Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 1 of 106


In re: Chapter 11

PIPELINE FOODS, LLC, et al.,1 Case No. 21-11002 (KBO)

Debtors. Jointly Administered


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) In re: ) Chapter 11 ) PIPELINE FOODS, LLC, et al.,1 ) Case No. 21-11002 (KBO) ) Debtors. ) Jointly Administered )


The Schedules of Assets and Liabilities (the “Schedules”) and Statements of Financial Affairs (the “Statements”) filed by Pipeline Foods, LLC and its affiliated debtors and debtors in possession (together, the “Debtors”) in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the “Bankruptcy Court”) were prepared pursuant to section 521 of title 11 of the United States Code, 11 U.S.C. 101 – 1532 (the “Bankruptcy Code”) and Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 1007 by the Debtors’ management, under the supervision of the Debtors’ chief restructuring officer (the “CRO”), and are unaudited. While the members of management responsible for the preparation of the Schedules and Statements have made a reasonable effort to ensure that the Schedules and Statements are accurate and complete based on information known to them at the time of preparation and after reasonable inquiries, inadvertent errors may exist, inaccuracies within the Debtors’ books and records which were relied upon may exist, and/or the subsequent receipt of information may result in material changes to financial and other data contained in the Schedules and Statements that may warrant amendment of the same. Moreover, because the Schedules and Statements contain unaudited information that is subject to further review and potential adjustment, there can be no assurance that these Schedules and Statements are complete or accurate.

These Global Notes and Statement of Limitations, Methodology, and Disclaimer Regarding Debtors’ Schedules and Statements (the “Global Notes”) pertain to, are incorporated by reference in, and comprise an integral part of, the Debtors’ Schedules and Statements. In the event of any inconsistency between the Global Notes and the Schedules and Statements, the Global Notes shall control and govern.

The Schedules and Statements have been signed by an authorized representative of the Debtors. In reviewing and signing the Schedules and Statements, this representative relied upon the efforts, statements and representations of the Debtors’ other personnel and professionals. The representative has not (and could not have) personally verified the accuracy of each such

1 The Debtors in these cases, along with the last four digits of each Debtor’s federal tax identification number, are: Pipeline Foods, LLC (5070); Pipeline Holdings, LLC (5754); Pipeline Foods Real Estate Holding Company, LLC (7057); Pipeline Foods, ULC (3762); Pipeline Foods Southern Cone S.R.L. (5978); and Pipeline Foods II, LLC (9653). The Debtors’ mailing address is 6499 University Avenue NE, Suite 200, Fridley, MN 55432.

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statement and representation, including, for example, statements and representations concerning amounts owed to creditors and their addresses.

1. Case. On July 8, 2021 or July 12, 2021 (the “Petition Date”), the Debtors filed voluntary petitions for relief under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. Unless otherwise indicated, the information provided is as of the close of business on July 8, 2021.

2. Amendments. The Debtors reserve the right to amend the Schedules and Statements in all respects at any time as may be necessary or appropriate, including, without limitation, the right to dispute or to assert offsets or defenses to any claim reflected on the Schedules and Statements as to amount, liability, or classification, or to otherwise subsequently designate any claim as “disputed,” “contingent,” or “unliquidated.” Any failure to designate a claim as “contingent,” “unliquidated,” or “disputed” does not constitute an admission by the Debtors that such claim is not “contingent,” “unliquidated,” or “disputed.”

3. Estimates and Assumptions. The preparation of the Schedules and Statements requires the Debtors to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities on the date of the Schedules and Statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

4. Unknown Amounts. Some of the scheduled liabilities are unknown and unliquidated at this time. In such cases, the amounts are listed as “Unknown.” Because certain scheduled liabilities are unknown and unliquidated, the Schedules and the Statements do not accurately reflect the aggregate amount of the Debtors’ liabilities.

5. Pre-Petition vs. Post-Petition. The Debtors have sought to allocate liabilities between the pre-petition and post-petition periods based on the information derived from research and investigation conducted during the preparation of these Schedules and Statements. As additional information becomes available and further research is conducted, the allocation of liabilities between pre-petition and post-petition periods may change. The liabilities listed on the Schedules do not reflect any analysis of claims under section 503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code. Accordingly, the Debtors reserve all rights to dispute or challenge the validity of any asserted claims under section 503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code or the characterization of the structure of any such transaction or any document or instrument related to any creditor’s claim.

6. Accounts Receivable. The amounts listed in Part 3 of Schedules A/B for accounts receivable for Pipeline Foods, LLC (“Pipeline Foods”) and Pipeline Foods, ULC (“Pipeline ”) are based upon the information contained in the Debtors’ books and records. A review of all of the applicable contracts for sale of goods to determine which Debtor is the named seller, however, has not been undertaken. Thus, it is possible that the accounts receivable listed in the Pipeline Foods Schedules may include monies due to Pipeline Canada, and vice versa.

7. Accounts Payable. The claims listed in Schedule E/F for Pipeline Foods and Pipeline Canada are based upon the information contained in the Debtors’ books and records. A review of all of the applicable contracts for purchase of goods to determine which Debtor is the


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named purchaser, however, has not been undertaken. Thus, it is possible that the claims listed in Pipeline Foods Schedules E/F may include claims against Pipeline Canada, and vice versa.

8. GAAP. Given the difference between the information requested in the Schedules and Statements, and the financial information utilized under generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (“GAAP”), the aggregate asset values and claim amounts set forth in the Schedules and Statements do not necessarily reflect the amounts that would be set forth in a balance sheet prepared in accordance with GAAP.

9. Asset Values. It would be prohibitively expensive, unduly burdensome, inefficient, and time-consuming to obtain additional market valuations of the Debtors’ property interests. Accordingly, to the extent any asset value is listed herein, and unless otherwise noted therein, net book values rather than current market values of the Debtors’ property interests are reflected in the applicable Schedule. As applicable, assets that have been fully depreciated or were expensed for accounting purposes have no net book value. Unless otherwise indicated, all asset amounts are listed as of June 30, 2021. The Debtors reserve the right to amend or adjust the value of each asset or liability as set forth herein.

10. Setoff or Recoupment Rights. The Debtors have not included on Schedule D parties that may believe their claims are secured through setoff rights, deposits posted by or on behalf of the Debtors, or inchoate statutory lien rights. Such counterparties, if any, have been listed on Schedule E/F.

11. Co-Obligors. No claim set forth on the Schedules and Statements of the Debtors is intended to acknowledge claims of creditors that are otherwise satisfied or discharged by another party.

12. Causes of Action. The Debtors reserve all of their causes of action. Neither these Global Notes nor the Schedules and Statements shall be deemed a waiver of any such cause of action. Likewise, the failure to list a cause of action in question 74 of Schedule B or SOFA question 7 shall not be deemed a waiver of any such cause of action. Furthermore, nothing contained in the Schedules and Statements shall constitute a waiver of rights with respect to these Chapter 11 Cases, equitable subordination, and/or causes of action arising under the provisions of chapter 5 of the Bankruptcy Code and other relevant nonbankruptcy laws to recover assets or avoid transfers.

13. Insiders. In those circumstances where the Schedules and Statements require information regarding insiders, included therein are the Debtors’ (a) members, (b) members of the Board of Managers, (c) employees that are, or were during the relevant period, officers, and (d) affiliates of members, members of the Board of Managers, or employees that are, or were during the relevant period, officers or managers. The listing of a party as an insider is not intended to be, nor should it be, construed as a legal characterization of such party as an insider and does not act as an admission of any fact, claim, right, or defense, and all such rights, claims, and defenses are hereby expressly reserved. Further, employees have been included in this disclosure for informational purposes only and should not be deemed to be “insiders” in terms of control of the Debtors, management responsibilities or functions, decision-making or corporate authority and/or as otherwise defined by applicable law, including, without limitation, the federal


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securities laws, or with respect to any theories of liability or for any other purpose.

14. Intellectual Property. The exclusion of any intellectual property shall not be construed as an admission that such intellectual property rights have been abandoned, terminated, assigned, expired by their terms, or otherwise transferred. Conversely, inclusion of certain intellectual property shall not be construed to be an admission that such intellectual property rights have not been abandoned, terminated, assigned, expired by their terms, or otherwise transferred. The Debtors reserve all rights with respect to the legal status of any and all such intellectual property rights.

15. Fiscal Year. The Debtors’ fiscal year ends on June 30.

16. Currency. All amounts are reflected in U.S. dollars.

17. Summary of Significant Reporting Policies and Practices. The following conventions were adopted by the Debtors in preparation of the Schedules and Statements:

(a) Fair Market Value; Book Value. Unless otherwise noted therein, the Schedules and Statements reflect the carrying value of the liabilities as listed in the Debtors’ books and records. Where the current market value of assets is unknown, the Debtors have based their valuation on book values net of depreciation. Furthermore, as applicable, assets that have fully depreciated or were expensed for accounting purposes do not appear in the Schedules and Statements as they have no net book value. The Debtors reserve the right to amend or adjust the value of each asset or liability set forth herein.

(b) Inventories. Inventories are valued in the Schedules and Statements at the values indicated on the Debtors’ books and records. The Debtors’ books and records includes values for inventories the Debtors did not have in its physical possession (in either owned or third-party facilities), including ocean in-transit inventory that may or may not have been paid for or may have been diverted. The most recent physical inventory was taken as of June 30, 2020. An investigation as to the actual amounts of the Debtors’ inventories is currently being conducted.

(c) Leased Real and Personal Property. In the ordinary course of their businesses, the Debtors lease real property and various articles of personal property, including, without limitation, certain equipment, from certain third-party lessors. The Debtors believe that all such leases are set forth in the Schedules and Statements. The property subject to the leases is not reflected in the Schedules and Statements as either owned property or assets of the Debtors or property or assets of third-parties within the control of the Debtors. Nothing in the Schedules or Statements is or shall be construed as an admission or determination as to legal status of any lease (including whether to assume and assign or reject such lease or whether it is a true lease or a financing arrangement), and the Debtors


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reserve all rights with respect to all such issues.

(d) Disputed, Contingent and/or Unliquidated Claims. Schedules D, E, and F permit the Debtors to designate a claim as disputed, contingent, and/or unliquidated. A failure to designate a claim on any of these Schedules and Statements as disputed, contingent, and/or unliquidated does not constitute an admission that such claim is not subject to objection. The Debtors reserve the right to dispute, or assert offsets or defenses to, any claim reflected on these Schedules and Statements as to amount, liability, or status.

(e) Payments Made within 90 Days prior to the Petition Date and Payments to Insiders Within One Year of Petition Date. Payments made in the ordinary course of the Debtors’ business to employees for salaries, wages, bonuses, commissions, and employee benefits, payroll taxes and sales taxes were omitted from the SOFA question 3. Payments to insiders within one year of the Petition Date, including transfers within 90 days of the Petition Date, are listed in response to SOFA question 4 and, with certain exceptions, are not separately set forth in response to SOFA question 3. In preparing their responses to SOFA question 4, and in the interest of full disclosure, the Debtors used an expansive interpretation of the term “insider”. Inclusion or omission of a creditor as an “insider” on the Debtors’ response to SOFA question 4 is not determinative as to whether creditor is actually an “insider,” as such term is defined in the Bankruptcy Code and the Debtors reserve all of their rights with respect to such characterization. Moreover, payments are listed in response to SOFA questions 3 and 4 without regard as to whether such payments were made on account of antecedent debt, and the Debtors reserve all of their rights with respect to such issue.

(f) Statement of Financial Affairs – Payments to Insiders). Both questions 4 and 30 in the SOFAs request information regarding payments to insiders, and all such information is provided in response to question 4. The Debtors reserve all rights with respect to the characterization of payments listed in response to questions 4 and 30.

(g) Statement of Financial Affairs – Suits and Administrative Proceedings. Although the Debtors have attempted to list in question 7 all known claimants with pending suits or administrative proceedings, certain actions may have been inadvertently omitted. The Debtors reserve all of their rights with respect to any such claims or causes of action they may have and neither these Global Notes nor the Schedules and Statements shall be deemed a waiver of any such causes of action.

18. Schedule D. Although the Debtors may have scheduled claims of various creditors as secured claims, the Debtors reserve all rights to dispute or challenge the secured nature of any such creditor’s claim or the recharacterization of the structure of any such


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transaction or any document or instrument related to such creditor’s claim except as otherwise agreed to pursuant to a stipulation or an agreed order or any other order entered by the Bankruptcy Court. No claim set forth on Schedule D is intended to acknowledge claims of creditors that are otherwise satisfied or discharged by other entities. The descriptions provided in Schedule D are intended only as a summary. Reference to the applicable loan agreements and related documents is necessary for a complete description of the collateral and the nature, extent and priority of any liens. Nothing in the Global Notes or the Schedules and Statements shall be deemed a modification or interpretation of the terms of such agreements. The Debtors reserve all rights to amend Schedule D to the extent that the Debtors determine that any claims associated with such agreements should be reported on Schedule D. Nothing herein shall be construed as an admission by the Debtors of the legal rights of a claimant or a waiver of the Debtors’ rights to recharacterize or reclassify a claim or contract.

19. Schedule E/F. The Debtors’ analysis of potential priority claims is ongoing, and any amounts listed as priority claims on Schedule E/F remain subject to such analysis. Amendments will be made to Schedule E/F as necessary. Although reasonable efforts have been made to identify the date of incurrence of each claim, determining the date upon which each claim on Schedule E/F was incurred or arose would be unduly burdensome and cost prohibitive, and therefore, the Debtors do not list a date for each claim on Schedule E/F.

Schedule E/F may contain potential claims on account of pending litigation involving the Debtors. Each potential claim associated with any such pending litigation is marked as contingent, unliquidated and disputed in the Schedules and Statements. Some of the potential litigation listed on Schedule E/F may be subject to subordination pursuant to section 510 of the Bankruptcy Code. In addition, workers’ compensation claims that are covered in full under the Debtors’ insurance policies are not included on Schedule E/F. Any information contained in Schedule E/F with respect to pending or potential litigation shall not be a binding representation of the Debtors’ liabilities with respect to any of the potential suits and proceedings included therein.

Schedule E/F reflects the prepetition amounts owing to counterparties to executory contracts and unexpired leases. Such prepetition amounts, however, may be paid in connection with the assumption, or assumption and assignment, of executory contracts and unexpired leases. Schedule E/F does not include potential rejection damage claims, if any, of the counterparties to executory contracts and unexpired leases that may be rejected in the future.

Pursuant to the Final Order (I) Authorizing the Debtors to (A) Pay Certain Prepetition Wages, Benefits and Other Compensation, and (B) Continue Employee Compensation and Employee Benefits Programs, and (II) Granting Related Relief [Docket No. 203] (the “Employee Compensation Order”), the Debtors were authorized to pay, and did pay or may pay, certain pre-petition claims for employee salaries, wages and other related obligations. As such, while the Debtors have listed such pre-petition salary, wage and related employee claims in Schedule E/F, the Debtors have marked such claims as “contingent” and “unliquidated” because they have already been paid or may be paid in accordance with the Employee Compensation Order.


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As indicated above, it is possible that claims listed in Pipeline Foods Schedules E/F may include claims against Pipeline Canada, and vice versa. As additional information becomes available, the Debtors reserve all rights to amend Schedules E/F for each Debtor.

20. Schedule G. Although reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of Schedule G, inadvertent errors may have occurred. Certain information, such as the contact information of the counter-party, may not be included where such information could not be obtained using reasonable efforts. The Debtors have only scheduled claims and executory contracts for which the Debtors may be contractually and/or directly liable. Listing a contract or agreement on Schedule G does not constitute an admission that such contract or agreement was an executory contract or unexpired lease as of the Petition Date, or that it is valid or enforceable. The Debtors hereby reserve all rights to dispute or challenge the validity, status or enforceability of any contracts, agreements or leases set forth on Schedule G, including contracts, agreements or leases that may have expired or may have been modified, amended, and supplemented from time to time by various amendments, restatements, waivers, estoppel certificates, letters and other documents that may not be listed on Schedule G, and to amend or supplement Schedule G as necessary. Certain of the leases and contracts listed on Schedule G may contain certain renewal options, guarantees of payment, indemnifications, options to purchase, rights of first refusal and other miscellaneous rights. Such rights, powers, duties and obligations are not set forth separately on Schedule G. The Debtors reserve all rights with respect to such agreements.

Certain of the contracts and agreements listed on Schedule G may consist of several parts, including but not limited to, purchase orders, amendments, restatements, waivers, letters and other documents that may not be listed on Schedule G or that may be listed as a single entry. In some cases, the same vendor or provider may appear multiple times on Schedule G. This multiple listing is intended to reflect distinct agreements between the applicable Debtor and such supplier or provider. The Debtors expressly reserve their rights to challenge whether such related materials constitute an executory contract, a single contract, or multiple, severable or separate contracts. Certain of the executory agreements may not have been memorialized in writing and could be subject to dispute. In addition, the Debtors may have entered into various other types of agreements in the ordinary course of its business, such as subordination agreements, supplemental agreements, settlement agreements, amendments/letter agreements, and confidentiality agreements. Such documents may not be set forth on Schedule G. Further, the Debtors may have entered into agreements, written or oral, for the provision of certain services on a month-to-month or at-will basis. Such contracts may not be included on Schedule G. The Debtors reserve all rights with respect to such agreements. The Debtors also reserve all rights to dispute or challenge the characterization of the structure of any transaction, or any document or instrument related to a creditor’s claim. Further, the Debtors reserve all rights to later amend the Schedules and Statements to the extent that additional information regarding the Debtor obligor to an executory contract becomes available.

Omission of a contract or agreement from Schedule G does not constitute an admission that such omitted contract or agreement is not an executory contract or unexpired lease. The Debtors’ rights under the Bankruptcy Code with respect to any such omitted contracts or agreements are not impaired by the omission. The Debtors reserve all rights to challenge whether any of the listed contracts, leases, agreements or other documents constitute an executory contract or unexpired lease, including if they are unexpired non-residential real 7

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property leases. Any and all of the Debtors’ rights, claims, and causes of action regarding the contracts and agreements listed on Schedule G are reserved and preserved. Schedule G may be amended at any time to add any omitted contract, agreement or lease.

21. Schedule H. The Debtors may not have identified certain guarantees associated with the Debtors’ executory contracts, unexpired leases, secured financings, debt instruments and other such agreements. The Debtors reserve all rights to amend the Schedules to the extent that additional guarantees are identified or such guarantees are discovered to have expired or be unenforceable.

22. SOFA 26d – Financial Statements Issued. In the ordinary course of business, the Debtors issued monthly financial statements to their secured lenders: Cooperatieve Rabobank, U.A. and Compeer Financial, PCA. The Debtors may have provided a financial statement to additional parties as requested.

23. SOFA 27 – Inventories. The most recent physical inventory was taken as of June 30, 2020. The inventory was supervised by Monte Bullock, the SVP of Finance at that time.

Neither the Debtors, their agents, nor their attorneys guarantee or warrant the accuracy, the completeness, or correctness of the data that is provided herein or in the Schedules and Statements, and neither are they liable for any loss or injury arising out of, or caused in whole or in part by, the acts, errors or omissions, whether negligent or otherwise, in procuring, compiling, collecting, interpreting, reporting, communicating or delivering the information herein. While every effort has been made to provide accurate and complete information herein, inadvertent errors or omissions may exist. The Debtors and their agents, attorneys and advisors expressly do not undertake any obligation to update, modify, revise or re-categorize the information provided herein, or to notify any third party should the information be updated, modified, revised or re- categorized. In no event shall the Debtors or their agents, attorneys and advisors be liable to any third party for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or special damages (including, but not limited to, damages arising from the disallowance of a potential claim against the Debtors or damages to business reputation, lost business or lost profits), whether foreseeable or not, and however caused, even if the Debtors or their agents, attorneys and advisors are advised of the possibility of such damages.

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Fill in this information to identify the case:

Debtor name: Pipeline Foods, ULC

United States Bankruptcy Court for the: District of Delaware Check if this is an Case number: 21-11018 amended ling

Ocial Form 206Sum Summary of Assets and Liabilities for Non-Individuals

1. Schedule A/B: Assets - Real and Personal Property (Ocial Form 206A/B) 1a. Real property: $3,197,934.12 Copy line 88 from Schedule A/B 1b. Total personal property: $3,919,077.24 Copy line 91A from Schedule A/B 1c. Total of all property: $7,117,011.36 Copy line 92 from Schedule A/B

2. Schedule D: Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by Property (Ocial Form 206D) $45,388,155.04 Copy the total dollar amount listed in Column A, Amount of claim, from line 3 of Schedule D

3. Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims (Ocial Form 206E/F) 3a. Total claim amounts of priority unsecured claims: $211,345.22 Copy the total claims from Part 1 from line 5a of Schedule E/F 3b. Total amount of claims of nonpriority amount of unsecured claims: $3,822,169.74 Copy the total of the amount of claims from Part 2 from line 5b of Schedule E/F

4. Total Liabilities $49,421,670.00 Lines 2 + 3a + 3b Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 11 of 106

Fill in this information to identify the case:

Debtor name: Pipeline Foods, ULC

United States Bankruptcy Court for the: District of Delaware Check if this is an Case number: 21-11018 amended ling

Ocial Form 206A/B Schedule A/B: Assets — Real and Personal Property 12/15

Disclose all property, real and personal, which the debtor owns or in which the debtor has any other legal, equitable, or future interest. Include all property in which the debtor holds rights and powers exercisable for the debtor's own benet. Also include assets and properties which have no book value, such as fully depreciated assets or assets that were not capitalized. In Schedule A/B, list any executory contracts or unexpired leases. Also list them on Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases (Ocial Form 206G). Be as complete and accurate as possible. If more space is needed, attach a separate sheet to this form. At the top of any pages added, write the debtor’s name and case number (if known). Also identify the form and line number to which the additional information applies. If an additional sheet is attached, include the amounts from the attachment in the total for the pertinent part. For Part 1 through Part 11, list each asset under the appropriate category or attach separate supporting schedules, such as a xed asset schedule or depreciation schedule, that gives the details for each asset in a particular category. List each asset only once. In valuing the debtor’s interest, do not deduct the value of secured claims. See the instructions to understand the terms used in this form.

Part 1: Cash and Cash Equivalents

1. Does the debtor have any cash or cash equivalents?

No. Go to Part 2.

Yes. Fill in the information below.

All cash or cash equivalents owned or controlled by the debtor Current value of debtor’s interest

2. Cash on hand

2.1 None

3. Checking, savings, money market, or nancial brokerage accounts (Identify all) Name of institution (bank or brokerage rm) Type of account Last 4 digits of account #

3.1 Bank of America (CAD 662,136.12) as of 7/8/21 Depository Account 8218 $528,119.77

3.2 Bank of America as of 7/8/21 Disbursement Account 8200 $0.00

3.3 Bank of Montreal (CAD $558.09) as of 7/12/21 Depository Account 3967 $465.55

4. Other cash equivalents (Identify all) 4.1 None $0.00

5. Total of Part 1 Add lines 2 through 4 (including amounts on any additional sheets). Copy the total to line 80. $528,585.32 Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 12 of 106

Part 2: Deposits and prepayments

6. Does the debtor have any deposits or prepayments?

No. Go to Part 3.

Yes. Fill in the information below.

Current value of debtor’s interest 7. Deposits, including security deposits and utility deposits Description, including name of holder of deposit

7.1 Oce Security Deposit - Colliers International $12,571.98

8. Prepayments, including prepayments on executory contracts, leases, insurance, taxes, and rent Description, including name of holder of prepayment

8.1 Prepaid Insurance $5,732.90

8.2 Prepaid Other $37,027.37

8.3 Prepaid Rent $1,435.90

9. Total of Part 2 Add lines 7 through 8. Copy the total to line 81. $56,768.15

Part 3: Accounts receivable

10. Does the debtor have any accounts receivable?

No. Go to Part 4.

Yes. Fill in the information below.

Current value of debtor’s interest 11. Accounts receivable 11a. 90 days old or $670,480.89 — $$0.00 = ......  $670,480.89 less: face amount doubtful or uncollectible accounts

11b. Over 90 days old: $9,642.16 — $0.00 = ......  $9,642.16

face amount doubtful or uncollectible accounts 12. Total of Part 3 Current value on lines 11a + 11b = line 12. Copy the total to line 82. $680,123.05

Part 4: Investments

13. Does the debtor own any investments?

No. Go to Part 5.

Yes. Fill in the information below. Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 13 of 106

Valuation method used for current Current value of debtor’s interest value 14. Mutual funds or publicly traded stocks not included in Part 1 Name of fund or stock:

14.1 $0.00

15. Non-publicly traded stock and interests in incorporated and unincorporated businesses, including any interest in an LLC, partnership, or joint venture Name of entity: % of ownership:

15.1 $0.00

16. Government bonds, corporate bonds, and other negotiable and non-negotiable instruments not included in Part 1 Describe:

16.1 $0.00

17. Total of Part 4 Add lines 14 through 16. Copy the total to line 83. $0.00

Part 5: Inventory, excluding agriculture assets

18. Does the debtor own any inventory (excluding agriculture assets)?

No. Go to Part 6.

Yes. Fill in the information below.

General description Date of Net book value of Valuation method used Current value of debtor’s interest the last debtor's interest for current value physical (Where available) inventory 19. Raw materials 19.1 None $0.00

20. Work in progress 20.1 None $0.00

21. Finished goods, including goods held for resale 21.1 Inventory $280,727.97 Net Book Value $280,727.97 Refer to Global Notes regarding the date of last physical inventory.

22. Other inventory or supplies 22.1 None $0.00

23. Total of Part 5 Add lines 19 through 22. Copy the total to line 84. $280,727.97

24. Is any of the property listed in Part 5 perishable?


Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 14 of 106

25. Has any of the property listed in Part 5 been purchased within 20 days before the bankruptcy was led?

No Book value $852,013.88 Valuation method Lower of Cost or Market Current value $852,013.88 Yes

26. Has any of the property listed in Part 5 been appraised by a professional within the last year?



Part 6: Farming and shing-related assets (other than titled motor vehicles and land)

27. Does the debtor own or lease any farming and shing-related assets (other than titled motor vehicles and land)?

No. Go to Part 7.

Yes. Fill in the information below.

General description Net book value of Valuation method used Current value of debtor’s interest debtor's interest for current value (Where available) 28. Crops—either planted or harvested 28.1 $0.00

29. Farm animals Examples: Livestock, poultry, farm-raised sh 29.1 $0.00

30. Farm machinery and equipment (Other than titled motor vehicles) 30.1 $0.00

31. Farm and shing supplies, chemicals, and feed 31.1 $0.00

32. Other farming and shing-related property not already listed in Part 6 32.1 $0.00

33. Total of Part 6 Add lines 28 through 32. Copy the total to line 85. $0.00

34. Is the debtor a member of an agricultural cooperative?


Yes. Is any of the debtor’s property stored at the cooperative?



35. Has any of the property listed in Part 6 been purchased within 20 days before the bankruptcy was led?

No Book value Valuation method Current value Yes

36. Is a depreciation schedule available for any of the property listed in Part 6?


Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 15 of 106

37. Has any of the property listed in Part 6 been appraised by a professional within the last year?



Part 7: Oce furniture, xtures, and equipment; and collectibles

38. Does the debtor own or lease any oce furniture, xtures, equipment, or collectibles?

No. Go to Part 8.

Yes. Fill in the information below.

General description Net book value of Valuation method used Current value of debtor’s interest debtor's interest for current value (Where available) 39. Oce furniture 39.1 Winnipeg Oce Furniture $7,480.67 Net Book Value $7,480.67

39.2 Gull Lake Oce Furniture $1,973.30 Net Book Value $1,973.30

40. Oce xtures 40.1 None $0.00

41. Oce equipment, including all computer equipment and communication systems equipment and software 41.1 None $0.00

42. Collectibles Examples: Antiques and gurines; paintings, prints, or other artwork; books, pictures, or other art objects; china and crystal; stamp, coin, or baseball card collections; other collections, memorabilia, or collectibles 42.1 None $0.00

43. Total of Part 7 Add lines 39 through 42. Copy the total to line 86. $9,453.97

44. Is a depreciation schedule available for any of the property listed in Part 7?



45. Has any of the property listed in Part 7 been appraised by a professional within the last year?



Part 8: Machinery, equipment, and vehicles

46. Does the debtor own or lease any machinery, equipment, or vehicles?

No. Go to Part 9.

Yes. Fill in the information below. Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 16 of 106

General description Net book value of Valuation method used Current value of debtor’s interest Include year, make, model, and identication numbers (i.e., VIN, debtor's interest for current value HIN, or N-number) (Where available) 47. Automobiles, vans, trucks, motorcycles, trailers, and titled farm vehicles 47.1 None $0.00

48. Watercraft, trailers, motors, and related accessories Examples: Boats, trailers, motors, oating homes, personal watercraft, and shing vessels 48.1 None $0.00

49. Aircraft and accessories 49.1 None $0.00

50. Other machinery, xtures, and equipment (excluding farm machinery and equipment) 50.1 Machinery & Equipment - Gull Lake $989,998.88 Net Book Value $989,998.88

50.2 Machinery & Equipment - Wapella $917,012.72 Net Book Value $917,012.72

51. Total of Part 8. Add lines 47 through 50. Copy the total to line 87. $1,907,011.60

52. Is a depreciation schedule available for any of the property listed in Part 8?



53. Has any of the property listed in Part 8 been appraised by a professional within the last year?



Part 9: Real Property

54. Does the debtor own or lease any real property?

No. Go to Part 10.

Yes. Fill in the information below.

55. Any building, other improved real estate, or land which the debtor owns or in which the debtor has an interest Description and location of property Nature and extent of Net book value of Valuation method used Current value of Include street address or other description such as debtor’s interest in debtor's interest for current value debtor’s interest Assessor Parcel Number (APN), and type of property property (Where available) (for example, acreage, factory, warehouse, apartment or oce building), if available.

55.1 Agriculture Structures - Gull Lake Owned $1,692,585.52 Net Book Value $1,692,585.52

55.2 Agriculture Structures - Wapella Owned $942,935.88 Net Book Value $942,935.88

55.3 Cable installed in oce - Winnipeg Owned $5,809.83 Net Book Value $5,809.83

55.4 Construction in Progress Owned $556,602.89 Net Book Value $556,602.89 Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 17 of 106

55.5 Land Lease - Gull Lake, SK Lease Undetermined N/A Undetermined

55.6 Land Lease - Wapella, SK Lease Undetermined N/A Undetermined

55.7 Oce Lease - Winnipeg Lease Undetermined N/A Undetermined

56. Total of Part 9. Add the current value of all lines in question 55 and entries from any additional sheets. Copy the total to line 88. $3,197,934.12

57. Is a depreciation schedule available for any of the property listed in Part 9?



58. Has any of the property listed in Part 9 been appraised by a professional within the last year?



Part 10: Intangibles and intellectual property

59. Does the debtor have any interests in intangibles or intellectual property?

No. Go to Part 11.

Yes. Fill in the information below.

General description Net book value of Valuation method used Current value of debtor’s interest debtor's interest for current value (Where available) 60. Patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets 60.1 $0.00

61. Internet domain names and websites 61.1 $0.00

62. Licenses, franchises, and royalties 62.1 $0.00

63. Customer lists, mailing lists, or other compilations 63.1 None $0.00

64. Other intangibles, or intellectual property 64.1 $0.00

65. Goodwill 65.1 $0.00

66. Total of Part 10. Add lines 60 through 65. Copy the total to line 89. $0.00 Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 18 of 106

67. Do your lists or records include personally identiable information of customers (as dened in 11 U.S.C. §§ 101(41A) and 107)?



68. Is there an amortization or other similar schedule available for any of the property listed in Part 10?



69. Has any of the property listed in Part 10 been appraised by a professional within the last year?



Part 11: All other assets

70. Does the debtor own any other assets that have not yet been reported on this form? Include all interests in executory contracts and unexpired leases not previously reported on this form.

No. Go to Part 12.

Yes. Fill in the information below.

Current value of debtor’s interest 71. Notes receivable Description (include name of obligor) 71.1 None =  $0.00 - total face amount doubtful or uncollectible amount 72. Tax refunds and unused net operating losses (NOLs) Description (for example, federal, state, local) 72.1 Deferred Taxes (Recoverable ITC) Tax year $190,549.00

73. Interests in insurance policies or annuities 73.1 See "Schedule AB 73 Attachment" Undetermined

74. Causes of action against third parties (whether or not a lawsuit has been led) 74.1 None $0.00 Nature of Claim Amount requested

75. Other contingent and unliquidated claims or causes of action of every nature, including counterclaims of the debtor and rights to set off claims 75.1 Ernst & Young, as trustee of EncoreFX, Inc. v. Pipeline Foods, ULC and Pipeline Holdings, Undetermined LLC

Nature of Claim Breach of Contract Amount requested Undetermined

76. Trusts, equitable or future interests in property 76.1 None $0.00

77. Other property of any kind not already listed Examples: Season tickets, country club membership 77.1 A/R - GST Paid $265,858.18 Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 19 of 106

78. Total of Part 11. Add lines 71 through 77. Copy the total to line 90. $456,407.18

79. Has any of the property listed in Part 11 been appraised by a professional within the last year?



Part 12: Summary

In Part 12 copy all of the totals from the earlier parts of the form.

Type of property Current value of Current value of real personal property property

80. Cash, cash equivalents, and nancial assets. Copy line 5, Part 1. $528,585.32

81. Deposits and prepayments. Copy line 9, Part 2. $56,768.15

82. Accounts receivable. Copy line 12, Part 3. $680,123.05

83. Investments. Copy line 17, Part 4. $0.00

84. Inventory. Copy line 23, Part 5. $280,727.97

85. Farming and shing-related assets. Copy line 33, Part 6. $0.00

86. Oce furniture, xtures, and equipment; and collectibles. Copy $9,453.97 line 43, Part 7.

87. Machinery, equipment, and vehicles. Copy line 51, Part 8. $1,907,011.60

88. Real property. Copy line 56, Part 9.  $3,197,934.12

89. Intangibles and intellectual property.. Copy line 66, Part 10. $0.00

90. All other assets. Copy line 78, Part 11. $456,407.18

91. Total. Add lines 80 through 90 for each column 91a. 91b. $3,919,077.24 $3,197,934.12

92. Total of all property on Schedule A/B. Lines 91a + 91b = 92. $7,117,011.36 Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 20 of 106 SCHEDULE AB 73 ATTACHMENT Interests in Insurance Policies or Annuities

General Description Current Value American Interstate - Workers Comp (7/1/21-6/30/22) Undetermined Arch - Executive Risk and D&O (7/31/21-7/30/22) Undetermined Beazley Group - Cyber (7/1/21-6/30/22) Undetermined Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota - Employee Dental (7/1/21-6/30/22) Undetermined Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota - Employee Medical (7/1/21-6/30/22) Undetermined Chubb - Auto (7/1/21-6/30/22) Undetermined Chubb - General Liability (7/1/21-6/30/22) Undetermined Chubb - International Package (7/1/21-6/30/22) Undetermined Chubb - Local Admitted Canada & Argentina (7/1/21-6/30/22) Undetermined Chubb - Umbrella (7/1/21-6/30/22) Undetermined Chubb/Illinois Union Insurance - Buyer-Side Representations and Warranties Policy (2/22/19-2/22/22) Undetermined Cigna - Employee Disability Income (AD&D) (7/1/21-6/30/22) Undetermined Cigna - Employee Voluntary Life (7/1/21-6/30/22) Undetermined Coalition - Cyber (7/1/21-6/30/22) Undetermined EyeMed Vision Care - Employee Vision (7/1/21-6/30/22) Undetermined Lloyd's/ Penn Miller - Property (7/1/21-6/30/22) Undetermined Navigators/Ascot - Stock Throughput/Marine Cargo (7/1/21-6/30/22) Undetermined OneBeacon - Excess Property (7/1/21-6/30/22) Undetermined SwissRe/W.R. Berkley - Product Recall (7/1/21-6/30/22) Undetermined Travelers - Contractors Equip/Railroad Rolling Stock (7/1/21-6/30/22) Undetermined

In re: Pipeline Foods, LLC et al. Case No. 21-11002 Page 1 of 1 Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 21 of 106

Fill in this information to identify the case:

Debtor name: Pipeline Foods, ULC

United States Bankruptcy Court for the: District of Delaware Check if this is an Case number: 21-11018 amended ling

Ocial Form 206D Schedule D: Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by Property

Be as complete and accurate as possible.

Part 1: List Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by Property

1. Do any creditors have claims secured by debtor's property?

No. Check this box and submit page 1 of this form to the court with debtor`s other schedules. Debtor has nothing else to report on this form.

Yes. Fill in the information below.

2. List creditors who have secured claims.If a creditor has more than one secured claim, list the creditor Column A Column B separately for each claim. Amount of Claim Value of collateral that Do not deduct the value of supports this claim collateral.

2.1 Describe debtor's property that is subject to $42,052,801.04 plus interest Undetermined Coöperatieve Rabobank, U.A., the lien: and fees New York Branch, as All personal property, DACA - Bank of America administrative and collateral Canada Acct. xxx8218, Blocked account agent agreement -Bank of Montreal Acct. xxx967 245 Park Avenue, 38th Floor New York, NY 10167-0062 Describe the lien Guarantee of Revolving Credit Facility Date debt was incurred? Is the creditor an insider or related party? 6/26/2018 No Last 4 digits of account number Yes

Do multiple creditors have an interest Is anyone else liable on this claim? in the same property? No No Yes. Fill out Schedule H: Codebtors(Ocial Yes. Specify each creditor, including Form 206H) this creditor, and its relative priority. As of the petition ling date, the claim is: Compeer Financial - See Intercreditor Check all that apply. Agreement Contingent


Disputed Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 22 of 106

2.2 Describe debtor's property that is subject to $1,800,000.00 Undetermined Coöperatieve Rabobank, U.A., the lien: New York Branch, as All personal property, DACA - Bank of America administrative and collateral Canada Acct. xxx8218, Blocked account agent agreement -Bank of Montreal Acct. xxx967 245 Park Avenue, 38th Floor New York, NY 10167-0062 Describe the lien Guarantee of Letter of Credit

Date debt was incurred? Is the creditor an insider or related party? 9/13/2018 No Last 4 digits of account number Yes

Do multiple creditors have an interest Is anyone else liable on this claim? in the same property? No No Yes. Fill out Schedule H: Codebtors(Ocial

Yes. Specify each creditor, including Form 206H) this creditor, and its relative priority. As of the petition ling date, the claim is: Compeer Financial - See Intercreditor Check all that apply. Agreement Contingent



2.3 Describe debtor's property that is subject to $1,535,354.00 Undetermined Farm Credit Canada the lien: Mike McAllister, Senior Account All personal property and assignment of Manager, Special Credit " interests as lessee in real property in Wapella, 1800 Hamilton Street and Gull Lake, Saskatchewa PO Box 4320 Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 4L3 Describe the lien Canada Loan Is the creditor an insider or related party? Date debt was incurred? No 10/25/2018 Last 4 digits of account number Yes Is anyone else liable on this claim? Do multiple creditors have an interest No in the same property? Yes. Fill out Schedule H: Codebtors(Ocial No Form 206H) Yes. Specify each creditor, including As of the petition ling date, the claim is: this creditor, and its relative priority. Check all that apply. Contingent



3. Total of the dollar amounts from Part 1, Column A, including the amounts from the Additional $45,388,155.04 Page, if any. Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 23 of 106

Part 2: List Others to Be Notied for a Debt That You Already Listed

List in alphabetical order any others who must be notied for a debt already listed in Part 1. Examples of entities that may be listed are collection agencies, assignees of claims listed above, and attorneys for secured creditors. If no others need to be notied for the debts listed in Part 1, do not ll out or submit this page. If additional pages are needed, copy this page. Name and address On which line in Part 1 did you enter Last 4 digits of account number for the related creditor? this entity

3.1 Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 24 of 106

Fill in this information to identify the case:

Debtor name: Pipeline Foods, ULC

United States Bankruptcy Court for the: District of Delaware Check if this is an Case number: 21-11018 amended ling

Ocial Form 206E/F Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims

Be as complete and accurate as possible. Use Part 1 for creditors with PRIORITY unsecured claims and Part 2 for creditors with NONPRIORITY unsecured claims. List the other party to any executory contracts or unexpired leases that could result in a claim. Also list executory contracts on Schedule A/B: Assets - Real and Personal Property (Ocial Form 206A/B) and on Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases (Ocial Form 206G). Number the entries in Parts 1 and 2 in the boxes on the left. If more space is needed for Part 1 or Part 2, ll out and attach the Additional Page of that Part included in this form.

Part 1: List All Creditors with PRIORITY Unsecured Claims

1. Do any creditors have priority unsecured claims? (See 11 U.S.C. § 507).

No. Go to Part 2.

Yes. Go to line 2.

2. List in alphabetical order all creditors who have unsecured claims that are entitled to priority in whole or in part. If the debtor has more than 3 creditors with priority unsecured claims, ll out and attach the Additional Page of Part 1. Total claim Priority amount

2.1 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,948.47 $1,948.47 Arnold Scansen, Box 113, Gull Lake, SK, Canada Check all that apply. S0N 1A0 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/1/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Wages Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured claim: Is the claim subject to offset? 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No


2.2 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $872.75 $872.75 Arnold Scansen, Box 113, Gull Lake, SK, Canada Check all that apply. S0N 1A0 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 1/13/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured Is the claim subject to offset? claim: 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 25 of 106

2.3 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $158,400.00 $158,400.00 Canada Revenue Agency, 66 Stapon Road, Check all that apply. Winnipeg, MB R3C 3M2 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 2019 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: 2019 Taxes Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured claim: Is the claim subject to offset? 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 8 ) No


2.4 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $2,786.47 $2,786.47 Cindy Skovgaard, 87 Quiring Bay, Winnipeg, MB, Check all that apply. Canada R2G 1Y5 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/1/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Wages Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured claim: Is the claim subject to offset? 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No


2.5 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,555.59 $1,555.59 Dave Gleim, 201 2Nd Street, P.O. Box 306, Chaplin, Check all that apply. SK, Canada S0H 0V0 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/1/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Wages Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured Is the claim subject to offset? claim: 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 26 of 106

2.6 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $2,827.22 $2,827.22 Dave Gleim, 201 2Nd Street, P.O. Box 306, Chaplin, Check all that apply. SK, Canada S0H 0V0 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 1/13/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured Is the claim subject to offset? claim: 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No


2.7 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $2,987.82 $2,987.82 Derrick Wiebe, Box 785, Gull Lake, SK, Canada Check all that apply. S0N1A0 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/1/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Wages Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured claim: Is the claim subject to offset? 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No


2.8 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,616.20 $1,616.20 Don Steve Flett, Box 295, Wapella, SK, Canada S0G Check all that apply. 4Z0 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/1/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Wages Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured claim: Is the claim subject to offset? 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 27 of 106

2.9 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $2,937.18 $2,937.18 Don Steve Flett, Box 295, Wapella, SK, Canada S0G Check all that apply. 4Z0 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 1/13/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured claim: Is the claim subject to offset? 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No


2.10 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,741.91 $1,741.91 Jamie Zinn, Box 26, Springstein, MB, Canada R0G Check all that apply. 2N0 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/1/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Wages Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured claim: Is the claim subject to offset? 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No


2.11 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $3,165.26 $3,165.26 Jamie Zinn, Box 26, Springstein, MB, Canada R0G Check all that apply. 2N0 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 1/13/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured claim: Is the claim subject to offset? 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 28 of 106

2.12 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,911.73 $1,911.73 Joseph Haswell, 901 Garnet, Grenfell, SK, Canada Check all that apply. S0G 2B0 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/1/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Wages Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured Is the claim subject to offset? claim: 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No


2.13 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,911.73 $1,911.73 Lance Benjamin, 3360 Rutland Ave, Gull Lake, SK, Check all that apply. Canada SON1A0 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/1/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Wages Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured Is the claim subject to offset? claim: 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No


2.14 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $872.75 $872.75 Lance Benjamin, 3360 Rutland Ave, Gull Lake, SK, Check all that apply. Canada SON1A0 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 1/13/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured claim: Is the claim subject to offset? 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 29 of 106

2.15 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $2,154.94 $2,154.94 Leslie Johnson, 12 Capilan Cove, Winnipeg, MB, Check all that apply. Canada R3T 5C5 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/1/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Wages Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured claim: Is the claim subject to offset? 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No


2.16 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $3,916.02 $3,916.02 Leslie Johnson, 12 Capilan Cove, Winnipeg, MB, Check all that apply. Canada R3T 5C5 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 1/13/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured claim: Is the claim subject to offset? 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No


2.17 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $2,199.83 $2,199.83 Lorne Lix, 85 Mulligan Bay, Winnipeg, MB, Canada Check all that apply. R3P 2H5 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/1/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Wages Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured claim: Is the claim subject to offset? 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 30 of 106

2.18 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $3,997.48 $3,997.48 Lorne Lix, 85 Mulligan Bay, Winnipeg, MB, Canada Check all that apply. R3P 2H5 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 1/13/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured claim: Is the claim subject to offset? 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No


2.19 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $2,379.40 $2,379.40 Steve Hanson, 6 Chiltern Place, Winnipeg, MB, Check all that apply. Canada R3R 1T7 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/1/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Wages Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured claim: Is the claim subject to offset? 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No


2.20 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $4,323.98 $4,323.98 Steve Hanson, 6 Chiltern Place, Winnipeg, MB, Check all that apply. Canada R3R 1T7 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 1/13/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured claim: Is the claim subject to offset? 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 31 of 106

2.21 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,382.75 $1,382.75 Susan Scrivens, P.O. Box 1662, Stonewall, MB, Check all that apply. Canada R0C 2Z0 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/1/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Wages Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured claim: Is the claim subject to offset? 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No


2.22 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $2,512.25 $2,512.25 Susan Scrivens, P.O. Box 1662, Stonewall, MB, Check all that apply. Canada R0C 2Z0 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 1/13/2021-7/12/2021 Disputed Last 4 digits of account number Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured claim: Is the claim subject to offset? 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) No


2.23 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,077.46 $1,077.46 Wyatt Mullie, Box 427, Kipling, SK, Canada S0G 2S0 Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 7/1/2021-7/12/2021 Unliquidated

Last 4 digits of account number Disputed Basis for the claim: Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured Wages claim: 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 32 of 106

2.24 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,866.03 $1,866.03 Wyatt Mullie, Box 427, Kipling, SK, Canada S0G 2S0 Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 1/13/2021-7/12/2021 Unliquidated

Last 4 digits of account number Disputed Basis for the claim: Specify Code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured Accrued PTO claim: 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) ( 4 ) Is the claim subject to offset? No


Part 2: List All Creditors with NONPRIORITY Unsecured Claims

3. List in alphabetical order all of the creditors with nonpriority unsecured claims. If the debtor has more than 6 creditors with nonpriority unsecured claims, ll out and attach the Additional Page of Part 2. Amount of claim

3.1 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,270.14 20/20 Seed Labs Inc, 507-11 Avenue, Nisku, AB T9E 7N5 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

2020SEAB Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable

Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.2 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $4,869.04 Acawin Inc, 101 Christie Rd, Winnipeg, MB R2N 4A4 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated


Basis for the claim: Rent / Lease Payments

Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 33 of 106

3.3 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,007.05 Acklands-Grainger Inc, Po Box 2970, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4B5 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated


Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.4 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $3,375.00 Agri Source, Inc, 999 W Main St, Burley, ID 83318 United States Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 4/4/2021 Unliquidated

0AGRISID Disputed Basis for the claim: Logistics Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.5 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $9,627.77 Alden Fredlund O/A Peacegrove Farms, Box 219, Whitewood, SK Check all that apply. S0G 5C0 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed FREDLUSK Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.6 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $12,164.02 Andrew W Peters, Box 1998, La Crete, AB T0H 2H0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

PETERSAB2 Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable

Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 34 of 106

3.7 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $290.92 Arnold Scansen, Box 113, Gull Lake, SK, Canada S0N 1A0 Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred Various Unliquidated


Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.8 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $215,866.88 Beechwood Agri Services Inc - Parkhill, 123 Parkhill King Street, Check all that apply. Parkhill, ON N0M 2K0 United States Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed BEECHWON Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.9 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $425.10 Bernies Equipment Co Inc, 307 North Star Rd, HOLMEN, WI 54636 Check all that apply. United States Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed BERNIEWI Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.10 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,304.68 Bickner Trucking, Box 177, Vanguard, SK S0N 2V0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

BICKERSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Logistics

Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 35 of 106

3.11 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $19,564.37 Big Sky Grazing Co., Po Box 65, Acme, AB T0M 0A0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

BIGSKYSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.12 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $3,527.43 Blake, Cassels & Graydon Llp, 199 Bay Street, Suite 4, Commerce Check all that apply. Court West, Toronto M5L 1A9 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 5/5/2021 Disputed BLAKESON Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.13 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $2,724.38 Border Transport, Rr 8-41-9, Lethbridge, AB T9J 4P4 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

BORDERAB Disputed Basis for the claim: Logistics Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.14 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $30,258.39 Brett & Sheri Buckingham, Box 1821, , SK S3N 3R2 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

BUCKINSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 36 of 106

3.15 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $9,692.58 Brody Beliveau / Dustin Beliveau, Box 171, Rockglen, SK S0H 3R0 Check all that apply. Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed BELIVESK Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable

Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.16 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $15,291.40 Campagne Family Farms, Box 66, Willow Bunch, SK S0H 4K0 Check all that apply. Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed CAMPAGSK Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.17 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $120.26 Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Po Box 6199, 33 Weldon Street, Check all that apply. Suite 1, Moncton, New Brunswick E1C 8R2 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/7/2021 Disputed CFIANB Basis for the claim: Regulatory Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.18 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $2,152.55 Canadian Linen & Uniform Service, Po Box 1366, Regina, SK S4P Check all that apply. 3B8 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed CANLINSK Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 37 of 106

3.19 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $734.13 Cando Rail Services, Unit 400 - 740 Rosser Avenue, Brandon, MB Check all that apply. R7A 0K9 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 4/4/2021 Disputed 0CANDOMB Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.20 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $26,393.85 Casat Farms Ltd., Box 22, Claydon, SK S0N0M0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

CASATSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.21 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $10,425.54 Casey Jones, Chisty, Dallas, Clint Jones, Box 124, Cadillac, SK S0N Check all that apply. 0K0 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed JONESSK2 Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.22 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $34,474.30 Ce Maintenance Solutions, Po Box 39, Whitewood, SK S0G 5C0 Check all that apply. Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed CEMAINSK Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 38 of 106

3.23 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $534.35 Central Energy Services, Po Box 940, Gull Lake, SK S0N 1A0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 4/4/2021 Unliquidated


Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable

Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.24 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $66,040.08 Chaplin Grain Corp, 400 4Th Ave, Chaplin, SK S0H 0V0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

CHAPLINSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.25 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $238,216.82 Chaplin Grain Llc, 6499 University Avenue Ne, Minneapolis, MN Check all that apply. 55432 United States Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed 330OSCHAPG Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.26 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $50,730.25 Charles Cattle Co. Ltd., Box 22, Stoughton, SK S0G4T0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred Unsettled Unliquidated

CHARLESK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 39 of 106

3.27 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,415.92 Cindy Skovgaard, 87 Quiring Bay, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R2G 1Y5 Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred Various Unliquidated

Disputed Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.28 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $67,704.88 Colby Herman, Box 104, Earl Grey, SK S0G 1J0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

HERMANSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.29 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $28,026.39 Colin & Amanda Bouchard, Box 1535, Outlook, SK S0L 2N0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 4/4/2021 Unliquidated

COLINASK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.30 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,899.69 Corporate Security Supply Ltd, 891 Century Street, Winnipeg, MB Check all that apply. R3H 0M3 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 5/5/2021 Disputed CORPORMB Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable

Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 40 of 106

3.31 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $208.65 County Wide Plumbing Heating And Air Conditioning Inc, 107 Check all that apply. Williams St, Decorah, IA 52101 United States Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed COUNTYIA Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.32 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $19,763.32 Crooked Creek Acres, 1584 Melwood Dr, Kerwood, ON N0M 2B0 Check all that apply. Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 5/5/2021 Disputed CROOKEON Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.33 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $50,127.14 Cross Farm & Field Ltd, Box 564, , SK S0K 2Z0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

CROSSSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.34 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $20.56 Culligan Water Conditioning Ltd, 1200 Sargent Ave, Winnipeg, MB Check all that apply. R3E 0G1 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 5/5/2021 Disputed CULLIGMB Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 41 of 106

3.35 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $55,455.73 Curt Hassett Trucking Ltd., Box 44, Claydon, SK S0N 0M0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

HASSETSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.36 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,789.80 Cwb National Leasing, 1525 Buffalo Place, Winnepeg, MB R3T 1L9 Check all that apply. Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed 0CWBNL Basis for the claim: Banking Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.37 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $9,485.60 Danny Schropp, Box 15, Holdfast, SK S0G 2H0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

SCHROP Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable

Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.38 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $7,888.95 Dave Gleim, 201 2nd Street, P.O. Box 306, Chaplin, SK, Canada S0H Check all that apply. 0V0 Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated Various Disputed

Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO

Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 42 of 106

3.39 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $16,100.42 Dc Lipp Farms Inc, Box 38, Dilke, SK S0G1C0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

DCLIPPSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.40 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $570.56 Deer Creek Service, Box 516, Saltcoats, SK S0A 3R0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

DEERCRSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.41 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $214.73 Derrick Wiebe, Box 785, Gull Lake, SK, Canada S0N1A0 Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred Various Unliquidated

Disputed Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.42 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $8,157.97 Doka Farms Ltd, Box 418, Kipling, SK S0G 2S0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred Unsettled Unliquidated

DOKASK2 Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 43 of 106

3.43 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $4,126.39 Don Steve Flett, Box 295, Wapella, SK, Canada S0G 4Z0 Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred Various Unliquidated

Disputed Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.44 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $17,601.21 Dry Creek Ranch Ltd, Box 14, McCord, SK S0H 2T0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

DRYCRESK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable

Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.45 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $9,165.78 Duane Mengal, Box 133, Holdfast, SK S0G 2H0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated


Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable

Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.46 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $52,061.75 Ed & Beth Lelond, Box 27, Miniota, Manitoba R0M 1M0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated


Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 44 of 106

3.47 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $420.51 Ed'S Lawn Equipmenrt, 706 Sunnyside Ln, Atlantic, IA 50022 United Check all that apply. States Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 5/5/2021 Disputed 0EDSLAIA Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.48 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $16,490.43 Ellis Acres Corp, Box 105, Hazlet, SK S0N 1E0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

ELLISSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.49 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: Undetermined Ernst & Young, as trustee of EncoreFX, Inc. v. Pipeline Foods, ULC Check all that apply. and Pipeline Holdings, LLC. 700 West Georgia St Vancouver, BC V7Y Contingent 1C7 Canada Unliquidated Date or dates debt was incurred Pending Disputed Basis for the claim: Litigation Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.50 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $15,692.07 Evelyn Szakacs & Brian Szakacs, Box 162, Kipling, SK S0G 2S0 Check all that apply. Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed SZAKACSK Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 45 of 106

3.51 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $582.63 Flaman Sales Ltd, Box 280 Hwy #6 North, Southey, SK S0G 4P0 Check all that apply. Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 4/4/2021 Disputed FLAMANSK Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.52 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $48,259.94 G&D Knibbs Farms, Box 239, Stoughton, SK S0G 4T0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 7/7/2021 Unliquidated

DGKNIBSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable

Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.53 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $65,045.51 Giraudier Farms Ltd., Box 206, Willow Bunch, SK S0H 4K0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 7/7/2021 Unliquidated


Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.54 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $11,173.14 Gleim Chaplin Farms Ltd., Box 255, Chaplin, SK S0H0V0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

GLEIMCSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 46 of 106

3.55 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $45,509.81 Grain St Laurent, 407 Rue Mcgill Suite 315, Montreal, Quebec H2Y Check all that apply. 2G3 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed GRAINQC Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.56 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $14,344.26 Greffarms Corp, Box 83, Fir Mountain, SK S0H 1P0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 5/5/2021 Unliquidated

GREFFSK3 Disputed

Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable

Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.57 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $7,406.52 Greg Gleim, Box 207, Chaplin, SK S0H 0V0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred Unsettled Unliquidated


Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.58 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $115,258.55 Heartland Mill Inc., 124 N Hwy 167, Marienthal, KS 67863 United Check all that apply. States Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed HEARTLKS Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 47 of 106

3.59 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $120,133.80 Heide Holdings Ltd, Box 90, Waldron, SK S0A 4K0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

HEIDEAB Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.60 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $3,625.00 High Fidelity Genetics, 326 W Geer St, Durham, NC 27701 United Check all that apply. States Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 4/4/2021 Disputed 0HIFIDNC Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.61 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $10,698.65 Holley R. Treak, Box 21, Mayfair, SK S0M 1S0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

SALISBSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.62 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $11,500.93 Intertek Testing Services (Its) Ca, 2561 Georges V Avenue, Montreal, Check all that apply. Quebec H3C 6P7 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/7/2021 Disputed INTERTQU Basis for the claim: Logistics Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 48 of 106

3.63 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $322.26 Intl Fcstone Financial(Canada) Inc, 11 Hedin Crescent, Brandon, MB Check all that apply. R7A 7V9 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed INTLFCMB Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.64 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $44.03 Its Canada Inc, 1617 Colonization Rd W, Fort Frances, ON P9A 2T9 Check all that apply. Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed ITSCANON Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.65 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $11,888.07 J&C Vilcu Farms Ltd, Box 416, Midale, SK S0C 1S0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 7/7/2021 Unliquidated

VILCUJCSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.66 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $39,490.61 Jake & Helen Friesen, Box 1207, La Crete, AB T0H 2H0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

FRIESEAB5 Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 49 of 106

3.67 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $19,665.83 Jake W Thiessen & Helen Thiessen, Box 92, La Crete, AB T0H 2H0 Check all that apply. Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed THIESSAB3 Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.68 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,418.72 Jamie Zinn, Box 26, Springstein, MB, Canada R0G 2N0 Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred Various Unliquidated

Disputed Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.69 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $21,970.15 Joe & Janice Vilcu, Box 489, Midale, SK S0C 1S0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 4/4/2021 Unliquidated

VILCUJSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.70 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $300.52 Joseph Haswell, 901 Garnet, Grenfell, SK, Canada S0G 2B0 Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred Various Unliquidated

Disputed Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 50 of 106

3.71 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $30,193.72 Jt Allen Farms Ltd, 618 Wakaw Bay, , SK S7J 4A9 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated


Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.72 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $32,357.36 K.L. Martin Farms Ltd, Box 11, Sinclair, MB R0M 2A0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

KLMARTMB Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.73 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $39,383.10 Kj Organic Ltd., Box 282, Willow Bunch, SK S0H 4K0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

KJORGA Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.74 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $103,027.30 Kt Acres Inc., Box 247, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

KTACRESK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 51 of 106

3.75 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $913.73 L.V. Control Manufacturing Ltd, 660 Golspie Street, Winnipeg, MB Check all that apply. R2K 2V1 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed LVCONTMB Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.76 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $130.91 Lance Benjamin, 3360 Rutland Ave, Gull Lake, SK, Canada SON1A0 Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred Various Unliquidated

Disputed Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.77 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $47,697.73 Lee Stirling, Po Box 566, Grandview, MB R0L 0Y0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

STIRLIMB Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.78 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $3,496.45 Leslie Johnson, 12 Capilan Cove, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 5C5 Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred Various Unliquidated

Disputed Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 52 of 106

3.79 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $30,349.14 Lightway Transport, Box 55, Austin, Manitoba R0H 0C0 United Check all that apply. States Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/7/2021 Disputed LIGHTWMB Basis for the claim: Logistics Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.80 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $2,778.68 Lily & Rose Seed Processors, Box 279, Lemberg, SK S0A2B0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 7/7/2021 Unliquidated

LILYROSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.81 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $132,169.78 Lone Pine Enterprises Llp, Po Box 416, Carlisle, AR 72024 United Check all that apply. States Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/7/2021 Disputed 8268 Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.82 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $43,886.69 Lone Spruce Farm Inc, Box 133, Derwent, AB T0B 1C0 Argentina Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

LONEAB Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 53 of 106

3.83 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $269.47 Loraas Disposal, 620 Mcleod St., Regina, SK S4N 4Y1 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 5/5/2021 Unliquidated

LORAASSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Utilities Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.84 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $8,423.25 Lorne Lix, 85 Mulligan Bay, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3P 2H5 Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred Various Unliquidated

Disputed Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.85 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $556,248.25 Lsm Commodities Ltd., 203 3550 Taylor St, Saskatoon, SK S7H5H9 Check all that apply. Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed LSMCOMSK Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable

Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.86 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $32,687.88 Lucas Kriger, Box 66, Ebenezer, SK S0A 0T0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated


Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable

Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 54 of 106

3.87 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $247.22 Macmor Industries Ltd, 1175 Sherwin Road, Winnipeg, MB R3H 0V1 Check all that apply. Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 3/3/2021 Disputed MACMORMB Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.88 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $435.75 Manitoba Hydro, Po Box 7900 Stn Main, Winnipeg, MB R3C 5R1 Check all that apply. Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed MANITOMB Basis for the claim: Utilities Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.89 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $10,823.94 Marten J. Bood, Box 58, Tantallion, SK S0A 4B0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

BOODSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.90 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $111,442.74 Mid Prairie Dairy Ltd, Box 123, Togo, SK S0A 4E0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 7/7/2021 Unliquidated

MIDPRASK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 55 of 106

3.91 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $487.65 Miller Thomson, 40 King Street West, Suite 580, TORONTO, ON M5H Check all that apply. 3S1 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 3/3/2021 Disputed MILLERON Basis for the claim: Professional Fees Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.92 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $583.03 Ndgi, 4150 98Th Ave. S., Fargo, ND 58104 United States Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 4/4/2021 Unliquidated

0NDGIND Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.93 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $176.12 Nodge Manufacturing, 125 10Th Avenue Northwest, , Check all that apply. SK S9H 1B3 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed 0NODGESK Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.94 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $52,812.48 Nor-West Bulk Lines, 9401-99 Street, La Crete, AB T0H 2H0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 7/7/2021 Unliquidated

NORWESAB Disputed Basis for the claim: Logistics Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 56 of 106

3.95 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,173.33 Orkin Canada Corporation, 5840 Falbourne St, Mississauga, ON L5R Check all that apply. 4B5 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 5/5/2021 Disputed ORKINON Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.96 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,083.13 Packard Electric, Box 840, Gull Lake, SK S0N 1A0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 8/8/2020 Unliquidated

PACKARSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.97 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $13,279.09 Perry Jones, Box 292, Bengough, SK S0C 0K0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

JONESSK5 Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.98 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $26,426.81 Peter F. Thiessen, Box 1279, La Crete, AB T0H 2H0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

THIESSAB6 Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 57 of 106

3.99 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $40,703.53 Peter W. Wieler, Box 1741, High Level, AB T0H 1Z0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred Unsettled Unliquidated

WIELERAB Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable

Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.100 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $555.12 Pioneer Co-Operative Association Ltd., 1150 Central Ave N, Swift Check all that apply. Current, SK S9H 0G1 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 4/4/2021 Disputed PIONEESK Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable

Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.101 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $120,912.92 Pj Acres, Box 76, Kayville, SK S0H 2C0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated


Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.102 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $126.44 Pro-Cert Organic Systems Ltd, 475 Valley Road, Saskatoon, SK S7K Check all that apply. 3J6 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/7/2021 Disputed PROCERSK Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 58 of 106

3.103 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $17,387.86 Providence Grain Group Inc, 10 - 555 Hervo Street, Winnipeg, MB Check all that apply. R3T 3L6 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed PROVIDMB Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.104 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,318.75 Purolator Inc, Po Box 7006, Toronto, ON M5C 3E2 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

PUROLAON Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.105 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $117,682.73 Robert Campbell, Box 2459, , SK S0K 2T0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 7/7/2021 Unliquidated

CAMPBESK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.106 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $15,904.56 Roger Barrett, Box 27, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 4/4/2021 Unliquidated

BARRETTSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 59 of 106

3.107 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $29,398.95 Ron Schropp & Kathy Schropp, Box 58, Findlater, SK S0G 1P0 Check all that apply. Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed SCHROPSK Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.108 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $180,459.48 Rowland Seeds, Box 4776, Taber, AB T1G 2E1 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

ROWLANAB Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.109 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $5,146.47 Rtm Transport, Box 245, Strathclair, Manitoba ROJ 2C0 United Check all that apply. States Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/7/2021 Disputed RTMTRAMB Basis for the claim: Logistics Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.110 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,178.27 Sask Power Gull Lake, 2025 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK S4P 0S1 Check all that apply. Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed SASKPOGL Basis for the claim: Utilities Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 60 of 106

3.111 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,119.09 Sask Power Wapella, 2025 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK S4P 0S1 Check all that apply. Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed SASKPOWA Basis for the claim: Utilities Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.112 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $157.31 Shaw Business Solutions (Voice), Box 1650 Station Main, Calgary, Check all that apply. AB T2P 2L7 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 5/5/2021 Disputed SHAWBUAB Basis for the claim: Utilities Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.113 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $152.00 Shred-It International Ulc, Po Box 15781 Station A, Toronto, ON M5W Check all that apply. 1C1 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 5/5/2021 Disputed SHREDION Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.114 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,288.01 Staples Business Advantage, C/O C25043C, Calgary, AB T2P 1B1 Check all that apply. Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 5/5/2021 Disputed STAPLESK Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 61 of 106

3.115 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $10,346.67 Steve Hanson, 6 Chiltern Place, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3R 1T7 Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred Various Unliquidated


Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.116 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,250.00 Sunrise Foods Internationa (Usa) Inc., 715 4Th St, Pender, NE 68047 Check all that apply. United States Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 5/5/2021 Disputed SUNRISNE Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.117 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $7,925.56 Susan Scrivens, P.O. Box 1662, Stonewall, MB, Canada R0C 2Z0 Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred Various Unliquidated

Disputed Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.118 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $408.23 Swift Current Varsteel, 1900 Chaplin St. W, Swift Current, SK S9H Check all that apply. 5G6 Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 6/6/2021 Disputed VARSTESK Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 62 of 106

3.119 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $444.86 The World-Spectator, Box 250, Moosomin, SK S0G 3N0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 5/5/2021 Unliquidated

THEWORSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.120 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $61.05 Town Of Gull Lake, Po Box 150, Gull Lake, SK S0N 1A0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

TOWNOFSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.121 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $60,672.86 Tri Star Transport Ltd., Box 216, MARTENSVILLE, SK S0K 2T0 Check all that apply. Canada Contingent

Date or dates debt was incurred Unliquidated 7/7/2021 Disputed TRISTASK Basis for the claim: Logistics Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.122 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $5,943.94 Walter Hodgen, Box 359, Midale, SK S0C 1S0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 7/7/2021 Unliquidated

HODGENSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 63 of 106

3.123 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $153,031.14 Wayne & Ann Brown, Box 336, Midale, SK S0C1S0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

WAYNEASK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.124 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $58,573.58 Wilwynn Farms Ltd., Box 252, , SK S4A2A3 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

WILWYNSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.125 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $1,859.50 Wyatt Mullie, Box 427, Kipling, SK, Canada S0G 2S0 Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred Various Unliquidated

Disputed Basis for the claim: Accrued PTO Is the claim subject to offset? No


3.126 As of the petition ling date, the claim is: $11,067.47 Yvan Fafard, Box 271, Rocanville, SK S0A 3L0 Canada Check all that apply. Contingent Date or dates debt was incurred 6/6/2021 Unliquidated

FAFORDSK Disputed Basis for the claim: Accounts Payable Is the claim subject to offset? No

Yes Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 64 of 106

Part 3: List Others to Be Notied About Unsecured Claims

4. List in alphabetical order any others who must be notied for claims listed in Parts 1 and 2. Examples of entities that may be listed are collection agencies, assignees of claims listed above, and attorneys for unsecured creditors.

If no others need to be notied for the debts listed in Parts 1 and 2, do not ll out or submit this page. If additional pages are needed, copy the next page. Name and mailing address On which line in Part 1 or Part 2 is the related Last 4 digits of creditor (if any) listed? account number, if any

4.1 Line

Not listed. Explain

Part 4: Total Amounts of the Priority and Nonpriority Unsecured Claims

5. Add the amounts of priority and nonpriority unsecured claims. Total of claim amounts

5a. Total claims from Part 1 5a. $211,345.22 5b. Total claims from Part 2 5b. $3,822,169.74 5c. Total of Parts 1 and 2 5c. $4,033,514.96 Lines 5a + 5b = 5c. Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 65 of 106

Fill in this information to identify the case:

Debtor name: Pipeline Foods, ULC

United States Bankruptcy Court for the: District of Delaware Check if this is an Case number: 21-11018 amended ling

Ocial Form 206G Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases

Be as complete and accurate as possible. If more space is needed, copy and attach the additional page, numbering the entries consecutively.

Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases

1. Does the debtor have any executory contracts or unexpired leases?

No. Check this box and le this form with the court with the debtor’s other schedules. There is nothing else to report on this form.

Yes. Fill in all of the information below even if the contracts or leases are listed on Schedule A/B: Assets - Real and Personal Property (Ocial Form 206A/B).

2. List all contracts and unexpired leases State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease

2.1 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the 101041985 Saskatchewan Ltd, Box 1316, , SK, S4H 3J9 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 4/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.2 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the 101135539 Saskatchewan Ltd - Dustin Kress, Box 245, Consul, SK, S0N 0P0 nature of the debtor’s Canada interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.3 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the 101289887 Saskatchewan Ltd.- Tyacke, Box 245, Consul, SK, S0N 0P0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 5/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 66 of 106

2.4 State what the contract External Storage - 2180995 Alberta Ltd or lease is for and the 2180995 Alberta Ltd, 92032 Township Road 42, Etzikom, Alberta, T0K 0W0 nature of the debtor’s Canada interest State the term Unknown remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.5 State what the contract External Storage - 2207120 Alberta Ltd or lease is for and the 2207120 Alberta Ltd, Box 36, Buffalo Head Prairie, Alberta, T0H 4A0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term Unknown remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.6 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the A.Fleischhacker Farms Ltd, Box 23, Fulda, SK, S0K 1TO Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 8/15/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.7 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Abe F. Doerksen & Elizabeth Doerksen, Box 1725, La Crete, AB, T0H 2H0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.8 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Abe F. Doerksen & Elizabeth Doerksen, Box 1725, La Crete, AB, T0H 2H0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.9 State what the contract Oce Lease or lease is for and the Acawin Inc, 101 Christie Rd, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2N 4A4 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 67 of 106

2.10 State what the contract Oce Lease or lease is for and the Acawin Inc, 101 Christie Rd, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2N 4A4 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.11 State what the contract Peas Sales Contract or lease is for and the Ackerman Marketing Inc., 486 N Franklin St, Frankenmuth, MI, 48734 United nature of the debtor’s States interest State the term 12/31/2020 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.12 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Adam Hnetka, Box 116, Archerwill, SK, S0E 0B0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 8/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.13 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the B.W Seeds, Box 597, Foam Lake, SK, S0A 1A0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.14 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Back 40 Organics Ltd, RR #1, Etzikom, AB, T0K 0W0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.15 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Back 40 Organics Ltd, RR #1, Etzikom, AB, T0K 0W0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 68 of 106

2.16 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the BCJ Farm - Brad & Chanel Johnson, 246 Longview, Homestead, MT, 59242 nature of the debtor’s United States interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.17 State what the contract Corn Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Beechwood Agri Services Inc - Parkhill, 123 Parkhill King Street, Parkhill, ON, nature of the debtor’s N0M 2K0 Canada interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.18 State what the contract Soybeans Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Beechwood Agri Services Inc - Parkhill, 123 Parkhill King Street, Parkhill, ON, nature of the debtor’s N0M 2K0 Canada interest State the term 9/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.19 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Ben Braun & Susan Braun, Box 97, La Crete, AB, T0H 2H0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.20 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Bernhard W Dyck, Box 55, Preeceville, SK, S0A 3B0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.21 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Bernhard W Dyck, Box 55, Preeceville, SK, S0A 3B0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 69 of 106

2.22 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Big Sky Grazing Co., PO Box 65, Stockholm, SK, S0A 3Y0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.23 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Big Sky Grazing Co., PO Box 65, Stockholm, SK, S0A 3Y0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 4/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.24 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Big Sky Grazing Co., PO Box 65, Stockholm, SK, S0A 3Y0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.25 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Blaine & Bernice Kliever, Box 511, Elk Horn, MB, R0M 0N0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 10/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.26 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Blaine & Bernice Kliever, Box 511, Elk Horn, MB, R0M 0N0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.27 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Blitterswijk Farms, Box 53, , SK, S0A 3E0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 2/28/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 70 of 106

2.28 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Blitterswijk Farms, Box 53, Quill Lake, SK, S0A 3E0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 6/30/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.29 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Bratara Acres Inc, Box 445, Kerrobert, SK, S0L 1R0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.30 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Brett & Sheri Buckingham, Box 1821, Yorkton, SK, S3N 3R2 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.31 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Brett & Sheri Buckingham, Box 1821, Yorkton, SK, S3N 3R2 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 1/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.32 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Brody Beliveau / Dustin Beliveau, Box 171, Rockglen, SK, S0H 3R0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 8/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.33 State what the contract Other Grains Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Bruneau Farms Ltd, Box 374, Willow Bunch, SK, S0H 4K0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 4/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 71 of 106

2.34 State what the contract Track Lease - Gull Lake, SK or lease is for and the Canadian Pacic Rail, PO Box 1289 Main Post Oce, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C nature of the debtor’s 2Z1 Canada interest State the term Unknown remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.35 State what the contract Land Lease - Wapella, SK or lease is for and the assignment; Canadian Pacic Rail, PO Box 1289 Main Post Oce, Winnipeg, nature of the debtor’s Manitoba, R3C 2Z1 Canada interest State the term 8/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.36 State what the contract Land Lease - Gull Lake, SK or lease is for and the assignment; Canadian Pacic Rail, PO Box 1289 Main Post Oce, Winnipeg, nature of the debtor’s Manitoba, R3C 2Z1 Canada interest State the term 8/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.37 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Canadian Prairie Organics Ltd, Box 149, Foremost, AB, T0K 0X0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.38 State what the contract External Storage - Canest Transit Montreal or lease is for and the Canest Transit Montreal, 3700 rue Notre-Dame Est, Montreal, Quebec, H1W 2J8 nature of the debtor’s Canada interest State the term Unknown remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.39 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Casat Farms Ltd., Box 22, Claydon, SK, S0N0M0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 72 of 106

2.40 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Casey Acres 70 Ltd, Box 392, Tompkins, SK, S0N 2S0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.41 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Cee Pee Organic Farms, Box 335, Langham, SK, S0K 2L0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.42 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Challoner Farms Inc, Box 224, Norquay, SK, S0A 2V0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.43 State what the contract External Storage - Chaplin Grain LLC or lease is for and the Chaplin Grain LLC, 322 4th Ave., Chaplin, Saskatchewan, S0H 0V0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term Unknown remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.44 State what the contract Other Grains Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Charles Cattle Co. Ltd., Box 22, Stoughton, SK, S0G4T0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 6/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.45 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Charles Cattle Co. Ltd., Box 22, Stoughton, SK, S0G4T0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/9/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 73 of 106

2.46 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Charles Marc Ell, 2931 Montreal Cres, Regina, SK, S4P 2W6 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.47 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Clearview Farms Inc, Box 854, Radville, SK, S0C 2G0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 1/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.48 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Cleator Organic Farms, SE 12-30-16 W2, Wynyard, SK, S0A 4T0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.49 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the CMT Wildeman Farms, Box 837, Lanigan, SK, S0K2M0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/1/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.50 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the CMT Wildeman Farms, Box 837, Lanigan, SK, S0K2M0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 1/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.51 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Colby Herman, Box 104, Earl Grey, SK, S0G 1J0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 5/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 74 of 106

2.52 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Colin Denis, Box 38, Domremy, SK, S0K 1G0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 2/28/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.53 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Cory Duque, Box 232, Cereal, AB, T0J 0N0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.54 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Craig Sparrow, Box 353, Vanscoy, SK, S0L 3J0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.55 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Crestview Organic Farms Inc, Box 1506, Assiniboia, SK, S0H 0B0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 8/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.56 State what the contract Soybeans Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Crooked Creek Acres, 1584 Melwood Dr, Kerwood, ON, N0M 2B0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.57 State what the contract CWB Track Loaders - Equipment Lease or lease is for and the CWB National Leasing, 1525 Buffalo Pl, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 1L9 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term Unknown remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 75 of 106

2.58 State what the contract CWB Track Loaders - Equipment Lease or lease is for and the CWB National Leasing, 1525 Buffalo Pl, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 1L9 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term Unknown remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.59 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the D&D Organics Ltd, Box 183, Lampman, SK, S0C 1N0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.60 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Dale Neudorf, Box 188, La Crete, AB, T0H 2H0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.61 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Daniel Harms, Box 59, Buffalo Head Prairie, AB, T0H 4A0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.62 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Danny Schropp, Box 15, Holdfast, SK, S0G 2H0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 5/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.63 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Darcy Boon, Box 365, Maryeld, SK, S0g 3K0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 76 of 106

2.64 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the David Friesen, Box 1647, La Crete, AB, T0H 2H0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.65 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the DC Lipp Farms Inc, Box 38, Dilke, SK, S0G1C0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 6/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.66 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the DC Lipp Farms Inc, Box 38, Dilke, SK, S0G1C0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.67 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Delon Smysniuk, Box 601, Ituna, SK, S0A 1N0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 6/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.68 State what the contract External Storage - DG Canest Transit Inc. or lease is for and the DG Canest Transit Inc., 3700 Rue Notre Dave Est, Montreal, Quebec, H1W 2J8 nature of the debtor’s Canada interest State the term Unknown remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.69 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Doka Farms Ltd, Box 418, Kipling, SK, S0G 2S0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 77 of 106

2.70 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Don McKen, Box 1389, Yorkton, SK, S3N3G2 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 11/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.71 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Donald & Karen Blahey, Box 4, Willowbrook, SK, S0A 4P0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.72 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Donovan Howden, 3519 Lakeview Ave, Regina, SK, S4S 1G9 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.73 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Ed Roelfsema & Diane Roelfsema, Box 92, Grin, SK, S0C 1G0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 1/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.74 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Ellis Acres Corp, Box 105, Hazlet, SK, S0N 1E0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.75 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Ellis Acres Corp, Box 105, Hazlet, SK, S0N 1E0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 78 of 106

2.76 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Fleck Farms, Box 392, Lampman, SK, S0C 1N0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.77 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Fraser Farms, Box 57, Panbrun, SK, S0N 1W0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 8/15/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.78 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the G&D Knibbs Farms, Box 239, Stoughton, SK, S0G 4T0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.79 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the G&N Elliott Farms Ltd, Box 324, RR#1, Pipestone, MB, R0M 1T0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.80 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Garry & Geri Johnson, Box 176, Swift Current, SK, S9H 3V6 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.81 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the George Wall & Margeret Wall, Box 1173, La Crete, AB, T0H 2H0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 6/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 79 of 106

2.82 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Giraudier Farms Ltd., Box 206, Willow Bunch, SK, S0H 4K0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.83 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Gleim Chaplin Farms Ltd., Box 255, Chaplin, SK, S0H0V0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.84 State what the contract Protein-Veg Sales Contract or lease is for and the Global Food and Ingredients Inc., 43 Colborne Street, Suite 400, Toronto, ON, nature of the debtor’s M5E 1E3 Canada interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.85 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Grain St Laurent, 407 Rue McGill suite 315, Montreal, QC, H2Y 2G3 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.86 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Grain St Laurent, 407 Rue McGill suite 315, Montreal, QC, H2Y 2G3 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 11/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.87 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Grain St Laurent, 407 Rue McGill suite 315, Montreal, QC, H2Y 2G3 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 80 of 106

2.88 State what the contract Other Grains Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Grant Rigby, Box 163, Killarney, MB, R0K 1G0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.89 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Grassy Hill Organic, Box 510, Gull Lake, SK, S0N 1A0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 10/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.90 State what the contract External Storage - Great Northern Grain or lease is for and the Terminals Great Northern Grain Terminals, Elevator Rd. , Killam, Alberta, T5J 3L7 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term Unknown remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.91 State what the contract Other Grains Sales Contract or lease is for and the Great River Organic Milling, W26001 Volds Ln, Arcadia, WI, 54612 United States nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.92 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the GREG GLEIM, BOX 207, Chaplin, SK, S0H 0V0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.93 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the H. Harms Transport Ltd, Box 1654, La Crete, AB, T0H 2H0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 81 of 106

2.94 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the H. Harms Transport Ltd, Box 1654, La Crete, AB, T0H 2H0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.95 State what the contract Wheat Sales Contract or lease is for and the Heartland Mill Inc., 124 N Hwy 167, Marienthal, KS, 67863 United States nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 8/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.96 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Hiddengem Ranch, Box 332, Wapella, SK, S0G 4Z0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.97 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Hiddengem Ranch, Box 332, Wapella, SK, S0G 4Z0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.98 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Holley R. Treak, Box 21, Mayfair, SK, S0M 1S0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 4/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.99 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Honey Farms, Box 120, Frontier, SK, S0N 0G0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 82 of 106

2.100 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Honey Farms, Box 120, Frontier, SK, S0N 0G0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2020 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.101 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Honey Farms, Box 120, Frontier, SK, S0N 0G0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 6/30/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.102 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Honey Farms, Box 120, Frontier, SK, S0N 0G0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.103 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Honey's Family Farm LLC, 14899 Assinibonie Rd., Dodson, MT, 59538 United nature of the debtor’s States interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.104 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the J&C Vilcu Farms Ltd, Box 416, Midale, SK, S0C 1S0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.105 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Jacob F Wall & Gertrude Wall, Box 1051, La Crete, AB, T0H 2H0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 6/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 83 of 106

2.106 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Jake Fehr & Margeret Fehr, Box 17, Buffalo Head Prairie, AB, T0H 4A0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 5/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.107 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Jake Teichroeb & Florence Teichroeb, Box 486, La Crete, AB, T0H 2H0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 11/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.108 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Jason Dutchak, Box 2067, Canora, SK, S0A 0L0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 10/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.109 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Jason Dutchak, Box 2067, Canora, SK, S0A 0L0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 5/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.110 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Jason Dutchak, Box 2067, Canora, SK, S0A 0L0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.111 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Jason Dutchak, Box 2067, Canora, SK, S0A 0L0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 84 of 106

2.112 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Jason McKee o/a Green Mound Acres, Box 52, Oyen, AB, T0J 2J0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 1/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.113 State what the contract Other Grains Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Jim Neuls, Box 715, Grenfell, SK, S0G 2B0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.114 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Joe & Janice Vilcu, Box 489, Midale, SK, S0C 1S0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.115 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Joe & Janice Vilcu, Box 489, Midale, SK, S0C 1S0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.116 State what the contract External Storage - KBI Seed Processing or lease is for and the KBI Seed Processing, NE 13-8-1 W2, Manor, Saskatchewan, SOC 1R0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term Unknown remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.117 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Kellan Farms Inc, Box 372, , SK, S0L 0C0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 85 of 106

2.118 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Kellan Farms Inc, Box 372, Beechy, SK, S0L 0C0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.119 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Ken Bohn, Box 571, Southey, SK, S0G 4P0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 8/15/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.120 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Ken Fehr, Box 121, Hepburn, SK, S0K1Z0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.121 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Ken Fehr, Box 121, Hepburn, SK, S0K1Z0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 10/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.122 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Kramer Agro Inc, Box 416, Lashburn, SK, S0M 1H0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 1/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.123 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Kramer Agro Inc, Box 416, Lashburn, SK, S0M 1H0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 1/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 86 of 106

2.124 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the KT Acres Inc., Box 249, Willow Bunch, SK, S0H 4K0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.125 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the KT Acres Inc., Box 249, Willow Bunch, SK, S0H 4K0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.126 State what the contract Other Grains Sales Contract or lease is for and the Lackawanna Products Corp, 8545 Main Street, PO Box 660, Clarence, NY, 14031 nature of the debtor’s United States interest State the term 6/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.127 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Lazy K Ranch, Box 3, Balcarres, SK, S0G 0C0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 8/15/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.128 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Leo Denis, Box 133, Domremy, SK, S0K 1G0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 2/28/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.129 State what the contract External Storage - Lily & Rose Seed Processors or lease is for and the Lily & Rose Seed Processors, SE 16-20-9 W2, Farm, Lemberg, Saskatchewan, nature of the debtor’s S0A 2B0 Canada interest State the term Unknown remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 87 of 106

2.130 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Loran Farms, Box 16, Hoey, SK, S0J 1E0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 4/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.131 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the LSM Commodities Ltd., 203 3550 Taylor St, Saskatoon, SK, S7H5H9 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.132 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the LSM Commodities Ltd., 203 3550 Taylor St, Saskatoon, SK, S7H5H9 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 6/30/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.133 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the LSM Commodities Ltd., 203 3550 Taylor St, Saskatoon, SK, S7H5H9 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.134 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the LSM Commodities Ltd., 203 3550 Taylor St, Saskatoon, SK, S7H5H9 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 8/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.135 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the LSM Commodities Ltd., 203 3550 Taylor St, Saskatoon, SK, S7H5H9 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 8/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 88 of 106

2.136 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the LSM Commodities Ltd., 203 3550 Taylor St, Saskatoon, SK, S7H5H9 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 8/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.137 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the LSM Commodities Ltd., 203 3550 Taylor St, Saskatoon, SK, S7H5H9 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.138 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the LSM Commodities Ltd., 203 3550 Taylor St, Saskatoon, SK, S7H5H9 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.139 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Lucas Gartner, 33 Clunie Crt, , SK, S6J 0E3 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 1/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.140 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Lyle Moss, Box 56, Liebenthal, SK, S0N 1L0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 10/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.141 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Lyle Moss, Box 56, Liebenthal, SK, S0N 1L0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 11/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 89 of 106

2.142 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the McKenzie Land and Livestock, R.R. #1, Nesbitt, MB, R0K 1P0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.143 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Meadow Creek Farm, Box 251, Carlyle, SK, S0C 0R0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.144 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Mid Prairie Dairy Ltd, Box 123, Togo, SK, S0A 4E0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 2/28/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.145 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Mines View Ranch Ltd, Box 424, Rockglen, SK, S0H 3R0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 5/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.146 State what the contract Soybeans Sales Contract or lease is for and the NATURE SOY LLC, 6123 ARAPAHOE ROAD, Boulder, CO, 80301 United States nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 10/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.147 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Never Rest Organics Ltd., Box 231, Chaplin, SK, S0H 0V0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 90 of 106

2.148 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Never Rest Organics Ltd., Box 231, Chaplin, SK, S0H 0V0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.149 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Norab Grains, Box 1627, La Crete, AB, T0H 2H0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 6/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.150 State what the contract Soybeans Sales Contract or lease is for and the NORTHERN SOY, 345 PAUL ROAD, Rochester, NY, 14624 United States nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.151 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Organics Canada LTD, Box 90, Waldron, SK, S0A 4K0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 8/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.152 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Parkland Ventures, Box 3459, Humboldt, SK, S0K 2A0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 2/28/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.153 State what the contract Wheat Sales Contract or lease is for and the Parrish & Heimbecker Ltd, 355 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, V6C 2G8 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 6/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 91 of 106

2.154 State what the contract External Storage - Parrish & Heimbecker LTD or lease is for and the Parrish & Heimbecker LTD, 355 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C nature of the debtor’s 2G8 Canada interest State the term Unknown remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.155 State what the contract Wheat Sales Contract or lease is for and the Parrish & Heimbecker Ltd., 6733 Mississauga RD, Suite 308, Mississauga, ON, nature of the debtor’s L5N6J5 Canada interest State the term 8/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.156 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Paul & Gilles Gorieu, Box 176, Domremy, SK, S0K 1G0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 1/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.157 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Penny Lane Organic Farms LTD, Box 545, Swift Current, SK, S9H 3W4 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.158 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Pete S Fehr, Box 115, Buffalo Head Prairie, AB, T0H 4A0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.159 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Peter W. Wieler, Box 1741, High Level, AB, T0H 1Z0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 92 of 106

2.160 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Poplar Glen Organic Farm / Kate & Doug Storey, R.R #1, Grandview, MB, R0L 0Y0 nature of the debtor’s Canada interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.161 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Prairie Earth's Seed & Grain Inc, 19 Sunwood Place SW, Medicine Hat, AB, T1B nature of the debtor’s 4Y5 Canada interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.162 State what the contract Wheat Sales Contract or lease is for and the Prairie Flour Mills Ltd, Box 301, 11 Janzen Road, Elie, MB, R0H 0H0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.163 State what the contract Wheat Sales Contract or lease is for and the Prairie Flour Mills Ltd, Box 301, 11 Janzen Road, Elie, MB, R0H 0H0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 11/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.164 State what the contract Barley Sales Contract or lease is for and the Prairie Malt Ltd., Box 1150, Biggar, SK, S0K0M0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.165 State what the contract Barley Sales Contract or lease is for and the Prairie Malt Ltd., Box 1150, Biggar, SK, S0K0M0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 93 of 106

2.166 State what the contract Barley Sales Contract or lease is for and the Prairie Malt Ltd., Box 1150, Biggar, SK, S0K0M0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 6/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.167 State what the contract Barley Sales Contract or lease is for and the Prairie Malt Ltd., Box 1150, Biggar, SK, S0K0M0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.168 State what the contract Barley Sales Contract or lease is for and the Prairie Malt Ltd., Box 1150, Biggar, SK, S0K0M0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 6/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.169 State what the contract Barley Sales Contract or lease is for and the Prairie Malt Ltd., Box 1150, Biggar, SK, S0K0M0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.170 State what the contract Barley Sales Contract or lease is for and the Prairie Malt Ltd., Box 1150, Biggar, SK, S0K0M0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 6/30/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.171 State what the contract Barley Sales Contract or lease is for and the Prairie Malt Ltd., Box 1150, Biggar, SK, S0K0M0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 1/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 94 of 106

2.172 State what the contract Barley Sales Contract or lease is for and the Prairie Malt Ltd., Box 1150, Biggar, SK, S0K0M0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.173 State what the contract Barley Sales Contract or lease is for and the Prairie Malt Ltd., Box 1150, Biggar, SK, S0K0M0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.174 State what the contract Wheat Sales Contract or lease is for and the Providence Grain Group Inc, 10 - 555 Hervo Street, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 3L6 nature of the debtor’s Canada interest State the term 9/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.175 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the R&C Martin Acres Ltd, Box 355, Willow Bunch, SK, S0H 4K0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.176 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Randy Fehr, Box 41, Glentworth, SK, S0H 1V0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.177 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Raymond Rustad,Judith Rustad, Randy Rustad, Rhonda, Box 248, Rose Valley, nature of the debtor’s SK, S0E 1M0 Canada interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 95 of 106

2.178 State what the contract External Storage - Ray-Mont Logistics or lease is for and the Ray-Mont Logistics, 15900 River Road, Richmond, British Columbia, V6V 1L5 nature of the debtor’s Canada interest State the term Unknown remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.179 State what the contract External Storage - Ray-Mont Logistics or lease is for and the Ray-Mont Logistics, 1600 Wellington St, Montreal, Quebec, H3K 1V4 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term Unknown remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.180 State what the contract External Storage - Ray-Mont Vancouver or lease is for and the Ray-Mont Vancouver, Attn: Mark Bonja, 15900 River Road, Richmond, Vancouver, nature of the debtor’s V6V 1L5 Canada interest State the term Unknown remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.181 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Robert Braun, Box 3376, High Level, AB, T0H 1Z0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.182 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Robert Kot & Tricia Kot, Box 1452, Weyburn, SK, S4H 3J9 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 4/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.183 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Rod Fischer, Box 452, Kipling, SK, S0G 2S0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 2/28/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 96 of 106

2.184 State what the contract Wheat Sales Contract or lease is for and the Rogers Foods Ltd, 4420 Larkin Cross Road, Armstrong, BC, VOE 1B6 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 9/30/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.185 State what the contract Wheat Sales Contract or lease is for and the Rogers Foods Ltd, 4420 Larkin Cross Road, Armstrong, BC, VOE 1B6 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 8/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.186 State what the contract Wheat Sales Contract or lease is for and the Rogers Foods Ltd, 4420 Larkin Cross Road, Armstrong, BC, VOE 1B6 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 9/30/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.187 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Ron Schropp & Kathy Schropp, Box 58, Findlater, SK, S0G 1P0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.188 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Rosvold Farms Inc., Box 291, Bengough, SK, S0C0K0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.189 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Rosvold Farms Inc., Box 291, Bengough, SK, S0C0K0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 97 of 106

2.190 State what the contract Soybeans Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Rourke Farms Ltd / David Rourke, Box 144, Minto, MB, R0K 1M0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.191 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Rowland Seeds, Box 4776, Taber, AB, T1G 2E1 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 6/9/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.192 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the S Gilbertson Holding, Box 608, Quill Lake, SK, S0A 3E0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 1/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.193 State what the contract Other Grains Sales Contract or lease is for and the Sander Seeds Ltd, Box 3, Beechy, SK, S0L 0C0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.194 State what the contract Other Grains Sales Contract or lease is for and the Sander Seeds Ltd, Box 3, Beechy, SK, S0L 0C0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.195 State what the contract External Storage - Sanders Seeds Ltd. or lease is for and the Sanders Seeds Ltd., NE 25-22-10 W3, Beechy, Saskatchewan, S0L 0C0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term Unknown remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 98 of 106

2.196 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Sandy Grove Farms Ltd, Box 309, Box 309, Leask, SK, S0J1M0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 10/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.197 State what the contract Wheat Sales Contract or lease is for and the Shafer Commodities Inc, 423 13th St S, Lethbridge, AB, T1J 2V8 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 8/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.198 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Shafer Commodities Inc, 423 13th St S, Lethbridge, AB, T1J 2V8 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.199 State what the contract Wheat Sales Contract or lease is for and the SHIPTON MILL LIMITED, LONG NEWNTON, Tetbury, GL, GL8 8RP United nature of the debtor’s Kingdom interest State the term 3/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.200 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Stacy Keith, Box 38, Cadillac, SK, S0N 0K0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.201 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Stacy Thuen, Box 748, Coronach, SK, S0H 0Z0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 99 of 106

2.202 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Stacy Thuen, Box 748, Coronach, SK, S0H 0Z0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2020 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.203 State what the contract Barley Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Stutt Farms Ltd, Box 1548, Moosomin, SK, S0G 3N0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.204 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Sunbeam Harvest Inc., #2 Larch Ave, Drumheller, AB, T0J 0Y1 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.205 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Sunbeam Harvest Inc., #2 Larch Ave, Drumheller, AB, T0J 0Y1 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 1/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.206 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Tarazed Farms Ltd., Box 1316, Weyburn, SK, S4H3J9 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 4/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.207 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the TLC Farms Inc, 1790 Clear Creek Road, Chinook, MT, 59523 United States nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 100 of 106

2.208 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Trupe Farms - Matt & Sandra Trupe, 241 A Longview, Homestead, MT, 59242 nature of the debtor’s United States interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.209 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Vendor Pending Approval, Minneapolis, MN United States nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.210 State what the contract Wheat Sales Contract or lease is for and the Wehrmann Grain & Seed Ltd, 460, Sideroad 20, RR 1, Ripley, ON, N0G 2R0 nature of the debtor’s Canada interest State the term 6/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.211 State what the contract Wheat Sales Contract or lease is for and the Wehrmann Grain & Seed Ltd, 460, Sideroad 20, RR 1, Ripley, ON, N0G 2R0 nature of the debtor’s Canada interest State the term 6/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.212 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Weinbender Farms, Box 301, Morse, SK, S0H 3C0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.213 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Weinbender Farms, Box 301, Morse, SK, S0H 3C0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 101 of 106

2.214 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Weinbender Farms, Box 301, Morse, SK, S0H 3C0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.215 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Weinbender Farms, Box 301, Morse, SK, S0H 3C0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.216 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Weinbender Farms, Box 301, Morse, SK, S0H 3C0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.217 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Weinbender Farms, Box 301, Morse, SK, S0H 3C0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.218 State what the contract Peas Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Wide Horizon Farms Ltd, Box 69, Midale, SK, S0C 1S0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.219 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Wide Horizon Farms Ltd, Box 69, Midale, SK, S0C 1S0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 102 of 106

2.220 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Wide Horizon Farms Ltd, Box 69, Midale, SK, S0C 1S0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 3/31/2022 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.221 State what the contract Oats Purchase Contract or lease is for and the WR Guenther Farms Ltd, Box 186, Hepburn, SK, S0K 1Z0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 6/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.222 State what the contract Peas Sales Contract or lease is for and the Yantai Oriental Protein Tech Co., Ltd, 668 Jincheng Road, Shandong Province, nature of the debtor’s Zhaoyuan City, SH, 265400 China interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.223 State what the contract Peas Sales Contract or lease is for and the Yantai Oriental Protein Tech Co., Ltd, 668 Jincheng Road, Shandong Province, nature of the debtor’s Zhaoyuan City, SH, 265400 China interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.224 State what the contract Peas Sales Contract or lease is for and the Yantai Oriental Protein Tech Co., Ltd, 668 Jincheng Road, Shandong Province, nature of the debtor’s Zhaoyuan City, SH, 265400 China interest State the term 4/30/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.225 State what the contract Peas Sales Contract or lease is for and the Yantai Yiyuan Bioengineering Co. Ltd., 668 Jinwang Road North of Exit, Weiwu nature of the debtor’s Highway, Zhaoyuan City, SH, 265400 China interest State the term 7/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 103 of 106

2.226 State what the contract Peas Sales Contract or lease is for and the Yantia Shuangta Food Co., LTD, Jinling Town, Zhaoyuan City, SH China nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.227 State what the contract Peas Sales Contract or lease is for and the Yantia Shuangta Food Co., LTD, Jinling Town, Zhaoyuan City, SH China nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract

2.228 State what the contract Wheat Purchase Contract or lease is for and the Zak Organics Ltd., Box 35, Fir Mountain, SK, S0H1P0 Canada nature of the debtor’s interest State the term 12/31/2021 remaining List the contract number of any government contract Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 104 of 106

Fill in this information to identify the case:

Debtor name: Pipeline Foods, ULC

United States Bankruptcy Court for the: District of Delaware Check if this is an Case number: 21-11018 amended ling

Ocial Form 206H Schedule H: Codebtors

Be as complete and accurate as possible. If more space is needed, copy the Additional Page, numbering the entries consecutively. Attach the Additional Page to this page.

1. Does the debtor have any codebtors?

No. Check this box and submit this form to the court with the debtor’s other schedules. Nothing else needs to be reported on this form.


2. In Column 1, list as codebtors all of the people or entities who are also liable for any debts listed by the debtor in the schedules of creditors, Schedules D-G. Include all guarantors and co-obligors. In Column 2, identify the creditor to whom the debt is owed and each schedule on which the creditor is listed. If the codebtor is liable on a debt to more than one creditor, list each creditor separately in Column 2. Column 1: Codebtor Column 2: Creditor

Name Mailing Address Name Check all schedules that apply:

2.1 Pipeline Holdings, LLC Farm Credit Leasing Services Corporation D 6499 University Avenue NE Suite 200 Fridley, MN 55432 E/F


2.2 Pipeline Foods, LLC Coöperatieve Rabobank, U.A., New York Branch, as D 6499 University Avenue NE Suite 200 Fridley, MN administrative and collateral agent 55432 E/F


2.3 Pipeline Foods Real Coöperatieve Rabobank, U.A., New York Branch, as D Estate Holding Company, 6499 University Avenue NE Suite 200 Fridley, MN administrative and collateral agent LLC 55432 E/F


2.4 Pipeline Holdings, LLC Coöperatieve Rabobank, U.A., New York Branch, as D 6499 University Avenue NE Suite 200 Fridley, MN administrative and collateral agent 55432 E/F


2.5 Pipeline Foods II, LLC Coöperatieve Rabobank, U.A., New York Branch, as D 6499 University Avenue NE Suite 200 Fridley, MN administrative and collateral agent 55432 E/F

G Debtor Pipeline Foods, ULC______Case number (if known)21-11018______Name Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 105 of 106

2.6 Pipeline Foods Southern Coöperatieve Rabobank, U.A., New York Branch, as D Cone S.R.L. Blanco Encalada 2480 La Horqueta, Boulogne, administrative and collateral agent Buenos Aires, Argentina E/F


2.7 Pipeline Holdings, LLC Farm Credit Canada D 6499 University Avenue NE Suite 200 Fridley, MN 55432 E/F


2.8 Pipeline Foods, LLC Farm Credit Canada D 6499 University Avenue NE Suite 200 Fridley, MN 55432 E/F

G Case 21-11002-KBO Doc 311 Filed 08/16/21 Page 106 of 106

Fill in this information to identify the case:

Debtor name: Pipeline Foods, ULC

United States Bankruptcy Court for the: District of Delaware Check if this is an Case number: 21-11018 amended ling

Ocial Form 202 Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors

An individual who is authorized to act on behalf of a non-individual debtor, such as a corporation or partnership, must sign and submit this form for the schedules of assets and liabilities, any other document that requires a declaration that is not included in the document, and any amendments of those documents. This form must state the individual’s position or relationship to the debtor, the identity of the document, and the date. Bankruptcy Rules 1008 and 9011. WARNING -- Bankruptcy fraud is a serious crime. Making a false statement, concealing property, or obtaining money or property by fraud in connection with a bankruptcy case can result in nes up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. §§ 152, 1341, 1519, and 3571.

I am the president, another ocer, or an authorized agent of the corporation; a member or an authorized agent of the partnership; or another individual serving as a representative of the debtor in this case.

I have examined the information in the documents checked below and I have a reasonable belief that the information is true and correct:

Schedule A/B: Assets–Real and Personal Property (Ocial Form 206A/B)

Schedule D: Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by Property (Ocial Form 206D)

Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims (Ocial Form 206E/F)

Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases (Ocial Form 206G)

Schedule H: Codebtors (Ocial Form 206H)

Summary of Assets and Liabilities for Non-Individuals (Ocial Form 206Sum)

Amended Schedule

Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims and Are Not Insiders (Ocial Form 204)

Other document that requires a declaration

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

8/16/2021 /s/ Winston Mar

Executed on Signature of individual signing on behalf of debtor Winston Mar Printed name Chief Restructuring Ocer Position or relationship to debtor