June 2020 LEAP Draft Gwen Theron PrLArch No 97082 Basic Assessment Report Landscape Architect Environmental Planner Stream flow reduction Lombardy East Erf 360, Imbrilinx cc 2010/089810/23 within The City of Johannesburg, Gauteng P.O. Box 13185 Hatfield 0028 Province. 012 344 3582 083 302 2116 Ref: GAUT 002/19-20/E2542
[email protected] Submitted for Johannesburg Roads Agency (Pty) Ltd Submitted by LEAP Dr Gwen Theron Submitted to: GDARD Ground floor, Umnotho House, 56 Eloff Street, Johannesburg Document Control Record Document prepared by LEAP P.O Box 13185, Hatfield, 0028 Tel 012 344 3582 Fax 086 606 6130 Email
[email protected] www www.leapviro.co.za A person using LEAP documents or data accepts the risk of 1. Using the document or data electronic form without requesting and checking them for accuracy against the original hard copy version. 2. Using the document or data any purpose not agreed to in writing with LEAP. DOCUMENT CONTROL Report Stream flow reduction Lombardy East Erf 360, within The City of Johannesburg, Title Gauteng Province. Document ID File Path U:\Main data\PROJECTS\L\Lombardy East JRA\LEAP Submissions\Draft BAR\Lombardy East - Draft BA cover gt edit.docx Client Johannesburg Roads Client Contact Mr. Andre Nel Agency (Pty) Ltd Revision Date Revision Prepared by Author Verifier Approved details/Status by 0 June N. Masondo N Masondo Dr. G Dr. G 2020 Theron Theron 1 2 3 Current Revision APPROVAL Signature Name Dr Gwen Theron Name Title Environmental Practitioner Title Table of Contents SECTION A: ACTIVITY INFORMATION ...............................................................................................................