China Campus Guide 中国大学校园指南

策 划 Planned by 徐晓飞 XU Xiaofei 朱文一 ZHU Wenyi

Tsinghua University


编 著 Editors 朱文一 ZHU Wenyi 滕静茹 TENG Jingru 陈瑾羲 CHEN Jinxi

校 译 Reviewers 戴 伟 David G. EVANS 王有志 WANG Youzhi

清华大学出版社 Press 002

凡 例 校内食堂 Dining Hall Legend 中餐 Chinese Food 中西快餐 Chinese & Western Fast Food 路边小吃 Snack 日韩风味 East Asian Flavor 咖啡茶座 Cafe & Tea House 西餐 Western Food 校门 Campus Gate 校内住宿 交通检查点 Campus Guest Checkpoints House 自行车租赁 校外宾馆 Bicycle Rental Outside Hotel 机动车路线 招待所 Motor Line Outside Guest Hotel 校园公车路线 Campus Bus Route 停车场 银行 Parking Bank 城市公交站 银行ATM City Bus Stop ATM 校园公交站 Campus Bus Stop 通讯商 城铁站 Communication City Rail Station Service 火车售票处 Rail Ticket 火车站 飞机售票处 Railway Station Air Ticket 机场 邮局 Airport Post Office 快速路 话吧 Expressway Telephone Booth 城市干道 洗衣店 City Trunk Road Laundry 已有地铁线 普通打印店 Existing Print Service Subway Line 彩喷打印店 规划地铁线 Color Print Constructing 照相馆 Subway Line Photostudio 清华直达地铁线 Through Subway Line to Tsinghua 超市 University Supermarket 蔬菜水果 问讯处 Grocery Information 清华纪念品 入口 Tsinghua Souvenirs Entrance 书店 游线 Bookstore Walk Route 美发店 文物建筑 Hair Salon Cultural Relic 美容院 Building Beauty Salon 保护建筑 健身中心 Protective Building Fitness Center 历史建筑 医院 Historical Building Hospital 16 序号 药店 Number Drugstore 003

清华大学简介· Introduction of Tsinghua University

清 华 大 学 是 中 国 著 名 高 等 学 府 ,坐 Institute of Chinese Classics, advocated 落于北京西北郊风景秀丽的清华园,是 this belief and had a profound impact on 中国高层次人才培养和科学技术研究的 Tsinghua’s later development. 重要基地之一。 Tsinghua University was forced to 清华大学的前身是清华学堂,成立 move to Kunming and join with Peking 于1911年,当初是清政府建立的留美预 University and Nankai University 备学校。1912 年更名为清华学校,为尝 to form the Southwest Associated 试人才的本地培养,1925 年设立大学 University due to the Resistance War 部 ,同 年 开 办 研 究 院 ( 国 学 门 ),1 9 2 8 against the Japanese Invasion in 1937. 年 更 名 为“ 国 立 清 华 大 学 ”,并 于 1 9 2 9 In 1946 the University was moved back 年秋开办研究院,各系设研究所。1937 to its original location in Beijing after 年抗日战争爆发后,南迁长沙,与北京 the war. 大学、南开大学联合办学,组建国立长 After the founding of the People’s 沙 临 时 大 学 ,1 9 3 8 年 迁 至 昆 明 ,改 名 为 Republic of China, the University 国立西南联合大学。1946年,清华大学 was molded into a polytechnic 迁回清华园原址复校,设有文、法、理、 institute focusing on engineering 工、农等5 个学院,26 个系。 in the nationwide restructuring of 1 9 5 2 年 ,全 国 高 校 院 系 调 整 后 ,清 universities and colleges undertaken 华大学成为一所多科性工业大学,重点 in 1952. In November 1952, Mr. Jiang 为国家培养工程技术人才,被誉为“工 Nanxiang became the President of 程 师 的 摇 篮 ”。1 9 7 8 年 以 来 ,清 华 大 学 the University. He made significant 进 入 了一 个 蓬 勃 发 展 的 新 时 期 ,逐 步 恢 contributions in leading Tsinghua 复了理科、经济、管理和文科类学科, to become the national center for 并成立了研究生院和继续教育学院。 training engineers and scientists with 1999 年,原中央工艺美术学院并入,成 both professional proficiency and 立 清 华 大 学 美 术 学 院 。在 国 家 和 教 育 部 personal integrity. 的大力支持下,经过“211工程”建设和 Since China opened up to the “985计划”的实施,清华大学在学科 world in 1978, Tsinghua University 建 设 、人 才 培 养 、师 资 队 伍 、科 学 研 究 has developed at a breathtaking 以及整体办学条件等方面均跃上了一个 pace into a comprehensive research 新的台阶。目前,清华大学设有16个学 university. At present, the university 院 ,5 6 个 系 ,已 成 为 一 所 具 有 理 学 、工 has 16 schools and 56 departments 学、文学、艺术学、历史学、哲学、经济 with faculties in science, engineering, 学、管理学、法学、教育学和医学等学 humanities, law, medicine, history, 科 的 综 合 性 、研 究 型 大 学 。 philosophy, economics, management, 清 芬 挺 秀 ,华 夏 增 辉 。今 天 的 清 华 education and art. The University has 大学面临前所未有的历史机遇,清华 now over 25,900 students, including 人 继 承“ 爱 国 、奉 献 ”的 优 良 传 统 ,秉 承 13,100 undergraduates and 12,800 “ 自 强 不 息 、 厚 德 载 物 ” 的 校 训 、“ 行 胜 graduate students. As one of China’s 于 言 ”的 校 风 以 及“ 严 谨 、勤 奋 、求 实 、 most renowned universities, Tsinghua 创新”的学风,为使清华大学跻身世界 has become an important institution for 一流大学行列,为中华民族的伟大复兴 fostering talent and scientific research. 而努力奋斗。 The educational philosophy of (参见清华大学网站“学校沿革”) Tsinghua is to “train students with integrity”. Among over 120,000 students Tsinghua University was established who have graduated from Tsinghua in 1911, originally under the name since its founding are many outstanding “Tsinghua Xuetang”. The school was scholars, eminent entrepreneurs and renamed “Tsinghua School” in 1912. The great statesmen remembered and university section was founded in 1925. respected by their fellow Chinese The name “National Tsinghua University” citizens. was adopted in 1928. With the motto of “Self-Discipline The faculty greatly valued the and Social Commitment” and the spirit interaction between Chinese and of “Actions Speak Louder than Words”, Western cultures, the sciences and Tsinghua University is dedicated to the humanities, the ancient and modern. well-being of Chinese society and to Tsinghua scholars Wang Guowei, Liang world development. Qichao, Chen Yinque and Zhao Yuanren, (See: Introduction of Tsinghua University, renowned as the “Four Tutors” in the 004 目 录

清华大学简介 ⋯⋯ 003 Introduction of Tsinghua University

走进清华园 ⋯⋯ 006 - 007 An overview of Tsinghua Campus

推荐游览路线 ⋯⋯ 008 - 011 Recommended Walks

区五 Zone 5 区四 Zone 4

区一 Zone 1

区三 Zone 3

区二 Zone 2

区六 Zone 6

服务指南 / Service Guide ⋯⋯ 134 - 141

参考文献 / References ⋯⋯ 142 - 143

后记 / Epilog ⋯⋯ 144 - 145 005


区一 区二 Zone 1 ⋯ 012 - 045 Zone 2 ⋯ 046 - 055 如果你只有半天时间,却又想领略最经典的清华风 若想寻访清华大学历史上的名人踪迹,这里是再 情的话,中西合璧的区一是最好的选择。区一是清 好不过的选择:这里曾居住着那些名闻遐迩的大 华大学老校区的所在地,整个校园即发源于此。 学者、大教授,如陈寅恪、王国维和赵元任。 If you have only half a day and would like to visit If you want to look for traces of historic celebrities the most beautiful sights of Tsinghua, Zone 1, and former scholars of Tsinghua University, it is which combines styles of the east and the west, an ideal place. These include the distinguished could be your best choice. Zone 1 is the location scholars: Chen Yinque, Wang Guowei and Zhao of the old campus, and the present campus has Yuanren. grown out from here.

区三 区四 Zone 3 ⋯ 056 - 081 Zone 4 ⋯ 082 - 091

这里的建筑都是近50年间建造的,多为现代主义 这里是主要的学生生活区,几乎所有的本硕博学 风格,色彩浅淡,常被称为“白区”。其中最主 生都住在这里。这里既有成片的宿舍楼,也有广 要的建筑为主楼和新清华学堂建筑群。 阔的运动场和条件优越的运动场馆。 Completed over the subsequent 50 years, the Here is the major living area for students, and designs of all of its buildings were influenced almost all the undergraduates and graduates are by modernism and have a bright appearance. living here. Besides a great number of domitory Thus Zone 3 is called the “White District”. The buildings, there are also vast areas of playing Main Building cluster and New Tsinghua Xuetang fields and great gymnasiums. Complex are the most important buildings in the Zone.

区五 区六 Zone 5 ⋯ 092 - 097 Zone 6 ⋯ 098 - 105

清华大学附属中学坐落于此。此外,还有一部分 谷歌、微软、搜狐等世界著名公司云集于此,这 教工住宅。 里是最新科学技术的孵化室。 The Hight School attached to the university is Many world-famous companies, like Google, located here. Besides, some faculties live here, Microsoft, Sohu choose to set their headquarters too. here.

特色景区 景观建筑 Other Scenic Spots ⋯ 106 - 119 Landscape Architecture ⋯120 - 133

不论是近春园、北院、大礼堂,还是主楼前广 在校园中每走一步都能与校友捐献的纪念物相逢。 场、水木清华、学堂路,每一处场所都能带给人 Each step in the campus could have a pleasant 们难忘的感受。 encounter with statues, plants, or small Either Jinchun Garden, North Yard Park, constructions donated by alumni. Auditorium area, or Main Building Complex, Shuimu Tsinghua, Xuetang Road, each could bring people unforgettable memories. 006 走进清华园

清华校园,这个孕育了一大批国学大师、 中隐藏着一座精美的中国古典园林:清华园。 爱国志士、两弹元勋和治国英才的地方,荟萃 园林入口大门上悬挂着由咸丰皇帝御笔亲题的 了古今中外、异彩纷呈的建筑艺术。领略这座 “清华园”三字匾牌,灼灼闪耀。“清华”之 百年校园的风采,从清华大学东门开始。 名即来源于此。清华园的前身可以追溯到300 东门,是清华大学校园的主校门。这座西 年前康熙年间的“熙春园”,之后熙春园分为 洋古典风格的校门,建于2000年,清华大学90 清华园和近春园。保存完好的清华园现在是清 周年校庆前。由于它位于过去主校门“南门” 华大学校机关的所在地。院落中的主体建筑呈 以东,所以称为“东门”。主校门正对着的是 “工”字状,因此被称为“工字厅”。工字厅 宏伟的清华大学主楼,这组采用前苏联建筑风 背后,绿树成荫,一弯水塘中荷花绽放,锦鲤 格的建筑群建于20世纪60年代,今天已经列入 畅游,风光旖旎,这里就是传说中的“水木清 北京市优秀近现代建筑名录。主楼前是开阔的 华”。与清华园一路之隔的近春园遗址,俗称 广场和喷泉绿化带,两侧为现代主义建筑风格 “荒岛”。岛上遍布参天大树,眼之所见皆绿 的院系大楼,东侧从北向南依次为建筑馆、美 色,耳边常闻鸟叫声,也别有一番风味。著名 院大楼、建筑设计院楼、新环境楼和技术科学 学者朱自清先生笔下的《荷塘月色》就在这 楼,西侧从北向南依次为经管楼、公管楼、法 里。 学院楼和信息科学技术楼。 在大礼堂、清华园和近春园区域以北,有 从主楼前广场往西,是一条由高大的法 一大片红砖建造的房子。房子的建造年代和设 国梧桐形成的林荫道。沿着这条林荫道继续向 计者各不相同,但风格统一。以图书馆为例, 西,大道的北侧是一组红色的建筑,这就是清 90年前由墨菲设计的一期部分和60年前由杨廷 华大学百年校庆纪念建筑“新清华学堂”。 宝先生设计的二期部分,以及20年前由关肇邺 2011年4月,由剧场、音乐厅和清华大学校史馆 先生设计的三期部分,相互之间无缝连接,浑 组成的新清华学堂建筑群将迎接来自世界各地 然一体,达到了新建筑与旧建筑的完美结合。 的校友和朋友们。 生命科学楼、理学院大楼、医学院大楼等新建 再往西走,道路两侧茂密的法国梧桐变成 筑延续了红砖建筑形式,与体育馆、生物馆、 了高耸纤细的银杏树。金秋时分,满树金黄色 化学馆、明斋、新斋、平斋和善斋,以及一、 的树叶与蔚蓝色的天空相映成趣,舒畅宜人。 二、三、四号楼等历史建筑,共同形成了老校 透过银杏树往西眺望,一座西洋古典风格的大 区和谐统一的建筑风格。师生们戏称这片区域 门映入眼帘,这就是著名的二校门。它不在校 为“红区”。 园的边界,反而位于校园的中央。这是因为, 回到主校门,校园外高楼林立,西南 二校门曾经是清华大学老校园的入口;走进二 方向四栋百米高楼尤为引人注目。这里是清 校门,就意味着走进了清华大学的老校区,也 华科技园的所在地,汇聚了Microsoft、Sun 就是2001年划定的中国国家级文物保护单位 Microsystems、Google、VIA、搜狐、紫光、 “清华大学早期建筑”的范围。抬头北望,一 同方等国际、国内知名品牌。夜幕降临,各栋 片明媚的大草坪和一座雄伟的大礼堂矗立眼 大楼上的霓红品牌标识在夜色中竞相绽放,争 前。90年前,美国建筑师墨菲参照弗吉尼亚大 奇斗艳,成为展示人类先进科技成果的舞台。 学的校园规划了清华大学老校区,并设计了清 精致的中国古典园林与幽静的校园环境, 华大学大礼堂、图书馆、科学馆和体育馆等建 优雅的西方古典建筑与开阔的校园广场,恢弘 筑,史称“清华大学早期四大建筑”。走近大 的近现代建筑群与庄重的空间轴线,这就是清 草坪,一座汉白玉的日晷与大礼堂遥遥相对, 华园。十年树木,百年树人,清华大学即将迎 上面刻着四个字:“行胜于言”,默默言说着 来百年华诞;百尺竿头,更进一步,清华园的 清华人踏实勤奋的精神。日晷东侧,清华学堂 明天将更美丽。 掩在几棵高大繁茂的国槐之后。这是一座德式 古典风格的建筑,建于1911年,是清华大学校 园内的第一栋教室楼。入口上方由清末军机大 臣那桐亲笔题写的“清华学堂”四个大字至今 朱文一 滕静茹 仍清晰醒目。 2009年12月3日 与清华学堂相对的地方,一片茂密的树林 于清华园

An Overview of Tsinghua Campus

Tsinghua campus, which has produced a facing south, it’s known as the East Gate large number of nationally and internationally because it’s located to the east of the former renowned scholars since the university was main gate known as the South Gate. Directly in established a hundred years ago in 1911, is a front of the Main Gate is the Main Building, which kaleidoscope of architectural styles, traditional was built in the 1960s, and consists of a group and modern as well as Chinese and Western. of Soviet-style buildings. This complex has been The East Gate is a good point to start a tour of nominated as one of the outstanding examples the campus. of modern architecture in Beijing. In front of the The Main Gate was built in the Western Main Building is a huge plaza, next to which is classical style in 2000, to mark the 90th a sweep of lawn with a fountain at its center. anniversary of the university in 2001, and is the The lawn is flanked primarily by departmental main gate of the campus. Although actually buildings: on the east side, from north to south, 007

An Overview of Tsinghua Campus are the School of Architecture, the Academy back to the Xichun (Sunny Spring) Garden of Arts and Design, the Architectural Design 300 years ago; it was later divided into two and Research Institute, the Department of parts, Tsinghua Garden and Jinchun (Close- Environmental Science and Engineering, and the to-Springtide) Garden. The well-preserved Department of Material Science and Engineering Tsinghua Garden now houses the Estate as well as the School of Aerospace; on the Management Office of the University. The west side, from north to south, are the School main building inside the garden has a shape of Economics and Management, the School of similar to the Chinese character Gong (工), and Public Policy and Management, the School of so is named Gongzi Hall. Behind Gongzi Hall Law and the FIT (Future Information Technology lies one of the two legendary lotus ponds on Research Center). the campus which, although not large, is very To the west of the Main Building plaza is ornate complete with ornamental trees and a boulevard lined by paulownia trees. Walking fancy fish, a statue of Zhu Ziqing and a small along it, you can see an area to the north, which waterfall. West of Tsinghua Garden, separated is the site of the New Tsinghua Xuetang (New by a road, is the historical site of Jingchun Tsinghua School), which will be the main venue Garden, an island surrounded by a lotus pond, for the celebrations of the Centennial of Tsinghua which is more frequently known by members University. The complex is composed of an of Tsinghua as “Desert Island”. This is the auditorium, a concert hall and the University place, with towering trees everywhere and History Museum. On April 2011, it will welcome birds singing from time to time, once described alumni and friends from all over the world. by the renowned writer Zhu Ziqing in his Continuing westwards, the thick paulownia popular essay Hetang Yuese (The Lotus Pool trees give way to thin ginkgos. In the autumn, by Moonlight). the ginkgo leaves turn yellow, and the sky is North of this area is a large group of red high and blue, which makes for a breathtaking brick buildings. They were designed by several sight. Peering through the ginkgos towards the architects in different times, but form a unified west, an Occidental classical gate comes into entity. Taking the Library as an example, the view. This is the famous Old Gate. Interestingly, first phase was designed 90 years ago by the it is situated not on the boundary of the current American architect Henry Killiam Murphy, the campus but in its center, because it was once second phase 60 years ago by the Chinese the main gate of the old, smaller campus. architect Tingbao and the third phase 20 Passing through the Old Gate means getting years ago by another Chinese architect Guan into the area of the former school courtyard, Zhaoye. All three parts interconnect naturally which was designated as a National Heritage and harmoniously, even seamlessly. Together Preservation Site in 2001. Looking north a with other buildings, like the School of Sciences, beautiful neat lawn and a grand auditorium West Gymnasium, Ming (Bright) House, Xin can be seen. Ninety years ago, the American (Fresh) House, Ping (Calm) House, Shan architect Henry Killiam Murphy designed the old (Goodness) House and No. 1 to No. 4 Buildings, campus based on Virginia University, including they form an integrated whole. The faculty and the Auditorium, Old Library, Science Building students nickname this area the “Red District”. and the West Gymnasium. These historically Back to the Main Gate, a forest of highrises, important buildings are known as the “Four especially four 100m-high skyscrapers, catches Early Grand Buildings of Tsinghua University”. the attention. Here is the site of the Tsinghua At the south end of the lawn stands a white Science Park, which has attracted a myriad of marble sundial with four Chinese characters world famous high-tech giants such as Microsoft, “Xing Sheng Yu Yan” (Actions Speak Louder Sun Microsystems, Google, VIA Technologies, than Words) engraved on the southern side of its, Unisplendor Corporation, and body. East of the sundial, the Tsinghua Xuetang, Tsinghua Tongfang. At night, when darkness built in the German classical style, stands behind falls, all the brand names in neon lights light several Chinese scholar trees. Built in 1911, the up the sky, showcasing the state-of-the-art structure was the first teaching building ever built technological achievements of humankind. on the campus. The four characters “Tsing Hua Exquisite Chinese classical gardens with Xue Tang” (“Tsinghua School”), written by Na their calm atmosphere, elegant Western classical Tong, a Minister of National Defense in the late architecture with spacious plazas, and imposing Qing Dynasty, are engraved on the wall above modern architecture all contribute to the 100- the entrance. After nearly a hundred years, they year history of the Tsinghua campus. In the are still clearly visible. coming year, Tsinghua University will celebrate On the other side of the lawn, opposite its centennial and Tsinghua campus will become Tsinghua Xuetang, an exquisite Chinese garden even more splendid than it is today. is hidden in the embrace of dense woods. This is Tsinghua Garden. The characters inscribed on a black tablet hanging above the entrance to the garden were written by Emperor Xianfeng in the Qing (Tsing) Dynasty, the dynasty after Zhu Wenyi & Teng Jingru which Tsinghua University is named. The December 3, 2009 history of Tsinghua Garden can be traced Tsinghua Garden 008 推荐游览路线/历史遗迹

17 16 12 15


25 8 9

6 23 11

14 4 10 7 1 3 2 5

22 21 19 13 28 24 20

西门 27 West Gate

26 009

Recommended Walks / Historical Walk Route

1. 工字厅 / Gongzi Hall 2. 古月堂 / Palace of the Ancient Moon 3. 怡春院 / Yichun Yard 4. 航空馆 / Aeronautics Hall 5. 清华学堂 / Tsinghua Xuetang (Tsinghua School) 6. 大礼堂 / Auditorium 7. 同方部 / Tongfang Hall 8. 图书馆 / Tsinghua University Library 9. 西区体育馆 / West Gymnasium 10. 科学馆 / Science Building 11. 生物馆 / Biology Building 12. 化学馆 / Chemistry Building 13. 热能工程馆 / Thermal Engineering Building 14. 文西楼 / West Literature Building 15. 明斋 / Ming House 16. 平斋 / Ping House 17. 新斋 / Xin House 18. 善斋 / Shan House 19. 静斋 / Jing House 20. 邮局 / Post Office 21. 旧土木馆 / Old Civil Engineering Building 22. 水利实验馆 / Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory 23. 自清亭 / Ziqing Pavilion 24. 本科招办 / Undergraduates' Admission Office 25. 北院 / North Courtyard 26. 新林院 / Xinlin Courtyard 27. 照澜院 / Zhaolan Courtyard 28. 西院 / West Courtyard 29. 主楼 / Main Building 30. 工物馆 / Engineering Physics Building 31. 9003大楼 / 9003 Building




主校门 问讯处 Information Center Main Gate 入口 Entrance 游线 Walk route 文物建筑 Cultural relic building 保护建筑 Protective building 历史建筑 Historical building 010 推荐游览路线/院系


11 11 18

11 2 13 2




西门 West Gate



19 011

Recommended Walks / Department Walk Route

1. 建筑学院 / School of Architecture 2. 土木水利学院 / School of Civil Engineering 3. 机械工程学院 / School of Mechanical Engineering 4. 航天航空学院 / School of Aerospace 5. 信息科学技术学院 / School of Information Science & Technology 6. 环境学院 / School of Environment 7. 电机工程与应用电子技术系 / Department of Electrical Engineering 8. 工程物理系 / Department of Engineering Physics 9. 化学工程系 / Department of Chemical Engineering 10. 材料科学与工程系 / Department of Materials Science & Engineering 11. 理学院 / School of Sciences 12. 新闻与传播学院 / School of Journalism & Communication 13. 人文社会科学学院 / School of Humanities & Social Sciences 14. 经济管理学院 / School of Economics & Management 15. 公共管理学院 / School of Public Policy & Management 16. 法学院 / School of Law 17. 美术学院 / Academy of Arts & Design 18. 医学院 / School of Medical Science 19. 核能与新能源技术研究院 / Institute of Nuclear & New Energy Technology



9 5 7

14 17 14 1 3

5 15 4 16 3 10 6

主校门 Main Gate

问讯处 Information Center 入口 Entrance 游线 Walk route 院系建筑 School / Department building 012

区一 - 分区地图 工字厅 Gongzi Hall 区五





区六 013

Zone Map - Zone 1 古月堂 Palace of the Ancient Moon 014

区一 - 分区地图 工字厅 Gongzi Hall 区五






No.14~No.18 Dormitories

Student Leisure Artificial Gallery Environment Guanchouyuan Building Dining Hall

Ping House

Xin House Northwest Gate Ming House Chemistry Shan House Building SHAN ZHI Li House

Cheng House

JIN CHUN Medicial Science Maths & Physics Building Building West Gymnasium


Observatory Life Sciences Building Students' Culture & Activity Center

CHUN Biology West Building Lecture Heyuan Hall Restaurant Tsinghua Science University Labor Union Building Hospital Club

Palace of the Gongzi Hall Ancient Moon Jinchun Qiang Hotel House Jinchun Old Garden Shooting Xichunyuan Stadium Restaurant

Jing House

ROAD Undergraduates' Bing Suo Admission Office West (Third Guest House) Courtyard ROAD Jia Suo (First Guest House)

West Lake Information Swimming Pool Center



Zone Map - Zone 1 古月堂 Palace of the Ancient Moon


Student Dormitories


No.3 No.4

ROAD Financial

XUE TANG ROAD Li House Department

Cheng House

Tsinghua Archives University Youth League Tsinghua University Committee Library Building Environmental Engineering Laboratory t

North Literature Auditorium Building New Hydraulic Engineering Building

West Sediment Lecture Laboratory Hall West Literature Science Building Building Tongfang No.5 Hall Teaching No.4 No.2 Building Teaching Building Teaching Tsinghua Xuetang Building (Tsinghua School) South Literature Hydraulic Building Engineering No.1 Laboratory Teaching Old Civil Building Engineering Building Undergraduates' Thermal Engineering Building Admission Office Bing Suo Graduates' (Third Guest House) Admission Office ROAD Old Campus Gate 016 区一 大礼堂 Auditorium

cross, with four main columns inside holding up a bronze-clad dome 19.5m in diameter and 7m in height. The front elevation is mainly composed of a red brick wall, except for the main entrance, which is marked by four white marble Ionic columns each with a circumference so large that two people with outstretched arms can not envelop it. The floor area of the building is 1,840m2, which made it the largest auditorium and lecture hall in the country at the time it was built. The Auditorium was designed by American architects Henry Killiam Murphy and Richard Henry Dana, Jr., constructed by Kung Sung Kee. 图片来源:郭海军拍摄 The Chinese architect Zhuang Jun, who was the university architect, supervised the construction 大礼堂位于校园西区中心地带,是一座简 of the building. The design was of high quality, 化的文艺复兴风格建筑,2001年,作为清华 with most of the materials imported directly 大学早期校园建筑被列入全国重点文物保护单 from abroad, and its only disadvantage was its 位。大礼堂始建于1917年9月,建成于1921年3 bad acoustics. Afterwards, Prof. Ye Qisun of 月,与图书馆(一期)、科学馆、体育馆并称 the Department of Physics helped to improve 为清华大学“四大建筑”。 the acoustics. In 2006, at the university’s 95th 大礼堂为希腊十字型平面。结构上由四根 anniversary, the acoustic system had been 主立柱支撑起直径19.5米、矢高7米的青铜包面 substantially upgraded. 罗马式圆形穹顶,立面大部分为清水红砖,只 2011 is the centenary anniversary of 有主入口处用汉白玉饰面,与4根粗达二人合抱 Tsinghua University, and is also the 90th 的汉白玉爱奥尼柱共同起到画龙点睛的作用。 anniversary of completion of the Auditorium. 建筑面积约1 840平方米,建成时是国内高等学 Before the centennial celebration, School of 校中最大的礼堂兼讲堂。 Architecture of Tsinghua University, Department 大礼堂由美国建筑师墨菲和达纳设计。 of Civil Enginnering of Tsinghua University and 中国建筑师庄俊彼时担任驻校建筑师,监督了 Architectural Design and Research Institute 大礼堂的建造。大礼堂的设计质量很高,当时 of Tsinghua University accomplished the 主要建筑材料都从国外直接进口,但由于设计 Auditorium's renovation design. The project is 时未考虑声学设计,声学质量较差。后经物理 directed by Professor Zhu Wenyi. The renovation 系叶企孙教授等人进行声学改造,情况有所好 replaced all chairs and seats, installed the 转。2006年为迎接95周年校庆,进行了全面的 stage, acoustics, lighting and other professional 电声系统改造。2011年是清华大学100周年校庆 equipments. 年,也是大礼堂建成90周年。百年校庆前,清 As one of the oldest buildings on campus, 华大学建筑学院、土木系以及清华大学建筑设 the Auditorium represents the spirit of Tsinghua 计研究院完成了大礼堂再装修方案设计,由朱 University in the minds of faculty and students. 文一教授主持。此次装修更换了全部座椅,添 Each year, students from all departments hold 置了舞台、音响、灯光等专业设备。舞台上矗 parties here on different festivals, and important 立的50平方米超大液晶屏幕成为装修后大礼堂 lectures are also given here. Day after day, the 的一个亮点。 Auditorium casts a bright light over the Tsinghua 作为校园内最古老的建筑之一,大礼堂已 campus. 成为师生心目中清华大学的精神象征。每年这 里都会举行各院系的学生节晚会,热闹非凡。 重大的演讲也会选在这里进行。日复一日,大 礼堂依旧散发着青春的光彩。

The Auditorium is located in the center of the West District of the campus and has a simplified Renaissance-style structure. In 2001, the old campus, including this building, was listed as National Cultural Heritage. Constructed from September 1917 to March 1921, it is famous as one of the “Four Early Grand Buildings” on campus, the other three being the Library (Phase I), the Science Building and the West Gymnasium. The plan of the Hall is in the shape of a Greek 017

Zone 1 古月堂 Palace of the Ancient Moon

图片来源:商谦拍摄 018 区一 清华学堂 Tsinghua Xuetang (Tsinghua School)

合成U形平面,作为高等科毕业班(四年级)学 生宿舍用,内部设施华丽舒适,有打蜡地板、 双层拉窗、抽水马桶等。 1925年,学校在这里设置了“国学研究 院”,著名的“四大导师”— 梁启超、王 国维、陈寅恪、赵元任,以及著名考古学家李 济、文学家吴宓等荟聚于此,培育了整整一代 国学研究家。梅贻琦、闻一多、竺可桢、侯德 榜、茅以升、叶企孙、潘光旦等都曾在此留下 足迹。 解放初期,西部仍是校领导机关(校委 会)所在地,东部几个房间曾是中共清华党总 支的办公室。1953年,清华大学建筑系迁入, 清华学堂成为建筑系专用系馆。“十年动乱” 图片来源:郭海军拍摄 期间,此楼险遭毁灭之灾,门窗地板被拆得破 烂不堪。1977年,学校花大力量予以修复。20 清华学堂,位于大礼堂东南,史称“一 世纪七八十年代,清华学堂也曾为精密仪器 院”,是校园内最早建成的教学楼,2001年, 系工程制图教研组所用,并有全校公用制图教 作为清华大学早期校园建筑被列入全国重点文 室。之后,为研究生院、教务处、科技处、注 物保护单位。其设计者不明,建造承包商为在 册中心等校机关使用。百年校庆前,清华大学 天津和北京开业的顺泰洋行,经营人是奥地利 建筑学院、土木系以及清华大学建筑设计研究 人斐士。总建筑面积约为4 650平方米,为二层 院完成了清华学堂修缮加固方案设计,由朱文 砖木结构,青砖红瓦。建筑以德式古典风格为 一教授主持。修缮后的清华学堂将作为“清华 主,最具特色的是西南和东南两个角楼的法国 学堂人才培养计划”基地。 “孟莎式”屋顶。大门正额上的“清华学堂” 2011年是清华大学100周年校庆年,也是 四字,为清末要臣那桐所书。 清华学堂建成100周年。100年前,1911年4月29 清华学堂西半部始建于1909年,完工于 日,清华学堂正式开学,清华大学的历史由此 1911年;东半部始建于1916年,完工于1918 开启。每年4月的最后一个星期天成为清华大学 年。先建成的西半部供校行政机关使用,并兼 校庆日。 做高等科(High School)、大学部教室、学生 会与孔教会会址。东半部建成后与原西半部围 Tsinghua Xuetang (Tsinghua School),

图片来源:商谦拍摄 019

Zone 1

located to the southeast of the Auditorium, was Tutors”, namely Liang Qichao, Wang Guowei, historically known as the “First Department”. Chen Yinque, and Zhao Yuanren, and the It was the first teaching building erected on famous archaeologist Li Ji, the litterateur Wu campus. In 2001, the old campus, including Mi and others all worked here, and cultivated a this building was listed as National Cultural whole generation of researchers in the Chinese Heritage. The designer is unknown, and the classics. Besides, other famous scholars like builder was an Austrian named Emil Sigmund Mei Yiqi, Wen Yiduo, Zhu Kezhen, , Fischer, who ran Fischer & Co. in Tianjin and , Ye Qisun and Pan Guangdan also Beijing in the early 20th century. Its building area used to work here. was 4,650m2. The most distinguishing feature 1953, the School of Architecture moved in. of the two-storey wood and brick building is the During the Cultural Revolution, all the windows Mansard roof. The four Chinese characters 清 and doors were broken and the building was 华学堂 (“Qing Hua Xue Tang” (Tsinghua School)) nearly destroyed. In 1977, the university made above the main entrance were written by Na great efforts to restore the building. Later, Tong, a great scholar and Minister of National the building was the site of the Graduate Defense in the late Qing Dynasty. School Office and other administrative offices. Its west half was built in 1909-1911, and Before the centenary celebration, School of the east half in 1916-1918. The west part of the Architecture, Department of Civil Engineering building, which was completed first, was used and Architectural Design and Research Institute by the university administrative organs, and was of Tsinghua University accomplished Tsinghua also the site of the High School, the classroom Xuetang's renovation design. The design is of the University Division, the Student Union and directed by Professor Zhu Wenyi. the Confucius Association. After completion 2011 is the centenary anniversary of of the east part, the whole building formed a Tsinghua University, and is also the 100th U-shape, and was used as the dormitory for anniversary of completion of Tsinghua Xuetang. graduating class students (seniors). The interior 100 years ago, Tsinghua School officially started was luxurious and comfortable, with facilities like on Apr. 29th, and the history of Tsinghua waxed floor, double-glazed sliding windows, and University began. Afterwards, the final Sunday flush toilets. of every April became anniversary of Tsinghua In 1925, the Institute of Chinese Classics University. was founded here. The well-known “Four 020 区一 科学馆 Science Building

The Science Building is located to the northwest of a sweep of lawn in front of the Auditorium, and is one of the “Four Early Grand Buildings” on the campus. The designer was the American architect Henry Killiam Murphy, and the builder was Kung Sung Kee, and the construction cost 124,000 Yuan. It’s a three-storey red brick, reinforced concrete frame structure, with a total area of 3,550 m2. Above the door are brass plaques with the Chinese characters 科学 and the Old English SCIENCE BVILDING engraved on them. In about 1925, the ground floor of the 图片来源:郭海军拍摄 building was used as offices by university administrators with the President’s Office, 科学馆位于大礼堂前草坪西北,与大礼 Dean’s Office, Registration Section and other 堂、清华学堂等遥相呼应,属于全国重点文物, offices in the south and the Accounting Section 是清华大学“四大建筑”之一,建于1917年4月 and General Affairs Section in the north. In 至1919年9月间,设计者是美国建筑师墨菲,包 1926, the Physics Department was founded 工建设者是公顺记,当时造价为12.4万元。科学 here, the first dean being the noted physicist 馆为三层红砖建筑,钢筋混凝土框架结构,总 面积约3 550平方米,红墙灰顶,黄铜大门,门 额上镌有“科学”和“SCIENCE BVILDING” 字样,其中BVILDING中的“V”为英文古体拼 法。 1925年前后,科学馆底层曾作为学校行政 领导层的办公室集中点。南端有校长办公室、教 务长办公室、文书科、注册部等;北部有会计、 总务等单位。1926年秋清华大学成立物理系, 设于科学馆内,首任系主任为著名物理学家叶企 孙先生。建馆之初,这里是学校理科教学和实验 场所,馆内开辟有设备齐全的大小教室、声光热 力电全套的物理实验设备,以及测量、生物、化 学实验设备。楼下设有巨型风机,可使全楼空气 流畅。至30年代,科学馆已建成普通物理、热 学、光学、电学和近代物理5个独立的实验室。 1931年时有各种仪器3 000多种,其中有迈克尔 逊干涉仪、二极和三极真空管,α、β射线静电 计等。以后的几年内又先后建立了X射线、无线 电、光学、磁性研究室,添置了水银抽气器、 布拉格分光器、2万高斯强磁场、50毫克镭源等 仪器和实验设备。1932年8月中国物理学会第一 次年会暨成立大会在清华大学科学馆举行,叶企 孙、吴有训、萨本栋等教授为领导机构成员。 “十年动乱”期间,科学馆被当做武斗据 点,遭到严重破坏,房顶被纵火焚毁。后经修 复,基本保持原状。1990年,科学馆被市政府 列为“北京市文物保护单位”。1999年,物理 系迁出科学馆,迁入理学院。由于日久失修, 2002年9月,国家下拨专项经费,批准“科学馆 加固”工程立项建设。2004年9月,国家文物 局批准实施“科学馆加固和修缮”建设方案。 2005年9月正式动工,由北京建工集团第三建筑 公司承担工程建设,2006年9月完工。修缮后的 科学馆保留了原建筑外貌,但内部进行了彻底整 修,更换了最新的办公设施。现科学馆作为杨振 宁和林家翘两教授回国工作后创建的第二个研究 中心,即高等研究中心和周培源应用数学研究中 心的科研办公基地。 021

Zone 1

Ye Qisun. It immediately became the site 2005, renovation started. The project finished in for teaching science and doing laboratory September 2006. After renovation, the Science experiments, with classrooms equipped with all Building has retained its original architectural the apparatus and instruments necessary for appearance, but the interior has been totally physical measurements as well as biological and transformed as a result of introducing the most chemical experiments. There was a large fan in up-to-date office facilities. the basement to ensure good ventilation of the At present, the building is used as the whole building. working base of the Advanced Study Center By the 1930s, five independent laboratories and the Center for Applied had been established here, including general Mathematics, Tsinghua University, which is physics, heat, optics, electrics and modern the second research center founded by Nobel physics. In August 1932, the inaugural Physics Laureate Prof. Yang Zhenning and conference of the Chinese Association of world-famous mathematician Prof. Lin Jiaqiao Physics was held in the Building. after they returned to work in China. During the Cultural Revolution, as the site of “Armed Struggle”, the Science Building was severely damaged, and the roof burned down. It was subsequently restored in its original style. In 1990, the building was listed as a Beijing Cultural Relics Preservation Unit. In 1999, the Department of Physics moved out, and in 022 区一 工字厅 Gongzi Hall

and the second one is the gate of Gongzi Hall today. In the Hall, there were originally more than 100 rooms, and the total floor area was about 2,570m2. It served as a place for the imperial family to live away from the Forbidden City and enjoy the scenery. In February 1911, “Tsinghua School” moved in, and the Hall was used as offices. It was the first administrative office and teachers' dormitory on the campus, and was known as the Yamen (a government office in feudal China) by the foreign teachers on campus. When the Teaching Affairs Section was abolished, it became the communication 图片来源:商谦拍摄 and entertainment center: the east room in the foyer was the music center, the west 工字厅位于大礼堂西南,原称“工字 was the teachers' newspaper-reading room 殿”。工字厅所在地属当时清康熙帝行宫“熙 and the back room served to accommodate 春园”东半部(熙春园建园时间约与圆明园 distinguished foreign guests. The great Indian 同,其西半部后改名为“近春园”,即今日 poet Rabindranath Tagore stayed here when he “近春园遗址公园”),因赐予道光帝五子奕 visited China in 1924. 誴,俗称“小五爷园”。1851年咸丰帝(道光 Most of the buildings in other courtyards 帝四子)因与奕誴关系甚好,特将熙春园易名 were used as teachers' dormitories, having 为“清华园”,现今工字厅入口门庭上方所悬 elegant names like “Three-times-introspection 的匾额即是咸丰御墨。清华园初建时有两道宫 Cottage” and “Four-Cloves Courtyard”. Among 门,其大宫门在现清华大学停车场偏东一带, them, the most secluded and beautiful place 二宫门即是今天工字厅的大门。 in Gongzi Hall was the courtyard named “West 工字厅院内原共有房屋100余间,总建筑 Flower Hall”, which was once a courtyard for 面积约2 570平方米。初建时,作为皇室贵胄们 study, with wisterias climbing on the frame and 别居享逸之用。1911年2月,游美学务处与肄 lotuses reflected in the windows. In the autumn 业馆(后改称清华学堂)迁入清华园,办公场 of 1914, Liang Qichao rented this Hall, where 所就设在工字厅内。工字厅成为游美学务处和 he wrote some of his great books, and named 清华学堂最早的行政办公场所和教职员宿舍, it Huandu Xuan (which means “Coming Back 被当时的外籍教员称为“yamen”(衙门)。 and Reading Veranda”). In 1925, Wu Mi lived 学务处撤销后成为学校文化娱乐和重要的交往 here and renamed it “Wisteria Shadow and 中心:前厅东屋很长时间内作为音乐室用,西 Lotus Voice Hall”. Since 1949, Gongzi Hall has 厅为教师阅报室,后厅经常有重要外宾驻足。 become the location of the university party and 1924年,印度大诗人泰戈尔访华时,曾在这里 administrative offices, and the principal window 下榻。其他各个小院的房屋多为教师宿舍。其 on the outside world. 中,从后厅到以“三步廊”、“花灯窗”相接 The gardens around Gongzi Hall are the 的“西花厅”,初建时是一所书房,自领一小 only remains of Xichun (Sunny Spring) Garden. 院,院内紫藤罥架,棂外红莲映窗,是工字厅 In 2000, to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of 大院内最幽美的所在。1914年秋,梁启超曾在 Tsinghua University, the School of Architecture 这里“赁馆著书”,起名“还读轩”。1925年 and the Academy of Arts and Design cooperated 起吴宓在此居住,取名“藤影荷声之馆”,又 to restore this spot according to the principle of 名“空轩”。1949年后至今,这里成为学校党 “Repairing the Old Like the Old” and the project 政机关的办公场所,是学校主要的对外窗口。 won a UNESCO Asia-Pacific Cultural Heritage Protection Award. 现在,工字厅一带的园林建筑是熙春园仅 有残存的遗物。2000年为迎接90周年校庆,清 华大学建筑学院和美术学院本着“整旧如旧” 的原则,对工字厅进行了改造重建,该项目获得 联合国科教文组织亚太地区文化遗产保护奖。

Gongzi Hall is located southwest of the Auditorium. The site was once the eastern half of the Xichun (Sunny Spring) Garden, which was one of the emperor's palaces. In 1851, Emperor Xianfeng renamed the palace “Tsinghua Garden” and you can still see his inscription hanging over the entrance today. Two palace gates existed when Tsinghua Garden was constructed: one is in the east of the current university parking area, 023

Zone 1 古月堂 Palace of the Ancient Moon

students, and the building became the dormitory for them until the new female students' dormitory called Jing (Tranquil) House was completed in 1932. As the only female students’ dormitory on campus at that time, the rules of the rectangular courtyard were very strict: no males, whether from the university or outside, were allowed to enter without permission. If you wanted to meet someone, you had to inform the stewardess and wait at a designated spot. However, the courtyard house would be open to all the male students on each University Anniversary. 图片来源:商谦拍摄 Due to its mystery, the courtyard was called “Fox Palace” by the male students in Tsinghua. 古月堂是与工字厅西院一巷之隔的一组四 The name comes from a traditional Chinese 合院,总建筑面积约670平方米。据苗日新老师 character component-separating game: the 考证,古月堂曾是乾隆在熙春园内的书房,建 character for fox has the same pronounciation as 成年代不会晚于1769年。如今的古月堂只有正 the character 胡 (hu), which is a combination of 殿五间的位置没有变化,东、西房均已前移, the two Chinese characters 古 and 月 (meaning 其余建筑则都为后加。 “ancient” and “moon”, respectively) making up 清华学校成立后,古月堂曾作为国文部教 the name of the palace, but also accurately 员宿舍使用,梁启超、朱自清等都曾在这里居 expressed the irresistible charm of the girls’ 住。1928年,清华大学开女禁,初招女生, dormitory! Mr. Wang Jianjun once wrote a poem 这里被辟为女生宿舍,直到1932年新的女生 in honor of such a funny story. 宿舍静斋建成。作为女生宿舍,古月堂的管理 In more recent times, the Palace of the 十分严格,不管是校内还是校外的男生,一般 Ancient Moon has been used by the university’s 不准擅自进入。要想会客,必须通报并在指定 General Affairs Section. 的地方会见。但每年的校庆日,古月堂会对男 生开放。由于其神秘性,清华男生将古月堂称 作“狐堂”:按中国的拆字游戏,古月加在一 起,便是一个“胡”字,和狐狸的“狐”字谐 音,由于男生们总能感到来自古月堂难以抗拒 的魅力,所以就把它称为“狐堂”了。汪健君 先生曾有诗记曰:“古月堂前几变更,昔年济 济聚群英,一从女禁开黉舍,两度繁华共月 明”。 古月堂长期以来作为学校各总务机关使 用。

The Palace of the Ancient Moon is a traditional Chinese rectangular courtyard house in a lane next to the Gongzi Hall, with a total floor area of 670 m2. According to research by Prof. Miao Rixin, who was formerly the Head of the Campus Planning & Construction Office of Tsinghua University and now a research fellow of the University History Research Office, the Palace of the Ancient Moon was completed no later than 1769, and served as the place where Emperor Qianlong came to study in the Xichun (Sunny Spring) Garden. Now, only five rooms of the central hall remain in their original place; the east and the west buildings have been moved forwards, while the rest are all extensions. After the establishment of Tsinghua School, the building was used as dormitories for members of the Department of Chinese Literature. Noted scholars such as Liang Qichao and Zhu Ziqing lived here at one time. In 1928, Tsinghua University began to enroll female 024 区一 图书馆 Tsinghua University Library

with phase I being designed by Henry Killiam Murphy in 1916-1919, phase II was designed in 1921 by the noted Chinese architect and alumnus of Tsinghua and built in 1930-1931, whilst phase III was designed by Guan Zhaoye and Prof. Ye Maoxu and was added in 1991. Phases I and II are usually known as the Old Library, and phase III is known as the New Library, and is also called Yifu Building. Phase I has a total floor area of 2,114m2, was constructed by Telge & Schroeter, and cost 175,000 Yuan at the time. The elevation of the building is simple but elegant with the two- storey-high arched windows, which are a feature 图片来源:郭海军拍摄 of the facade, becoming a principal element adopted in the subsequent two extensions. 清华大学图书馆建筑群位于大礼堂北部,由 Phase I is mainly in the Western classical style 三期工程建成,包括1916—1919年由美国建筑师 and was luxuriously decorated. The floor and 墨菲设计的一期工程,1930—1931年由1921届校 walls were all covered by exquisite marble. 友建筑师杨廷宝先生设计的二期扩建,以及1991 Phase II has a total floor area of 5,251m2, was 年建成的由清华大学建筑设计研究院和建筑学院 constructed by Xieshun Wood Plant, and cost 的关肇邺院士和叶茂煦教授设计的三期扩建,即 257,000 Yuan at the time. The design of phase 现在的“逸夫馆”。习惯上称一期和二期工程为 II is very clever, in that the architect completely “老图”,三期工程为“新图”。 mirrored the old building rotated by 90 degrees 图书馆一期建筑面积2 114平方米,由泰来 to the northwest of the old one, and positioned 洋行施工,当时造价为17.5万元。一楼为教员预 the new entrance hall exactly in the intersection 备室、办公室和阅报室,二楼为阅览室,另有藏 of the two buildings. On the one hand this 书库。图书馆一期的立面十分朴素典雅,二层几 organically linked the old and new, and on the 乎通高的圆拱券窗十分突出,这成为之后两次扩 other hand simultaneously moved the entrance 建中不断采用的设计元素。该建筑主要为西洋古 to a place where it enjoyed a harmonious 典风格,装饰奢华,地面和墙面都由带花纹的大 relationship with the old building, and where it 理石铺成,内书柜和桌椅都为木制。 图书馆二 remains today. 期建筑面积5 251平方米,由协顺木厂施工,当 Phase III's total floor area is 20,120m2. In 时造价25.7万元。图书馆二期的设计十分巧妙: order to blend in with the earlier construction, 建筑师杨廷宝将一期建筑按照90度角完全镜像复 the building used sloping roofs, red bricks 制到原建筑西北部,在二者相交的地方设置新 and gray tiles as the principal materials, but 的入口大厅,从而一方面使新旧建筑有机地联系 introduced new details. Traditional arches 起来,另一方面又使得整个建筑群的入口从原位 were extensively employed. The new entrance 置自然转移到现在的位置来。建成之后,浑然一 is inside a half-open courtyard facing the 体,达到了与老建筑的完美协调。 Auditorium. Phase III is a wonderful extension 图书馆三期建筑面积20 120平方米。为求 to the old building, winning many top awards. 与“一、二期”建筑相协调,采用了相同的红砖 The Old Library was destroyed by Japanese 灰瓦,缓坡屋顶,但细节处理上又稍许不同,有 invaders during the World War II. Now it is mostly 所发展,圆券窗成为三期设计广泛应用的符号之 used as study rooms. The major library function 一。为尊重“一、二期”建筑的历史地位,三期 has now moved to the New Library, where you 建设将其入口设置在一个半开放的庭院内,坐西 can also see the proposal for a new extension of 面东。新馆设计先后获得多项设计大奖。 the library. 历史上“老图”曾遭到洗劫和破坏。“七七 事变”后,清华园沦入敌手,校园成了倭寇的伤 兵医院,“老图”被作为外科病房,书库改做手 术室,门窗、地板、暖气等均遭破坏,遍体鳞 伤,直到解放以后才陆续修复。 现在,学校主要的图书馆功能都集中在“新 图”中,“老图”除一些报刊阅览和闭架书库 外,主要供学生自习用。每天清晨“老图”外排 队等候进入的学生长队成了清华园里特有的一 景。目前,图书馆四期扩建工程正在紧张筹备 中,可在“逸夫馆”入口二层大厅内看到陈列的 方案模型。四期工程将位于北侧。

The Library is located to the north of the Auditorium. It was constructed in three phases, 025

Zone 1 古月堂 Palace of the Ancient Moon

图片来源:关肇邺工作室提供 026 区一 西区体育馆 West Gymnasium

the Gymnasium, but subsequently removed as they were deemed a sign of national humiliation. The building was constructed in two stages. The front hall was built in 1916–1919, in a Western architectural style with a granite colonnade on the front facade and a floor area of 3,593m2. The back hall was built in 1931–1932, had a floor area of 4,878m2, and was seamlessly connected to the front hall. Inside the Gymnasium, there is a 17m×25m swimming pool, a basketball court, a 50m racetrack, a fencing room, a boxing room, two bathrooms, and a sauna. At the time, it was one of the most advanced sports 图片来源:郭海军拍摄 facilities in the country. Chairman Mao Zedong came here to swim during the early years of 西区体育馆位于图书馆西侧,原名“罗斯 the People’s Republic of China. 福纪念体育馆”,属于全国重点文物,是清华 During the December 9th Movement in 大学“四大建筑”之一,由美国建筑师墨菲设 1935, the Gymnasium functioned as a refuge for 计,泰来洋行施工,当时造价24.45万元。为纪 revolutionaries. On February 29th, 1936, under 念美国老罗斯福总统退还庚款,特铸铜牌及半 the organization of the secret branch of the 身像,嵌置于体育馆正门墙壁内,后作为国耻 Chinese Communist Party, most of the student 残迹除去。 protesters hid here. When 3,000 soldiers and 西区体育馆的建设分为前馆和后馆两部 policemen stormed the campus to arrest the 分。前馆建于1916—1919年,建筑面积3 593 protesting students, they initially found an empty 平方米,外表采用西方古典形式,馆前有陶立 campus. Unfortunately, however, they eventually 克式花岗岩柱廊;后馆建于1931—1932年,建 discovered the students’ hiding place. 筑面积4 878平方米,与前馆衔接巧妙,浑然一 During the Anti-Japanese War, the building 体。 was badly damaged. The back hall was used 馆内除各项运动场所及器具外,又有宽17 by the Japanese invaders as their kitchen and 米、长25米的游泳池一座,还设有篮球场、50 dining hall, and the front hall as a stable. All 米跑道及击剑室一间,拳术室一间,冲水浴室 the made-to-order wooden floorboards were 两大间,蒸汽浴室一间,电器濯巾室一间。体 completely destroyed. It was only after the 育馆建成后,曾是全国最先进的健身房,在美 liberation of China that the Gymnasium was 国高等学校也不多见。解放初期,毛泽东主席 completely restored. 曾到这里来游泳。 The West Gymnasium is still in use today as 在“一二·九”运动期间,体育馆曾起到 one of the most important sports facilities on the 掩护革命群众的作用。1936年2月29日(俗称 Tsinghua campus. “二二九”)军警3千人进校捕人。在中共地 下党组织下,学校同学绝大多数躲藏在体育馆 内。军警进校时,发现全校竟是一座“空城”, 后来还是不幸地被发现体育馆内有人。 抗战期间,体育馆也惨遭浩劫。后馆被敌 人改成大伙房,前馆被当成马厩,馆内特制地 板全部被毁坏。复员后,因财力不足一直未恢 复旧观,直到解放后才修复。 目前西区体育馆仍作为学校重要的体育设 施使用。

The West Gymnasium, one of the “Four Early Grand Buildings” on campus, is located to the west of the library and was originally named the Roosevelt Memorial Gymnasium. It was designed by the American architect Henry Killiam Murphy, constructed by Telge & Schroeter, and cost 244,500 Yuan at the time. To commemorate US President Theodore Roosevelt’s agreement to remit part of the Boxer indemnity to China for the purpose of educating Chinese students (the Gengzi Reparation), a bronze plaque and bust were set in the front wall at the main entrance of 027

Zone 1 古月堂 Palace of the Ancient Moon

图片来源:商谦拍摄 028 区一 西院 West Courtyard

下党领导的进步组织的秘密活动据点;1927年 朱自清先生写《荷塘月色》时也应居住于此;两 弹一星元勋邓稼先,诺贝尔物理学奖获得者杨振 宁,著名雕塑家、画家熊秉明曾随父辈邓以蛰、 杨武之、熊庆来在这里度过童年时光。 目前西院依然作为校内住宅区使用。

The West Courtyard is located near the West Gate of Tsinghua University. It was once the faculty dormitory area, and was built in two stages: the Old and the New West Courtyards. The former was built in 1924 with 20 blocks and a total floor area of 3,131m2. It was originally an L-shaped structure but was later extended to a four-sided 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 Chinese quadrangle courtyard house. It was designed and constructed under the supervision 西院位于清华大学西校门附近,是以前的 of the famous early Chinese architect Zhuang Jun. 教工宿舍区,历史上分为新、旧两部分。旧西院 The New West Courtyard is located to the south 建于1924年,共20个单元,建筑面积3 131平方 of the Old, was built in 1933 with 10 blocks and a 米,原为二合院,后增建为四合院,由中国早期 total floor area of 2,312m2. 著名建筑师庄俊先生监理设计与施工。新西院位 Many of the distinguished scholars who 于旧西院南部,建于1933年,为工字形日式住 taught in Tsinghua lived here, including Wen Yiduo 宅,共10个单元,建筑面积2 312平方米。 in No. 46, Zhu Ziqing in No. 45, Wang Guowei in “新西院”建成后,与“旧西院”统编了 Nos. 32 & 42, Lei Haizong in No. 37, Chen Yinke 门牌号,延用至今。这里曾居住过在清华任职 in No. 36, Chen Da in No. 35, Li Jitong in No. 32, 任教的著名学者,如闻一多(46号)、朱自清 Xiong Qinglai in No. 31, Gu Yuxiu in No. 16, Chen (45号)、王国维(32号、42号)、雷海宗(37 Zhen in No. 13, Wu Han in No. 12, and Yang 号)、陈寅恪(36号)、陈达(35号)、李继侗 Wuzhi in No. 11. (32号)、熊庆来(31号)、顾毓琇(16号)、 Today it is still used as an on-campus 陈桢(13号)、吴晗(12号)、杨武之(11号) residential district. 等。其中,吴晗故居曾经是解放战争时期中共地

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 029

Zone 1 理学院 Maths & Physics Building


Maths & Physics 图片来源:郭海军拍摄Building

理学院位于校园西北角,学校西北门附 学院楼群(理学院楼和生命科学馆)获得中国 近,建于1996—1998年,由清华大学建筑学院 建筑工程最高奖—鲁班奖。 关肇邺院士主持设计,参与设计者还包括于振 目前理学院由数学系、物理系和高等研究 阳、朱晓东、程晓青和张利等。建筑面积1.5万 中心使用。 平方米,工程投资4 300万人民币。其中,香港 信兴集团主席蒙民伟先生捐赠2 000万元,该楼 The Maths & Physics Building is located in 因而被命名为“蒙民伟理科馆”。 the northwest of the campus, near the Northwest 在建筑设计中,建筑师充分尊重场所中的 Gate. It was designed by Academician Guan 原有建筑,在新建筑的空间布局、轴线关系、 Zhaoye and architects Yu Zhenyang, Zhu 材质肌理、尺度颜色等方面均考虑到新老建筑 Xiaodong, Cheng Xiaoqing, Zhang Li and others 之间的相互呼应。通过该建筑的建造,整理并 and built in 1996–1998. With a total floor area 强化了理学院区建筑之间以及建筑与外部环境 of 15,000m2, it cost 43 million Yuan RMB. Mr. 之间的逻辑联系,形成了良好的空间节奏。 Meng Minwei, Chairman of the Shun Hing Group, 理学院为U型平面布局,开口朝向北侧化 donated 20 million Yuan RMB, and hence the 学馆,与之围合出一个中心下沉庭院。朝向下 building is known as the “Meng Minwei Science 沉庭院一侧设一圈连续的拱廊,增加了建筑与 Building”. 庭院之间的空间交流。下沉广场设舞台和台阶 The designers ensured that in terms of its 式座位,可供举办室外表演。连接物理和数学 spatial arrangement, axis, material, scale and 两楼的过街楼使南面的生物馆与北面的化学馆 color, the new building blended in with the earlier 之间形成视觉通廊,强化了理学院区连贯的南 buildings in the immediate environment, forming 北轴线。除了从宏观布局上求得与环境的呼应 a harmonious cluster. The project has received 外,该建筑在细部上也精心设计,从立面上的 many Chinese architectural awards. 红砖拼花到室外的灯具花坛,都按照统一的逻 The building is currently used by the 辑设计。 Department of Mathematical Science, the 理学院的设计曾获全国第九届优秀工程设 Department of Physics and the Advanced 计铜奖,建设部2000年度部级城乡建设优秀勘 Research Center. 察设计二等奖,2000年教育部优秀设计二等 奖,1998年第四届首都建筑设计汇报展“十佳 方案”以及1998年第四届首都设计及汇报展 “建筑艺术创作优秀方案”三等奖。1999年理

图片来源:郭海军拍摄 图片来源:郭海军拍摄 030 区一 生物学馆 Biology Building


生物学馆位于校园西部,理学院区南端,毗 University, after which the building was used 邻近春园。它建于1929—1930年,由1921届校 successively as classrooms for the Accelerated- 友建筑大师杨廷宝先生设计,红砖墙面,折衷主 course School for Workers and Farmers and 义风格,由复新公司施工,占地面积约1 500平 the Old Cadres' Classes. In 1966, the University 方米,建筑面积4 221平方米。当时建筑和设备 Hospital moved in. In 1987, it once again became 共花费约20余万元,并曾接受美国洛克菲勒基金 the building for the Department of Biology. 会的捐款7.5万元。 The building is currently occupied by the 生物学馆属于校园内“第三期”建筑。20 School of Life Sciences and Engineering, the 世纪30年代初,它曾与气象台、图书馆扩建和明 Institute of Marine Biotechnology of Tsinghua 斋被称为校园内的“又一四大建筑”。 University–Zhonglu Oceanic Fisheries Co. Ltd, 生物学馆是原清华大学生物学系和生物系研 the State Key Laboratory of Biomembrane and 究所所在地,著名的生物学家钱崇澍、刘崇乐、 Membrane Biotechnology, Tsinghua University– 陈桢、李继侗、吴韫珍等都曾在这里执教和进行 Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 学术研究。抗战期间,清华生物系人员南迁。 Engineering & Research Center for Traditional 1952年院系调整,清华生物系调出并入北京大 Chinese Medicine, the Research Center of Ocean 学,生物学馆先后为“工农速成中学”、“老干 Science and Engineering of Tsinghua University, 部班”用作校舍。1966年,校医院迁入,它又 and the Teaching & Experiment Center for Modern 被“改造”成病房和诊所。1984年,清华大学 Life Sciences. 复建生物系,更名为生物科学与技术系。1987 年底校医院迁出,生物学馆再次成为生物系馆。 现在这里是生命科学学院,生命科学与工程 研究院,清华-中鲁海洋生物技术公司,生物膜 与膜生物工程国家重点实验室,清华大学、北京 中医药大学中医药科学与工程研究中心,清华大 学海洋科学与工程研究中心及现代生命科学实验 教学中心。

The Biology Building is located in the west part of the campus, south of the Maths & Physics Building. It was designed by the renowned Chinese architect Yang Tingbao, and constructed by the Fuxin Company in 1929– 1930. It covers an area of 1,500m2 with a total floor area of 4,221m2, and was built with red brick walls in the eclectic style. The total cost at the time was about 200,000 Yuan, of which the Rockefeller Foundation donated 75,000 Yuan. The building belongs to the third architectural phase on campus, and together with the Meteorological Station, the Library Phase II and the Ming (Bright) House, form the set of “New Four Grand Buildings”. It was originally the location for the Department of Biology and the Research Institute of Biology. In 1952, the Department of Biology of Tsinghua was transferred and merged into Peking 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 031

Zone 1 生命科学馆 Life Sciences Building


生命科学馆位于校园西部理学院区,生物 of Hang Seng Bank. Therefore, the building is 学馆之北,理科楼之南。它于1996年奠基, known as the “Weilun Building”. 1998年4月落成,占地面积约1万平方米,建筑 The building houses laboratories of the 面积约1万平方米,由清华大学建筑学院关肇 major branches of Life Sciences, such as 邺院士主持设计、张利参与设计。总投资超过 Molecular Biology, Structural Biology, Biophysics, 3 000万元,其中“211工程”专项投资1 000余 Biochemistry, and Traditional Chinese Medicine 万元,香港恒生银行董事长利国伟博士捐资港 & Pharmacy. 币2 000万元,因此冠名“伟伦楼”。 The building was designed with great 生命科学馆内为生命科学的各主要分支学 attention to detail to ensure it blends in 科实验研究室,其中包括分子生物学、结构生 harmoniously with the other buildings in the 物学、生物物理、生物化学和中医药学等十几 School of Science district. 个实验室。 该馆作为理科楼区建筑之一,设计充分 考虑与周边建筑以及环境的关系,通过建筑材 质、形体、颜色质感、外部空间以及细部设计 呼应了理学院区的整体环境。

The Life Sciences Building is located in the west part of the campus, north of the Biology Building, and south of the Maths & Physics Building. Its foundation was laid in 1996 and the entire project was completed in April 1998. The building covers an area of 10,000m2 and was designed by Academician Guan Zhaoye of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and architect Zhang Li. The building cost more than 30 million Yuan RMB, including over 10 million Yuan RMB from “Project 211”, and 20 million Hong Kong dollars donated by Dr. Li Guowei, the Chairman

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 032 区一 医学科学楼 Medical Science Building


医学科学楼位于校园西北角,西北门附 University and built from 2004 to 2006, with a 近,理学院以西,校医院以北。建于2004— floor area of 58,000m2. 2006年,建筑面积5.8万平方米,由清华大学建 Mr. Cai Qirui, President of Yue Yuen 筑学院关肇邺院士和清华大学建筑设计研究院 Industrial (Holdings) Limited Taiwan, Mr. Li Wenda, 刘玉龙建筑师设计。项目由台湾裕元集团总裁 Chairman of Lee Kum Kee Group Hong Kong, 蔡其瑞先生、香港李锦记集团主席李文达先生 and Mr. Wu Shunde, one of the founders of 以及香港美心集团创办人之一伍舜德先生分别 Maxim’s Group Hong Kong, donated 6 million US 捐资600万元美元、1 000万人民币和1 000万元 Dollars, 10 million Yuan RMB, and 10 million Yuan 人民币兴建。其中设有现代化实验室,包括900 RMB respectively for its construction. Inside the 兆赫核磁共振实验室、SPF级实验动物房、医学 building, there are modern laboratories, including 教学实验室、解剖室等;医学院教学楼B区“李 a 900MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 文达医学与生命科学图书馆”建筑面积达4 000 Laboratory, an SPF (Specific Pathogen-free) 平方米,为医学与生命科学专业图书馆。 Animal Care Facility, a Teaching Laboratory, and 通过院落组织,红砖材料等传统建筑语汇 a Dissecting Room. The B wing of the building 的运用,医学院在质感肌理、空间尺度、外部 houses a professional library known as the “Li 空间等各方面与周边环境取得协调。同时,考 Dawen Medicine and Life Sciences Library” with a 虑到医学科学兼具道德与伦理等方面的社会责 floor area of 4,000 m2. 任,建筑中融入纪念性的学术交流空间形象、 By adopting elements of traditional 铭文塑像等设计,以求对使用者形成潜移默化 architecture such as courtyards and red bricks, 的影响。 the Medical Science Building enjoys a harmonious relationship with its surroundings. The building The Medical Science Building is located in incorporates some inscriptions and statues the northwest corner of the campus, near the carefully chosen to almost imperceptibly remind Northwest Gate. The Maths & Physics Building users of the moral and ethical responsibilities is to its east and the University Hospital to the associated with the practice of medicine. south. It was designed by Academician Guan Zhaoye of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and architect Liu Yulong from the Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 033

Zone 1 化学馆 Chemistry Building

外还设置了吹玻璃室、低压蒸馏室、天平室、 陈列室和图书馆等。

The Chemistry Building is located in the west of the campus, north of the Maths & Physics Building. It is divided into two parts, the old and the new. The foundations of the old part were laid in July 1931 and the building was completed in the summer of 1932. It was designed by the distinguished Chinese architect Shen Liyuan in the Art Deco style, and is listed as a National Cultural Relic for Preservation. It is a brick structure with four floors and a total floor area 2 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 of 5,722m . There is a cornice at a height of 16.5m and a sloping roof. Before Liberation, 化学馆位于校园西部,理学院区北端,可 the Chemistry and Biology Buildings were the 分为旧馆、新馆两部分。其中旧馆于1931年7月 second tallest buildings on campus after the Old 奠基,1932年夏天落成使用,由中国早期著名 Meteorological Station . 建筑师沈理源设计,装饰派(Art Deco)风格, The new part known as the "He Tian 装饰精巧富有特点,被列为国家级文物保护单 Building" was designed by Guan Zhaoye and 位。建筑面积5 722平方米,砖结构,四层,檐 his colleagues in the School of Architecture, 口高16.5米,上有坡顶,与生物馆同为解放前清 Tsinghua University and was completed in 华校园内除气象台外最高的建筑。 November 2004. It has a floor area of 6,998m2, 新馆“何添楼”建于2004年11月,建筑面 and a U–shaped layout, opening to the west, 积6 998平方米,由清华大学建筑学院关肇邺工 with one floor underground and four floors 作组设计。建筑平面布局为东西方向的“凹” above. The facade of red-brick external walls 字形,地下1层,地上4层。外墙为红色清水 is simple and elegant, blending in with the 砖,立面风格简洁大方,与周边建筑既统一协 surroundings whilst having its own distinctive 调又有自身特色。该项目由香港著名银行家及 features. The renowned banker and entrepreneur 企业家何添博士捐资1 000万港币和学校注资共 Dr. He Tian donated 10 million Hong Kong 同兴建。 Dollars, which together with additional money 何添楼通过建筑体量轮廓的控制,细部材 from the University, was used to construct the 料做法的设计等方面体现对于旧馆的尊重,同 He Tian Building. 时室内增加了门厅和中庭,对于旧馆进行了功 The size and profile of the He Tian building, 能补充。新旧两馆之间通过通透的玻璃连廊相 as well as the materials employed and details 接,使新旧两馆视觉上能被明确分辨,同时使 of the structure, were carefully designed to 人们能够透过玻璃看到旧馆侧立面,从而保存 complement the old building. A foyer and atrium 旧馆的完整形象。 were included, solving the problem of lack of 化学馆目前为理学院化学系系馆,馆内 communal space in the old building. A totally 除了教室外,有实验室15个,其中包括理论 transparent glass corridor connects the two 化学、工业化学、电化学、胶质化学、定量分 parts, which helps to preserve the integrity of the 析、气体分析、燃料分析、普通有机化学、有 old building. 机分析、生物化学、普通化学、定性分析实验 At present, the He Tian Building is used by 室。馆内实验室皆配备精密先进仪器设备。另 the Department of Chemistry.

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 034 区一 第一教学楼 第二教学楼 No. 1 Teaching Building No. 2 Teaching Building

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:郭海军拍摄

第一教学楼简称“一教”,位于二校门西 第二教学楼简称“二教”,位于大礼堂前 北,毗邻第二教学楼。建于1952年,由清华大 广场西南角。建于1954年,由清华大学建筑学 学建筑学院李道增院士设计。建筑为3层,总建 院1951届校友建筑师周维权先生设计,属建国 筑面积2 607平方米。建成之初为全校主要的教 初期校园建设的主要建筑之一。建筑为2层, 学楼之一,同时也作为全校文化娱乐的场所。 总建筑面积约1 200平方米,包括三个大教室以 1978年,学校在一教设置了“电化教育中 及一个大会议室。多年来,作为学校机关会议 心”,以现代科学技术手段进行教育活动,并 以及外联活动的场所,目前主要作为教学楼使 曾长期作为校内闭路电视的播放基地。 用。 一教两端为大阶梯教室,另设大小教室数 二教为砖混结构,外形采用坡屋顶,红 间。尽管建筑外型朴实,却自建国后至今近60 砖墙身,拱券式门窗,门廊部分采用券柱式设 年间成为学校师生学习及文娱生活的重要场所 计。整体风格呼应了周边建筑环境,与科学 之一,具有一定的历史价值。目前仍主要作为 馆、西阶、清华学堂和大礼堂等建筑共同围合 教学楼和电教中心使用。 形成以大礼堂为中心的西区景观。

No. 1 Teaching Building is located to the No. 2 Teaching Building is located to the northwest of the Old Gate, and was designed by southwest of the Auditorium. Designed by Prof. Academician Li Daozeng of the Chinese Academy Zhou Weiquan, an alumnus (1951) of the School of Engineering and built in 1952. It has three floors of Architecture, and built in 1954, it is one of the with a total floor area of 2,607m2 and was one of major buildings constructed on the campus during the major buildings constructed on the campus the early days after Liberation. It has two floors, during the early days after Liberation. It was used with a total floor area of 1,200 m2, including three as a main teaching building and a cultural and large classrooms and a large meeting room. It entertainment center. has a masonry structure, with sloping roofs, red In 1978, the Audio-visual Center was brick walls, and arched doors and windows. established here. Subsequently, the building was The entrance features an arch and columns, used for a long time as the base for broadcasting which echo the surrounding historical buildings. of closed circuit television throughout the The Building has long been, and continues to campus.Today, No. 1 Teaching Building is still be, the main venue for university officials to hold used as one of the major teaching buildings and meetings and external liaison activities. as a multimedia instruction center.

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:商谦拍摄 035

Zone 1 古月堂 1~4号楼 Palace of the Ancient Moon No. 1–No. 4 Student Dormitories

图片来源:滕静茹拍摄 036 区一 同方部 西阶 Tongfang Hall West Lecture Hall

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

同方部位于大礼堂前草坪东侧,建于1909— 西阶,也称西区阶梯教室,位于大礼堂西 1911年间,建筑面积214平方米,砖木混合结构, 侧,由清华大学建筑学院关肇邺院士设计,2007 由奥地利人斐士施工建造。“同方”源于《礼记 年落成,总建筑面积1 128平方米。设计上沿用 •儒行》:“儒有合志同方,营道同术,并立则 原西阶的双坡顶和红砖墙面,但细部设计更为精 乐,相下不厌”。“方”作“道义”解,“同方 巧,功能更完善,采用了与图书馆、新水利馆等 部”意为“志同道合者相聚的地方”。同方部开 园内老建筑相似的独立高拱这一元素,以与历史 始为学校礼堂,曾长期作为每年8月27日祭祀孔 衔接,与环境协调。 子的地方,1923年秋改称“同方部”,作为课外 原西阶建于1952年,由清华大学建筑学院 训育活动场所。大礼堂建成后,作小礼堂使用。 1951届校友建筑师周维权先生设计,建筑面积 1936年10月鲁迅逝世时,师生曾在此举行追悼 343平方米,单层砖木混合结构,双坡顶,清水 会。20世纪80年代失火,后复建,现仅存西立面 红砖墙面。 为原物。目前为校友总会所在地。 The West Lecture Hall, or the West Lecture Tongfang Hall is located to the east of the Theater, is located in front of the Auditorium to Auditorium. It was built in 1909–1911, with a floor its west, and was designed by Guan Zhaoye and area of 214m2 and a brick and wood structure, colleagues in the School of Architecture. It was and was constructed by the Austrian Emil completed in 2007 and has a total floor area of Sigmund Fischer. The name “Tongfang” comes 1,128m2. The design follows the architectural from Conduct of a Scholar in the Book of Rites, style of the old West Lecture Hall, with red brick and “Tongfang Hall” means “the gathering place for walls, double sloping roofs, and using a high people with the same ideas”.It was originally used independent arch in the entrance to reflect the as the Auditorium, and as a place to commemorate historical surroundings. the birthday of Confucius every year. Then in 1923, The original West Lecture Hall was designed it became the Social Center. In October 1936, a by Prof. Zhou Weiquan, an alumnus (1951) of funeral ceremony was hold here to commemorate the School of Architecture and built in 1952. It the outstanding Chinese thinker and litterateur Lu had a floor area of 343m2. Xun. During the 1980s, the building was damaged by fire and subsequently restored. It’s currently used by the Tsinghua Alumni Association.

图片来源:郭海军拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 037

Zone 1 新斋、明斋、平斋、善斋 1~4号楼 Xin House, Ming House, No. 1–No. 4 Student Ping House & Shan House Dormitories

善斋/图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

此四斋是早期的男生宿舍。历史上分别 1号楼~4号楼位于图书馆北侧,建于1954 称为“四院”、“五院”、“六院”和“七 年,由清华大学建筑学院汪国瑜和周维权两位 院”,分别建成于1930年、1932年、1935年和 先生设计。建筑面积24 861平方米,主体4层, 1935年。四斋之名来自于《礼记·大学》的 局部3层或5层。受当时设计思潮的影响,采用 “三纲八目”:“大学之道,在明明德”; 了中国传统的大屋顶形式。建筑采用混凝土浇 “在止于至善”;“在新民”;“家齐而后国 筑鸱尾,倒挂木制斗,棂花门窗。4栋建筑围合 治,国治而后天下平”。其中明斋为清华大学 成两个大的内部院落。建筑的空间尺度、比例 “新四大建筑之一”,由著名建筑师杨廷宝先 以及细部都经过认真推敲。 生设计,是清华改办大学后建造的第一栋学生 1号楼~4号楼的设计由于施工复杂增加造 宿舍。新斋和平斋也为杨廷宝先生设计。明 价,在历史上曾受过争议与批评,但作为清华 斋、善斋、平斋曾用作青年教师宿舍。新斋于 大学50余年历史的见证,该楼仍具有珍贵、特 2005年改作清华大学人文社会科学学院和清华 殊的历史价值。目前它们仍然作为宿舍使用。 大学马克思主义研究中心用房。明斋改作文科 教学用房。 These four dormitories are located to the north of the Library and have a combined These four houses were originally used as floor area of 24,861m2. They were designed dormitories for male students. They were built by Profs. Wang Guoyu and Zhou Weiquan and in 1930, 1932, 1935 and 1935, respectively, were built in 1954. Under the influences of the and originally known as the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth time in which they were built, the buildings were and Seventh Apartments. Ming House, Xin designed in a traditional Chinese “big roof” style House and Ping House were designed by the with decoration and detail resembling historical distinguished Chinese Architect Yang Tingbao. buildings, but made of new materials and with Currently, Ming House, Shan House and modern construction methods. Ping House were onced used as accommodation Although such a design meant more for young teachers. Xin House became the office complicated construction processes and greater building for the School of Humanities and Social cost which was criticized at the time, the quality Sciences and the site of the Marxism Research of the buildings was very high and they are still Center of Tsinghua University in 2005. Ming some of the most beautiful buildings on the House has become a teaching building. campus. Today, they are still used as student dormitories.

明斋/图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 038 区一 新水利馆 文西楼 New Hydraulic Engineering West Literature Building Building

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:郭海军拍摄

新水利馆位于大礼堂东侧,建于1955年, 文西楼位于大礼堂东侧,原名电机工程 总面积11 230平方米,由周维权先生设计,平 馆,建于1934—1935年,著名建筑师沈理源设 面U字型布局,混合框架结构。设计采用了坡屋 计,建筑面积3 038平方米。最初作为电机系系 顶、红砖墙身和拱券洞口等建筑语汇。现为清 馆,后又作过自动化系系馆。2002年成为清华 华水利水电工程学系馆。 大学新闻与传播学院系馆。又名“宏盟楼”。

This building is located to the east of the The building is located to the east of the Auditorium. It was designed by Prof. Zhou Auditorium and has a floor area of 3,038m2. It Weiquan and was built in 1955 with a floor area was designed by architect Shen Liyuan and was of 11,230m2, a U-shaped layout opening to the built in 1934–1935. It was originally used for the south, red brick walls, sloping roofs, and arch Department of Electronic Engineering. In 2002, it windows. It is currently used by the Department became the site of the School of Journalism and of Hydraulic Engineering. Communication of Tsinghua University. 热能工程馆 甲所 Thermal Engineering Building Jia Suo (First Guest House)

图片来源:商谦拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

热能工程馆位于二校门东侧,建于1934 甲所位于二校门以西,毗邻近春园,建于 年,曾名“机械工程馆”,建筑面积2 652平方 1917年,原为校长住宅。解放初期曾经在较长的 米,沈理源先生设计,门额上有吴敬恒先生篆 时间内作为中国共产党清华党委会所在地。1985 题。馆内的热力工程实验室,是国内设备最完 年翻建为专家招待所,建筑面积3 500平方米, 备的实验室。目前仍然作为热能系馆使用。 提供会议、餐饮和住宿等服务。

The Thermal Engineering Building is located Jia Suo (First Guest House) is located west just to the east of the Old Gate. It was designed of the Old Gate. It was built in 1917, and initially by the famous early Chinese architect Shen served as the President’s home. In 1985, it was Liyuan and built in 1934, and has a floor area renovated to a design by the architect Ye Maoxu of 2,652m2. The inscription over the entrance and became a guest house for visiting scholars, was written by Mr. Wu Jingheng, a senior having a floor area of 3,500m2 and providing Kuomintang statesman. Today, it's still used by services such as meeting rooms, catering and the Department of Thermal Engineering. accommodation. 039

Zone 1 丙所 静斋 Bing Suo (Third Guest Jing House House)

图片来源:陈瑾羲拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

丙所位于二校门以西,原建筑建于1917 静斋位于近春园东侧,毗邻甲所。建于 年,为学校秘书长居所。解放后曾拨给校内幼 1932年,建筑面积2 109平方米。曾为女生宿 儿园使用。因年久失修,从1981年起逐步翻 舍,并附有专用食堂。解放后曾用作疗养处和留 修,由清华大学建筑设计研究院建筑师于振阳 学生宿舍,后曾作学校招待所。其名取自于《礼 设计。目前为专家招待所,提供会议、餐饮和 记·大学》:“知止而后有定,定而后能静”。 住宿等服务。 Jing (Tranquil) House is located near the First Bing Suo (Thrid Guest House) is located to Guest House. It was built in 1932, originally as a the west of the Old Gate. The original building dormitory for female students, and has a floor area was built in 1917 and was initially used as the of 2,109m2. The name comes from Great Learning university Secretary-General’s home. Today, it in the Book of Rites. Its concise and unadorned is used as a guest house for visiting scholars at design shows the growing influence of modern Tsinghua. architectural theory. 学生休闲长廊 观畴园餐厅 Student Leisure Gallery Guanchouyuan Dining Hall

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

学生休闲长廊位于1号楼~4号楼西对面, 观畴园餐厅位于明斋北侧,又名万人食 建于2002—2003年,建筑面积950平方米。建 堂,建于2001年4月,建筑面积13 250平方 筑结合小片木质百叶隔板形成的通透界面,最 米,3层框架结构,主要用作学生食堂和对外餐 大限度保留了场地原有树木。目前主要作为咖 厅,还包括地下超市、书报亭及校学生会办公 啡厅、书店、修理店、理发美容等学生生活服 地点。 务区使用。 Guanchouyuan Dining Hall, located to the The Gallery is located opposite No. 1–No. North of Ming House, was built in April 2001 4 Student Dormitories. It was designed by the and has a floor area of 13,250m2. It was mainly architect Zhuang Weimin from the Architectural used as a students’ dining hall, but also houses Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua a supermarket, a book and newspaper stall and University and built in 2002 to 2003, with a the offices of the Student Union of Tsinghua floor area of 950m2. Today it’s mainly used as a University. service center for students. 040 区一 14~18宿舍 人环楼 No. 14– No. 18 Dormitories Artificial Environment Building

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

14宿舍~18宿舍位于西区饮食广场北侧, 人环楼位于化学馆的北边,靠近西北门,4层 现为教职工宿舍。 框架结构。作为同方集团的前身“清华人环公司” 的办公室,该建筑内曾经诞生过许多热工系统的国 These dormitories are located to the north 内第一。现在建筑内还包含化学系的实验室和其他 of the West Dining Plaza and current provide 公司。 accommodation for staff of the university. This building is located near the Northwest Gate and is a four-storey reinforced concrete structure. Many top-class domestic thermal engineering products first saw the light of day here. Today the place is also used as a laboratory of the Chemistry Department and as offices for various companies.

学生文化活动中心 立斋、诚斋 Students’ Culture & Activity Li House and Cheng House Center

图片来源:郭海军拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

学生文化活动中心位于西区体育中心南 立斋和诚斋位于图书馆北侧,位于“前五 侧,又名“蒙民伟楼”。建于1995年9月,建筑 斋 ” 中 的 “ 明 ” 、“ 善 ” 、“ 新 ” 、“ 平 ” 斋 附 面积4 071平方米,由曹涵棻设计。香港信兴集 近,建于1951年,属于清华“八斋”中的“后三 团主席、清华校友蒙民伟先生捐资兴建。原址 斋”(另一斋为强斋)。建成之初为人民银行和 曾为清华校医院以及音乐室。 清华联办的“银行专修科”的男学员宿舍。立斋 曾为学生宿舍。诚斋为校内某些单位的办公室。 The Center is located to the south of the West Gymnasium, and is known as the “Meng Li (Upright) and Cheng (Sincere) Houses Minwei Building” in recognition of a donation are located to the north of the Library, and were from Mr. Meng Minwei. Built in September 1995, built in 1951. Li House was used as a students’ it has a floor area of 4,071m2, and was designed dormitory, and Cheng House as offices for some by the architect Cao Hanfen. It was formerly the departments of the university. site of the University Hospital and the Music Hall. 041

Zone 1 人环楼 文北楼 第四教学楼、第五教学楼 Artificial Environment Building North Literature Building No. 4 & No. 5 Teaching Buildings

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

文北楼位于南北主干道西侧,建于1988年, 四教和五教位于南北主干道旁,建于1988 原名文科楼,建筑面积3 076平方米,贺卫平设 —1990年。建筑面积分别为3 187和4 586平方 计。2004年韩国三安建设技术有限公司名誉董事 米,框架混合结构,由谢照唐、曹涵棻、张晋 长金炯珠先生捐资50万美元进行翻修,又名为松 芳、赵晓晞设计。建筑通过台阶式庭院绿化联 山金炯珠楼。目前由历史系、对外汉语文化教学 系东西两侧,并且通过空间体量、材料质感、 中心等使用。 细部做法等方面呼应校园不同时期的建筑。

This building is located along the main These two buildings are located along the North–South Artery of the campus. It was North–South Artery of the campus and were built designed by the architect He Weiping and built in 1988–1990, and have floor areas of 3,187m2 in 1988, with a floor area of 3,076m2. Today it and 4,586m2, respectively. They were designed is used by the Department of History and by by architects Xie Zhaotang, Cao Hanfen, Zhang the Chinese Language & Culture Center for the Jinfang and Zhao Xiaoxi and are mainly used as teaching of foreign students. teaching buildings. 泥沙实验室 文南楼 Sediment Laboratory South Literature Building

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

该实验室位于南北主干道西,为清华大 文南楼位于南北主干道西,建于1985年, 学一级实验室,由中国科学院院士钱宁教授创 又称“黄松益楼”,为清华早年文科三大楼之 建。建筑第一期建于1978—1982年,总建筑面 一。原为经管学院,由黄松益、黄何善胜夫妇 积3 889平方米,第二期扩建于1984—1985年, 捐资建设而成。目前为人文学院外语系馆。 建筑面积796平方米。 This building is located alongside the North– The laboratory is located alongside the North– South Artery of the campus. It was built in 1985, South Artery of the campus. Phase I was built in and is known as the “Huang Songyi Building” 1978–1982 with a floor area of 3,889 m2. The in recognition of a donation from Mr. Huang Phase II extension, having a floor area of 796m2, Songyi and his wife Huang-He Shansheng. The Sediment Laboratory was set up in 1978 by Originally used by the School of Economics & Academician Qian Ning of the Chinese Academy Management, it is now used by the Department of Sciences. of Foreign Languages. 042 区一 水利试验馆 本科招生办公室 Hydraulic Engineering Undergraduates' Admission Laboratory Office

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:陈瑾羲拍摄

水利试验馆位于二校门东侧,又称“旧水 本科招生办公室位于东西主干道北侧, 利馆”,始建于1932年,1952年加建3层,建 二校门附近,建于1911年,曾名“稽查处及邮 筑面积2892平方米。当时被称为“中国第一水 局”,为早期清华建筑之一。其东侧为研究生 工实验所”,著名水利专家李协先生为馆额题 招生办公室。 字。 This building is located on the north side of This building is located near the Old the main East–West Artery of the campus, near Gate, and was built in 1932 and subsequently the Old Gate. It was built in 1911, making it one extended in 1952 to give a floor area of 2,892m2. of the earliest buildings on the campus, and was Once known as the “First Hydraulic Engineering originally named the “Inspection Section and the Laboratory in China”. Post Office”. The Graduates' Admission Office is located to its east.

旧土木馆 近春楼 Old Civil Engineering Building Jinchun Hotel

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

旧土木馆位于二校门东侧,建于1922年, 近春楼位于近春园西侧,曾名“干训生 史称“工艺馆”,建成之初内设简单机械设 楼”,建于1987年,建筑面积5 663平方米,由 备,作为学生工艺实习的场地。1926年土木系 贺卫平、葛缘恰设计。香港浸会大学校长谢志 建立,1932年工学院成立,此后土木工程系在 伟博士和香港恒生银行董事长利国伟先生共同 原工艺馆基础上扩建系馆。目前为建筑学院建 捐资建设。1990年,清华大学伟伦学术交流中 筑技术科学系所在地。 心在此成立。

This building, located to the east of the Old Jinchun (Close-to-Springtide) Hotel is Gate, was built in 1922 and originally known as located to the west of Jinchun Garden. It was “Technology Hall”. It was originally used as a designed by architects He Weiping and Ge place for students to gain practical experience in Yuanqia and built in 1987, with a floor area of the use of machinery. It was extended after the 5,663m2. In 1990, the Tsinghua Weilun Academic foundation of the School of Civil Engineering in Exchange Center was established here. 1932. At present, it is used by the Department of Building Science. 043

Zone 1 工会 荷园餐厅 Labor Union Heyuan Restaurant

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

工会位于东西主干道北侧,二校门以西, 荷园餐厅位于近春园东北角,是学校教工食 建于1927年,建筑面积361平方米。原名“丁 堂之一。建于1952年,原名为“一员工食堂”, 所”,是清华附小和附中前身(称为“成志小 共2层。20世纪90年代经过改造,现1层为自选 学”)。目前是校工会办公场所。 餐,2层为点菜、包桌,南部为工会俱乐部。

The Labor Union building is located on Heyuan Restaurant is located in the the north side of the East–West Artery on the northeast corner of Jinchun (Close-to- campus, and was built in 1927 with a floor Springtide) Garden and is one of the staff dining area of 361m2. It was formerly the location for halls on campus. The two-storey building was Chengzhi Elementary School, which was the constructed in 1952 and was originally known as predecessor of the Elementary School and the “No. 1 Staff Dining Hall”. The south part of the High School attached to Tsinghua University. building is used as the Trade Union Club. 问询处 强斋 Information Center Qiang House

图片来源:陈瑾羲拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

问询处位于学校西门和二校门之间。曾包 强斋位于近春园东侧,与古月堂隔路相 括一间纪念品服务部和一间综合服务台。服务 望,建于1951年。建成之初为人民银行和清 内容集报修、客房预定、餐位预定、会务服务 华联办的“银行专修科”的女学员宿舍,因此 预定、车辆预定、票务预定、网上购物以及社 与原女生宿舍静斋比邻而居。目前作为宿舍使 区服务于一体。 用。

The Information Center is located between The Qiang (Strong) House is located to the the West Gate and the old School Gste, used to east of Jinchun Garden, and was built in 1951. It include a souvenir store, and a comprehensive was originally used a dormitory for female trainees service center providing assistance such as in the “Bank Special Course College” co-run by booking hotels, restaurants, taxis and tickets, the People’s Bank of China and Tsinghua. It’s very online shopping and other community services. close to the old girls’ dormitory Jing House, and is still used as a dormitory today. 044 区一 熙春园餐厅 校医院 Xichunyuan Restaurant Tsinghua University Hospital

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

熙春园餐厅,原招待餐厅,位于工字厅西 校医院位于近春园西北角,建于20世纪90 侧,建筑面积约750平方米,经清华大学美术学 年代,总建筑面积9 197平方米。医院有床位 院设计改造为徽派建筑风格。餐厅以经营淮扬 120张,设有内科、外科、急诊科、妇科等近 菜为主,内部环境幽雅,大厅可容纳120人同时 二十个临床和医科技室,除普通门诊外,还开 用餐,可接纳会议团体用餐及婚宴用餐,另有 设15个专家门诊。是北京市医保定点机构,承 包间5间。 担着校内近6万名师生员工及家属的医疗保健工 作,并对外服务。 Xichunyuan (Sunny Spring Garden) Restaurant is located to the west of Gongzi Hall, Tsinghua University Hospital is located in the with a floor area of about 750m2 and built in the northwest corner of Jinchun Garden, with a floor Huizhou architectural style. It provides Huaiyang area of 9,197m2, 120 beds, almost 20 medical dishes, a type of southern Chinese cuisine. The departments, and 15 outpatient specialties. main hall can accommodate 120 people at the It’s one of the designated medical agencies in same time and there are also five private rooms. Beijing Municipality.

原环境楼 原射击馆 Old Environment Building Old Shooting Stadium

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

原环境楼位于图书馆东北方向,原是清华 原射击馆总面积926平方米,曾是清华大学 大学环境科学与工程系系馆,建筑面积5 000平 射击队和清华附中体育特长班射击运动员的训 方米。2006年环境系迁至位于东门附近新环境 练场地。新射击馆已于2009年建成,位于东大 系馆,此楼目前作为校财务处等机关使用。 操场东侧。

This building is located to the northeast of The Old Shooting Range is located to the west the Library, has a floor area of 5,000m2, and was of the Jinchun Hotel, with a floor area of 926m2. It originally used by the Department of Environmental was the practice base for the Tsinghua Shooting Science & Engineering. In 2006, the Department Team and the location for the shooting class of the moved to its new building near the East Gate. High School attached to Tsinghua University. 045

Zone 1 校团委楼 1~4号楼 区一游览信息 University Youth League No.Advice 1–No. on 4Walking Student Zone 1 Committee Building Dormitories

如果你只有半天时间,却又想领略最经典 的清华风情的话,中西合璧的区一是最好的选 择。由西门进入,沿清华路直行到二校门,北 转参观大礼堂景区、图书馆和西区体育馆等建 筑;在清华最大的食堂观畴园就餐后,继续西 行参观理学院、化学馆、生物馆、气象台、医 学院等建筑,游览著名的近春园遗址,最后仍 从西门出校。 区一是清华大学老校区所在地,整个校园 即发源于此。这里的建筑中西合璧,艺术价值 高,环境也分外优美,尤以四大特色闻名天下: 一是历史悠久的中国古典园林,包括清 华园、工字厅、水木清华、近春园遗址等, 其历史可一直追溯到三百年前康熙年间建造 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 的熙春园。二是作为国家级文物的西洋古典 建筑群,建校初期建造的“四大建筑”奠定 校团委楼位于图书馆东侧,是一座两层的 了该区红砖建筑风貌的基调,之后陆续建造 凹字型红砖建筑,建于20世纪60年代。目前是 的其他建筑延续风格,共同形成了清华人戏 校团委、校广播站所在地。 称的“红区”。三是浓郁的人文气息,名人 雕塑,历史遗迹,亭台楼阁,碑铭题匾,遍 This building is located to the east of the 布其中。四是崇尚自然的校园环境,成片的 Library, alongside the river. It is a two-storey 树林,高大的树木,宽阔的草坪,清秀的水 U-shaped red brick structure, built in the 1960s. 面,以及婉转林间的鸟鸣,跳跃山间的松 Currently, it’s the location of the University 鼠,共同形成了一片生机盎然的自然风光。 Youth League Committee and the University Broadcasting Station. If you have only half a day and would like to visit the most beautiful sights of Tsinghua, Zone 1, which combines styles of the east and the west, could be your best choice. You can enter Zone 1 from the West Gate, walk along the Tsinghua Road until 环境工程实验室 you reach the Old Gate, then turn north to have a look at the Auditorium district and Environmental Engineering the Library and the West Gymnasium. Then Laboratory you can eat in the largest dining hall on the campus. After that, continue walking to visit buildings like the Maths & Physics Building, the Chemistry Building, the Biology Building, the Meteorological Tower, Medical Science Building, and the nearby Jinchun Garden. Finally, you will return to the West Gate. Zone 1 is the location of the old campus, and the present campus has grown out from here. Most of the buildings here have high aesthetic qualities and the environment is also very pleasant. The area is especially famous for several reasons. Firstly, for its traditional Chinese gardens, like Tsinghua Garden, Gongzi Hall, Shui Mu Tsinghua, and Jinchun Garden. The earliest ones can be traced back 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 to Xichun Garden, constructed 300 years 环境工程实验室位于老图书馆东侧,建于 ago during the reign of Emperor Kangxi. 20世纪60年代。如今仍在使用。 Secondly, for its nationally recognized heritage of occidental buildings, represented by the This laboratory is located to the east of the “Four Early Grand Buildings”. Thirdly, for its old Library. It was built in the 1960s and is still in rich cultural atmosphere, created by means of use today. sculptures by famous artists, historical relics, pavilions, steles, monuments, and plaques scattered all over the area. Finally, for its natural environment with an abundance of trees, lawns, and water surfaces, as well as many birds and animals, such as squirrels. 046

区二 - 分区地图 工字厅 西阶 Gongzi Hall West Lecture Hall 区五






中关村北大街 春 清

路 047

Zone Map - Zone 2 古月堂 1~4号楼 Palace of the Ancient Moon No. 1–No. 4 Student Dormitories

路 048

区二 - 分区地图 工字厅 西阶 Gongzi Hall West Lecture Hall 区五






HUA West Gate TSING Gao No.1 No.1 No.2


No.2 No.10 XI CHUN ROAD No.1 No.9 No.3 No.4 No.45 No.41 West Gao No.2 ZHONG GUAN CUN NORTH STREET Community No.15 No.5 No.6 No.46 No.42 No.17 No.13 No.14 No.12 Middle Community

No.43 No.16 No.7 Experts' No.47 No.18 No.2 No.1 Apartments

Yuyuan No.8 No.44 No.8 No.19 Restaurant No.4 Activity Center Bath Shengyin Courtyard No.5 No.6 West District Apartments No.7 No.8 TSING Gerontology HUA No.20 Research Center No.9


No.18 No.10

SOUTH ROAD No.11 No.17

No.12 No.16



Elementary School Attached No.10 to Tsinghua University

No.6 No.9

No.5 No.1 No.14 No.8

No.4 No.13 No.7 Southwest No.3 Community No.12

Southwest Gate No.2

No.1 049

Zone Map - Zone 2 古月堂 1~4号楼 Palace of the Ancient Moon No. 1–No. 4 Student Dormitories



Zhaolan Courtyard

Gao No.1

Community Service Center Service Building No.1 No.6 Post Office No.11 Gao No.2

No.2 No.7 Zhaolan Courtyard No.13 East Business District Community

No.3 No.15 No.8

No.4 No.16 No.9 No.5 No.9 No.10 Transcript Office

No.8 Gerontology Research Center Jiehua No.7 Kindergarten

No.6 Xinlin Courtyard


Lanyuan Shop


South Community Dining Hall No.3 South No.13 Community No.2

Elementary School Attached No.12 to Tsinghua University Puji Courtyard No.1

No.11 No.0

No.1 South Gate Lanqiying North Gate 050 区二 清华附小 Elementary School Attached to Tsinghua University


清华附小位于清华大学校园西南部,用 振宁博士,著名物理学家、两弹元勋邓稼先都 地面积14 990平方米,总建筑面积12 120平方 曾在成志学校学习过。冯友兰、朱自清等著名 米,总造价2 600万元,包括35个教学班用房、 教授都曾先后担任成志学校董事会成员。 音乐舞蹈体育楼、书院以及教师办公楼。学校 共有学生1 500余名,教职工近百人。清华附小 In the southwest of the campus lies the 新校舍由清华大学建筑学院王丽方教授设计。 elementary school with a site area of 14,990m2 项目以“有趣的校园”为设计基本点,外 and a building area of 12,120m2, built at a 部空间与建筑并重,组群之间和而不同,关注 total cost of 26 million Yuan RMB. The new 细部的建构表现,推敲建筑色彩,并在构造施 school building was designed by Prof. Wang 工和建筑部品等方面都进行了创新。 Lifang of the School of Architecture of Tsinghua 建筑通过柱廊与建筑的相互组合,将空 University. 间划分、围合、穿通、连接,从而形成丰富的 The project won the No. 1 Gold Medal Prize 院落空间、有趣的路径和流动的外部空间,并 for National Excellence in Architectural Design in 且有机地运用原有场地树木进行外部环境的塑 2004, the Architectural Design Prize Awarded by 造。外墙中保温结合清水砌块砖立面的独创性 the Ministry of Construction (First Prize) in 2003, 构造设计,既保持了清水砖墙素雅宁静、契合 and the RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) 教育建筑的文化氛围的特质,同时也克服了传 competition Diverse City: Beijing (placed first of 统砖墙在保温节能上的缺陷。 the two winners in China, in 2004). 清华附小建筑设计曾获得2002年首都设 Dating from 1915, the elementary school 计汇报展二等奖,2003中国建筑艺术奖公共建 was formerly named “Cheng Zhi School” and 筑类优秀奖,2004年度全国优秀工程设计金 was especially for children of the teaching staff. 质奖,2003年度建设部部级优秀勘察设计一 It was temporarily disbanded because of the 等奖,英国皇家建筑师协会“变幻城市—北 Anti-Japanese War (1937–1945) and was re- 京”中国区优秀奖(第一名)。 established in 1952. The Nobel laureate Yang 清华附小前身为成志学校,始建于1915 Zhenning and the Chinese famous physicist 年,专为清华早期教职员子弟开设。附小由于 studied at the school. Renowned 抗战大学南迁而临时解散,直到1952年复校, professors such as Feng Youlan and Zhu Ziqing 正式命名为清华附小。其中诺贝尔奖获得者杨 formerly served on the Board of the School.

图片来源:王丽方拍摄 图片来源:王丽方拍摄 051

Zone 2 古月堂 1~4号楼 Palace of the Ancient Moon No. 1–No. 4 Student Dormitories

图片来源:王丽方拍摄 052 区二 胜因院 照澜院 Shengyin Courtyard Zhaolan Courtyard

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:滕静茹拍摄

胜因院位于清华校园西南部,建于1946年, 照澜院位于校园中部,建成于1921年,由10 建筑面积5 101平方米,用教育部下拨的教育复 所西式丹顶洋房和10所中式四合院组成,是清华 员费建造,包括40所教授住宅。建筑由张镈设 大学以前的教授住宅群,时称南院,1934年以后 计,包括两种单元,一为单层双坡顶式别墅,一 改称旧南院。建筑由庄俊设计。1946年抗战胜利 为二层楼。“胜因院”之名来自于西南联大时期 清华园复校后,由朱自清提议将“旧南院”的称 所租借的昆明“胜因寺”等房屋,同时也有纪念 呼按谐音改称字面文雅的“照澜院”。 清华大 抗战胜利的含义。历史上曾有多名著名学者以及 学早期著名教授学者如梅贻琦(5号)、张子高(5 资深教授居于此,如刘仙洲(1号)、汤佩松(8号)、 号)、马约翰(16号)、赵元任(1、2号)、陈寅恪 吴景超(21号)、张维(23号)、褚士全(25号)、温德 (2号)、俞平伯(7号)、张申府(9号))、袁复礼 (R. Winter美籍,31号)、金岳霖(36号)、费孝通 (10号)、法籍著名数学大师哈达玛(1号)等,都 (39号)、梁思成和林徽因夫妇等。后于胜因院西南 曾先后在这里定居。目前,“照澜院”也是校 曾建平房14所,又称“十四所”。后由于扩建需 园内社区服务中心的代称。 要,近一半被拆除。 Zhaolan Courtyard lies in the center of Built in 1946, Shengyin Courtyard is the Tsinghua campus. It was built in 1921 and located in the southwest of Tsinghua Campus. includes ten villas with red Western roofs and It includes forty houses for senior academic ten Chinese courtyards, and served as houses staff, with a floor area of 5,101m2, and was for professors of Tsinghua University. It was designed by the architect Zhang Bo. There are initially called “South Courtyard”, and then “Old two kinds of apartments: one-storeyvillas with South Courtyard” until 1934. After the Anti- double pitch roofs and two-storey houses. The Japanese War, its name was changed to “Zhaolan name “Shengyin” (Leading to Success) comes Yuan” (a homophonic name) on the advice of from the “Shengyin” Temple, the temporary the renowned writer Zhu Ziqing. Many famous campus of the National Southwest Associated scholars and professors have lived here, such University used during the Anti-Japanese War, as Tsinghua’s former President Mei Yiqi (No. 5), and commemorates the victory of the Chinese Zhang Zigao (No. 5), Ma Yuehan (No. 16), Zhao people over the Japanese invaders. A number Yuanren (No. 1 & No. 2), Chen Yinke (No. 2), Yu of well-known scholars have lived here. In the Pingbo (No. 7), Zhang Shenfu (No. 9), Yuan Fuli southwest of the courtyard stand 14 single- (No.10), and the French mathematician Jacques storey houses, so it is also called “Fourteen Hadamard. Nowadays, “Zhaolan Yuan” is also the Suo”. informal name of the Community Service Center.

图片来源:滕静茹拍摄 图片来源:滕静茹拍摄 053

Zone 2 西区住宅 西区公寓 West Community West District Apartments

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

西区住宅位于清华校园西南部,位于清华 西区公寓位于清华校园西南部,位于西区 路南面,临近清华西门。西楼建筑群为清华大 住宅南面。西区公寓建筑群包括1公寓〜12公 学教师住宅,包括西1楼〜2楼,西8楼〜14楼, 寓,十四所,15公寓〜19公寓,西区商店,寓 西41楼〜44楼,西45楼〜47楼。目前住宅区主 园餐厅,公寓浴室和教工活动中心。目前住宅 要作为清华教职工宿舍。 区主要作为清华教职工宿舍。

The West Community lies in the southwest These apartments lie in the southwest of the Tsinghua campus, to the south of the of Tsinghua campus, south of the West Tsinghua Road, near the West Gate. This Community. The residential area includes residential area includes West 1– West 2, Apartment 1–Apartment 12, the “Fourteen Suo” West 8–West 14, West 41–West 44, and West Courtyard, Apartment 15–Apartment 19, the 45–West 47 Buildings. It is currently mostly West Shop, Yuyuan (Dwelling Garden) Canteen, used as residential housing for academic and the Apartment Bath House and the Staff Activity administrative staff of Tsinghua University. Center. The apartments are currently occupied by staff of the university. 西南小区 中区住宅 Southwest Community Middle Community

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

西南小区位于清华校园西南部,位于清 中区住宅位于清华校园西南部,位于清华 华附小以西,临近清华西南门。小区建筑群包 路以南。中楼建筑群包括中1〜中8楼、高1〜高 括西南1〜西南20楼。目前住宅区主要作为清 2楼、社区服务中心、清华园胶印厂、服务楼、 华教职工宿舍。 邮局、工商银行、照澜院商业街、北京银行、 建设银行等。 The Southwest Community lies in the southwest of the Tsinghua campus, west of This community lies in the southwest of the the Elementary School and near the Southwest Tsinghua campus, to the south of the Tsinghua Gate. The residential area includes Southwest Road. It includes Middle 1–Middle 8 Buildings, 1–Southwest 20 Buildings which are occupied High 1–High 2 Buildings, Tsinghua Offset Printing by faculty and administrative staff. Factory, Zhaolan Yuan Commercial Street, China Construction Bank and so on. 054 区二 东区住宅 南区住宅 East Community South Community

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

东区教工住宅位于清华校园西南部,包括 南区教工住宅位于清华校园西南部,包括南0 东1〜东9楼,东11楼,东13楼,东15〜东16楼。 〜南13楼和南区食堂,住宅为南北向板式住宅。 住宅为南北向板式住宅。 This community lies in the southwest of the The Community lies in the southwest of Tsinghua campus, it includes South 0–South the Tsinghua campus. It includes East 1–East 9, 13 Buildings, which are north–south-oriented East 11, East 13 and East 15–East 16 Buildings. residential blocks.

新林院 老年学研究中心 Xinlin Courtyard Gerontology Research Center

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

新林院位于清华中部,建于1934年,建筑由 老年学研究中心,又名“熊知行楼”,是清 沈理源设计。新林院原名新南院,后由朱自清提 华大学人文学院的所在地。位于清华附小北面, 议改名为新林院,共30所,6 588平方米教授住 由清华大学建筑设计研究院胡绍学、何咏梅等设 宅,1971年再新建新林楼7栋。1949年前先后在这 计。建于2004年,建筑面积4 147平方米,由清 里居住著名教授有陈岱孙(3号)、周培源(2号)、 华大学1941级校友熊知行博士代表杏范教育基金 俞平伯(4号)、霍秉权(6号)、叶企孙(7号)、赵忠 会和学校基金会共同捐资兴建。目前也作为老年 尧(8号)、潘光旦(11号)、吴有训(12号)、庄前 人活动中心使用。 鼎(23号)、李辑祥(42号)、陈寅恪(52号)、施嘉 炀(53号)、张奚若(62号)、张荫麟(71号)、陈 This building was designed by the architects 桢(71号)、闻一多(72号)等。 Hu Shaoxue, He Yongmei and others from the Architectural Design and Research Institute of Xinlin Courtyard, was built in 1934 and Tsinghua University, and is located to the north of designed by the architect Shen Liyuan. It includes the Elementary School. It was built in 2004, with a thirty houses for professors. Before 1949, many 2 floor area of 4,147m . Today it is used as an activity celebrated professors such as Chen Daisun center for the elderly. (No. 3), Zhou Peiyuan (No. 2), Yu Pingbo (No. 4), Huo Bingquan (No. 6), Ye Qisun (No. 7), Zhao Zhongyao (No. 8), Pan Guangdan (No. 11), (No. 12), Zhuang Qianding (No. 23), Li Jixiang (No. 42), Chen Yinque (No. 52) lived here. 055

Zone 2 洁华幼儿园 1~4号楼 区二游览信息 Jiehua Kindergarten No.Advice 1–No. on 4Walking Student Zone 2 Dormitories表面上看来,这里似乎都是一些毫不起 眼的住宅。但若想寻访清华大学历史上的名 人踪迹,这里是再好不过的选择:这里曾居 住着那些名闻遐迩的大学者、大教授。 其中最出名的恐怕要属“四大导师”中 的三位——陈寅恪、王国维和赵元任,又被 称为“教授的教授”。清华大学的老校长梅 贻琦曾说:“所谓大学者,非谓有大楼之谓 也,有大师之谓也”。当年的清华国学研究 院正是因为四大导师的存在,在创办仅仅两 年之后便声望颇高,并由此开创了中国学术 独立自由的传统。 作为“中国语言学之父”的赵元任, 原本是清华大学的物理、数学和心理学的讲 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 师。1920年,英国哲学家罗素来中国访问, 赵元任陪同他周游全国,每到一处就用当地 洁华幼儿园位于校园西南部,始建于1948 方言进行翻译,这才发现他惊人的语言天 年,1999年扩建。幼儿园占地1.7公顷,建筑面 赋,之后即转向语言学研究。 积9 090平方米。 在这里住过的著名教授还包括刘仙洲、 费孝通、金岳霖、梁思成和林徽因夫妇、俞 The Jiehua Kindergarten, built in 1948 and 平伯、钱伟长、张子高、袁复礼、马约翰、 extended in 1999, lies in the southwest of the 周培源等。也许这些房子已年久破败,但或 Tsinghua campus. 许却能愈发引起些思古幽情。

专家公寓 At first sight, Zone 2 is a rather ordinary residential area, but if you want to look for Experts’ Apartments traces of historic celebrities and former scholars of Tsinghua University, it is an ideal place. These include the 3 of the distinguished “Four Tutors”: Chen Yinque, Wang Guowei and Zhao Yuanren. Mei Yiqi, President of Tsinghua University at the time, once said, “a great university is not known by great buildings, but by great scholars”. With the efforts of these great scholars and their colleagues, the Institute of Chinese Classics quickly earned an eminent reputation almost as soon as it was established, and started the Chinese academic tradition of independence and liberty. Zhao Yuanren, the father of Chinese linguistics, experienced the turning point of 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 his life in Tsinghua. At first, this quick learner 专家公寓位于清华校园西南部,位于老年 of languages taught physics, mathematics 学研究中心北面,由清华大学建筑设计研究院 and psychology. When he accompanied 设计,建于2003年和2005年,包括两栋独立式 the British philosopher Bertrand Russell on 住宅和一座综合性的陈-赛蒙斯楼,作为海外专 his travels around China in 1920, whenever 家短期居住的场所。 arrived at a place, he found he could quickly use the local dialect to translate. So he These apartments, designed by the decided to change direction and study Architectural Design and Research Institute of linguistics. Tsinghua University, were built in 2003 and 2005, Many other famous professors also and include high-grade hotel apartments and lived in this zone including Liu Xianzhou, Fei the Chern-Simons Hall, and are used as guest Xiaotong, Jin Yuelin, and his houses for visiting scholars. wife Lin Huiyin, Yu Pingbo, , Zhang Zigao, Yuan Fuli, Ma Yuehan and Zhou Peiyuan. Although some of these houses are no longer in good condition, they may serve to awaken your interest in the past. 056

区三 - 分区地图 工字厅 西阶 Gongzi Hall West Lecture Hall 区五






清 华 路 057

Zone Map - Zone 3 古月堂 1~4号楼 Palace of the Ancient Moon No. 1–No. 4 Student Dormitories


清华大学 出版社白楼


综合科研一期二号楼 (清华-罗姆电子工程馆)

明 新 人文社科图书馆 土木馆 学 (何善衡楼) 清

德 化工电大楼 民 工物馆 三教 六教 (裕元楼)

校史馆 蒙民伟音乐厅 西 东 主 中央主楼 主 楼 路 新清华学堂 路 楼

清 华 路 光

堂 路


美院楼 经管西楼 经管楼 建馆楼 (舜德楼) (伟伦楼) (梁球琚楼) 节能楼 华

建筑设计中心 公管楼 (伍舜德楼) (伍舜德楼) 微电子所 纳米科技楼

法学院 技术科学楼 (逸夫楼) 路 (明理楼) 新环境楼 能科楼B 9003大楼 能科楼A 日 新 路 液晶大楼

信息科学技术大楼 华业大厦 (FIT楼) 建设银行 路 主校门

南门 058

区三 - 分区地图 工字厅 西阶 Gongzi Hall West Lecture Hall 区五







Zone Map - Zone 3 古月堂 1~4号楼 Palace of the Ancient Moon No. 1–No. 4 Student Dormitories Northeast Gate

Automotive Research Institute


Tsinghua University Press

Science Research Complex, Phase 1, No.2



XUE Humanities & Social Sciences Library Civil Engineering Building

Building of Engineering Engineering Physics & Physics Chemical Engineering & Building Electronic Engineering No.3 Teaching No.6 Teaching Building Building

University History Museum Concert Hall Main Building New Tsinghua Xuetang



Academy of School of School of School of Arts & Design Economics & Economics & Architecture Ultra Management Management Low-Energy (West) Building Architectural School of Design & Research Public Policy & Institute Nanotechnology Microelectronics Management Research Center Institute Building Technology & School New Science of Law Environment Building Energy Science Building Building B 9003 Building Energy Science Building A RI XIN ROAD Hua Ye ROAD Plaza Future Information Technology Research Center Main Gate


South Gate 060 区三 新清华学堂、校史馆、音乐厅 New Tsinghua Xuetang & University History Museum & Concert Hall 扬清华核心文化的重要窗口。 “新清华学堂、校史馆、音乐厅”是清华 大学迎接百年校庆的重点建设项目之一,由清 华大学建筑学院和清华大学建筑设计研究院李 道增教授主持设计,中建一局集团建设发展有 限公司施工总承包,北京双圆工程咨询监理有 限公司施工监理。该工程于2009年10月28日破 土动工,2011年4月落成。

The New Tsinghua Xuetang, University History Museum & Concert Hall Complex locates in the northeast corner of Qinghua Rd. and Xuetang Rd. intersection. Its floor area is 43,250m2. The New Tsinghua Xuetang contains 图片来源:朱文一拍摄 the auditorium that has 2,011 seats, a rest lounge and other facilities. The University History “新清华学堂、校史馆、音乐厅”坐落于 Museum has an area of 4,800m2, including the 清华路和学堂路交汇点的东北角,总建筑面积 exhibition hall, a public service place, several 43 250平方米。其中,新清华学堂拥有2 011个 meeting rooms and research rooms. The 座位,含观众厅、舞台、前厅及休息厅、附属 Concert Hall has an area of 5,000m2, including 设施用房、后台及排练用房、台仓及乐池用房 an auditorium, a lounge, a stage, a backstage 部分。校史馆建筑面积4 800平方米,含展厅、 and other affiliated facilities. 前厅及公共服务空间、会议室及研究室用房部 The complex would provide a place for 分。音乐厅建筑面积5 000平方米,包含观众 international academic communications, public 厅、前厅及休息厅、讲台及后台、附属设施用 meetings and important ceremonies as well as 房部分。 celebrations. It would also become a platform for 该建筑群将满足清华大学现代化国际学 community and society service. 术交流、公众集会及重要仪式和庆典活动的需 The complex is an important project of 要,同时满足清华大学师生观赏高品质现代演 Tsinghua's centenary celebration. It is designed 出的需要,成为学校服务社区、服务社会的重 by Professor Li Daozeng from School of 要平台。同时也将成为展示清华百年校史、弘 Architecture, Tsinghua University.

图片来源:商谦拍摄 061

Zone 3

图片来源:朱文一拍摄 062 区三 主楼建筑群 Main Building The Main Building cluster lies in the east of the Tsinghua campus. It is composed of three main parts (the East Main Building, the West Main Building, the Central Main Building) and surrounding buildings (the Engineering Physics Hall and the Precision Instrument Hall). These are linked by four bridges. The design was presided over by Academician Guan Zhaoye, Prof. Gao Yilan, and other professors and hundreds of graduates from 1956–1965 also played a part. The West Main Building was designed and broke ground in 1956, and was built in 1957. Its gross floor area is 21,589m2. The East Main Building broke ground in 1957, and was built 2 图片来源:商谦拍摄 in 1958, with a gross floor area of 21,271m . The Central Main Building was designed in 主楼建筑群位于清华校园东区,由东、 1959 and broke ground in 1960. In the original 西主楼,中央主楼三大部分以及周边同期建成 design, its main structure had 12 storeys and the 的工程物理馆和精密仪器系馆组成。建筑群之 middle part had 14 storeys. But when the main 间由四个过街楼相连接。主楼建筑群的设计由 structure reached nine storeys, the construction 1959—1965届毕业生数百人参加,主要由清华 project was shut down due to financial 大学建筑学院的关肇业院士、高亦兰教授等主 problems. The design was modified in 1963, and 持设计。 construction was restarted the next year, and 西主楼于1956年设计并破土动工,1957年 completed in May 1966. The eventual Central 建成,建筑面积21 589平方米。东主楼于1957 Main Building had a 9-storey main structure, 年动工,1958年建成,面积21 271平方米。中 a 10-storey middle part, a 500-seat lecture 央主楼于1959年设计,1960年动工,原设计中 theater, an elevation of 40m, and a gross floor 主体建筑12层,中间部分为14层。在建设过程 area of 34,011m2. It is a cast-in-place reinforced 中由于资金问题停工,当时主体建成框架高9 concrete structure, lying on the medial axis 层。1963年,主楼设计修改,主体部分设计为9 of the East District, and facing the East Gate. 层,中间部分为10层。1964年重新动工,1966 Subsequently, two storeys were added, while 年5月落成。中央主楼落成后建筑面积为34 011 being careful to retain a harmonious relationship 平方米,采用现浇钢筋混凝土结构,北面为500 with the surrounding buildings. 座阶梯式演讲大厅,又称“主楼后厅”。为迎 In the past, the main Building has been 接90周年校庆,中央主楼加建顶二层,由关肇 the location for many academic departments 邺院士主持设计;大厅和后厅室内重新装修, including Architecture, Civil Engineering, Radio 由建筑学院王玮钰教授主持设计。 Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Foreign 主楼建筑群的设计体现了当时的建筑设计 Languages, Mathematics, Computer Science, 思潮,具有浓厚的苏联风格。整个主楼建筑群 Automation, and Radio Engineering. The Central 庄重大气,坚固巍峨,浑然一体,在东区校园 and East Main Buildings are now mostly used by 中起到统领全局的作用。2002年美国总统布什 the College of Software, the Computer Center, 在清华的演讲,地点就选在这里。 the Network Center, the Materials Science 主楼曾先后作为建筑、土木、电机、外 Department, the Mechanical Engineering 语、数学、计算机、自动化、无线电等多个系 Department, the College of Information 的系馆。目前中央主楼主要由软件学院、计算 Science & Technology and its subordinate 中心、网络中心、材料系、机械系和信息科学 Automation Department, the Computer Science 技术学院以及其属下的自动化系、计算机科学 & Technology Department and Electrical 与技术系、电子工程系使用。 Engineering Department.

图片来源:李华拍摄 063

Zone 3 古月堂 1~4号楼 Palace of the Ancient Moon No. 1–No. 4 Student Dormitories

图片来源:陈瑾羲拍摄 064 区三 人文社科图书馆 Library of Humanities and Social Sciences 士建筑大师马里奥·博塔领衔设计,北京市第 三建设工程建设公司施工总承包,万宇国际工 程咨询(北京)有限公司施工监理。

The Library of Humanities and Social Sciences locates to the east of Xuetang Rd. and the north to the 3rd Teaching Building. Its area is 20,000m2. The library would provide Tsinghua University with important facilities. It would improve the campus's public service function. At the mean time, it would strengthen teachers and students' social accomplishment, which is very important for education. The library’s 图片来源:商谦拍摄 collection will reach 1.5 million, and there will be 1,000 reading seats. The building includes 清华大学人文社科图书馆大楼坐落于校 comprehensive reading area, professional and 园学堂路东侧,第三教学楼北侧,建筑面积约 specialized reading area, small discussion area, 20 000平方米。该大楼为地上四层、地下三层 small reading room, information sharing space, 的框架结构,建筑高度18米。 service area for reader affairs, public activity area 人文社科图书馆为清华大学人文学科的 and so on. 建设与发展提供重要基础设施和保障条件,同 The library is an important project of the 时,在完善校园公共服务功能、提升清华师生 centenary celebration of Tsinghua University. 的人文社科素养,对于人才的全面培养等方面 The construction has completed in 2011. It is 都有着重要的意义。馆藏总量将达到150万册, designed by Swiss architect Mario Botta. 有阅览座位1 000个。图书馆包含书刊借阅藏一 体化的阅览区、专题和特色文献阅览区、小型 讨论区、研读小间、信息共享空间、读者业务 服务区、公共活动区及密集书库等主要功能区 域。 人文社科图书馆是清华大学迎接百年校庆 的重点建设项目之一,2011年建成。建筑由瑞

图片来源:商谦拍摄 065

Zone 3

图片来源:商谦拍摄 066 区三 美术学院 Academy of Arts & Design 艺术设计系、信息艺术与设计系、绘画系、雕 塑系、工艺美术系和艺术史论系等专业。

This Building lies at the east end of the Tsinghua campus, to the east of the Architecture School. It has a gross floor area of 60,890m2, and build in October 2005. An international competition to decide the design of the new building was held in 2002. The judging panel included eminent authorities on architecture and art, including Robert Venturi, , and Wu Guanzhong. The “Open Jade” designed by Perkins+Will and BIAD eventually won the competition. 图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄 Its predecessor was the Central Academy of Arts & Design which was established in 1956 美术学院位于清华大学校园东部,建筑馆 and merged into Tsinghua University in 1999. 东侧,前身是中央工艺美术学院,创建于1956 The building is decorated with a dry-hung stone 年,1999年正式并入清华大学。2002年,清华 facade, and the design is clean and aesthetic 大学举行美术学院建筑设计国际竞赛,美国帕 and also echoes the colors and materials of 金斯&威尔建筑事务所和北京建筑设计研究院的 the Central Main Building and the surrounding 方案最终胜出。2005年10月落成,总建筑面积 buildings. Art exhibitions are often held here, and 达60 890平方米。 the book collection in its library is rich and varied. 该建筑采用米色石材作为饰面,以呼应中 央主楼的色彩和材料。楼内设计有多处公共活 动空间供师生交流使用,营造出“艺术社区” 的氛围。这里经常举办一些艺术展览,其图书 馆的藏书也十分具有特色。 美术学院现有染织服装艺术系、陶瓷艺术 设计系、工业设计系、装潢艺术设计系、环境

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Zone 3

图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄 068 区三 新环境楼 New Environment Building The New Environment Building, built in 2005, is located in the southeast of the east district of the Tsinghua campus. Its full name is the Sino-Italian Environment and Energy Efficient Building (SIEEB), and its construction was jointly sponsored by China’s Ministry of Science and Technology and Italy’s Environment Ministry, and the building was designed by the Italian architect Mario Cucinella. The 40m-high teaching and research building is C-shaped in plan layout with a floor area of 20,000 m2 and the south façade has a steplike structure. The external characteristics were based on a series of simulations of the thermal behavior of the building. Glass curtain walls are used in the east, west and 图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄 north façades. In its center, an ecological atrium serves as a climate buffer zone. The intelligent, 新环境楼位于清华大学东区建筑群东南角, ecological design benefits from natural ventilation 建于2005年,由意大利著名建筑师马利奥·古 and lighting integrated with the use of advanced 奇内拉设计,由中国科技部和意大利环境与领土 technology and materials. Its features include low 资源部共同建设。 energy consumption, solar power generation, and 教学科研办公室总建筑面积2万平方米,建 the use of reclaimed water, green structural materials, 筑布局为C字型,南侧为退台,东、西、北三侧 and intelligent control. The SIEEB has introduced 为光洁的玻璃幕墙。中部环抱绿色生态中庭, advanced environmental protection theories from 作为缓冲区。智能化的设计集合了自然通风、 Italy and provided a model for a new generation 自然采光、低能耗围护结构、太阳能发电、中 of sustainable ecological and energy efficient 水利用、绿色环保建材以及智能控制等多种国 buildings. Currently, the SIEEB houses the School of 际先进技术、材料和设备于一体。设计引进了 Environment. 意大利的先进环保理念,作为生态节能示范性 建筑,为我国生态建筑设计提供了良好的范 例。目前为环境学院。

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Zone 3

图片来源:李华拍摄 070 区三 建筑馆与超低能耗示范楼 School of Architecture and the Ultra Low-Energy Building bucket arch at the top, and a classic Ionic column stand at the north and south ends of the lobby. The long lobby includes a public space for discussions, exhibitions and student activities. The public spaces and aisles combine different specialized classrooms and studios. Cork decorative plates are used in the aisles and served as places to pin comments on the designs. The building is the location of the School of Architecture, the Continuing Education Institute and the Audio-visual Teaching Center. In the south, there are specialized classrooms, computer rooms, offices and studios; in the 图片来源:陈瑾羲拍摄 north, there are offices for the Continuing Education Institute, the Audio-visual Teaching 建筑馆是清华大学建筑学院的所在地,位 Center and World Architecture Magazine. To the 于中央主楼东南侧,建于1995年,由清华大学 east of the main part lies a lecture hall with 600 建筑学院胡绍学教授主持设计,总面积15 820 seats. 平方米,为5层钢筋混凝土结构。建筑馆又叫梁 The Ultra Low-Energy Building was 球琚楼,由香港企业家梁球琚先生及其女儿王 designed by the Tsinghua Institute of 梁洁华女士捐资兴建。其中王泽生报告厅由梁 Architectural Design and Research, with a floor 氏父女二次捐资进行室内装修改造,王泽生建 area of 2,930m2, and built in 2005. It is linked 筑师为王梁洁华女士的丈夫。 with the east part of the School of Architecture 建筑学院由建筑系、城市规划系、景观学 Building. It is the current location of the Institute 系和建筑技术科学系组成,也包括建筑与城市 of Architecture Environment and Equipment 研究所、人居环境研究中心、建筑节能研究中 Engineering. 心等校级研究机构,以及美术研究所、建筑设 计研究所、建筑历史与文物建筑保护研究所、 住宅与社区研究所、景观园林研究所、资源保 护与风景旅游研究所、建筑与技术研究所、建 筑环境与设备工程研究所等研究机构。 目前,建筑馆除主要作为建筑学院系馆使 用外,同时也是清华继续教育学院、电化教育 中心和由建筑学院主办的《世界建筑》杂志的 办公地点。建筑馆主体东侧附有一个600座的阶 梯式报告厅,主要用于大型课程和报告会议使 用。 建筑馆南翼东部是超低能耗示范楼,它 是建筑学院建筑环境与设备工程研究所的所在 地,建于2005年,由清华大学建筑设计研究院 设计,建筑面积2 930平方米。作为清华大学绿 色建筑的科研基地、开放式实验室及高新技术 产品的示范展台,超低能耗示范楼汇集了多种 国内外最新的科研成果,是中国第一个成功运 行的楼宇式热电冷联产示范系统。超低能耗示 范楼建成使用后,经初步运行测试表明,其能 源系统利用率最高可达90%。

The School of Architecture Building is located to the southeast of the Central Main Building. The five-storey reinforced concrete structure, with a floor area of 15,820m2, was designed by the Institute of Architectural Design and Research of Tsinghua University and built in 1995. As the base of research on ecological buildings in Tsinghua University, the building combines various items of advanced technology from home and abroad. Its construction was sponsored by the Hong Kong entrepreneur Mr. Liang Qiuju and his daughter Ms. Wang-Liang Jiehua. A Chinese-style pillar with a traditional 图片来源: 071

Zone 3

图片来源:郭海军拍摄 072 区三 化工电大楼 Building of Engineering Physics & Chemical Engineering & Electronic Engineering above part is for offices and research uses, and the underground part is mainly for garage, power distribution and other facilities. The building is designed by Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University.


化工电大楼由工程物理系、化工系和电子 系组成。总建筑面积为48 036平方米。其中, 地上11层,建筑面积为35 622平方米。地下 2层,建筑面积为12 414平方米。建筑高度为 44.9米。地上全部为办公和科研用房。地下主要 为汽车库、变配电室和设备用房,化工电大楼 由清华大学建筑设计研究院设计。

The building houses the Department of Engineering Physics, Department of Chemical Engineering and Department of Electronics. The building height is 44.9m.Its total building area is 48,036m2. There are 11 floors above ground, with an area of 35,622m2. There are 2 floors underground, with an area of 12,414m2. The

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Zone 3 综合科研一期二号楼 Science Research Complex, Phase 1, No.2

The Science and Research Complex, Phase 1, No.2 building locates in the eastern area of campus. It is to the east of East Playground and to the south of Zijing Students Dormitories. The building is sponsored by the Japanese Roma Semiconductor Company. Its building area is 33,000m2, and its height is 45m. There are 11 floors above ground and 2 floors underground. The building would contribute to the university's facility. It would strengthen the comprehensive utilization of scientific research equipments, improve the teaching and research condition, promote the interdisciplinary interaction and technology innovation, and help 图片来源:商谦拍摄 to build a creative scientific incubation base. The Science and Research Complex, 综合科研一期二号楼坐落于清华大学校园 Phase 1, No.2 building is an important project of 东区,西邻东大操场,北接紫荆学生公寓。该 centenary celebration of Tsinghua University. It is 大楼由日本罗姆公司捐资20亿日元兴建,用地 designed by Architectural Design and Research 面积7 140平方米,总建筑面积33 000平方米。 Institute of Tsinghua University. Its construction 建筑地上11层,地下2层,建筑高度45米。 commenced on September 16th, and has 该大楼将进一步完善学校基础设施功能, completed in 2011. 有利于科研设备的综合利用,提高设备使用 率,改善教学科研条件,促进学科交叉融合和 技术创新,打造科技创新孵化基地。 综合科研一期二号楼是学校迎接百年校庆 的重点建设项目之一,由清华大学建筑设计研 究院设计,中建一局集团第五建筑有限公司施 工总承包,北京华清技科工程管理有限公司施 工监理。2009年9月16日破土动工,于2011年 竣工。

图片来源:商谦拍摄 074 区三 9003大楼 清华-富士康纳米科技研究中心 9003 Building Nanotechnology Building

图片来源:李华拍摄 图片来源:李华拍摄

9003大楼位于校园东区,建于1965年,由 清华-富士康纳米科技研究中心于2002年5 费麟设计。建筑面积16 350平方米,高4层,是 月奠基,2003年8月建成,建筑总面积约1.3万 清华大学精密仪器与机械学系系馆和机械工程 平方米,由清华大学建筑设计研究院设计,富 学院所在地。 士康企业集团董事长郭台铭先生捐资与清华大 目前机械工程学院包括精密仪器与机械学 学共建。 系、汽车工程系、工业工程系、热能工程系5个 研究中心内设高等级超净实验室,先进的 系,还拥有一批国家工程研究中心、重点实验 微纳米制备和测试设备,主要用于开展纳米科 室及研究所。 学研究,取得具有自主知识产权的科研成果以 及培养此领域的高技术人才。

This four-storey building lies in the east district of the campus, was designed by The Nanotechnology Building, designed by architect Fei Lin, built in 1965, and has a floor the Tsinghua Institute of Architectural Design and area of 16,350m2. It is the location of the School Research, broke ground in May 2002 and was of Mechanical Engineering. The School includes completed in August 2003 with a gross floor area Precision Instruments & Mechanology, Thermal of 13,000m2. The project was jointly sponsored Engineering, Automotive Engineering, and by Guo Taiming, the Chairman of the Board of Industrial Engineering. A number of National Foxconn Group, and Tsinghua University. Engineering Research Centers, Key Laboratories It has high-grade ultraclean laboratories and other institutes are also located here. equipped with advanced devices for micro–meso mechanical manufacturing and measurement. The building houses cutting-edge research on nanoscience which is intended to build up a portfolio of proprietary intellectual property and train highly qualified technical personnel.

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Zone 3

图片来源:李华拍摄 076 区三 第三教学楼 第六教学楼 No. 3 Teaching Building No. 6 Teaching Building

图片来源: 图片来源:孙显拍摄

第三教学楼位于清华大学学堂路东侧,建 第六教学楼位于清华大学主楼西北侧,三教 于1984年,建筑总面积11 922平方米,由清华 东侧,建于2001—2003年,总建筑面积34 045 大学建筑设计研究院谢照唐、王美娟、张晋芳 平方米,由清华大学建筑设计研究院叶彪设 等设计。 计。 三教可同时容纳3 000人上课,由3个互相 六教分成A、B、C三个教学区,三部分围绕 连接的部分形成建筑组群,分别为一段、二段 中心广场布置,巧妙保留了地段中的5棵古松, 和三段,分别为3层、2层和5层,通过外廊平台 形成多向视觉通廊和良好的室内外空间渗透。教 等相连接。门前由高差形成平台式入口广场, 室和功能用房沿走廊单边布置,建筑顶部设置采 设置花坛、石凳、灯具等小品,为学生提供开 光中庭并设有可开启天窗,使教学楼中具有良好 放、自由的交流场所和户外学习场地。三教外 的光照和通风环境。设计以教学科研单元体为核 墙面上还嵌有施滉的纪念雕像。此外,墙面上 心,形成良好的公共交往空间。 还镌刻有反映清华学风的八个大字:“严谨、 勤奋、求实、创新”。 The No. 6 Teaching Building is located in the northwest of the Main Building, east of the The No. 3 Teaching Building lies on the No. 3 Teaching Building. The building, with a east side of the Xuetang Road. It was designed total floor area of 34,045m2, was designed by Ye by Xie Zhaotang, Wang Meijuan, Zhang Jinfang, Biao of the Architectural Design and Research and others from the Architectural Design and Institute of Tsinghua University and built in Research Institute of Tsinghua University. It was 2003. There are three districts, A, B, and C, completed in 1984, and its gross floor area is surrounding a central square. An atrium with 11,922m2. operable skylights provides the interior with good It is composed of three sections with three, lighting and ventilation, forming a pleasant public two and five storeys, connected by exterior space. galleries. There is an entrance square providing an open free space for a variety of activities. 077

Zone 3 经管学院与经管西楼 公共管理学院 School of Economics & School of Public Policy & Management Management

图片来源:陈瑾羲拍摄 图片来源:郭海军拍摄

经管学院大楼,位于校园东区,主楼西南 公共管理学院大楼位于校园东区,经管学 侧,1997年5月落成,由清华大学建筑设计研究 院南侧,又名“伍舜德楼”,由香港陆海通有 院胡绍学教授主持设计,面积13 170平方米, 限公司经理、香港美心食品集团企业董事长兼 最高5层。建设费用大部分由香港著名社会活动 总经理伍舜德先生投资修建,建于2002年, 家利国伟先生捐赠,因此命名为“伟伦楼”。 2004年落成投入使用,清华大学建筑设计研究 2002年建成西楼,由香港陆海通有限公司经 院设计,面积9 740平方米。 理、香港美心食品集团企业董事长兼总经理伍 公管学院成立于2000年10月,学院下设公 舜德先生投资修建,因此命名为“舜德楼”。 共政策研究所、国情研究中心、政府管理研究 经管学院成立于1984年,首任院长为朱镕 所、NGO研究所、台湾研究所、经济合作研究 基。目前有管理科学与工程系、金融系、会计 所、战略研究所、社会政策研究所、廉政研究 系、企业战略与政策系、市场营销系、人力资 室等科研机构 源与组织行为系、技术经济与管理系。 The School of Public Policy & Management The Building lies in the east district of lies in the east of the Tsinghua campus, to the campus. It was designed by staff of the the south of the School of Economics & Architectural Design and Research Institute Management. It was designed by Architectural of Tsinghua University, with Prof. Hu Shaoxue Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua taking the lead role. Built in 1997, the five-storey University, and built in 2002, with a gross floor teaching building with a floor area of 13,170m2 area of 9,740m2. was mainly sponsored by the well-known Hong Kong social benefactor Mr. Li Guowei and is known as the “Weilun Building”. 078 区三 法学院 技术科学楼 School of Law Technology & Science Building

图片来源:陈瑾羲拍摄 图片来源:郭海军拍摄

法学院大楼位于校园东区,公管学院南 技术科学楼位于校园东区,建筑馆南侧, 侧,由清华大学建筑设计研究院设计,1999年 明理楼对面。大楼由清华大学建筑设计研究院 底落成,面积约1万平方米,最高5层。该建筑 胡绍学教授、应锦薇等设计。建筑于1999年10 由香港中信泰富有限公司主席荣智健先生捐资 月落成,总建筑面积27 170平方米,高7层,局 兴建。 部8层。 法学院大楼又名“明理楼”,取义“求真 因为由香港爱国实业家邵逸夫先生捐资兴 宏道,深明义理,伸张正义”,主入口和南入 建,因此又名“逸夫楼”。大楼目前主要作为 口上方均有前国家副主席荣毅仁题写的楼名。 力学系、材料科学与工程系等办公、教学和科 大楼设计融合了罗马风格,屋顶使用“方”、 研所用。清华力学系的“源头”可上溯至1951 “圆”造型,寓意法律的公正、公平和严谨。 年成立的力学教研组和1956年由钱学森等倡导 清华大学法学院于1999年清华建校88周年 创建的工程力学研究班。材料科学与工程系组 纪念日复建,现有人权与法治研究中心、商法 建于1988年。 研究中心、学生见习中心、法学期刊编辑部、 普通法(香港法)研究所、国际法研究所等。 The building lies in the east district of the campus, opposite the Law School. It was The Law School lies in the east of the designed by Prof. Hu Shaoxue and the architect campus, to the south of the School of Public Ying Jinwei from the Architectural Design and Policy & Management. Designed by the Research Institute of Tsinghua University and Architectural Design and Research Institute of was built in 1999. The floor area of the eight- Tsinghua University, the five-storey structure with storey teaching building is 27,170m2. The a gross floor area of about 10,000m2 was built construction was partly funded by a donation in 1999. It was built with the aid of a donation from the Hong Kong industrialist Shao Yifu, and from Rong Zhijian, President of CITIC Pacific hence is also called the “Yifu Building”. Ltd. The Law School was opened on April 25 The Technology & Science Building includes 1999, the 88th anniversary of the founding of offices, teaching classrooms and research Tsinghua University. The Building is also known centers of the Departments of Materials Science Mingli (Knowing the Truth) Building, the name & Engineering and Engineering Mechanics. bestowed by Rong Yiren, the former Vice- president of China.

图片来源:李华拍摄 图片来源:陈瑾羲拍摄 079

Zone 3 信息科学技术大楼 液晶大楼 Future Information Hua Ye Plaza Technology Research Center

图片来源:李华拍摄 图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄

信息科学技术大楼简称“FIT楼”,位于 液晶大楼,又称华业大厦,位于清华大学 主校门附近。该楼由清华大学建筑设计研究院 校园东区,主校门东侧,属于清华科技园的一 设计,建于2001年,占地1.89公顷,面积约 部分。大楼于1996年4月奠基,1997年10月31 为36 010平方米。建筑设计了南北向的层层退 日落成。建筑由清华大学建筑学院吕富珣教授 台,以呼应主楼建筑群的南北向轴线,室内设 等主持设计,占地面积1万平方米,总建筑面积 计了古典风格的绿色庭院,为师生提供了良好 约为2万平方米。建筑平面布局呈“口”字型, 的工作学习环境。 分为5个区,其中一区到三区为标准写字间,第 FIT大楼内汇聚了全国首批筹建的5个国家 四区为液晶超净生产间,五区为大跨度展览大 实验室之一的“清华信息科学与技术国家实验 厅。 室”、致力于推动中国下一代互联网络技术研 液晶大楼目前由清华大学企业集团、国家 究的“未来互联网络技术研究中心”,以及清 光盘工程研究中心、国家CAD工程技术研究中 华信息技术研究院等。“清华大学信息科学技 心、全国高校科技协作网和清华大学科学技术 术大楼—未来互联网络技术研究中心”由李 展览馆等机构使用。 嘉诚先生及其下属和记黄埔集团捐资与清华大 学共同兴建。 As part of the Tsinghua Science Park, Hua Ye Plaza is located in the east district of This building lies in the east of the Tsinghua the campus, adjacent to the Main Gate. The campus, to the west of the Main Gate. Designed foundations were laid in April 1996 and the by the Architectural Design and Research building was completed on October 31, 1997. Institute of Tsinghua University, it was built in Its site area is 10,000m2 with a total floor area 2001. The land area occupied is 18,900m2, of 20,000m2. The “口”-shaped building is and the gross floor area is 36,010m2. The divided into five zones: Zone 1–Zone 3 are construction was partly sponsored by Li Ka- standard office spaces; Zone 4 is an ultraclean shing and the Hutchison Whampoa company. manufacturing facility for liquid crystals; Zone 5 is a spacious exhibition hall. The Plaza hosts agencies such as the Tsinghua University Enterprise Group, OMNERC, and the National CAD Project Engineering Technology Research Center.

图片来源: 图片来源:李华拍摄 080 区三 工物馆 土木馆 Building for School of Civil Engineering Building Engineering Physics

图片来源:郭海军拍摄 图片来源:李华拍摄

工物馆位于校园东区,主楼北侧,分两 土木馆位于“六教”北侧,1998年10月落 期建成。一期由殷一和设计,建于1957-1958 成,总建筑面积4 040平方米,建设资金部分由 年,面积12 171平方米,高4层,目前为工程 香港何善衡慈善基金会捐赠,因此又名“何善 物理系系馆。二期由徐金华设计,建于1986- 衡楼”。建筑包括两个区,一为4层教学、办公 1989年,面积4 350平方米,高7层,由中国石 科研楼;另一为单层大型工程结构实验室,长 化总公司捐资建造,目前为工程物理系实验室 48米,高22.2米,跨度30米。现为土木系、建 和化学工程系共同使用。 管系的所在地。

Building for School of Engineering Physics This building was built with a donation is located in the east district of Tsinghua, north from the Hong Kong He Shanheng Charity of the Main Building. It is composed of two Foundation, and hence is also known as the “He parts: one designed by Yan Yihe, built in 1957- Shanheng Building”. It lies to the north of the No. 1958, and another designed by Xu Jinhua, built 6 Teaching Building and was finished in October in 1986-1989. 1998 and has a gross floor area of 4,040m2. 微电子所 焊接馆 Microelectronics Institute Welding Building

图片来源:孙显拍摄 图片来源:李华拍摄

微电子所位于清华大学校园东区,1987年 焊接馆位于清华大学校园东区,主要分布 建成,建筑面积为9 160平方米,是国家重点支 着材料加工技术实验室、材料加工工程及自动 持的北方微电子研究开发基地的主要组成单位 化实验室和机械工程系教学中心实验室等。 之一。 This building is located in the east district This building lies in the east district of the of the campus. It serves as the location of campus, and was built in 1987, with a total floor several laboratories, including the Material area of 9,160m2. It was selected as one of the Processing Technology Lab., the Material main components of the Northern Microelectronics Processing Engineering & Automation Lab., and Research & Development Base, a key initiative of the Teaching Center Lab. of the Mechanical the national government. Engineering Department. 081

Zone 3 能科楼 区三游览信息 Energy Science Building Advice on Walking Zone 3

区三的参观方式很简单:从主校门长驱 直入,一路向北直至主楼,基本上就能看到 这一区域绝大多数的建筑。作为今天清华校 园内重要的一处教学研究区域,区三的用地 来源于1952—1966年间蒋南翔校长任期内所 办成的一件大事:将纵贯校园东侧的京张铁 路东移800米(校园中央的南北干道正是原京 张铁路的路基)。这一挪,便为清华大学的 未来发展留出了充裕的空间,也成就了今天 区三雄伟壮阔的面貌。 这里的建筑都是近50年间建造的,多 为现代主义风格,色彩浅淡,因此常被称为 “白区”。最主要的建筑为主楼和新清华学 堂建筑群。主楼是一座仿莫斯科大学主楼建 造的建筑。美国前总统小布什、克林顿,及 图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄 微软公司前总裁比尔·盖茨等都曾在主楼后 能科楼位于清华大学校园东区,分为A、 厅发表过演说。20世纪90年代,建筑馆、伟 B、C座,总建筑面积约9 500平方米,是清华大 伦楼、法学院、技科楼等相继落成,在20世 学核能与新能源技术研究院(简称核研院)在 纪末形成完整雄伟的“主楼轴线”。新清华 校内的科研、教学办公楼。核研院主体位于风 学堂建筑群是清华百年校庆的重要建筑,建 景秀丽的北京北郊燕山脚下昌平区虎峪村。 成于2011年。 区三聚集着智能技术、集成光电子等国 家实验室,CIMS国家工程研究中心、集装 This building is located in the east district 箱检测实验室等高科技研究室。还有Intel、 of the Tsinghua campus and is divided into Parts Sun、HP等世界著名跨国公司的联合实验 2 A, B, and C, with a total floor area of 9,500m . 室。 It houses the offices and research centers of the Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology The tour route for Zone 3 is quite simple: (INET) of Tsinghua University. by starting from the Main Gate and walking all the way to the Main Building, you can clearly see most of the buildings in the Zone. The unique planning pattern of Zone 3 results from the history of Tsinghua’s construction. From 1952 to 1966, when Jiang Nanxiang was the President of Tsinghua University, three major events took place: obtaining 1,634 acres of land, building the Nuclear Energy Institute in Changping, and moving the Jing-Zhang (Beijing-Zhangjiakou) railway eastward by 800 meters. The present Xuetang Road of the campus used to be the roadbed of the railway. This is how Zone 3 became part of the campus. Completed over the subsequent 50 years, the designs of all of its buildings were influenced by modernism and have a bright appearance. Thus Zone 3 is called the “White District”. The Main Building cluster, which is modeled on Moscow University, is important in the Zone. In the 1990s, a series of structures were completed, including buildings for the School of Architecture and the School of Economics and Management. At the end of 20th century, the “Axis of the Main Buildings” gradually took shape, with grass extending from the Main Buildings to the East Gate, and buildings on both sides facing the green. The other important building is the New Tsinghua Xuetang complex, which is an important project of Tsinghua University's centenary celebration. There are three ancient trees between No. 3 & No. 6 Teaching Buildings. These used to be in the Yong’an Temple. 082

区四 - 分区地图






区六 083

Zone Map - Zone 4 084

区四 - 分区地图


区四 No.14 区一


区二 7 No. 区六 6 No.

5 No. Taoliyuan Dining Hall 4 No. North Gate No.3

No.2 No.23 Student Service Center No.1 No.22 ZI No.21 No.27 No.26 North Community No.29 No.25 No.20 No.31 No.22 No.28

No.24 No.19 Dingxiangyuan No.21 Dining Hall North No.23 Community Graduate Students Domitories Bathroom No.20 No.19

No.13 No.16


No.15 Tingtaoyuan Dining Hall

Qingqing ZHI Dining Hall

Qingfenyuan Dining Hall 085

Zone Map - Zone 4


No.17 Badminton No.15 No.16 Courts

No.13 No.18 No.10 Zijingyuan Yushuyuan Dining Hall Dining Hall No.12 No.9 No.19

Zijing Students Domitories No.11 No.8 No.20

No.21 Zhilanyuan Dining Hall

No.22 (Foreign Studens Office) Student XIN MIN ROAD Service Center


Northeast Gate JING ROAD

MING No.32 No.33 No.34

No.35 No.37 No.36 Graduate Students Domitories

No.16 East Natatorium & Community Diving Hall No.17 Bathroom

No.18 Auto Classroom Wenxinyuan Dining Hall No.30 ROAD No.15 SHAN The Career

DE No.5 Center (No.12) Qingqing Dining Hall Department of No.6 Automobile Engineering (No.11) East Shooting Hall Qingfenyuan Bowling Gymnasium Dining Hall Alley Department of No.7 Construction Management (No.10) Campus Planning & Construction Office No.8 University History

Research Office ROAD Equipments & Laboratories Office University (No.9) Gymnasium 086 区四

综合体育馆 东区体育馆 University Gymnasium East Gymnasium


综合体育馆位于校园中部,主楼北侧。 东区体育馆紧邻综合体育馆,位于其西 由清华大学建筑设计研究院庄惟敏教授主持设 北侧,由清华大学建筑设计研究院设计。建于 计,建于2001年,总建筑面积约12 600平方 1988年,面积约4 587平方米,南北长174米, 米。馆内设置55米×35米比赛场地,固定座位 东西宽20米,馆内2层。东侧屋顶为5 600座屋 及活动座位共5 000座。除此外,还设置有裁 面看台,西立面设置8个入口,正额题有“为祖 判室、检录室、运动员休息室和兴奋剂检验室 国健康工作五十年”十个大字。室内1层为田径 等多种功能用房。综合体育馆可满足篮球、排 活动场地以及各种体育和体能测试器械。周边 球、体操等多项体育竞赛项目的要求,是校园 设置有多个体育活动场地。其对面于2009年新 内集体育比赛、训练、教学、会议、演出为一 建成了维学射击馆。 体的综合性体育场馆。 The East Gymnasium is located close to The University Gymnasium is located to the the University Gymnasium and was designed by north of the Main Buildings, and was designed the Architectural Design and Research Institute by the Architectural Design and Research of Tsinghua University. Built in 1988, it has a floor Institute of Tsinghua University, with Prof. Zhuang area of 4,587m2, and is 174m long from north Weimin taking the lead role. It was built in 2001 to south, and 20m wide from east to west. It and has a total floor area of 12,600m2 . has two floors, with a tiered stand on the east It contains a 55m × 35m playing field, with side having 5,600 seats stands. Eight entrances 5,000 seats, including both fixed and movable. are located in the west facade. The well-known There is also a referees’ room, registration room, saying “Working Healthily for 50 Years for Our rest room, and anti-doping laboratory. The Motherland” is inscribed on the west wall. The first Gymnasium can be used for sports competitions floor accommodates a well-equipped track & field like basketball, volleyball, and gymnastics, as arena, and there are some outdoor playing fields well as for meetings and artistic performances. adjacent to the building. 087

Zone 4 游泳跳水馆 Natatorium & Diving Hall

图片来源: 图片来源:

游泳跳水馆位于综合体育馆北面,由清华 into service in April 2001, the 90th anniversary of 大学建筑设计研究院庄惟敏教授主持设计,建 Tsinghua University. 于1999—2001年,总建筑面积约9 700平方米。 It includes a 50m × 25m standard 2001年4月清华大学90周年校庆时投入使用。 swimming pool, which can accommodate 300 游泳跳水馆内设有50米×25米标准的游泳 people swimming at the same time, a 25m × 池,可同时容纳300人游泳;25米×25米的10 25m pool for 10m platform synchronized diving, 米双人跳台跳水池和热身池,是目前国内高校 and a warm-up pool, which makes it the best 中设备最完备、条件最好的游泳跳水专业训练 professional training and competition facility for 比赛馆之一。可进行国际和国内的跳水比赛及 swimming and diving in Chinese universities. 训练与教学,设有国内一流的陆上训练场地。 There are 1,208 seats in the competition hall, 比赛大厅设有1 208个座席,并设有运动员休息 as well as some rest rooms for athletes and VIP 室、贵宾室等辅助用房。 rooms. 主体建筑强调自身的动感造型。屋顶采用 The form of the building stresses a sense 大跨度空间网架。前厅休息厅设计了造型独特 of dynamics, with its front facade in a shape 的双曲面弧形玻璃幕墙,造型舒展奔放,寓意 of hyperboloidal glass wall, which symbolizes 雄鹰展翅,又像是游泳者划击的水中波浪。 an eagle flying in the sky, or swimmers slicing 目前,这里除平时对外开放外,也是清华 through the waves. 大学游泳课和跳水课的教学场地,同时也是清 At present, as well as being open to 华大学跳水队的训练基地。跳水队总教练是原 the public, it is the focus for the teaching of 国家队副总教练于芬教授,她曾教出伏明霞、 swimming and diving courses, and the training 郭晶晶、肖海亮等世界跳水冠军。 base of the Tsinghua University Diving Team. The 游泳跳水馆是2001年第21届世界大学生运 Head Coach of the Diving Team is Prof. Yu Fen, 动会的跳水比赛馆,也是2008年北京奥运会的 who is the former coach of world champions like 指定场馆。 Fu Mingxia, Guo Jingjing and Xiao Hailiang. The Swimming and Diving Pool was the competition arena for the 21st Universiade, and was also a This sports facility, located to the north of designated arena for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. the University Gymnasium, was designed by the Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University with Prof. Zhuang Weimin taking the lead role. It was built in 1999–2001, has a total floor area of 9,700m2, and was put

图片来源:郭海军拍摄 088 区四


Zijing Student Dormitories 桃李园 Taoliyuan Dining Hall


紫荆学生公寓,原称大石桥学生公寓,位 于清华大学校园最北端,由同济大学建筑设计 紫荆5号楼 No.5 Zijing Apt. 研究院设计。2002年9月,它迎来了第一批入住 的学生。整个区域总占地面积28.4公顷,建筑面 紫荆6号楼 积约37万平方米。 No.6 Zijing Apt. 紫荆学生公寓是清华建校以来最大的建设 项目,共包括26栋楼。其中本科生公寓13幢, 紫荆7号楼 No. 7 Zijing Apt. 总面积14万平方米;研究生公寓7.8万平方米; 留学生和继续教育学员公寓9万平方米,可容纳 紫荆3号楼 学生22 400人。所有学生公寓楼均架空2.2米, No.3 Zijing Apt. 用以解决数量庞大的自行车停放及管理问题。 紫荆2号楼 区内公共设施齐全,配有各式学生餐厅、 No.2 Zijing Apt. 学生活动中心、学生服务中心、标准运动场 紫荆1号楼 紫荆4号楼 等。其中,桃李园和紫荆园两座学生餐厅,面 No.1 Zijing Apt. No.4 Zijing Apt. 积约2.5万平方米;学生服务中心,约5 000平 学生服务中心(C楼) 方米。公寓群同时还配有约7.5万平方米的体育 Student Service Center(C Building) 运动场地,包括紫荆足球场、篮球场和网球场 等。

These student dormitories, originally named Dashiqiao Student Dormitories, are located at the north end of the campus, and were designed by the Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tongji University. In September 2002, they welcomed their first batch of students. The whole district covers an area of 28,400m2, with a total floor area of about 370,000m2. Zijing (Chinese Redbud) Student Dormitories are the biggest construction project undertaken by Tsinghua University since its foundation. There are 26 buildings in all, with 13 for undergraduates with a floor area of 140,000m2. The floor area for postgraduates is about 78,000m2, with a further 90,000m2 for overseas and continuing education students. A total of 22,400 students can be accommodated. All the buildings are raised 2.2m above ground to provide parking space for bicycles. The dormitories offer a wide range of facilities, including student dining halls, an activity center, a service center, and a sports ground. The floor areas of the Taoliyuan (Peach & Plum Garden) and Zijingyuan (Chinese Redbud Garden) student dining halls amount to 25,000m2, the service center occupies 5,000m2, and the sports ground has an area of 75,000m2 and includes a soccer field, basketball courts, 图片来源:郭海军拍摄 and tennis courts. 089

Zone 4

紫荆14号楼 紫荆15号楼 紫荆16号楼 紫荆17号楼 No. 14 Zijing Apt. No. 15 Zijing Apt. No. 16 Zijing Apt. No. 17 Zijing Apt.

紫荆园 Zijingyuan Dining Hall

玉树园 Yushuyuan Dining Hall

紫荆18号楼 No. 18 Zijing Apt. 紫荆19号楼 No. 19 Zijing Apt.

紫荆20号楼 No. 20 Zijing Apt. 紫荆21号楼 No. 21 Zijing Apt. 芝兰园 Zhilanyuan Dining Hall 紫荆22号楼 紫荆6号楼 No. 22 Zijing Apt. No.6 Zijing Apt.

紫荆7号楼 紫荆9号楼 紫荆23号楼 No. 7 Zijing Apt. No. 9 Zijing Apt. No. 23 Zijing Apt.

紫荆10号楼 No. 10 Zijing Apt. 紫荆13号楼 No. 13 Zijing Apt.

紫荆12号楼 No. 12 Zijing Apt.

紫荆8号楼 紫荆11号楼 No. 8 Zijing Apt. No. 11 Zijing Apt. 090 区四 研究生宿舍(东区、北区) Dormitories for Postgraduates (East & North Districts)

图片来源:陈瑾羲拍摄 图片来源:陈瑾羲拍摄

研究生宿舍群位于校园北部,包括5号楼~ No. 19–No. 23 Dormitories and some ancillary 37号楼、19号楼~23号宿舍楼和一些食堂、浴 buildings like dining halls and communal 室等生活辅助设施。历史上分为两部分:南北 bathrooms. It was historically divided into two 主干道以西的部分称为北区,以东的部分称为 parts: that to the west of the North–South Artery 东区。建筑多建于20世纪中后期,其中5号楼~ was called the North District, and that to the east 12号楼建于1952年,16号楼~18号楼建于1982 was called the East District. 年,14号楼、19号楼建于1985年,15号楼、20 In earlier times the main dormitories for 号楼~22号楼建于1986年,23号楼建于1988 all students were located here, but nowadays 年,26号楼建于1989年,24号楼、25号楼建于 it caters mainly for masters students, 1990年,27号楼、28号楼建于1991年。 postdoctoral workers and young teachers, after 这里曾是学校学生的主要住宿区。2002 undergraduates and PhD students moved to 年紫荆学生公寓建成后,本科生和博士生搬至 Zijing Student Dormitories in 2002. No.5–No.17, 紫荆学生公寓,这里成为硕士研究生、博士后 No. 23 – No. 28 and No. 30 Buildings are for 及青年教师的住宿区。其中5号楼~8号楼、13 male graduate students, No. 31– No. 37 are for 号楼~17号楼、23号楼~28号楼和30号楼为男 female students, No. 18 is now a hotel, No. 19– 硕士生宿舍,31号楼~37号楼为女硕士生的宿 No. 22 and No. 29 are for postdoctoral workers, 舍,18号楼提供对外住宿,19号楼~22号楼和 and No.19–No. 23 Buildings also accommodate 29号楼为博士后宿舍,19号楼~23号宿舍楼为 some young teachers. 青年教师周转房。近年来,根据2001年校园总 There are many dining halls here, including 体规划,5号楼~12号楼这片区域将改建成教学 Qingfenyuan (originally No. 7 Dining Hall), 区,目前改造正在逐步实施,其中,9号楼~ Tingtaoyuan (originally No. 10 Dining Hall), 12楼已改为校机关办公场所,包括心理咨询中 Wenxinyuan (originally No. 11 Dining Hall, or 心、研究生院和学生处等。 Taoyuan Restaurant), Dingxiangyuan (originally 这里的食堂包括清芬园(原七食堂), No. 14 Dining Hall) and Qingqing Snack 听涛园(原十食堂)、闻馨园(原十一食堂, Bar. There is also a Bowling Practice Alley 陶园餐厅),丁香园(原十四食堂)及清青快 (originally No. 8 Dining Hall), and two communal 餐厅。此外,还包括一座保龄球练习馆(原八 bathrooms (East and North District Bathrooms). 食堂),两座公共浴室,即东区浴室和北区浴 The former No. 9 and No.15 Dining Halls are 室。原九食堂和原十五食堂目前闲置。 unused at present. 在紫荆学生公寓建成前,由于学生众多, Most of the buildings were built in the last 面积有限,这里的住宿条件较差,本科生女生 century. Some of them were strengthened after 4人一间,本科男生6~8人一间,研究生4人一 the Tangshan earthquake in 1976. After the 间。调整后,住宿标准有所提高,目前达到研 undergraduate and PhD students moved out, 究生两人一间。 the buildings became much less crowded and living conditions improved greatly. 相比于紫荆学生公寓,这里虽然缺乏建 Compared to the Zijing Student Dormitories, 筑的整体性,但室外绿化环境成熟,不管是距 the buildings here somehow lack a sense of 图书馆、教学楼、体育场,还是各个系馆都距 unity, but the outdoor environment is green and 离适中,步行可达。区内修车摊、书报摊、食 varied. The Library, teaching buildings, the sports 堂众多,满足了学生基本的生活需求。历史 ground, and departmental buildings, are all within 上许多别具清华特色的学生生活品牌即诞生于 easy walking distance. There are also many 此,如号称“酒井”的计算机系男生宿舍(9号 bicycle racks and bookstalls there, meeting the 楼),1997年1月诞生了BBS听涛站(初名“新 basic living needs of students. Over the years, 龙门客栈”)的23号楼等,这里已成为清华学 these buildings have witnessed many important 生生活历史的见证。 events in the history of Tsinghua students.

This complex is located in the north of the campus, and includes No. 5–No. 37 Buildings, 091

Zone 4

图片来源:孙显拍摄 092

区五 - 分区地图

区五 荷清苑北门

区四 13号楼 12号楼 14号楼

区一 9号楼 8号楼 10号楼 区三 西北15 西北16 荷清苑小区

区二 西北12 西北11 5号楼 4号楼 西北14 西北13 6号楼 区六 西北8 西北9 中关村北大街西北10 1号楼 西 西北小区 2号楼 西北5 荷清苑南门 北 西北6 超 西北7 市 西北2 西北1 西北3 西北4 电厂 西北小区门

教学楼 实验楼

附 中 教学楼 操 场

清华附中 清华附中门


软件学院 食堂 093

Zone Map - Zone 5

12号楼 11号楼

8号楼 7号楼

4号楼 3号楼

1号楼 094

区五 - 分区地图

Heqingyuan 区五 QING Community ZHONG GUAN CUN NORTH STREET Noth Gate 区四 No.13 No.12 HE No.14 区一 No.8 No.9 No.10 区三 No.15 No.16 Heqingyuan Community 区二 No.12 No.11 No.14 No.13 No.6 No.5 No.4 区六 No.8 No.9 No.10 Northwest No.1 No.2 Community No.5 Heqingyuan No.6 No.7 Community South Gate

No.2 No.1 No.3 Experimental No.4 Northwest Power Plant Community Gate

Teaching Building Experiment Building North Gate

Teaching Building

High School High School Attached to Gate Tsinghua University

Library School of Dining Hall Software Engineering 095

Zone Map - Zone 5


No.12 No.11

No.8 No.7

Heqingyuan Community No.3 No.4


North Gate 096 区五 清华附中 荷清苑小区 High School Attached to Heqingyuan Community Tsinghua University

图片来源: 图片来源:陈瑾羲拍摄

清华附中位于清华校园西北角,总建筑 荷清苑小区位于清华校园北部,是学校主 面积2万多平方米。其前身为1915年“成志学 要的教师住宅区,占地面积7.44公顷,容积率 校”,1960年成立高中部,之后正式更名为清 1.94,绿地率30%,建筑为南北朝向的板式小 华附中至今。建校以来培养众多突出人才,如 高层。 中国工程院院士李鄂鼎,中国科学院院士李德 平等。 The Heqingyuan Community lies in the north of the Tsinghua campus. Most of its The High School Attached to Tsinghua residents are senior academics with the title of University lies in the northwest corner of the associate professor or above. The community is Tsinghua campus, with a gross floor area of more composed of standard high rise buildings with than 20,000m2. A large number of outstanding north–south orientation. people, for example, Academicians Li E’ding of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Li Deping of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, were once educated here.

西北小区 试验电厂 Northwest Community Experimental Power Plant

图片来源:陈瑾羲拍摄 图片来源:陈瑾羲拍摄

西北小区位于清华校园北部,1996年建 试验电厂,全名“清华大学燃料综合利用 成,包括西北1至西北16号楼及西北超市。目前 试验电厂”,位于校园北门外,建于1958年。 主要为清华教职工宿舍。 电厂采用火力发电。目前已停止使用。

This Community is located in the north This thermal power plant, with the full name of the Tsinghua campus, near to Heqingyuan of “Experimental Power Plant for Comprehensive Community. It serves mainly as residential Fuel Utilization, Tsinghua University”, is located accommodation for academic and administrative outside the North Gate, and was built in 1958. It staff. It includes the Northwest 1– Northwest 16 is no longer in use. Buildings and the Northwest Supermarket. 097

Zone 5

图片来源:陈瑾羲拍摄 098

区六 - 分区地图






区六 099

Zone Map - Zone 6 100

区六 - 分区地图







Chuangye Plaza

Liye Plaza Lanqiying Community North Gate South Gate No.12 Kejian Plaza No.8 No.9 No.11 No.10

Lanqiying Community No.7 No.6 VIA Plaza

Wenjin International Plaza No.3 No.2 No.1 No.5 No.4 Lanqiying Community South Gate CHENG FU ROAD 101

Zone Map - Zone 6

Tongfang Science & Technology Plaza Xueyan Plaza




No.3 No.5 Tongfang Plaza No.4 No.6 Southeast Community Gate No.7 Southeast Community No.10 No.9 No.8

Main Gate


Ziguang Unisplendor Center

Vision Science Plaza Plaza

CHENG FU ROAD 102 区六 科技大厦 Science Plaza 厅等,三层为中餐、多功能厅、会议室等,地 下一层为员工餐厅、娱乐健身房和商业等配套 设施,地下二、三层为车库。国际著名的IT公 司,如微软、SUN等都在这里设有办公室。

The Science Plaza stands along Chengfu Road, in the Tsinghua Science Park. With a site area of 20,100m2 and a floor area of 188,000m2, it was designed by the Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University, with Prof. Zhuang Weimin taking the lead role. It is designated as a 5A Intelligent First-class Office Building. The complex includes offices, conference 图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄 rooms, and restaurants. Its four main buildings are more than 100m high, and dominate the 科技大厦位于清华大学东门外科技园内,南 skyline of the Tsinghua Science Park. The green 临城市干道成府路,建于2005年。大厦由清华 square and cascading waterfall express the idea 大学建筑设计研究院庄惟敏教授主持设计,占地 of combining science with culture. On the first 2.01公顷,建筑面积18.8万平方米,属5A智能化 floor, there are shops, banks, a post office, and 甲级写字楼,为清华科技园标志性建筑。 restaurants; on the second floor, a café, a bar, a 大厦集办公、会议、商务于一体,是出租 Western restaurant, and a specialty restaurant; 型高档写字楼。四栋主楼高110米,统领科技园 the third floor houses a Chinese restaurant, a 建筑群,二层绿化广场以及叠水景观表达绿色 multifunctional hall, and meeting rooms; on the 节能、科学与自然相结合的设计理念。楼内一 underground first floor, there is a gymnasium and 层有商店、银行、邮政、证券、保险、西式快 a company canteen; the underground second 餐等,二层含咖啡厅、酒廊、西餐厅、风味餐 and third floors are parking lots. 103

Zone 6 创新大厦 科建大厦 Innovation Plaza Kejian Plaza

图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄 图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄

创新大厦位于清华科技园内,由中国建 科健大厦位于清华科技园内,由清华大学 筑设计研究院崔恺先生主持设计,于2002年4 建筑设计研究院设计,建于2003—2006年,建 月落成竣工,建筑面积约58 000平方米。建筑 筑总面积约1.4万平方米,Google中国总部设置 通过“分解体量”、“减轻重量”、“小处着 于此,集办公、研发、会议、培训、餐饮、健 眼”、“宁简不繁”的策略以求达到新建筑的 身等功能于一体。大厦通过L型薄板体量、可开 “得体”,体现对于清华校园环境的回应。 启幕墙系统、屋顶花园等设计为使用者提供舒 适宁静的内外环境。 The Innovation Plaza lies in the Tsinghua Science Park and was designed by Cui Kai, an Kejian Plaza, chosen as the headquarters architect of the China Architecture Design and of Google in China, is located in the Tsinghua Research Group. It was completed in April 2002, Science Park, and was the Architectural Design with a total area of 5,800 m2. and Research Institute of Tsinghua University. It was built in 2003–2006, with a gross floor area of 14,000m2.

立业大厦 创业大厦 Liye Plaza Chuangye Plaza

图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄 图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄

立业大厦位于清华科技园内,由清华大学 创业大厦位于清华科技园内,由清华大学 建筑学院徐卫国教授主持设计。大厦建于2006 建筑学院徐卫国教授主持设计。外型设计与其 年,外形设计上表达了“图书台阶”的理念。 南侧的立业大厦类似,表达了“图书台阶”的 理念,也传达了步步向上的创业发展精神。 Liye Plaza is located in the Tsinghua Science Park, and was designed by Professor Chuangye Plaza is located in the Tsinghua Xu Weiguo, Architecture School of Tsinghua Science Park, and was designed by Professor University, and built in 2006. Its shape expresses Xu Weiguo, Architecture School of Tsinghua the idea of “steps of books” to reflect the years University. It is similar to Liye Plaza in design, of learning undertaken in Tsinghua University. expressing the idea of “steps of books”, intended to reflect the growth of entrepreneurship. 104 区六 威新大厦 紫光国际科技交流中心 Vision Plaza Ziguang Unisplendor Center

图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄 图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄

威新大厦位于清华科技园内,由刘荣广伍 紫光国际科技交流中心位于清华科技园 振民建筑师事务所(香港)有限公司和中国电 内,紧邻清华东门。大楼由清华大学建筑设计 子工程设计院设计。大厦建于2006年,地上13 研究院设计,建于2001年,功能上集办公、 层,地下2层,总建筑面积约4.1万平方米,是 会议、餐饮、住宿和康乐为一体。建筑运用玻 威新集团有限公司与清华科技园建设股份有限 璃、石材和铝幕墙,在局部遮阳使用了精致不 公司共同投资兴建的国际标准研发型写字楼项 锈钢构件,表现了建筑的科技感。 目。搜狐公司总部设立于此。 Ziguang Unisplendor Center is located in Vision Plaza, the headquarters of the Sohu. Tsinghua Science Park, and was designed by com Corporation, is located in the Tsinghua the Tsinghua Institute of Architectural Design and Science Park. It was designed by Dennis Lau & Ng Research and built in 2001. It combines offices, Chun Man Architects & Engineers (HK) Ltd. and conference facilities, food and drink outlets and the Electronics Engineering Design Institute of accommodation and entertainment facilities. The China. design expresses a sense of the science and technology of architecture.

文津国际 威盛大厦 Wenjin International Plaza VIA Plaza

图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄 图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄

文津国际位于清华蓝旗营居住区东侧,建 威盛大厦位于清华科技园内,由清华大学 成于2007年,总建筑面积9万平方米。建筑主体 建筑设计研究院设计,建于2006年。目前大厦 采用双塔联体板式造型,高70米,地上19层, 为威盛电子北京公司,未来是该公司的中国区 地下3层,可提供泊车位地上兼地下602个。文 营运总部。 津国际由文津国际公寓、文津国际酒店以及商 业配套设施三部分组成。 VIA Plaza is located in the Tsinghua Science Park and was designed by the Architectural Wenjin International Plaza is located to Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua the east of the Lanqiying Residential Area University, built in 2006. Currently it houses VIA of Tsinghua University. It includes Wenjin Technology Company Beijing, and will become International Apartments, Wenjin International the Greater China area headquarters of the Hotel and commercial support facilities. The company. 70m-high building was built in 2007. 105

Zone 6 同方大厦 学研大厦 Tongfang Plaza Xueyan Plaza

图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄 图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄

同方大厦位于清华东门东侧— 双清路 学研大厦位于清华东门外双清路上,于 上,紧邻学研大厦。大厦建于1995年,分为A 1996年12月31日破土动工,1998年12月31日落 楼、B楼两部分,总占地面积约7 000平方米, 成使用。建筑占地面积约1万平方米,建筑面积 总建筑面积约2.6万平方米。目前为清华同方股 约4万平方米,平面布局呈L型,分A、B两座, 份有限公司总部。 由中央大厅联系。A座为大开间写字楼,地上10 层。B座为小开间写字楼,地上12层建筑。 Tongfang Plaza stands adjacent to the East Gate of Tsinghua University, right beside Xueyan Plaza lies along the Shuangqing Xueyan Plaza.The building is divided into Part A Road, adjacent to the East Gate of Tsinghua and Part B. Its site area is 7,000m2, and a total University. It broke ground on December 31, floor area of 26,000m2. It currently serves as the 1996, and was completed on December 31, headquarters of Tsinghua Tongfang Co. Ltd. 1998. The total floor area is 40,000m2, and the site area is 10,000m2.

紫光大厦 同方科技广场 Ziguang Plaza Tongfang Science & Technology Plaza

图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄 图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄

紫光大厦紧邻清华东门,与紫光国际交流 同方科技广场位于王庄路与清华东路交 中心以过街楼的形式相连。大厦于1993年5月17 汇处。建于2002年12月,用地面积1.76万平 日动工,1994年11月25日落成使用,占地面积 方米,建筑面积11万平方米。大楼集办公、 5 000平方米,建筑面积约1万平方米,高6层。 会议、展览、商务、餐饮、休闲、娱乐等于一 大楼内设置紫光集团总部及下属的若干公司。 体,为综合办公大楼。

Ziguang Plaza stands adjacent to the East Tongfang Science & Technology Plaza Gate of Tsinghua University, and is connected lies on the corner of Wangzhuang Road and to the Ziguang Uni-splendor Center through an Tsinghua East Road. The complex includes arcade. The six-storey building was completed offices, exhibition, business and some services. on November 25, 1994. Currently it’s the headquarters of Ziguang Group and some of its branch companies. 106





9 7






1. 学堂路 / Xue Tang Road 2. 清华路 / Tsing Hua Road 3. 近春园 / Jinchun Garden 4. 小树林 / The Grove 5. 北院景园 / North Courtyard Park 6. 主楼景区 / The Main Building Area 7. 大礼堂景区 / Auditorium Area 8. 工字厅景区 / Gongzi Hall Area 9. 水木清华 / Shui Mu Tsinghua 10. 校河 / School River 11. 二校门 / The Old School Gate 12. 西门 / West Gate 107

Other Scenic Spots



6 6 108


学堂路 Xue Tang Road

色的显著变化。从春入夏,短短几个星期,树 叶便从鹅黄变成墨绿。而到秋天,只一场秋风 秋雨,几天功夫,所有的树叶便急行军般的纷 纷落下,只留下干枯的枝桠精神抖擞地伸入天 空。长期以来,学堂路的风景已经成为清华学 子抹不掉的一道记忆。

The Xue Tang Road lies in the middle of the campus and was originally the roadbed of the Jing–Zhang Railway. In 1957, the railway was moved 800m to the east and Xue Tang Road was built in the 1970s. The road is flanked by more than 20m-high poplar trees on both sides, bringing leafy shade in the 图片来源:李煜拍摄 summer. Normally, it’s the one of busiest roads on campus, especially at the time for class, 学堂路贯穿清华大学校园,南至清华大学 with students riding bicycles overflowing the 南门,北至紫荆学生公寓,原址本是京张铁路 road. What a great spectacle! Many bright and 的路基。1957年京张铁路东移800米,20世纪 beautiful red banners hang over the road. Part 70年代在此基础上建成了现在的学堂路。学堂 of the charm of Xue Tang Road is the way its 路笔直宽阔,两侧树木郁郁葱葱。其中,又尤 appearance varies with the season. From spring 以从18号楼到与清华路相交的十字路口这段为 to summer, the colors of the leaves change 校园中的一大景观。这段道路两侧的白杨树现 rapidly from light yellow to dark green due to 已高达20多米,树干粗壮,枝叶浓密。平时, the short spring in Beijing. In the autumn, all the 这里是学校最繁忙的道路之一。上下课时,滚 golden leaves fall very quickly. An image of this 滚自行车流充溢路面,争先恐后,蔚为壮观。 road is indelibly engraved on the memory of all 很多校园活动的预告条幅选择悬挂在这里,鲜 former members of Tsinghua. 红色的条幅映衬在绿树之上,层层叠叠,十分 鲜明美丽。这段道路的另一大特色是其四时景

图片来源:李煜拍摄 109

Other Scenic Spots

清华路 Tsing Hua Road

以迎接清华大学百年校庆。穿过西主楼的过街 楼,就来到清华路的终点,也是整个轴线的高 潮—主楼前广场。清华路在北京城市规划中 定义为城市级次干道。它是2008年北京奥运会 马拉松比赛的路段之一。

Tsing Hua Road, a boulevard with many attractions along it, runs from the West Gate to the plaza in front of the Main Buildings. Not very far from the West Gate is an artificial water landscape, which attracts parents and their children during holidays. On the other side of the road is the Information Center. Keep going east, and you'll find the famous Old Gate, 图片来源:滕静茹拍摄 which is always crowded with people taking photos. East of the Old Gate, in front of the 清华路西起西校门,东至主楼前广场,是 Thermal Engineering Building, stand a few old 一条沿途有多处景点的林阴大道。 ginkgo trees, which become deep golden in 从西校门进来不久便是一处人工落水景 the autumn. In 2010, a large theater named 观,节日里吸引大量的人群来此嬉戏,平日里 “New Tsinghua School” will be constructed 也有人于此垂钓。路对面即为问讯处。再往前 here to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 不远,就可看到闻名遐迩的二校门,这里终年 University. At the end of the road is a plaza in 为游客环绕,拍照留念的人络绎不绝,交通常 front of the Main Buildings. Tsinghua Road has 常为之堵塞。二校门以东,机械工程馆前,路 been classified as a City-level-2 road according 两边有几棵参天的老银杏。深秋时节,满树金 to the Beijing urban plan and was also part 黄,秋风扫过,漫天飘叶煞是好看,成为清华 of the marathon route for the Beijing 2008 路上除二校门外最值得一看的景观。校河自西 Olympics. 校门进入后,至此也调头北上。2011年这里将 建成一座大型演出活动场所—新清华学堂,

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近春园 Jinchun Garden

田田,绿树葱葱,远观则西山遥遥,东望可见 大礼堂圆顶。这里是校园内一处别致的休闲胜 地。

Jinchun (Close-to-Springtide) Garden is located near the West Gate and historically formed the west part of the royal garden “Xichun (Sunny Spring) Garden” in the Qing dynasty. It became known as the “Desert Island” in 1873 due to serious damage. In the summer of 1927, the literary scholar Prof. Zhu Ziqing, touched by the drastic changes of the times, walked around the lake at night, and wrote the famous essay Hetang Yuese (The Lotus Pool by Moonlight) which introduced a new cultural 图片来源:郭海军拍摄 dimension to the area. Today, Jingchun Garden has been transformed into a place of historical and 近春园位于清华西门附近,其前身是康 cultural interest and the Han Pavilion, a statue of 熙时的“熙春园”,曾与北京西郊的圆明园、 Prof. Wu Han, and a rockery, waterfall, lawn and 长春园等并称为“圆明五园”。清道光年间, fish pond have all been constructed. There is also 熙春园分成东西两园,工字厅以西部分称近春 a pavilion on the terrace named “Linyixie” (Pavilion 园,工字厅周围沿袭熙春园称谓,后改称清华 Facing Ripples on the Terrace) which is the only 园。1873年(清同治12年)后,近春园内建 feature which has been rebuilt in its original form. 筑遭严重破坏,沦为今天的“荒岛”。1927 From the Lingling Pavilion on the hill you can see 年仲夏,朱自清教授到这一带环湖散步,写下 the lotus-filled pond and a luxuriant growth of trees. 名文《荷塘月色》,为这处古址增添了文化意 To the west, you can even see as far as the West 味。如今,“荒岛”上建有“晗亭”、“吴晗 Hill and to the east, the dome of the Auditorium. 雕像”、假山、瀑布、草坪和鱼池。近春园内 Jinchun Garden really is a special place on the 小山丘上还有一座零零阁,沿阁中楼梯盘旋而 campus. 上,可以饱揽清华秀色。夏天时,近观则荷叶

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Other Scenic Spots

小树林 The Grove

室外表演,吸引大批校友和同学前来观看。一 些商品推广,公益活动或小型展览也会选择在 这里进行。2003年“非典”期间,国家总理温 家宝曾在这里看望了广大清华学子。

The Grove, or “Poplar Woods Plaza” to give it its full name, is located between the Tingtaoyuan (“Hearing the Roar of the Surf Garden”) student dining hall and No. 1– No. 4 Student Dormitories. A bronze statue named “Angels Amongst Us” stands on the east of the plaza to commemorate the devotion of medical staff in the battle against SARS. The phoenix trees there were donated in April 2007 by the 图片来源:李煜拍摄 alumni of 1987. In the north is an outdoor chessboard, donated by the Tsinghua Alumni 小树林,全称杨树林广场,位于清华大学 Association in Germany and the Düsseldorf 听涛园学生食堂与1号楼至4号楼之间,紧邻校 China Center. 河。广场东侧空地上矗立着一座名为《人间天 The Grove has become one of the most 使》的青铜雕像,2003年5月立,以纪念抗击非 popular open spaces on campus. Every 典中的医护人员。2007年4月,1987级校友捐 morning, you can find students reading here; 种了场地上的青桐林。广场北端的一个室外国 at 5 or 6 o’clock in the afternoon, people come 际象棋棋盘,是2008年5月由德国清华校友会和 here to practice Taijiquan (Chinese shadow 杜塞尔多夫中国中心联合捐赠的。 boxing) or Wushu (martial arts). The flea market, 小树林是校内最受欢迎的室外活动场所 some exhibitions and performances are also 之一。每天清晨,都有学生来这里大声晨读; held here. During the SARS epidemic in 2003, 下午五六点,又有太极拳或武术爱好者来这里 Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao came here to “以武会友”。学校的旧书、旧物市场也设在 meet Tsinghua students. 这里。每年校庆日,校艺术团都会在这里举行

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北院景园 North Courtyard Park

间,无论是花甲老人,还是稚齿幼童,一片其 乐融融的景象。由于恋人们经常来此约会,因 此得了一个雅号,称为“情人坡”。

This park, located to the east of the Library and south of the Grove, was once the location for houses for American teachers. It was built in 1909–1911, and composed of eight houses and a club. After “Tsinghua School” became Tsinghua University, more than 30 distinguished Chinese professors moved in, including Liang Qichao, Ye Qisun, Sa Bendong, Chen Daisun, Shi Jiayang, Jiang Tingfu, Wang Wenxian, Chen Futian, Ye Gongchao, Pu Jiangqing, Zhu Ziqing, 图片来源:陈瑾羲拍摄 and Huang Ziqing. In 1999–2000, most of the later buildings were removed leaving only a park 北院景园,位于清华图书馆东侧,小树 containing the earlier ruins, designed by Prof. 林南侧。历史上是学校的美籍教员住宅。建于 Wang Lifang from the School of Architecture. 1909—1911年,共包括8座住宅和1座会所。 Only No.16 Building is left, and is used as 清华改办大学后,这里成为一批中国著名学者 Tsinghua Property Management Center. The 的居所,其中包括梁启超、叶企孙、萨本栋、 park now is a very popular place on campus. 陈岱孙、施嘉炀、蒋廷黻、王文显、陈福田、 You can always see people here, either studying 叶公超、浦江清、朱自清、黄子卿等30余位教 under the trees, talking on the seats under the 授。1999—2000年,为迎接90周年校庆,改 wisterias, or wandering along the paths through 造设计成为一处遗址景园。目前,多数建筑已 the small hills. It's also a favorite date place for 不存,仅留北院16号朱自清故居作学校物业管 lovers, so has become known as “Lover’s Hill”. 理中心用。北院景园现在是学校里一处非常受 欢迎的室外活动场所,经常可以看到学生或游 人,或俯首学习于廊前树下,或徜徉于草地山

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Other Scenic Spots

主楼景区 The Main Building Area

筑设计研究院、环境学院和技术科学楼;主楼西 侧分别是经济管理学院、公共管理学院、法学院 和信息技术研究院。这一带还云集着智能技术、 集成光电子、电力系统、微波与数字通讯4个国 家实验室,CIMS国家工程研究中心,集装箱检 测实验室等高科技研究室,以及与Intel、Sun、 HP、三星等世界著名跨国公司的联合实验室, 成为校园一景。

This landscaped area located in the southeast of the university grounds is currently the biggest pedestrian district on campus and was completed in 2001. It is known as the “White District” due to its white buildings, as 图片来源:郭海军拍摄 distinct from the “Red District” of the Auditorium area. A large green cross of lawn, some 500m 主楼景区位于校园东南部,目前是校园里最 in length, runs from the Main Buildings to the 大的一块步行区,于2001年建成。由于这里的 Main Gate, with a fountain located at the center 建筑物多为白色,所以习惯上称之为“白区”。 of the cross and ginkgos and pagoda trees 从主楼大台阶至学校东门,是一个由一条约500 flanking the paths. Here are found most of the 米长、70米宽的南北向绿地和一条约40米宽的 key faculties of Tsinghua University, including 东西向绿地十字交叉形成的巨大的“绿十字”。 the Schools of Architecture, Arts and Design, 绿地两侧分两列植有银杏和国槐,十字交叉处为 Mechanical Engineering, Information Science & 一旱喷泉。深秋时节,金黄的银杏与绿色的草 Technology, Economics & Management, Law, 地相互衬映十分美丽。绿地两边汇聚着清华大学 and the Departments of Environmental Science 最优势的学科系馆及重要研究机构。中央主楼和 & Engineering and Electrical Engineering, as well 东主楼现为信息科学技术学院所在地:西主楼为 as some national-level experimental laboratories 电机系所在,东主楼以北则是工物系馆和工化系 and other laboratories established jointly with 馆。主楼前东侧分别是建筑学院、美术学院、建 world-famous multinational corporations.

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大礼堂景区 Auditorium Area

则以日晷为中心放射为圆弧型,突出“行胜于 言”的含义。入夜后,柔和的灯光洒在大草坪 上,给静谧的礼堂区带来了流动的韵感。

This scenic area lies in the center of the old campus of Tsinghua, to the north of the Old Gate. Just before the Auditorium is a large tended lawn, surrounded by a group of early- stage buildings, including the University Library, the Science Building, Tongfang Hall, Tsinghua School and the No. 2 Teaching Building. Together they form the center of the campus. Tsinghua Xuetang is a two-storey German-style teaching building, and now houses the offices of some 图片来源:李煜拍摄 of the main administration departments: the Graduate School, the Undergraduate Academic 大礼堂景区位于清华老校区中心,二校门 Department and the R&D Department. Many 的北侧。大礼堂的正前方一片青绿的长方形草 famous scholars previously gave classes here, 坪,围绕草坪是一群肃穆庄重的建筑。大礼堂 including Liang Qichao, Wang Guowei, Chen 建成于1920年,连同周围的图书馆、科学馆、 Yinke, and Zhao Yuanren. 同方部、清华学堂等早期建筑,构成了校园的 The environment of the Auditorium area 中心。草坪东侧的清华学堂是座德国古典风格 has been reformed but the atmosphere of the 的建筑,曾为清华国学院所在地,梁启超、王 original area has been carefully preserved. The 国维、陈寅恪、赵元任等曾在此授课。 landscape was designed by Prof. Sun Fengqi of 多年来,经过多次修缮,这些古老的建筑 the School of Architecture. At night, the soft light 保持了往日的风采。大草坪周边景观几年前由 of the street lamps and the silver moonlight pour 清华大学建筑学院孙凤歧教授设计改造,广场 on the lawn, setting off the tranquility and beauty 地面更换成为花岗岩铺地;礼堂前广场保持原 of the old campus. 来的矩形,取其“方正”之意;草坪南端广场

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Other Scenic Spots

工字厅景区 Gongzi Hall Area

目前工字厅现在是校长办公室等重要校机 关的所在地,限制参观时间,上班时间以外可 以对外开放。古月堂现今也是学校重要的办公 场所。

The tablet inscribed with Emperor Xianfeng’s calligraphy of “Tsinghua Garden”, from which the name Tsinghua University originates, still hangs over the front gate of Gongzi Hall. The Hall was formerly named Gongzi Palace, the main construction before the founding of the University. It is a garden in the classical south China style. Its gallery circumgyrates, the lotuses waver and the wisterias intertwine. Mr. Wu Mi 图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄 called the Gongzi Hall “the House with Wisteria Shadow and Lotus Sound”. The great Indian 清华大学因清华园而得名,书有咸丰御笔 poet Rabindranath Tagore lived in the back hall 的“清华园”三个字的牌匾至今悬挂于工字厅 when he visited China in 1924. 大门上方。工字厅原名工字殿,是建校前清华 There is a secluded courtyard named 园的主体建筑。工字厅建筑为南方庭院特色, the Palace of the Ancient Moon on the west 院内游廊回转,荷花摇曳,藤萝缠绕,曾被吴 of Gongzi Hall. The Chuihua Gate in the front 宓先生称为“藤影荷声之馆”。1924年印度大 door is very well preserved. It was constructed 诗人泰戈尔访华时下榻于它的后厅。 in the second year of Emperor Daoguang’s 与工字厅西院一巷之隔是一处独立的小庭 reign. After the establishment of Tsinghua 院,名为“古月堂”,正面的垂花门至今仍保 University, the Palace was converted into a 存完好。这所庭院建于道光二年以后,建校后 dormitory for teachers, and Liang Qichao and 曾是教师宿舍。梁启超、朱自清等都曾在这里 Zhu Ziqing lived here. After Tsinghua University 居住。1928年,清华初招女生,这里被辟为女 began to admit girls, it became the female 生宿舍,曾因谐音被称为“狐堂”。 dormitories.

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水木清华 Shui Mu Tsinghua

写道:“徘徊池畔,有‘风来荷气,人在木 阴’之致。……我在这个地方不知消磨了多少 黄昏。”

Shui Mu Tsinghua lies to the north of the Gongzi Hall, and consists of a series of green hills, a clear spring and stream, a pool of water lilies, two pavilions and a pavilion on a terrace. The name of this so- called garden within a garden, “Shui Mu Tsinghua”, means “Clear Water & Flourishing Woods”. Tsinghua alumni often compare it to the Garden of Harmonious Interests in the Summer Palace. 图片来源:李煜拍摄 The four Chinese characters “Shui Mu Tsing Hua” are carved on the tablet hanging above 水木清华位于工字厅北侧,是一处由一脉 the entrance. On the red painted cylinders on 青山、一池秀水、一塘碧荷、两亭一榭组成的 both sides of the entrance hang the famous 风景,俗称“水木清华”,清华校友常将其与 antithetical couplet inscribed by Yin Shaoyong, 颐和园的“谐趣园”相媲美。其名出自晋人谢 the Minister of Rites in the reigns of the three 混的诗句“惠风荡繁囿,白云囤曾阿,景昃鸣 Emperors Xianfeng, Tongzhi, and Daoguang 禽集,水木湛清华”。 in the Qing Dynasty, describing the romantic 工字厅面向这里的门外上方挂有正额“水 view. In the Cultural Revolution, the antithetical 木清华”四字,两旁朱漆圆柱悬有清朝咸丰、 couplet was torn down, and the current copy 同治、道光三代礼部侍郎殷兆镛撰书的名联: was subsequently put up in it is place. The “槛外山光历春夏秋冬万千变幻都非凡境,窗 famous writer and scholar Liang Shiqiu recalled 中云影任东西南北去来澹荡洵是仙居”。在 the beautiful scenery and described “Wandering “文革”期间,楹联曾被取缔,现在这副为后 by the pool…I don’t remember how many dusks 人摹写。著名文人梁实秋回忆这里的风景时曾 I have spent here.”

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Other Scenic Spots

校河 School River

光、座椅和人行步道。驻足眺望,叠石之间阶 梯瀑布溅着水花哗哗跌落,水映蓝天,绿树婆 娑。校河为清华园增添了无限的灵韵与秀美。

School River, running through the Tsinghua campus, is a segment of “Wanquan River”. The Wangquan River sources from the Jing-mi Canal, and also runs through the Peking University and the Yuanmingyuan Park. It inflows the Tsinghua at the West Gate, passes by the Old School Gate, the Medical School, the Auditorium, the Library, the Environment Department, the Water Conservancy Department, the School of Humanities and Zijing Student Domitories, so 图片来源:郭海军拍摄 the Tsinghua people affectionately call it School River. It is divided into two embranchments 校河贯穿清华大学校园,是“万泉河”的 near the West Gate, encircling the campus, 一部分。万泉河源于京密引水渠,流经北大、 converging at the northeast of New Hydraulic 清华和圆明园等区域。它从西门自西向东流入 Engineering Building then running through the 清华园,流经二校门、医学院、大礼堂、图书 Dashiqiao Village and merging into the Qing 馆、环境系、水利系、人文学院和紫荆公寓 River. It is 3.3km in length and about 25,000m2 等。清华人亲切地称之为校河。 in surface area. On the south bank of the south 校河在西校门附近分流为南北两支,环绕 branch of the School River was built an eighty- 校园,于新水利馆东北角处汇合后,向北流经 meter-length ladderlike waterfall, which now 大石桥村,最后汇入清河。校河是万泉河的末 becomes an important sight spot. 段,长约3.3公里,水面面积约25 000平方米。 现在,在靠近西门的校河南支渠南岸修建了一 段长约80米的阶梯形瀑布,成为东西主干道上 重要的景点。它的两岸还铺设了新的栏杆、灯

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二校门 The Old School Gate


The Old School Gate is located in the center of the campus, on the axis of the Auditorium scenic spot. Walking through it, the early features of Tsinghua University, including the sundial, the large lawn and the Auditorium, can all be seen. The Old School Gate was the former front gate of Tsinghua and was built in 1909. Above the gate were carved the characters of “Tsinghua Garden”, inscribed by Na Tong, the Minister of National Defense in the late Qing Dynasty. Liang Shiqiu, the famous scholar and writer, described it thus: “The University Gate is

图片来源:清华大学百年校庆专题网站 grey brick-laid, coated with snow-white paint, the white and silky color and the two black 二校门位于清华校园中心。踱步经过二校 fence doors setting each other off beautifully…” 门,便能看到日晷、大草坪和大礼堂等清华大 The Old School Gate adopted its current name 学早期建筑群。二校门始建于1909年,原为清 when the West Gate was built in 1933. It was 华正门,门额上刻有晚清军机大臣那桐于1911 destroyed on August 24, 1966; and replaced by 年题写的“清华园”大字。梁实秋先生在校读 a large statue of Mao Zedong on April, 1967. In 书时,曾写过如下文字:“清华的校门是青砖 August 1987, the statue was removed. In 1991, 砌的,涂着洁白的油质,一片缟素的颜色反映 the gate was rebuilt on its original site with 着两扇难设而常开的黑栅栏门……”。1933年 donations from Tsinghua alumni. The Old Gate 西校门建成后即称此门为“二校门”。1966年8 has once again become one of the symbols of 月24日,二校门被推倒、砸毁。1967年4月,在 Tsinghua University. 二校门旧址处建立起毛泽东全身塑像,于1987 年8月拆除。1991年清华校庆80周年之际,在清 华校友捐助下,二校门于原址重建。如今,二

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西门 West Gate

隔15分钟有一班车,走环线从西门出发最终又 回到西门。地铁4号线圆明园站就在西门外。

The West Gate is the west entrance of Tsinghua. The current West Gate was built at the same time as the extension of the West Courtyard. The grand and magnificent rock face and simple but forceful structure express the implicit aesthetic feeling of the campus. In front of it lie two stone lions, silently guarding the campus. On the top of the gate are engraved the characters for “Tsinghua University”, inscribed by Chairman Mao Zedong. During the December 9th Movement in 1935, the army and police 图片来源:清华大学百年校庆专题网站图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 of Beijing tried several times to force their way onto the campus, but met resistance outside 西门是清华大学校园西侧入口。1933年 the Gate. Today it has become part of the 清华扩建西院住宅的同时,修建了新的学校大 characteristic architecture of Tsinghua University. 门,即现在的西门。 The West Gate is the departure stop of the 西校门高大雄伟,采用石材饰面,线条 campus bus. Buses start every 15 minutes and 简洁挺拔。门前座落着两头威武雄壮的石狮, return here after running a ring route around the 忠实地守护着大门。毛泽东亲笔题写的清华大 campus. 学校名篆刻在西门正额上方。“一二·九”运 动期间,军警屡次想进校捣乱,均被阻于西门 外,学校郑重声明:“非经校长允许,任何人 不得擅入校园”。如今每逢节日,门前鲜花簇 拥,门上五星红旗高高飘扬,已经成为清华大 学校园的标志建筑物之一。 西门是清华大学校园公交车的始发站,每

图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 120 景观建筑

建筑小品 Construction 1 北院长廊 North Courtyard Gallery 望桥 2 Wang (Looking-over) Bridge 零零阁 3 Lingling Pavilion 4 莲桥 Lian (Lotus) Bridge 5 观荷台 Guanhe (Lotus-viewing) Platform 12 6 喷水池 11 Fountain 10 喷水塔 7 Fountain 大门 8 Door 5 8 侧门 9 Side Door 9 气象台 10 Meteorological Tower

动植物 Plants & Animals 1 常青松 Pines 2 樱花林 Oriental Cherry Woods 林木 3 Woods 4 纪念树 Memorial Tree 28 槲树林 5 71 72 Mongolian Oak Woods 69 31 白桦林 6 Birch Woods 70 24 松树 4 7 Pines 6 5 1 纪念树 24 8 Memorial Tree 9 樱花林 Oriental Cherry Woods 9 12 樱花园 7 11 10 Oriental Cherry Garden 15 6 11 牡丹园 8 73 3 Poeny Garden 75 10 23

10 26 22 13 12 人物雕像 9 76 25 13 Statues 12 梁思成像 20 5 1 Statue of Liang Sicheng 孔子像 6 2 Statue of Confucius 74 陶葆楷铜像 11 3 Statue of Tao Baokai 院士墙 1 68 4 14 Academician Wall 8 6 67 张子高像 2 14 5 16 21 Statue of Zhang Zigao 16 29 15 32 8 5 4 18 施滉壁碑 17 7 6 17 Wall-monument of Shi Huang 2 曹本熹塑像 77 19 7 1 Statue of Cao Benxi 78 3 7 马约翰像 6 8 Statue of Ma Yuehan 叶企孙铜像 6 5 30 82 9 Statue of Ye Qisun 刘仙洲铜像 79 5 10 Statue of 10 80 2 7 Liu Xianzhou 9 8 陈岱孙铜像 11 Statue of Chen Daisun 闻一多雕像 12 Statue of Wen Yiduo 朱自清雕像 13 Statue of Zhu Ziqing 吴晗雕像 14 Statue of Wu Han

景观小品 Landscape Furniture 石柱 1 Stone Pillar 旗杆 清华大学学生 建六钟 10 Flag-mast 18 节水教育馆 2 Architecture Six 11 台阶 Education Center Bell Stone Steps for Saving Water 石灯亭 12 警世钟 19 亭 3 Stone Lantern Awaken Bell Pavilion Pavilion 返校留念 20 亭 石桌椅 13 Memento of Returning to Pavilion 4 Stone Tables and University 21 亭 Chairs 14 返校留念 Pavilion 椅子 Memento of Returning to 绿化小品 5 Chairs University 22 Green Furniture 水边小品 15 返校留念 春源水池 6 Pavilion along the Memento of Returning to 23 Chunyuan Pool Water University 国际象棋棋盘 石椅 24 7 16 毕业50周年纪念 Chess board Stone Chairs Memorial for the 50th 铁木座椅 Anniversary of Graduation 8 Iron-Wood Chairs 毕业50周年纪念 17 9 龙舟 Memorial for the 50th Dragon Boat Anniversary of Graduation 7 121

Landscape Architecture

雕塑 16 毕业60周年纪念 Sculptures Memorial for 60th 13 14 15 石狮 Anniversary of 1 Stone Lion Graduation 瑞兽 17 纪念石 2 Beast of Luck Memorial Stone 19 金属浮雕壁画 清芬挺秀石 16 3 18 18 Toreutic Mural Inscribed Stone 浮雕壁挂 19 西南联大纪念碑 4 Relief Wall Hangings Monument to National 人字雕塑 Southwest Associate 5 Ren(Chinese Character University "man") Sculpture 20 石刻 日晷 Stone Carving 6 Sundial 21 王国维纪念碑 清华世纪鼎 Wang Guowei 7 Tsinghua Monument Centennial Quadripod 22 韦杰三烈士纪念碑 (an ancient symbol of Monument to Martyr 17 a dynasty) Wei Jiesan 83 雕塑 图书馆碑 8 - 23 18 19 20 86 Sculptures Library Stele 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 24 憩园 33 8 Qi (for Rest) Garden 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 清华英烈纪念碑 20 25 Tsinghua Martyr 2 21 Monument 26 纪毓秀骨灰安放处 35 石/碑 Cinerarium of Ji Yuxiu 36 Stones & Steles 灵辟石 行胜于言题石 27 1 Lingpi Stone 37 Inscribed Stone 太湖石 百年树人石树 28 Taihu Stone 86 2 Inscribed Stone Tree 29 清华大学石 孺子牛石 Tsinghua University 3 Inscribed Stone 21 Stone 38 石 34 4 30 玉不琢不成器蓝田玉 39 Stones Inscribed Lantian 含弘光大题石 5 Jade Inscribed Stone 31 凤舞青桐石 6 石 Inscribed Stone 4 Stele 32 校训石 7 人文日新石 Inscribed Stone Humanity Stele 22 33 紫荆雕塑苑石 8 纪念碑 Zijing Sculpture Park Momument Stone 桂韵 9 34 石 Laurel Scent Stele Stone 三峡石 10 35 清华百年纪念石柱 Three Gorges Stone Stone Pillar 40 博管办立石 11 西南联大纪念碑 Postdoctoral Office- 36 Southwest United 41 laid Stone University Monument 代表团赠石 12 , 3 42 43 Delegation s Gift Stone 牌/匾 13 23 27 7 85 13 五彩奇石 Plaques Colorful Fancy Stone 哲匠之门匾 卧碑 1 14 Plaque of the Gate of 44 9 8 Lying Stele the Philosophic Artisan 7 校训壁碑 汽车研究所牌匾 15 Wall Stele of 2 35 45 46 47 48 49 Plaque of Automobile 14 84 University Motto Research Institute 横匾 3 Plaque 9 4 汽车楼门牌 6 4 Plaque of the 11 5 7 9 Automobile Building 机械工程系牌 8 5 10 51 Plaque of the Mechanical 50 66 Engineering Building 52 61 焊接馆门牌 6 Plaque of the Welding 1 60 62 63 64 Building 53 59 朱镕基题词 58 7 2 54 Epigraph by Zhu 1 1 Rongji 6 5 1 3 工程物理系系牌 1 11 2 8 4 65 Plaque of the 4 1 4 Engineering Physics 2 55 Department 3 3 56 化学工程系系牌 9 Plaque of the 2 Chemical Engineering 3 Department

57 10 路 Path 经零小径 1 Garden Pathlet

校门 3 School Gates 二校门 1 The Old School Gate 西门 2 West Gate 主校门 3 Main Gate 4 南门 4 South Gate 5 北门 North Gate 6 西北门 Northwest Gate 7 西南门 Southwest Gate 东北门 本图信息统计截至2011年4月7日 8 Northeast Gate 122

景观建筑 Landscape Architecture

北院长廊 1 望桥 2 零零阁 3 North Courtyard Gallery Wang (Looking-over) Lingling Pavilion Bridge

图片来源:陈瑾羲拍摄 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

2001年北院遗址改造,建筑学 由施士昇教授捐赠。 1995年由1965年入学的全体 院王丽方教授设计。Designed Donated by Prof. Shi Shisheng. 零零级校友捐赠,纪念入学30 by Prof. Wang Lifang of the 周年,毕业25周年。Donated School of Architecture, during by alumni (enrolled in 1965) in the renovation project of the 1995, in memory of their 30th North Courtyard in 2001. anniversary of enrollment.

莲桥 4 观荷台 5 喷水池 6 Lian (Lotus) Bridge Guanhe (Lotus-viewing) Fountain Platform

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

1996年校庆日,由1974-1980 1987年6月由1937级校友纪 位于生物馆南门外,1983年 届校友捐赠。Donated by the 念毕业50周年捐赠。Donated 由1933级校友捐赠。Located alumni enrolled in 1974-1980, on by 1937 year’s alumni in Jun. outside the south entrance of the the Anniversary of the University 1987, in memory of the 50th Biology Building, it was donated in 1996. anniversary of their graduation. by 1993 year’s alumni in 1983.

喷水塔 7 大门 8 侧门 9 Fountain Door Side Door

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

图书馆新馆小广场内,由1922 1999年由电机系1979级校 1999年由电机系1989级校 级同学毕业时捐献。Located 友捐赠。Donated by 1979 友捐赠。Donated by 1989 in the plaza of the New Library, year’s alumni of the Electronic year’s alumni of the Electronic it was donated by 1922 year’s Engineering Department in 1999. Engineering Department in 1999. alumni on their graduation. 123

景观建筑 Landscape Architecture

气象台 10 松树 1 樱花林 2 Meteorological Tower Pines Oriental Cherry Woods

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

设计杨廷宝,原用途为地学 2005年4月由1965届校友捐 2004年夏天由顾问教授邵友 系气象观测。Designed by 赠,纪念毕业40周年。Donated 保博士及夫人捐赠。Donated Yang Tingbao, intended as by 1965 year’s alumni in April by Advisory Professor Dr. Shao meteorological station for the 2005, in memory of their 40th Youbao and his wife in the Geoscience Department. anniversary of graduation. summer of 2004.

林木 3 纪念树 4 槲树林 5 Woods Memorial Tree Mongolian Oak Woods

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

2002年校庆日由精仪系制71、 1999年4月经管95-EMBA市政 2004年由电机系企九(59 制72班捐赠,纪念毕业10周 班全体同学捐赠。Donated by 届)全体同学捐赠。Donated 年。Donated by the alumni 95-EMBA Civic Class in April by 1959 year’s alumni of of the Precision Instrument 1999. the Electronic Engineering Department on the anniversary Department in 2004. of the University in 2002.

白桦林 6 松树 7 纪念树 8 Birch Woods Pines Memorial Tree

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

2004年校庆日由1975届校友 1994年校庆日由1958届土建系 2001年4月由深圳大学捐赠。 邰洪义捐赠。Donated by Tai 暖四班捐赠。Donated by 1958’s Donated by Shenzhen University Hongyi, a 1975 year,s alumnus, alumni of th e Civil Engineering in April 2001. on the anniversary of the Department on the anniversary University in 2004. of the University in 1994. 124

景观建筑 Landscape Architecture

樱花林 9 樱花园 10 梁思成像 1 Oriental Cherry Woods Oriental Cherry Garden Statue of Liang Sicheng

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄

由AEON吉之岛教育及环保 由旅顺口区人民政府、大连清 清华大学建筑馆大厅内,1995 基金会捐赠。Donated by 华校友会捐赠。Donated by 年4月30日揭幕,由建筑系1965 AEON Jusco Education and the people's Government of 届校友捐赠。Located in the Environmental Protection Lushunkou District, and Tsinghua entrance hall of the School of Foundation. Alumni Association of Dalian. Architecture, it was donated by 1965,s alumni of the Architecture Department.

孔子像 2 陶葆楷铜像 3 院士墙 4 Statue of Confucius Statue of Tao Baokai Academician Wall

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

1996年7月由方润华基金会捐 位于环境科学与工程系馆门厅 2005年4月由化学系1984级校友 赠。Donated by Fang Runhua 内。1995年校庆日由该系1964 捐赠。Located in the entrance Foundations in July 1996. 级校友捐赠。 Located in the of the Chemistry Building, it foyer of Building for Department was donated by 1964 and of Environment, it was donated 1965’s alumni of the Chemistry by its 1964’s alumni in 1995. Department.

张子高像 5 施滉壁碑 6 曹本熹塑像 7 Statue of Zhang Zigao Wall-monument of Shi Statue of Cao Benxi Huang

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

位于化学馆大门内正中,由 位于清华大学图书馆正厅内北壁 位于化学工程系系馆门厅内, 化学系1964、1965届校友捐 上,1949年由1924级部分在京 由该系1950级校友集资建立。 赠。Located in the entrance of 校友捐献。Located in the north Located in the entrance of the the Chemistry Building, it was wall of the Library hall, it was Chemistry Engineering Building, donated by 1964 and 1965’s donated by 1924’s alumni at it was donated by 1950's alumni alumni of the Department. Beijing in 1949. of the Department. 125

景观建筑 Landscape Architecture

马约翰像 8 叶企孙铜像 9 刘仙洲铜像 10 Statue of Ma Yuehan Statue of Ye Qisun Statue of Liu Xianzhou

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

位于西 体育 馆南厅(原马约 1995年4月落成,原放于第三教 位于精仪系馆内,1997年4月落 翰 办 公 室)窗外 小广场上。 学楼内,理学院楼建成后移放在 成,设计者为建筑学院宋泊教 Located on the plaza, out of the 理学院楼中。Completed in April 授。Located in 9003 Building, window of south hall of the West 1995, it was first located in No. 3 it was completed in April 1997, Gymnasium, which was Ma’s Teaching Building, and moved to designed by Prof. Song Bo of office. the Math & Physics Building. the School of Architecture.

陈岱孙铜像 11 闻一多雕像 12 朱自清雕像 13 Statue of Chen Daisun Statue of Wen Yiduo Statue of Zhu Ziqing

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

位于经管楼内,2000年4月30日 位于大礼堂西侧林地,建于 位于“水木清华”,建于1987 校庆日揭幕,由校友捐款建造。 1986年10月。Located in the 年4月校庆期间,为白色汉白 Located in Building for the woods west of the Auditorium 玉雕像。Located in Shui Mu School of Economics & and completed in Oct., 1986. Tsinghua, it is a white marble Management, it was donated by statue completed around the the alumni, and unveiled in 2000. anniversary of the University in 1987.

吴晗雕像 14 石柱 1 建六钟 2 Statue of Wu Han Stone Pillar Architecture Six Bell

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

位于近春园岛“晗亭”附近, 由建筑学院建八级(1978- 1996年4月校庆日由建筑学院建 建于1986年4月。Located near 1983)和清华大学建筑学院深 六班(1960-1966)校友捐赠。 Han Pavilion on Jinchun Garden 圳校友捐赠,为爱奥尼克式。 Donated by No. 6 class alumni Island and completed in Apr. Donated by the alumni of the of the Architecture School on the 1986. School of Architecture, it is in anniversary of the University in Ionic order. 1996. 126

景观建筑 Landscape Architecture

石灯亭 3 石桌椅 4 椅子 5 Stone Lantern Pavilion Stone Table and Chairs Chairs

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

1995年校庆日由建筑学院建零 清华大学经济系1948-1952, 2004年由1994级校友捐赠。 零级全体校友捐赠,纪念毕业30 1949-1952级捐赠。Donated Donated by 1994’s alumni in , 周年。Donated by alumni of the by 1948 and 1949 s alumni of 2004. Architecture School in 1995, in the Economics Dept. memory of their 30th anniversary of graduation.

水边小品 6 石椅 7 铁木座椅 8 Pavilion along the Water Stone Chairs Iron-wood Chairs

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

1986年由1926、1936级校友 由1963级校友捐赠。 德国倍加福公司捐赠。 捐赠。Donated by 1926 and Donated by 1963’s alumni. Donated by Pepperl + Fuches, 1936’s alumni in 1986. Germany.

龙舟 9 旗杆 10 台阶 11 Dragon Boat Flag-mast Stone Steps

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

2001年校庆日河南校友会捐 由人文学院1995级校友捐赠。 1982年1977级校友捐赠。 赠,祝贺90周年校庆。Donated Donated by 1995’s alumni of the Donated by 1977’s alumni in by Henan Tsinghua Alumni School of Humanities. 1982. Association on the anniversary of the University in 2001. 127

景观建筑 Landscape Architecture

警世钟 12 返校留念 13 返校留念 14 Awaken Bell Memento of Returning Memento of Returning to University to University

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

现在闻亭内,原悬挂于颐和园东 1980年4月由西南联大校友捐 1989年4月由1929级校友捐赠, 门对面敌伪所办之“土木工程专 赠,纪念返校。Donated by 纪念返校。Donated by 1929’s 科学校”院内。Located in Wen the alumni of the Southwest alumni in April 1989, in memory Pavilion, it was first hanged in Associated University in April of the returning. the Civil Engineering College. 1980, in memory of their returning.

返校留念 15 毕业50周年纪念 16 毕业50周年纪念 17 Memento of Returning Memorial for 50th Memorial for 50th to University Anniversary of Graduation Anniversary of Graduation

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

1982年由1932级校友捐赠, 1984年4月由1934届校友捐 1985年4月由1935届校友捐赠, 纪念返校。Donated by 1932’s 赠,纪念毕业50周年。Donated 纪念毕业50周年。Donated alumni in 1982, in memory of the by 1934’s alumni in 1984, in by 1935’s alumni in 1985, in returning. memory of 50th anniversary of memory of their 50th anniversary graduation. of graduation.

石狮 1 瑞兽 2 金属浮雕壁画 3 Stone Lion Beast of Luck Toreutic Mural

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

由精研零导航与自动控制专业 2005年1月由清华大学法学院 1990年由清华大学十二级校友 研究生捐赠。Donated by the 在职法律硕士2002级校友捐 捐赠。Donated by the alumni of postgraduates of the Precision 赠。Donated by postgraduates No.12 class in 1990. Instrument Department. enrolled in 2002 of the School of Law in January 2005. 128 景观建筑

浮雕壁挂 4 人字雕塑 5 日晷 6 Relief Wall Hangings Ren Sculpture Sundial

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

2003年由1983级校友捐赠。 2002年4月由水利系1965级校友 位于大礼堂前草坪南端,1920 Donated by 1983’s alumni in 捐赠。Donated by 1965’s alumni 年由1920级学生毕业时捐赠。 2003. of the Hydraulic Engineering Located at the south of the Lawn Dept. in Apr., 2002. before the Auditorium, it was donated by 1920-alumni at their graduation.

清华世纪鼎 7 行胜于言石 1 百年树人石树 2 Tsinghua Centennial Inscribed Stone Inscribed Stone Tree Quadripod

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

2000年校庆由1964级校友捐 位于建筑馆西南侧的草坪上。 2004年4月EMBA2002级-E班全 赠。Donated by 1964’s alumni Located on the Lawn, southwest 体校友捐赠。Donated by EMBA on the anniversary of the of the Architecture Building, 2002-E Class in April 2004, University in 2000. inscribed “Xing Sheng Yu Yan” written “it takes a hundred years (Action speak louder than to bring up a generation”. words).

孺子牛石 3 石 4 含弘光大石 5 Inscribed Stone Stones Inscribed Stone

图片来源:商谦拍摄 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

2004年4月由1974届全体校友捐 由建筑系1958级校友捐赠。 2004年4月清华EMBA 2002级- 赠。Donated by 1974’s alumni Donated by 1958's alumni of C班全体校友捐赠,刻有“含弘 in April 2004. the Architecture Department. 光大”字样。Donated by EMBA 2002-C Class in April 2004, written “comprehension wide and brightness great”. 129

Landscape Architecture

石 6 人文日新石 7 纪念碑 8 Stone Humanity Stone Monument

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

2004年5月由清华EMBA 002 位于西湖游泳池东北隅的护 矗立于“近春园遗址公园”内 级-D班全体校友捐赠。 栏外,1994年4月24日校庆日 环湖畔,1993年校庆日1923级 Donated by the alumni of EMBA 由1934届校友捐赠。Located 毕业班校友捐赠。Located near 2002-D Class in May 2004. outside northeast of Xihu (West the lake in Jinchun Garden, it Lake) Swimming Pool, it was was donated by 1923’s alumni. donated by 1934’s alumni in April 24, 1994.

桂韵 9 三峡石 10 博管办立石 11 Laurel Scent Stele Three Gorges Stone Postdoctoral Office-laid Stone

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄 图片来源:清华校友总会

2001年4月由广西校友会捐赠。 2004年10月由清华大学七十年 2002年4月27日由清华大学 Donated by Guangxi Tsinghua 代校友捐赠。Donated by 1970s’ 博管办捐赠。Donated by University Alumni Association in alumni in October 2004. Postdoctoral Office on April 27, April 2001. 2002.

代表团赠石 12 五彩奇石 13 卧碑 14 Delegation's Gift Stone Colorful Fancy Stone Lying Stele

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:徐晓飞拍摄 图片来源:清华校友总会

1991年4月台湾清华暨西南联 2001年由土木系1967届工民建 1978级全体校友捐赠。Donated 大校友代表团捐赠。Donated 专业全体校友捐赠。Donated by 1978’s alumni. by Tsinghua University and the by 1967’s alumni of the Civil Southwest Associated University Engineering Department in 2001. alumni of Taiwan in April 1991. 130 景观建筑

校训壁碑 15 毕业60周年纪念 16 纪念石 17 Wall Stele of University Memorial for 60th Memorial Stone Motto Anniversary of Graduation

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

嵌于图书馆老馆门厅内正中位 1989年4月由1929级校友捐 1984年4月由清华大学工农速成 置。1999年4月24日由1958届校 赠,纪念毕业60周年。Donated 中学师生捐赠。Donated by the 友捐赠。Located right in the hall by 1929’s alumni in 1988, in alumni of Tsinghua Accelerated- of the Old Library, it was donated memory of 60th anniversary of course School of Workers and by 1958’s alumni in 1999. graduation. Peasants in April 1984.

清芬挺秀石 18 西南联大纪念碑 19 石刻 20 Inscribed Stele Monument to the Southwest Stone Carving Associated University

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

位于丙所北苑,1981年校庆 1988年4月24日校庆日由清华校 位于水木清华湖边,2001年 日由全体返校校友捐赠,刻有 友总会集资修建,“西南联合大 由深圳校友会捐赠。Located “清芬挺秀,华夏增辉”字样。 学纪念碑”字为闻一多所篆。 at the shore of the lake in Shui Located in north courtyard of Fund raised by General Tsinghua Mu Tsinghua, it was donated by Bing Suo House, it was donated Alumni Association in 1988, and Shenzhen Tsinghua University by all alumni of returning the calligraphy by Wen Yiduo. Alumni Association in 2001. University on the anniversary of Tsinghua in 1981.

王国维纪念碑 21 韦杰三烈士纪念碑 22 图书馆碑 23 Wang Guowei Monument Monument to Martyr Wei Library Stele Jiesan

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

位于第一教学楼北端后山之麓, 纪念在1926年3月18日惨案 由1939、1941、1948、1949、 清华国学院师生募款修造。陈 中牺牲的韦杰三烈士而建, 1959级(土木)部分校友捐赠。 寅恪撰碑文,梁思成拟碑式。 又称“三一八断碑”。Built Donated by some 1939, 1941, Located behind No. 1 Teaching in memory of Wei Jiesan, the 1948, 1949, 1959’s alumni of the Building and designed by Liang martyr who died in March 18th Civil Engineering Department. Sicheng. The epigraph was Tragedy. written by Chen Yinque. 131

Landscape Architecture

憩园 24 清华英烈纪念碑 25 纪毓秀骨灰安放处 26 Qi (for Rest) Garden Tsinghua Martyr Cinerarium of Ji Yuxiu Monument

图片来源:商谦拍摄 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

位于图书馆后,1992年由京 位于“水木清华”北山之阴, 位于“水木清华”北山上“清 华电器公司捐赠。Located at 1989年9月28日落成。Located 华英烈纪念碑”附近,1989年 the back of the Library, it was at the north side of North Hill 10月立。Located near Tsinghua donated by Jinghua Electric in Shui Mu Tsinghua, it was Martyr Monument, it was built in Company in 1992. completed on September 28, October 1989. 1989.

哲匠之门匾 1 汽车研究所牌匾 2 横匾 3 Plaque of the Gate of Plaque of the Automobile Plaque Philosophic Artisan Research Institute

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

1996年由建筑学院首届毕业生 由汽车专业1959级校友捐赠, 1981年由土木工程系1986级 (1946级)捐赠,纪念建筑 现已移至他处。Donated by 校友捐赠。Donated by 1986's 学院成立50周年。Donated by 1959’s alumni of Automobile alumni of the Civil Engineering 1946’s alumni of the School of Department. Department. Architecture in 1996, in memory of its 50th anniversary.

汽车楼门牌 4 机械工程系牌 5 焊接馆门牌 6 Plaque of the Plaque of the Mechanical Plaque of the Welding Automobile Building Engineering Building. Building

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

汽车专业57级校友捐赠, 金属材料1964级校友捐赠,现 焊接专业1961届校友捐赠, 现已移至他处。Donated by 已移至他处。Donated by 1964’s 现已移至他处。Donated by 1957’s alumni of Automobile alumni of the Metal Material 1961’s alumni of the Welding Department. Department. Engineering. 132 景观建筑

朱镕基题词 7 工程物理系系牌 8 化学工程系系牌 9 Epigraph by Zhu Rongji Plaque of the Engineering Plaque of the Chemical Physics Dept Engineering Dept

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:清华校友总会

电机系建系60周年时,校友朱 由1958级校友捐赠。Donated by 由1960级校友捐赠。Donated by 镕基总理以原系主任“为学与为 1958’s alumni. 1960's alumni. 人”语题词。"For Studying and for Serving the People",Written by Schoolfellow and ex- Premier Zhu Rongji for the 60th anniversary of the Electronic Engineering Department.

经零小径 1 二校门 1 西门 2 Garden Pathet The Old Gate West Gate

图片来源:清华校友总会 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄 图片来源:康惠丹拍摄

2003年校庆日由经管学院首届 清华最早的大门,始建于1909 于1933年扩建西宿舍区后修 本科全体校友捐赠。Donated by 年,“文革”期间被彻底破坏, 建。Built in 1933, after the west the first class’s alumni of SEM 后在在一些校友倡议并集资下于 communities were extended. on the anniversary of Tsinghua 1991年恢复。It is the first gate University in 2003. of Tsinghua School, built in 1909.

主校门 3 南门 4 北门 5 Main Gate South Gate North Gate

图片来源:李煜拍摄 图片来源:李煜拍摄 图片来源:陈瑾羲拍摄

2000年校庆前后建成。一层 初建于1933-1934年,与新林院 位于校河西侧,为通向教师居住 砖混结构建筑。Built around 住宅区同期建成。Built in 1933- 的荷清园小区和西北小区的必经 the anniversary of Tsinghua 1934, the same period as Xinlin 之路,现已拆除并重新建造。 University in 2000. Courtyard. Locates at the west side of the School River. 133

Landscape Architecture

西北门 6 景观建筑游览信息 Advice on visiting Northwest Gate the landscape and architecture

清华精神并不张扬,而是隐含在点点滴滴的细节之中,从 如此众多的校友捐赠物中就可见一斑。那么,清华精神究竟是 什么呢? 校训:自强不息,厚德载物。这原是《易经》中的话,自 从梁启超先生在演讲中使用后,1916至1917年期间就正式成为 清华的校训,自此深深植入每个清华人的心中。 校徽:由中英文校名和校训共同组成。校徽与校训同时确 定,1917年起校徽开始镶嵌在大礼堂的正额。某一时期,闻亭 的警世钟图案也被认为是清华的标志,目前校徽中也有此一版 图片来源:滕静茹拍摄 本。 校风:行胜于言。这一校风格言镌刻在大礼堂前日晷上, 位于校园西北角,为通向清华附 默默见证着清华学子的一言一行。 中的主要校门。Locates at the northwest corner of the campus. 学风:严谨、勤奋、求实、创新。这一学风格言印刻于第 三教学楼西立面上。 校歌:西山苍苍,东海茫茫,吾校庄严,巍然中央。这是 清华大学校歌的第一句,赞美清华的自然环境。校歌创作还颇 有一段故事。学校创建之初,一位美国女教师创作了一首英文 歌词的校歌,但词和曲都不令人满意,更有人指出“英文校歌 不能代表清华的精神,更不能代表中国文化的精神……代表很 西南门 7 幼稚的美国化”。1923年前后,学校公开征集校歌,国文和哲 Southwest Gate 学教师汪鸾翔先生的文言文歌词经校内外名人评审入选,由张 慧珍女士谱曲。由于她是当时英文文案处主任何林一先生的夫 人,故有些版本也作“何林一夫人”。 校庆:每年四月的最后一个星期日。 校色:紫色和白色。闻一多曾写道:“飘啊!紫白参半的 旗哟!”这也和校花选择息息相关。 校花:紫荆和丁香。选中这两种花,首先是由于它们与校 旗、校色的颜色一致,其次它们都在校庆前后盛开。

The spirit of Tsinghua is not directly stated everywhere but is implicit in every detail. So, what is the spirit of Tsinghua? 图片来源:滕静茹拍摄 The motto of Tsinghua, “Self-discipline and Social Commitment”, is originally from the Taoist classic, the Book 位于校园西南角,清华南路上, of Changes. The phase was first used by Liang Qichao in his 是校内教工住宅区的出入口。 speech in 1916, and was finally confirmed as the motto in 1917. Locates at the southwest corner The round school badge was designed at the same time of the campus. as the motto. It made up of the names of Tsinghua in both Chinese and English together with the motto. At certain times, the logo of the “Awakening-the-World” Bell in the Wen Pavilion has also been used as a symbol of the university, and is still in use today. 东北门 8 The spirit of Tsinghua is “Xing Sheng Yu Yan” (Actions Northeast Gate Speak Louder than Words)” and is inscribed on the Sundial in front of the Auditorium. Tsinghua’s style of study is “Rigor, Diligence, Seeking the Truth and Creativity”, and this is carved on the west facade of No. 3 Teaching Building. The Tsinghua Anthem also has quite a story. When the school was founded, a female US teacher wrote some English lyrics as the school anthem. However, both teachers and students were not satisfied with it. In 1923, the university organized an open competition to select a school anthem. The classical Chinese lyrics submitted by a Chinese language and philosophy teacher, Mr. Wang Luanxiang, were selected, and

图片来源:滕静茹拍摄 Ms. Zhang Huizhen (sometimes known by her married name of Mrs. He Linyi) wrote the music. 又称“紫荆东门”,位于紫荆学 Tsinghua University’s Anniversary is the last Sunday of 生公寓区东侧,是学生公寓的机 April. 动车出入口。Also called “Zijing Tsinghua University’s colors are purple and white, and the East Gate”. It locates at the school flowers are Bauhinia and Lilac. These two flowers have southwest corner of the campus. the two school colors, and are in lovely blossom around the anniversary day. In addition, cloves come into flower in clusters, symbolizing Tsinghua students gathering together. 134 吃在清华

荷 清 路

中关村北大街 清华南路

成 府 路 135

Restaurant Guide

地 铁 13 号 线

荷 清 路


双 清 路

五道口城铁站 成 府 中关村东路 路 136 吃在清华

中关村北二街 137

Restaurant Guide


成 府 路 五道口城铁站

中关村东路 138 住在清华

荷 清 路

中关村北大街 清华南路

成 府 路 139

Hotel Guide

地 铁 13 号 线

荷 清 路


双 清 路


五道口城铁站 成 府 路 东路 140 用在清华

荷 清 路

中关村北大街 清华南路

成 府 路 141

Utility Guide

地 铁 13 号 线

荷 清 路

` 荷清路 路


五道口城铁站 成 府 路 142 参考文献

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2007年底,在和清华大学出版社徐晓飞主任 的一次闲谈中,我们聊到了美国大学校园建筑游 览手册。徐主任认为关于中国大学校园建筑的通 俗性游览手册相对缺乏,因此提议编写一本关于 清华大学校园建筑的游览手册。我认为这是一个 好主意,并进一步提议,策划一套《中国大学校 园指南》丛书,包括清华大学、北京大学、武汉 大学、厦门大学、湖南大学等,《清华大学》作 为该丛书第一本。随后,我组织了由滕静茹、陈 瑾羲和我组成的三人编写小组,开始了长达两年 的工作。 本书的编写参考了众多学者的研究成果。罗 森、苗日新、黄延复、田芊、张复合等专家对清 华园历史和建筑的深入研究,对本书有着直接的 启发作用;清华大学宣传部和校史办(史轩)对 清华大学历史的整理和研究,丰富了本书的内 容。没有他们丰硕的研究成果作为基础,本书的 完成难以想象。此外,清华大学基建处、清华大 学建筑设计研究院、北京清华城市规划设计研究 院等相关单位给予了大力协助。 在编写过程中,李华、康慧丹和李煜三位学 生在后期调整中,完成了版面调整、照片补遗、 各区游览信息的制作等工作;熊星、付思量和傅 平川三位学生参与了校园整体三维电脑模型的搭 建,其中熊星完成了清华学堂、科学馆、第二教 学楼、西区体育中心等建筑的渲染效果图。建筑 学院学生钟声提供了有关校友纪念物的信息。没 有他们的积极参与,这本书将不能如期完成。 影像对表现建筑的风采有着重要的作用,清 华大学新闻中心郭海军老师特地为本书提供了自 己的多幅摄影作品,包括为本书增添光彩的封 面照片“清华大学大礼堂”。在此表示诚挚的谢 意!本书图文并茂,文字部分采用中英双语。 英文部分的撰写主要由滕静茹和陈瑾羲完成,李 华、康慧丹、李煜和商谦也参与了部分工作;戴 伟(David G. EVANS)和王有志先生承担了英文 校对和润色。在本书的编写过程中,徐晓飞主任 从版式到内容均提出了许多建设性的意见,并为 本书2010年11月顺利出版付出了很多努力。 清华百年校庆即将来临,新清华学堂、蒙民 伟音乐厅、校史馆以及人文社科图书馆、罗姆电 子工程馆等校庆纪念建筑相继落成,多达70多尊 各具特色的新雕塑陆续安放,校庆氛围越来越浓 厚。本书第二版在可能的条件下增补了新近落成 的若干校庆纪念建筑介绍、校园地图插页以及书 腰封等信息。在此,特别感谢校庆办副主任白永 毅教授和罗森教授对本书第二版提出的建设性修 改意见。作为清华人,我衷心希望校庆前夕出版 的《清华大学》第二版能够为校庆添彩!

朱文一 2009年12月7日于清华园 2011年4月9日校庆前修改 145


At the end of 2007, when I was former Chairman of the Volunteer Group talking with Xu Xiaofei, Director of Civil of the School of Architecture, provided Engineering and Architecture Department important information about alumni of Tsinghua University Press, we donations. Likewise, without their active mentioned American university campuses. participation, this book could not have As far as Chinese university campus been finished on time. architecture is concerned, although there As we all know, images help greatly in are many specialist research publications, demonstrating the elegant appearance of there is a shortage of popular campus architecture. Guo Haijun from the Publicity guides. Therefore Mr. Xu suggested that Office of Tsinghua University offered us maybe we could edit such a guidebook many superb photos taken by himself, about Tsinghua University. I immediately including the picture of the Auditorium realized that it was a wonderful idea, and on the cover of the book, which certainly suggested that rather than just one book, bring a great deal of grace to the there should be a series of books named publication. This Guide contains both texts China Campus Guides, including the and pictures, and in both Chinese and most beautiful campuses, like Tsinghua English languages. The translation was University, Peking University, Wuhan mainly supplied by Teng Jingru and Chen University, University, and Hunan Jinxi, with additional contributions from Li University. Shortly after that meeting, I Hua, Kang Huidan, Li Yu and Shang Qian. formed an editorial committee consisting Mr. David G. EVANS and Wang Youzhi of Teng Jingru, Chen Jinxi and myself, and undertook the work of English polishing started this two-year long project. and proofreading. We would also like to This booklet has benefited from the thank Mr. Xu Xiaofei, who has continued to work of so many earlier researchers offer many constructive suggestions and like Luo Sen, Miao Rixin, Huang Yanfu, made great efforts to publicize the work. Tian Qian and Zhang Fuhe, who made The Centenary Celebration of marvelous discoveries about the history Tsinghua University is fast approaching, and architecture in Tsinghua Garden, the New Tsinghu Xuetang & University which have shed important light on our History Museum & Concert Hall Complex, work. The collation and research work Library of Humanities and Social Sciences, done by experts from the Publicity Science Research Complex (Phase 1, Department of Tsinghua University and No.2) have been constructed, more the University History Office, has provided than 70 sculptures have been placed on information which has enriched our campus, and the celebration atmosphere content. Without all these efforts, this has increased. The second edition of book would never have seen the light of this book has updated some recently day. In addition, the Campus Planning & completed building introduction, campus Construction Office of Tsinghua University, map and other information. Hereby, we the Architectural Design and Research would like to sincerely thank Professor Institute of Tsinghua University, and the Bai Yongyi, who is the deputy chair of Beijing Tsinghua Urban Planning and Tsinghua University Centenary Celebration Design Institute helped and contributed Office, as well as Professor Luo Sen, for generously to our work. their valuable advices on our work. As Li Hua, Kang Huidan and Li Yu a member of Tsinghua, I hope that the provided great assistance in the last publication of this book will add further phase of the editing process, by adjusting splendor to this celebration. layout, supplementing photos and making analytical maps. They also completed a model of the entire campus and some Zhu Wenyi important buildings. Xiong Xing, Fu Siliang December 7, 2009 and Fu Pingchuan participated in the 3-D Tsinghua Garden modeling. Xiong Xing alone supplied all the Revised on April 9, 2011, renderings in the book. Zhong Sheng, the before the Centenary Celebration 内 容 提 要 / Abstract

《中国大学校园指南-清华大学》全面介绍了清华大学校园及校园建筑。本书图文并茂、中英双语, 为国内外读者提供了快速了解清华大学校园及其周边地区信息的渠道。本书适合于广大旅游爱好者阅 读。 Tsinghua University, provides a comprehensive introduction to the campus of Tsinghua and its buildings. In both words and pictures, using both Chinese and English, this book provides an easy way to learn about the campus and its surroundings, filling the needs of all types of visitors.

版权所有,侵权必究。侵权举报电话:010-62782989 13701121933


清华大学(第二版):汉英对照/朱文一,陈瑾羲,滕静茹编著 --北京:清华大学出版社,2011.4 (中国大学校园指南) ISBN 978-7-302-25457-7 I.①清⋯ II.①朱⋯ ②陈⋯ ③滕⋯ III.①清华大学-介绍- 汉、英IV.①G649.281


责任编辑:徐晓飞 责任校对:王淑云 责任印制:李红英

出版发行:清华大学出版社 地 址:北京清华大学学研大厦 A座 邮 编:100084

社 总 机:010-62770175 邮 购:010-62786544 投稿与读者服务:010-62776969, [email protected] 质 量 反 馈:010-62772015, [email protected] 印 装 者:北京雅昌彩色印刷有限公司 经 销:全国新华书店 开 本:127×270 印 张:6.125 字 数:180千字 版 次:2011年4月第2版 印 次:2011年4月第1次印刷 印 数:1~3000

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