Become a Patron St Edmundsbury holds the memory and narrative of a thousand years of God’s love in .

Our story begins with the martyrdom of St Edmund in 869 by Viking raiders, followed by the founding in 1020 of a Benedictine Abbey by King Cnut, after he adopted the Christian faith of the land. The Cathedral started life as a small church in the precincts of this Abbey, growing and changing until it became the magnificent building we see and experience today – a sacred place of worship where we share the beauty of the Gospel through music, hospitality and learning.

St Edmundsbury Cathedral belongs to each and every one of us, important to the heritage, culture and The Very Revd community life of the area we serve. And we need of St Edmundsbury your support to help ensure we continue to be there for everyone who needs us, now and well into the future.

Will you please become a Patron and join a group of loyal supporters helping to conserve the building’s historic fabric, maintain our enriching music and support our learning and community programmes?

Thank you so much. The Statue of Saint Edmund by Dame Elisabeth Frink You can Patron Support the Cathedral for £300 a year or £480 become a for couples • An invitation (two invitations if joint patrons) to exclusive Patron in Patrons’ events throughout the year: any of the Patrons’ Summer Garden Party in the Cathedral Grounds Annual spring trip with privileged access to heritage sites* following Preview openings of our exhibitions ways • Quarterly e-newsletter and events information • Optional acknowledgement on our website and thank- you list in our Annual Review * There is a small charge to attend these trips to help cover costs

Corporate Patron Support the Cathedral through your company for £600 a year • As above, with two invitations to the summer garden party

Benefactor Patron For those who are able to give £3,000 a year • As above, plus Private dinner in the nave of the Cathedral with the Dean and Cathedral leaders to discuss forthcoming projects and matters of interest l/We wish to support St Edmundsbury Cathedral by becoming a Patron(s)*

Individual Patron — £300pa/£25 per month Joint Patrons — £480pa/£40 per month

Corporate Patron — £600pa/£50 per month Benefactor Patron — £3,000pa/£250 per month






Please make cheques payable to The Foundation of St Edmund BACS or Standing Order payments to Account No 28167760, Sort Code 30-64-22 Lloyds Bank, Buttermarket IP33 3AH

Please tick the box if you would like to boost your donation by 25p for every £ you donate.

( ) Please treat all qualifying gifts of money made to The Foundation of St Edmund from the date of this declaration and all those I have made in the past four years as Gift Aid donations until notified otherwise. I confirm that I have paid/will pay at least as much income tax and/or capital gains tax for each year as will be reclaimed in Gift Aid by the charities and CASC’s I support (25p for every £1 given).

Signature Date

*A minimum payment of £60 per person (including VAT) secures all annual Patron benefits. The balance (£240 for Individual Patrons, £360 for Joint Patrons, £2,940 for Benefactors) is a suggested donation to which gift aid provisions apply, but you may purchase the benefits package separately without making any further donation. Note: this does not apply to corporate patrons.

**Data Protection: Making a donation will result in your donor data being stored on our donor software system. We will keep your personal data safe and we will not share it with any third parties. Your data will be used for administering your membership, claiming Gift Aid if applicable and communicating with you about our work and events. Please tick the box(es) below to indicate your communication preferences, which you can change at any time. ( ) Yes please, I’d like to hear from you by post ( )  Yes please, I’d like to hear from you by email ( )  Yes please, I’d like to hear from you by telephone ( )  Please do not contact me with any further information

Please return to: Development Office, St Edmundsbury Cathedral, The Cathedral Office, Abbey House, Angel Hill, , Suffolk IP33 1LS or scan and send by email to [email protected]

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Development Office St Edmundsbury Cathedral The Cathedral Office Abbey House Angel Hill Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP33 1LS

Email: [email protected] Web: Tel: +44 (0) 1284 748720