provided by the CIMH diagnostic and therapeutic strategies adopted. ECGs and stress and supports both inpatients and outpatients with psychiatric ECGs, ultrasound scans of the abdominal organs and the thyroid, and psychotherapeutic, addiction medicine and psychosomatic echocardiograms, pulmonary function tests, long-term ECG and questions at the University Hospital, which has 1,418 beds and long-term blood pressure measurement are carried out. As X-ray covers all of the medical disciplines of the Mannheim Medical examinations are performed in the Neuroradiology Department Faculty of the University of Heidelberg. The consultancy service and a clinical chemistry laboratory is available, the key internal operates in two shifts and is staffed by doctors from 8:30 am diagnostic elements are present at the facility, apart from until 6:30 pm. A senior consultant is on call at night and at the endoscopy. In special cases that require endoscopic or other weekend. Advice is provided over the telephone. If patients further tests, the relevant specialist departments of Mannheim cannot see the duty doctor at the CIMH for various reasons, the University Hospital are used. senior on-call physician will attend the Mannheim University Hospital in emergencies. The advisory work carried out in central Approximately 300 internal medicine consultations are conducted emergency admissions guarantees emergency psychiatric care in annually. Approximately 700 function tests are carried out each the Mannheim urban area for patients with concomitant somatic year. In addition, over 4,000 ECGs are performed annually. conditions or the somatic sequelae of mental illness (poisoning, suicide attempts). The emergency psychiatric outpatient service at the CIMH responsible for psychiatric emergencies with no relevant concomitant somatic diseases is also available in the Mannheim urban area.

PASTORAL CARE Catholic pastoral care: Bernhard Boudgoust Evangelical pastoral care: Imke Diepen Muslim pastoral care: on request via the wards The Evangelical and Catholic pastoral care workers work in ecumenical collaboration with one another. Both of them are available for personal discussions with all patients and their relatives and those affected who are not undergoing inpatient treatment. They are of course subject to a pastoral duty of confidentiality. Joint services are celebrated every Sunday and can also be attended by external visitors. The pastoral care workers also offer singing groups and discussion groups, can get involved in ward events on request and design the religious studies classes at the School in Square J 5. 38 PATIENT CARE


SELF-HELP AT CIMH Responsible for self-help: Dr. Jens Bullenkamp CIMH has been working closely with Gesundheitstreffpunkt Mannheim, the central contact and information group for self-help groups in Mannheim, since 2010. The focus is the implementation and development of the principle of the positive S nature of self-help. Numerous projects have been initiated together with around 20 different psychiatric self-help groups, including a self-help day at CIMH with numerous issues on the program in 2017. In 2019, this self-help day took place for the first time at the Mannheim Abendakademie on a larger scale with SOCIAL WORK DEPARTMENT even more visitors. Head: Jürgen Martus Social work in the four clinics and outpatient clinics is available All patients at the CIMH and their relatives are regularly informed to all inpatients, day care patients and outpatients at CIMH about the psychiatric services provided by self-help groups and comprises support and advice on social legislation issues, through an information brochure. Some self-help groups also personal difficulties and questions on further outpatient and make use of the opportunity to present themselves directly to inpatient support services. Patients can obtain information in the wards of the various CIMH clinics or use the CIMH facilities particular on the following topics: for their group meetings. An information event also takes place • Social security (sickness benefit, unemployment benefit I, on a regular basis (once a month) in the foyer of CIMH at which unemployment benefit II, basic income, pensions) various self-help groups have the opportunity to present • Debts (bills that are due and reminders, debt management) themselves. In 2012, CIMH was the first psychiatric hospital in • Work (reintegration, application, training), in individual cases, Baden-Württemberg to receive a “self-help-friendly hospital” for further clarification of the work capabilities a work trial award from the Self-Help-Friendliness and Patient-Focus in the can be carried out via the Mannheimer Starthilfe Health Care Sector network, of which CIMH is also a registered (a social work project) member. The award was given again in 2016 and re-certification • Residence (rent payments, action for eviction, conflicts took place in 2018. In the future, CIMH will apply every three with landlords and neighbors) years for the award. • Forms of assisted living (assisted living in your own home or in sheltered housing, therapeutic residence, old people’s home or nursing home) • Medical and professional rehabilitation • Care of minors and relatives who require care • Advice and information on possible youth welfare support for the children of mentally ill parents • Communication with counselling centers and support services • Advice on daily structure and leisure time • Implementation of discharge management in collaboration with other professional groups • Organization of regular consultation hours with the social psychiatric service • Implementation of regular parent information sessions for patients with minor children • Networking and participation in numerous working groups and committees on complementary psychiatric care in the city of Mannheim is particularly important in terms of the perception of the tasks of social work. 39







Secretary of State, Dr. Michael Meister, Professor Dr. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, Minister Theresia Bauer and Andreas-W. Möller attend the opening ceremony.

cance of the CIPP for the Rhein-Neckar and Baden-Württemberg research locations. “To date, the CIPP is a unique European facility for research into neuropsychiatric disorders. It will attract international scientists from a variety of disciplines and thus strengthen Baden-Württemberg as a scientific center of excellence.”

Research at CIPP is conducted in close interdisciplinary contact with Mannheim University Hospital and the Mannheim Faculty of Medicine at Heidelberg University. In addition to the Federal Ministry for Science and Research and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Science, Research and the Arts, the Klaus Tschira With the opening of the Center for Innovative Foundation is another key supporter of the CIPP. Psychiatric and Psychotherapeutic Research, the CIMH has reached a significant mile- stone after more than three years of renova- tion in the basement and on the ground floor of the therapy building. The result is a unique, forward-looking facility for research into psychiatric and psychotherapeutic therapy.

“Mental illness is becoming increasingly more important for society as a whole. It is a key priority for the Federal Ministry for Education and Research. New treatment approaches are urgently required. The innovative way in which therapeutic research is being conducted at the CIPP is extremely promising. I am delighted to see this research center now starting its work,” explained Dr. Michael Meister, Parliamentary Secretary of State for the PET-MRI (positron emission tomography-magnetic resonance imaging) is one Federal Ministry for Education and Research, during the opening of the most advanced brain imaging techniques. It allows the activity of active ceremony. Science Minister, Theresia Bauer, stressed the signifi- substances in the brain to be investigated at molecular level. 42 RESEARCH


Dr. Jamila Andoh demonstrates transcranial magnet stimulation (TMS). Podium discussion during the scientific symposium.

Minister, Theresia Bauer, in the Cave (computer-animated virtual An opportunity for staff to learn more about CIPP technologies over environment) of the virtual reality laboratory. coffee and waffles.


Floor slab of the entire building New bed lift shaft 10 km of supply pipes, has been completely replaced through eight floors 50 km of copper wires and 140 km of electricity cables.

17 2018 We would like to thank all staff and patients for their 19 patience during the construction work. We are also very Over 3 years of renovation grateful to all CIMH staff who were actively involved in the 2 floors completely gutted realization of the CIPP. 43 RESEARCH


“Doing justice to the complexity” C

The CIPP combines What is so special about CIPP? and expands the research infrastruc- In our new therapy research center CIPP the focus is placed on humans. Therapy research at CIPP is done in a way that enables ture of the CIMH and us to study the effects of therapies and new drugs in a safe and is an important basis careful, yet also profound and informative manner. We also study for the development the effects of new psychotherapies on the brain, the behavior, of our research in and also on the so-called biomarkers, that is the effects on blood, the coming years. cells, and genes. Prof. Dr. Andreas How does the research work at the CIPP? Meyer-Lindenberg on the significance of the The CIPP has four pillars that communicate with each other. CIPP. One is the psychopharmaceutical research, which means the study of new drugs. We can study these new drugs in a specially established ward as well as in patients and external participants. Second is the study of new psychotherapies. With the help of virtual reality we can test psychotherapies in a new way. For example, we can simulate a great height for people with acrophobia. Drug and psychotherapy research are often connected First of all, in general: What is so special with each other. For example, we are especially interested in about psychiatric research? drugs that can improve psychotherapies.

Psychiatric research deals with one of the most exciting, yet also The effects of such therapies are studied in the other two pillars most difficult topics. Mental disorders are especially common of the CIPP. On the one hand, this involves the study of the and serious. To do them justice, on the one hand, we must human brain: We have top-of-the-line major appliances that examine the human being in its context including its social enable us to examine the brain structure, the brain function, and environment. We also must do justice to the complexity of the the effects of therapy on the brain’s chemistry. The fourth pillar human brain, the most complex organ known to science. involves the study of so-called biomarkers, i.e. the effects on From the most difficult biological issues to the complexities genes, tissue, and cells. Overall, the CIPP is a unique institution of psychology and the social context, we must deal with a that allows us to conduct therapy research in a particularly particularly complex set of facts in therapy research. exciting and novel manner. 44 RESEARCH



Biobank Peripheral Physiology Biomaterials such as hair, stool, blood and saliva are collected, In the peripheral physiology laboratory heart rate, blood pressure, processed and stored here. These biomaterials are the source skin conductance, respiration, and changes in pupil size can be materials used to understand the biological principles of mental measured in the context of experimental studies. illnesses. The biobank at CIMH (BioPsy) is the largest biobank for mental diseases in Germany. VR – Virtual Reality Virtual reality is a computer-generated, interactive environment EEG – Electroencephalography that can be designed specifically for research questions. Electrodes measure the electrical activity of the top layer of the In the VR lab, the visual and auditory senses in particular brain. Research using EEG examines, among other things, are addressed. temporal dynamics of brain processes.

MEG – Magnetoencephalography fNIRS – Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy MEG measures the magnetic activity of the brain and thus The fNIRS makes the electrical brain activity measurable using records its network architecture. It shows the interaction of nerve weak infrared laser radiation. In this way changes in blood flow cells in processes of perception, thinking and sensation. in the brain can be observed.

MRI – Magnetic Resonance Imaging PET – Positron Emission Tomography Magnetic resonance imaging is an imaging technique that shows PET can be used to visualize the formation of messenger the structure, function and metabolic activity of the brain. Thus, substances (neurotransmitters) at receptors in the brain. the response of neuroreceptors to targeted stimuli can also Combined PET-MRI is one of the most modern brain be visualized. imaging methods.

Neurofeedback Study Participants Ward Neurofeedback is a computer-based behavioral therapy. Beds for people who participate in research studies are It visualizes certain brain activities and allows learning how available in the study participants ward. to regulate and strengthen these activities.

Study Center In the future, the study center will be the hub of all activities at CIPP, support the researchers and centrally coordinate all Film explaining the CIPP available online study patients. zi-mannheim.de > Research > CIPP

TMS – Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation With TMS, the electrical activity of specific areas of the brain is influenced in a targeted and painless manner with a short-term magnetic field.




The research focus of the department is the DFG grant (GR 3619/13-1): “Oxytocin signaling in exploration of our initial discovery of the existence the ventral hippocampus: from modulation of the of a novel pathway of neuropeptide release from local circuit to socio-sexual behavior”. PI: Valery axons, which is now considered as a faithful Grinevich, 2019 – 2022. alternative of the diffusion model of neuropeptide spread through the brain. Using novel technologies, we study functional Prof. Dr. Valery Grinevich organization of neuropeptide brain circuits, obtained MD and PhD primarily focusing on oxytocin, the “hormone of PUBLICATIONS degrees in 1992 and 1996, respectively. In 2003, he love”. Recently we started to explore the transla- Hasan MT, Althammer F, da Silva Gouveia M, joined Peter H. Seeburg’s tional aspect of neuropeptide research in two Goyon S, Eliava M, Lefevre A, Kerspern D, Schimmer team at the MPlmF. In directions. First, we are going to assess the endoge- J, Raftogianni A, Wahis J, Knobloch-Bollmann HS, 2008, he established the Schaller Research Group nous activity of the oxytocin system in animal Tang Y, Liu X, Jain A, Chavant V, Goumon Y, at the DKFZ. In 2019, he models of autism spectrum disorders (ASD), Weislogel JM, Hurlemann R, Herpertz SC, Pitzer C, promoted as Full Professor addressing the question: to what extent is the Darbon P, Dogbevia GK, Bertocchi I, Larkum ME, and Chair of the Depart- ment of Neuropeptide endogenous oxytocin system altered in ASD Sprengel, R, Bading H, Charlet A and Grinevich V Research in Psychiatry at patients? Secondly, we will search for approaches (2019). A fear memory engram and its plasticity in the CIMH. to intensify central oxytocin signaling via pharma- the hypothalamic oxytocin system. Neuron 103: cological means or sensory stimulation. Both 133 – 146. directions will be of crucial importance for under- standing the contribution of the oxytocin (and Ferretti V, Maltese F, Contarini G, Marco Nigro M, prospectively other neuropeptides) to the patho- Alessandra Bonavia A, Huiping H, Gigliucci V, physiology of psychiatric diseases. Morelli G, Scheggia D, Managò F, Castellani G, Lefevre A, Cancedda L, Bice Chini B, Grinevich V* and Papaleo F (2019). Oxytocin signaling in the central amygdala modulates emotion discriminati- on in mice. Cur. Biol., 29: 1938 – 1953.e6. * senior author

PROJECTS Menon R, Fiedler D, Biermeier V, Eliava M, SFB-1158 (INST 35/1288-2): “From nociception to Althammer F, Hiraoka Y, Nishimori K, Grinevich V*, chronic pain: Structure-function properties of neural Neumann ID (2018). Oxytocin signaling in the pathways and their reorganization”, project: “Social lateral septum prevents social fear during lactati- influence on acute and chronic pain: Role of oxyto- on. Cur. Biol. 28: 1066 – 1078.e6. *senior author cin-dependent mechanisms with a focus on insular cortical circuitry”. co-PIs: Valery Grinevich, Beate Grinevich V, Stoop R (2018). Interplay between oxy- Ditzen, and Sabine Herpertz. Second funding period: tocin and sensory systems in the orchestration of 2019 – 2023. socio-emotional behaviour. Neuron 99: 887 – 904. 46 RESEARCH



The newly established department investigates Clinical Trial of BI 425809 Effect on Cognition and the neurobiological foundations of mental disor- Functional Capacity in Schizophrenia. Boehringer ders and the mechanisms of action of psychotropic Ingelheim, Ingelheim, Germany. drugs. In particular, modern imaging techniques, especially positron emission tomography (PET) and PUBLICATIONS functional magnetic resonance tomography Veselinović T, Scharpenberg M, Heinze M, Cordes J, (fMRI), which can be performed simultaneously on Mühlbauer B, Juckel G, Habel U, Rüther E, Timm J, a modern PET/MR tomograph, are used. Gründer G, NeSSy Study Group (2019). Disparate Prof. Dr. Gerhard Gründer The Siemens Biograph mMR PET/MR scanner is effects of first and second generation antipsychotics studied from 1983 – 1989 medicine in Cologne. From part of the new research infrastructure at the on cognition in schizophrenia - Findings from the 1989 – 1994 he was a Center for Innovative Psychiatric and Psychothera- randomized NeSSy trial. Eur Neuropsychopharma- resident physician at the peutic Research (CIPP). The department sees itself col. 29: 720 – 739. Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Mainz, 1994 as a hub for all research groups, who want to he passed the specialist expand their research approaches to the study of Hansson AC, Gründer G, Hirth N, Noori HR, examination/board neurochemistry in the living human brain. Spanagel R, Sommer WH (2019). The role of striatal certification. Subsequently he worked as a Clinical and D receptors in cognitive performance in Research Fellow at the Another focus of the department is translational drug-free patients with schizophrenia. Psychophar- Department of Nuclear and clinical psychopharmacology, which aims to macology (Berl). 235: 2221 – 2232. Medicine at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA. characterize psychotropic drugs in humans, i.e. in From 1996 to 2004 he was healthy subjects as well as in patients with mental Veselinović T, Vernaleken I, Janouschek H, Cumming senior physician at the disorders, and to evaluate their short- and long- P, Paulzen M, Mottaghy FM, Gründer G (2018). The Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Mainz, and in term effects. For early experimental psychophar- role of striatal dopamine D receptors in cognitive 2001 he habilitated on the macological studies, a research unit with six beds performance in drug-free patients with schizophre- application of nuclear is available at the CIPP. Multicenter treatment nia. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 235: 2221 – 2232. medical imaging proce- dures in psychiatry. From studies are carried out in cooperation with numer- 2004 to 2017 he was ous national and international centers, and Hiemke C, Bergemann N, Clement HW, Conca A, Professor for Experimental companies in the research-based pharmaceutical Deckert J, Domschke K, Eckermann G, Egberts K, Neuropsychiatry at RWTH Aachen University and industry. Another aim is to improve psychotropic Gerlach M, Greiner C, Gründer G, Haen E, Have- deputy director of the drug treatment in routine clinical care by a mann-Reinecke U, Hefner G, Helmer R, Janssen G, Department of Psychiatry, personalization that is already possible today to a Jaquenoud E, Laux G, Messer T, Mössner R, Müller Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics at the certain extent with Therapeutic Drug Monitoring MJ, Paulzen M, Pfuhlmann B, Riederer P, Saria A, University Hospital Aachen. (TDM) and pharmacogenetics. Schoppek B, Schoretsanitis G, Schwarz M, Gracia Since 2018 he is head of MS, Stegmann B, Steimer W, Stingl JC, Uhr M, department at CIMH. Ulrich S, Unterecker S, Waschgler R, Zernig G, Zurek PROJECTS G, Baumann P (2018). Consensus Guidelines for Study With Lu AF11167 for the Treatment of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Neuropsychophar- Negative Symptoms in Patients With Schizophre- macology: Update 2017. Pharmacopsychiatry. 51: nia. , Copenhagen, Denmark. 9 – 62. 47 RESEARCH



The recently created Department of Public Mental efficacy and clinical feasibility of an mHealth Health focuses on the foundations and transfer of app-based intervention to enhance emotional knowledge from social epidemiology to mental resilience in young people through a randomized, health care with the primary objective of promot- controlled design. The department also investiga- ing resilience and public mental health. The aim is tes integrated, etiological models of psychiatric to follow a translational, transdiagnostic, interdis- diseases and the inherent social risk structure in ciplinary research strategy in this respect. One of particular as well as the psychological risk and Professor Dr. Ulrich the department’s key areas is the development and resilience mechanisms involved. Another focus Reininghaus is head of evaluation of new, digital interventions geared to includes research into transdiagnostic dimensions the Public Mental Health Department, Heisenberg the everyday needs and social contexts of patients, and psychopathological trajectories in prospective Professor at the CIMH and ensuring that psychiatric and psychotherapeutic cohort studies of young, high-risk populations and Visiting Professor at King’s therapy becomes an intrinsic part of everyday life. serious mental disorders. College London. His research interests include the study The EMIcompass study, for instance, assesses the of the social risk structure and the psychological mechanisms involved in the development of mental disorders. He explores innovative, digital survey methods, developing and evaluating digital inter- ventions and new care strategies in the field of early intervention and promotion of mental health.



PROJECTS Reininghaus U (2018). [Ecological Momentary Interventions in Reininghaus U., Durstewitz D., Koppe G. –Ministry of Science, psychiatry: the momentum for change in daily social context]. Research and the Arts Baden Württemberg RE 21-7547.223-7/3/2: Psychiatr Prax. 45(2):59 – 61. Artificial intelligence Real-World Laboratory for digital persona- lized mental health promotion in young people. Granted 12/2019. Klippel A, Myin-Germeys I, Chavez-Baldini U, Preacher KJ, Kempton M, Valmaggia L, Calem M, So S, Beards S, Hubbard K, Reininghaus U. Federal Ministry of Education and Research Gayer-Anderson C, Onyejiaka A, Wichers M, McGuire P, Murray R, (BMBF) RE 01EC1904B: Low level diary intervention for CMSP and Garety P, van Os J, Wykes T, Morgan C, Reininghaus U (2017). process evaluation through ecological momentary assessment. Modeling the Interplay Between Psychological Processes and Adverse, Stressful Contexts and Experiences in Pathways BMBF-network with Flor H.: Improving outcomes in chronic to Psychosis: An Experience Sampling Study. Schizophr Bull. musculoskeletal pain through a personalized medicine approach 43(2):302 – 315. using cross-illness translational assessments and mechanism- based interventions (PerPAIN). Granted 09/2019. Rauschenberg C, van Os J, Cremers D, Goedhart M, Schieveld JN, Reininghaus U (2017). Stress sensitivity as a putative mechanism Reininghaus U. German Research Foundation (DFG) RE 3832/3–1: linking childhood trauma and psychopathology in youth‘s daily Effectiveness of a new, low-threshold, transdiagnostic, compas- life. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 136:373 – 388. sion-focused, ambulatory intervention to improve resilience in adolescents seeking help. (EMIcompass). 12/2018 – 11/2021.

Reininghaus U. German Research Foundation (DFG) RE 3832/2-1: Heisenberg-Professorship. Integrated models of mental disorder: social risk architecture, targeted mHealth interventions, and public health gains. 12/2018 – 11/2021.

Reininghaus U. ZonMW RE 636310006 – Improving self-esteem in traumatized youth: a transdiagnostic ecological momentary intervention trial (SELFIE). 12/2017 – 11/2021.

PUBLICATIONS Reininghaus U, Böhnke JR, Chavez-Baldini U, Gibbons R, Ivleva E, Clementz BA, Pearlson GD, Keshavan MS, Sweeney JA, Tamminga CA (2019). Transdiagnostic dimensions of psychosis in the Bipolar-Schizophrenia Network on Intermediate Phenotypes (B-SNIP). World Psychiatry. 18(1):67 – 76.

Reininghaus U, Oorschot M, Moritz S, Gayer-Anderson C, Kempton MJ, Valmaggia L, McGuire P, Murray R, Garety P, Wykes T, Morgan C, Myin-Germeys I (2019). Liberal Acceptance Bias, Momentary Aberrant Salience, and Psychosis: An Experimental Experience Sampling Study. Schizophr Bull. 45(4):871 – 882.

Myin-Germeys I, Kasanova Z, Vaessen T, Vachon H, Kirtley O, Viechtbauer W, Reininghaus U (2018). Experience sampling methodology in mental health research: new insights and technical developments. World Psychiatry. 17(2):123 – 132. 49 RESEARCH




The department was created at the CIMH towards the end of 2017 and is largely supported financially by the Hector Foundation II.

SysMedSUD, a systems medicine approach to the study of common features and differences in Prof. Dr. Philipp Koch is one the resilience and pathological mechanisms of of Germany’s leading stem substance misuse (sub-project 3) – Federal Ministry cell researchers with a keen interest in neuronal for Education and Research (BMBF). diseases. He has helped shape human pluripotent T stem cell research in Germany since the outset. PUBLICATIONS After completing his medical studies, he headed Ostermann L, Ladewig J, Müller FJ, Kesavan J, Tailor research groups at the Insti- tute for Neuropathology The Department of Translational Brain Research J, Smith A, Brüstle O, Koch (2019). In Vitro Recapitu- and the Institute for Recon- focuses on deciphering molecular processes lation of Developmental Transitions in Human structive Neurobiology at underlying mental illness. The department uses Neural Stem Cells. Stem Cells (11):1429 –1440. the University of Bonn before accepting the Hector human neurons, glial cells and microglial cells Foundation Professorship generated by induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS Giesselmann P, Brändl B, Raimondeau E, Bowen R, for Stem Cell Research in cells) as models. These iPS cells are collected from Rohrandt C, Tandon R, Kretzmer H, Assum G, Psychiatry at the CIMH in 2017. patients in advance and carry the complex genetic Galonska C, Siebert R, Ammerpohl O, Heron A, information of each individual patient. The Schneider SA, Ladewig J, Koch P, Schuldt BM, department is investigating how in-vitro generated Graham JE, Meissner A, Müller FJ (2019). Analysis nerve cells and nerve cell networks display changes of Short Tandem Repeat Expansions and Their that can be linked to psychiatric disorders in a Methylation State With Nanopore Sequencing. causal context. To this end, detailed morphological Nat Biotechnol. (12):1478 – 1481. studies (in neurons and synaptic connections) are carried out at various stages in the formation of Poppe D, Doerr J, Schneider M, Wilkens R, such networks. Functional parameters are also Steinbeck JA, Ladewig J, Tam A, Paschon DE, investigated in order to gain an insight into the Gregory PD, Reik A, Müller CE, Koch P*, Brüstle O* potential malfunction of neuronal networks in (2018). Genome Editing in Neuroepithelial Stem patients. The aim is to identify new molecular Cells to Generate Human Neurons With High targets suitable for the drug therapy of psychiatric Adenosine-Releasing Capacity. Stem Cells Transl disorders. Med. (6):477 – 486. 50 RESEARCH


Cam M, Durieu E, Bodin M, Manousopoulou A, PROJECTS Koslowski S, Vasylieva N, Barnych B, Hammock BD, The research group was set up at the CIMH Bohl B, Koch P, Omori C, Yamamoto K, Hata S, towards the end of 2018 and is largely supported Suzuki T, Karg F, Gizzi P, Erakovic Haber V, Bencetic financially by the Hector Foundation II. Mihaljevic V, Tavcar B, Portelius E, Pannee J, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Garbis SD, Auvray P, SysMedSUD, a systems medicine approach to Gerber H, Fraering J, Fraering PC, Meijer LJ (2018). the study of common features and differences in Induction of Amyloid-β42 Production by Fipronil the resilience and pathological mechanisms of and Other Pyrazole Insecticides. Alzheimers Dis. substance misuse (sub-project 3) – Federal Ministry 62(4):1663 – 1681. for Education and Research (BMBF).

Siegel G, Gerber H, Koch P, Bruestle O, Fraering PC, Rajendran L (2017). The Alzheimer‘s Disease γ-Sec- retase Generates Higher 42:40 Ratios for β-Amyloid PUBLICATIONS Than for p3 Peptides. Cell Rep. 19(10):1967 – 1976. Uzquiano A, Cifuentes-Diaz C, Jabali A, Romero DM, Houllier A, Dingli F, Maillard C, Boland A, Doerr J, Schwarz MK, Wiedermann D, Leinhaas A, Deleuze JF, Loew D, Mancini GMS, Bahi-Buisson N, Jakobs A, Schloen F, Schwarz I, Diedenhofen M, Ladewig J, Francis F (2019). Mutations in the Braun NC, Koch P, Peterson DA, Kubitscheck U, Heterotopia Gene Eml1/EML1 Severely Disrupt the Hoehn M, Brüstle O (2017). Whole-brain 3D Formation of Primary Cilia. Cell Rep. 28(6):1596 – Dr. Julia Ladewig is a Mapping of Human Neural Transplant Innervation. 1611.e10. pioneer of brain-organoid research in Germany. Nat Commun. 8:14162. After studying Biology, Rossetti AC, Koch P, Ladewig J (2019). Drug Dr. Ladewig obtained a Discovery in Psychopharmacology: From 2D Models Master’s degree in Medical Ethics before focusing to Cerebral Organoids. Dialogues Clin Neurosci. scientifically on iPS (induced 21(2):203 – 224. Pluripotent Stem) cells, their differentiation and potential therapeutic Marsoner F, Koch P, Ladewig J (2018). Genet Dev. NEW SINCE 2018 application. Before leading Cortical Organoids: Why All This Hype? Curr Opin a research group in the RG DEVELOPMENTAL 52:22 – 28. Department of Translational Brain Research in 2018, BRAIN PATHOLOGIES Dr. Ladewig was already Krefft O, Jabali A, Iefremova V, Koch P, Ladewig J heading a scientific HEAD: DR. JULIA LADEWIG (2018). Generation of Standardized and Reproduci- research group funded by the Stem Cell Network of ble Forebrain-type Cerebral Organoids From North Rhine-Westphalia. The research group Developmental Brain Patholo- Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. J Vis Exp. gies uses brain organoids (three-dimensional (131):56768. aggregates of iPS cells that reproduce early aspects of human brain development in a 3D context) to Iefremova V, Manikakis G, Krefft O, Jabali A, investigate the basis of mental illness. The Weynans K, Wilkens R, Marsoner F, Brändl B, Müller research focuses on the additional (cognitive) FJ, Koch P, Ladewig J (2017). An Organoid-Based abilities acquired by the human brain during Model of Cortical Development Identifies Non-Cell- development (compared to our ancestors and Autonomous Defects in Wnt Signaling Contributing other species) and investigates how these evolu- to Miller-Dieker Syndrome. Cell Rep 19(1):50 – 59. tionary changes have led to the emergence of mental illness. The research group also examines Koch P, Ladewig J (2017). A Little Bit of Guidance: the impact of environmental factors on brain Mini Brains on Their Route to Adolescence. Cell development and the emergence of mental illness. Stem Cell 3;21(2):157 – 158. 51 RESEARCH



PROJECTS Wellek S (2017). A U-statistics based approach Statistical principles and properties of the so called to sample size planning of two-arm trials with stepped-wedge study design. discrete outcome criterion aiming to establish either superiority or noninferiority. Stat Med. Powerful nonrandomized exact tests for two- 36(5):799-81. sample problems with Poisson distributed data. Wellek S (2017). Sample size planning of two-arm Prof. Dr. Stefan Wellek Tools and strategies for considering stratification superiority and noninferiority survival studies with has been Professor of in sample size calculation. discrete follow-up. Stat Med. 36(20):3123 – 3136. Biostatistics at Heidelberg University and Head of the Department of Biostatistics Wellek S (2017). A critical evaluation of the current at the CIMH since 1994. He ”p-value controversy‘‘. (With Discussion.) took his PhD in mathemat- ical and graduated in Biometrical J. 59, 854 – 872. medical statistics (from the Universities of Düsseldorf and Mainz, respectively). He is the author of three research monographs on statistical equivalence PUBLICATIONS testing methods and published more than 100 Wellek S, Donner-Banzhoff N, König J, papers in (bio-) statistical Mildenberger P, Blettner M (2019). Planning and and medical journals. Analysis of Trials Using a Stepped Wedge Design. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 116(26):453 – 458.

Wellek S, Ziegler A (2019). Testing for goodness rather than lack of fit of an X-chromosomal SNP to the Hardy-Weinberg model. PLoS ONE. 14(2):e0212344.

Culverhouse RC, Saccone NL, Horton AC, Ma Y, Anstey KJ, Banaschewski T, Burmeister M, Co- hen-Woods S, Etain B, Fisher HL, Goldman N, Guillaume S, Horwood J, Juhasz G, Lester KJ, Mandelli L, Middeldorp CM, Olié E, Villafuerte S, Air TM, Ar, ..., Jennen-Steinmetz C, ... , Bierut, LJ (2018). Collaborative meta-analysis finds no evidence of a strong interaction between stress and 5-HTTLPR genotype contributing to the development of depression. Mol Psychiatry 23(1):133 – 142. 52 RESEARCH



PROJECTS Excellence Cluster CellNetworks: Near Infrared Red Flor H, Andoh JA. DFG (German Research Foundation) Spectroscopy Equipment. 2017. SFB 1158: B 07 – Neural circuits involved in Phantom Limb Pain. 07/2019 – 06/2023.

Nees F, Flor H. DFG SFB 1158: B03 – The role of learning, stress and underlying brain circuits involving prefrontal-limbic interactions in the Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Dr. h. c. development of chronic back pain. 07/2019 – PUBLICATIONS Herta Flor studied Psychology in Würzburg, 06/2023. Nees F, Löffler M, Usai K, Flor H (2019). Hypothala- Tübingen, and at Yale micpituitary-adrenal axis feedback sensitivity in University. She has held Vollstädt-Klein S, Flor H. DFG TRR/1 TP C01: Losing different states of back pain. Psychoneuroendocri- academic positions at the universities of Pittsburgh, and Regaining Control: TP Modification of the nology. 101:60 – 66. Tübingen, Bonn, Marburg, imbalance between goal-directed and habitual and Berlin. She has been behavior. 07/2019 – 06/2022. Nees F, Pohlack ST, Grimm O, Winkelmann T, Zidda the Scientific Director of the Institute of Cognitive F, Flor H (2019). White matter correlates of contex- and Clinical Neuroscience Bekrater-Bodmann R. DFG – BE 5723/4-1: Phantom tual Pavlovian fear extinction and the role of since 2000. She has body: Neuropsychological mechanisms of the anxiety in healthy humans. Cortex. 121:179 – 188. published more than 500 scholarly papers, been perceived unity of body and self. 01/2019 – 12/2021. spokesperson of Collabora- Nees F, Witt SH, Flor H (2018). Neurogenetic tive Research Grant 636, is Flor H, Becker S. DFG Research Training Group 2350 Approaches to Stress and Fear in Humans as deputy spokesperson of Collaborative Research “Impact of adverse childhood experiences on Pathophysiological Mechanisms for Posttraumatic Grant 1158, and received psychosocial and somatic conditions across the Stress Disorder. Biol Psychiatry. 83(10):810 – 820. both a European Council lifespan“. Project: A04 “The relationship of ACE and Advanced Grant and a Reinhart-Koselleck-Award violent video gaming: Effects on pain perception, Zidda F, Andoh JA, Pohlack S, Winkelmann T, of the German Research pain-related empathy and aggression towards self Dinu-Biringer R, Cavalli J, Ruttorf M, Nees F, Flor H Foundation. She received and others”. 2018 – 2022. (2018). Default mode network connectivity of honorary doctorates from the Free University of fear- and anxiety-related cue and context conditio- Amsterdam and Aalborg Flor H, Nees F. Federal Ministry of Education and ning. Neuroimage. 165:190 – 199. University. Research: IMAC-Mind: Improving Mental Health and Reducing Addiction in Childhood and Adoles- Flor H (2017). Pain has an element of blank – cence through Mindfulness: Mechanisms, Preven- a biobehavioral approach to chronicity. Pain. tion and Treatment. Project TP2 “Translation of 158(Suppl 1):S92 – S96. neurobehavioral risk profiles into the development of screening and prevention. 10/2017 – 09/2021. Klinger R, Kothe R, Schmitz J, Kamping S, Flor H (2017). Placebo effects of a sham opioid solution: Nees F. DFG NE 1383/14-1: Heisenberg-Scholarship. a randomized controlled study in patients with 02/2018 – 01/2021. chronic low back pain. Pain. 128(10):1893 – 1902. 53 RESEARCH




PROJECTS Dr. Angela Heinrich Andoh JA, Flor H. German Research Foundation completed her diploma in biology (specializing in (DFG) SFB 1158: B 07 – Neural circuits involved in neuroscience) in 2008 in Phantom Limb Pain. 07/2019 – 06/2023. Frankfurt am Main. Between 2009 and 2012, she worked on her Nees F. SFB 1158: B03 – The role of learning, stress dissertation at the Institute and underlying brain circuits involving prefrontal- of Cognitive and Clinical Dr. Jamila Andoh is head limbic interactions in the development of chronic Neuroscience of the CIMH in the field of neuropsy- of the RG Brain stimulation, back pain. 07/2019 – 06/2023. neuroplasticity and chology. Since then, she has learning. After completing been conducting research her Master’s degree in PUBLICATIONS at CIMH and took part in the Olympia Morata Physics and Imaging in Larbig W, Andoh J, Huse E, Stahl-Corino D, Montoya Medicine, University Paul program run by Heidelberg Sabatier in Toulouse, Andoh P, Seltzer Z, Flor H (2019). Pre- and postoperative University. In 2014 and 2015, earned her PhD in Physics predictors of phantom limb pain. Neurosci Lett. she spent several months researching abroad. at INSERM and CEA, 702:44 – 50. University Paris XI. She is member of the editorial board of the journal Zidda F, Griebe M, Ebert A, Ruttorf M, Roßmanith Frontiers in Neuroscience C, Gass A, Andoh JA, Nees F, Szabo K (2019). Resting- PROJECTS and Psychology and a member of several state connectivity alterations during transient Nees F. SFB 1158: B03 – The role of learning, stress specialist societies. global amnesia. Neuroimage Clin. 23:101869, 1 – 8. and underlying brain circuits involving prefrontal- limbic interactions in the development of chronic Andoh J, Milde C, Tsao JW, Flor H (2018). Cortical back pain. 07/2019 – 06/2023. plasticity as a basis of phantom limb pain: fact or fiction? Neuroscience. 387:85 – 91. Nees F. German Research Foundation (DFG) NE 1383/14-1: Heisenberg-Position. 02/2018 – 01/2021. Andoh J, Matsushita R, Zatorre RJ (2018). Insights Into Auditory Cortex Dynamics From Non-invasive BMBF – Federal Ministry of Education and Research: Brain Stimulation. Front Neurosci. 12:469. IMAC-Mind: Improving Mental Health and Reducing Addiction in Childhood and Adolescence Andoh J, Diers M, Milde C, Köppe C, Kleinböhl D, through Mindfulness: Mechanisms, Prevention and Flor H (2017). Neural correlates of evoked phantom Treatment. limb sensations. Biol Psychol. 126:89 – 97. Project TP1 “Identification of early bio-psycho-social Andoh J, Ferreira M, Leppert IR, Matsushita R, Pike risks and resilience factors and etiological pathway. B, Zatorre RJ (2017). How restful is it with all that 10/2017 – 09/2021. noise? Comparison of Interleaved silent steady Project TP2 “Translation of neurobehavioral risk state (ISSS) and conventional imaging in resting- profiles into the development of screening and state fMRI. Neuroimage. 147:726 – 735. prevention. 10/2017 – 09/2021. 54 RESEARCH




PROJECTS Löffler A, Foell J, Bekrater-Bodmann R (2018). Bekrater-Bodmann R. German Research Foundation Interoception and Its Interaction with Self, Other, (DFG) – BE 5723/4-1: Phantom body: Neuropsycho- and Emotion Processing: Implications for the logical mechanisms of the perceived unity of body Understanding of Psychosocial Deficits in Border- and self. 01/2019 – 12/2021. line Personality Disorder. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 20(4):1 – 9.

Fuchs X, Flor H, Bekrater-Bodmann R (2018). Dr. Robin Bekrater-Bodmann Psychological Factors Associated with Phantom received the diploma in Psychology from the Limb Pain: A Review of Recent Findings. Pain Res Braunschweig Technical PUBLICATIONS Manag. 2018:5080123. University in 2007. Since Stone KD, Dijkerman HC, Bekrater-Bodmann R, 2008 he has been working as a research fellow at Keizer A (2019). Mental rotation of feet in individu- Guo X, Lin Z, Lyu Y, Bekrater-Bodmann R, Flor H, the CIMH’s Department als with Body Integrity Identity Disorder, lower-limb Tong S (2017). The Effect of Prosthesis Use on Hand of Cognitive and Clinical amputees, and normally-limbed controls. PLoS Mental Rotation after Unilateral Upper-limb Neuroscience where he received his doctorate in ONE. 14(8):e0221105. Amputation. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2012 from the Heidelberg 25(11):2046 – 2053. University. In 2016, he Rothgangel A, Bekrater-Bodmann R (2019). became head of the CIMH’s research group Body Mirror therapy versus augmented/virtual reality Macauda G, Bekrater-Bodmann R, Brugger P, plasticity and memory applications: towards a tailored mechanism-based Lenggenhager B (2017). When less is more – impli- processes. In 2017 he treatment for phantom limb pain. Pain Manage. cit preference for incomplete bodies in xenomelia. completed a six-month research visit at the 9(2):151 – 159. J Psychiatr Res 84: 249 – 255. Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway, University of London.





PROJECTS PUBLICATIONS Becker S. Research Grant: Psychobiological mecha- Becker S, Bräscher AK, Bannister S, Bensafi M, nisms of impaired reward processing in chronic pain, Calma-Birling D, Chan RCK, Eerola T, Ellingsen DM, German Research Foundation (DFG, BE 4309/7-1). Ferdenzi C, Hanson JL, Joffily M, Lidhar NK, Lowe LJ, 05/2019 – 04/2021. Martin LJ, Musser ED, Noll-Hussong M, Olino TM, Pintos Lobo R, Wang Y (2019). The role of hedonics Becker S. PRIMA Grant: Feeling Pain and Being in in the Human Affectome. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. PD Dr. Susanne Becker pain: Mechanisms of emotional-motivational pain 102:221 – 241. completed her studies in processing in health and disease, Swiss National psychology (Diploma) in 2004 and her doctoral Science Foundation (SNF, PR00P1_179697/1). Wirth B, Riner F, Peterson C, Humphreys BK, studies in 2009, both at the 08/2019 – 07/2024. Farshad M, Becker S, Schweinhardt P (2019). University of Mannheim. An observational study on trajectories and After another year as a postdoctoral fellow at the Becker S. EFIC Grünenthal Grant: Altered cognitive- outcomes of chronic low back pain patients University of Mannheim, emotional networks in chronic pain: the modulatory referred from a spine surgery division for she worked as a postdoc- role of dopamine. 07/2017 – 06/2018. chiropractic treatment. Chiropr Man Therap. toral fellow at McGill University in Montreal, 27:6. Canada, from 2010 until Becker S, Schweiker M. Extension grant WINKolleg of 2013. In April 2013, Becker the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences: Understanding Bräscher A-K, Witthöft M, Becker S (2018). The started working at the Institute of Cognitive and and communicating dynamic changes in perception underestimated significance of conditioning in Clinical Neuroscience, through the interaction of thermal comfort and pain. placebo hypoalgesia and nocebo hyperalgesia. where she became head of 05/2017 – 05/2019. Pain Research and Management, Article ID the research group on the psychobiology of pain in 6841985, 8 pages. doi:10.1155/2018/6841985. February 2016. Since August Flor H, Gamroth C, Becker S. Research funding by 2019, she is also head of the German Society for Muscle Diseases e.V. (DGM): Nees F, Becker S (2018). Psychological processes in a research group (PRIMA Grant, Swiss National Fund) Extension of the project “Quality of life, pain, and chronic pain: Influences of reward and fear at Balgrist University neuropsychological limitations in patients with learning as key mechanisms – Behavioral evidence, Hospital, Research mitochondrial diseases”. 11/2017 – 04/2019. neural circuits, and maladaptive changes. Neuros- Department of Chiropractic Medicine, University of cience. 387:72 – 84. Zurich (Switzerland). Flor H, Becker S. Subproject B04: The Relationship of ACE and Violent Video Gaming: Effects on Pain Becker S, Gandhi W, Pomares F, Wager TD, Perception, Pain-Related Empathy and Aggression Schweinhardt P (2017). Orbitofrontal cortex Towards Self and Others, Research Training Group mediates pain inhibition by monetary reward. 2350 “Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 12(4):651 – 661. Psychosocial and Somatic Conditions Across the Lifespan” German Research Foundation (DFG, GRK Becker S, Gandhi W, Chen Y-J, Schweinhardt P 2350/1). 04/2018 – 09/2021. (2017). Subjective utility moderates bidirectional effects of conflicting motivations on pain percepti- on. Scientific Reports, 7(1): 7790. 56 RESEARCH




PROJECTS PUBLICATIONS Nees F, Flor H. DFG SFB 1158: B03 – The role of Nees F, Löffler M, Usai K, Flor H (2019). Hypothala- learning, stress and underlying brain circuits mic-pituitary-adrenal axis feedback sensitivity in involving prefrontal-limbic interactions in the different states of back pain. Psychoneuroendocri- development of chronic back pain. 07/2019 – nology. 101:60 – 66. 06/2023. Nees F, Pohlack ST, Grimm O, Winkelmann T, Zidda Nees F. DFG NE 1383/14-1: Heisenberg-Scholarship. F, Flor H (2019). White matter correlates of contex- Prof. Dr. Frauke Nees, 02/2018 – 01/2021. tual pavlovian fear extinction and the role of Study of psychology at the University of Landau, anxiety in healthy humans. Cortex. 121:179 – 188. 2005 – 2008 PhD scholar- Federal Ministry of Education and Research: ship at the University of IMAC-Mind: Improving Mental Health and Nees F, Witt SH, Flor H (2018). Neurogenetic Trier, 2015 – 2016 research trip to the Medical Reducing Addiction in Childhood and Adolescence Approaches to Stress and Fear in Humans as University of Vienna. Since through Mindfulness: Mechanisms, Prevention and Pathophysiological Mechanisms for Posttraumatic 2008 she has been at the Treatment. Project TP2 “Translation of neurobehav- Stress Disorder. Biol Psychiatry. 83(10):810 – 820. Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience (2016, ioral risk profiles into the development of screening also at the Department of and prevention. 10/2017 – 09/2021. Siehl S, King JA, Burgess N, Flor H, Nees F (2018). Child/Adolescent Psychia- Structural white matter changes in adults and try/Psychotherapy), starting as PostDoc then moving on Project TP1 “Identification of early bio-psycho-social children with posttraumatic stress disorder: to positions as Deputy risks and resilience factors and etiological pathway. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuroi- Professor (2012 – 2013) and 10/2017 – 09/2021. mage Clin. 19:581 – 598. as Permanent Deputy of the Scientific Director (2016 – 2018). Currently, she has a Project TP2 “Translation of neurobehavioral risk Nees F, Becker S, Millenet S, Banaschewski T, Heisenberg position, funded profiles into the development of screening and Poustka L, Bokde A, Bromberg U, Büchel C, Conrod by the German Research Foundation (since 2018) and prevention. 10/2017 – 09/2021. PJ, Desrivieres S, Frouin V, Gallinat J, Garavan H, is research group leader Heinz A, Ittermann B, Martinot JL, Papadopoulos (since 2013) – 7 projects as Orfanos D, Paus T, Smolka MN, Walter H, Whelan R, PI, 10 project coordinator. Schumann G, Flor H, Hohmann S, IMAGEN consortium (2017). Brain substrates of reward processing and the μ-opioid receptor: a pathway into pain? Pain. 158(2):212 – 219.

Cavalli J, Ruttorf M, Rosero Pahi M, Zidda F, Flor H, Nees F (2017). Oxytocin differentially modulates pavlovian cue and context fear acquisition. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 12(6):976 – 983.




PROJECTS Spanagel R. German Research Foundation (DFG) Spanagel R. Federal Ministry of Education and SFB 1158 Pain TP B04 FP2: Translational studies in Research (BMBF) 01ZX1909A: SysMedSUDs – chronicity of pain: Neuroplasticity in corticolimbic A systems-medicine approach towards distinct and dopamine and glutamate pathways. shared resilience and pathological mechanisms of 07/2019 – 06/2023. substance use disorders. 11/2019 – 10/2022. Spanagel R. German Research Foundation (DFG) Prof. Dr. Rainer Spanagel Spanagel R. Federal Ministry of Education and TRR265 Addiction A05: Intensive behavioral (PhD) is a European leader Research (BMBF) e:Med Demonstrators 031L0190A: monitoring and dynamical state transitions in in the field of addiction and especially of alcoholism Target-OXY – Towards Targeted Oxytocin Treatment animal models of addiction. 07/2019 – 06/2023. research. During his PhD in Alcohol Addiction. 06/2019 – 05/2022. work, he discovered the GRK 2350/1: The impact of childhood and adoles- regulation of the brain reinforcement system by Spanagel R. ERANET NEURON 01EW1908: PsiAlc – cent traumatization on psychosocial and somatic the endogenous opioid Preclinical Phase II Testing of in Alcohol disorders across the lifespan, project B5 “Stress system. This work was Addiction and Epigenetic and Neuroimaging sensitivity, emotion processing and cue-reactivity in critical for understanding reward processing and is Studies on the Mode of Action. 05/2019 – 04/2022. substance-related disorders: the influence of ACE”. often cited. In early 2000, 04/2019 – 09/2022. he relocated to the CIMH Spanagel R. Federal Ministry of Education and as Department Head of Psychopharmacology. Research (BMBF) 01ZX1611A: e:Med II – SP 1: He has been Scientific Coordination and Management. 01/2017 – 12/2018. Director of the Institute for Psychopharmacology since 2011. Spanagel R. Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 01ZX1611A: e:Med II – SPs 5: Central Resource IV: Animal model of alcohol addiction. 01/2017 – 12/2018.

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 01EE1406C: Network AERIAL in the Mental Illness Research Network – Mechanisms of addictive disorders: social exclusion, prediction of disease risk, resilience and adapted theories, project 6. 01/2017 – 12/2019.

Spanagel R. German Research Foundation (DFG) SFB 1134 Neuronal Ensembles TP B05: Characterization and modulation of neuronal ensembles of the reward system. 01/2019 – 12/2019. 58 RESEARCH





Bernardi R, Olevska A, Morella I, Fasano S, Santos E, Brambilla R, Spanagel R (2019). The inhibition of RasGRF2, but not RasGRF1, alters cocaine reward in mice. J Neurosci. 39(32):6325 – 6338.

Bilbao A, Leixner S, Wei S, Cantacorps L, Valverde O, Spanagel R (2019). Reduced sensitivity to ethanol PUBLICATIONS Dr. Ainhoa Bilbao is head of and excessive drinking in a mouse model of Bilbao A, Leixner S, Wei S, Cantacorps L, Valverde O, the RG Behavioral Genetics at CIMH. She studied neuropathic pain. Addict Biol. 24(5):1008 – 1018. Spanagel R (2019). Reduced sensitivity to ethanol Psychology at the University and excessive drinking in a mouse model of of Deusto in Spain and Noori HR, Mervin LH, Bokharaie V, Durmus Ö, neuropathic pain. Addict Biol. 24(5):1008 – 1018. received her doctorate from the Complutense University Egenrieder L, Fritze S, Gruhlke B, Reinhardt G, of Madrid. Bilbao has Schabel H, Staudenmaier S, Logothetis NK, Bender Baron J, Bilbao A, Hörtnagl H, Birnbaumer L, authored 57 publications A, Spanagel R (2018). Systemic neurotransmitter Leixner S, Spanagel R, Ahnert-Hilger G, Brunk I and is an Editorial Board member of Addiction responses to clinically approved and experimental (2018). Balance of Go1α and Go2α expression Biology, Frontiers in neuropsychiatric drugs. Nat Commun. 9(1):4699. regulates motor function via the striatal dopami- Psychiatry and Journal of nergic system. J Neurochem. 146(4):374 – 389. Psychiatry and Brain Science. Spanagel R (2018). Aberrant choice behavior in alcoholism. Science. 360(6395):1298 – 1299. Bilbao A, Falfán-Melgoza C, Leixner S, Becker R, Singaravelu SK, Sack MS, Sartorius A, Spanagel R, Noori HR, Schöttler J, Ercsey-Ravasz M, Cosa-Linan Weber-Fahr W (2018). Longitudinal Structural and A, Varga M, Toroczkai Z, Spanagel R (2017). A Functional Brain Network Alterations in a Mouse multiscale cerebral neurochemical connectome of Model of Neuropathic Pain. Neuroscience. 387:104 – the rat brain. PLoS Biol. 15(7):e2002612. 115.

Spanagel R, Kiefer F (2017). The Cannabinoid Perreau-Lenz SP, Hoelters LS, Leixner S, Sanchis-Se- Receptor 1 as a Key Mediator of Adolescent gura C, Hansson A, Bilbao A, Spanagel R (2017). Behavior. Neuropsychopharmacology. 42(1):367. mPer1 promotes morphine-induced locomotor sensitization and conditioned place preference via histone deacetylase activity. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 234(11):1713 – 1724.

Rotermund C, Reolon GK, Leixner S, Boden C, Bilbao A, Kahle PJ (2017). Enhanced motivation to alcohol in transgenic mice expressing human α-synuclein. J Neurochem. 2017 143(3):294 – 305. 59 RESEARCH




PROJECTS addictive disorders: social exclusion, prediction Kiefer F, Sommer WH. Federal Ministry of Education of disease risk, resilience and adapted theories, and Research (BMBF) 01ZX1909A. SysMed-SUDs – projects 1 and 6. 01/2017 – 12/2019. A systems medicine approach to examining similarities and differences in resilience and patho- Sommer WH. Federal Ministry of Education and logical mechanisms of substance use disorders. Research (BMBF) 01ZX1611A: e:Med II – SPs 3: Subproject SP5 11/2019 – 10/2022. Central Resource II: Transcriptomics platform. Prof. Dr. Falk Kiefer, studied 01/2017 – 12/2018. medicine (1990 – 1996) Kiefer F, Sommer WH. Federal Ministry of Education and graduated from the University of Erlangen. and Research (BMBF): On the way to a targeted Kiefer F. Federal Ministry of Education and Research Psychiatric-psychotherapeu- treatment of alcohol addiction with oxytocin. (BMBF) 01ZX1611A: e:Med II SPs10 – Functional tic resident at the University Subproject WP4 07/2019 – 06/2022. Validation II: Neuroimaging x genetics. Hospital Hamburg-Eppen- dorf (1996 – 2002). He 01/2017 – 12/2018. achieved a postdoctoral Kiefer F, Sommer WH. German Research Founda- qualification in Psychiatry tion (DFG) TRR 265 Loss and regaining control in (2004) and became Full Professor of Psychiatry and addiction disorders. Subprojects A03, B08, C04, Psychotherapy specializing 07/2019 – 06/2023. in Addiction Medicine, Heidelberg University (2005 – 2016), Chair of Kiefer F. Federal Ministry of Education and Research Addiction Research, (BMBF) 01EE1406C: Network AERIAL in the Mental Heidelberg University and Illness Research Network – Mechanisms of Medical Director, Depart- ment of Addictive Behavior and Addiction Medicine, Central Institute of Mental PUBLICATIONS Health, Mannheim (since 2016). De Santis S, Bach P, Pérez-Cervera L, Cosa-Linan A, Weil G, Vollstädt-Klein S, Hermann D, Kiefer F, Kirsch P, Ciccocioppo R, Sommer WH, Canals S (2019). Microstructural White Matter Alterations in Men With Alcohol Use Disorder and Rats With Excessive Alcohol Consumption During Early Abstinence. JAMA Psychiatry;76(7):749 – 758.

Bach P, Weil G, Pompili E, Hoffmann S, Hermann D, Vollstädt-Klein S, Mann K, Perez-Ramirez U, Moratal D, Canals S, Dursun SM, Greenshaw AJ, Kirsch P, Kiefer F, Sommer WH (2019). Incubation of neural alcohol cue reactivity after withdrawal and its blockade by naltrexone. Addict Biol. 60 RESEARCH




Hansson AC, Gründer G, Hirth N, Noori HR, PD Dr. Georg Köhr, Spanagel R, Sommer WH (2018). Dopamine and Pharmacy study, PhD in Neurophysiology, opioid systems adaptation in alcoholism revisited: Habilitation in Pharma- Convergent evidence from positron emission cology and Toxicology, tomography and postmortem studies. Neurosci 2007 – 2012 research group leader at Max-Planck-Insti- Biobehav Rev. tute for Medical Research in Heidelberg, 2012 – 2018 Associate Prof. Dr. Hansson AC, Koopmann A, Uhrig S, Bühler S, Domi head of research group at CIMH, since 2019 research Wolfgang Sommer, studied E, Kiessling E, Ciccocioppo R, Froemke RC, Grinevich medicine at the University at the Mannheim Center of Greifswald (1981 – 1987), V, Kiefer F, Sommer WH, Vollstädt-Klein S, Spanagel for Translational Neurosci- then completed a doctoral R (2018). Oxytocin Reduces Alcohol Cue-Reactivity ence and teaching in the field of physiology. degree in molecular virology in Alcohol-Dependent Rats and Humans. Neuropsy- at Humboldt University, Berlin (1992). He received chopharmacology. 43(6):1235 – 1246. board certification in psychiatry and was ap- Koopmann A, Lippmann K, Schuster R, Reinhard I, pointed Associate Professor of Experimental Psychiatry Bach P, Weil G, Rietschel M, Witt SH, Wiedemann K, at the Karolinska Institute, Kiefer F (2017). Drinking water to reduce alcohol Stockholm, Sweden, in craving? A randomized controlled study on the 2001. He was then Unit Director of Molecular impact of ghrelin in mediating the effects of forced Pathophysiology at NIAAA/ water intake in alcohol addiction. Psychoneuroen- NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, docrinology, 5;85:56 – 62 [IF 4.788]. USA (2004 – 2008). Since PROJECTS 2008, he has been Deputy Scientific Director of the Fauth-Bühler M, Kiefer F (2017). Alcohol and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Institute for Psychophar- Human Brain: a Systematic Review of recent 01ZX1611A: e:Med II SPs 11 – Functional Validation macology at CIMH. He received Vena legendi functional neuroimaging and imaging genetics III: Functional local network activity and neu- (2010) and was appointed findings. Curr Addict Rep. 3; 109 – 124[IF 3.238]. rotransmitter release. 01/2017 – 12/2018. Associate Professor for Psychiatry (2016) at PUBLICATIONS Heidelberg University. Berberich S, Pohle J, Pollard M, Barroso-Flores J, Köhr G (2017). Interplay between global and pathway-specific synaptic plasticity in CA1 pyrami- dal cells. Sci Rep. 7(1):17040.

Luis C, Cannella N, Spanagel R, Köhr G (2017). Persistent strengthening of the prefrontal cortex – nucleus accumbens pathway during incubation of cocaine-seeking behavior. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 138:281 – 290. 61 RESEARCH




PROJECTS Hansson AC, Gründer G, Hirth N, Noori HR, Hansson & Sommer, DFG TRR265 B02 – Habit Spanagel R, Sommer WH (2018). Dopamine and formation and its relevance in alcohol addiction. opioid systems adaptation in alcoholism revisited: 07/2019 – 06/2023. Convergent evidence from positron emission tomography and postmortem studies. Neurosci Sommer, Koppe & Kirsch, DFG TRR265 B08 – Biobehav Rev. 106:141 – 164. Aversion discounting in behavioral control in animal Associate Prof. Dr. models and human addiction. 07/2019 – 06/2023. Pfarr S, Schaaf L, Reinert JK, Paul E, Herrmannsdörf- Wolfgang Sommer, studied er F, Roßmanith M, Kuner T, Hansson AC, Spanagel medicine at the University of Greifswald (1981 – 1987), Sommer & Kiefer Federal Ministry of Education and R, Körber C, Sommer WH (2018). Choice for drug then completed a doctoral Research (BMBF), eMed-II – Examining the neuro- or natural reward engages largely overlapping degree in molecular virology transmitter based E/I balance in SUD patients by neuronal ensembles in the infralimbic prefrontal at Humboldt University, Berlin (1992). He received spectroscopy. 11/2019 – 10/2022. cortex. J Neurosci. 38(14):3507 – 3519. board certification in psychiatry and was ap- Sommer & Kiefer Federal Ministry of Education and Heilig M, Barbier E, Johnstone AL, Tapocik J, pointed Associate Professor of Experimental Psychiatry Research (BMBF) 031L0190A: Target-OXY – Towards Meinhardt MW, Pfarr S, Wahlestedt CR, Sommer at the Karolinska Institute, Targeted Oxytocin Treatment in Alcohol Addiction. WH (2017). Reprogramming of mPFC transcriptome Stockholm, Sweden, in TP 04 – Naturalistic pilot trial in alcohol addicted and function in alcohol dependence. Genes Brain 2001. He was then Unit Director of Molecular patients. 06/2019 – 05/2022. Behav. 16(1):86 – 100. Pathophysiology at NIAAA/ NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, Uhrig S, Vandael D, Marcantoni A, Dedic N, Bilbao USA (2004 – 2008). Since 2008, he has been Deputy A, Vogt MA, Hirth N, Broccoli L, Bernardi RE, Scientific Director of the Schönig K, Gass P, Bartsch D, Spanagel R, Deussing Institute for Psychophar- JM, Sommer WH, Carbone E, Hansson AC (2017). macology at CIMH. He PUBLICATIONS received Vena legendi Differential Roles for L-Type Calcium Channel (2010) and was appointed Heilig M, Augier E, Pfarr S, Sommer WH (2019). Subtypes in Alcohol Dependence. Neuropsycho- Associate Professor for Developing neuroscience-based treatments for pharm. 42(5):1058 – 1069. Psychiatry (2016) at Heidelberg University. alcohol addiction: A matter of choice? Transl Psychiatry. 9(1):255.

De Santis S, Bach P, Pérez-Cervera L, Cosa-Linan A, Weil G, Vollstädt-Klein S, Hermann D, Kiefer F, Kirsch P, Ciccocioppo R, Sommer WH*, Canals S* (2019). Microstructural White Matter Alterations in Men With Alcohol Use Disorder and Rats With Excessive Alcohol Consumption During Early Abstinence. JAMA Psychiatry. 76(7):749 – 758. *equal contribution 62 RESEARCH




PROJECTS Hansson AC, Koopmann A, Uhrig S, Bühler S, Domi Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) E, Kiessling E, Ciccocioppo R, Froemke RC, Grinevich (SysMedSUDs program – FKZ: 01ZX1909): e:Med – V, Kiefer F, Sommer WH, Vollstädt-Klein S, Spanagel SPs 2: Distinct and shared genetic, epigenetic, and R (2018). Oxytocin Reduces Alcohol Cue-Reactivity transcriptomic signatures in SUDs. 2019 – 2022. in Alcohol Dependent Rats and Humans. Neuropsy- chopharmacology. 43(6):1235 – 1246. German Research Foundation (DFG) (CRC, Project- ID 402170461 – TRR 265, project B02): Habit Hermann D, Hirth N, Reimold M, Batra A, Smolka Dr. Anita C. Hansson formation and its relevance in alcohol addiction. MN, Hoffmann S, Kiefer F, Noori HR, Sommer WH, studied Biology at the University of Hamburg 2019 – 2023. Reischl G, la Fougère C, Mann K, Spanagel R, (1983–1990), then Hansson AC (2017). Low μ-Opioid Receptor Status completed a Master of German Research Foundation (DFG) (Research in Alcohol Dependence Identified by Combined Science (1990), and a PhD at the Department of Training Group GRK2350/1, project A02): The Positron Emission Tomography and Post-Mortem Neuroscience, Karolinska Impact of Early Social Adversity on Social and Brain Analysis. Neuropsychopharmacology. Insitutet, Stockholm, Emotional Competence in Later Life and the 42(3):6063 – 614. Sweden (1997-2002), graduating in 2002. From Underlying Neurobiological Mechanisms. 2018 – 2002 to 2008, she was a 2022. Uhrig S, Vandael D, Marcantoni A, Dedic N, Bilbao post-doctoral fellow at A, Vogt MA, Hirth N, Broccoli L, Bernardi RE, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden and at Schönig K, Gass P, Bartsch D, Spanagel R, Deussing NIAAA/NIH Bethesda, USA. JM, Sommer WH, Carbone E, Hansson AC (2017). Since 2008, she has been Differential Roles for L-Type Calcium Channel Senior Scientist at the Institute for Psychophar- Subtypes in Alcohol Dependence. Neuropsycho- macology of the CIMH. She pharmacology. 42(5):1058 – 1069. has been head of the RG Neuroanatomy since 2012. PUBLICATIONS Hansson AC, Gründer G, Hirth N, Noori HR, Spanagel R, Sommer WH (2019). Dopamine and opioid systems adaptation in alcoholism revisited: Convergent evidence from positron emission tomography and postmortem studies. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 106:141 – 164.

Broccoli L, Uhrig S, von Jonquieres G, Schönig K, Bartsch D, Justice NJ, Spanagel R, Sommer WH, Klugmann M, Hansson AC (2018). Targeted over- expression of CRH receptor subtype 1 in central amygdala neurons: effect on alcohol-seeking be- havior. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 235(6):1821 – 1833. 63 RESEARCH




PD Dr. Dr. Hamid R. Noori received his PhDs in PUBLICATIONS mathematics and physics from Universities of Oberhofer J, Noori HR (2019). Quantitative evalua- Heidelberg and Kaiserslaut- tion of cue-induced reinstatement model for ern and was also honored evidence-based experimental optimization. Addict with Venia Legendi in Heidelberg University. In Biol. 24(2):218 – 227. 2008, he moved to Princeton University and focused his Noori HR, Mervin LH, Bokharaie V, Durmus Ö, research on the interface between experimental and Egenrieder L, Fritze S, Gruhlke B, Reinhardt G, theoretical neurosciences. Schabel H, Staudenmaier S, Logothetis NK, Bender He has been a group leader A, Spanagel R (2018). Systemic neurotransmitter At CIMH since 2013. He is a Fellow of Humboldt responses to clinically approved and experimental Foundation and has neuropsychiatric drugs. Nat Commun. 9(1):4699. received the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences Award. In 2018, he received Noori HR, Mücksch C, Vengeliene V, Schönig K, the Ursula M. Händel Prize Takahashi TT, Mukhtasimova N, Bagher Oskouei M, of the German Research Mosqueira M, Bartsch D, Fink R, Urbassek HM, Foundation and the DGPPN Prize for Research in Mental Spanagel R, Sine SM (2018). Alcohol reduces muscle Illness. fatigue through atomistic interactions with nicotinic receptors. Commun Biol. 1:159.

Noori HR, Schöttler J, Ercsey-Ravasz M, Cosa-Linan A, Varga M, Toroczkai Z, Spanagel R (2017). A multiscale cerebral neurochemical connectome of the rat brain. PLoS Biol. 15(7):e2002612.

Fritze S, Spanagel R, Noori HR (2017). Adaptive dynamics of the 5-HT systems following chronic administration of selective reuptake inhibitors: a meta-analysis. J Neurochem. 142(5):747 – 755. 64 RESEARCH



PUBLICATIONS Bohus M, Schmahl C, Fydrich T, Steil R, Müller-En- gelmann M, Herzog J, Ludascher P, Kleindienst N, Priebe K (2019). A research programme to evaluate DBT-PTSD, a modular treatment approach for Com- plex PTSD after childhood abuse. BPDED. 2019 6:7.

Lyssenko L, Müller G, Kleindienst N, Schmahl C, Prof. Dr. Martin Bohus is Berger M, Eifert G, Kölle A, Nesch S, Ommer-Hohl J, the Scientific Director of the Institute for Psychiatric Wenner M, Bohus M (2019). Long-term outcome of and Psychosomatic a mental health promotion program in Germany. Psychotherapy, Professor Health Promot Int. 34(3):532 – 540. of Psychosomatics and Psychotherapeutic Medicine, Head of the Experimental Krause-Utz A, Walther J, Lis S, Schmahl C, Bohus M Psychotherapy Research (2018). Heart rate variability during a cognitive Group at the Central Institute of Mental Health reappraisal task in female patients with borderline and a Guest Lecturer at personality disorder: the role of comorbid posttrau- Harvard Medical School, matic stress disorder and dissociation. Psychol Boston. The focus of his PROJECTS research is the explanation Med:1 – 12. of mechanisms and Schmahl C. Federal Ministry of Education and pathomechanisms of Research (BMBF) 01GL1747C: STAR-NEURO Examina- Priebe K, Kleindienst N, Schropp A, Dyer A, emotional regulation and the development and tion of neurobiological changes in patients with Krüger-Gottschalk A, Schmahl C, Steil R, Bohus M evaluation of modular non-suicidal self-injury. (TP3). 01/2018 – 12/2022. (2018). Defining the index trauma in post-traumat- psychotherapy and ic stress disorder patients with multiple trauma prevention programs. German Research Foundation (DFG). The impact exposure: impact on severity scores and treatment of childhood and adolescent traumatization on effects of using worst single incident versus psychosocial and somatic disorders across the multiple traumatic events. Eur J Psychotraumatol. lifespan (GRK-2350): Loneliness, social belonging, 9(1):1486124. and trauma in childhood and adolescence: determinants and treatment. 04/2018 – 03/2021. Wiskemann J, Herzog B, Kuehl R, Schmidt ME, Steindorf K, Schwerdtfeger R, Dreger P, Bohus M German Research Foundation (DFG). The impact (2017). Impact of HSCT Conditioning and Glucocor- of childhood and adolescent traumatization on ticoid Dose on Exercise Adherence and Response. psychosocial and somatic disorders across the Med Sci Sports Exerc. 49(11):2143 – 2150. lifespan (GRK-2350): Traumatization in childhood and adolescence and biological and psychobiologi- Kleindienst N, Lyssenko L, Bohus M (2017). Validating cal markers of inflammatory bowel disease. the proposed ICD-11 domains: A comment on Mulder 04/2018 – 03/2021. et al. (2016). Personal Ment Health. 11(4):211 – 212. 65 RESEARCH




PROJECTS Krause-Utz A, Walther J, Lis S, Schmahl C, Bohus M. German Research Foundation (DFG). The impact (2018). Heart rate variability during a cognitive of childhood and adolescent traumatization on reappraisal task in female patients with borderline psychosocial and somatic disorders across the personality disorder: the role of comorbid lifespan (GRK-2350): Loneliness, social belonging, post-traumatic stress disorder and dissociation. and trauma in childhood and adolescence: Psychol Med:1 – 12. determinants and treatment. 04/2018 – 03/2021. Prof. Dr. Martin Bohus is Priebe K, Kleindienst N, Schropp A, Dyer A, the Scientific Director of Evaluation of DBT-Plus. Here, a new development Krüger-Gottschalk A, Schmahl C, Steil R, Bohus M the Institute for Psychiatric and Psychosomatic of DBT for patients with borderline disorders is (2018). Defining the index trauma in post-traumat- Psychotherapy, Professor being studied. It is a controlled randomized study ic stress disorder patients with multiple trauma of Psychosomatics and comparing DBT-Plus with classic DBT. exposure: impact on severity scores and treatment Psychotherapeutic Medicine, Head of the Experimental effects of using worst single incident versus Psychotherapy Research STATUS – digital process and outcome manage- multiple traumatic events. Eur J Psychotraumatol. Group at the Central ment for psychotherapists in Baden-Württemberg. 9(1):1486124. Institute of Mental Health and a Guest Lecturer at This project is funded by the state of Baden-Würt- Harvard Medical School, temberg and develops an app-based platform Wiskemann J, Herzog B, Kuehl R, Schmidt ME, Boston. The focus of his for real-time evaluation and supervision of Steindorf K, Schwerdtfeger R, Dreger P, Bohus M research is the explanation of mechanisms and psychotherapy. (2017). Impact of HSCT Conditioning and Glucocor- pathomechanisms of ticoid Dose on Exercise Adherence and Response. emotional regulation and Med Sci Sports Exerc. 49(11):2143 – 2150. the development and evaluation of modular psychotherapy and Kleindienst N, Lyssenko L, Bohus M (2017). Validat- prevention programs. ing the proposed ICD-11 domains: A comment on Mulder et al. (2016). Personal Ment Health. PUBLICATIONS 11(4):211 – 212. Bohus M, Schmahl C, Fydrich T, Steil R, Müller-En- gelmann M, Herzog J, Ludascher P, Kleindienst N, Priebe K (2019). A research programme to evaluate DBT-PTSD, a modular treatment approach for Complex PTSD after childhood abuse. BPDED. 2019 6:7.

Lyssenko L, Müller G, Kleindienst N, Schmahl C, Berger M, Eifert G, Kölle A, Nesch S, Ommer-Hohl J, Wenner M, Bohus M (2019). Long-term outcome of a mental health promotion program in Germany. Health Promot Int. 34(3):532 – 540. 66 RESEARCH




PUBLICATIONS Koppe G, Toutounji H, Kirsch P, Lis S, Durstewitz D (2019). Identifying nonlinear dynamical systems via generative recurrent neural networks with applications to fMRI. PLoS Comput Biol. 15(8):e1007263.

Krause-Utz A, Walther J, Lis S, Schmahl C, Bohus M PD Dr. Stefanie Lis has been (2019). Heart rate variability during a cognitive Head of RG Experimental Psychology, Institute for reappraisal task in female patients with borderline Psychiatric and Psychoso- personality disorder: the role of comorbid posttrau- matic Psychotherapy, matic stress disorder and dissociation. Psychol Central Institute of Mental Health, Heidelberg Med. 49(11):1810 – 1821. University, Medical Faculty Mannheim since 2012; She Thome J, Hauschild S, Koppe G, Liebke L, Rausch S, was a Research Assistant at the Center for Psychiatry, Herzog JI, Müller-Engelmann M, Steil R, Priebe K, Justus-Liebig-University, Hermans D, Schmahl C, Bohus M, Lis S (2018). Head of the Research Group Generalisation of fear in PTSD related to prolonged ‘Borderline Personality Disorder’ (1995 – 2012); childhood maltreatment: an experimental study. Research Assistant at the Psychol Med. 48(13):2223 – 2234. Department of Psychiatry at the Albert-Ludwigs-Uni- versity of Freiburg; Head Liebke L, Koppe G, Bungert M, Thome J, Hauschild of the Laboratory for Sleep S, Defiebre N, Izurieta Hidalgo NA, Schmahl C, Medicine and Research PROJECTS Bohus M, Lis S (2018). Difficulties with being (1991 – 1994); Research Assistant at the Psychologi- German Research Foundation (DFG). The impact socially accepted: An experimental study in cal Institute, Heinrich- of childhood and adolescent traumatization on borderline personality disorder. J Abnorm Psychol. Heine-Universität psychosocial and somatic disorders across the 127(7):670 – 682. Düsseldorf (1990). She also holds a Diploma in lifespan (GRK-2350): Loneliness, social belonging, Psychology from Hein- and trauma in childhood and adolescence: Winter D, Bohus M, Lis S (2017). Understanding rich-Heine-University in determinants and treatment. 04/2018 – 03/2021. Negative Self-Evaluations in Borderline Personality Düsseldorf from 1989, a PhD at the Justus-Liebig- Disorder – a Review of Self-Related Cognitions, University Giessen (2002) German Research Foundation (DFG). The impact Emotions, and Motives. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 19(3):17. and graduated Venia of childhood and adolescent traumatization on legendi “Experimental and Clinical Neurosciences” psychosocial and somatic disorders across the Liebke L, Bungert M, Thome J, Hauschild S, Gescher from the Medical Faculty lifespan (GRK-2350): Traumatization in childhood DM, Schmahl C, Bohus M, Lis S (2017). Loneliness, Mannheim, Heidelberg and adolescence and biological and psychobiologi- Social Networks, and Social Functioning in University (2017). cal markers of inflammatory bowel disease. Borderline Personality Disorder. Personal Disord. 04/2018 – 03/2021. 8(4):349 – 356. 67 RESEARCH



PROJECTS scriptomic, and environmental vulnerability factors Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF / of affective disorders. 01/2018 – 12/2020. DLR) 01EW1904 EMBED “Impact of Early life MetaBolic and psychosocial strEss on susceptibility German Research Foundation (DFG) FOR2107 WI to mental Disorders; from converging epigenetic 3439/3-2: Neurobiology of affective disorders: A signatures to novel targets for therapeutic interven- translational perspective on brain structure and tion” 06/2019 – 05/2022. function WP5: (Epi-)Genetics/ gene expression Prof. Dr. Marcella Rietschel Integrative analyses of genetic, epigenetic, tran- has been the Director of Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Project scriptomic, and environmental vulnerability the Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry sponsor Jülich (BMBF / PTJ) 031L0190A Target-Oxy factors of affective disorders. 12/2018 – 11/2021. and of the Molecular e:Med-Modul II – “Towards Targeted Oxytocin Genetic Laboratory at the Treatment in Alcohol Addiction” – SP 5, WP3: In Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) CIMH in Mannheim (Heidelberg University), silico approaches for ILD and app-based EMA data 01ZX1611A: e.Med SysMed II – “Alcohol Addiction: A Germany, since 2002. preclinical phase II testing. 06/2019 – 05/2022. Systems-Oriented Approach” SP 1: Central Resource Her research foci are the I: Epigenomics and genomics platform 01/2017 – identification of genetic and environmental risk BMBF 01ZX01909A e:Med SysMed SUD “A systems- 12/2018. factors for psychiatric medicine approach towards distinct and shared diseases. She has estab- resilience and pathological mechanisms of Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) lished large databases from psychiatric patients and the substance use disorders” 11/2019 – 10/2022. 01ZX1614G: e:Med Integrament II “Integrated general population, as well Understanding of Causes and Mechanisms in as a biomaterial bank of German Research Foundation (DFG) TRR 265/1 Mental Disorders” TP 2: Central patient resource DNA, plasma, serum, and RNA samples. Her other “Losing and Regaining Control over Drug Intake – and bridging between genotype and phenotype. research interest is the ethi- S01: Central recruitment, imaging and biobanking” 01/2017 – 12/2018. & TP 5: Impact of genetic risk cal aspects of psychiatric 06/2019 – 05/2022. factors for major psychiatric disease on mental and genetics and the applica- tion of the results. somatic pathology and resilience in the general Rietschel M. Federal Ministry of Education and population 01/2017 – 12/2018. Research (BMBF) 01EW1810 SYNSCHIZ “Linking synaptic dysfunction to disease mechanisms in COST – European Cooperation in Science & schizophrenia – a multilevel investigation” WP1: Technology CA17130: Enhancing Psychiatric Genetic Gene discovery, WP5: Innovation, IPR protection Counselling, Testing, and Training in Europe. and commercial exploitation. 08/2018 – 07/2021. 09/2018 – 09/2022.

German Research Foundation (DFG) FOR2107 RI 908/11-2 Neurobiology of affective disorders: A translational perspective on brain structure and function, WP5: (Epi-)Genetics/ gene expression Integrative analyses of genetic, epigenetic, tran- 68 RESEARCH


PUBLICATIONS Davis T, de Geus EJC, Di Florio A, Djurovic S, Domenici E, Edenberg Andlauer, TFM, Guzman-Parra, J, Streit, F et al (2019). Bipolar HJ, Etain B, Fischer SB, Forty L, Fraser C, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, multiplex families have an increased burden of common risk Gade K, Gershon ES, Giegling I, Gordon SD, Gordon-Smith K, variants for psychiatric disorders. Mol Psychiatry. https://doi. Grabe HJ, Green EK, Greenwood TA, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, org/10.1038/s41380-019-0558-2. Guzman-Parra J, Hall LS, Hamshere M, Hauser J, Hautzinger M, Heilbronner U, Herms S, Hitturlingappa S, Hoffmann P, Holmans Foo JC, Trautmann N, Sticht C, Treutlein J, Frank J, Streit F, Witt S, P, Hottenga JJ, Jamain S, Jones I, Jones LA, Juréus A, Kahn RS, De La Torre C, von Heydendorff SC, Sirignano L, Chen J, Müller- Kammerer-Ciernioch J, Kirov G, Kittel-Schneider S, Kloiber S, Myhsok B, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Witt CC, Gilles M, Deuschle M, Knott SV, Kogevinas M, Landén M, Leber M, Leboyer M, Li QS, Rietschel M (2019). Longitudinal transcriptome-wide gene Lissowska J, Lucae S, Martin NG, Mayoral-Cleries F, McElroy SL, expression analysis of sleep deprivation treatment shows McIntosh AM, McKay JD, McQuillin A, Medland SE, Middeldorp involvement of circadian genes and immune pathways. Transl CM, Milaneschi Y, Mitchell PB, Montgomery GW, Morken G, Mors Psychiatry. 9(1):343. O, Mühleisen TW, Müller-Myhsok B, Myers RM, Nievergelt CM, Nurnberger JI, O‘Donovan MC, Loohuis LMO, Ophoff R, Oruc L, Witt SH, Frank J, Gilles M, Lang M, Treutlein J, Streit F, Wolf IAC, Owen MJ, Paciga SA, Penninx BWJH, Perry A, Pfennig A, Potash Peus V, Scharnholz B, Send TS, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Sivalingam JB, Preisig M, Reif A, Rivas F, Rouleau GA, Schofield PR, Schulze S, Dukal H, Strohmaier J, Sütterlin M, Arloth J, Laucht M, Laucht TG, Schwarz M, Scott L, Sinnamon GCB, Stahl EA, Strauss J, M, Nöthen MM, Deuschle M, Rietschel M, Rietschel M (2018). Turecki G, Van der Auwera S, Vedder H, Vincent JB, Willemsen G, Impact on birth weight of maternal smoking throughout Witt CC, Wray NR, Xi HS, Bipolar Disorders Working Group of the pregnancy mediated by DNA methylation. BMC Genomics. Psychiatric Genomics Consortium , Major Depressive Disorder 19(1):290. Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium , Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Brainstorm Consortium , Anttila V, Bulik-Sullivan B, Finucane HK, Consortium , Tadić A, Dahmen N, Schott BH, Cichon S, Nöthen Walters RK, (…)Rietschel M, Witt SH, Strohmaier J, Streit F, Sklar P, MM, Ripke S, Mobascher A, Rujescu D, Lieb K, Roepke S, Schmahl Williams J, Wood NW, Cotsapas C, Palotie A, Smoller JW, Sullivan C, Bohus M, Rietschel M (2017). Genome-wide association study P, Rosand J, Corvin A, Neale BM (2018). Analysis of shared of borderline personality disorder reveals genetic overlap with heritability in common disorders of the brain. Science. 360(6395). bipolar disorder, major depression and schizophrenia. Transl Psychiatry. 7(6):e1155. Rietschel L, Streit F, Zhu G, McAloney K, Frank J, Couvy-Duchesne B, Witt SH, Binz TM, CORtisolNETwork (CORNET) Consortium , Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC) , McGrath J, Hickie IB, Hansell NK, Wright MJ, Gillespie NA, Forstner AJ, Schulze TG, Wüst S, Nöthen MM, Baumgartner MR, Walker BR, Crawford AA, Colodro-Conde L, Medland SE, Martin NG, Rietschel M (2017). Hair Cortisol in Twins: Heritability and Genetic Overlap with Psychological Variables and Stress-System Genes. 7(1):15351.

Witt SH, Streit F, Jungkunz M, Frank J, Awasthi S, Reinbold CS, Treutlein J, Degenhardt F, Forstner AJ, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Dietl L, Schwarze CE, Schendel D, Strohmaier J, Abdellaoui A, Adolfsson R, Air TM, Akil H, Alda M, Alliey-Rodriguez N, Andreas- sen OA, Babadjanova G, Bass NJ, Bauer M, Baune BT, Bellivier F, Bergen S, Bethell A, Biernacka JM, Blackwood DHR, Boks MP, Boomsma DI, Børglum AD, Borrmann-Hassenbach M, Brennan P, Budde M, Buttenschøn HN, Byrne EM, Cervantes P, Clarke TK, Craddock N, Cruceanu C, Curtis D, Czerski PM, Dannlowski U, 69 RESEARCH



Prof. Dr. Lutz Frölich studied medicine in Kiel and Heidel- berg and at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky, U.S.A. (where he studied medicine and psychology). His profession- al activities took him to Heidelberg, Würzburg and Frankfurt. He has been Head of Department of Geriatric Psychiatry at CIMH since 2003. The scientific focus of his work lies in the development and evaluation of new treatments for dementia, research into the clinical PROJECTS Eisai Ltd.: A Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, progression and neuropsy- chological diagnostic EU – European Union D.EU.0073: How to best meet Parallel-Group, 18-Month Study With an Open-Label methods in dementia and the needs of people with dementia with severe Extension Phase to Confirm Safety and Efficacy of in functional imaging behavioural disturbances. Toward a respectful and BAN2401 in Subjects With Early Alzheimer’s Disease methods in geriatric psychiatric disorders. cost-effective model (RECAGE) 01/2018 – 12/2023. (CLARITY-AD) 11/2019 – 10/2022.

BMBF/DFG: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in late-life Functional Neuromodulation Inc.: A doubleblind, depression (CBTlate) (01KG1716) 01/2018 – 03/2021. randomized, controlled study to confirm the safety Boehringer Ingelheim: Development of a software and efficacy of Deep Brain Stimulation of the fornix application for speech analysis in patients with (DBS-f) in patients with mild probable Alzheimer‘s mild cognitive impairment in Alzheimer‘s disease. Disease (ADvance II) 06/2019 – 05/2022. (DeSoApp-MCI) 11/2018 – 10/2020. Piramal / Life Molecular Imaging: Patterns of use, Eisai Ltd.: A Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, safety and tolerability of the diagnostic agent Parallel-Group, 24-Month Study to Evaluate the NeuraCeqTM in European clinical practice: a Efficacy and Safety of E2609 in Subjects with Early retrospective, non-interventional, cross-sectional Alzheimer’s Disease (MISSION-AD) 03/2017 – study of post-approval drug safety. (PASS). 03/2020. 12/2017 – 03/2020. 70 RESEARCH


PUBLICATIONS Jessen F, Frölich L (2018). [ICD-11: Neurocognitive Disorders]. Frölich L, Wunderlich G, Thamer C, Roehrle M, Garcia M, Dubois B Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr. 86(3):172 – 177. (2019). Evaluation of the efficacy, safety and tolerability of orally administered BI 409306, a novel phosphodiesterase type 9 Frölich L, Peters O, Lewczuk P, Gruber O, Teipel SJ, Gertz HJ, Jahn inhibitor, in two randomised controlled phase II studies in H, Jessen F, Kurz A, Luckhaus C, Hüll M, Pantel J, Reischies FM, patients with prodromal and mild Alzheimer‘s disease. Alzhei- Schröder J, Wagner M, Rienhoff O, Wolf S, Bauer C, Schuchhardt J, mers Res Ther. 11(1):18. Heuser I, Rüther E, Henn F, Maier W, Wiltfang J, Kornhuber J (2017). Incremental value of biomarker combinations to predict Wiest I, Wiemers T, Kraus MJ, Neeb H, Strasser EF, Hausner L, progression of mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer‘s Frölich L*, Bugert P* (2019). (*shared senior authorship) dementia. Alzheimers Res Ther. 9(1):84. Multi-variate Platelet Analysis Differentiates Between Patients with Alzheimer‘s Disease and Healthy Controls at First Clinical Engelborghs S, Niemantsverdriet E, Struyfs H, Blennow K, Brouns Diagnosis. J Alzheimers Dis. 71(3):993 – 1004. R, Comabella M, Dujmovic I, van der Flier W, Frölich L, Galimberti D, Gnanapavan S, Hemmer B, Hoff E, Hort J, Iacobaeus E, Atri A, Frölich L, Ballard C, Tariot PN, Molinuevo JL, Boneva N, Ingelsson M, Jan de Jong F, Jonsson M, Khalil M, Kuhle J, Lleó A, Windfeld K, Raket LL, Cummings JL (2018). Effect of Idalopirdine de Mendonça A, Molinuevo JL, Nagels G, Paquet C, Parnetti L, as Adjunct to Cholinesterase Inhibitors on Change in Cognition Roks G, Rosa-Neto P, Scheltens P, Skårsgard C, Stomrud E, Tumani in Patients With Alzheimer Disease: Three Randomized Clinical H, Visser PJ, Wallin A, Winblad B, Zetterberg H, Duits F, Teunissen Trials. JAMA. 319(2):130 – 142. CE (2017). Consensus guidelines for lumbar puncture in patients with neurological diseases. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 8:111 – 126.




PROJECTS Becker A, Gerchen MF, Kirsch M, Hoffmann S, Kiefer Kirsch P. German Research Foundation (DFG) TRR F, Kirsch P (2018). Striatal reward sensitivity predicts 265, Subproject B08: Aversion discounting in therapy-related neural changes in alcohol addic- behavioral control in animal models and human tion. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. addiction (together with W. Sommer und G. Koppe). 268(3):231 – 242. 07/2019 – 06/2023. Zamoscik VE, Schmidt SNL, Gerchen MF, Samsouris Prof. Dr. Peter Kirsch, from Kirsch P. German Research Foundation (DFG) TRR C, Timm C, Kuehner C, Kirsch P (2018). Respiration 1987 – 1992 he studied 265, Subproject C04: Modification of cue reactivity pattern variability and related default mode Psychology (major) and Neurology (minor) at the by neurofeedback in human addiction (together network connectivity are altered in remitted University of Wuppertal. In with F. Kiefer). 07/2019 – 06/2023. depression. Psychol Med. 48(14):2364 – 2374. 1995 he received a Ph.D. in Biological Psychology from the University of Wupper- Feld G. German Research Foundation (DFG) GZ: FE Becker A, Kirsch M, Gerchen MF, Kiefer F, Kirsch P tal. This was followed by 1617/2-1: Advancing the treatment and prevention (2017). Striatal activation and frontostriatal PostDoc positions at the of addiction by understanding sleep’s basic role. connectivity during non-drug reward anticipation CIMH in Mannheim and at the University of Gießen. 04/2019 – 04/2021. in alcohol dependence. Addict Biol. 22(3):833 – 43. In 2004 he obtained a postdoctoral qualification Kirsch P. German Research Foundation (DFG) KI Gerchen MF, Kirsch P (2017). Combining task- in Psychology and certifica- tion as psychotherapist 576/18-1: How culture shapes our brain: Neural related activation and connectivity analysis of (cognitive behavioral correlates of cultural differences in social cognition. fMRI data reveals complex modulation of brain therapy). Since 2010 he has 09/2018 – 06/2020. networks. Hum Brain Mapp. 38(11):5726 – 5739. been Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University and Head of the Department of Clinical Psychology at the CIMH. From 2017 to 2018, he was a fellow at the PUBLICATIONS Marsilius-Kolleg of the University of Heidelberg. Gerchen MF, Rentsch A, Kirsch M, Kiefer F, Kirsch P (2019). Shifts in the functional topography of frontal cortex-striatum connectivity in alcohol use disorder. Addict Biol. 24(6):1245 – 1253.

Sauer C, Montag C, Reuter M, Kirsch P (2019). Oxytocinergic modulation of brain activation to cues related to reproduction and attachment: Differences and commonalities during the per- ception of erotic and fearful social scenes. Int J Psychophysiol. 136:87 – 96. 72 RESEARCH




PROJECTS DFG – Improvement in the treatment and preven- tion of addictive disorders by understanding the fundamental role of sleep in the development and maintenance of maladaptive memory. From 03/2019 until probably 02/2024.

Dr. Gordon B. Feld PUBLICATIONS studied Psychology at the University of Mainz. P Alizadeh Asfestani M, Braganza E, Schwidetzky J, He then completed his Santiago J, Soekadar S, Born J, Feld GB (2018). doctorate at the Universities Overnight Memory Consolidation Facilitates of Lübeck and Tübingen. Following an initial post- Sleep consolidates and transforms memory Rather than Interferes with new Learning of Similar doctorate phase in content and makes a substantial contribution Materials – a Study Probing NMDA-receptors, Tübingen, he spent two to long-term memory function. During sleep, Neuropsychopharmacology, 43(11), 2292 – 2298. years as a German Research Foundation fellow at previously learned content is replayed over and University College London. over again. This strengthens connections between Spetter MS, Feld GB, Thienel M, Preissl H, Hege MA, He is a fellow of the Berlin neurons on the one hand and, on the other hand, Hallschmid M (2018). Oxytocin Curbs Calorie Intake Wissenschaftskolleg (Institute of Advanced transfers memory content from the temporary via Food-Specific Increases in the Activity of Brain Study), academic year memory (e.g. hippocampus) to the long-term Areas that Process Reward and Establish Cognitive 2018/2019, and founding memory (e.g. cortex) in the course of system Control. Scientific Reports 8(1): 2736. spokesperson of the Open and Reproducible Research consolidation. The research group is currently in Biopsychology Interest investigating how these processes are influenced Group of the DGP (German by reward incentives. Via the neurotransmitter, Psychology Society). Since March 2019, he has been dopamine, rewards control which memory content leading an Emmy Noether is stored in the long-term memory and which is Junior Research Group at forgotten. The research conducted by the research the CIMH. group seeks to establish whether this influence arises directly through learning or whether a dopaminergic marker is set during learning that only results in a memory change during sleep. This question is also interesting from a clinical perspec- tive since sleep-dependent reward consolidation offers a potential window for the treatment and prevention of addictive disorders. The research group is therefore specifically focusing on sleep and reward learning in alcohol-dependent patients.





PUBLICATIONS Mier D, Bailer J, Ofer J, Kerstner T, Zamoscik V, Rist Mier D, Schirmbeck F, Stoessel G, Esslinger C, Rausch F, Witthöft M, Diener C (2017). Neural correlates of F, Englisch S, Eisenacher S, de Haan L, Meyer- an attentional bias to health-threatening stimuli Lindenberg A, Kirsch P, Zink M (2018). Reduced activi- in individuals with pathological health anxiety. J ty and connectivity of left amygdala in patients with Psychiatry Neurosci. 42(3):200 – 209. schizophrenia treated with or . Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. Epub 2018 Dec 11. Mier D, Eisenacher S, Rausch F, Englisch S, Gerchen

Dr. Daniela Mier studied MF, Zamoscik V, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Zink M, psychology in Giessen. In Schmidt SNL, Fenske S, Kirsch P, Mier D (2018). Kirsch P (2017). Aberrant activity and connectivity 2005, she started her PhD Nucleus accumbens activation is linked to salience of the posterior superior temporal sulcus during with a scholarship at the University of Gießen. After in social decision making. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin social cognition in schizophrenia. Eur Arch Psychia- two years, she came to the Neurosci. 269(6):701 – 712. Epub 2018 Oct 25. try Clin Neurosci. 267(7):597 – 610. CIMH and received her PhD with summa cum laude in 2010. Afterwards, with funding from the DAAD, she spent time at Caltech in Pasadena. In 2011, she returned to the CIMH as a Postdoc and in 2013 she was awarded postdoctoral qualification funding by Heidelberg University. From 2013 until 2018 she was head of the RG.




PUBLICATIONS Gradinger T, Sack MS, Cardinale V, Thiacourt M, Baumgärtner U, Schmahl C, Ende G (2019). The glutamate to γ-aminobutyric acid ratio in the posterior insula is associated with pain perception in healthy women but not in women with border- line personality disorder. Pain. 160(11):2487 – 2496. Associate Prof. Dr. Gabriele Sartorius A, Demirakca T, Böhringer A, Clemm von Ende is Acting Head of the Department of Neuroimag- Hohenberg C, Aksay SS, Bumb JM, Kranaster L, ing at CIMH. In addition to Nickl-Jockschat T, Grözinger M, Thomann PA, Wolf the department, she also RC, Zwanzger P, Dannlowski U, Redlich R, Zavorot- manages the CIPP Core Facility. She studied physics nyy M, Zöllner R, Methfessel I, Besse M, Zilles D, at Heidelberg University Ende G (2019). Electroconvulsive therapy induced and did her postdoctoral gray matter increase is not necessarily correlated qualification in the field of medical physics at with clinical data in depressed patients. Brain Heidelberg University, Stimul. 12(2):335 – 343. Medical Faculty Mannheim. Her research focuses on the application of magnetic Paret C, Zähringer J, Ruf M, Gerchen MF, Mall S, resonance research in Hendler T, Schmahl C, Ende G (2018). Monitoring psychiatry. Methods include and control of amygdala neurofeedback involves MR spectroscopy/spectro- PROJECTS scopic imaging, morphom- distributed information processing in the human etry, functional MRI, German Research Foundation (DFG) SA 1869/15-1: brain. Hum Brain Mapp. 39(7):3018 – 3031. realtime fMRI (neurofeed- Delineating neural circuitry of STress Resilience and back), hyperscanning, diffusion tensor imaging, Stress Susceptibility using DREADD combined with Thiaucourt M, Shabes P, Schloss N, Sack MS, and arterial spin labeling. fMRI technique (STRESS-DREADD). 02/2019 – Baumgärtner U, Schmahl C, Ende G (2018). She has published 93 01/2020. Posterior insular GABA levels inversely correlate original papers, 9 reviews, and 4 book chapters. with the intensity of experimental mechanical pain In the Research Training Schmahl C. DFG Research Training Group 2350: in healthy subjects. Neuroscience. 387:116 – 122. Group GRK 2350 she leads „The influence of traumatization in childhood and together with Prof. Dr. Christian Schmahl the adolescence on psychosocial and somatic diseases A1 project and in the over the lifespan“, 1. Funding period 04/2018 – SysMedSUDs network the 09/2022. Imaging Core Facility project.

Spanagel R. SysMedSUDs: “A systems-medicine approach towards distinct and shared resilience and pathological mechanisms of substance use disorders” Funding period 10/2019 – 09/2022. 75 RESEARCH




PROJECTS Sartorius A. German Research Foundation (DFG) SA 1869/15-1: Delineating neural circuitry of STress REsilience and Stress Susceptibility using DREADD combined with fMRI technique (STRESSDREADD). 02/2019 – 01/2022.

Associate Prof. Dr. Sartorius A. German Research Foundation (DFG) SA Dipl-Phys. Alexander 1869/14-1: Designer receptors exclusively activated Sartorius, MD, PhD is medical head of the by designer drugs (DREADDs) used for endophe- research group Translational noptyping neuronal networks of depression by Imaging and senior psychi- functional connectivity magnetic resonance atrist at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychother- imaging (fc-fMRI). 07/2017 – 12/2020. apy. He studied physics and medicine, receiving his professorship in psychiatry in 2008. In 2012, he was awarded as the supervisor of the best dissertation in psychiatry, DGPPN – Hans Heimann Prize. He is also deputy head of the DGPPN Section “Experimental Stimulation Techniques in Psychiatry”.



PUBLICATIONS cerebrospinal fluid in patients with severe depres- Gass N, Becker R, Reinwald J, Cosa Linan A, Sack sion. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 136(1):140 – 141. MS, Weber-Fahr W, Vollmayr B, Sartorius A (2019). Differences between ketamine‘s short-term and Artigas F, Schenker E, Celada P, Spedding M, long-term effects on brain circuitry in depression. Lladó-Pelfort L, Jurado N, Núñez M, Santana N, Transl Psychiatry. 9(1):172. Troyano-Rodriguez E, Riga MS, van den Munkhof H, Castañé A, Shaban H, Jay TM, Tripathi A, Godsil BP, Sartorius A, Demirakca T, Böhringer A, Clemm von Sebban C, Mariani J, Faure P, Takkilah S, Hughes ZA, Dr. Wolfgang Weber-Fahr is Hohenberg C, Aksay SS, Bumb JM, Kranaster L, Siok CJ, Hajos M, Wicke K, Gass N, Weber-Fahr W, a physicist and methodolog- ical head of the research Nickl-Jockschat T, Grözinger M, Thomann PA, Wolf Sartorius A, Becker R, Didriksen M, Bastlund JF, group Translational RC, Zwanzger P, Dannlowski U, Redlich R, Zavorot- Tricklebank M, Risterucci C, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Imaging. He studied physics nyy M, Zöllner R, Methfessel I, Besse M, Zilles D, Schwarz AJ (2017). Defining the brain circuits at the RWTH Aachen and at Heidelberg University Ende G (2019). Electroconvulsive therapy induced involved in psychiatric disorders: IMI-NEWMEDS. and received his PhD gray matter increase is not necessarily correlated Nat Rev Drug Discov. 16(1):1 – 2. specializing in MR-Imaging with clinical data in depressed patients. Brain and MR-Spectroscopy in 2001. After working for Stimul. 12(2):335 – 343. 6 years at the Institute of Systems Neuroscience in Reinwald JR, Becker R, Mallien AS, Falfan-Melgoza Hamburg, he took over the management of the new C, Sack M, Clemm von Hohenberg C, Braun U, Cosa animal scanner facilities Linan A, Gass N, Vasilescu AN, Tollens F, Lebhardt P, at the CIMH in Mannheim Pfeiffer N, Inta D, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Gass P, in 2008. Sartorius A, Weber-Fahr W (2018). Neural Mecha- nisms of Early-Life Social Stress as a Developmental Risk Factor for Severe Psychiatric Disorders. Biol Psychiatry. 84(2):116 – 128.

Tollens F, Gass N, Becker R, Schwarz AJ, Risterucci C, Künnecke B, Lebhardt P, Reinwald J, Sack M, Weber-Fahr W, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Sartorius A (2018). The affinity of antipsychotic drugs to dopamine and serotonin 5-HT receptors deter- mines their effects on prefrontal-striatal functional connectivity. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 28(9):1035 – 1046.

Kranaster L, Hoyer C, Aksay SS, Bumb JM, Müller N, Zill P, Schwarz MJ, Sartorius A, Sartorius A (2017). Markers of the innate immune system in the 77 RESEARCH



PROJECTS German Research Foundation (DFG) DU 354/10-1: Inference of computational dynamics. 10/2018 – 09/2021.

Hahn T. German Research Foundation (DFG) HA 7018/3-1: Modeling time perception and its Prof. Dr. Daniel Durstewitz, dopaminergic modulation. 04/2018 – 03/2020. studied psychology and C informatics at the Technical PUBLICATIONS University of Berlin, special- izing in statistics and neural Durstewitz D, Koppe G, Meyer-Lindenberg A (2019). networks (1989 – 1994). He Deep neural networks in psychiatry. Mol Psychiatry. did a Ph.D. at the University of Bochum in the depart- 24(11):1583 – 1598. This research group addresses current questions ments of biopsychology and challenges in psychiatric research with and neuroinformatics Koppe G, Toutounji H, Kirsch P, Lis S, Durstewitz D modern computational techniques from artificial (1994 – 1998) and a PostDoc at Salk Institute, La Jolla, (2019). Identifying nonlinear dynamical systems intelligence, machine learning, and statistics. One Computational Neurobiol- via generative recurrent neural networks with focus lies on the detailed description of functional ogy Lab (Sejnowski) applications to fMRI. PLoS Comput Biol. alterations in psychiatric disorders with statistical (1998 – 2000). Afterwards he joined a junior group 15(8):e1007263. generative models such as, for instance, the back in Bochum (2000 – characterization of behavioral learning deficits 2004) and was a Reader for Koppe G, Guloksuz S, Reininghaus U, Durstewitz D with reinforcement learning models, or the Computational Neurosci- ence in Plymouth, UK (2018). Recurrent Neural Networks in Mobile assessment of altered neuronal dynamics during (2005 – 2008); since 2008 Sampling and Intervention. Schizophr Bull. 2018 experimentally induced cognitive processes with he has been at CIMH and Nov 28. [Epub ahead of print]. state space models and recurrent neural networks. Heidelberg University; since 2010 he has been On the other hand, we are exploring the capacity coordinator of Bernstein Toutounji H, Durstewitz D (2018). Detecting of machine learning techniques to predict functio- Center for Computational Multiple Change Points Using Adaptive Regression nal alterations and disease trajectories based on Neuroscience Heidel- berg-Mannheim; since 2011 Splines With Application to Neural Recordings. big (multimodal) data sets, including neuroima- he has been full professor Front Neuroinform. 12:67. ging and genetic data, or (longitudinally) in for Theoretical Neurosci- ambulatory assessments. ence; since 2014 he has been Head of the Department of Russo E, Russo E, Durstewitz D (2017). Cell assem- Theoretical Neuroscience at blies at multiple time scales with arbitrary lag Moreover, the research group represents a hub CIMH. constellations. Elife. between experimental and theoretical neurosci- ence, with the aim of applying and advancing Koppe G, Mallien A, Berger S, Bartsch D, Gass P, methods developed in our department specifically Vollmayr B, Durstewitz D (2017). CACNA1C gene for psychiatrically relevant questions, and thereby regulates behavioral strategies in operant rule promoting the development of new and intelligent learning. PLoS Biol. 15(6):e2000936. psychotherapeutic interventions. 78 RESEARCH




PROJECTS PROJECTS Collaborative Research Center TRR 265 (Loss and Hahn T. German Research Foundation (DFG) HA Recovery of Control in Addiction): co-PI on Subproj- 7018/3-1: Modeling time perception and its ect A06 (AI-based predictive neuro-behavioral dopaminergic modulation. 04/2018 – 03/2020. modeling of individual trajectories in addiction) PUBLICATIONS and Subproject B08 (Devaluation of aversive consequences in behavioral control in addicted Berberich S, Pohle J, Pollard M, Barroso-Flores J, patients and in animal models). Dr. Georgia Koppe Köhr G (2017). Interplay between global and received her diploma pathway-specific synaptic plasticity in CA1 pyrami- (major: psychology, minor: medicine) in 2009 from the dal cells. Sci Rep. 7(1):17040. Justus Liebig University in Giessen. She then studied physics and, after receiving two doctoral scholarships, completed her doctorate in PUBLICATIONS clinical psychology at CIMH in 2015. In 2014, she Durstewitz D, Koppe G, Meyer-Lindenberg A (2019). switched from experimen- Deep neural networks in psychiatry. Mol Psychiatry. tal clinical research to 24(11):1583-1598. Epub 2019 Feb 15. theoretical neuroscience, where she leads the RG Computational Psychiatry Koppe G, Toutounji H, Kirsch P, Lis S, Durstewitz D since 2018. (2019). Identifying nonlinear dynamical systems via generative recurrent neural networks with applications to fMRI. PLoS Comput Biol. 15(8):e1007263.

Durstewitz D, Huys QJM, Koppe G (2018). Psychiat- ric Illnesses as Disorders of Network Dynamics. arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.06303. Dr. Thomas Hahn, studied medicine in Bonn, Koppe G, Gülöksüz S, Reininghaus U, Durstewitz D Strasbourg, and Heidelberg. Afterwards he joined the (2018). Recurrent Neural Networks in Mobile Max Planck Institute Sampling and Intervention. Schizophr Bull. Epub for Medical Research in 2018 Nov 28. Heidelberg, where he received his PhD and worked as a Postdoc. He Koppe G, Mallien A, Berger S, Bartsch D, Gass P, has been psychiatrist at Vollmayr B, Durstewitz D (2017). CACNA1C gene CIMH and group leader of the Research Group regulates behavioral strategies in operant rule “Systems Neurophysiology” learning. PLoS Biol. 15(6):e2000936. since 2009. 79 RESEARCH



The research activities are grouped into three overlapping theme clusters: I. Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer- Etiology and progression of mental disorders over Lindenberg is Director of the course of life – “from childhood to old age”. the CIMH, Medical Director of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychother- apy and Professor of Psychiatry and Psychothera- II. py at Heidelberg University. He is a medical specialist in Neuronal plasticity – the inherent ability of psychiatry, psychotherapy, individual nerve cells or entire brain regions to and neurology. His research interests are developing change their characteristics depending on their new treatment methods use. for severe mental disorders, especially schizophrenia, using multimodal neuroimaging, genetics, measurement of environ- III. mental factors, and social neurosciences. Development and evaluation of treatment methods – molecular level, animal models, studies in humans.

The Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy aims to integrate all three research clusters with excellent clinical practice in order to achieve a better understanding and treatment of mental disorders. This model is undergoing continuous development in close collaboration with the other medical and research departments within the CIMH, renowned research institutes in the region as well as in the context of numerous national and international research collaborations. 80 RESEARCH




obsessive-compulsive and neurodevelopmental disorders with early onset (autism, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and Tourette’s syndrome).

Associate Prof. Dr. Dusan Hirjak is Managing C Assistant Medical Director, PROJECTS Head of the Early Assess- Hirjak D. German Research Foundation (DFG) HI ment Outpatient Clinic 1928/2-1: Neurological soft signs as external for Psychoses, RG Head and Drug Officer of the The research group “Clinical Neurosciences of markers of neuronal dysfunction in schizophrenic Executive Board. He studied Motor Behavior” (CLIMB) deals with the elucida- psychosis: studies with multimodal magnetic from 2003 to 2009 medi- tion of pathophysiological mechanisms underlying resonance imaging. 01/2017 – 12/2019. cine at the University of Heidelberg and received his the motor behavior and motor symptoms of doctorate in 2012. In 2016, psychiatric patients. The motor behavior of people PUBLICATIONS he habilitated at the Faculty with mental disorders is determined by a large Hirjak D, Wolf RC, Northoff G (2019). GABA and of Medicine Heidelberg. Since 2017, he is habilitated number of influencing variables which interact in Negative Affect-Catatonia as Model of RDoC-Based at the Medical Faculty complex ways. The motor domain plays a particu- Investigation in Psychiatry. Schizophr Bull. Mannheim of the larly important role because it is visible from the 45(6):1168 – 1169. University of Heidelberg. His clinical and scientific outside, easy and precisely to measure, hereditary focus is on motor dysfunc- and of a quantitative nature. An overriding goal Hirjak D, Kubera KM, Northoff G, Fritze S, Bertolino tion in psychiatric diseases, of the research group’s activities is therefore to AL, Topor C, Schmitgen MM, Wolf RC (2019). neurological soft signs, structural and functional break down common (translational) and differing Cortical Contributions to Distinct Symptom Dimen- imaging in psychiatry and (disorder-specific) mechanisms of motor/behavioral sions of Catatonia. Schizophr Bull. 45(6):1184 – 1194. neurobiology and therapy abnormalities by correlating clinical and imaging of schizophrenic and autistic disorders. parameters of psychiatric patients. A major focus Hirjak D, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Fritze S, Sambataro of the research group is to answer questions F, Kubera KM, Wolf RC (2018). Motor dysfunction as regarding motor functions/systems (fine motor research domain across bipolar, obsessive-compul- skills, gross motor skills, hyperkinesis, akinesia, and sive and neurodevelopmental disorders. Neurosci initiation/coordination of movement sequences) Biobehav Rev. 2018 95:315 – 335. as well as their brain circuits in mental disorders using both structural and functional magnetic Hirjak D, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Kubera KM, resonance imaging (MRI). This also involves the Thomann PA, Wolf RC (2018). Motor dysfunction as characterization of brain-associated pathomecha- research domain in the period preceding manifest nisms of genuine and pharmacogenic motor schizophrenia: A systematic review. Neurosci abnormalities in schizophrenic psychoses, bipolar, Biobehav Rev. 2018 87:87 – 105. 81 RESEARCH




PUBLICATIONS Scheydt S, Holzke M, Sauter D (2019). Tasks and Activities of Nurses in Inpatient General Psychiatry – Results of a Delphi-Study. Psychiatr Prax. 46(6):324-329. Epub 2019 Mar 19.

Scheydt S, Holzke M (2018). Aufgaben und Dr. Stefan Scheydt is a Tätigkeiten der Pflege in der stationären Allge- nursing and health scientist meinpsychiatrie – Eine Literatursynthese. [Tasks with a focus on nursing- related care research and and Activities of Nurses in Inpatient General applied nursing research in Psychiatry – A literature synthesis] Heilberufe the psychiatric-psychoso- Science, DOI: 10.1007/s16024-018-0317-3. cial context. He has worked at CIMH since April 2015 in the Nursing Research and P Scheydt S, Holzke M (2018). Erweiterte psychia- Development staff unit. In trische Pflegepraxis. Entwicklung und Diskussion July 2018, he also became head of the Psychiatric and eines heuristischen Rahmenmodells der pflegeri- Mental Health Nursing. schen Expertise in der Psychiatrie. [Advanced In addition to his work at psychiatric nursing practice. Development and CIMH, he is a lecturer at the Catholic University of discussion of a heuristic framework model of Applied Sciences in Mainz nursing expertise in psychiatry]. Pflegewissen- in the subject Clinical schaft, 20: 146 – 154. Expertise in Psychiatry as well as deputy head of the Department of Psychiatric The focus of the research group, which was found Nursing of the DGPPN. in July 2018, is in the fields of nursing-related health services research and applied nursing research. In concrete terms, the research group will work scientifically on the following topics: Academically qualified nurses in psychiatry / Advanced Psychiatric Nursing Practice, contents of modern psychiatric and mental health care, Public Mental Health Nursing (PMHN), and treatment environment and modern forms of care.

In addition, the research group also focuses on the academic education and scientific support of nurses and students of nursing and health science programs as well as the promotion of scientifically based care at CIMH. 82 RESEARCH




PROJECTS Bähner F. Mannheim Advanced Clinician Scientist Program: Translational models of behavioral flexibility as a tool to understand prefrontal (patho-)physiology Ab 11/2019.

Bähner F. 3rd CIMH Young Investigator Award: Friends or food – are there medial prefrontal Dr. Florian Bähner is a circuits dedicated to social decision making? senior physician in the B Department of Psychoso- Ab 11/2017. matics and Psychothera- peutic Medicine and head Human neuroimaging has provided fascinating German Research Foundation (DFG). Network of the junior research group Behavioral Physiology in insights into the neurobiology of decision making dynamics and computational mechanisms of rule Psychiatry. He completed that is often impaired in psychiatric disorders. learning II. Since 02/2017. his medical studies in However, many research questions are difficult Heidelberg with stays abroad in Boston and to answer at the macroscopic level and instead New York. He wrote his require an additional understanding of neural doctoral thesis on the topic microcircuits. Our group develops decision making of mouse hippocampal network rhythms. After tasks for rats and combines behavioral and stations in human imaging (electro-) physiological methods to gain insight and animal electrophysio- into how specific cognitive processes are supported logy, the junior research group was established as by distinct neural circuits. Paradigms are designed part of the CIMH Young such that they facilitate a comparison of rodent PUBLICATIONS Investigator Award. findings with human research. Our work is guided Enkel T, Bartsch D, Bähner F (2019). Sign- and by two questions. We seek to understand how goal-tracking rats show differences in various animals find adaptive choices in changing environ- executive functions: Authors. Behav Brain Res. ments. While humans and animals are often able 371:111979, 1 – 10. to solve such behavioral problems in very efficient ways, the underlying behavioral and neural Ilg AK, Enkel T, Bartsch D, Bähner F (2018). Behavior- mechanisms remain largely unclear (“How do we al effects of acute systemic low-dose clozapine in know what to learn?”). The second focus is on the wild-type rats: implications for the use of DREADDs question how the brain represents social reward in behavioral neuroscience. Front Behav Neurosci value during decision making. For example, it is 12:173. currently unclear whether decision making based on social vs. non-social rewards is implemented in Bähner F, Meyer-Lindenberg A (2017). Hippocam- distinct or common neural populations. However, pal-prefrontal connectivity as a translational this is fundamental for an understanding of higher phenotype for schizophrenia. Eur Neuropsycho- social functions like pro-social behavior. pharmacol 27:93 – 106. 83 RESEARCH




PUBLICATIONS Englisch S, Jung HS, Eisenacher S, Lewien A, Becker Alnæs D, Kaufmann T, van der Meer D, Córdo- A, Nowak U, Braun H, Thiem J, Meyer-Lindenberg va-Palomera A, Rokicki J, Moberget T, Bettella F, A, Zink M (2018). Neurocognitive Effects of Agartz I, Barch DM, Bertolino A, Brandt CL, Treatment in Schizophrenia Patients Cervenka S, Djurovic S, Doan NT, Eisenacher S, Suffering from Comorbid Depression: Results from Fatouros-Bergman H, Flyckt L, Di Giorgio A, the AGOPSYCH Study. J Clin Psychopharmacol. Haatveit B, Jönsson EG, Kirsch P, Lund MJ, Mey- 38(4):357 – 361. Associate Prof. Dr. Mathias er-Lindenberg A, Pergola G, Schwarz, Ph.D E, Zink works as a board- Smeland OB, Quarto T, Zink M, Andreassen OA, Eisenacher S, Zink M (2017). Holding on to false certified psychiatrist and research group leader Westlye LT, Karolinska Schizophrenia Project beliefs: The bias against disconfirmatory evidence at the Department of Consortium (2019). Brain Heterogeneity in Schizo- over the course of psychosis. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry and Psychother- phrenia and Its Association with Polygenic Risk. Psychiatry. 56:79 – 89. apy at the CIMH and leads the Department of JAMA Psychiatry. 76(7):739 – 748. Psychiatry, Psychotherapy Eisenacher S, Zink M (2017). The Importance of and Psychosomatics at the Schwarz, Ph.D E, Doan NT, Pergola G, Westlye LT, Metamemory Functioning to the Pathogenesis of district hospital in Ansbach. Kaufmann T, Wolfers T, Brecheisen R, Quarto T, Ing Psychosis. Front Psychol. 8:304. AJ, Carlo PD, Gurholt TP, Harms RL, Noirhomme Q, Moberget T, Agartz I, Andreassen OA, Bellani M, Bertolino A, Blasi G, Brambilla P, Buitelaar JK, Cervenka S, Flyckt L, Frangou S, Franke B, Hall J, Heslenfeld DJ, Kirsch P, McIntosh AM, Nöthen MM, Papassotiropoulos A, de Quervain DJ, Rietschel M, Schumann G, Tost H, Witt S, Zink M, Meyer-Linden- berg A, IMAGEMEND Consortium, Karolinska Schizophrenia Project (KaSP) Consortium (2019). Reproducible grey matter patterns index a multiva- riate, global alteration of brain structure in schizo-phrenia and bipolar disorder. Transl Psychiatry. 9(1):12.

Mier D, Schirmbeck F, Stoessel G, Esslinger C, Rausch F, Englisch S, Eisenacher S, de Haan L, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Kirsch P, Zink M (2018). Reduced activity and connectivity of left amygdala in patients with schizophrenia treated with clozapine or olanzapine. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. Dec 11. [Epub ahead of print].





PROJECTS Clemm von Hohenberg C, Weber-Fahr W, Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Lebhardt P., Ravi N, Braun U, Gass N, Becker R, Sack Baden-Württemberg (MWK) Margarete-Wrangell- MS, Cosa Linan A, Gerchen MF, Reinwald JR, Oettl Habilitation Scholarship: Investigation and LL, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Vollmayr B, Kelsch W, modification of the plasticity of neuronal circuits Sartorius A (2018). Lateral habenula perturbation for the therapy of impaired sensorimotor and reduces default-mode network connectivity in a rat cognitive functions. 01/2019 – 06/2023. model of depression. Transl Psychiatry. 8(1):68. From 2011 – 2019 Prof. Dr. Kelsch W. Federal Ministry of Education and Oettl LL, Kelsch W (2018). Oxytocin and Olfaction. Wolfgang Kelsch has been Head of a DFG Emmy-No- Research (BMBF) 01GQ1708 – Oxystate: Computa- Curr Top Behav Neurosci. 35:55 – 75. ether Group at the Clinic of tional and experimental investigation of neural Psychiatry and Psychother- state changes in the olfactory system. Bähner F, Meyer-Lindenberg A (2017). Hippocam- apy of the CIMH. Since 2019 he is group leader at CIMH 04/2018 – 03/2021. pal-prefrontal connectivity as a translational and received the call to phenotype for schizophrenia. Eur Neuropsycho- the W2 professorship for The Branco Weiss Fellowship – Society in Science. pharmacol. 27(2):93 – 106. Systemic Neuroscience and Mental Health at the 01/2018 – 12/2020. University Medical Center Ravi N, Sanchez-Guardado L, Lois C, Kelsch W (2017). Mainz. After having studied Determination of the connectivity of newborn medicine and graduated PUBLICATIONS from the Universities of neurons in mammalian olfactory circuits. Cell Mol Heidelberg, London and Linster C, Kelsch W (2019). A computational model of Life Sci. 74(5):849 – 867. Paris he initially worked at oxytocin modulation of olfactory recognition me- the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry in Munich, mory. eNeuro. 2019 6(4):pii, 1 – 10. Epub 2019 Aug 9. followed by a three-year research period at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, USA. In 2008 he came to the CIMH where he acquired specialist training in psychiatry and psychother- apy in parallel to his research work. His research focus lies on developmental biology and cellular physiology of sensory networks as well as neuromodulators and neural mechanisms of affective disorders.





PROJECTS Sobanski E, Philipsen A, McNicholas F, Caci H, ESCAlate: subproject of a BMBF-funded research Mihailescu I, Manor I, Dobrescu I, Krause J, Fayyad consortium investigating staged therapeutic J, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Foeken K, Rad F, Adamou M, interventions for ADHD across the lifespan. Ohlmeier M, Fitzgerald M, Gill M, Lensing M, During the reporting period, medical dissertations Motavalli Mukaddes N, Brudkiewicz P, Gustafsson on treatment adherence in the treatment of ADHD P, Tani P, Oswald P, Carpentier PJ, De Rossi P, in adulthood and on subjective experiences of Delorme R, Markovska Simoska S, Pallanti S, Young Associate Prof. Dr. Esther stigmatization of adults with ADHD were conduc- S, Bejerot S, Lehtonen T, Kustow J, Müller-Sedgwick Sobanski holds board ted and completed. In cooperation with the Clinic U, Hirvikoski T, Pironti V, Ginsberg Y, Félegeházy Z, certification in psychiatry and psychotherapy as well of Addictive Behavior and Addiction Medicine, a Garcia-Portilla MP, Asherson P (2019). Updated as adolescent psychiatry questionnaire was validated which determines a European Consensus Statement on diagnosis and and psychotherapy and is a subgroup of attention deficit disorders in ADHD treatment of adult ADHD. Eur Psychiatry. 56:141 – 34. supervisor of behavioral therapy. She is an Associate (mind wandering) and investigates in an FMRI Professor of Child and paradigm interactions between impulsivity and Gerhardt J, Sobanski E (2018). Training von Auf- Adolescent Psychiatry at reactions to alcohol-associated triggers and merksamkeit, Planungs- und Organisations- Heidelberg University, Head of the Research Group responses in patients with alcohol addiction, fähigkeit und Impulskontrolle bei Erwachsenen mit ADHD in Adulthood at ADHD, and ADHD with comorbid alcohol addiction. einer ADHS: eine systematische Literaturübersicht. CIMH and senior physician [Training attention, planning and organizational at the Clinic of Child and skills, and impulse control in adults with ADHD: a Adolescent Psychiatry and PUBLICATIONS Psychotherapy, Rheinhes- systematic literature review.] Ergoscience. sen Specialist Clinic / Geissler JM, Vloet TD, Strom N, Jaite C, Graf E, 13(1):21 – 13. University Medical Center Mainz. She is a member of Kappel V, Warnke A, Jacob C, Hennighausen K, the German ADHD network Haack-Dees B, Schneider-Momm K, Matthies S, Masuch TV, Bea M, Alm B, Deibler P, Sobanski E and of the European Rösler M Retz W, Hanig S, von Gontard A, Sobanski, (2018). Internalized stigma, anticipated discrimina- Network Adult ADHD. From 2014 to 2020, she served as E, Alm B, Hohmann S, Poustka L, Colla M, Gent- tion and perceived public stigma in adults with secretary of the Depart- schow L, Freitag CM, Haege A, Holtmann M, Becker ADHD. Atten Defic Hyperact Disord. 2018 Oct 19. ment of Neurodevelopmen- K, Philipsen A, Jans T (2019). Does helping mothers [Epub ahead of print]. tal disorders across the lifespan of the European in multigenerational ADHD also help children in Association of Psychiatry. the long run? 2-year follow-up from baseline of the Cackowski S, Krause-Utz A, van Eijk J, Klohr K, AIMAC randomized controlled multicentre trial. Daffner S, Sobanski E, Ende G (2017). Anger and Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 27(8):1011 – 1021. aggression in borderline personality disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – does Kooij JJS, Bijlenga D, Salerno L, Jaeschke R, Bitter I, stress matter? BPDED. 2017 4:6. Balázs J, Thome J, Dom G, Kasper S, Nunes Filipe C, Stes S, Mohr P, Leppämäki S, Casas Brugué M, Schredl M, Bumb JM, Alm B, Sobanski E (2017). Bobes J, Mccarthy JM, Richarte V, Kjems Philipsen A, Nightmare frequency in adults with attention-defi- Pehlivanidis A, Niemela A, Styr B, Semerci B, Bolea- cit hyperactivity disorder. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Alamanac B, Edvinsson D, Baeyens D, Wynchank D, Neurosci. 267(1):89 – 92. 86 RESEARCH




Kleineidam L, Thoma MV, Maercker A, Bickel H, Mösch E, Hajek A, König HH, Eisele M, Mallon T, Luck T, Röhr S, Weyerer S, Werle J, Pentzek M, Fuchs A, Wiese B, Mamone S, Scherer M, Maier W, Riedel-Heller SG, Wagner M (2018). What Is Successful Aging? A Psychometric Validation Study of Different Construct Definitions. Gerontologist. Jul 17. [Epub ahead of print]. Associate Prof. Dr. Siegfried Weyerer, has studied at the Universities of Munich and Hajek A, Luck T, Brettschneider C, Posselt T, Salzburg, received his PhD Lange C, Wiese B, Steinmann S, Weyerer S, Werle J, in psychology and PUBLICATIONS Pentzek M, Fuchs A, Stein J, Bickel H, Mösch E, sociology, and completed his post-doctoral studies in Heser K, Kleineidam L, Wiese B, Oey A, Roehr S, Wagner M, Heser K, Maier W, Scherer JM, Rie- epidemiology at Heidelberg Pabst A, Kaduszkiewicz H, van den Bussche H, del-Heller SG, König HH (2017). Factors Affecting University. At the University Brettschneider C, König H, Weyerer S, Werle J, Functional Impairment among Elderly Germans – of Munich and at the Central Institute of Mental Fuchs A, Pentzek M, Mösch E, Bickel H, Maier W, Results of a Longitudinal Study. J Nutr Health Health in Mannheim he Scherer M, Riedel-Heller SG, Wagner M (2019). Aging. 21(3):299 – 306. has conducted numerous Subjective Cognitive Decline May Be a Stronger national and international studies on the epidemiol- Predictor of Incident Dementia in Women than in Then FS, Luck T, Heser K, Ernst A, Posselt T, Wiese B, ogy of psychiatric disorders Men. J Alzheimers Dis. 68(4):1469 – 1478. Mamone S, Brettschneider C, König HH, Weyerer S, at different care levels. He Werle J, Mösch E, Bickel H, Fuchs A, Pentzek M, is cofounder and coeditor of the book series Pentzek M, Wagner M, Abholz HH, Bickel H, Maier W, Scherer M, Wagner M, Riedel-Heller SG, “Gerontology” published Kaduszkiewicz H, Wiese B, Weyerer S, König H, AgeCoDe Study Group (2017). Which types of by Kohlhammer. Scherer M, Riedel-Heller SG, Maier W, Koppara A, mental work demands may be associated with AgeCoDe Study Group (2019). The value of the reduced risk of dementia? Alzheimers Dement. GP‘s clinical judgement in predicting dementia: a 13(4):431 – 440. multicentre prospective cohort study among patients in general practice. Br J Gen Pract. 69(688):e986-e793: Epub 2019 Oct 8.

Fischer K, Melo van Lent D, Wolfsgruber S, Wein- hold L, Kleineidam L, Bickel H, Scherer M, Eisele M, van den Bussche H, Wiese B, König HH, Weyerer S, Pentzek M, Röhr S, Maier W, Jessen F, Schmid M, Riedel-Heller SG, Wagner M (2018). Prospective Associations between Single Foods, Alzheimer‘s Dementia and Memory Decline in the Elderly. Nutrients. 10(7). 87 RESEARCH




PROJECTS (Nr3c1) deficiency alters the landscape of DNA Gass P. Federal Ministry of Education and Research methylation of murine placenta in a sex-depen- (BMBF) 01EW1911: „Unveiling the mechanism(s) dent manner and is associated to anxiety-like underlying the switch to mania during antidepres- behavior in adulthood. Transl Psychiatry. 9(1):23. sant treatment: the role of glutamate – Subproject CIMH Mannheim“. 07/2019 – 06/2022. Carboni L, Marchetti L, Lauria M, Gass P, Vollmayr B, Redfern A, Jones L, Razzoli M, Malki K, Begni V, Riva Associate Prof. Dr. Peter Inta D. Federal Ministry of Education and Research MA, Domenici E, Caberlotto L, Mathé AA (2018). Gass is a Senior Psychiatrist (BMBF) 01EW1807A: „NMDAR-PSY – Investigation of Cross-species evidence from human and rat brain in patient care in the Department of Psychiatry NMDA receptor dysfunction in psychotic, behavior- transcriptome for growth factor signaling pathway and Psychotherapy. He al and motor disorders - Subproject CIMH Mann- dysregulation in major depression. Neuropsycho- studied medicine in heim“. 09/2018 – 08/2021. pharmacology. 43(10):2134 – 2145. Heidelberg and at Cornell University in New York. Following a residency in German Research Foundation (DFG) GA 427/12-1: Filipovic D, Stanisavljević A, Jasnić N, Bernardi RE, neuropathology and a TP05 “Stress assessment in psychiatric rodent Inta D, Perić I, Gass P (2018). Chronic Treatment research fellowship at the German Cancer Research models: search for behavioral and biochemical with or Clozapine of Socially Isolated Center, both in Heidelberg, markers, and their potential general application in Rats Prevents Subsector-Specific Reduction of he completed his residency biomedical animal research”. 01/2017 – 12/2019. Parvalbumin Immunoreactive Cells in the Hippo- in psychiatry at the CIMH. He has authored more than campus. Neuroscience. 371:384 – 394. 250 original articles and Inta D. Ingeborg Ständer Foundation: Deciphering 50 reviews in the field of the role of glutamatergic mechanisms in inhibitory Inta D, Lang UE, Borgwardt S, Meyer-Lindenberg A, neuroscience. In 2011 he received the Hans- versus excitatory neurons in inducible pharmacog- Gass P (2017). Microglia Activation and Schizophre- Heimann- Award from the enetics mouse models of schizophrenia. nia: Lessons from the Effects of Minocycline on DGPPN. 01/2017 – 12/2019. Postnatal Neurogenesis, Neuronal Survival and Synaptic Pruning. Schizophr Bull. 43(3):493 – 496.

PUBLICATIONS Schmidt M, Lapert F, Brandwein C, Deuschle M, Gass N, Becker R, Reinwald J, Cosa Linan A, Sack Kasperk C, Grimsley JM, Gass P (2017). Prenatal MS, Weber-Fahr W, Vollmayr B, Sartorius A (2019). stress changes courtship vocalizations and bone Differences between ketamine‘s short-term and mineral density in mice. Psychoneuroendocrinolo- long-term effects on brain circuitry in depression. gy. 75:203 – 212. Transl Psychiatry. 9(1):172.

Schmidt M, Lax E, Zhou R, Cheishvili D, Ruder AM, Ludiro A, Lapert F, Macedo da Cruz A, Sandrini P, Calzoni T, Vaisheva F, Brandwein C, Luoni A, Massart R, Lanfumey L, Riva MA, Deuschle M, Gass P, Szyf M (2019). Fetal glucocorticoid receptor 88 RESEARCH




Associate Prof. Dr. Barbara PROJECTS Associate Prof. Dr. Vollmayr is Senior in the Kühner C. German Research Foundation (DFG) KU 1464/8-1: Long-term course Dipl.-Psych. Christine Department of Psychiatry Kühner obtained her PhD and Psychotherapy. She of ambulatory assessment (AA) phenotypes and ecological validation of in Psychology from studied medicine in Mainz cognitive processes in patients with recurrent depression. 08/2019 – 07/2022. Heidelberg University and Göttingen. Following (1994) and is Associate the PJ in Detroit, Ann Arbor professor at the Medical and Nashville and the Faculty Mannheim, internship (AiP) in PUBLICATIONS Heidelberg University since Göttingen, she completed Beddig T, Reinhard I, Kuehner C (2019). Stress, mood, and cortisol during daily 2007. Among other things, her residency in psychiatry she leads DFG-funded at the CIMH. She has life in women with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). Psychoneuroen- projects on the role of authored more than 50 docrinology. 109(104372):1 – 10. cognitive, affective and original articles in the field stress-related endocrino- of neuroscience. logical processes in every- Lydon-Staley DM, Kuehner C, Zamoscik V, Huffziger S, Kirsch P, Bassett DS (2019). day life in patients with Repetitive negative thinking in daily life and functional connectivity among recurrent depression and default mode, fronto-parietal, and salience networks. Transl Psychiatry. 9(1):234. women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder using the Ambulatory Assess- Timm C, Rachota-Ubl B, Beddig T, Zamoscik VE, Ebner-Priemer U, Reinhard I, ment (AA). In particular, she Kirsch P, Kuehner C (2018). Mindfulness-Based Attention Training Improves investigates the role of AA phenotypes in predicting Cognitive and Affective Processes in Daily Life in Remitted Patients with the course of illness and as Recurrent Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Psychother Psychosom. potential mechanisms of 87(3):184 – 186. change in psychotherapeu- tic interventions. Kühner is a reviewer for the DFG Welz A, Reinhard I, Alpers GW, Kuehner C (2018). Happy thoughts: mind and for several scientific wandering affects mood in daily life. Mindfulness. 9:332 – 343. journals. She is also involved in initial development and revision of the S3/National Kuehner C (2017). Why is depression more common among women than Disease Management among men? Lancet Psychiatry. 4:146 – 58. Guideline on Unipolar Depression.

Timm C, Ubl B, Zamoscik V, Ebner-Priemer U, Reinhard I, Huffziger S, Kirsch P, Kuehner C (2017). Cognitive and affective trait and state factors influencing the long-term symptom course in remitted depressed patients. PLoS ONE, Jun 2;12(6):e0178759. 89 RESEARCH




PROJECTS Meyer-Lindenberg A, IMAGEMEND Consortium, Meyer-Lindenberg A. Federal Ministry of Education Karolinska Schizophrenia Project (KaSP) Consortium and Research (BMBF) 01ZX1904A: COMMITMENT – (2019). Reproducible grey matter patterns index COMorbidity Modeling via Integrative Transfer a multivariate, global alteration of brain structure machine-learning in MENTal illness. 09/2019 – in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Transl 08/2022. Psychiatry. 9(1):12.

Emanuel Schwarz, PhD, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Chen J, Lippold D, Frank J, Rayner W, Meyer- received a BSc in molecular 01KU1905A: IMPLEMENT – Improved Personalized Lindenberg A, Schwarz E (2018). Gimpute: biotechnology from the Technical University of medicine through machine Learning in Mental An efficient genetic data imputation pipeline. Munich and a PhD from disorders. 05/2019 – 04/2022. Bioinformatics. Cambridge University. He was a research associate at the Cambridge Centre for Schwarz, Ph.D E. German Research Foundation Cao C, Zhou J, Schwarz E (2018). RMTL: An R Library Neuropsychiatric Research (DFG) SCHW 1768/2-1: Continuation of the junior for Multi-Task Learning. Bioinformatics. and at CIMH. Dr. Schwarz research group in the Emmy Noether program: is currently leading a DFG-funded (Emmy- cross-diagnostic reconstruction of psychotic Cao C, Chen J, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Schwarz E Noether) research group disorders by multimodal genetic-neuronal (2017). A polygenic score for schizophrenia predicts Translational Bioinformat- signatures. 02/2019 – 01/2020. glycemic control. Transl Psychiatry. 7(12):1295. ics in Psychiatry which focuses on the identifica- tion of the diagnostically- Chen J, Schwarz E (2017). Biologically-informed relevant and treatment- multi-stage machine learning for identification of relevant biological mechanisms that underlie epigenetic fingerprints. NIPS proceedings. 31:1 – 6. psychiatric illnesses. PUBLICATIONS Cao C, Schwarz, Ph.D E (2019). Computational Approaches for Identification of Pleiotropic Biomarker Profiles in Psychiatry. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1134:111 – 128.

Schwarz, Ph.D E, Doan NT, Pergola G, Westlye LT, Kaufmann T, Wolfers T, Brecheisen R, Quarto T, Ing AJ, Carlo PD, Gurholt TP, Harms RL, Noirhomme Q, Moberget T, Agartz I, Andreassen OA, Bellani M, Bertolino A, Blasi G, Brambilla P, Buitelaar JK, Cervenka S, Flyckt L, Frangou S, Franke B, Hall J, Heslenfeld DJ, Kirsch P, McIntosh AM, Nöthen MM, Papassotiropoulos A, de Quervain DJ, Rietschel M, Schumann G, Tost H, Witt S, Zink M, 90 RESEARCH




PD Dr. Georg Köhr, PUBLICATIONS Pharmacy study, PhD in Häfner H (2019). From onset and prodromal stage Neurophysiology, Habilita- tion in Pharmacology and to a life-long course of schizophrenia and its Toxicology, 2007 – 2012 symptom dimensions: how sex, age and other risk research group leader at factors influence incidence and course of illness. Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research in Psychiatry Journal. (9804836):1 – 15. Heidelberg, 2012 – 2018 head of research group at Häfner H (2019). [Bernhard von Gudden‘s psychiat- Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. CIMH, since 2019 research ric assessment and the deposition of King Ludwig II Heinz Häfner was born in at the Mannheim Center 1926 in Munich, where for Translational Neurosci- of Bavaria in 1886: Comments on the article by R. he studied psychology, ence and teaching in the Steinberg in Der Nervenarzt 01/2019]. Nervenarzt. philosophy and medicine. field of physiology. 90(9):944 – 949. After training in neurology and psychiatry in Tübingen, Munich and Heidelberg he Maurer K, Zink M, Rausch F (2018). The early became Professor and recognition inventory ERIraos assesses the entire Head of Social Psychiatry at Heidelberg University and spectrum of symptoms through the course of an in 1968 Professor of at-risk mental state. Early Interv Psychiatry. Psychiatry at Heidelberg 12(2):217 – 228. University Medical Faculty Mannheim. Starting in 1965 he planned the CIMH Häfner H (2018). Schizophrenie. Erkennen, Verste- and remained Director of hen, Behandeln, [Schizophrenia. Recognizing, it from 1975 until his PROJECTS retirement in 1994. He Understanding, Treating], 2nd, updated edition currently heads the CIMH Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) C.H. Beck, München. Schizophrenia research 01ZX1611A: e:Med II SPs 11 – Functional Validation group. Prof. Häfner is a member of the National III: Functional local network activity and neu- Häfner H (2018). Psychische Krankheit – ein Mehr- Academy of Sciences and rotransmitter release. 01/2017 – 12/2018. regionenbegriff. [The multifaceted concept of the Heidelberg Academy of mental disorder]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr. DOI: Sciences. He authored more PUBLICATIONS than 770 publications, 10.1055/a-0624-9456 2018 Dec 17 [2019; 87(12): received 9 research awards, Berberich S, Pohle J, Pollard M, Barroso-Flores J, 685 – 694]. the Service Cross 1st Class Köhr G (2017). Interplay between global and of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Great Cross pathway-specific synaptic plasticity in CA1 pyrami- Häfner H (2017). Das Rätsel Schizophrenie. Eine of Merit of the Order of dal cells. Sci Rep. 7(1):17040. Krankheit wird entschlüsselt. [The enigma of Merit of the Federal schizophrenia. A disease is decoded]. Fourth, Republic of Germany, and is honorary member of a Luis C, Cannella N, Spanagel R, Köhr G (2017). updated edition C.H. Beck, München. number of national and Persistent strengthening of the prefrontal cortex – international associations. nucleus accumbens pathway during incubation of cocaine-seeking behavior. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 138:281 – 290. 91 RESEARCH




PROJECTS Childhood Experiences on Psychosocial and Somatic Meyer-Lindenberg A. Federal Ministry of Education Conditions Across the Lifespan. 04/18 – 09/22. and Research (BMBF) 01EF1803A: RELATER – Remov- ing language barriers in treating refugees. Tost H. Federal Ministry of Education and Research 03/2019 – 02/2023. (BMBF) 01EF1803A WP3: RELATER – Removing language barriers in treating refugees. 03/19 – Meyer-Lindenberg A. Federal Ministry of Education 02/23. Prof. Dr. Dr. Heike Tost is a and Research (BMBF) 01ZX1904A: COMMITMENT dualtrained M.D. and – COMorbidity Modeling via Integrative Transfer Tost H. German Research Foundation (DFG) SFB Ph.D.-level psychologist and psychiatrist. Her main machine-learning in MENTal illness. 09/2019 – 1158/2 TP B04: From nociception to chronic pain research interest is the 08/2022. (PAIN). 07/19 – 06/23. systems neurobiology of severe mental disorders and the neural mechanisms Mößnang C. University of Heidelberg Olympia Tost H. German Research Foundation (DFG) SFB of genetic and environmen- Morata-Program: Typical and atypical development 1158/2 TP B09: From nociception to chronic pain tal risk and resilience of the social brain – neuroimaging evidence and (PAIN). 07/19 – 06/23. factors, which she investi- gates using multimodal implications for psychiatric research. 03/2018 – imaging and mobile survey 02/2020. Meyer-Lindenberg A. Federal Ministry of Education in everyday life. After a and Research (BMBF) 01ZX1614G: Integrated four-year stay at the National Institute of Tost H. German Research Foundation (DFG) TO investigations of causes and mechanisms of Mental Health in the US, 539/3-1: Characterization of Neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorders. 01/2017 – 12/2018. she joined CIMH in 2010. Disease Trajectories using Richly Annotated Since 2018, she is a professor in psychiatry and psycho- Sequences of Graphs (RICHGRAPH). 01/2017 – Meyer-Lindenberg A. EU – European Union: therapy at the Mannheim 12/2019. Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking Faculty of Medicine of the (IMI2, grant 777934) AIMS 2 WP6: 06/2018 – 05/2023. University of Heidelberg. She is deputy spokesperson Gan G.: Olympia Morata-Program: Neurogenetic of the Transregional mechanisms and environmental interactions in Collaborative Research Self-control disorders. 03/2017 – 02/2018. Center TRR 265 and heads the Psychoepidemiology Center (PEZ) and the CIPP Tost H. German Research Foundation (DFG) Study Center. Transregio 265 TP A04: Losing and Regaining Control over Drug Intake (RECODE). 07/19 – 06/23. PUBLICATIONS Bilek E, Itz ML, Stößel G, Ma R, Berhe O, Clement L, Meyer-Lindenberg A. German Research Foundation Zang Z, Robnik L, Plichta MM, Neukel C, Schmahl C, (DFG) Transregio 265 TP S02: Losing and Regaining Kirsch P, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Tost H (2019). Control over Drug Intake (RECODE). 07/19 – 06/23. Deficient Amygdala Habituation to Threatening Stimuli in Borderline Personality Disorder Relates Tost H. German Research Foundation (DFG) Research to Adverse Childhood Experiences. Biol Psychiatry. Training Group 2350 TP B2: Impact of Adverse 15;86(12):930 – 938. 92 RESEARCH




Tost H, Reichert M, Braun U, Reinhard I, Peters R, Lautenbach S, Hoell A, Schwarz, Ph.D E, Eb- ner-Priemer U, Zipf A, Meyer-Lindenberg A (2019). Neural correlates of individual differences in affective benefit of real-life urban green space exposure. Nat Neurosci. 22(9):1389 – 1393.

Cao H, Harneit A, Walter H, Erk S, Braun U, Associate Prof. Dr. Patrick Moessnang C, Geiger LS, Zang Z, Mohnke S, Heinz Schloss studied Biology 1979-1985 and obtained A, Romanczuk-Seiferth N, Mühleisen T, Mattheisen his PhD in 1989 from M, Witt SH, Cichon S, Nöthen MM, Rietschel M, Heidelberg University. After Meyer-Lindenberg A, Tost H (2018). The 5-HTTLPR a post-doctoral fellowship at the Centre of Molecular Polymorphism Affects Network-Based Functional Biology in Heidelberg, he Connectivity in the Visual-Limbic System in Healthy became a group leader at Adults. Neuropsychopharmacology. 43(2):406 – the Max-Planck-Institute PUBLICATIONS for Brain Research in 414. Frankfurt in 1991. After Nürnberg E, Horschitz S, Schloss P, Meyer- receiving his postdoctoral Geiger LS, Moessnang C, Schäfer A, Zang Z, Zangl Lindenberg A (2018). Basal glucocorticoid receptor qualification, he was a visiting professor at Trinity M, Cao H, van Raalten TR, Meyer-Lindenberg A, activation induces proliferation and inhibits College Dublin, before Tost H (2018). Novelty modulates human striatal neuronal differentiation of human induced coming to the CIMH as an activation and prefrontal-striatal effective connec- pluripotent stem cell-derived neuronal precursor assistant professor in 1999. He has been an associate tivity during working memory encoding. Brain cells. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 182:1191 – 126. professor at the Medical Struct Funct. 223(7):3121 – 3132. Faculty Mannheim, Martí Y, Matthaeus F, Lau T, Schloss P (2017). Heidelberg University, since 2009. Schneider M, Walter H, Moessnang C, Schäfer A, Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) differentially Erk S, Mohnke S, Romund L, Garbusow M, Dixson L, affects monoamine release and re-uptake in Heinz A, Romanczuk-Seiferth N, Meyer-Lindenberg murine embryonic stem cell-derived dopaminergic A, Tost H (2017). Altered DLPFC-Hippocampus and neurons. Mol Cell Neurosci. Connectivity During Working Memory: Indepen- 83:371 – 45. dent Replication and Disorder Specificity of a Putative Genetic Risk Phenotype for Schizophrenia. Vengeliene V, Bespalov A, Roßmanith M, Horschitz Schizophr Bull. 43(5):1114 – 1122. S, Berger S, Relo AL, Noori HR, Schneider P, Enkel T, Bartsch D, Schneider M, Behl B, Hansson AC, Bilek E, Stößel G, Schäfer A, Clement L, Ruf M, Schloss P, Spanagel R (2017). Towards trans-diag- Robnik L, Neukel C, Tost H, Kirsch P, Meyer- nostic mechanisms in psychiatry: Neurobehavioral Lindenberg A (2017). State-Dependent Cross-Brain profile of rats with a loss of function point Information Flow in Borderline Personality mutation in the dopamine transporter gene. Dis Disorder. JAMA Psychiatry. 74(9):949 – 957. Model Mech. 104(4):4511 – 461. 93 RESEARCH




PROJECTS M. Deuschle, S. Ratzka, A. Meyer-Lindenberg: Mental Health First Aid. Dietmar Hopp Foundation (2018/2019); Otto Beisheim Foundation (2019/2020).

Research Training Group „The Influence of Traumatization in Childhood and Adolescence on Psychosocial and Somatic Illnesses across the Lifespan”. 04/2018 – 09/2022, Subproject C3 (together with HP Hammes, S Witt). Associate Prof. Dr. Michael Associate Prof. Dr. Florian Deuschle is Deputy Medical Lederbogen was Senior PUBLICATIONS Director at the Clinic of Physician at the Clinic of Psychiatry and Psychother- Psychiatry and Psychothera- apy, Head of the Research Send TS, Bardtke S, Gilles M, Wolf IAC, Sütterlin MW, Kirschbaum C, Laucht M, py, co-leader of the clinical Group on Stress-Related Witt SH, Rietschel M, Streit F, Deuschle M (2019). Stress reactivity in pre- RG Stress-Related Disorders Disorders and Head of the and Head of Consulta- Sleep Laboratory. After school-aged children: Evaluation of a social stress paradigm and investigation tion-Liaison Psychiatry at studying medicine at the of the impact of prenatal maternal stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 101:223 – 231. the University Hospital universities of Mainz and Mannheim. His research Munich, he worked as a focuses on the consequenc- research fellow at the Send T, Bardtke S, Gilles M, Wolf IAC, Sütterlin MW, Wudy SA, Wang R, Laucht es of stress on cardiovascu- Max Planck Institute of M, Witt S, Rietschel M, Streit F, Deuschle M (2019). Prenatal maternal stress is lar, metabolic and Psychiatry, Munich. His associated with lower cortisol and cortisone levels in the first morning urine of hematologic systems, research focuses on stress- neural mechanisms related disorders, depres- 45-month-old children. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 103:219 – 224. associated with psychoso- sion, sleep disorders, cial stressors, and stress neuroendocrinology, Deuschle M, Hendlmeier F, Witt S, Rietschel M, Gilles M, Sánchez-Guijo A, hormone secretion. metabolic sequelae of stress-related disorders, Fañanás L, Hentze S, Wudy SA, Hellweg R (2018). Cortisol, cortisone, and BDNF in and epigenetics. amniotic fluid in the second trimester of pregnancy: Effect of early life and current maternal stress and socioeconomic status. Dev Psychopathol. 30(3):971 – 980.

Lederbogen F*, Ulshöfer E*, Peifer A, Fehlner P, Bilek E, Streit F, Deuschle M, Tost H, Meyer-Lindenberg A (2018). No association between cardiometabolic risk and neural reactivity to acute psychosocial stress. Neuroimage Clin. 20:1115 – 1122.

Deuschle M, Gotthardt U, Schweiger U, Dettling M, Holsboer F, Heuser I (2017). Hypothalamus – Pituitary – Adrenocortical Dysfunction in Elderly, Male Marathon Runners: Feedback Sensitivity, Stress Response and Effects on Verbal Memory. Neuroendocrinology. 105(2):150 – 156.

Send T, Gilles M, Codd V, Wolf IA, Bardtke S, Streit F, Strohmaier J, Frank J, Schendel D, Sütterlin MW, Denniff M, Laucht M, Samani NJ, Deuschle M, Rietschel M, Witt SH (2017). Telomere Length in Newborns is Related to Maternal Stress During Pregnancy. Neuropsychopharmacology. 42(12):2407 – 2413. 94 RESEARCH




PROJECTS Horten B, Dölling D, Hermann D, Kruse A, Schmitt Salize HJ. D.BU.0112: STARKids – Stage model. E, Bannenberg B, Salize H, Dressing H (2018). Obesity treatment in childhood and adolescence. [Sexual Abuse of Minors: Development in Light 09/2019 – 09/2023. Field Statistics and Dark Field Research Since 1953 and Implications for The Health Care System]. Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Gesundheitswesen. 80(12):1042 – 1047. 01GL1744G: Pro-HEAD – Promoting help-seeking behavior among adolescents with mental health Salize HJ, Arnold M, Uber E, Hoell A (2017). Associate Prof. Dr. problems through the use of new media. TP7: [Improving Mental Health Care in People at Risk for Hans-Joachim Salize was trained as a sociologist at „Costs and cost-effectiveness“. 01/2018 – 12/2022. Getting Homeless]. Psychiatr Prax. 44(1):21 – 28. the University of Frankfurt am Main. In 1997, he University Hospital Heidelberg 01VSF16060: Dressing H, Dölling D, Hermann D, Horten B, Kruse completed his Ph. D. at the Medical Faculty Mannheim, Psychotherapeutic evening clinic – new form of A, Schmitt E, Bannenberg B, Whittaker K, Salize H Heidelberg University, care for depressive patients (P-AK). 10/2017 – (2017). Sexual abuse of minors within the Catholic where he received the venia 01/2020. Church and other institutions: A literature review. legendi in psychiatric epide- miology in 2002. He has Neuropsychiatr. 31(2):45 – 55. been a Professor in the same faculty since 2006. Prof. Salize is an expert in the mental health services research field international- ly. He has been principal PUBLICATIONS investigator in many large-scale national and Dressing H, Dölling D, Hermann D, Horten B, Hoell international research and A, Voss E, Salize HJ (2019). [Sexual Abuse of development projects, has Children by Catholic Priests since 2009: Course and written many papers and has received several awards Relative Frequency Compared to the Male General for his research. Population]. Psychiatr Prax. 46(5):256 – 262.

Dressing H, Dölling D, Hermann D, Kruse A, Schmitt E, Bannenberg B, Hoell A, Voss E, Salize HJ (2019). Sexual Abuse at the Hands of Catholic Clergy. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 116(22):389 – 396.

Dressing H, Dölling D, Hermann D, Horten B, Collong A, Kruse A, Schmitt E, Hinner J, Bannen- berg B, Hoell A, Voss E, Salize HJ (2018). [How Active is the Catholic Church in the Prevention of Sexual Abuse? Preliminary Results of the MHG-Study]. Psychiatr Prax. 45(2):103 – 105. 95 RESEARCH




PROJECTS Reinwald JR, Becker R, Mallien AS, Falfan-Melgoza Sartorius A. German Research Foundation (DFG) SA C, Sack M, Clemm von Hohenberg C, Braun U, Cosa 1869/15-1: Delineating neural circuitry of STress Linan A, Gass N, Vasilescu AN, Tollens F, Lebhardt P, REsilience and Stress Susceptibility using DREADD Pfeiffer N, Inta D, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Gass P, combined with fMRI technique (STRESSDREADD). Sartorius A, Weber-Fahr W (2018). Neural Mecha- 02/2019 – 01/2022. nisms of Early-Life Social Stress as a Developmental Risk Factor for Severe Psychiatric Disorders. Biol Associate Prof. Dr. Sartorius A. German Research Foundation (DFG) SA Psychiatry. 84(2):116 – 128. Dipl-Phys. Alexander 1869/14-1: Designer receptors exclusively activated Sartorius, MD, PhD is medical head of the by designer drugs (DREADDs) used for endopheno- Tollens F, Gass N, Becker R, Schwarz AJ, Risterucci C, research group Translation- ptyping neuronal networks of depression by Künnecke B, Lebhardt P, Reinwald J, Sack M, al Imaging and senior functional connectivity magnetic resonance Weber-Fahr W, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Sartorius A psychiatrist at the Department of Psychiatry imaging (fc-fMRI). 07/2017 – 12/2020. (2018). The affinity of antipsychotic drugs to and Psychotherapy. He dopamine and serotonin 5-HT receptors deter- studied physics and mines their effects on prefrontal-striatal functional medicine, receiving his professorship in psychiatry connectivity. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. in 2008. In 2012, he was 28(9):1035 – 1046. awarded as the supervisor of the best dissertation in psychiatry, DGPPN – Hans Kranaster L, Hoyer C, Aksay SS, Bumb JM, Müller N, Heimann Prize. He is also Zill P, Schwarz MJ, Sartorius A, Sartorius A (2017). deputy head of the DGPPN Markers of the innate immune system in the Section “Experimental Stimulation Techniques in cerebrospinal fluid in patients with severe depres- Psychiatry”. PUBLICATIONS sion. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 136(1):140 – 141. Gass N, Becker R, Reinwald J, Cosa Linan A, Sack MS, Weber-Fahr W, Vollmayr B, Sartorius A (2019). Artigas F, Schenker E, Celada P, Spedding M, Differences between ketamine‘s short-term and Lladó-Pelfort L, Jurado N, Núñez M, Santana N, long-term effects on brain circuitry in depression. Troyano-Rodriguez E, Riga MS, van den Munkhof H, Transl Psychiatry. 9(1):172. Castañé A, Shaban H, Jay TM, Tripathi A, Godsil BP, Sebban C, Mariani J, Faure P, Takkilah S, Hughes ZA, Sartorius A, Demirakca T, Böhringer A, Clemm von Siok CJ, Hajos M, Wicke K, Gass N, Weber-Fahr W, Hohenberg C, Aksay SS, Bumb JM, Kranaster L, Sartorius A, Becker R, Didriksen M, Bastlund JF, Nickl-Jockschat T, Grözinger M, Thomann PA, Wolf Tricklebank M, Risterucci C, Meyer-Lindenberg A, RC, Zwanzger P, Dannlowski U, Redlich R, Zavorot- Schwarz AJ (2017). Defining the brain circuits nyy M, Zöllner R, Methfessel I, Besse M, Zilles D, involved in psychiatric disorders: IMI-NEWMEDS. Ende G (2019). Electroconvulsive therapy induced Nat Rev Drug Discov. 16(1):1 – 2. gray matter increase is not necessarily correlated with clinical data in depressed patients. Brain Stimul. 12(2):335 – 343. 96 RESEARCH




PROJECTS 2018: Phase III clinical trial ID-078A302/303 (Idorsia, Switzerland), indication insomnia. Dr. Wolfgang Weber-Fahr Associate Prof. Dr. Michael is a physicist and method- 2017: Daytime vigilance regulation in patients with chronic insomnia (Young Schredl has been working ological head of the in the sleep laboratory of research group Translation- Investigators Grant of the German Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine Society the CIMH, since 1990. He is al Imaging. He studied (DGSM)). an Associate Professor physics at the RWTH within the Social Science Aachen and at Heidelberg PUBLICATIONS department of the University and received University of Mannheim. his PhD specializing in Schredl M, Gilles M, Wolf I, Peus V, Scharnholz B, Sütterlin M, Bardtke S, Send His publications cover MR-Imaging and MR-S TS, Samaras A, Deuschle M (2019). Nightmares and Stress: A Longitudinal Study. various topics such as pectroscopy in 2001. After dream recall, dream working for 6 years at the J Clin Sleep Med. 15(9):1209 – 1215. content analysis, night- Institute of Systems mares, dream and sleep Neuroscience in Hamburg, Paul F, Alpers G W, Reinhard I, Schredl, M (2019). Nightmares do result in disorders, as well as sleep he took over the manage- physiology. He is editor of ment of the new animal psychophysiological arousal: A multimeasure ambulatory assessment study. the peer reviewed online scanner facilities at the Psychophysiology, 56(7), e13366. journal “International CIMH in Mannheim in Journal of Dream Research”. 2008. Schredl M, Göritz AS (2018). Nightmare Themes: An Online Study of Most Recent Nightmares and Childhood Nightmares. J Clin Sleep Med. 14(3):465 – 471.

Schilling C, Gappa L, Schredl M, Streit F, Treutlein J, Frank J, Deuschle M, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Rietschel M, Witt S H (2018). Fast sleep spindle density is associated with rs4680 (Val108/158Met) genotype of catechol-O-methyltrans- ferase (COMT). Sleep, 41(3).

Schredl M, Bumb JM, Alm B, Sobanski E (2017). Nightmare frequency in adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 267(1):89 – 92.

Schilling C, Schlipf M, Spietzack S, Rausch F, Eisenacher S, Englisch S, Reinhard I, Haller L, Grimm O, Deuschle M, Tost H, Zink M, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Schredl M (2017). Fast sleep spindle reduction in schizophrenia and healthy first-degree relatives: association with impaired cognitive function and potential intermedi- ate phenotype. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 267(3):213 – 224. 97 RESEARCH




PROJECTS capacity in stroke patients with aphasia]. Fortschr Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests, Neurol Psychiatr, 86: 771 – 777. Deacons and Male Religious in the Area of the German Bishops‘ Conference (MHG Study). Horten B, Dölling D, Hermann D, Kruse A, Schmitt E, Bannenberg B, Salize H, Dressing H (2018). ZIPHER: Forced measures in the psychiatric help Sexueller Missbrauch an Kindern – Entwicklungen system: recording and reduction. Cooperation im Hell- und Dunkelfeld seit 1953 und Implika- Associate Prof. Dr. Harald partner Federal Ministry of Health. tionen für das Gesundheitswesen. [Sexual Abuse Dressing is Professor of of Children – Developments in the Light and Forensic Psychiatry at Heidelberg University and European Study on Risk Factors for Violence in Dark Fields since 1953 and Implications for the Head of the Department of Mental Disorder and Forensic Care: a multicenter Health Care System]. Gesundheitswesen. Forensic Psychiatry at the project – EU-VIORMED, Cooperation partner for 80(12):1042 – 1047. CIMH. His clinical activities include the assessment and Germany. treatment of mentally ill Conrad von Heydendorff S, Whittaker K, Dressing H offenders and the provision Project Epidemiology of Stalking Victimization, (2017). A new type of crime: Pseudo-amok and the of expert opinions in criminal and civil proceed- Weisser Ring. Internet as amplifier. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. ings. His research activities 51(12):1254 – 1255. include sexual abuse of minors (project leader of MHG-study), intervention Dressing H, Dölling D, Hermann D, Horten B, Kruse strategies for stalking A, Schmitt E, Bannenberg B, Whittaker K, Salize H victims and stalkers, (2017). Sexual abuse of minors within the Catholic comparative studies on legal frameworks in Church and other institutions: A literature review. forensic psychiatry, studies PUBLICATIONS Neuropsychiatr. 31(2):45 – 55. on compulsory admission Dressing H, Dölling D, Hermann D, Horten B, Hoell and compulsory treatment in psychiatry, mental health A, Voss E, Salize HJ (2019). [Sexual Abuse of in prison and stigma Children by Catholic Priests since 2009: Course and research, and an EU project Relative Frequency Compared to the Male General on prognosis in forensic psychiatry. Harald Dressing Population]. Psychiatr Prax. 46(5):256 – 262. has written more than 200 peer-reviewed publications Dressing H, Dölling D, Hermann D, Kruse A, Schmitt and seven monographies. E, Bannenberg B, Hoell A, Voss E, Salize HJ (2019). Sexual Abuse at the Hands of Catholic Clergy. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 116(22):389 – 396.

Dressing A, Weiler C, Foerster K, Dressing H (2018). Beurteilung der Geschäftsfähigkeit und Testi- er-fähigkeit bei Schlaganfallpatienten mit Aphasie. [Assessment of business capacity and testamentary 98 RESEARCH




PUBLICATIONS Grimm O, Löffler M, Kamping S, Hartmann C. A., Koethe D, Pahlisch F, Hellmich M, Rohleder C, Rohleder C, Leweke M, Flor H (2018). Probing the Mueller JK, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Torrey EF, Piomelli endocannabinoid system in healthy volunteers: D, Leweke FM (2019). Familial Abnormalities of alters fronto-striatal resting-state Endocannabinoid Signaling in Schizophrenia. connectivity. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. World J Biol Psychiatry. 20(2):117 – 125. 28(7):841 – 849.

Rohleder C, Koethe D, Fritze S, Topor CE, Leweke Lange B, Mueller JK, Leweke FM, Bumb JM (2017). Prof. Dr. F. Markus Leweke, FM, Hirjak D (2019). Neural correlates of binocular How gender affects the pharmacotherapeutic studied medicine at the University of Cologne and depth inversion illusion in antipsychotic-naïve approach to treating psychosis – A systematic the University of New first-episode schizophrenia patients. Eur Arch review. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2017 South Wales in Sydney. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 269(8):897 – 910. 18(4):351 – 362 After studying neurophysi- ology and graduating from the University of Cologne, Leweke FM, Mueller JK, Lange B, Fritze S, Topor CE, Reuter AR, Bumb JM, Mueller JK, Rohleder C, he qualified as a university Koethe D, Rohleder C (2018). Role of the Endocan- Pahlisch F, Hanke F, Arens E, Leweke FM, Koethe D, professor there in 2004. He is a specialist in both nabinoid System in the Pathophysiology of Schwarz E (2017). Association of Anandamide with neurology and in psychiatry Schizophrenia: Implications for Pharmacological altered Binocular Depth Inversion Illusion in Schi- and psychotherapy. In early Intervention. CNS Drugs. 32(7):605 – 619. zophrenia. World J Biol Psychiatry. 18(6):483 – 488. 2017, he became a professor and chair of Adolescent Depression Studies at the Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney.




Since the appointment of Professor Banaschewski as Head of Department and Chair of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in November 2006, research has focused on ADHD and comorbid disorders, particularly disorders associated with impulse control problems and aggressive behavior. A second clinical and research focus is on Autism Prof. Dr. Dr. Tobias Spectrum Disorders. Banaschewski is a Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Medical Prospective longitudinal research continues to be Director of the Department another core area of research (Mannheim Study of of Child and Adolescent Children at Risk). The continuity of this along with Psychiatry. Since 2014 he is Deputy Director of the the increasingly neurobiological and genetic focus CIMH in Mannheim, since are contributing substantially to the reputation of 2015 Chair of the European the CIMH Child and Adolescent Psychiatry depart- Network for Hyperkinetic Disorders (EUNETHYDIS). ment. Besides taking part in several research From 2015 – 2017 he was consortiums which are funded by the EU, the President of the German department is currently coordinating a joint project Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, (ESCA-Life) within the research network on mental Psychosomatics and illness, which is supported by the Federal Ministry Psychotherapy (DGKJP). of Education and Research (BMBF). The research He received the Kramer- Pollnow Award in 2003 and activities are organized within five Research the August-Homburger- Groups. Award in 2014 for his research.





PROJECTS affected by attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Study to investigate the efficacy and tolerability (ADHD). Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. of bumetanide in the treatment of autism. 27(8):1011 – 1021. (Sponsor: Servier). Niemeyer L, Schumm L, Mechler K, Jennen-Stein- Banaschewski T, Häge A. EU – European Union metz C, Dittmann RW, Häge A (2018). „When I Stop 728018: Eat2beNice: Effects of Nutrition and My Medication, Everything Goes Wrong“: Content Lifestyle on Impulsive, Compulsive, and External- Analysis of Interviews with Adolescent Patients Dr. Alexander Häge studied izing Behaviours. Since 09/2017. Treated with Psychotropic Medication. J Child medicine at the Philipps- University of Marburg, Adolesc Psychopharmacol. 28(9):655 – 662. where he received his PUBLICATIONS doctorate in 2008. He Geissler JM, Vloet TD, Strom N, Jaite C, Graf E, Man KKC, Coghill D, Chan EW, Lau WCY, Hollis C, completed his advanced training to become a Kappel V, Warnke A, Jacob C, Hennighausen K, Liddle E, Banaschewski T, McCarthy S, Neubert A, specialist in child and Haack-Dees B, Schneider-Momm K, Matthies S, Sayal K, Ip P, Schuemie MJ, Sturkenboom MCJM, adolescent psychiatry and Rösler M, Retz W, Hänig S, von Gontard A, Sobanski Sonuga-Barke E, Buitelaar J, Carucci S, Zuddas A, psychotherapy at CIMH and Cologne University E, Alm B, Hohmann S, Poustka L, Colla M, Kovshoff H, Garas P, Nagy P, Inglis SK, Konrad K, Hospital. He has been a Gentschow L, Freitag CM, Häge A, Holtmann M, Häge A, Rosenthal E, Wong IC (2017). Association member of the research Becker K, Philipsen A, Jans T (2019). Does helping of Risk of Suicide Attempts with Methylphenidate group on Pediatric Psychopharmacology since mothers in multigenerational ADHD also help Treatment. JAMA Psychiatry. 74(10):1048 – 1055. 2009, and took the lead in children in the long run? 2-year follow-up from 2016. Häge is a consultant baseline of the AIMAC randomized controlled Hennissen L, Bakker MJ, Banaschewski T, Carucci S, in the CCAP and has conducted several clinical multicentre trial. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2019 Coghill D, Danckaerts M, Dittmann RW, Hollis C, trials and EU-projects as an Dec 5. [Epub ahead of print]. Kovshoff H, McCarthy S, Nagy P, Sonuga-Barke E, investigator, PI and Work Wong IC, Zuddas A, Rosenthal E, Buitelaar JK, Package leader.

Mechler K, Häge A (2019). „Drugs Don‘t Work in ADDUCE consortium (2017). Cardiovascular Effects For its research achieve- Patients Who Don‘t Take Them“. Z Kinder Jugend- of Stimulant and Non-Stimulant Medication for ments in the field of psychiatr Psychother. 47(6):528 – 534. Children and Adolescents with ADHD: A Systemat- adherence research, the research group was ic Review and Meta-Analysis of Trials of Methylphe- awarded the AGNP Häge A, Alm B, Banaschewski T, Becker K, Colla M, nidate, Amphetamines and Atomoxetine. CNS Research Award in 2019. Freitag C, Geissler J, von Gontard A, Graf E, Drugs. 31(3):199 – 215. Haack-Dees B, Hänig S, Hennighausen K, Hohmann S, Jacob C, Jaite C, Jennen-Steinmetz C, Kappel V, Matthies S, Philipsen A, Poustka L, Retz W, Rösler M, Schneider-Momm K, Sobanski E, Vloet TD, Warnke A, Jans T (2018). Does the efficacy of parent-child training depend on maternal symp- tom improvement? Results from a randomized controlled trial on children and mothers both 101 RESEARCH




PROJECTS Holz N. German Research Foundation (DFG) HO 5674/2-1: Exploring the long-term impact of early life adversity on the (anti-)social brain. 04/2018 – 04/2021.

Holz N. University of Heidelberg, Olympia Morata Prof. Dr. Daniel Brandeis, Program: Entering the antisocial mind – develop- 1979 completed his ment, neurobiology and new therapeutic approa- Diploma in Biology ETH Zürich in 1979. In 1982 he ches. 03/2018 – 02/2020. did an M.A. in Psychology at UBC Vancouver, Canada; in Banaschewski T., Baumeister S., Brandeis D., AIMS 2 1986 he did his Doctorate (Dr. sc. nat. ETH), in 1999 he TRIALS – Horizon 2020-Project H2020-JTI-IMI2- became a private lecturer at 2016-10-two-stage 777394. 6/2018-5/2023. the University of Zurich and in 2003 he won the Kramer-Pollnow Award. He Banaschewski T., Brandeis D., ADOPT – Federal has been a professor and Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Project. research group leader in 9/2017 – 8/2021. PUBLICATIONS the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Baumeister S, Wolf I, Hohmann S, Holz N, Boeck- and Psychotherapy, er-Schlier R, Banaschewski T, Brandeis D (2019). The University of Zurich since impact of successful learning of self-regulation on 2006. He also holds a W3 professorship at CIMH in reward processing in children with ADHD using Mannheim / Heidelberg fMRI. Atten Defic Hyperact Disord. 11(1):31 – 45. University since 2009. He has authored more than 200 peer-reviewed original Monninger M, Kraaijenvanger EJ, Pollok TM, publications, h-index=57, Boecker-Schlier R, Jennen-Steinmetz C, Baumeister Grants from SNF, DFG, EU, S, Esser G, Schmidt M, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Laucht and University as PI and CI. M, Brandeis D, Banaschewski T, Holz NE (2019). The Long-Term Impact of Early Life Stress on Orbitof- rontal Cortical Thickness. Cereb Cortex. 2019 Aug 23. [Epub ahead of print].

Baumeister S, Wolf I, Holz N, Boecker-Schlier R, Adamo N, Holtmann M, Ruf M, Banaschewski T, Hohmann S, Brandeis D (2018). Neurofeedback training effects on inhibitory brain activation in ADHD: A matter of learning? Neuroscience. 378:89 – 99. 102 RESEARCH


Holz NE, Zohsel K, Laucht M, Banaschewski T, Sudre G, Wolfers T, Onnink AM, Dammers JT, Hohmann S, Brandeis D (2018). Gene x environ- Mostert JC, Vives-Gilabert Y, Kohls G, Oberwelland ment interactions in conduct disorder: Implications E, Seitz J, Schulte-Rüther M, Ambrosino S, Doyle AE, for future treatments. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. Høvik MF, Dramsdahl M, Tamm L, van Erp TG, Dale 91:239 – 258. A, Schork A, Conzelmann A, Zierhut K, Baur R, McCarthy H, Yoncheva YN, Cubillo A, Chantiluke K, Strehl U*, Aggensteiner P*, Wachtlin D, Brandeis D, Mehta MA, Paloyelis Y, Hohmann S, Baumeister S, Albrecht, B, Arana, M, Bach C, Banaschewski T, Bramati I, Mattos P, Tovar-Moll F, Douglas P, Dr. Sarah Baumeister, Bogen T, Flaig-Rohr A, Freitag CM, Fuchsenberger Y, Banaschewski T, Brandeis D, Kuntsi J, Asherson P, 2010 Diploma in Psychology University of Bremen, 2015 Gest S, Gevensleben H, Herde L, Hohmann S, Rubia K, Kelly C, Martino AD, Milham MP, Castella- Doctorate (Dr. sc. hum.) Legenbauer T, Marx AM, Millenet S, Pniewski B, nos FX, Frodl T, Zentis M, Lesch KP, Reif A, Pauli P, CIMH, since 2017 Co-Head Rothenberger A, Ruckes C, Worz S, Holtmann M Jernigan TL, Haavik J, Plessen KJ, Lundervold AJ, Research Group Clinical Neurophysiology of (2017). Neurofeedback of Slow Cortical Potentials in Hugdahl K, Seidman LJ, Biederman J, Rommelse N, Childhood and Adolescence Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Heslenfeld DJ, Hartman CA, Hoekstra PJ, Oosterlaan at CIMH, since 2018 also Disorder: A Multicenter Randomized Trial Con- J, Polier GV, Konrad K, Vilarroya O, Ramos-Quiroga Co-Head Research Group Autism at CIMH. trolling for Unspecific Effects. Frontiers in Human JA, Soliva JC, Durston S, Buitelaar JK, Faraone SV, H-index=13. Neuroscience, 11, 135. Shaw P, Thompson PM, Franke B (2017). Subcortical brain volume differences in participants with Hoogman M, Bralten J, Hibar DP, Mennes M, Zwiers attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children MP, Schweren LS, van Hulzen KJ, Medland SE, and adults: a cross-sectional mega-analysis. Lancet Shumskaya E, Jahanshad N, Zeeuw P, Szekely E, Psychiatry. 4(4):310 – 319.





PROJECTS 2018: Study ADOPT (Affective dysregulation – Optimizing prevention and therapy).

2017: IMAC-Mind (Improving Mental Health and Reducing Addiction in Childhood and Adolescence through Mindfulness: Mechanisms, Prevention and PD Dr. Sarah Hohmann Treatment). studied medicine in Marburg and completed her thesis on the molecular basis of obesity in 2006, habilitation on the neuro- biological foundations of externalizing behavior disorders in 2019. She started working at CIMH in 2005, and since 2015 she has been Deputy Director of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. From 2005 to 2010 she worked with Patrick Schloss at the biochemical lab, and since 2010 she has also been a member of the research group on neurophysiology in CAP (Prof. Brandeis). In 2011, she became head of the research group ADHD (together with L. Poustka, since 2015 with S. Millenet).



PUBLICATIONS Walter H, Whelan R, Schumann G, Banaschewski T, Aggensteiner P, Brandeis D, Millenet S, Hohmann S, Hohmann S (2018). COMT Val158Met Polymorphism Ruckes C, Beuth S, Albrecht B, Schmitt G, Schermuly and Social Impairment Interactively Affect Atten- S, Wörz S, Gevensleben H, Freitag CM, Banaschewski tion-Deficit Hyperactivity Symptoms in Healthy T, Rothenberger A, Strehl U, Holtmann M (2019). Adolescents. Front Genet. 9:284. Slow cortical potentials neurofeedback in children with ADHD: comorbidity, self-regulation and Nees F, Becker S, Millenet S, Banaschewski T, clinical outcomes 6 months after treatment in a Poustka L, Bokde A, Bromberg U, Büchel C, Conrod Dr. Sabina Millenet, multicenter randomized controlled trial. Eur Child PJ, Desrivières S, Frouin V, Gallinat J, Garavan H, Dipl.-Psych., completed her studies in psychology at the Adolesc Psychiatry. 28(4):1087 – 1095. Heinz A, Ittermann B, Martinot JL, Papadopoulos University of Mannheim Orfanos D, Paus T, Smolka MN, Walter H, Whelan R, in 2005. She successfully Yu T, Jia T, Zhu L, Desrivieres S, Macare C, Bi Y, Schumann G, Flor H; IMAGEN consortium (2017). completed training as a psychological psychothera- Bokde AL, Quinlan EB, Heinz A, Ittermann B, Liu C, Brain substrates of reward processing and the pist in 2010, specializing Ji L, Banaschewski T, Ren D, Du L, Hou B, Flor H, μ-opioid receptor: a pathway into pain? Pain. in child and adolescent Frouin V, Garavan H, Gowland P, Martinot JL, Feb;158(2):212 – 219. psychotherapy, PhD 2019 on ADHD traits in adolescents Paillère Martinot ML, Nees F, Orfanos DP, Luo Q, and young adults in the Chu C, Paus T, Poustka L, Hohmann S, Millenet S, Bossier H, Seurinck R, Kühn S, Banaschewski T, general population. She has Smolka MN, Vetter NC, Mennigen E, Lei C, Walter Barker GJ, Bokde AL, Martinot JL, Lemaitre H, Paus been working as research assistant for the Depart- H, Fröhner JH, Whelan R, He G, He L, Schumann G, T, Millenet S, Moerkerke B (2017). The Influence of ment of Child and Robert G, IMAGEN Consortium (2019). Canna- Study-Level Inference Models and Study Set Size Adolescent Psychiatry and bis-Associated Psychotic-Like Experiences Are on Coordinate-Based fMRI Meta-Analyses. Front Psychotherapy since 2008, and became the personal Mediated by Developmental Changes in the Neurosci. 11:745. assistant of Prof. Dr. Dr. Parahippocampal Gyrus. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Banaschewski in 2015. She Psychiatry. 2019 Jul 18 [Epub ahead of print]. is currently working as head of the research group ADHD (together with Millenet S, Laucht M, Hohm E, Jennen-Steinmetz C, Sarah Hohmann). Hohmann S, Schmidt MH, Esser G, Banaschewski T, Brandeis D, Zohsel K. (2018). Sex-specific trajecto- ries of ADHD symptoms from adolescence to young adulthood. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 27(8):1067 – 1075.

Millenet S, Nees F, Heintz S, Bach Ch, Frank J, Vollstädt-Klein S, Bokde A, Bromberg U, Büchel C, Quinlan EB, Desrivieres S, Fröhner J, Flor H, Frouin V, Garavan H, Gowland P, Heinz A, Ittermann B, Lemaire H, Martinot JL, Martinot MP, Papadoulos DO, Paus T, Poustka L, Rietschel M, Smolka MN, 105 RESEARCH




PROJECTS Hoogman M, Bralten J, Hibar DP, Mennes M, Since 2018: AIMS 2 Trails (European Union Horizon Zwiers MP, Schweren LS, van Hulzen KJ, Medland 2020 Project). SE, Shumskaya E, Jahanshad N, Zeeuw P, Szekely E, Sudre G, Wolfers T, Onnink AM, Dammers JT, Mostert JC, Vives-Gilabert Y, Kohls G, Oberwelland E, Seitz J, Schulte-Rüther M, Ambrosino S, Doyle AE, PUBLICATIONS Høvik MF, Dramsdahl M, Tamm L, van Erp TG, Dale Dr. Tanja Schad-Hansjosten Baumeister S, Wolf I, Hohmann S, Holz N, Boeck- A, Schork A, Conzelmann A, Zierhut K, Baur R, is a Clinical Psychologist er-Schlier R, Banaschewski T, Brandeis D (2019). The McCarthy H, Yoncheva YN, Cubillo A, Chantiluke K, specializing in psychothera- peutic intervention in impact of successful learning of self-regulation on Mehta MA, Paloyelis Y, Hohmann S, Baumeister S, children and adolescents reward processing in children with ADHD using Bramati I, Mattos P, Tovar-Moll F, Douglas P, with autism spectrum fMRI. Atten Defic Hyperact Disord. 11(1):31 – 45. Banaschewski T, Brandeis D, Kuntsi J, Asherson P, disorders in combination with oxytocin. She studied Rubia K, Kelly C, Martino AD, Milham MP, psychology at the University Wolfers T, Floris DL, Dinga R, Van Rooij D, Isakoglou Castellanos FX, Frodl T, Zentis M, Lesch KP, Reif A, of Trier and graduated from C, Kia SM, Zabihi M, Llera A, Chowdanayaka R, Pauli P, Jernigan TL, Haavik J, Plessen KJ, Lundervold the University of Zurich in Clinical Psychology. She is Kumar VJ, Peng H, Laidi C, Batalle D, Dimitrova R, AJ, Hugdahl K, Seidman LJ, Biederman J, Rommelse involved in national and Charman T, Loth E, Lai MC, Jones E, Baumeister S, N, Heslenfeld DJ, Hartman CA, Hoekstra PJ, European multicenter Moessnang C, Banaschewski T, Ecker C, Dumas G, Oosterlaan J, Polier GV, Konrad K, Vilarroya O, studies researching ASD and has been Head of the O‘Muircheartaigh J, Murphy D, Buitelaar JK, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Soliva JC, Durston S, Buitelaar Autism Research Group at Marquand AF, Beckmann CF (2019). From pattern JK, Faraone SV, Shaw P, Thompson PM, Franke B CIMH since 2010. classification to stratification: towards conceptual- (2017). Subcortical brain volume differences in izing the heterogeneity of Autism Spectrum participants with attention deficit hyperactivity Disorder. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 104:240 – 254. disorder in children and adults: a cross-sectional mega-analysis. Lancet Psychiatry. 4(4):310 – 319. Baumeister S, Wolf I, Holz N, Boecker-Schlier R, Adamo N, Holtmann M, Ruf M, Banaschewski T, Kamp-Becker I, Poustka L, Bachmann C, Ehrlich S, Hohmann S, Brandeis D (2018). Neurofeedback Hoffmann F, Kanske P, Kirsch P, Krach S, training effects on inhibitory brain activation in Paulus FM, Rietschel M, Roepke S, Roessner V, ADHD: A matter of learning? Neuroscience. Schad-Hansjosten T, Singer T, Stroth S, Witt S, 378:89 – 99. Wermter AK (2017). Study protocol of the ASD-Net, the German research consortium for the study of Holz NE, Boecker-Schlier R, Jennen-Steinmetz C, Autism Spectrum Disorder across the lifespan: Hohm E, Buchmann AF, Blomeyer D, Baumeister S, from a better etiological understanding, through Plichta MM, Esser G, Schmidt M, Meyer-Lindenberg valid diagnosis, to more effective health care. BMC A, Banaschewski T, Brandeis D, Laucht M (2018). Psychiatry. 17(1):206. Early maternal care may counteract familial liability for psychopathology in the reward circuitry. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 13(11):1191 – 1201. 106 RESEARCH




PROJECTS Holz N. German Research Foundation (DFG) HO 5674/2-1: Exploring the long-term impact of early life adversity on the (anti-)social brain. 04/2018 – 04/2021.

Holz N. University of Heidelberg, Olympia Morata Program: Entering the antisocial mind – development, neurobiology and new therapeutic approaches. Dr. Sarah Baumeister, 03/2018 – 02/2020. Dr. Nathalie Holz studied 2010 Diploma in Psychology Psychology and Neurosci- University of Bremen, 2015 ence at the Universities of Doctorate (Dr. sc. hum.) Basel and Luxembourg. CIMH, since 2017 Co-Head PUBLICATIONS She received her doctorate Research Group Clinical Holz N, Meyer-Lindenberg A (2019). [The importance of social neurosciences summa cum laude at the Neurophysiology of Department of Child and Childhood and Adolescence for psychiatry]. Nervenarzt. 90(11):1109 – 1116. Adolescent Psychiatry and at CIMH, since 2018 also Psychotherapy at CIMH. Co-Head Research Group Holz N, Tost H, Meyer-Lindenberg A (2019). Resilience and the brain: a key role She has been a postdoctor- Autism at CIMH. al fellow there since 2015, H-index=13. for regulatory circuits linked to social stress and support. Mol Psychiatry. was appointed Co-Head 25(2):379 – 396. of the research group Developmental Neurosci- ences in Psychiatry Holz N, Boecker-Schlier R, Jennen-Steinmetz C, Hohm E, Buchmann AF, (formerly: Neuropsychology Blomeyer D, Baumeister S, Plichta MM, Esser G, Schmidt M, Meyer-Lindenberg of childhood and adoles- A, Banaschewski T, Brandeis D, Laucht M (2018). Early maternal care may cence) and took over in 2018 the leadership of the counteract familial liability for psychopathology in the reward circuitry. Soc RG. Her research interests Cogn Affect Neurosci. 13(11):1191 – 1201. include environment, imaging, disorder of social behavior, Attention Deficit / Holz N, Zohsel K, Laucht M, Banaschewski T, Hohmann S, Brandeis D (2018). Hyperactivity Disorder Gene x environment interactions in conduct disorder: Implications for future (ADHD), and social treatments. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 91:239 – 258. neuroscience.

Boecker-Schlier R, Holz NE, Hohm E, Zohsel K, Blomeyer D, Buchmann AF, Baumeister S, Wolf I, Esser G, Schmidt M, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Banaschewski T, Brandeis D, Laucht M (2017). Association between pubertal stage at first drink and neural reward processing in early adulthood. Addict Biol. 22(5):1402 – 1415.

Holz N, Boecker-Schlier R, Buchmann AF, Blomeyer D, Jennen-Steinmetz C, Baumeister S, Plichta MM, Cattrell A, Schumann G, Esser G, Schmidt M, Buitelaar J, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Banaschewski T, Brandeis D, Laucht M. (2017). Ventral striatum and amygdala activity as convergence sites for early adversity and conduct disorder. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 12(2):261 – 272. 107 RESEARCH



The goal is a better understanding of disordered emotion regulation and social interaction as well as the influence of stress on cognitive processes. For this, the department uses methods of experimental psychopathology, i.e. modelling psychopathology in behavioral experiments, and investigates them using neuroimaging, peripheral Prof. Dr. Christian Schmahl physiology, and neurochemical methods. An is Professor of Experimental example of the work is the investigation of the Psychopathology and Medical Director of the P mechanisms behind non-suicidal self-injury, Department of Psychoso- where the researchers combine pain research with matic Medicine at the investigations of emotion regulation. This better Central Institute of Mental The department focusses on the Health. Furthermore, he is understanding of disordered mechanisms helps to the spokesperson of the psychopathology of stress- and develop new treatment interventions such as Research Training Group trauma-related disorders (in partic- neurofeedback based on a real-time fMRI. A 2350. His research focus is on emotion regulation, ular Borderline Personality Disorder further focus of the research is the influence of self-injurious behavior and and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) psychotherapy with neurobiological methods, dissociation as well as the e. g. by investigating neural correlates of emotion interaction of neurobiology and psychotherapeutic interven- and psychotherapy in regulation before and after psychotherapy. In the Borderline Personality tions derived from a better under- past few years, the department has contributed Disorder and Posttraumatic standing of the mechanisms several publications to high-ranking international Stress Disorder. behind psychopathology. journals. In funding, highlights include the establishment of the Research Training Group 2350 „Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Psychosocial and Somatic Conditions Across the Lifespan“ (spokesperson C. Schmahl), which has started its work in 2018. Long-standing collab- orations within the CIMH have been established with the other CIMH-clinics as well as the Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience, the Institute for Psychopharmacology, and the Department of Neuroimaging.





The aim of the Social Learning and Person Percep- PhD funding by the Studienstiftung des Deutschen tion research group is to gain a better understand- Volkes (German Academic Scholarship Foundation) ing of face and person perception. In this respect, (Sabine Schellhaas): Post-traumatic stress disorder specific emphasis is placed on individual learning and social learning: The influence of socially performance and various forms of learning are induced threat and safety expectations on memory explored: Learning through personal experiences, and relearning processes following childhood observing others or through instruction. The trauma. impact of contextual conditions (e.g. knowledge Dr. Florian Bublatzky is about other individuals or situations) on self- PUBLICATIONS head of the Social Learning and Person Perception perception and the perception of others is also Bublatzky F, Riemer M, Guerra P (2019). Reversing research group. Following investigated. Central nervous [e.g. EEG (electroen- Threat to Safety: Incongruence of Facial Emotions a degree in Psychology, he cephalogram), MEG (magnetoencephalogram)] and Instructed Threat Modulates Conscious completed his doctorate in Biological and Experimental and peripheral physiological measures [e.g. EMG Perception but Not Physiological Responding. Front Psychology at the University (electromyography), EDA (electroderma activity)], Psychol. 10:2091. of Konstanz. He worked as well as behavioral (e.g. decisions) and self- at the Universities of Greifswald, Mannheim, reported information (e.g. interview and rating Schindler S, Bruchmann M, Bublatzky F, Straube T Münster and Granada data) are used for this purpose. A dimensional (2019). Modulation of face- and emotion-selective (Spain) before joining the transdiagnostic perspective is adopted to investi- ERPs by the three most common types of face CIMH at the end of 2017. Dr. Florian Bublatzky is a gate the mechanisms and (dys-)functions involved, image manipulations. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. member of the editorial from healthy experience and behavior to clinically 14(5):493 – 503. board of the Nature journal, relevant symptoms. Implications are given for scientific reports and an expert reviewer for stress and anxiety-related disorders, particularly Bublatzky F, Guerra P, Alpers GW (2018). Verbal numerous journals. with individuals suffering from interpersonal instructions override the meaning of facial problems (e.g. social anxiety disorder, anticipatory expressions. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 14988. anxiety). Bublatzky F, Pittig A, Schupp HT, Alpers GW (2017). Face-to-face: Perceived personal relevance ampli- fies face processing. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(5), 811 – 822.

Bublatzky F, Alpers GW (2017). Facing two faces: Defense activation varies as a function of personal relevance. Biological Psychology, 125, 64 – 69. PROJECTS

Bublatzky F. German Research Foundation (DFG) Bublatzky F, Alpers GW, Pittig A (2017). From BU 3255/1-1: A face to be loved or feared? Emotional avoidance to approach: The influence of threat-of- and social mediation of verbal threat learning. shock on reward-based decision making. Behaviour 01/2018 – 12/2019. Research and Therapy, 1 – 10. 109 RESEARCH




PROJECTS Paret C. German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Methods for real-time BOLD signal extraction. 01/20191 – 12/2020.

Dr. Christian Paret studied W psychology and neuro- science at the University of Hamburg and at Duke What happens in the human brain, when we University in Durham, USA. experience emotions, which are hard to bear? After completing his PhD at How does that relate to the ability to control one’s the University of Heidel- berg in 2016, he continued own emotions? Can we use neuroscientific his research as a post-doc methods, in order to improve the handling of at CIMH. emotions in general? In the Psychobiology of PUBLICATIONS Selfregulation Lab we are searching for answers to Paret C, Goldway N, Zich C, Keynan JN, Hendler T, these questions. Specifically, we are interested in Linden D, Kadosh KC (2019). Current progress in mechanisms of emotion regulation. real-time functional magnetic resonance-based neurofeedback: Methodological challenges and Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) achievements. Neuroimage. Aug 19. [Epub ahead of or Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are print] :116107. particularly affected by experiencing overwhelm- ing emotions. Patients with these diagnoses often Lubianiker N, Goldway N, Fruchtman-Steinbok T, suffer from strong reactive emotions, which affect Paret C, Keynan JN, Singer N, Cohen A, Kadosh, KC, every aspect of their lives – from personal to Linden DEJ, Hendler T (2019). Process-based professional, from their mental health to their framework for precise neuromodulation. Nat Hum participation in the social life around them. It is Behav. 3(5):436 – 445. one of our goals to develop and evaluate new therapeutic methods, which help patients improve Paret C, Zähringer J, Ruf M, Gerchen M F, Mall S, their emotion regulation capabilities. Hendler T, … Ende G (2018). Monitoring and control The main focus of our work is the development and of amygdala neurofeedback involves distributed evaluation of neural training methods using information processing in the human brain. brain-computer interfaces. Neurofeedback allows Human Brain Mapping, 39(7), 3018 – 3031. for the presentation of recorded brain activity to the recorded subject in real time. Using this Zähringer J, Schmahl C, Ende G, Paret C (2018). feedback, participants try to volitionally change Emotion-modulated startle reflex during reapprais- their brain activity and can track if and how well al: Probe timing and behavioral correlates. Behav they succeed. Neurosci. 132(6):573 – 579. 110 RESEARCH




PROJECTS Mancke F, Schmitt R, Winter D, Niedtfeld I, Niedtfeld I. German Research Foundation (DFG) Herpertz SC, Schmahl C (2018). Assessing the marks Subproject B1, GRK2350: Impact of Adverse of change: how psychotherapy alters the brain Childhood Experiences on Psychosocial and structure in women with borderline personality Somatic Conditions Across the Lifespan. disorder. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 43(3):171 – 181. 04/2018 – 03/2021. Niedtfeld I, Schmitt R, Winter D, Bohus M, Schmahl C, Sabine C, Herpertz SC (2017). Pain-mediated PD Dr. Inga Niedtfeld affect regulation is reduced after dialectical received her diploma in psychology from the behavior therapy in borderline personality disorder: University of Bonn. A longitudinal fMRI study. Soc Cogn Affect Afterwards, she worked Neurosci. 12(5):739 – 747. towards her PhD at CIMH, investigating the neural correlates of pain and its Niedtfeld I (2017). Experimental investigation role in emotion recognition of cognitive and affective empathy in borderline in Borderline Personality Disorder. She completed personality disorder: Effects of ambiguity in training as a cognitive- multimodal social information processing. behavioral psychotherapist Psychiatry research 253, 58 – 63. as well as the advanced PUBLICATIONS training courses in Dialectical-Behavioral Hepp J, Gebhardt S, Kieslich PJ, Störkel LM, Therapy and Psychotrauma- Niedtfeld I (2019). Low positive affect display tology. Since 2015 she is head of the research group mediates the association between borderline on Emotion Regulation personality disorder and negative evaluations at and Social Cognition. The zero acquaintance. BPDED. 6:4. current research projects of the group investigate the mechanisms of disordered Schulze L, Schulze A, Renneberg B, Schmahl C, social cognition in Niedtfeld I (2019). Neural correlates of affective personality disorders, as well as emotion recognition disturbances: a comparative meta-analysis of and emotion regulation in negative affect processing in borderline personality individuals with Aversive disorder, major depressive disorder, and posttrau- Childhood Experiences, in patients with Borderline matic stress disorder. Biological Psychiatry: Personality Disorder, and in Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 4(3), Functional Neurological 220 – 232. Disorders.

Hepp J, Störkel LM, Kieslich PJ, Schmahl C, Niedtfeld I (2018). Negative evaluation of individu- als with borderline personality disorder at zero acquaintance. Behav Res Ther. 111:84 – 91. 111 RESEARCH




PROJECTS Vonderlin R, Kleindienst N, Alpers GW, Bohus M, Schmahl C. Federal Ministry of Education and Lyssenko L, Schmahl C (2018). Dissociation in Research (BMBF) 01GL1747C: STAR-NEURO Examina- victims of childhood abuse or neglect: a meta-ana- tion of neurobiological changes in patients with lytic review. Psychol Med. 48(15):2467 – 2476. non-suicidal self-injury. (TP3). 01/2018 – 12/2022. Mancke F, Schmitt R, Winter D, Niedtfeld I, Schmahl C. German Research Foundation (DFG) – Herpertz SC, Schmahl C (2018). Assessing the marks Prof. Dr. Christian Schmahl Research Training Group 2350: „The influence of of change: how psychotherapy alters the brain is Professor of Experimental trauma in childhood and adolescence on psychoso- structure in women with borderline personality Psychopathology and Medical Director of the cial and somatic illnesses over the lifespan“, 1. disorder. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 43(3):171 – 181. Department of Psychoso- Funding period. 04/2018 – 09/2022. matic Medicine at the Paret C, Jennen-Steinmetz C, Schmahl C (2017). Central Institute of Mental Health. Furthermore, he is Paret C. German Research Foundation (DFG) PA Disadvantageous Decision-Making in Borderline the spokesperson of the 3107/1-1: Neurofeedback-assisted treatment of Personality Disorder: partial support from a Research Training Group posttraumatic stress: From lab to clinics. meta-analytic review. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2350. His research focus is on emotion regulation, 01/2017 – 12/2018. 72:301 – 309. self-injurious behavior and dissociation as well as the Willis F, Kuniss S, Kleindienst N, Naoum J, Reitz S, interaction of neurobiology and psychotherapy in Boll S, Bohus M, Treede RD, Baumgärtner U, Borderline Personality Schmahl C (2017). The role of nociceptive input and Disorder and Posttraumatic tissue injury on stress regulation in Borderline Stress Disorder. Personality Disorder. Pain. 158(3):479 – 487.

PUBLICATIONS Herzog J, Niedtfeld I, Rausch S, Thome J, Muel- ler-Engelmann M, Steil R, Priebe K, Bohus M, Schmahl C (2019). Increased recruitment of cognitive control in the presence of traumatic stimuli in complex PTSD. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 269(2):147 – 159.

Naoum J, Kleindienst N, Baumgärtner U, Willis F, Mancke F, Treede RD, Bohus M, Schmahl C (2019). Effects of a Painful Stimulus on Stress Regulation in Male Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder: A Pilot Study. J Pers Disord. 33(3):394 – 412. 112 RESEARCH



The main topics of research in the department are organized into research groups. These are: Transla- tional Addiction Research, Neuro- imaging of Addictive Behavior, Neuroenhancement, Behavioral Addiction, and Therapy and Care Prof. Dr. Falk Kiefer studied medicine (1990 – 1996) Research for Addiction Disorders. and graduated from the University of Erlangen. Psychiatric-psychotherapeu- tic resident at the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppen- dorf (1996 – 2002). He achieved a postdoctoral Research covers the biological and psychosocial qualification in Psychiatry (2004) and became Full conditions of the etiology, course, and treatment of Professor of Psychiatry and substance-related and behavioral addictions. The Psychotherapy specializing explanation of specific gene-environment interac- in Addiction Medicine, Heidelberg University tions over the lifespan, neuroplastic changes and (2005 – 2016), Chair of new treatment options are explored in particular. Addiction Research, Due to the foundation of a joint research center Heidelberg University and Medical Director, Depart- (Center for Translational medicine on Substance ment of Addictive Behavior use and addiction; CTS) with the Addiction Dept. of and Addiction Medicine, the Psychiatric Center Nordbaden (PZN) there is an Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim additional health care research focus. Accordingly, (since 2016). special attention is to be paid to optimization and networking in research, care and further training. The Clinic of Addictive Behavior and Addiction Medicine works closely together scientifically with the Institute for Psychopharmacology and the Department of Genetic Epidemiology at CIMH. The preclinical and human genetic studies conducted there serve to clarify neurobiological mechanisms of dependent behavior and to develop individualized therapy methods.





PROJECTS Kiefer F. Federal Ministry of Education and Research Sommer W. Federal Ministry of Education and (BMBF) 01EE1406C: Network AERIAL in the Mental Research (BMBF) DLR 01ZX1909A e:Med research Illness Research Network – Mechanisms of network-SysMedSUDs SP 5. Examining the excitato- addictive disorders: social exclusion, prediction of ry/inhibitory neurotransmitter balance in SUD disease risk, resilience and adapted theories, patients by MR spectroscopy. 11/2019 – 10/2022. projects 1 and 6. 01/2017 – 12/2019.

Prof. Dr. Falk Kiefer studied Kiefer F. German Research Foundation (DFG). TRR Kiefer F. Federal Ministry of Education and Research medicine (1990 – 1996) SFB 265 Losing and Regaining Control TP A03: (BMBF) 01ZX1611A: e:Med II SPs10 – Functional and graduated from the University of Erlangen. Stress-related predictor profiles for craving and Validation II: Neuroimaging x genetics. Psychiatric-psychotherapeu- relapse in human addiction. 07/2019 – 06/2022. 01/2017 – 12/2018. tic resident at the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppen- dorf (1996 – 2002). He Kiefer F., Kirsch P. German Research Foundation Kiefer F. ZIS Hamburg (Forwarding contract BMG): achieved a postdoctoral (DFG). TRR SFB 265. Losing and Regaining Control TP IMPELA (Implementation and Evaluation of the S3 qualification in Psychiatry C04: Modification of cue reactivity by neurofeed- Guideline on Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment of (2004) and became Full Professor of Psychiatry and back in human addiction. 07/2019 – 06/2022. Alcohol-Related Disorders). 11/2017 – 02/2018. Psychotherapy specializing in Addiction Medicine, Kiefer F. German Research Foundation (DFG). TRR Heidelberg University (2005 – 2016), Chair of 265 Losing and regaining control in addiction Addiction Research, disorders. Subproject S01: Central recruitment, Heidelberg University and imaging and biobanking, 07/2019 – 06/2022. Medical Director, Depart- ment of Addictive Behavior and Addiction Medicine, Kiefer F., Vollstädt Klein S., Ruprecht-Karls-University Central Institute of Mental Heidelberg GRK 2350/1: The impact of childhood PUBLICATIONS Health, Mannheim (since 2016). and adolescent traumatization on psychosocial and Bach P, Frischknecht U, Bungert M, Karl D, Vollmert somatic disorders across the life span, Project B5 C, Vollstädt-Klein S, Lis S, Kiefer F, Hermann D „Stress sensitivity, emotion processing and cue- (2019). Effects of social exclusion and physical pain reactivity in substance-related disorders: the in chronic opioid maintenance treatment: fMRI influence of ACE“. 04/2019 – 09/2022. correlates. Europ Neuropsychopharmacol. 29(2):291 – 305. Kiefer F, Sommer WH. Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) PTJ 031LO190A e:Med-Module Bach P, Zois E, Vollstädt-Klein S, Kirsch M, Hoff- 11 Network project Target OXY: On the way to a mann S, Jorde A, Frank J, Charlet K, Treutlein J, Beck targeted treatment of alcohol addiction with A, Heinz A, Walter H, Rietschel M, Kiefer F (2019). oxytocin. Subproject 6. 06/2019 – 05/2022. Association of the alcohol dehydrogenase gene poly-morphism rs1789891 with gray matter brain Kiefer F. University of Heidelberg: Marsilius-Kolleg. volume alcohol consumption, alcohol craving and 04/2018 – 03/2019. relapse risk, Addiction Biology;24(1):110 – 120. 114 RESEARCH




Koopmann A, Bach P, Schuster R, Bumb J, Voll- städt-Klein S, Reinhard I, Rietschel M, Witt S, Wiedemann K Kiefer F (2018). Ghrelin modulates mesolimbic reactivity to alcohol cues in alcohol-ad- dicted subjects: a functional imaging study. Addiction Biology;24(5):1066 – 1076.

Bach P, Bumb JM, Schuster R, Vollstädt-Klein S, PD Dr. Tagrid Leménager Reinhard I, Rietschel M, Witt SH, Wiedemann K, has been a research assistant in the Depart- Kiefer F, Koopmann A (2018). Effects of leptin and ment of Addictive Behavior ghrelin on neural cue-reactivity in alcohol addic- and Addiction Medicine tion: Two streams merge to one river? Psychoneu- at CIMH since 2001. Her PUBLICATIONS research work in the roendocrinology, 100:1 – 9. department comprises Wölfling K, Müller KW, Dreier M, Ruckes C, Deuster fundamental studies and Schuster R, Koopmann A, Grosshans M, Reinhard I, O, Batra A, Mann K, Musalek M, Schuster A, clinical trials in the field of Pathological Gambling and Spanagel R, Kiefer F (2017). Association of plasma Lemenager T, Hanke S, Beutel M (2019). Efficacy of Internet Addiction. calcium concentration with alcohol craving: New short-term treatment of internet and computer data on potential pathways, Eur. Neuropsychophar- game addiction: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA macology, 2017, 27(1):42 – 47, 6/. psychiatry, 76(10), 1018 – 1025.

Spanagel R, Kiefer F (2017). The Cannabinoid Lemenager T, Hoffmann S, Dieter J, Reinhard I, Receptor 1 as a Key Mediator of Adolescent Mann K, Kiefer F (2018). The links between healthy, Behavior, Neuropsychopharmacology, 2017, problematic, and addicted Internet use regarding 42(1):367. comorbidities and self-concept-related characteris- tics. J Behav Addict. 7(1):31 – 43.

Dieter J, Hoffmann S, Mier D, Reinhard I, Beutel M, Vollstädt-Klein S, Kiefer F, Mann K, Leménager T (2017). The role of emotional inhibitory control in specific internet addiction – an fMRI study. Behav Brain Res. 324:1 – 14.

Mann K, Leménager T, Zois E, Hoffmann S, Nakovics H, Beutel M, Vogelgesang M, Wölfling K, Kiefer F, Fauth-Bühler M (2017). Comorbidity, family history and personality traits in pathological gamblers compared with healthy controls. Eur Psychiatry. 42:120 – 128. 115 RESEARCH




PROJECTS handlung. [Tobacco withdrawal with cognitive-be- 2017: Evaluation of the Prevention of Addiction in havioral group therapy during 3-week qualified Hessen – a Delphi Study on the work of specialist alcohol withdrawal treatment.] Verhaltenstherapie. centers for the prevention of addiction and the 28:230 – 237. coordination center for the prevention of addiction of the Hessische Landesstelle für Suchtfragen e. V. Streit F, Treutlein J, Frischknecht U, Hermann D, (HLS) (Hessian State Center for Addiction) – funded Mann K, Kiefer F, Sack MS, Hall ASM, Frank J, Witt Dr. sc. hum. Ulrich by the Hessische Landesstelle für Suchtfragen e. V. SH, Foo JC, Degenhardt F, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Frischknecht studied (HLS) Nöthen MM, Sommer WH, Spanagel R, Rietschel Psychology from 2002 to 2008 at the Philipps M, Ende G (2018). Glutamate concentration in the University of Marburg and 2017: IMPELA –Implementation and evaluation of anterior cingulate cortex in alcohol dependence: has been a Research the S3 guideline for the screening, diagnosis and association with alcohol withdrawal and explora- Assistant at the CIMH since 2008. He completed his treatment of alcohol-related disorders, www. tion of contribution from glutamatergic candidate post-graduate training as a impela.de – in conjunction with the Zentrum für genes. Psychiatr Genet. 28(5):94 – 95. Psychological Psychothera- Interdisziplinäre Suchtforschung der Universität pist (VT) at the Heidelberg Center for Psychological Hamburg (Center for Interdisciplinary Addiction Czapla M, Baeuchl C, Simon JJ, Richter B, Kluge M, Psychotherapy from 2009 Research at Hamburg University), funded by the Friederich HC, Mann K, Herpertz SC, Loeber S to 2014. In 2016 he was German Federal Ministry for Health. (2017). Do alcohol-dependent patients show diffe- awarded his doctorate (Dr. sc. hum.) at the rent neural activation during response inhibition Mannheim Faculty of PUBLICATIONS than healthy controls in an alcohol-related fMRI Medicine, Heidelberg Schulte B, Lindemann C, Buchholz A, Rosahl A, go/no-go-task? Psychopharmacology (Berl). University. He has been Head of the research group Härter M, Kraus L, Kiefer F, Frischknecht U, 234(6):1001 – 1015. Therapy and Care Research Hoffmann S, Wensing M, O´Donnell A, Manthey J, for Addiction Disorders Rehm J, Schafer I, Verthein U, Reimer J (2019). Frischknecht U (2017). Werden Menschen mit since 2016. In 2019, he was appointed W2 Professor of Tailored interventions to support the implementa- Suchterkrankungen in der ambulanten Psychother- “Addiction and Personality tion of the German national guideline on screening, apie stigmatisiert? [Are people with addictive Psychology” in the diagnosis and treatment of alcohol-related disorders stigmatized in outpatient psychothera- Department of Social Sciences, Cologne, at the disorders: a project protocol. Sucht. 65(6):373 – 381. py?] Verhaltenstherap & psychosoz Prax. Catholic University of 49:325 – 333. Applied Sciences of North Frischknecht U, Kiefer F (2019). Psychotherapeu- Rhine-Westphalia. tische Interventionen bei Alkoholabhängigkeit. [Psychotherapeutic interventions for alcohol dependence]. Psych up2date. 13(2):115 – 132.

Pätz T, Frischknecht U, Dinter C, Reinhard I, Mann KF, Kiefer F, Weber T (2018). Tabakentwöhnung mit kognitiv-behavioraler Gruppentherapie während einer 3-wöchigen qualifizierten Alkoholentzugsbe- 116 RESEARCH




PROJECTS Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg TRR/1 TP C01: Losing and Regaining GRK 2350/1: The impact of childhood Control: TP Modifcation of the and adolescent traumatization on imbalance between goal-directed and psychosocial and somatic disorders habitual behavior. 07/2019 – 06/2022. across the life span, Project B5 „Stress sensitivity, emotion processing and Vollstädt-Klein S. German Research Dr. med. Barbara Richter cue-reactivity in substance-related Foundation (DFG) VO 2173/4-1: Associate Prof. Dr. Sabine (MD) is a Psychiatry and disorders: the influence of ACE“. Investigating Neurobiological Vollstädt-Klein is a Senior Psychotherapy Specialist Researcher of the and Medical Director of the 04/2019 – 09/2022. Mechanisms of Chess as an Add-On Department of Addictive North Baden Psychiatric Treatment against Alcohol Use Behavior and Addiction Center in Wiesloch, where Disorder. 06/2019 – 05/2022. Medicine. She graduated she has worked since 1986. from Kaiserslautern She was head of the Clinic University of Technology for Addiction Therapy and PUBLICATIONS with a degree in Techno- Withdrawal from 1997 to Vollstädt-Klein* S, Bumb* J M, Otto A, Zha R, Bu J, Wei Z, Han L, Zhang P, mathematics (1998). She 2019. earned a Ph. D. in Human Dinter C, Karl D, Koopmann A, Ren J, Wang Y, Yang L, Vollstädt-Klein Sciences (2003) and a Hermann D, Mann K, Kiefer F (2019). S, Zhang X (2018). Transforming brain postdoctoral qualification The effects of nalmefene on emotion signals related to value evaluation and in Clinical and Experimen- tal Neurosciences (2011) processing in alcohol use disorder – self-control into behavioural choices. from the Medical Faculty A randomized, controlled fMRI study. Human Brain Mapping. Mannheim of Heidelberg European Neuropsychopharmacology. University. Her research focusses on the neurobiolo- 29:1442 – 1452. Lett T A, Waller L, Tost H, Ilya Veer, gy of addiction, particularly Nazari A, Erk S, Brandl E J, Charlet K, cue reactivity and Vollstädt-Klein* S, Mildner* P, Bumb* J Vollstädt-Klein S, Jorde A, Kiefer F, cognition. M, Karl D, Ueberle C, Shevchenko Y, Heinz A, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Kiefer F, Effelsberg W (2019). The trai- Chakravarty M M, Walter H (2017). ning game SALIENCE for the therapy Cortical Surface Based Threshold Free of alcohol use disorder. Health Infor- Cluster Enhancement and Cortex-wise matics Journal. Mediation. Human Brain Mapping. 38:2795 – 2807. Hansson A C, Koopmann A, Uhrig S, Bühler S, Domi E, Kiessling E, Cicco- Zois E, Kiefer F, Lemenager T, Vollstädt- cioppo R, Froemke R C, Grinevich V, Klein S*, Mann K*, Fauth-Bühler M* Kiefer F, Sommer W H, Vollstädt-Klein*, (2017). Frontal cortex gray matter Spanagel* R (2018). Oxytocin Reduces volume alterations in pathological Alcohol Cue-Reactivity in Alcohol gambling occur independently from Dependent Rats and Humans. Neuro- substance use disorder. Addict Biol. psychopharmacology. 43:1235-46. 22:864 – 872. *equal contribution 117 RESEARCH




Kiefer F, Sommer WH. German Research Founda- tion (DFG) TRR 265 Loss and regaining control in addiction disorders. Subprojects A03, B08, C04, 07/2019 – 06/2023.

Kiefer F. Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 01EE1406C: Network AERIAL in the Mental Prof. Dr. Falk Kiefer studied Illness Research Network – Mechanisms of medicine (1990 – 1996) addictive disorders: social exclusion, prediction and graduated from the PROJECTS University of Erlangen. of disease risk, resilience and adapted theories, Psychiatric-psychotherapeu- Kiefer F, Sommer WH. Federal Ministry of Education projects 1 and 6. 01/2017 – 12/2019. tic resident at the University and Research (BMBF) 01ZX1909A. SysMed-SUDs – A Hospital Hamburg-Eppen- dorf (1996 – 2002). He systems medicine approach to examining similari- Sommer WH. Federal Ministry of Education and achieved a postdoctoral ties and differences in resilience and pathological Research (BMBF) 01ZX1611A: e:Med II – SPs 3: qualification in Psychiatry mechanisms of substance use disorders. Central Resource II: Transcriptomics platform. (2004) and became Full Professor of Psychiatry and Subproject SP5 11/2019 – 10/2022. 01/2017 – 12/2018. Psychotherapy specializing in Addiction Medicine, Kiefer F, Sommer WH. Federal Ministry of Education Kiefer F. Federal Ministry of Education and Research Heidelberg University (2005 – 2016), Chair of and Research (BMBF): On the way to a targeted (BMBF) 01ZX1611A: e:Med II SPs10 – Functional Addiction Research, treatment of alcohol addiction with oxytocin. Validation II: Neuroimaging x genetics. Heidelberg University and Subproject WP4 07/2019 – 06/2022. 01/2017 – 12/2018. Medical Director, Depart- ment of Addictive Behavior and Addiction Medicine, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim (since 2016).



Hansson AC, Gründer G, Hirth N, Noori HR, Spanagel R, Sommer WH (2018). Dopamine and opioid sys- tems adaptation in alcoholism revisited: Conver- gent evidence from positron emission tomography and postmortem studies. Neurosci Biobehav Rev.

Hansson AC, Koopmann A, Uhrig S, Bühler S, Domi E, Kiessling E, Ciccocioppo R, Froemke RC, Associate Prof. Dr. Grinevich V, Kiefer F, Sommer WH, Vollstädt-Klein Wolfgang Sommer, studied medicine at the University S, Spanagel R Oxytocin Reduces Alcohol Cue- of Greifswald (1981 – 1987), Reactivity in Alcohol-Dependent Rats and Humans. then completed a doctoral Neuropsychopharmacology; 43(6):1235 – 1246. degree in molecular virology at Humboldt University, Berlin (1992). He received Koopmann A, Lippmann K, Schuster R, Reinhard I, board certification in Bach P, Well G, Rietschel M, Witt SH, Wiedemann K, psychiatry and was appointed Associate Kiefer F (2017). Drinking water to reduce alcohol Professor of Experimental craving? A randomized controlled study on the Psychiatry at the Karolinska impact of ghrelin in mediating the effects of forced Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, in 2001. He was water intake in alcohol addiction. Psychoneuroen- then Unit Director of docrinology, 5;85:56-62 [IF 4.788]. Molecular Pathophysiology at NIAAA/ NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, USA (2004 – Fauth-Bühler M, Kiefer F (2017). Alcohol and the 2008). Since 2008, he has Human Brain: a Systematic Review of recent been Deputy Scientific PUBLICATIONS functional neuroimaging and imaging genetics Director of the Institute for Psychopharmacology at De Santis S, Bach P, Pérez-Cervera L, Cosa-Linan A, findings. Curr Addict Rep. 3; 109-124[IF 3.238]. CIMH. He received Vena Weil G, Vollstädt-Klein S, Hermann D, Kiefer F, legendi (2010) and was Kirsch P, Ciccocioppo R, Sommer WH, Canals S appointed Associate Professor for Psychiatry (2019). Microstructural White Matter Alterations (2016) at Heidelberg in Men with Alcohol Use Disorder and Rats With University. Excessive Alcohol Consumption During Early Abstinence. JAMA Psychiatry;76(7):749 – 758.

Bach P, Weil G, Pompili E, Hoffmann S, Hermann D, Vollstädt-Klein S, Mann K, Perez-Ramirez U, Moratal D, Canals S, Dursun SM, Greenshaw AJ, Kirsch P, Kiefer F, Sommer WH (2019). Incubation of neural alcohol cue reactivity after withdrawal and its blockade by naltrexone. Addict Biol. 119 RESEARCH



Animal research is an essential basis of The primary purpose of animal research at CIMH, checked and identifying neurobiological mechanisms to approved by the regional authorities in Karlsruhe, is the preven- better understand mental health problems tion, detection and treatment of mental health problems, but is also to perform basic research. Animal testing carried out here and develop new drug therapies. In fact, in are primarily learning/behavioral investigations. For this purpose recent years, many new psychotropic drugs genetic and hygienic selected rodent lines/models (rats and that are used clinically today for various mice) are bred and housed in our centralized animal laboratory, mental disorders were developed with the in which national and international policies, laws and accounting help of animal experiments. practices are strictly respected and implemented. The central animal laboratory is subject to permanent control by approval (Regional Council of Karlsruhe) and supervisory (City of Mann- heim) authorities.

The CIMH strives to keep the number of animal experiments as low as possible. In doing so, we follow the recognized 3Rs principle:


animal testing with other methods as far as possible. A Reduce the number of laboratory animals.

Refine According to the present expertise, it is not possible to complete- the procedures to minimize animal stress. ly replace animal experiments in the field of biological psychiatry by alternative methods. However, in vitro (in the culture dish) and in silico approaches (computer simulations) have developed considerably in recent years and have led to a significant reduction in the number of laboratory animals used. Researchers at CIMH have contributed significantly to this positive development through their work. 120 RESEARCH



The Core Facility offers the following technologies:

The generation of transgenic rats using random integration (traditional models)

Conditional (tissue-specific) gene expression based on the Cre/loxP system or Tet system

T Targeted and tissue-specific knockdown of target genes using RNA interference technology

Targeted knockdown of genes using sequence-specific nucleases (TALEN, ZFN, CRISPR/Cas9)

Knock-in of expression cassettes in defined loci using CRISPR/Cas9

Humanization of rat genes for pharmaceutical target validation

The Core Facility Transgenic Models was formed in 2019 and Embryo transfer and cryopreservation focuses on the development, production, characterization and of rat and mouse lines care of genetically modified rodents. They can be used in preclinical studies to identify new target molecules that play a role in disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, Parkinson’s Line restoration disease and dementia as well as in addictive disorders. The Core using embryo transfer Facility focuses on rat models which offer better reliability and predictive relevance for complex human disorders compared to mice. Genotyping 121







Advanced training in psychiatric nursing In January 2020, ten participants successfully completed the two-year advanced training course in psychiatric nursing at the CIMH. As a model project, advanced training involved the completion of subject-related modules in each case. An evalua- tion of the model project shows the potential for development but also highlights the need for adjustments. The CIMH is now striving to reintroduce this specialist advanced training program but under different terms and conditions this time.

New executives development program A freshly designed executives development program was launched in 2019 in conjunction with the strategy development process and in light of key requirements. Its motto is „Attitude and Culture“. Management principles were also developed for the CIMH. All executives will participate in this four-day program by the end of 2020.

CIMH Academy: Training strategies for CIMH employees and external agents Since 2018, CIMH training opportunities have been published on the internet as part of the CIMH Academy Training Program. The CIMH Academy not only organizes mandatory events for employees. Since 2019, seminars have also been organized and P held in-house whenever a corresponding need has emerged and demand is sufficiently high. Previously, such seminars were only PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT, EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT available from other training providers. AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT Many of the courses offered by the CIMH Academy are now also Training and studies open to keen third parties: the one-day events in the mental Training and the nurturing of young talent were further expanded disorders/psychiatric diseases advanced training series are new not only in the nursing service but also amongst CIMH adminis- and extremely popular. Participants from CIMH and other trative personnel from 2017 to 2019. CIMH attended regional healthcare establishments acquire sound, up-to-date knowledge training fairs to publicize its training programs. Advertisements through presentations delivered by speakers from various and selection processes were used to recruit practitioners from professional groups. This generates a multi-faceted approach to numerous universities and colleges alongside students for the diseases and their treatments. DHBW BWL Health Management Dual Study Program. The CIMH is now also an approved dual partner for the Applied Health and Participants are always given the opportunity to reflect on their Nursing Sciences Degree Program. own case studies from clinical practice. In some cases, patient 124 ORGANIZATION


simulation studies enhance practical learning methods and drive focusing on all CIMH employees, health days incorporating improve knowledge and understanding in a tangible way. a wide variety of events were held throughout 2018 and 2019. In Participants learn about different intervention options and addition to presentations, workshops, sporting events, massages expand their professional skill set, ultimately acting as knowl- and health checks, a number of other attractions were also on edge multipliers in disseminating their information to offer such as the smoothie bike or the challenge disc coordina- colleagues. tion analysis. A yoga and relaxation training course was also held for several weeks during the reporting period. Last but not least, Special educational program on dementia annual running sessions have also been held over several weeks Thanks to a donation, the CIMH Academy is able to offer a free in preparation for the regional SRH Twilight Marathon. educational program on the topic of dementia to relatives, volunteers and interested parties from other healthcare estab- Since August 2019, the CIMH has worked proactively with the lishments in the Rhine-Neckar region. This is a popular event and „Initiative Wertgeschätzt” (Valued Initiative), a statutory health places are quickly taken. It also helps to publicize other programs insurance initiative to promote health in hospital and nursing offered by the CIMH Academy and to consolidate the latter’s homes/care facilities. It supports the CIMH in assessing the local position as a platform for the delivery of training and advice by scenario and planning further health campaigns. CIMH experts within the corporate framework. In dealing with violent assaults, the de-escalation management Occupational Health Management: program, established and constantly developed at the CIMH over From Health Days to De-escalation Training Techniques many years, is extremely important and effective in terms of The Occupational Health Management Steering Committee prevention and providing employee support. CIMH staff undergo has focused intently on the results of the mental risk analysis. regular de-escalation training to keep abreast of the latest Further analysis with comparative data was conducted. The developments. The CIMH also has a fully functional crisis inter- results, which have also been published on the intranet, were vention team. De-escalation management is rounded off by an discussed by various committees and in CIMH-wide information excellent on-going de-escalation training program during which events. In subsequent workshops for specific occupational CIMH experts successfully deliver these vital skills via the CIMH groups, extremely sound practical measures were devised and Academy, not only to staff but also to external de-escalation then implemented by executives and staff alike. With a health trainers of the future.




RECEPTION/SECURITY Medical care center for internal and family The reception is the first point of contact for both patients and doctor medicine, psychiatry and psychother- visitors to the CIMH. Reception also forwards incoming calls and apy and pediatric and adolescent psychiatry distributes in-house and external mail. All security-related tasks are also the responsibility of the reception. The head of reception and psychotherapy is the first contact person and ensures a seamless operation with CIMH interfaces. The medical care center is a special kind of outpatient community CATERING practice under medical supervision. Here, patients with statutory The catering sector covers patients’ meals, the cafeteria and the and private health insurance can be treated by doctors from conference service. The catering team delivers food and drinks to various specialisms all under one roof. The objective is to enable all wards both on site and in the external CIMH departments. optimal treatment pathways as a result. The medical care center There is close contact with nursing staff and ward managers. In has been in its facility on Marktplatz in R 1, 1 since January 2016. addition to standard catering, patients’ wishes are also taken into account and dietary advice is provided. The cafeteria offers a MORE DETAILED INFORMATION wide range of foods and drinks ranging from baked goods and Both specialists in psychiatry and pediatric and adolescent small snacks to salads and hot lunches including special dishes psychiatry and internal family doctors work at the medical care on a regular basis. The conference service provides a comprehen- center. They provide their medical services independently but in sive range of suitable fare for in-house and external events. close professional collaboration with the Central Institute of Mental Health. This contact with CIMH ensures constant further CLEANING, LOGISTICS AND SERVICES training of the doctors at the medical care center. The close The cleaning department is responsible for ensuring that the collaboration with CIMH as the parent company and partnership CIMH meets specific hospital hygiene requirements. The with other private specialists ensure high-level medicine, good divisional management team liaises with hygiene specialists on interdisciplinary and integrative collaboration and continuous a constant basis and works closely with nursing staff and ward further training within a university setting for employees of the managers, coordinating cleaning schedules and procedures, for medical care center. instance, to ensure that the overall strategy is in line with ward and treatment procedures. The logistics and service department PARTNERS MVZ ensures that everything is in its rightful place at the CIMH. It also Mannheim Mitte GmbH is a facility of CIMH as a main partner. takes care of outdoor facilities, thereby contributing to the public Other partners include the following private specialists in the image of the CIMH. fields of psychiatry and psychotherapy and neurology in Mann- heim: Dr. med. Bernhard Bühler, Dr. med. Robert Fleischer, Dr. med. Michael Fritzinger (Center for Neurology, Downtown), Dr. med. Roland Helm, Dr. med. Eva Grips and Dr. med. Susanne Wortmann-Fleischer. Medical care center for internal and family doctor medicine, psychiatry and psychotherapy and pediatric and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy. 126 ORGANIZATION



CPP Mannheim serves primarily for the postgraduate scientific and professional training of psychologists as psychological psychotherapists and child and adolescent psychotherapists.

The Psychological Psychotherapy with emphasis on Behavioral Therapy training courses offered by the CPP Mannheim aim to impart the current scientific knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for diagnosis and to provide psychotherapy and rehabilitation measures to patients with clinically significant C emotional disorders for whom psychotherapy is indicated, including the accompanying concomitant treatments in case of physical illnesses, while taking ethical and occupational law regulations into account. The CPP Mannheim is a core facility at the Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosci- CPP Mannheim is member of the union of university courses for ence sponsored by the Central Institute of psychotherapy. As a non-profit organization, it has set itself the Mental Health (CIMH). The development and target of ensuring a close link between a state-approved training implementation of the theoretical and out- in psychotherapy and research in clinical psychology and psycho- therapy which guarantees high quality and up-to-date training patient program are taking place in collabo- of psychotherapists. ration with the Otto Selz Institute of the University of Mannheim.




plan and taking prescribed medication Psychology, and the National Institute for (adherence) than objective risks and Occupational Safety and Health awarded benefits of taking medication. the international research prize to the cooperation project with the AOK Associate Prof. Dr. Dusan Hirjak, Manag- Baden-Württemberg “Leadership in ing Assistant Medical Director at the Balance”. Department of Psychiatry and Psycho- 2019 therapy and head of the Clinical Neuro- Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Dr. h. c. Herta Flor, science of Motor Behavior research Scientific Director of the Institute for Dr. Matin F. Gerchen, research associate group, is one of the two winners of the Neuropsychology and Clinical Psychology, in the Department of Clinical Psychology, Heinrich Lanz Prize for Translational was awarded an honorary doctorate by has received the Klaus-Georg and Sigrid Medicine. His scientific work, for which Aalborg University (AAU)/Denmark. Hengstberger Prize together with two he was awarded, focuses on the study of Flor was awarded for her extraordinary other researchers from Heidelberg motor dysfunction in order to elucidate scientific commitment in the field of University Hospital. the understanding of pathophysiology of neuropsychology, especially in the area The prize money enabled them to host mental illness. of pain research. Flor was awarded the the Hengstberger Symposium in May highest academic degree for the second 2019 at the International Science Forum The CAMH Institute in Toronto, Canada‘s time. In 2015, she already received an of Heidelberg University. Internationally largest psychiatric hospital and a world- honorary doctorate from the Free renowned experts and excellent young renowned research institute for mental University of Amsterdam/ Netherlands. scientists from the fields of psychiatry, illness, has honored Prof. Dr. Rainer psychology, biology and neuroscience Spanagel, Scientific Director of the Dr. Gordon Feld started his work at the discussed the topic “Social Interaction: Institute for Psychopharmacology, with CIMH in spring 2019 and is researching Neurobiological Reward Systems and the H. David Archibald Lectureship Award. changes in addictive behavior through their Role in Mental Health”. The award commemorates the founding sleep. Feld is funded by the Emmy director of the CAMH Institute, H. David Noether Program of the German Research The research group Paediatric Psycho- Archibald. It is awarded to outstanding Foundation (DFG). This program gives pharmacology was awarded the AGNP researchers in the fields of addiction outstanding young researchers the Prize for Research in Psychopharmacology. research and clinical treatment. opportunity to qualify for a university The group is led by Dr. Alexander Häge, professorship by leading their own junior senior physician at the Clinic of Child and Ruben Vonderlin, research associate at research group over a period of six years. Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. the Institute for Psychiatric and Psychoso- The researchers found that subjective matic Psychotherapy, received the Dr. Dr. Anna-Sophia Wahl, assistant attitudes and thoughts of mentally ill Best Intervention Award together with physician at the Department of Psychia- adolescents about their medication, their Miriam Ostermann, Nikolaus Kleindienst, try and Psychotherapy, was accepted into therapeutic relationship as well as their Lisa Lyssenko and Prof. Dr. Martin Bohus. the Margarete von Wrangell habilitation family support are of greater importance The American Psychological Association, program with her research on dementia for consistently following the treatment the Society for Occupational Health disorders. Wahl is researching the neuro- 128 ORGANIZATION


biological causes of vascular dementia, The internationally prestigious prize is ence in Psychiatry research group. The which is related to circulatory disorders awarded annually by the professional doctoral thesis dealt with the application in the brain. The funding program is society to an outstanding scientist in the and further development of so-called awarded to excellent female scientists to field of neurobehavioral genetics. functional MRI hyperscanning. In support them in their habilitation. Spanagel was awarded for his research addition to the Hans Heimann Prize, Dr. achievements, his impact as a mentor for Bilek was also awarded second place in Professor Dr. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg students and postdocs, and his lasting the Gips-Schüle Young Investigator is among the world‘s most cited scientists influence on the research field. Further- Award, worth 5,000 euros, for her for the sixth time in a row. He is listed in more, Spanagel received the ESBRA Award doctoral thesis. With this award, the the category “Cross-Field Impact”. This is for his lifetime achievement in the field Stuttgart-based foundation annually to take into account the impact across of alcohol research. The 10,000 euro prize honors outstanding doctoral theses in the disciplines, especially among researchers is sponsored by Manfred Lautenschläger fields of mathematics, computer science, who increasingly work across disciplinary and is awarded every two years at the natural sciences and technology. boundaries. Meyer-Lindenberg is thus one Congress of the European Society for of the scientists whose work was cited Biomedical Alcoholism Research. Dr. Vera Zamoscik was awarded the most frequently in scientific publications Young Researcher Award of the Division between 2008 and 2018 and achieves a Two tandems of young scientists and of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy very high level of influence in scientific their supervisors from the CIMH were of the German Society of Psychology discussion across disciplines. awarded the Hans Heimann Prize of the (DGPs). Zamoscik is a research assistant DGPPN. The tandems each received 6,000 in the Department of Clinical Psychology. In 2019, four physicians and one psychol- euros for the best dissertations in the In the award-winning work, she and ogist from the CIMH are once again field of psychiatry and psychotherapy. several colleagues looked at the connec- among the top medical researchers in Dr. Juan Manuel Valentino Lima Ojeda, tion between depression and variations in Germany as identified by Focus Gesund- Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychiatry and patients’ breathing patterns. The prize of heit magazine: Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer- Psychotherapy at the University of 500 euros is awarded for particularly Lindenberg (schizophrenia), Prof. Dr. Falk Regensburg and his supervisor Associate innovative research work in the field of Kiefer (addictive disorders), Prof. Dr. Lutz Professor Dr. Dragos Inta, University basic and applied research in clinical Frölich (Alzheimer‘s disease), Prof. Dr. Clinics Basel and Central Institute of psychology and psychotherapy. Michael Deuschle (depression and bipolar Mental Health, were awarded for the disorders) and Prof. Dr. Michael Schredl doctoral thesis written at the CIMH. In Dr. Christian Paret, head of the Psycho- (sleep medicine). the thesis, brain development-relevant biology of Self Regulation research group, animal models with significance for the has received the Hamburg Fellowship development and treatment of schizo- Personality Disorders, endowed with 2018 phrenia and affective disorders were 5,000 euros. With his scientific work researched. The second award-winning entitled “Training of self-regulation in Professor Dr. Rainer Spanagel, Scientific research team is made up of Dr. Edda borderline: Can affective instability be Director of the Institute of Psychopharma- Bilek and her supervisor Professor Dr. Dr. changed with neurofeedback?”, he was cology, was awarded the IBANGS Award. Heike Tost, head of the Systems Neurosci- able to convince the jury. 129 ORGANIZATION


Dr. Dr. Anna-Sophia Wahl, assistant disease) and Professor Michael Deuschle circumstances, such as poverty, later physician at the Department of Psychia- (depression and bipolar disorders). show an altered structure and function try and Psychotherapy and staff member of their brain and increased aggressive of the RG Developmental Biology of behavior. Psychiatric Disorders, has received the Branco Weiss Fellowship. The fellowship Research and promotion awards for will enable her to research how physical young scientists activity affects brain plasticity. Her study Dr. Alena Becker, research associate in aims to explain the causal interplay the Department of Clinical Psychology, between cognition and physical activity received the ROMIUS Foundation‘s at the cellular and neural network level 3,000 euro sponsorship award for her and identify areas of potential non-inva- dissertation entitled “Striatal Reward sive and modifiable treatments to prevent 2017 Sensitivity as a Neurobiological Marker dementia. in Alcohol Use Disorder”. Marsilius Fellow and DGPs Division Professor Dr. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg Spokesperson Stephanie Schmidt, M.Sc., doctoral and Professor Dr. Marcella Rietschel have Professor Peter Kirsch, Head of the student in the Social Affective Neurosci- once again made it among the world’s Department of Clinical Psychology at the ence and Experimental Psychology most cited scientists. Both are included CIMH, was appointed Fellow of the research group, received the poster prize in the current list in the new category Marsilius-Kolleg by the Rector of Heidel- of 300 euros from the German Society for (“Cross-Field Impact”). They are thus berg University for the period April 2017 to Psychophysiology and its Application among the scientists whose work was March 2018. In addition, Professor Kirsch (DGPA) at this year‘s “Psychology and the cited most frequently in scientific was re-elected as spokesperson by the Brain” conference in Trier. The prize was publications between 2006 and 2016 and members of the Biological Psychology awarded for her poster entitled “The whose work achieves a very high impact and Neuropsychology Division of the Effects of Inhibitory Transcranial Magnet- in scientific discussion across disciplines. German Psychological Society (DGPs). ic Stimulation of BA44 During a Facial Imi- Professor Meyer-Lindenberg is already tation Task” (S.N.L. Schmidt, J. Haas, P. represented as the most cited scientist for Dr. Nathalie Holz, research associate and Kirsch & D. Mier). the fifth time, Professor Rietschel for the co-leader of the Neuropsychology of third time in a row. Childhood and Adolescence research Vera Eymann, student assistant in the group, was awarded the Hermann Social Affective Neuroscience and In 2018, four of our physicians are once Emminghaus Prize alongside another Experimental Psychology research group, again among the top medical researchers prize winner. She received the prize for was awarded the Otto Selz Prize of the in Germany as identified by Focus her scientific work on “Neuronal scars of University of Mannheim for the best Gesundheit magazine: Professor Andreas the environment and externalizing Bachelor‘s thesis in psychology 2017 for Meyer- Lindenberg (schizophrenia), behavior across the lifespan”. In four her work entitled “The influence of Professor Falk Kiefer (addictive disorders), research papers, she investigated transcranial magnetic stimulation and Professor Lutz Frölich (Alzheimer’s whether people who grew up in difficult traumatic childhood experiences on the 130 ORGANIZATION


activation of the amygdala and mirror HABILITATIONS on the topic of “Appetite regulation and neuron system during social cognition”. addictive disorders”. She has been 2019 awarded the title of Privatdozentin Top physicians in the Focus ranking Dr. Wolfgang Kelsch, head of the Develop- (associate professor). Among the top physicians in Germany mental Biology of Psychiatric Disorders identified by Focus Gesundheit magazine research group, habilitated in July 2019 in in 2017 are four from the CIMH: Professor the subject of psychiatry and psychother- Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg (schizophre- apy on the topic of “Social stress – cogni- nia), Professor Falk Kiefer (addictive tion, coping and mental health”. He was disorders), Professor Lutz Frölich (Alzhei- conferred the title of Privatdozent 2018 mer‘s dementia) and Professor Michael (associate professor). Deuschle (depression and bipolar Dr. rer. soc. Susanne Becker, head of the disorders). Dr. Tagrid Leménager, head of the Psychobiology of Pain research group, Behavioral Addictions research group, habilitated in December 2018 in the PD Dr. Frauke Nees is a Heisenberg Fellow habilitated in November 2019 in Experi- subject of neuropsychology, clinical of the German Research Foundation for mental and Clinical Neuroscience on the psychology and medical psychology with three years. Within the framework of her topic of “The Self in the Virtual World”. the thesis “When pain meets reward: funding, Dr. Nees will continue to pursue She was awarded the title of Privatdozen- effects of motivational conflicts on and expand the research approach of her tin (associate professor). perception and behavior and their research group “Psychobiology of Emotion- psychobiological mechanisms”. al Learning Processes”. One focus will be Dr. Sarah Hohmann, Assistant Medical on studies of neuroplasticity across the Director at the KJP and head of the ADHD Dr. rer. hum. biol. Nikolaus Kleindienst, lifespan and relevant psychobiological in Childhood and Adolescence research research associate in the Experimental mechanisms such as learning and group, habilitated in November 2019 in Psychotherapy Unit, habilitated in July memory, reward processing and stress. the subject of child and adolescent 2018 in Experimental Psychiatry on the psychiatry and psychotherapy on the topic of “Dissociation and non-suicidal Professor Dr. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg topic of “Emotional dysregulation as a self-injury in borderline personality and Professor Dr. Marcella Rietschel symptom of child and adolescent disorder”. He was awarded the title of remain among the world‘s most influen- psychiatric disorders – foundations, Privatdozent (associate professor). tial scientists in 2017. Professor Meyer-Lin- concepts and treatment strategies”. She denberg is named in the evaluation for was awarded the title of Privatdozentin Dr. med. Jan Malte Bumb, senior physi- the fourth time in the category “Neurosci- (associate professor). cian and research associate at the CIMH, ence and Behavior”. Professor Rietschel is habilitated in July 2018 in the subject of also listed in this category. Both thus Dr. Anne Koopmann, senior physician at psychiatry and psychotherapy as an belong to the group of scientists whose the Addiction Clinic and research associate professor with the thesis work was cited most frequently in associate at the RG Neuroenhancement, “Pinealis gland and : influences scientific publications between 2005 and habilitated in December 2019 in the on the development and course of 2015. subject of psychiatry and psychotherapy psychiatric diseases”. 131 ORGANIZATION


Dr. Inga Niedtfeld, head of the Emotion NEW PROFESSORS Professor Dr. Ulrich Reininghaus took up Regulation and Social Cognition research the newly established W3 Heisenberg group, habilitated in February 2018 in the Professorship for Public Mental Health in 2019 subject of Experimental Psychopathology November 2018. Professor Reininghaus and Psychotherapy on the topic of “The Professor Dr. Valery Grinevich started as comes from Maastricht and was previous- processing of social information in head of the newly created Department of ly Associate Professor at the Department borderline personality disorder”. She was Neuropeptide Research in Psychiatry in of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology at the awarded the title of Privatdozentin May 2019. His research mainly focuses on School for Mental Health and Neurosci- (associate professor). the neurotransmitter (neuropeptide) ence at the University of Maastricht. oxytocin, which controls various emotio- 2017 nal brain functions. Previously, Grinevich Dr. Angela Heinrich, head of the Psychobi- conducted research at the German ology of Risk Behavior RG habilitated in Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in December 2017 in the subject Neuropsy- Heidelberg. chology, Clinical Psychology and Medical 2018 Psychology on the topic “Risk factors everywhere – do we have a chance to stay Professor Dr. Gerhard Gründer took up mentally healthy?”. She was awarded the the newly established W3 professorship title of Privatdozentin (associate professor). in Molecular Neuroimaging in January 2018. Professor Gründer was previously Deputy Director of the Department of ADJUNCT PROFESSORS (APL. PROF.) Psychiatry and Psychotherapy and NEW SENIOR PHYSICIANS Professor of Experimental Neuropsychiat- 2018 ry in Aachen. In the newly created Center 2019 Dr. med. Laura Kranaster, a specialist in for Innovative Psychiatric and Psychothe- psychiatry and psychotherapy at the rapeutic Research (CIPP), he will establish Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy: Department of Psychiatry and Psychothe- the new methodology of simultaneous Dr. Andreas Böhringer, Dr. Oliver Hennig, rapy, was awarded the title of Adjunct PET-MRI and head the psychopharmaco- apl. Prof. Dr. Dusan Hirjak (Managing Professor by Heidelberg University in logy ward. Assistant Medical Director) and Prof. Dr. March. Dr. Heike Tost Professor Dr. Dr. Heike Tost took up the Dr. Dragos Inta, a specialist in psychiatry realigned W3 professorship in Psychiatry Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and at the Department of Psychiatry and and Psychotherapy in May 2018. She thus Psychotherapy: Dr. Christian Clemm von Psychotherapy and a research associate in takes over the professorship from Franz Hohenberg the Animal Models in Psychiatry research Markus Leweke and, among other things, group, was awarded the title of Adjunct deals with the question as to why city Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Professor by Heidelberg University in dwellers have a higher risk of developing and Psychotherapy: February. a mental disorder. Dr. Adriane Marksteiner 132 ORGANIZATION



2017 President Freiburg (member of the supervisory Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy: Dr. Carsten Dose, Head of the Depart- board according to Section 9 Paragraph Prof. Dr. Michael Deuschle (Deputy ment of University, Ministry for Science, 2 h of the Foundation Statute) Medical Director) Research and the Arts (MWK) Baden-Württemberg Dr. Natalie Lotzmann, Vice President, Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Chief Medical Officer, Global Health Psychotherapy: Dr. Frank Enning (Deputy Deputy of the president Management at SAP SE (member of the Medical Director) Dirk Grunert, Health Mayor of the City of supervisory board according to Section 9 Mannheim Paragraph 2 h of the Foundation Statute)

Until July 2020: Dr. Peter Kurz, Lord Mayor Dr. Isabella Wolf, Staff representative | of the city of Mannheim Central Institute of Mental Health (CIMH) (Member of the supervisory board Alfred Dietenberger, Executive Undersec- according to Section 10 Paragraph 2 i) of retary – Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the new Statute, elected by the staff of Financial Affairs the CIMH for a period of three years)

Christina Rebmann, Undersecretary - Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social FORMER MEMBERS DURING Affairs and Integration THE REPORT PERIOD

Prof. Dr. Sergij Goerdt, Dean of the Hartmut Schrade (until July 2017), former Medical Faculty Mannheim of Heidelberg Executive Undersecretary, Baden-Würt- University temberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Prof. Dr. Bernhard Eitel, Rector of Heidelberg University Dr. Thilo Walker (until April 2017), former Undersecretary, Baden-Württemberg Prof. Dr. Andreas J. Fallgatter, President Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Foundation, Clinic Management and Prof. em. Dr. Henning Saß (until April Medicine Director at the University Hospi- 2018), former President of the Scientific tal Tübingen (member of the supervisory Advisory Board of the Foundation, former board according to Section 9 § 2 g of the Executive Medical Director and President Foundation Statute) of the Board of Directors of the Aachen University Medical Center (member of Anja Simon, Executive Financial Direc- the supervisory board according to § 9 tress of the University Hospital of Section 2 g of the Foundation Statute) 133 ORGANIZATION



President Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wurst (Basic Research), Prof. Dr. Andreas J. Fallgatter (Psychiatry), Director of the Developmental Genetics Clinic Management and Medicine Institute of the Technical University of Director at the University Hospital Munich and GSF, Neuherberg Tübingen

FORMER MEMBERS Prof. Dr. Dr. Monique Breteler (Neurode- DURING THE REPORT PERIOD generative Diseases, Neuroepidemiology) Director for Population Health Sciences, Prof. Dr. Emily Simonoff MD FRCPsych. German Center for Neurodegenerative (Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, until Diseases (DZNE), Bonn 2019), Professor of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry, Prof. Dr. Wim van den Brink (Addictive King’s College IOP London, UK Behavior and Addiction Medicine), Professor for psychiatry and addiction Prof. Dr. Stefan Bleich (Addictive Behavior research, University of Amsterdam, and Addiction Medicine, until 2020), Director of the Amsterdam Institute for Director of the Clinic of Psychiatry, Social Addiction Research, Scientific Director of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Hannover the National Committee for the Treat- Medical School ment of Heroin Addiction Prof. Dr. Brigitte Rockstroh (Neuropsy- Prof. Dr. Jan Buitelaar (Child and Adoles- chology, until 2017), Professor of Clinical cent Psychiatry), Chair of Child and Psychology and Clinical Neuropsychology, Adolescent Psychiatry, directs the Karakter University of Konstanz Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Center at Radboud University in Nijmegen.

Prof. Dr. Christine Heim (Psychology), Head of the Institute for Medical Psychol- ogy, Charité, Berlin

Prof. Dr. Heidi Johansen-Berg (CIPP), Director of the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging at the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences (NDCN), Oxford, Great Britain

134 Imprint

Copyright: Central Institute of Mental Health J 5 | 68159 Mannheim www.zi-mannheim.de [email protected]

Publisher: Executive Board of the Central Institute of Mental Health

Editorial department: Office of Communication and Media

Creation: magenta Kommunikation, Design und Neue Medien GmbH & Co. KG, Mannheim

Picture credits: iStock, AdobeStock, Central Institute of Mental Health

State: December 2019 Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit J 5 · 68159 Mannheim phone 0621 1703-0 [email protected] www.zi-mannheim.de