Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 191 0 •!•

88th Year, Issue 48 © 1998 December 25, 1998 Newark, Del. • 50e THis WEEK



8 NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTO BY HEIDI SCHEING SCENES OF H SF ASON IN THE NEWS Many Newark-area congregations like the one at Evangelical Presbyterian Church on Possum Park Road present a pageant or Living Nativi­ ty during the Christmas season. DROUGHT NOTA ·Intersection changes stalled • Council consideration of before deciding if the Delaware review the option and make a year of public meetings and Department of Transportation deci ion. "Now, I don 't think we revised options for the intersec­ NEW PROBLEM much-discussed Deer should proceed with any of the would be able to get it done (in tion. "From (DelDOT's) perspec­ Park intersection options propo ed options. next summer's work)," Reeb tive, there are tradeoffs in all of delayed until June 1999 "We start electing the next said. these," Reeb said. "Divert traffic IN year's work in July of each year," Council wanted to wait a year or change speeds and you may By MARY E. PETZAK said DeJDOT planner Ralph to see how the new traffic signal­ improve one point, ye , but the NEWARK I Reeb. "But right now we have J 7 ization affected the downtown overall scope of things doesn't 3 NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER vacant positions in engineering area before changing the Main change much." design and a two or three year Street/New London Road/Elkton Councilmember Thomas SUMMER of 2000 i backlog of projects." Road intersection. In view of Wampler said it was hard to now the earlie t possible Reeb said the inter ecHon DelDOT's scheduling, however, believe that having trucks pro­ date for changes or INDEX improvements were on the sched­ they will make a decision for next ceed directly up Elkton Road improvements to the Deer Park ule in Augu t J998 for next sum­ July's work list. instead of going around South NEWS 1-5 intersection. . mer, but DeiDOT waited for the Reeb told counci I there was no College Avenue would not Newark city council decided city and its traffic committees to clear winner after more than a POLICE BLOTIER 2 this week to wait until June 1999 See INTERSECTION, 4 ~ OPINION 6 LIFESTYLE 8 THE ARTS 9 Christina gets mixed scores DIVERSIONS 10 By STEVE WESTRICK math scores for district 1Oth­ demic proficiency in math, read­ dents who took the test, falls CROSSWORD PUZZLE 11 grade students which are above \ and writing. Starting in the along the lines of the national NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER average when compared to other ~pring of 2000, the test will be mean in every grade except lOth, SPORTS 17-19 Delaware lOth graders. This is u ed to determine if a student Chri tina Di trict is below the PEOPLENEWS 15 CCORDING to the mainJy due to the scores from should advance to the next grade state mean in over half the grad­ results of the first students at Newark High School level. ing categories. OBITUARIES 20 ware Student Test­ which scored well above other In addition to reporting the The third grade state reading CLASSIFIEDS 24-32 ing Program, Christina School state lOth graders in reading and scores, each test result will give average is 420.92, while Christi­ District tudents are slightly math. Christina District was teachers and parents a written na District came in sixth of 15 above average up to third grade. eighth of the 20 di tricts in this narrative discussing that tudent' · districts with an average of However, fifth, eighth and 1Oth category. weaknesses and how to improve 423.44. Third graders in the graders are at or below average in The test was taken for the first those areas. Colonial District averaged almost every academic category. time last May by students in the While the Delaware state 412.76, while Appoquinimink A notable exception are the four grade levels to measure aca- mean, or average score of all stu- was 421.91. See SCORES, 5 ~

7 9946 P.\GE 2 • EW.\RK Pos • DECEMBER 25, 1998 Visit us on the World Wide Web Nl 'v\ ·\1-'1, ru~ I ·:- IN THE NEWS Can we help? Pourn BRIEFS Offices: The paper's offices are TO\SFORTO~ located conveniently in the Rob­ struck him. Wesley allegedly fl ed scott Building , 153 E. Chestnut Teen tries to hang the c ne without topping or noti ­ Hill Rd ., Newark, DE 19713. himself fymg police but later turn d him. elf Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 in . Mei n, who sustained criti cal p.m. weekdays. On Dec. 17 around 5:30 a.m. inj uries, di ed in Chri tiana Ho pital Phone: (302) 737-0724 official11 at the ew Cas Li l: Coun ty on Dec. 6. Wesley i charged with Facsimile: (302) 737-9019 Dete nt io n Cente r on Route 141 failure to stop at the scene of a fatal e-mail: [email protected] fo und a yo uth had attempted to acc ident, failure to report a fatal hang himse lf in his roo m. taff per­ acc ident, leaving the cene of a On the Internet: fo rmed ca rd io-pu lmonary re usc ita­ property damage accident, driving http://www.ncbl .com/post/ tion. The 17-year-old was ho pital­ with a u pended license and dri­ To subscribe: Call 737-0724 or 1- ized and state pol ice began an ving with no insurance. 800-220-3311 . Cost is $15.95 inves ti gati n. Staff assigned to th e per year to New Castle County tee n's uni t were temporaril y addresses. To begin a subscrip ­ re li eved of duty pend ing an internal tion , simply call. inves tigation wh ich may re ult in Car windows smashed · To place a classified: Call 1-800- disc iplinary ac ti on. Po. t-trauma 220-1230 teams wer on hand to assL t re. i­ Sometime between Dec . II at II p.m. and Dec. · 12 at 10 a.m. To place a display ad: Call 737- dents and staff at the the Center 0724 . whi ch houses y uth who have been unknown per on s used a cin­ arre. ted and detained und er ec urity derblock to smash the windows or HE STAFF of the Newark Post is anx­ pending court appearances. two vehicle parked on Pro. pect Tious to assist readers and advertis­ Avenue. Po li ce report a smashed ers . Reporters , writers , editors and pumpkin was also found in the rear salespeople can be contacted as listed: Arrest in hit-run seat of one vehic Ie. James B. Streit, Jr. is the publisher of the Newark Post. He sets policies and On Dec. 17 Newark Police manages all departments in the Newark charged Darryl . Wes ley, 33, of Man beaten office. Call him at 737·0724 . Elkton in the Nov. 22 hit-run acci ­ Newark Police report that on Mary E. Petzak is the editor. She leads dent on Elkton Road which resulted the news staff and reports on govern­ in the death of a 25-year-old Dec . 12 around 2:30 a.m. unknown per ons attacked a 23 -year-old man ment, education and police news. Con­ Newark man . Andrew St. John tact her at 737-0724. Mein was riding a bike ju. t north of on Continental Avenue. The man, who suffered lacerations and bruis­ Marty Valania prepares the sports Otts Chapel Road around 8: 15 p.m. PHOTO SPECIAL TO THE NEWARK POST page s of this newspaper. The sports that ni ght when Wesley 's vehicle e , told police he was trying to editor is seldom in the office, however, break up a fight. Newark Police gave away about 500 presents to children under the he checks in frequently. Leave mes­ age of 12 in the neighborhoods of Cleveland Heights, George Reed sages for Marty at 737-0724. Village and White Chapel on Monday night. Santa Claus rode in a fire Denise Wilson is the office manager DELAWARE P41 tzVIR TOURS truck from Aetna Fire Station 8 to personally distribute the toys. This and editorial assistant who processes Upcoming Tour Schedule is the sixth year for the joint project between Newark Police, most press releases . She prepares obit­ Marines' Toys for Tots and the Aetna Hose Hook and Ladder Compa­ uaries and People briefs. She is assist­ ny. Area residents donate presents also which are wrapped by volun­ ed by Kathy Burr. Contact her at 737- ~ULTI-D.AY teers with gift paper donated by Kmart Store. 0724. Kingston, NY - Hunter Mountain Foxwoods Casino Ledyard, CT/Mystic Phil Toman has been the paper's arts Junuary H- Ill. I 'NY ~1\19/ pp db \ IRWpp 1rpl. Many Ma1ch 14- 15. ~ ~~~ $ 13 \1/pp dh Attorney General Jane Brady announced last week that she would amcruuc • ~ .tll ·yuu cJn·cat mcab, "Piirlics" with open lncl ullcs ga ming packages . l t~>tl & hlging. award part of the settlement proceeds of a national anti-trust suit to editor since 1969. Well -known in the har, >kl~ · puk, · hnul.\ and u lnl mnrc. C'a lll ur dclails. Golf Resort March 26-2 1! $275/pp db the Toys for Tots Program in Delaware . arts comm unity, he writes his weekly . Clarks Summit, PA- Elk Min/Montage Lirchlielt.l hcac h Rc>un. SC Includes ~ r cc n Ices. httlging. 3 column from his Newark home. Leave January 22-2-l. II) · 4 all·you-can·cal mc:rb. " P a rt ie~" wilh upcn Turning Stone Casino & Resort 737-0724. har. >k•,·rnlc,-t> nul> :rnd u lui mnrc. Ca lllnr dclatl.\. Vcrnna . NY April-1&5. ~~~~ $1 2\1/pp Incl ude> ga ming packages & llldging . Stephen Westrick is a general assign ­ ment reporter. He writes news and fea ­ D.A..Y TRIPS Edgar Allen Poe & the Battlefields Richmond, VA tures , and often is seen covering local New York Shopping 51"' Dec. 16th srs ApnllO&II $18\1/pput> Gun-toting students arrested sports events. He can be reached at Harley-Davidson Plant & Museum Ytsillhc Ellga r Allen Pnc Mu;cum and the XO mtle h:ur lc ficld 737-0724. h tur i.l flllm_g '1thcr ~ m c niti c .~ . Y11 rk. I'A Tuc>Jay Fchruary 23. I'J'.I') $3Y.lJ5 lk'i tnur ant.J luuL:h 111 L,.-o, sh:r County. Foxwoods Casino Ledyard, CT/Mystic Delaware State Police charged A of deadline, Holton said the Other contributing writers include Cherry Blossoms In Washington, DC Aprt l I X& I ~- I ~~9 S I )9/pp dh Jack Bartley, Peg Broadwater, Elbert S.olunlay.tlpnl .1 . I'I'JY ~ .l 5 Includes gaming p ac k ag~>. funer ation reg i nwi de drough t wa rn ing this tip . week, urgi ng area resident!-> to curb *Take hort !->hower!-> in tead of schedule wa ter use by I 0 to 15 pe rcent. baths & just rinse !->Oap off. ··u you as k me, Ne'Wark ha!-> had * se di!-> h'Nasher!-> and clothe\ By MARY E. PETZAK a dro ught si nce Aug. 6 when the washers only when fu ll I aded. ity wa ter treatment plant fir. t we nt *Turn off fa ucet!-> whi le bru. hing NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER dow n and we had to purcha more teeth and shavi ng. wa ter,:· said ci ty water dire tor *Refrigerate a pitcher f water The new Embassy Su ite!-> hotel Joseph Dombrow ki. "Si nce then. fo r drinking, ins tead r running lh go in g up on the corn er of Rou te. 4 we have bee n cyc ling between the wa ter until it gets c ld. and 896 acros fro m the Uni er it we ll s and the pl ant dependi ng on *Repair leaky fauce t , toi lets and f D !aware sport s complex has the rain fa ll." pump .. been providing plent y f intcre t to NEWARK POST PHOTO BY STEVE WESTRICK Ac ordin g to th e Nati onal *Avoid u. in g th e ga rbage dispos­ local commuters. A giant cran e has Wea ther Service, northern Delawa re al or water oftener whi ch requ ire been slow ly lifting girders into An Embassy Suites hotel and a T.G.I. Fridays are coming at the intersec­ has had onl y 9.56 inches of rain I ts of water. place and ''topping off' of th e roof tion of South College Avenue and Christina Parkway. since Aug. 6. *Po(j tpone car wa: hing. took place Ia ·t wee k. Dombrows ki aid the water *Toilet di spl ace ment device, "We poured cement for th e roof mu ch ooner, however. According area. "We will work close ly with the treatment plant ha to be turned off uch a bri ck in the toil et tank can over the gue t rooms," said deve l­ to Lord offi cials, th e 6,800 quare­ community and the Univer. it y of when the White Clay Creek Jrops save a ga ll on of water with each oper David Poulin of PM Ho. pitali ­ foot re taurant will be fini, heel in Delaware: · he said. "It '. a dynamite below 14 million gallons a day. "We flu sh. ty Strategies. "Next we will put the March 1999. training ground to give , tudents got a little rainfall in November th at Environmental offici al also say steel girder in place to lay in the Poulin sa id all parking and land­ from the Univer ity' hotel school a allowed us to turn back on and it has now i a good time to in stall low­ . kyli ght. over the six- tory atrium." scapin g will be co mpl eted around pl ace t ge t their f et wet." be en slowl y di sc hargin g ever fl ow faucet , shower. , and toil ets. Poulin sa id the 155-suite hotel the re. taurant fir t. Poulin said there' no formal since,' Dombrowski sa id. "We've Low-flu sh toil ets can save enough being bu ilt by ommon wealth on­ '" Patron. will be abl e to get in pr gram, yet, but the hotel ow ner barely bee n hanging in there:· wa ter to pay fo r themse lves in about su·uction Company i. n sc hedule and out without any tr ubl e when pl an to offer pos iti ons for intern s a. De. pite th e current dry c nd i­ fi ve years and repl ac ing a 4.5 gal­ wi1h opening anticipated for late the restaura nt open. :· P ul in , aid . we ll as fulltime jobs to graduate in ti on reg i nwide, Dombrows ki sa id lon-per-minute howerhead wi th a Au gu t 1999. ··we' ll have a grand "All con. tructi on will be out of th at the area. "We alread y ha ve int ern s he i. more worried about th e sum­ 2.5 gallon-per-minute head can ave opening ce lebrati on in October area by then." who work in our corporate offi ces mer of 1999. "Thi s obviou. ly does­ a famil y of f ur 20,000 ga ll ons of 1999,'' he said . According t.o Poulin . hi s co mpa­ (in Alexandri a, Va.),'' sa id Poulin, n't bode well for next yea r,'' he, aid . water a year. A TGl Friday's Restaurant be ing ny hopes to prov ide a qu ality hotel, "but thi s will be th e first time we "Normall y, (the suppli es) would be Finall y, decide if th e water needs built on the si te by Lord and Waters the "mi ss in g pi ece" in the N wark have them at a hotel site." rec harged by rain and , now in to be truned on in the fir. t place - Con tructi on Co mpany will open Nove mber and December and we and turn it off as soon a. po ible. Conectiv seeks customer SHOPPING SAFETY TIPs

Delaware State Police remind When hopping at night, park in choice for natural gas service shopper to use extra care thi a well lit area and check for a loca­ holiday season when unfortu­ tion number to avoid wandering Con ec ti v Power Delivery (for­ the fir. t 14,500 res identi al cu s­ each third part y market r to en ure nately, there are a few people around looking for the car. merly Delmarva Power & Li ght tomers and th e first I ,200 small that cu. tamers participating in the that turn them into innocent vi c­ Put purchases in the trunk or Company) appli ed to the Delaware industrial and commercial' cus­ pil t receive reliabl e service . tims of crimes. The state police cover them with a blanket. Lock Public Service Commi.ssion for tomer, to enroll. Enrollment would Conecti v al so plans to conduct a have the unpleasant task of the vehicle and use an anti-theft approval of a pilot program th at begin in June I Y99. Large co mmer­ full rev iew of the program before inve tigating crimes involving device if there i one. would permit cu. tomer choice r r cial and indu strial users already the entire market i. opened to com­ theft of pocketbooks, thefts Speak to a sale person and/or res id ential and . mall commercial have the opportunity to choo. e their petition so that th e le, son. learn ed from pocketbooks, vehicle theft , request someone from store and indu stri al natural gas cu stomers natural ga. upplier in Delaware. can benefit Conecti v cu stomers a. and thefts from vehicle . ecurity be notified or police in northern Dela ware. Jo eph M. Ri gby, C n cti v vice much as poss ible. Police sugge t not shopping called if something seem. suspi­ lf approved, natural gas cus­ president and general man ager of Conecti v is the name of th e hold ­ alone. Try not to carry large ciou s. tomer. in New a ti e Count y could gas cl eli ve ry, said that under th e pro­ in g compan y that wa fo rmed a · a amounts of cash or numerous Plan to use an automatic teller choose a natural gas suppli er other posed program, Conec ti v wo uld re. ult of the merge r in volving Del ­ credit cards when shopping. Be machine during the daytime in a than Conec ti v. Thi s ability to "shop" continue to be th e di stributor of nat­ marva Power & Light and Atlantic careful with purses and wall et . afe area. around for an alternate suppli er ural ga. and will prov ide the meter Energy, .Inc . Conectiv Power Deliv­ could result in lower m nthl y en r­ readin g and bi IIi ng ervic es for the ery now spans four states, with gy bill. . len gth of the pi lot. more than I mill ion electric cu .­ . Conectiv's propo. al call s for the In addition to a comprehen ive tamers and about I 00,000 natural START A HOME-BASED BUSINESS. pilot program to last for a period of customer educati n program , gas customers. Conectiv has rev­ WoRK FLEXIBLE HouRs. one year, beginning November Conectiv propo e to collaborate enues of more than $2 billion and 1999. The pi lot would be open to with the Commiss ion in qualifyin g assets of nearly $6 billion. ENJOY UNLIMITED EARNINGS. History professor receives award Carol Hoffecker of Hockess in , doctorate from Harvard Univer ity "Federal Ju. Lice in the First State, " AVON who. e books have educated a gener­ in 1967. She became a full -lime fac ­ a hi story of th e judges and the sig­ CALL TOLL FREE (800) 735-8867 ation of young student ab ut ulty member at Delaware in 1973. nificant cases that have come before Delaware's hi story. has been select­ She was namecl associate provost the federal court, "Honest John ed as the recipient of the rancis for graduate studies, a po ition he William ," about the late U.S . Sen . ~o~~c9~e.~o~~G'~~ Ali . on Award, one f the Univer. ity held from November 1988 until John Williams, '·Delaware, The Hear Ye, Hear Ye! There is a new bakery in Newark I of Delaware 's mo. t pre. tigiou. hon ­ June 1995. First State" for school -aged chil­ ors for faculty. Since beginning her career a a dren , which i u. eel in classrooms Go ye to Beans . Buns· Bit s for fresh baked goods for yo ur holiday meal s A graduate of Mt. Plea. ant Hi gh prolific author with "Wilmington , throughout the state, "Beneath Thy and parties. Ye ca n locate made- from-scratch goodn s School , Hoffecker majored in hi sto­ Delaware, Portrait of an Industrial Guiding Hand: A History of Women at 90 East Main Street in ~ewark, or call 302 455-1 00 ry at the UD, graduating in 1960. '·J City: 1830-1900," Hoffecker ha at the Univer ity of Delaware" for always loved history. My mother publi heel almo, t a dozen book. the Office of Women's Affairs ; and ~ for information about our pies, Dani h pa stry, muffins, \)} read to me from a book called 'The including: "Brandywine Village,'' "Unidel: A Foundation for Universi­ ~ coo ki es and specialties. ~ History of the for about the old stone millers ' homes ty Enrichment." 8)(pellience ~ Young People' and would empha­ on North Market Street in Wilming­ She i currently writing a pa~ ­ HOURS: (0ult size that 'thi. is real,· which ton , "Corporate Capitol : Wilming­ phlet about du Pont family gifts to Monday - Saturday Cappuccino! impressed she recalled. ''I ton in the Twentieth Century,'' the University of Delaware, mark­ ! me:· A 7a.m. -7p.m. A liked the pictures of the co. tume. which focused on different cate­ ing the 200th anniver ary in the year tt~o~~.e.~o~~O.lJ pe pie wore . I enjoyed hi toric gorie. - immigrant , education. pol­ 2000 of the family's emigration buildings. like Old Swedes hurch , itics and women, for example, from France to America Give Yourself a Raise! and used to imagine what life was "Wilmington: A Pictorial Hi story" Hoffecker i on the board of the like in the pa. t.'' publi. heel in 1982, "Delaware: A University of Delaware Press, and • Free pre-qualification for purchases & • Credit problems understood Hoffecker wrote her senior the. is Bicentennial History'' commis- chairs the Faculty Senate Ad Hoc · refinancing • Loans available for debt consolidation, on the War of I 12 and the siege of ioned in 1976 by the National Committee on General Education. • FHA/VA Streamlines available home improvements, new car, vacation, Lewes, which was the Ia. t time a Endowment for the Humanities as Off campus, she also edits the • No closing cost programs available tuition bills foreign power directly attacked pan of a project to produce histories "Delaware Hi tory Magazine," a • Programs for self employed • Apply by phone II Delaware. She hold a rna ter ' of each . tate written fr m the per­ publication f the Hi tori cal Society degree from Radcliffe College and a sonal perspective of native writers, of Delaware. Equity One Mortgage Company Call Today! (410) 823-1072 or (301) 805-8550 Jl Apply online at www.yourloansourc:r.c:om or Call ForYourCashTodayl Use our convenient e-mail address! l!lpl opporiUIIity ltllder, creditllllcll-. restriction apply Rites subject 10 chlnp without nolice. We n a tlilecl ~~ lcadlr. No llrok• r• . .. ··-· ·-·--·-·······--·- 1... P.tpasses ~1n1st~y grovvs a Billable as gifts By MEGHAN AFTOSMIS Many non-Spani h peaking member have attended the Sunday A unique twist on holiday NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER Masses in Spanish and al o attended giving thi year comes in the the recent celebration of the Fea t of form of a mall three inch ROVlDING A FAMILIAR Our Lady of Guadalupe sticker - an annual pa to environment and a tru. t­ "Thi i an enrichment for the Delaware State Parks. At $20, P ing, omfortable setti ng whole community," Rei ·smann Park officials claim it's the best for Hbpanic atholic in a new cul ­ said. "We get ruck in our own little deal in town and comes with a ture, the t. John './Holy Angels hole and when people come in and complimentary holiday greet­ Pari~h is opening its arm. to them. give u new joy , it's wonderful." ing card from to present with Recog nizing a growing popula­ Together with Larrea, Bishop the pass. tion of Hi~panic s in the Newark area Michael Saltarelli pre ided over a Annual pa .. e are ideal for and a need for a Mass in the Spanish celebration of the feast on Dec. II. frequent park u er , or for folks langu age, the church b gan reach­ Traditionally, Dec .l2 i the fea t who are making a New Year's in g out three years ago. Father day of Mexico's Patrones , the Lady resolution to ''get in hape" or Richard Reissmann aid the need of Guadalupe, who appeared to an "reduce tress" since Delaware was first brought to his auention in Indian farmer named Ju an Diego, State Park offer vi itor a great 1995. Larrea aid. place to ex rcise, get away from According to ather Hector Lar­ During the evangelization of the it all, or ju l go on an inexpen­ rea, there w re approximately America in 1531 , a Mexican sive but fun family outing. 25,000 Hi spani c living in named Juan Di ego wa among those Annual pa ses may be pur­ D !aware at that time . "The num­ NEWARK POST PHOTO BY MEG HAN AFTOSMIS who converted to Catholi ci m. chased throughout the year, but bers have nly increa. ed since According to Larrea, one morning a many park visitors like to buy then ,'' Larrea sa id . Father Richard Reissmann, pastor of St. John's/Holy Angels Parish, Father Hector Larrea, and seminarian Antonio Villaplana at altar created Lady appeared o him atop a hill and them a gift for that family or "( wa. really shocked to find out tor the Lady of Guadalupe at the Holy Angel's worship site. told Diego to go to the Bi hop with person who ha everything. how many there were (within our a mes age to build a church in that The windshield sticker-pass parish)," R iss mann said. ·'They church offered dental and medical the Ma quite a different fee l," he arne pot. allows a vehicle and it occu­ kept t themselve, and I simply ervices, assistance with immigra­ said. " IL has a Latino touch to it. " To convince th e Bi . hop , the pants to enter mo t state parks wa<>n' t aware of th ei r pre:ence.'' tion laws, and provided f r orne Seminarian Antonio Villaplana Lady told Diego to cut rose. grow­ without paying the daily nly three months later, Reiss­ material needs , Reissmann said. now helps Larrea at the Sunday ing on the desert hill in the winter as entrance fee. mann had organized a group who This pa t July, Larrea came to th e Ma. se. and with almo t a thousand proof of a miracle. Upon aiTiving in An entrance fee is charged were interested in reachin g out to Newark parish and began offering a Hi spanics in the pari h of 3,200 front of the Bishop, Diego opened daily in state parks from Hi. pani cs and the SL France. Care Ma in Spanish every Sunday at 2 fami li es, Reissmann said the con­ his cloak to . how him the roses. The Memorial Day weekend Van was making trips to th e church p.m. as well as other church er­ gregation is "gradually making blo. som fell to the ground , reveal­ through Labor Day. to offer its services. vices. headway" in serving their need s. ing a painting of the Lady of Unable to find a priest on a regu­ Larrea i. Mexican, although he 'They are doing a wonderfu l Guadalupe a . he had appeared to lar basis, the church offered month ­ grew up in Texa , and ha always job," Rei . mann . aid. "But my real Diego on the hi II. ly Masses in Spani h for a year-and­ participated in bilingual mini stry. delight is that the (non-Hispanic The Bi . hop immediately ordered Changes may a-half, all th e while trying to get to ''Although the Mas is the arne members) have really welcomed that the church be builL and Juan know the Hi spanic community no maltcr what language it is cele­ (the Hispanic members) into the Diego's cloak was hung in . ide it, not reduce within its pari. h. Rei . smann sa id . brated in, the pani . h mu sic give parish com muni ty." sa id Larrea. Vol unteers obtained through the truck traffic Road rage is a growing problem in Delaware .... INTERSECTION, from 1 improve thin gs. ''I'm not comfort­ As part of Delaware's Safe Fam­ behavior in Delaware.'' aggressive driving often spark inci ­ fronted by an aggressive driver i to ab le saying this i a good a things ily Holiday Campaign, poli e wi ll Aggress ive driving i li ted a a dents of road rage. remain ca lm, and not to challenge are goi ng to get and just deal with target people who make area roads con tributing facLOr in nearly half of Recently, the fifth incident of the other driver. Report them by it," Wampler said. more dangerou. between now and the state'. fatal crashe .. o far th i r ad rage thi s year occulT d in memorizing the tag number, vehicle Rick Armitage, director of gov­ Jan . 4. year. Aggressive driving violation Delaware. Il wa th e third one de cription, and direction of travel· ernment and public relation. at the ''Aggress ive dri ving kills," says include following too closely, involving a gun. Road rage involve then dial 911. The , ingle most University of Delaware, al o ·aid Tricia Robert s. director of' the speeding, makin g un safe lane the intent to harm so meone by u. ing important thing you can do to pro­ Office of Hi ghway Safety. ''Our change , and running stop signs or he was concerned about the volume weapons, a motor vehicle, or even a tect yourself from aggre ive dri ­ of traffic around South Col lege increased enforcement during the stop lights. Agg ressive drivers often tire iron . ver , i to wear a eatbelt. Avenue and Main Street. "Wouldn't holidays se nds a clear message that make rude or ob. cene ge. tures to Hi ghway officials sa id the best For more information , ca ll (302) it improve sa fety to get tho e car we will not tolerate thi s kind of other motori st. a well and acts of way to protect yourself when con- 739-4475. and truck out of there ?" asked Armitage. But according to Reeb, even if the traffic cou ld go directly across Main Street on Elkton Road , truck wou ld not be diverted from South College Avenue under present con­ dition. . "Becau. e of th e gros. weigh t limit on the bridge on Route 4 (Chri. tina Parkway), truck. that come on off l-95 and up Route 896 have to continue up South College Avenue," Reeb told co unci I. 'The actual number that wou ld be divert­ ed (to Elkton Road) wou ld be sma ll compared to the i30 to J 60 we get CRYSTAL in peak hours there." '"~ddt .. Reeb sa id the bridge can support $INN the weight of the trucks but the limit ~ TRAVEL l-95 & Rt. 272 is impo. ed to prevent toll eva. i n. /1;~ ~~-~J ..... For The Marriage Made In Heaven I North Ea t, MD "Having . emi's come within a , 1j~"' ..-t And A Honeymoon To Match 1 CHANNEL SET 410-287-7 LOO block of my house to save the state 800-631-3 03 a dollar is not worth it to me," com­ :t~~ ~• ,._ '~r. /~------~------f Yo11r F11ll Service Travel Agency ANNIVERSARY BAND .. mented Wampl er. "I have a problem 1 ·'?"·•~' :7.,.. r .., • Call Us For All Yo11r Tra11el Needs • Indoor Pool & Jacuzzi • Double.Queen Mini-Suite Anti-severance pay with having the intended route for This anniversary. tell her just how much • Exercise Room • Deluxe King Suite truck traffic right through campu ." it mea ns to you that th e two of you • Complimentary Continental • Jacuzzi Suite In the meantime, Reeb said Del­ are slill the two of you. Breakfast • Executive King Suite DOT will proceed with pedestrian 1/1 0 Ct. TW RE '· $200 ...... $99 improvements and further ignal­ 1/4 Ct. TW REC. $400 ...... $169 ization improvements. ''But there's no sy t~m on earth that will give 1/2 Ct. TW REt, $650 ...... $325 everybody a green li ght in all direc­ 1 t. TW RE •. $1600 ...... $799 A gallery of tion s" Reeb cautioned. "We' ll keep Innovative In I Craft making improvement , but each one will have a smaller and maller • Unique & Imaginative gifts impact (on the overall traffic ~~ ·~"'!";'"~~ ~ • Watercolor & Biographical portraits tlo " • Contemporary Accessories 116 E. Main St., Elkton, MD • 41 0-398·31 00 IIIII fir 1111 Clllbr&diDI If Ufe Open: Mon.-Sat. 9-5:30 • Fri. 9-8 p.m. At. 213 in Fair Hill . MD • (410) 392-6268 • VISA • M/C • DISC. • AM. EX. Gallery hours: Thurs-Sun, Noon·6 I Open doily Dec 14-24. Closed Dec 25 thru Jon 10. Bridal Showcase Appears In (Wed.) Cecil Whig Accent Sedlons To Advertise Here Wrl.) Neuk Post Thi's 2Sties for One Low Price! M Nalley 410-398-1130 .1.. " l. • ~ J d ! llttp:l/ · ... • § . N f VvA I\1\ ru~ l ·:· IN THE NEWS Recycle Newark foam Unidentified elves have been Assembly a keeping this packaging sprig of a tree in the middle of a median off East Chestnut Hill this year Road decorated top Daimler· for the past FP International will provide week. Delaware re. ident. with the oppor­ NEWARK POST STAFF tunity to re ycle expanded poly­ PHOTO BY STEVE WESTRICK tyrene packaging thi. holiday . ea­ on . Chrysler plant ··whether it comes in large piece or a. loo. efill "peanuts'', DaimlerChry ler' Newark EPS i a popular cushioning prod­ A embly Plant wac recently hon­ uct for fragil e pecialt y items. elec­ Traffic relief group tronics, household appliance and ored as the corporation' top a sem­ other gifts delivered over the holi- bly plant in North America for day. ," aid FP International' 1998. The unzon, •• Newark plant manager Ken John­ Denni K. Pawley, executive management and sets course for '99 son. "Since we use recycled poly­ vice president of manufacturing, styrene to make new packaging at said the Newark facility wa rated the local communi­ The most recent meeting of the­ the Newark Elkton lntermodal Plan our plant here, accepting used foam ahead of 14 other DaimlerChry ler Newark Traffic Relief Committee doesn't reflect where the city wants packaging from the community assembly plants that produce ty have much to be was devoted to its game plan for the to go, then we have a fundamental provide us with raw material a Dodge, Jeep, Chrysler and Ply­ proud of .. " new year. Ultimately, the committee problem. If there are pieces missing. well as giving us a way to help the mouth-brand products. agreed to u e the Newark-Elkton that need to be brought to our environment." According to corporation offi­ Long-Range Intermodal Plan a a attention." Used poly tyrene foam packag­ cials, ratings take into account sev­ JIM WOLFE gu ide. The long range plan wa likely to ing can be brought to FP Interna­ eral measurements based on a NEWARK ASSEMBLY MANAGER "It gives you a good framework be approved by the Wilmington tional' facility, Ill Alan Drive in plant's overall performance in from which to work," said Roy Area Planning Council at it the Harmony Bu ine. Park, week­ worker safety, vehicle quality, co t The Dodge Durango sport utility Lopata, Newark planning director. December meeting. Other que - reduction, vehicle delivery and day 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dec. 28 to Jan. vehicle wa launched at the Newark "It 's a master plan for the future. 1t tioned the more reactive role thi 8., except New Year Day. For addi­ employee morale. faci lity in September of 1997 and covers every gamut." plan gave to the committee but tional information , call 731 -8691, "It' an honor to have been pre- ince that time, ales have teadily While focusing imply on agreed to use it as a guide while till extension 17 . ented the award on behalf of al l th e climbed. Newark aspects of the plan, the focusing on old is ues. team members at Newark Assem­ Durango ale tand at 140,000 committee cou ld still cover many of One of those old issues includes bly," said plant manager James A. for the 1998 calendar year through the pede. tri an issue. it currently has the plan for traffic ca lmjng in Old Some free parking Wolfe. November. on its agenda, as well as bike, truck, Newark. As of now, a committee i "The union, plant management Originally constructed in 195 I to car and roadway is ues, Lopata in the process of being formed, Through Dec. 27, parking i and the local community have much produce tank for the United States aid. Reeb said. free in the Newark Parking Author­ to be proud of as the world's only Army, Newark converted to passen­ According to DeJDOT planner "We try to keep these things as ity lots I, 3 and 4 located behind source of the hot-selling Dodge ger car production in April of 1957. Ralph Reeb, reviewing the plan close to the local community as we the Galleria. behind Goodwill and Durango," he said. · Between then and the spring of would benefit the Delaware Depart­ can," he said. For thi rea on, Del­ off Center Street. W<;>lfe added that an additional 1996, the facility produced over 6.8 ment of Tran portation and, in the DOT is looking for a repre entative Drivers parking at meters in the $43 million was invested into the million cars, and was the home to end, Newark as a whole, too. comminee formed from member of downtown area can expect a little facility this year, which will help several popular ·models including DelDOT see it re pon ibility a. the Old Newark Civic Association, leeway but Newark Police advise boo t annual production to over the Dodge fntrep id and Spirit, building transportation y. tern in representatives from DeiDOT, them to put some money in the lot 200,000 units there. Chrysler Concorde, LeBaron and developed areas to place where WILMPACO, NTRC, public work s, before trolling down Main Street. The honor wa presented to LeBaron Convertible, and Ply­ people want to go, said Reeb. and the fire and police departments, "We'll have a lot of di cretion Wolfe at a ceremony held at the mouth Acclaim. "We can do things about shape as well as an engineer and consul­ in handin g out warnings and tick­ UAW-DaimlerChry ler National Durango i the first truck ever to and characterisitics of the trans­ tant. ets in the upcoming week,' ' sa id Lt. Training Center in Detroit earlier be manufactured at Newark. portation system. We have a lot of John Potts. "But we're aren 't waiv­ this month . flexibility there," Reeb said. ''But if - Meghan Aftosmis ing the meter fees.' ' Christina's fifth, eighth grade readers below state average

~SCORES , from 1 average was 481.12. Chri. tina was After third grade, Christina's sa id the te. t wa given two years to know where we are . So thi s test 479.0 I whi le Colonial and Appo­ writing scores drop off sub tantially. before accountability start to find served its purpose. it gives a lot of In fifth grade read in g, the quinimink were 469.4 1 and 483 In fact, Christina ·s fifth grades had out where the state and individu al information of where we are and Chri. tina tudents who took the test respectively. the lowest mean in the slate at 7.17 districts stand. what we need to do to get better." averaged 452.7. That wa. bel w the In tenth grade math , Christina - the grade level in which Appo­ "The purpo e of thi . te. t i. to . tate mean of 460.08. Only Laurel cored a 5 11.43 average above the quinimink students scored 7.66. The improve in truction and tandard • Mary £. Pe1::..ok conlrilmled /o (449.59) and ea fonJ (45 1.04) had state's average of 510.49. However, state average was 7.41. ::~chievement,' ' Metts said. "We need !his article. lower average. than Christina in thi state education officials said tenth At eighth grade, Chri , tina and category. Colonial wa higher at grade math throughout Delaware Appoquinimink were tied for 12th , 454.30 while Appoquinimink wa was far below the national average. place at 7.41 , while Co lonial wa at ------exceptional wi th 472.91 . New Castle Vo -Tech IOth 7 .61. The state average was 7. 72. In eighth grade reading, Christi­ graders were at 499.52 while Colo­ The Chri. tina tenth grader did Gift·Certificates I na again fell below the tate average nial students were the lowest in even worse in writing coming in of 507.87 with an average ,core of New Castle County at 498.83. number 17 of 20 districts. They I 503 for district students. Colonial Appoquinimink came in at 508 .87. amassed a mean of 6.55, only sli gh t­ was at 500.23 and Appoquinimink The. writing portion had an e ay ly above Colonial at 6.62, compared I again . urpassed the . tate average and reading comprehen ion ection. to the tate's 6.92. Both New Castle with 511. 14. Chri tina third graders at number 7 County Yo-Tech at 7.08 and Mid­ I In tenth grade reading, where of I 5 di tricts were again above the dletown High School at a whopping Delaware as a whole averaged much state average coring a 6.99, com­ 7.32 hone in this category. lower than national average • pared to the state's 6.85. Secretary of Education lri. Metts I Christina was even lower. Com­ At the New Garden Airport in Toughkenamon, Pa. pared to all state student. who aver­ (Near Delaware Stale line off Rl. 4 J and Newark Road) I aged 508 .83. Chri. tina . tudents came in at number II with 506.28. I In thi s grade. Colonial students Learning to fly has never been easier, averaged 499.33, and New Castle less expensive, and safer. ounty Vo-Te h students were at RESTAURANT & BANQUET FACILITIES I 502.76. while Appoquinirnink was Serv· Lunch, Dinner & Sund Brunch 515.57. Rn1'U •n •~"- •.. ------·------·-·-··- ___ ...... y I Christina\ third grade ·math was ('il'oL' lln . lalllh. prillll' rih . l<>hstn. -..uri & lurf<>r 7 PM • Exp•· ·s" Lun ·h was 413 .23. • Eal'ly Bird Special s • Laic Night Menu • Lun<..:h ._..::_ Dinnc1· Sp •ciaJ:., • 1/2 Pncc Sp <..:lu i s Mon. W I. introductory lesson for only $25.00. I For fifth grade math, Christina • Kids M uls Fnlm $2 . ~5 • Sunday B•·un ·h wa . number 13 of 15 districts, BANQUET FACILITIES FRIDAY & SATURDAY recording a mean of 442.31 well FOR 20 to 250 PEOPLE NIGHT DJ & DANCING I below the state average of 449.82. Completely Renovated M-Thurs. IIAM-12AM Colonial was 445.71 and Appoquin­ Located .On Rt . 40 In Elkton y, Fn . & Sat. II AM -2 AM Mile From The MD-DE Lmc Sunday IOAM- IJPM I CALL 610-268-2048 FOR INFORMATION I imink was 460.97. Swiss Inn) 410-398-3252 In eighth grade math, the state GIFT' CERTiflCATF~II AVAILABLE .. L------

r ... Visit us on the World Wide Web :t us ~'1 • I P E 6 • NEwARK PoST • DEc:DmEt 26,1998 J ' r • l1 • •


Accountability means Our OF THE Arne getting an· accounting FTER MONTHS of antici- cation to media representatives on pation, the cores from the Dec. 14 to allow them plenty of time A Delaware Student Te ting to review it. Program given for the first time last Worse, parents for whom this i May have finally been released. critical information, must wait until According to the Delaware Seer~- January to find out how their child tary of Education and the Governor, is doing and where he or she can they show Delaware's students are improve. Individual report are average compared to the rest of the delayed because of a computer pro­ nation. grarnming error by the test's pub- And, they both add, that' not lisher. good enough. Actually, it' not even Finger are already being pointed as good as that. in every po ible direction. But time Christina School District, which marches on for growing children as scored as average as the best of parents well know. them, had a poor showing in all cat- It is very likely that Delaware egories for fifth grade. The district public schools will improve. Some came in dead last in the state in fifth were already giving their students grade writing. much more intensive work in writ- Christina eighth graders were ing, for instance, before the test only better than two other Delaware results were announced. districts in reading. And 1Oth grade But we urge parents not to wait W881tbelr'i been so mild it's hard to believe this was December in 1 students can use some help in writ- for their child's scores to make lq!-i' lamlly .a1nd neighbors were digging out on Dillwyn Road in HtlllltQI~•~ : JQd ing, also. changes. Start today and scrutinize uanrtnq;m-. fence and trees across the way, but the road now has hotlls.-:np At the same time, schools in everything your child does at ll!~iJ~:i:':t~ welcome to send old photographs to the Newark Post. Special·can which some Newark area students school. Is he or she succeeding? Are ·the photos will be returned. In an effort to provide more con~J)Itltf:l~e follow a track in Christina district you satisfied? Ask questions- of the "Out of the AHic" photographs, volunteer historians of the N&1!111€. were strikingly higher than the rest. child, the teacher, the principal, the SOciletYare identifying and researching some historic shots. The fortunate children who travel school superintendent, the school from Downes Elementary School to board, and the Secretary of Educa­ Bancroft Academy to Shue-Medill tion. Middle School and finally to Get answers and use the informa­ PAG~ FROM THE PAST Newark High School can apparently tion to benefit your child's educa­ get a very good education. tion. As is said elsewhere, it's your Christina administrators had no money- and your child - that pays December 26, 1923 Bus Line. expanding. comment about the test, stating as for all this. Johnson was taking some Frank Stella, the owner of late fares home from the Jen-Mar Plaza, has added late as Dec. 16 that they had not Accountability will only be a Christmas festivities Pennsylvania station and four store-front rental units. seen it, despite the fact that it was word if no one ever demands an here biggest in years upon his return trip down He said a pastry shop, the released by the Department of Edu- accounting. Main Street noticed the blaze. Breads of Italy, will occupy That Newark and the He immediately called Chief one of the units and a daycare THROUGH THE WOODS immediate community E.C. Wilson, and the latter center is currently negotiating enjoyed a right royal Christ­ turned in an alarm. for the remaining three units. mastide this year is not doubt­ The Aetna engine was According to Stella, con­ ed in the least. In fact, all soon on the scene and con­ struction has slowed down Christmas came when signs pointed to the biggest fmed the fire to the truck. No business, but he was told the holiday season in recent property damage was report­ road should be finished by the years. ed. end of January - weather per­ Santa Claus was at Lits While business men mitting. reported a slight let-down in buying during the early part Rural carriers make By MARY E. PETZAK What we wanted was seldom influenced of the last week, due in a deliveries Christmas day On the job at Christmas by advertising. I saw little television and the great measure to the unsea­ Postmaster Bowen While most everyone on NEWARK POST COLUMNIST radio was only on in our house while my sonable weather, trade again announced Christmas morn­ Christmas Day will be busy mother did her ironing in the afternoons. picked up and on Saturday ing that all the mail was sort­ opening presents and sharing CAN'T REMEMBER WHEN Christmas Stores advertised in the the Evening and Sun­ the stores were jammed with a holiday meal, some will be lo t it's magic and day Bulletin, of course, but I only read the ed and delivered. The amount last-minute shoppers. passing through the local putting in another day's work. I my tery for me. When comics. Most of our more extravagant wish­ While most everyone con­ office this year was perhaps People like Newarker Jean , I was a child, I shivered es came from the Sears Catalog, a fixture in nected with the two Colleges Thomas - an emergency I with excitement just every home on our block. the Largest in the town's histo­ was away, the great majority ry. room nurse at Christiana Hos­ thinking about it. And the The trolley stopped at the end of our of the town's population sat pital - will be working to year of watching the hol­ street, so we always took it to go downtown Aside from this, the Rural I down to big Chrsitmas din­ Carriers made their routes save lives. iday unfold through the even though we had a car. We dressed up for ners. The last minute drop in And Bob Hunter, the man­ eyes of my children were the trip and were on our best behavior, yesterday, the same as usual. turkey prices made that digni­ Although granted a holiday ager of Wawa at Del. 72 and; almost as wonder-ftlled. because you never knew for sure what Santa fied bird a common dish this 4, could save the day supply­ But these days 1t knew. by the · Federal Department, year. Wild duck, guinea, plain our local men carried the ing film and batteries. seem as though only the It was usually an evening when we went duck and chicken were also Hunter, of Newark, will be my tery left is how many Petzak or came home. Saturdays were in short sup­ Greetings, Gifts and Mail. favorite holiday meats. This in view of the conges­ off the following day and places Santa Claus can ply and stores weren't open on Sundays then. will visit relatives then. go to plug sates and still get back to the North tion of the local office equip­ Center City Philadelphia was filled with ment, is a record worthy of Pole in time for Christmas Eve. lights and decorations and shoppers on every comment and compliment. Everyday I hear commercials about places street. Think incendiary Santa is appearing - hardware stores, donut Some men dressed as Santa rang hand­ started garage tire shops. tree sales. I guess he could ee you December 24, 1993 bells as they stood beside kettles outside A fire, which many "PAGES FRoM ThE PASf" IS when you're sleeping, since he apparently stores, but we knew they were just "helpers" never does. people believe to have been mMmiD OOd FARLY IDfi1(N'; in those suits. Still, the sight of the red kettles started by an incendiary, In the Philadelphia of my childhood mem­ and jingling of the bells as we put in some Plaza grows alongside

Christmas was magic wark's Danneman wins award ... PETZAK, from 6 wanted from those little cubby­ 1be council presented the transportation and attractive of viJJage and hamlets, and fos­ holes. first annual 'Livable Communi­ development that will give ters a transparent and open where Santa at enthroned for our Sometime the pace for choco­ ty Award' to 12 individuals and Wilmington an advantage over proces of review and approval visit. Our parent tood back and late cake or a ham sandwich were orpnizations who have demon­ other mid-sized citie on the of development . held our winter coat a we children . empty when you went by the first s&rated leadership for helping to northeast corridor. Robert Mathews, Chainnan, wended our way through the long time. But if you waited a linle ~t~g~softhe Jeffrey Bullock, Chief of Chesapeake City Planning Com­ line. while, you would see the door open region's 2020 Metropolitan Staff to Governor Carper, led mission, provided community In tho e day , Lits was al o in the back of it spot and the hand 'Itansportation Plan. the development of the Land leadership in the development where you went to see the Enchant­ of an un een kitchen worker The award promotes regional Use Summit, and con equentJy and adoption of a traditional ed Village, an animated di play of appeared with a fre h new plateful. goals tO enhance our mobility made Delaware a part of the neighborhood development ordi­ Victorian cene and figure . Every We at at the linen-covered and streng~n our communities "Smart Growth" network devel­ nance to preserve the character year, it wa et up in the toy depart­ tab.le and devoured our selection tbrqugh better design and con­ oping nationwide. of Chesapeake City. ment next to the line for Santa while our parents casually tried to nectivity. Gene Danneman, Downtown Gail Van Gilder, Executive Claus. We marveled anew each year di cover what Santa had pronti ed The award recipients and Partnership of Newark, as chair Director, helped Delaware at the pre-computer, pre-special to bring us. projects are: of Newark' bu ines a socia­ Greenway become a reaJity in effects display as we anxiou ly Finally, home we went in the James M. Baker, president, tion, she lead the development the region. waited for our turn to whi per our cold, dark evening, leepi ly watch­ Wilmington City Council, as of a truly well-designed Main George Warrington, President hope and dream to Santa. ing th city light pa sing the gri lled advocate for good urban design Street that incorporates all and CEO, Amtrak, Transit Ori­ The moment came and went in a trolley windows - certa in that ~ and support of the many pro­ modes of tran portation and pro­ ented Development blur of terror at being in the great Chri tmas Day would bring exactly jects now being designed and motes mixed u e development. Barbara Washam, President, man' pre ·ence. AI mo st before we what we desired. constructed in Wilmington. Parris N. Glendening, gover­ Upper East Side Neighborhood saw hi s beard up close. we were · Christmas wa nothing but Beverly Barnett, Chair of the nor of Maryland , has been a Association, led a complex being welcomed back by our mi.l ­ magic in tho e long pa t day . Santa Ardens Traffic Calming Com­ national leader in growth man­ assortment of projects to make ing parent . Clau wa in Lit and all was ri ght mittee, who led the effort to agement.Thomas P. Gordon, sense for the neighborhoods of The monumental occasion was with the world . develop an innovative, people­ Executive of New Castle Coun­ Wilmington. not complete until we went to the • Th e authm; an attorney, is the friendly, safe street through the ty, developed and now adminis­ JP Morgan, Delaware Office nearby Horn and Hardart Automat editor of th e Newark Po t. She middle of the Ardens communi­ ter New Castle County's first Team, Churchman 's Crossing for lunch or dinner. My parents gave worked for a newspaper in North ties. comprehensive land use and travel Demand Management eac h of us a fistful of nickels to Carolina before n1oving to Pennsyl­ Beverley Baxter, Executive zoning programs which requires The bank has been a progres­ select sandwiches and dessert from vania and Delaware. She and her Director, Committee of I00 , has adequate facilities for develop­ sive leader in developing multi­ behind the tiny window lining the husband, parents of two and grand­ been a watchdog for efficient ment, promote the development ple commuting options. wall. No fast food meal, even with parents offive , li ve in Windy Hills. to y, could ever compare ro the delight of picking exac tl y what yo u Use our convenient, Antique time-saving furnishings TWO GREAT LOCATIONS from PENCADER PLAZA GOVERNOR'S SQUARE e-mail address the East ••• RTS. 4 & 72 SHOPPING CE~TER NEWARK • (302)733-0740 RTS. 40 & 7 today! 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NEWARK OunooK Kitchen ewish student botany • This weekly .feature on the Life tyle page i authored by the sees relative staff of the Newark-based Cooper­ ative Extension Service. TER GARDENING can practi al ly free when you W=p t your alad trimming to u es other than the compost pile. Chil­ canonized dren especially like the. e projects of turning waste into hou e plants. Root vegetable, such as canots, beets, and tumip will produce attractive little bushes. Trim the top o there is about one inch of vegetable attached to where the leave will proul. tand the tump a aucer filled with water. black in Rome in A di h will et off the leave very nicely. HEN UNIVERSITY OF Delaware l.Jeah Stein Set the dish near a bright window, and sen ior Leah Stein describe her great­ never let th water completely evapo­ W great-au nt as a "saint," she's speaking Stein's sainthood, comes from the ques­ rate. In a few days new leaves will literally, even though Stein is Jewish. tion of whether he died in the Holocau t begin to prout. Pineapples tops wiJl Her great-great-aunt Edith Stein became the a a martyr for the Catholi c Church or sprout also, but they need a little more Carmelite nun, Sister Teresa Benedicta of the becau e he wa Jewi h. preparation than the Cross, who was raised in the Jew ish reli gion "As Jews, we don 't understand how vegetables. Again, before her conversion to Catholi cism. he could have died a martyr for her cut off the top of a Pope John Paul II' canoni zation of the nun (Roman Catholic) reli gion," Stein says. fres h pineapple who died in the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz "My family lost o many other relative in keeping a one inch has raised controver y among Jew and the Holocaust that it's hard to understand stub of fruit Catholics alike. why all this attention would be paid to attached. Pare down Stein, who was one of 97 relatives who Edith Stein. My grandparents came from the t1eshy fruit from attended the canonization ceremony in October Nazi Gennany, and all of thi ha brought the side until you at the Vatican, aid everyone in her family up a lot of pain within the family, remem­ have only the cen- feel s differently about it. bering the ones who died." tral hard core By Jo Mercer ' Those of us who are Jewi sh fee l very dif­ Stein traveled to Italy for the canoniza­ remainjng. Allow , ferently from the branch of the family that tion with her grandmother, lise Stein, the prepared piece to air dry for a day lives in Columbia, South America, and is who e hu band grew up with Edith Stein. or two; thi will help reduce the chance Catholic," said Stein. "(Even) among tho e of Father McCartlty, There they joined other relatives from the of rot. Then pull off a few of the lower­ us who are Jewish, there are differences. My United State , I rae), Switzerland, Ger­ mo t leaves and plant the pineapple in g:randfather, for example, grew up in the arne a priest in t11e many and Colombia. fresh, damp potting soil up to the house as Edith Stein and remembers the pain Greek Orthodox The canonization outside of St. Peter' remaining leave . Set the pot in a he caused her family. Cathedral took about two hours, according bright, warm place and mi st the plant "My father's generation grew up knowing Catholic Rite., to Stein. Jewish and Catholic members of dai ly. Avoid soggy soil, which will rot how their parents felt,- and then there's my talked witla ~ the Stein family surrounded by nuns, fri­ the plant. New leaf growth and even generation that grew up much further removed ars, monks and Vatican officials sat on a the possibility of a new pineapple frUit' from it all and in a world that is generally less Je~isl1relatives platfonn with the Pope. await the successful grower. . religiou than it used to be." "No one can believe 1 was that close to Citros tree. are easy to grow from Stein said she personally feels that when her :of the·rnnl the Pope," Stein said. "The atmo phere ceds found in grapefruit, oranges, and relative converted to Catholicism, she went who1n he believes was very holy, and even if you couldn 't lemons. The key to uccess here is to where she felt comfortable. ''Sainthood and understand it all, you felt something plant the seeds in fresh potting soil miracles are not something I believe in," said performed a tremendous was happening. immediately after you take them from Stein, "but if she can have an impact on the "My German relative were crying dur­ the fruits. If the seeds dry out, they lives of Catholics, then - while it's not some­ ·rniracle and ing the sermon, which was in Gennan!' will not germinate very well. Plant th~ ~ thing I understand - I can support it. " savedlns seeds about one-half inch deep and ' Much of the debate surrounding Edith See SAINT, 9 .... keep the soil evenJy moist. Locate the 'daughter's life. pot in a warm, draft-free place in bright light. ~ rhousan<~ s of peopl . eluding a tourist l .Jeah Stein rnet on the plane n.·ip Ginger root fre h from the superM

markets will sprout fragrant exotic to the United State ·.) t to St. Peter , Squar<~ in Rot~neJn , witp.~$ .the . · foliage. Choose a finn, plump root canonization of Stei unt.. . ".._,_, · , · that has several bud points. Plant the root lying flat on the urface of the soil, then add more oil to barely cover the root. Keep the pot in a wann place in bright light; water to keep the soil evenly moist, but not soggy. 'The root will produce bamboo-like shoots that will soon reach 18 to 36 inches tall. A support fashioned of wire and string may be necessary to prevent a ginger plant from floppi ng over. The root will increase in ize, and when the plant become dormant, you can lift and divide the root for more plants or for cooking. An old-time favorite houseplant­ from-the-pantry i a sweet potato vine, Stand a plump, finn tuber, narrow cad down in a short heavy jar. Keep wala'level ju t so it covers tbe aw.....w;~ '~ thinl of the tuber. Roots wiliiDD.,_ fint, lbat shoots. Unless 1l'immed, the hoots . with bright green - ·C8l be pinned up to better way to bri1•• ~ t ..Dinl weeks of wa.- http ://www. nc bl .com/post/ o~u \IBI:.R 25, I 99 • ~. \\'\RI\. Pmi • P\(.1:. 9 Columnist offers last·m.inute gift ideas THE SEASON for Am re Dei Tre Re.•· 'Tl opera~ tho.e last minute hri 't- There are t\\O honer in mas shopper. to begin t th e se rie-.. both of which ~tar panic if all of the gift. that hould b Pl acido Domingo. He and Montser­ under the tr e arc not. Not to worry! rat aballe are the cl wn and hi. Phil t the rescue. You . ee, Phil ha. erri ng wife in the heart breaking " l been in that situation many time THE Pagliacci ." Hi world fa mous ren ­ and believes he can help thi year if dering f th fir t a t aria i br~a th you have any mu ic lo ers on your taking. Mr. Domingo is also fea­ li st. tured in Ma ~sent\ "La Navarrai-.e'' wi th Marilyn Horne and Sherrill RCA Victor has brought out two By PHIL TOMAN series of great op ra. with superb Milne. ca. Is and co nductors at much When it comes to music from reduced price co mpared to their opera which ca n . hake u t our re gular line. These are top quality inm t, few ca n compare wit h recordin gs made origi nall y in tereo give you an idea of whal'. avai labl e Verdi's .. La orza del Destino." Thi , and we re t p of th e line just a few for Ia t minute gifts. There is a opera in the "Treasury" serie · fea­ years ago before the advent to the memorable "Barb r of ev ill e" with . ture Leo nt yne Pri ce, Pia ido CD. RCA has digitally rema. tered Robert Merrill in the role of Figaro Domingo and heJTill Milnes. The the.e w rk u in g 20 bit technology leading a great Metropolit an opera Metropolitan's Jame Levine i the and UV 22 Super D encodin g. ca. t including Roberta Peters. er­ conductor of th i tragic drama. (That's tec h jargo n for "It ound nando Corena, Giorgio Tozzi and My final e amp le from this great. ") They wi ll play on any tan­ conducted by Erich Leinsdorf. . eri e i. another featurin g herri II dard home r portable CD player. Every bit of the fun of the crazy Milnes, Placido Domingo and Price and great sound are not the (like a fox) barbers adventure i on Leontyne Price . It is another Verdi only rea. ons I like the two eries the three COs. tragedy, "II Trovatore.'' Zubin called "Livin g Stereo" and "Opera Then there i that gem even peo­ Mehta conducts thi s one. Treasury. " The tar are all interna­ ple who 'don't like opera'' like, There are more opera in b th tiona ll y fa rnou s, most have been or Puccini's "La Boheme.' This great erie . I just want to offer you so me are regu Jar at the Metropolitan ca. t is led by Anna Moffo and help if you are rea ll y stuck for a last Opera and many European hou ses. Richard Tucker a the star eros ed minute Chri tmas gift which you Some are no longer ac ti ve and that lovers and includes Mary Costa and wi h to reOect yo ur good taste a make the recording even more Robert Merrill. Once again the con­ we ll a your thoughtfuln es f the intere tin g to tho e of us who knew ductor i Erich Lein dorf. recipient. th em then and younger li teners One of the mo t tunning record­ Please ha ve a very Merry Chris t­ who are yet to be thri lied by their in gs of ''Turandot" ever made is in rna and a bright. happy, prosperous thi se ri es. It features one of the The Metropolitan Opera 's Sherrill Milnes is one of many great Met stars and an e pec iall y peace-filled 1999! voices. in two new opera series from RCA . Most of us are old enough to world 's grea te t dramatic opranos in the title role, Birgit Nil sson. remember the RCA "Living Stereo'' be enough for exa mples. Bes ides, Vienna Philharmonic Vienna tate • Phil Toman has been a columnisT Renata Tibaldi and Ju i Bjoerling 1 se ri es on LP records. There are now yo u don 't have a lot of time to read Opera Choru. and Vi enn a Boy for Th e Ne11 ·ark Po since 1969. An al o tar. There are many oth er a number of th em on COs and I ri ght now! Choir are all under the baton of Her­ enthusiastic supporter of th e arts operas in the eries, but th at shou ld wou ld mention just a few here to I wou ld beg in my di cu sion of bert von Karajan. locally, he has a l'ast kn owledge of the "Opera Treasury" se ries with a A lovely, lyric al Mozart opera, the art in the mid-Atlan tic region. He and his w(fe, Marie. are long­ brilliant record in g of "Carmen" ''II Re Pastore" i of~ red with Reri UD student witnesses wi th Leomyne Price in the titl e ro le. Grist and Luci a Popp. Placid time re ideiiT. of Ne11 ·ark. Toman Franco Corelli is her lover and Domingo and Anna Moffo lead off a host a weekly radio program on canonization at the Vatican Escamilla is Robert Merrill. The fine cast in Montemezzi's "L' WNRK...... SAINT, from 8 the presence of th e Pope," aid Stein. Solution to Super One of those rece iving commu ­ Many of Stein' relative from ni on during the ceremony was Tere- Columbia are Catholic and others Crossword on a Benedi cta McCarth y of Brock­ have married persons of other reli ­ Page 11 Startl999 ton, Mass . In 1987, when she was 2- gions. "It wa a great mi xture of years-o ld , McCarthy waflowed an religion and beliefs, but we all got overdose of Ty lenol. Her li ve r along," Stein said, "even though we topped functioning and her fa mil y all had very individual view of and friends prayed to her deceased why we .were attending the ceremo­ on the ice! name ake for hea ling. The next day, ny." McCarthy wa. fine. The event, Stein aid ometimes fTiends SigH llf for tJfl tee aktJtiflg to11rst 11t tiD/ which wa dec lared a miracle, is tease her about wan tin g to be the what qualified Stein to become a next Jewish sa int, but being related aint. to a sa int hasn' t really changed her IIISTRUC'IIIJIW. ll«lfH Seeing the 14-year-old receiv life in any way. "(But) I think about Our popular program features a low student/ teacher communi on wa very moving for her," aid Stein . " I think abo ut how Stei n a was the congregation of o many people in life never rea ll y ratio, which means more individual attention. Directed familie and reli gion . . ''It must have fi nd their place and Edi th did - in • ~!m~~ by Josh Brandwene, head club hockey coach of the been an incredible thing to be a spite of the pain it cau ed her fami ­ nationally ranked UD team, this eight-week program Ca th oli c and receive Communion in ly.'' meets Saturday mornings, beginning Jan. 9. Cost is AAAAA&AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA $115, including jersey. A 80' ''D'J::&I Sizzling Grill A + "''- ~IY Selections For + luJui TIJ IIIATE. (tJ.. UIIIT (IAISIS • Christmas. a Eight-week program, with classes meeting Tuesday or Wednesday evenings or Saturday mornings, beginning A Hom~ e Assembled & Ready A the week of Jan. 5. For ages 3 to adult and for all A ~ ~ For Delivery A skating abilities.

IDRA 1/(Jl/IJAY 11/ATI/I(; SISIItJIII AIJIJIIJ! : I!.IDBbBr.l : Additional holiday public skating sessions are set on Dec. 24 1-3 p.m. A Th:: ~:rill fr0r11 dvwn uml~r. A Dec. 26-30 1-3 & 8-10 p.m. A & Dec. 31 1-3 p.m. MODERN HOME A & PRODUC-tS Jan. 2 1-3, 4:30-6:30 8-10 p.m. A ' r...!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiil A ~ ~~flY oF A Qohef A IJ.tJAWARE A A GRILLS A • Gas Logs • Fireplaces STARTING ' A We install and service AT$199 ' A whatweseU 'A A Suburban Plaza • Newark, DE • (302)369-2588 & FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL (302) 831-2868. A&&A&&A&&&&&&AAA&&A&&A&AA&A&&&&AA EWARK PoST •DE DillER 25 ] 9 • P .E 10 http://www.ncbl .com/post/


VICTO RIA N CHRI T­ call 658-2400. MAS through Jan. 3 at Rockwood Mu. eum, DINO DAYS Today and "Mistletoe and hipl ey Road, Wilming­ tomorrow. Live animal , Merriment: ton. Admi sson charge. fo il dig, craft and SUNDAY The Spirit of For information, call activities at Delaware Yuletides Past" 761 -4340. Mu eum of atural His­ tory, Route 52. 1ncludes is the theme of the HA N EL & CRETEL final rounds of All Abo ut 20th annual tour Today and Dec. 2 -29. A auru competition. of 18th and 19th ____ .J Children's luncheon and For information, ca ll century rooms mu. ical at Candlel ight 658-91 11. decorated for the Dinner Theatre, Ardentown. $10 per per on. For time and ticket , call475-2313 between I0 a.m. and 5 p.m. CHAIR MASSAGES holidays at Win.. All afternoon. Certified rn a sage therapi t Bob Gregory terthur. KING AN D l Through Jan. 24 at Media Theatre for will give free massage at Rainbow Book tore, Main The museum Performing Arts, State Street, Media, Pa. Di scount street, Newark. Open to the public. 368-7738. located on Route available for seniors, children, student and AAA mem­ bers. For times and ticket., call 610-566-4020. 52, north of I Monday, December 28 Wilmington is CHA m MASSAGES All afternoon. Certified massage open 9 a.m. to therapist Bob Gregory will give free mas ages at Rain ­ LIGHTS ALONG BRANDYWINE 5:30 to 8:30p.m. 5 p.m. Monday to bow Bookstore, Mai n street, Newark. Open to the pub­ Evening tour at Hagley Museum and Eleutherian Mills. lic. 368-7738. Advance re ervation required. $9 adults and $4 for chil­ Saturday and dren 6 to 14. Children under six are free. 658-2400. noon to 5 p.m. on OTHELLO Through Jan. 30. Performances of Shake­ Sunday. peare' play by Professional Theatre Trai ni ng Program Tours continue at Hartshorn Hall, Academy Street and East Park Place, BROADWAY BOUND Newark. For tickets and time , ca ll 83 1-2204. Noon. Local troupe pre- through Jan. 3, ThuRsDAY . ents Broadway at New 1999. For infor .. STATE FAIR Through Feb. 13 1999. Rogers and Ham­ Year' Eve Party at ·mation or tickets, merstein mu ical at Candlelight Dinner Theatre, Arden­ Newark Senior Center, call 888 .. 4600. town . For time and tickets, call475-2313 between 10 Wh ite Chapel Drive, a.m. and 5 p.m. Newark. For information, call 737-2336. EASY DOES IT! 9:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. through June I, 1999. Hands on fun with machines and HO cale FIRST NIGHT modal railroad diorama at Henry Clay Mill Galllery in DOVER 3 p.m. to mid­ Mom Hagley Museum. Free. For additional information, cal l night in downtown 658-2400. Dover. Admission charge. For information, ca ll 674- I AMC Cinema Center 3 Theaters 9327. WONDROUS STRANGE Through Feb. 21, 1999. Through Wednesday 12!23 ELEUTHERIAN MILLS 9:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. tours More than I00 works of Howard Pyle and the Enemy of the State (R) (5:30) 8:00 of the home of founder of DuPont Company will contin­ FIRST NIGHT WILMINGTON 4 p.m. to midnight in Wyeths at the Delaware Art Mu eum , Wilmington. *You've Got Mail (PG 13) (5:45) 8:15 ue through Jan. 3, 1999, except Dec. 25 and 31 on downtown Wilmington. Admission charge. For informa­ 571 -9590. *Jack Frost (PG) (6:00) 8:15 grounds of Hagley Mu ·eum. -For additional information, tion, ca11658-9327. Thursday 12!24 LAND, SEA AND NATURE Through Jan. 6, Enemy of the State (R) 2:00 (5:30) 8:00 1999. lmage of Delaware by Henry Meier at *You've Got Mail (PGl3) 2:30 (5:45 ) 8:15 Hardca tle Gallery, Route 52, Centreville. 655- *Jack Frost (PG) 2: 15 (6:00) 8:15 5230. * Special Engagement-No Passes or Di count Ti cket MEETINGS Accepted EASY DOES IT! Through June I, 1999. Exhibit ' I DECEMBER 26 368-7292. SENIOR DISCUSSION 10:30. about how machines make life easier at Hagley I Movies 10 a.m. every Tuesday at Newark ·· Museum feature plenty of hands on fun. Free. For Show times for Wednesday 12!23 information, call658-2400. POST-POLIO SUPPORT 10 NCCo STROKE CLUB noon on Senior Center, White Chapel ~~. You 've Got Mail (PG) (1: 15) (4:20) 7: 15 10:10 a.m. to noon fourth Saturday of Mondays. Meeting at the Jewish Drive, to explore topics of in1trest . Psycho (R) (1:05 ) (3:20) (5:35) 7:50 I0 :05 month. Meeting at the Easter Seal BLUE HEN CHICK Throu gh April 30, 1999. Enemy of the State (R) (I :00) (4: 00) 7:00 9:50 Community Center, Talleyville. to seniors. 737·2336. · ~ Correspondence and memento of B-17 pilot who Independent Living Center, Reads For information, ca ll Nancy Traub The Rugrats Movie (G) (12:30) (2:45) (5:00) 7:35 9:45 fl ew 38 bombing mi sion in World War n. Ex hibit Waterboy (PGI3) (12:50) (3:10) (5:15) 7:25 9:40 Way, New Castle. Fo.r informa· at 324-4444. GROW 7 p.m. each Tuesday: at Hi torical Society of Delaware at the Delaware tion, call· Ray Brouillette at 324- Mutual help support group meets Enemy of the State, 2 (R) (I :30) (4:30) 7:30 10:15 Hi tory Center, Wilmington . Call for directions and Jack Frost (PG) (12: 55) (3:15) (5:30) 7:45 10:00 4488. SINGLES CIRCLE 7 p.m. every in United Methodist Church, New time. Free. 655-7161. The Prince of Egypt (PG) ( 12:40) (3:00) (5 :20) Castle. Free confidential and non~ Monday. New London Single 7:40 9:55 I DECEMBER 27 Circle at the New London Presby­ denominational. For information, SAVING ACITY Through September 1999. Jerry Springer Ringmaster (R) (4 :25) I0:20 terian Church, 1986 Newark calt 661-2880. Exhibit on Berlin Airlift and tho e who TheSiege (R) (1:10) 7: 10 CHRISTIAN SINGLES 6 to Road New London, Pa. For infor­ participated. Dover Air Force Ba eMu eum. 677- MeetJoeBiack(PGI3) (1:20) (5:25) 9:15 8:30p.m. every Sunday. Volley­ mation , call610-869-2 140. I DECEMBER 30 5938. Show times for Tuesday 12!22 ball at Christiana High School. You've Got Mail (PG) (4 :20) 7: 15 I0 : I0 Bring your own snack or bever­ MONDAY NIGHT LECTURE 8 TAl CHI 2:30p.m. every NICHOLAS & ALEXANDRA Through Feb. 14, Psycho (R) (I :05) (5:35) 7:50 10:05 age. Daycare provided. 292-0508. p.m.second and fourth Monday of Wednesday at the Newark Se~or 1999. Hermitage Museum exhibit featuring the last Enemy of the State (R) (4: 15) 7:00 9:50 month at Mt Cuba Observatory, Center, White Chapel Drive. ,· Ru sian Tsar at Riverfront Art Center, Wilming­ The Rugrats Movie (G) (5:00) 7:35 9:45 DIVORCECARE 6 p.m. second Hillside Mill Road, Greenville. $20/month. Call737-2336 for · ton. For information, call 777-1600. Waterboy (PG 13) (5: 15) 7:25 9:40 and fourth Sunday of month. Not recommended for preschool- information. Enemy of the State, 2 (R) (4:45) 7:30 I 0:15 Divorce recovery seminar and er . $2 for adult and $1 per child. I DECEMBER Jl OTHER SIDE OF EMPIRE Through Jan. 2, Jack Frost (PG) (5:30) 7:45 10:00 support group meets at Heritage Re ervation required . Call 654- 1999. Pea ant costume from Ea tern Europe The Prince of Egypt (PG) (5:20) 7:40 9:55 Jerry Springer Ringmaster (R) (4:25) 10:20 Church, Airport 6407. on display at Delaware History Museum, Old Town Presbyterian SENIOR DISCUSSION 10:30 The Siege (R) 7: I 0 Road, New Castle. Childcare a.m. every Thursday at Newark Hall, Market Street, Wilmington. Costume featur­ I DECEMBER 29 ing detailed embroidery, metal adornment and Meet Joe Black (PG 13) (5:25) 9:15 available: $1. For information, Senior Center, White Chapel Show times for Thursda y 12!24 call 328-3800. Drive, to explore topics of intetpst intricate leatherwork were originally collected by PACKAGING RECYCLING 7 Henry F. duPont. For information, call655-7161. You'veGotMaii (PG) (1:15) (4:20) 7: 15 to seniors. 737~2336. Psycho (R) (I :05) (3:20) (5 :35) 7:50 I DECEMBER 28 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays through Jan. 8. Re ycle clean polystyrene AMBER Through Dec. 31. Learn the science Enemy of the State (R) (I :00) (4 :00) 7:00 OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS The Rugrats Movie (G) ( 12:30) (2:45) (5:00) 7:35 LINE DANCING 1 and 6 p.m. foam pa kaging at FP Internation­ behind the romance of a substancemillions of years 7 p.m. every Thursday at ~Woc»­ Waterboy (PGI3) (12:50) (3:10) (5:15) 7:25 every Monday at Newark Senior al, Ill Alan Drive, Harmony old and so beautiful it has been used to create jew­ Busine Park. For information, tion Building behind First Enemy of the State, 2 (R) (1:30) 4:30 7:30 r.ter. $8/month. Call 737-2336 elry. Delaware Museum of Natural History, Route Jack Frost (PG) (12:55) (3: 15) (5:30) 7:45 cal1731-8691 , ext. 17. Church, Garfield &•••• 52. 658-9111. for inf«madon. Kennett Square, The Prince of Egypt (PG) (12:40) (3:00) (5:20) 7:40 0160. Jerry Springer Ringmaster (R) (4:25) SINGLES NETWORK 6:30 TheSiege(R) (1:10) 7:10 p.m. Christmas at Longwood Gar­ Meet Joe Black (PG 13) (I :20) 5:25 dens with Professional & Business CiJNIHJBunoM 1m "DlvEJNoNs" MlEI' Singles, Route 1, Kennett Square, ARRWE mu 'tYF..W BOORE DATE OF JW: IN I General Cinema-Christiana Mall followed by Dutch treat dinner at WHKll THEY APPFAL local restaurant. All singles wel­ Show times for Tuesday-Wednesday 12!22-12123 come-nothing to join. $15 per per­ MAIL ro: "DMJssONS," NEWARK Poo, A Bug's Life G I:30 4:00 7:00 9:40 son. Reservation appreciated. 153 FJsr CmmNur HnL RoAD, NEWm, Babe: Pig in the City G 2:10 4:10 7:15 9:30 610-353-4624. Elizabeth R 1:45 4:30 7:20 10:10 DE 1t71S, OR FAX 757· 119. Star Trek: Insurrection PG 2:00 2:30 4:40 5:00 7: 7;30 9:45 . . t_:_:~~~~~~~~.:.!A.!YI.W... ~Jitll ..... ilt .. .' .• I http ://www.ncb /post/ 0 En.\18t:R 25, IY98 • Nt~ W. \RK Po sT • P\<. · 11 NL WAI\1\ PO'> I ·:· CROSSWORD PUULE

ACROSS chlet 12 Oatk·red 127 h's opposed fairy tale n Incite 1 Grating to functlcn wircer apple 10 starbolld opener 79 Fragrant the ear 52 Plowed lands MOormouse 121 A!elltr 31Ttrrify flavoring I "Cool- 53 Small valse 15 Good kx:k feature 37 Spellng or seed Luke" (movie) 55 Explore an present DOWN Copland 80 Ahln, Scar· 10 Fasten with Idea MJapan 1 Lorenz of 31 Greek lett, et al. a rope 56 Part of a follower songdom philosopher 81 Dashboard 14 Groucho's dynamo 17 Oll·producing 2 Allege 41 Nudge rudely Indicators brother 57 Playwright country 3 Carnival 43 Long, narrow 83Compass 11 Spanish Connelly II Partner of attraction crest point province 58 Curved substance 41nformal 44 Small bay 88 Informal seal 20 Other, to molding 100 Orange· red language 45 Oyer's vats of agreement Caesar 60 Gambler's chalcedony 5 Curved 47 Baal, 11 al. , 88-avls 21 - Frla (river concern 101 Dangerous mustache • 48 Small fruh 10 Some In Arizona) 61 Chemical curve 6 Submhs, as pie sedatives 22Giveby compound 102 Related on a test paper 41 Norse 11 Darf( area on decision 62 Medieval tale the mother's 7 Certain legend Mars 23 MiUtary In versa side Alaskans 51 Edmond 13 Poker player'! fortification 63 OeUberately 104 Plucky 8 CaroHne. to O'Brien dream 24 Exigency maticlous quaHty Eunice suspense IS Prepared 25 Bill or pipe 65 Latin 107 "Witness· I TV's film news release starter connections sect "Major-· 53 Drug from 18 Capital of 26 Fountain 66 Hiding place 110 Leverets 10 Comedian Indian hemp Niger nymph 68 Italian epic 112 "Bonnie - Bert 54 More serene 100 Upperclass· 27 Drift poet Clyde" 11 Early Greek 57 Hostess with man 28 French 70 Enjoy the 113 EngUsh moor mall? the mostest 102 City In the nobleman slopes 117 Light, 12 Most 51 Public Auhr valley 29 Made a 73 Rnery buoyant confident warehouse 103 Sing like Bing boo-boo 76 Sensory wood 13 Passes 62 Narrow ship 105 Danny's 30 Perfume structures 118 ·-vlnclt along channel daughter measures 78 EmbeiUsh omnia" 14 Second 64 Before the 106 Plant of the 31 Sparkles 82 Old World 11D Musical Hand Rose's CIA legume family 34 Take tor sandpiper group wardrobe 67 Assumes 107 Desert granted 8-4 Sale 120 Sinus 151nformed control of garments 36 Maple-syrup condition cavities 16 Skate genus 6D He played 108 Brewer's neec base 85-lnone's 121 Strange 17 Baby Charlie Chan 109 Hip bones 39 Sister of Ares bonnet 122 Light of carriage 70 Author of 111 White-tailed 40 Constant 86 Asian capital Broadway 18 Race tracks ·uncle Tom's eagle practice city 123 Baseball Info Cabin" 114 Sweet, pulpy 42 Indulge In a 87 Kitchen family 29 Ancient 71 French fruit drink gadget 124 Prepare to chariot military caps 115 Arboretum 43 Narrow inlet 8D Boxer's be knighted 32 Lavin and 72 Dunne or attraction 46 Prospero's trainer 125 ·-and Gershwin Cara 116 Arsenio or slave D1 Type of Deliver" 33 Shade of 74 Coin of Iran Monty 48 Asian weights hemp or (movie) difference 75 Serfs, once 119 Dance like so Yes-man's paper 126 Unit of force 35 Word in a 76 One Picasso Hines Two lovers 'perfectly cast' in 'Shakespeare' By BOB THOMAS ence promp t. Shake. peare to shrug before a performance; an ac tor com­ Wilk inson and Simon Ca ll ow. It is had been: dashing, fe arless, besoued off hi s ha ngups and move on to cre­ plain s, "I never pla yed the Palace.'' the great Dame Ju di Deneb who with love, conscious of his immcn e NEWARK POST CONTRIBUTING WRITER ate his greatest works. Inside joke: a lampoon of today's elec tri fies her every scene. playi ng gift but not overwhelmed by it. Marc Norman wrote the cree :1 - fi lm credit s. Queen Eli zabeth with the .arne bril ­ Fienn e. ' own des tin y appea rs cer­ MAG INE yo u knew the e thing play of " hake.- peare in Love," with Di rec tor John Madden in ve. ts liance she applied to Victori a in tain to be tard om eq ual to hi s about Wi ll iam Shakespeare: Th at Tom Stoppard add ing hi. own the fil m wi th all the lusty verve of "Mrs. Brown.'· bro ther Ralph's. I he had a fl aming, adulterous bright ironies. They prov ide Tony Richardson ' "Tom Jone . ." The two lovers are perfec tl y cast. The Miramax and Universa l affair during his early London yea r . anachroni m th at turn out to be He make. splendid use of the Miss Paltrow brings beauty and re lease wa. produced by Davi d That he suffered from writer's more amu ing than disconcerti ng: large, tell ar cast, whi ch includes intell ige nce to the . pi rited Vi ola. Parfitt, Do nn a Gig lio ui, Harvey bloc k and sought a cure on a consul­ Wi ll tell s an ac tor "break a leg" Geoffrey Rush, Ben Afflec k. Tom Fiennes' Shakespeare is what one Wein stein , Edward Zwick and Ma rc tant 's couch. woul d li ke to imagi ne the great man Norman. That hi s play about th e star­ crossed lovers was first titl ed "Romeo and Eth el, the Pira te'. Need a lawyer and Daughter." It wo ul d all be fantasy, of cour. e, can't afford one? because the Bard of Avo n's person­ al life is large ly a blank to hi story. Get Pre-Paid Legal But that didn 't . top the maker. of ''Shakes peare in L ov ~ " from con­ Scho coctin g a glorious rom1 through th e Call Darren Knight at . life and r ~ t u co u s times of th e liLa­ PRE-PAm beth an theater. LE<:AL S EHV I CI-~ S"' , INc. (302) 836-5680 &~~JnfOi ! ..n • k The . ett in g is 1593. Will Shake­ AND SUlJSUllAKIES *** Business ·Opportunities Available *** sp are (Joseph iennes). has left hi s --=--Momv1t.lon ~t. ,.,.,.~J f• •.,.,.Ur-1 zn wife in tratford -on-Avon and ha created a sti r in the London theater with his chroni cles and comedies ~~de~ Utt6tk ~. such as 'T he Comedy o( Error ,...... * Homework Helptine • Prayer Requests • Events • School Closing and 'T he Ta min g of the Shrew. " Almo. t 30, he is sexuall y re ·tl ess * ·~ * . 41 0·620·3900 and uncertain of hi. desti ny in th e * ~ ~ * theater. Al ong co mes Lady Vi ola Here's How It Works: School Link is a (Gwy neth Paltrow ), a rebell ious 1. From a Touch-Tone™ 410·620·3900 free service to all beauty and head. trong wo man · bound by the restrai nts of a male­ 2. When you hear the introductory message, schools who would dominated society. She di gui se THIS nE~ YEAR'S EVE, YOU CAn CO TO enter the four-digit code listed by the name of the like to participate. her elf a a man to qu alify fo r the Tl mES SCi>VARE TO WATCH THE BALL DROP. teacher's message you'd like to hear. For more information playw right'. new pl ay and wins the OR YOU CAn COmE TO IROn HILL FOR contact TlmSchwab at role of Romeo (males pl ayed 3. You'll hear a brief message from one of our female character in ce women SOmETHinG THAT COES DOWn EVEn EASIER. business partners, followed by tonight's homework . ....___4_10_·3_9_8-3_3_11_ ..... were fo rbidden on the Eli zabeth an . rage). Will uncovers her ru se, and Join us for New Year's Eve at Iro n Hill Brewery & Restauran t as" e MOUNT AVIAT ACADEMY hi s passion ,ri ses. ri ng out the o l.d and r ing in the brew. T hi s spec ial eve n ing will SCHOOL CLOSINGS 7030 MRS. BARTOW 7038 But Will'. romance with Viola, feature a fabulo us multi - co urse d inner of o ur creative cuisine like the romance in the play he now paired with complimen tary selections of o ur own award - win ning PRAYER R£QUEST UNE 7047 MS. HARTMAN 7039 feveri shl y writes, is doomed. She i. beers, as we ll as live music and gene ral celebrato ry accouterments. destined to marry nasty Lord We.­ GENERAL INFORMATION 7031 SR. CHRISTINE EUSABETH 7040 sex (Colin Firth), who needs her After all , why start the New Yea r in the same old way? SPORTS PROGRAM 7032 MRS. DAWSON 7041 dowry to settle hi s debts and fin ance FRESH HAnDCRAFTED BEERS I RECtOnAL AmERICAn FARE I WinES AnD SPIRITS hi s property in Virginia. SR. JOSEPH MARGARET 7034 MRS. PARE 7042 What follow s is the stuff that MRS. OELCOGUN 7035 SR. LAWRENCE THERESE 7043 Shakespeare's comedies are made of: mi staken identities, witched MRS. KRAFT 7036 SR. ANNE EUZABETH 7044 sexes, undeli vered messages. IR0n t=IILL BREWERY tr RESTAURAnT MRS. BAKER 7037 MR. GREENE 7045 It all ends with the lovers onstage. Viola playing Juliet MRS.I\1~,, Pusr ·:· PEOPLENEWS Metcalf promoted his bachelor's degree in music theo­ ry from Temple. Newark re ident Michael Met­ calf wa pr mated to director of REcooBIIITHS Clark gets postal award cu tamer engi- neering at om- • Thesday, Dec. 8 neth , Newark, daughter Conard- Ann M. and Jeremy, Newark lettercarrier Harry J. ca. t ellu lar Gayley- Cy nthia and Randall , Newark, daughter Clark earned the Nati onal Safety Communica tion s Bear, on • Friday, Dec. 11 Council ' Million Mile Club Safety Inc . In hi s new Rager- Carol Jane and Douglas, Dehoniesto- Kim and James, • Monday, Dec. 14 Award . Clark quali fied fo r the po. iLi on, Met alf Newark, son Bear, daughter Farren- Sherrie L. and Dani el, award after driv ing over 30 years will focus on the Mauti- Sophia ~ nd Lawrence, Rivera- Sonia and Carl Harper, Newark, on without an accide nt, de pite weath­ re oluti on of tech­ Newark, son Newark , daughter Collins- Karen Ly nne and er-related and hi gh traffic obstacle nical i. sue. to bet­ Noez- Brubaker- Ruth and Anthony, Bear, on a sociated with mail de li very. ter serve cus­ • Wednesday, Dec. 9 Andrew, Bear, daughter Wilson- Mandy Beth and Ja on tomers. Hi s team Carter- Karen and Scott Trent- Nancy and Robert, Martinez, Bear, daughter Evenson earns scholarship wi ll consist of Edmond , Newark, daughter Newark, daughter Pittman-Li a and Jo eph, diagno. ti c pe­ Wojcik- Lo ri A. and Stani , Moore- Vicki and Garret, Newark, daughter Uni ver ity of eni or ciali sts who will Kirkwood, . on Ne wark, on Nelson- Stacy and Mark, Elizabeth Evenson has been award­ troubl e~ h o ot customer conce rn s, Te- Anita and Dav id , Beat, Loughlin- Jennifer and Joseph , Newark, on ed a Mar hall Scholarship for sLUd y sale. liai . ons to help create innova­ daughter Bear, son Donovan-Lisa and Keith , Bear, at the University of Nottingham in tive solutions to cusLOmer need. and Goetzke-Eli zabeth and Arnold, Clark- Jenni e and William, daughter England. Even on, 22, a Newark engineers and technicians to handle Newark, son Newark, daughter Church- Li sa and Elwood, nati ve, will tudy law at the inter­ the implement ation process. Hi s Herfurth- Jane and Mark, Bear, Ne wark, son nation ally recogni zed human ri ght team will al o be re. pon ible for daughter • Saturday, Dec. 12 DePrisco- Cy nthia and John Jr., law research center in Nottingham, testi ng new prod ucts. Bak- Tracy and Stanley, Bear, Sutton- Sharon and Scott, Bear, Newark, son England. son son Mullikin- Dawn and Leonard, Doberenz first Cecil Leitbeit- Mic hell e, Newark, son Bear, daughter Fox completes basic teacher certified • Thursday. Dec. 10 Nagowski- Chri tina and Lowalcyk- Barbara and Ri chard , Bear, son • Wednesday, Dec. 16 Marine Pfc. Michael C. Fox , son Annamarie Doberenz, a ki nder­ Michae l, Newark , son Bordley- Shelly and George Jr., Czarnecki- Kell y and Sam of Sandra L. Ashecraft of New garten teacher at Ceci lton Elemen­ Paduano- Frances and Brian, Newark, daughter Lewi , Newark, son Cas lte, recently completed basic tary Schoo l, is the fi rst and only Bear, on Eckerd- Kathy and Mi chel, trai ning at Marine Corps Recruit teacher in Cecil C::ou nty, Md ., to Chandler- Charlaum and Ken- • Sunday, Dec. 13 Newark, daughter Depot, Parris Island , S.C. and wa ac hi eve National Board Certifi ca­ promoted to his present rank. tion. A gradu ate fro m the Univer ity Th e graduate of Saint Mark high School of Wilmington, joined of Delaware with a bachelor and a notable performance in a sin gle year Camporee held Oct. J 6-18 at Rod­ rna ters degree in earl y childhood include Grace Kirby, New Castle ney Scout Reservation . Borton in opera role the Marine Corp in June 1998. ed ucation , Do berenz has been sea anal publ ic information special­ Over 900 sco ut from 44 units Mi chae l Borton of Newa rk teachin g kinde rgarten for 10 year . ist in support operation s, Tanya attended. recentl y sa ng the roles of Sylvana Morris enters Marines In add iti on to teachin g, she mentors Spencer of Newark, a public infor­ All unit participated in competi ­ and one of th e Satyr in the Marine Pfc. Jarred R. Manis, son stud ent teacher. from the Uni versi­ mati on speciali st in support opera­ tion in eight events including first­ Philadelphia premi ere of Francesco ty, and is an exec uti ve board mem­ ti on , and Cheryl Griffin of aid , lashin g, fire startin g, knots, etc. of Herbert W. and Sharon E. Manis Cavalli 's La Ca li sta, in English, pre­ of Newark , recentl y completed ber of the Junior League of Wilm­ Delaware City, a surplu s property 23 scouts from the troop attended. sented by Temple Uni vers ity's ington. She also serves on th e Alum­ technician in purchasing. Lee Cole, All four of the troop 's patrols fin ­ ba ic training at Marine Corps Opera Theater. Recruit Depot, Parri s Island , S.C. ni Earl y Childhood Adv isory Board Delaware Ci ty food commoditi es ished with honor . Th e gradu ate student in Templ e's at th e Un iversity. Morri s joins 41 ,000 men and program coordinator in purchasing, Boyer Co llege of Mu sic also earned Doberenz i. . the daughter of Dr. was honored for th ree years of state ' women who will enter the Marine & Mrs. Alexander R. Doberenz of service. Corps this year from all over the Hockess in . country. Local state Ayars finishes basic Anker in Navy workers honored Marine Pfc. Kenn eth E. Ayers, son of Kenn eth E. Ayers Jr. of Navy Airman John 1. Anker, son Loca l res idents we re among Newark, rece ntly completed ba ic of Mi chele Merl oughi of New Ca - those honored by th e Delawa re tra inin g at Marine Corps Recruit tie, recently completed U.S. Na vy Department of Admn i trati ve Ser­ Depot, Parri s L land S.C. and was basic train ing at Rec ruit Tra ining vice fo r qual ity wo rk, customer er­ promoted to his prese nt rank. Command , Great Lakes, Ill. He is a vicc, imp rove rn ent in serv ices, and The 1988 graduate of G Ia. gow 1998 gradu ate of James H. Groves co~ t sav in g ideas . Rec ipients of th e Hi gh Schoo l join ed the Ma rine Hi gh Schoo l. xce pti onal Awa rd, for notable per­ Co rps in August 1997. f rma nce longer th an one year Collins done deployment included Ru th Bedwe ll , min i-mi cro Troop 250 in first place computer opera tor in purchasing, Navy Petty Office r I st Cia and Darlene Hicken, photo- repro- The Boy Sco ut Troop 250 of the Timothy A. Co lli ns, son of Regina lu cti on technician in support opera­ Newark Fir. t Pres byteri an Church E. Collins of Newark, recently com­ ti o n ~. both of Newark . Rec ipi ents of fini shed in I. t place in th e Freedom pleted a ix-month deployment to th e Di stin gui shed Awa rd, for Tra il 's 1998 Path of the Pi oneer th e MediterTa nean Sea and Arabian STWFNIS IN POUL1RY COMlfJTIION Gul f with the doc k landi ng ship USS To rtu ga, home ported in Littl e Students from Christiana High School competed in the National FFA Poul­ Creek, Va. The 1984 gradu ate of try Career Development Event in Kansas City, Mo. Team members includ­ West Philadelphi a Hi gh Sc hool of ed (left to right): Danielle Ragazzo , Jenny Clark, Kaiti Lawson , and Andrea Phil adelphia, joined the Navy in Leventry. They were accompanied by their advisor/coach, Thomas Lundy March 1985. Looking for of Wilmington. Promotions at APC Gutter and Siding • Landscaping • Masonry T. Page Elli ott was appointed Quality corporate vice pre idem and secre­ tary for As ociation Plan Concepts Inc. of Newark. He also ass umed the role of vice pre ident of market­ in g. At the same time, Karen Wyatt Long-term was named corporate trea urer and chief financial officer. Healthcare? Call Today: (410) 398-6554 HOME AND BUSINESS MAINTENANCE :For tfie jo6s tliat are too sma[[for a contractor. CALL CALVERT MANOR ROBERT GALLAGHER HEALTHCARE CENTER Proud of their wins In the Unlversl· ty of Delaware college of marine 444-6337 studies essay contest are (left to • right): Lauren Cook, Rebecca Collins, Whitney McMillon, and 1-800-787-6337 Danlelle David, all from Frankford 1881 Telegraph Road • Rising Sun, Maryland 21911 Elementary School; and, Annie Claire McBride of Bayard Interme­ Deck Cleanlne • Deck Sealing • Gutter Cleanlne &Maintenance diate School. DE<: tBER 25, 1998 • NEW.\Rf.:. P • PM .E 13 http://www.ncbl .com/post/

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night will feature mu ic by the Ed Tree recycling is free and available to all Delaware Seasonal services Brewery plans Morgan Quartet, performing jazz residents, but not open to commer­ planned for holidays New Year's Party and blue hits. AI o incJuded are at Bellevue Park cial or retail hauler due to volume Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant party favor and a midnight cham­ The Delaware Division of Park limitations. Re idents are reminded Wor hip ervice will be held on will ring in 1999 with their Second pagne toast. and Recreation offer it Annual to remove all tinsel, wire or other Christma Eve at Our Redeemer Annual Gourmet Beer Dinner and The co t i $50 per person. Christmas Tree Recycling service foreign materials from their trees Lutheran Church in Chestnut Hill New Year's Party. Reservations are required. Saturday, Dec. 26, through Monday, before dropping them off for recy­ Estates, 112 mi le we t of the inter­ A special four-course dinner will For information, call 266-9000. Jan. 18, 1999, at Bellevue State cling, and that no hou sehold waste section of R ute 4 and 273. feature di hes com plimented by Park, 800 Carr Road, Wilmington or yard debris may be left at the tree The Children and Fami ly Service Iron Hill' handcrafted beers. The from 8 a.m. to unset. The program recyc1ing sites. will be held at 7:30 p.m., fo llowed later by an 11 p.m . Candleli ght •It ....~ ~ ~ .:...,...... _._., ...... _.;..·· ...... _ ..... ,.. ___ ...... __ t«m.. f«llh"·It t «ll~f ...t«l l ~f"·- · ~~~~ · .;t« O~..,f t «l Communion. ~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ·~ ~·~ On Chri tma Day at 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist will be celebrated. 1»•~.- t«l On New Year's Eve, a Watchnight Communion will be start at 7:30 p.m. AH are welcome to attend the e services. 1 From r~\~s,:J .,.·~~ Art House market open ~. I~• Original art wor~s and crafts are All Of Us .,.~•«I available at the H9Iiday Market spon ored by the Newark Arts Ali ­ At E.C. Shades ~~·~, iance Wednesday, Dec. 23 from ..,.,.. noon to 5 p.m. Free parking avail­ ~.I! able behind the Art House. 266- ~~· t«l 7266. .,. ~ .. ~ I»•..,.,. •«1

~ .. I.! I»• t~ l .,.~ ~ .. ~ Fox Run Shopping Center I»...• ,.,.•~I 302-836-5500 ~ .. Car Stereo, I»n•r;,.• ·~~ Sales & Installation Parts not inc luded. FREE PAGERS

HI MAS with ... irst Pr -sbyt 'Jrian hurch 292 W. Main t. t M in N wark, 1-5644 UN AY, MB R 20, a:oo/9:3o;n :oo 7 The Fourth Sunday in Advent Celebration with special m Wor hip 9:30/11 :00 The First Nowell by R. Vaugh an Williams ~~~~~~:;__ ~ CHRI TMAS VE, D CEMBER 24 :00 p.m. F mily rvl of Lessons and Carols with Carol and Crusader Choirs, (Nursery available) : 0 p.m. - hrL tmas nd 9:00 p.m. ndl light rvi with special music by Youth Chorale and Brass Quartet. 7:00p.m . .. mily hristma. v 11 :00 p.m. C ndl light S rvic with Eucharist, rvi Chancel Choir: Gaudete by Anders Ohrwall

:4 .m. - p cial rvic Mu ~ i Pastors : Clifford A. Armour, Jr 10:00 p.m.- hristma v andl light ervic Isabel T.S. Gardner includin ommuni n ~;;;;:;.=;;::...... Campus Pastor: Laura Lee C. Wilson Music Staff: Betsy Kent David Herman The R v r nd Dr. tephen A. Hundl y, Pastor George Kirk R v r nd . Kerry linkard, As~oclat Pastor whe !chair accessible 6. • NEWARK PoST • DECEMBER 18, 1998 Visit us on the World Wide Web

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UD x offices i hed it working day. The h ur are 10 7 a.m . during the week have winter hours and 11 :30 p.m . to 8 a.m. on week­ end . The other need i for childcare The box. office at the Univer ity 1-95 tolls going up in January 7 to 9 p.m. while parent are of Delaware's Bob Carpenter enter engaged in a meeting or upport wi II be clo ed from Thur day, Dec. pass a toll plaza on the Turnpike Adrruni tration group. Staff upport is available at OTORISTS who u e 24, through Saturday, Jan 2. On al1 times. Volunteer mu t be at least E-ZPass will have Delaware Turnpike and soon Building, 1200 Whitaker Sunday, Jan. 3, when the men ' bas­ 16 year old. If interested, please Mdiscounted tolls on on Route 1,"said DelDOT Road, Newark. ketball team takes on Northeastern , call Tanja at 737-224 L. the I-95 Delaware Turnpike Secretary Anne P. Canby. A group of five Northea t the b x. office will be open from l 0 When motorists travel tolling authoritie introduced a.m. to 2 p.m. once a scheduled toll rate Beginning on Monday, Jan. 4, Donate vehicles change goe into effect. through a toll lane, an anten­ E-ZPas on Interstate 95 and th Carpenter Center box office will to MS Society A of Jan. 4, 1999, E­ na will read the E-ZPass tag on the Atlantic City Express­ be open from J0 a.m. to 6 p.m., ZPass customer with two­ and automatically deduct the way in New Jer ey, in Monday through Friday and from The National Multiple Sclero i axle vehicles will continue to $1.25 toll from their prepaid November, and it will be LO a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays for Society of Delaware is currently pay the current toll rate of account. used on Delaware's Route 1 the month of January. offering to pick up used vehicles $1.25. Motorists who do not Applications for E-ZPass in the spring of 1999. The box office at the Trabant from individuals who live anywhere use E-ZPass will pay $2 toll are available by calling 1- The New Jersey Turnpike Univcr ity Center will close from in Delaware in exchange for a tax 888-AUTO-TOLL (1-888- and the Garden State Park­ Thur day, Dec. 24 through Sunday, deduction. The MS Society will per trip. This is the first toll Jan. 3. It will re-open on Monday, accept cars, vans, trucks and RV 's in increa e on I-95 since Sept. 288-6865), or from toll col­ way are scheduled to launch Jan. 4 with January hour from 10 any condition. Free towing is pro­ 1, 1993. lectors at toll facilities. E-ZPass on their roadways in a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Fri­ vided and donation are tax "In addition to reduced Applications also are avail­ the year 2000, making this days. The Trabant Center box office deductible. For further information, stress and fewer traffic able on the E-ZPass Web site $488 rni llion implementation will be clo ed on Saturdays in Janu­ please telephone Nancy Kemble at delays, E-ZPass motorists at and of electronic toll collection ary. the MS Society at (302) 655-5610 will now enjoy considerable from the Customer Service the largest procurement of its or toll free: 1-800-FIGHT-MS. discounts every time they Center at the I-95 Delaware kind in the world. Homeward Bound needs volunteers Girl Scout cookies on their way priced at $3 per package. Last year, City recreation idents is Saturday, Jan, 9, from 10 University of Delaware students the nation's 2.5 million Girl Scouts a.m. to noon. Those living outside who volunteer at Homeward Bound The Girl Scouts of the Chesa­ sold nearly 200 million packages of programs planned of Newark can register beginning are gone during the month of Janu­ peake Bay Girl Scout Council are cookies- enough to circle the earth. Thesday, Jan. 12. All registrations ary, which creates a need and an getting ready for the annual cookie All revenues from cookie sales sold The City of Newark and Recre­ will be taken either through the mail opportunity for volunteers from the sale which has been held for 63 of locally remain within the Chesa­ ation Department has more than 170 or in person at the Newark Munici­ community. Overnight volunteers the 87 years Girl Scouts have­ peake Bay Girl Scout Council. recreation programs for preschool­ pal Building, 220 Elkton Road. leep on-site and relieve full-time ed. This year, they start taking cook­ er to adults in the .coming months. Walk-in registration for Newark res- For detailed information about staff after the household has fin- ie orders on Jan. 9 for cookies programs, call 366-7060.

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SCHOOLS • UOF DELAWARE • LEAGUES Glasgow off to good start Alii want for T REALLY HAS been Dragons win a great year for high I school sports in the first three Christmas Newark area I It started off in February with St. Marl(s and games IS ... Hod~~state WJBSttjhg champ!* onships and continued By MARTY VALANIA By MARTY VALANIA thrQUQh December with Newar1< High winning Its NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER second straight Division I state football tourna- High expectations can S WE' VE all learned ment. . often mean a high amount over the years, The Holiday season is of pressure on a team. A Chri tmas is real! y a one for reflecting on the After opening the season time for giv ing. good tbtngs that are in with two relatively easy Well , we've finally gotten ourHves. wins over Mount Pleasant that through Wa, the Sideline, at feel and Dickinson, the Glasgow our thick ' vmy fortunate to be High girls' basketbaJI team invOlVed in the Newark skull s and area sports scene. picked up the pace with a decided to We wish everybody a solid 62-51 victory over give out some highly touted Caravel last ~ry' Happy Holiday and much-needed Thur day night at Glasgow. a ttaPPY·New Year! gifts thi Hol­ The Dragons raced to early leads of 16-2 and 28-8 iday season . on their way to the victory. It has been "That was a real nice a great year UP: To the .Glasgow win for u ,"said Glasgow for many of Valania Hig·h G111s basketball coach Larry Walker. "We our local 'teiin.' ' ·TheO ragon s shot the ball extremely well teams, athletes Opehed'thei( Sea50!1 on early in the game. I never and coaches. But, successful . , ~ l10$itiv'e note With tWo expected to get out of the athl etes and coaches are rarely straiQI!t blowout Vlcto- gate like we did . I was glad ati fied. However, we will do . ries ..,Their season will to ee it." our best to help them out. get toug~er this week. Glac;gow also had a well­ We've made our li t, UP: To Bobby Jacobs. balanced attack with Jacobs is the director of checked it twice and already Lashanda Simpson collect­ have a good idea who' been the Slam Dunk to the ing 17 points and 15 Beach Tournament in naughty or nice. Lewes. It's the best high rebounds. KeJiye Hjne added 14 points whi le Tia school basketball tour­ Christiana volleyball nament ln the country. Enni chipped in with 13. Tammy Adams and Katie coach Kim Huggins - A real UP: To all the local ath­ home court to play her games letic directors, coaches Steven on each contributed and athletes for a very eight points. on nex t season. memorable 1998. After trai ling 41-24 at Organizers of the Yellow­ Thanks for making this a halftime, Caravel tormed jacket Invitational wrestling great area to cover high back into the game with a tournament - A date that . school sports. 13-2 run to cut the Glasgow doesn 't coincide with the Mid ~ HIGH FIVES lead to 43-37. Atlantic Wrestling Tourna­ Six points, however, ment. Bovs Basketball wo uld be a close as the 1, AoW8rd Newark High football Bucs were ab le to get all team -An understanding that 2. Witliam Penn night. their earned Division I state 3. Sanford "You have to give Gla - 4. St. Malt's champion hip i more impor­ 5, Caesar Rodney gow credit," said Caravel coach Joe Pennell . "Every tant than anybody's mythical Glds'lalbtball time we got some momen­ ranking. 1. AI. OuPont tum, they would hit a big Glasgow High football 2. Urswihe basket. coach Mark DeiPercio - A 3.Caravel · "I' m real encouraged NEWARK POST PHOTO BY HEIDI SCHEING job in the building. ·•.a--• though. We could've roJJed Glasgow High baseball s.~ over and got blown out by team - A few win . Glasgow's Katie Stevenson drives to the basket while Caravel's Bonnie Mills defends See GLASGOW, 18 ~ during last Thursday night's game at Glasgow High. See LIST, 19 ~

Glrll SWimming Local soccer players honored 1. St. Mark's 2. Newark 3.fta- American election. hutouts. 4.~ne Dzielak named Dzielak, a Newark resident, Other local player named to the 5. A.l. DuPont scored 30 goal and recorded eight first team include Christiana enior assists to lead the state in scoring for Tom Alexander, Newark junior Noah state's Player the econd con ecutive season. He Thoma , St. Mark's sophomore GAME OF THE finished hi s career with 73 goals and Adam Flanigan, Middletown senior WEEK 31 assists. Nate Husser, Glasgow senior Ryan of the Year Both hi s season and career goal Bordas and St. Mark junior Pete totals are chool records. Ferrante. Christiana's Greg Victor was sec­ Alexander cored 27 goal for the By MARTY VALANIA ond to Dzielak in the all -state voting Viking while Thomas was the Yel ­

Ill II I II II II I 1111111 I 11111111 II II 11111111~11 !.. 1111 and is a regional All-American selec­ lowjack~ts' leading goal scorer and NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER tion. Victor, only a junior, scored 11 one of their top assist maker . goals and had 14 assists in helping Flanigan scored 12 goals and had The local schools were well repre­ the Vikings to the Flight A champi­ 20 assists in hi fir t year tarting for sented on the 1998 AJJ-State soccer onship and a berth in the state semifi­ the state champion Spartans. team. nals. Husser scored 13 goal for Mid­ Three-time defending state cham­ Also a earning regional All-Amer­ dletown during the season, raising his pion St. Mark's led the way with ican honors was Glasgow goalkeeper career total to 52. NEWARK POST FU PHOTO three players on the team including David Scruggs. The junior only Local players named to the second Jason Dzielak, the state's Player of allowed 10 goals in 16 regular season St. Mart's Ja• Dzlellll II 1111 1• the Year and Delaware's national A11- games. He also posted seven See SOCCER, 19 ~ Delaware Player of the Year.

f ... P.\(.[ lH • U\' \RJ\ POH. 0F.<.E\1BER 25, 199 Visit us on the World Wide Web N 1 \VA 1\1, Po<:> 1 ·:· SPORTS Christiana girls seek A1HLErE OF THE WEEK state tourney berth L\SHANDA SIMPSON- GlASGOW hri . tiana High girl s' bas­ At 6-feet, one inch , Findley ketball team wi ll have t learn i. the only player taller than Unfin L hed bu iness. ished Bu ine ,' we really want to "La handa is all over the floor t grow up fa. t if it wants to six fee t. That's what the Gla gow High get back into that tournament and for us," said Gla gow coach Larry make a repeat appeara nce in Michael said o far, speed girl ' ba ketball team feels it has win it." Walker before the ea on. "She' the tat tournament. is hi team' greate t a et. thi season. Simp on helped Glasgow get off obviously a very . trong and quick That's bee au e Viking "I don 't think we 're going La t ea on the Dragons wo n the to a good start thi ea on . In addi­ in ide player. But he will al. o han­ ach harles Mic hae l begins to overpower anybody thi Flight A championship and tion to her effort in the first two dle the ball some for us as well. hi s eighth season at the he lm year," Michael aid. "We're advanced to the tate semifinals games, she scored 17 in helping the She' one of our tronge t ball han ­ wi th ut any enior on hi s ros­ goi ng to have to learn to bef re falling to St. Eli zabeth. They Dragon to a big win over Caravel. dler and she can al o . hoot the ter. improve ou r rebounding and fin ished the ea. on with a 24-2 Simpson, who was a fir. t-team three-poin t shot if we need her to. " Thr ugh it. first three our overall team defen e; and record. al l-conferen e and third-team all ­ What' the key to the Dragon ' game , however, Chrisiana patience. We' re not a very Thi year, the team' goal i to state selecti n last year as a , opho­ success thi s sea on. showed they may have a few patient team ." get back to the tournament. more, scored 15 point in the fir t "I think we ju t have to play a a surpri. es for some its "o lder" Michael aid turnovers "That's what we want to do," quarter of t e Dragons' win over team," said Simpson, who averaged competitors thi ea. n, as a ha ve also hurt hi s team' play aid junior forward Lashanda Simp­ Dickinson last Tuesday. She al o 12 p int and 13 rebound per game 44-40 nonconference victory thi . . ea on, and that ' because son, who averaged 18 point while scored 19 in the team's win over last season. "I think we if we play over Middl etown Ia t Tue day of inexpe ri ence. playing in onl y about half of Glas­ Mou nt Pleasant. Because of the together we can go a long way." impro ved the Vik ings' record "We have only two kids gow 's first two ga mes. "We had tee blowout nature of the games, she to 2- 1. who have played vars ity shirt printed up that said 'Unfin- only played about a half of each. Against two other noncon­ before," aid Michael. "As we ference opponents, the Vike go along during the season, beat Howard and lost to hopefully we can keep Conti named All-American Mount Plea ant. improving. We have a couple The major bri ght . pot for fres hmen steppin g up and footba ll player Lo be named first­ (2 15.2 yard per game). He caught Christiana ea rl y on has been th at's a bi g jump." team All-American and the 19th I0 or more pas es three time and the play of junior guard le. hi a Michael, who e team fin ­ Blue Hen end to honored by the AFCA. He is th e had 200 or more yards receiving Saunders, who has hit for 21, i hed 11 - 11 las t season, said fir t ince defen ive back Kenn y three time in 1998. 17 and 17 points, respectively. Alexi s I. du Pont, William play in Blue­ Bailey earned first team AII-AFCA Among Conti 's Atlantic- ! 0 con­ Other starters include junior Penn and Glasgow are the honor. in 1995. He i al o ju t the ference record s were receiv in g guard. Cherrell e Denni s, who teams to beat in Blue Hen Gray game econd spread end to earn first team yards in game (354 yards vs. Con­ is seco nd on the team in scor­ Conference Flight A play. honor , joining Jame Anderson necticut) , yard in a season ( 1,712), ing, and Tamika Fu ll en, and "Hopefully, we can ge t University of Delaware spread who wa named first-team All ­ and ya rd s in a career (3, 737). forwards Rolanda Fi ndley, a pretty close to (las t season's end Eddie Conti, who e tabli hed American by the A ociated Pre in Among hi 36 chool records were junior, and Jas min e Walker, a record) ," Michael said . ·· rf we • 43 schoo l, conference and NCAA 1987 . career pass recepti on ( 192) and sop homore. do that, I think we' ll have records during hi .. tell ar career, ha Con ti , who mi ed all but three touchdow ns (3 1). The first substitute has been somethin g to build on for next been named to th e American Foot­ games in 1997 with a knee injury, New Hampshire running bac k fre!-thma n Ka ti e Hickman . sea. on." bal l Coaches A sociation NCAA 1- returned to hi s old form in 1998, Jerry Azumah , who, along with Junior Atoya Mobley. sopho­ Michael' a. , istant coaches AA All -American team. catching 91 passes for an NCAA 1- Heisman Trophy winner Ri cky more!-. Rache l Alley and Lan i­ are Phyllis Daniels, Grafton Conti , a 5-foot, 9-i nch, 175 - AA sin gle sea on record I ,7 12 ·Wil liams, broke Tony Dorsett's ka Pay tn er. and fres hman Briuingham and Donald Al ley. pound physic al educ ati on major yards to go with I 0 touchdowns. He NCAA career rushing record, was Lyneue. Lewan al. o wi ll . ee a from Neptune, N.J . wa one of 25 led all NCAA 1-AA receiver in also named to the fir 1 team . Rich­ lot of playing time. - By Chris Donahue players cited from a vote of all yards per ga me ( 155 .6), ranked sec­ mond offe nsive lineman Eri c King NCAA 1-AA head coache . ond in reception. (8.3 per game), wa, al o a fir t-team member. Con ti becomes the 31st Blue Hen and was fourth in all-purpose yards

STAY WARM THIS WINTER! SAllE UP TO 40% ON HEATING BILLS Glasgow girls open the season strongly ~GLASGOW , from 17 Glasgow baskets. Walker sa id of the first-year tarter. Wood Pellet or Gas Stoves By halftime the lead had bal ­ "S he has a nice three-point shot and many 01; display 50 point. . [' m proud of th e charac­ l oned to 40- 15 . if . he keeps making them, it will • Winrich ter that thi team . bowed ." "It's ac tu all y a tough ga me for really open thin gs up fo r ou r in . ide • St. Croix The Bucs were led by Kri stin the kid ·," . aid Walker. "We cou ld players.'· Mill.' 17 point. . Bonnie Mill on ly do so much with our sta rters. Kell ye Hine added eight point. added nin e points. Our athleti cism ju. t took over early while Jaleah Brown chipped in with Gla gow Hi gh' , girls' basketball and th en we kind of re laxed." fo ur. tea m, ranked as th e top team in the La banda Simpson led the Glas­ The Dragons won th e Fl ight A . tate by one newspaper, didn 't di s­ gow attack during the fir t half. champion ship Ia t seas n for the play any of pre-seaa n pre sure in Simp on cored 15 of her 17 points first time since 1984 and advanced it. first two ga mes of th e season. in the fi;<; t quarter. Tammy Adam to the tate emifi nals. After blowing out Mount Plea.­ had a game-high 19 points and 14 With th e a strong nucleu. of th at ant in their opener, the Drago ns rebound help the Dragons' effort. team ba k, th e Dragons wo n't be a ripped Di kin. n 64-33 last Tues­ "Tammy was all over the place surpri se to anybody thi s season. day. 'on the boards," Walker . aid. "Sh "We kind of like bein g thought of Gla gow u. edits uperior quick­ did a nice job inside for us." as the be. t team," said impson, a ness and ath letic ability to build a Gla gow also got nine point. junior forward . "I think it keeps us 24-8 lead after one quarter. With the from junior guard Katie Stevenson. focu ·ed on what we have to do to sc re ti ed 4-4, the Dragons beg n a All of Leve nson 's points came on win.'' press that forced repeated Dickin­ three-point shots from the wi ng. Gla gow al o took on highly son turno ver. that ended up in easy "Kati e's doing a real ni ce job,'' ranked Urs uline Saturday ni ght. A Gallery of Creative Ground Hog Day golf tournament scheduled The 15th annual Ground Hog Jan . I, 1999. USGA members are More detailed scoring information Golf Tourname nt i, ched ul ed for welcome. The general format of the will be avai lab le the day of the Jan. 30 at the Delcastle and Porky tournament will be a 10-hole, two­ tournament.. The ent ry fee is $26 HARDWOOD Oliver go lf cour e . per on tea m (two divi. ions) super­ per person, wh ich includes green The tournament is open to any ­ ball tournament. The lowe t gro fee , andwich and award . For FLOORS one 18 years of age or older as of score will win the tournament. more information ll 573-2043.

fa, AUTHENTIC WOOD FROM HISTORJC BARNS fa, RUSTIC CHERRY, CHESTNUT, HICKORY & OAK ~ ELEGANT INLAID DESIGNS ALPINE & RAFEITO ORTHODONTICS, P.A. Orthodontics br Children and Adults 4901 Limestone Road Wilmington, DE 19808 CHARLES TAYLOR & SoNs (302) 239-4600 2870 CREEK ROAD YORKLYN, DE I Ill mi. W. of Rt. 51. Take Snurr Mill Rd. 302-234-4700 Also Available: • Ceramic Tile http ://www D~n\tB~R 25. ] ~19H • ~W\K" Po-.t • P\(.~ 19 N1 vvAI\I\ Pu\1 ·:· SPORTS Hodgson wrestling strong

By STEVE WESTRICK feren e and tate tourn ament Ia t FIRsr TFAM------AIL-SrATE------· &m:R TFAM year," Lamey sa id . ''He lo e the NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER ac ti on. he lo e bein g on the mat. But he wa. ery mature about it and Jason Dzlelak, ar. St. Mark's Ryan Baisch, jr. Delmar De. pite two onsecutive Divi - has been working hard in th e i n rr state titles, H dg. on wrest ling room ." Greg VIctor, Jr. Christiana Paul Beard, sr. Sanford wr . tling still find . itse lf in the Thi" year, Adam. \ ill m e up shadow of St. Mark's and William on weight cia"s to wr stl at 152. Dan DiGiacobbe, sr. Wi. Christian Ryan Bordas, sr. Penn. That cou ld hange thi year as Another ex peri need wre stle Glasgow th Si l cr Eagl .. trive to not only I oking t c ntained f r a . tate title win another title, but to prove the y is 171 -pounder Tom Donahue. To Ryan Dixon, sr. Dover Dave Dallas, jr. Concord are one of the elite wre~tling pro­ imprO\ e hi s mat skills, Donahue gram. in the . tale. ~pen t a month thi s summer at the David Scruggs, jr. Glasgow Jake Domanski, jr. A.l. DuPont Enterin g hi II th . ea~on a. Jay Robinson Inten. ive Wrestling H dg~on ~coac h Jerry Lamey camp in Minnesota. The camp is Tom Alexander, sr. Christiana Trevor Hale, sr. Tatnall believe. his team is strong despi te considered among one r the best the graduation of a talented lass. summ r program. in the world . StanJey Figueroa, sr. S. Central Josh Herrera, sr. C. Rodney " l d n 't think p ople realize that The work has already paid off a. we lo st s ven starter · from Ia. t Donahue defeated defending tate Noah Thomas, jr. Newark Brook Riggleman, sr. Seaford year's team .·· he said. "But we had a hampion Brian Santoro, from St. lot f go d wre ti ers behind tho. e Mark's, 8-2 to win the North a. t, Adam Flanigan, so. . eve n who are chomping at the bit M'L tournam nt , ea rli er this year. St. Mark's Kevin Schneider, sr. W. Christian to ge t on th e mat. " Conference champion. Mike Lam y point · ut thalia t year's Welch and James Tay lor each Justin Litterelle, sr. Tower Hill B.J. Wilson, jr. Smyrna junior-varsity team was undefea ted. moved Ui one eta." to 11 9, and 125, Moving up to var ity and expectin g respec ti vely. Nate Husser, sr. Middletwon Pete Ferrante, jr. St. Mark's to make an impa t thi s year include An ther wre ti er making a cia. s wrestlers, J. D. Smi th , 11 2, Glen jump i. 189-pounder Ja. on Anker. vans, 130, Marc Ri . poli, 135, Last years fourth place winner in Derek Davi s. 160, and heavyweight the 160-pound tat tournament Wayne Zenorini. admits he wd l ha ve to adjust his Several ex peri en ed wre ti ers wrestling tyle. Local players named All-State are ba k including fo rmer state Junior Rya n Smith will tart at champion Anthony Adams. After 145. wit h hi s brother fr e hm an Christiana). Brian Scholl (s r. Gla - r. winnin the tate title a a . opho­ Ty ler mith a weight below at 140. ~SOCCER , from 17 Newark), D. . Lavender ( Gla.- gow) and Dave Sylve ter (jr. 1. more, Adams suffered a shoulder Lamey ex pects a lot fres hman gow). Stephan Manga t (jr. team include Jeremy Doucette (sr.. Newark) . 1. injury before th e conference tourna­ 10 3-pounder Jordan ianni. The fresh­ Mark' ). Adam tuller (so. St. Mark's). Wayne Iv erson (sr. Third team members from th e Mark 's). ment last year. man won th Nor1h East tournament Hodgson), Johnny Me lain (so. area includ Lornn y Antwi ( o. "It both ered him to mi ss the con- and started the season 11 -0. Hasty earns soccer honor Giving out gifts to local sports at Virg.inia Wesleyan College teams, players and people Former Glasgow Hi gh All -State and a leader," aid Virginia Wes­ soccer player Mall Hasty recentl y leyan coach So nny Travis. completed hi s third year of varsity Virginia We leyan completed its Brian August - Another great Hodgson football coach Larry ~ GIFTS , from 17 "occer at Virginia We. leyan Co ll ege . eason with a 16-4 overall record minor league sea. on and another Cylc - A win over Tower Hill. University of Delaware basket­ in Norfolk, Va. and a 10-2 conference mark . The promoti on. Caravel Academy football ty, a member of the 1995 team won th e regular . ea. on onfer­ ball fans - A few more yea r. with Ha. Former St. Mark's pitcher team - A berth in the Divi . ion II Gl asgow state championship team, ence title but fell in the conference Mike Brey as coach. Jamie Nichols - A promotion to state tournament. The Bucs played was a fir I-team All Old Dominin­ final · in doubl e overtime to Eastern Newark High football coach­ AAA. a tough schedule and ca me up one ion Athletic Conference selec tion Mennonite. ing staff - The abi Ii t y to play University of Delaware basket­ game short thi year. thi s past sea. on . He had 12 goal. Ha ty is th e son of Ri cha rd an d games nex t year without hav ing to ball team - A return trip to the Glasgow coach Larry Walker and three assists during the seaso n. Eleanor Hasty of Bear. ha ve a Newark police offi cer on NCAA Tournament and a eedin g - A state titl e. B twee n ·oftball and "Mall was a key player for us the sideline. hi gher than 15 . gi rl. ' ba. ketbalr. Walk r', team University of Delaware foot­ Kids who take figure skating keep advancing deep into state ball team - A return to th e lessons at UD - A glimp e r tournaments. One of th ese years, Free senior sports programs NCAA's 1-AA playoffs. Oksana Baiul practi cin g. one of hi s teams will win it all. The New Cas tl e Count y Department of Communit y erv ices is University of Delaware foot­ Any spring sport athlete, Newark High - More parking. I acceptin g indi vidual pl aye r regi. trati ns for th e winter seni or drop-in ball coach Tubby Raymond - coach, parent or fan - Weather as don' t . ee how it can happen but it 's sports programs to be held at the Poli ce Athleti c League. . . omeb dy to screen ca ll. during nice as the fall season. desperately needed for footba ll and Informal drop-in progra ms of basketball , v ll eyba ll , tenn 1. , of t­ hi s radio show. Local Lil.tle League all- tar oeccr ga mes. Neither the school ball and badmint n wil l be held·starting th e wee k of .Jan. 18 from 9 Newark High's defense - Din ­ teams - A trip to Williamsport. nor th e city need any more out or a. m. to 2 p.m. The ac ti viti es are free of charge and will continue until ner for every shut out. Forget abou t With the new format , it won't be town fans gelling th eir cars towed. March 19. For more information , ca ll 573-2043. hav in g to score too. long before a Delaware 11 -12 yea r­ Glasgow soccer coach Bob University of Delaware base­ old team makes its first-ever trip to Bu iere - A commendation for Senior instructional programs ball player Kevin Mench - A pro­ the Little League World Series. not only being one of the be l ress ional contract (after th e Hens' Let's hope its a Newa rk area tea m. oach s in the state, but al so for The New Cas tl e Count y Department of Community erv ice. i. , a. on oi' course) as good a. th e Christiana football coach being one or tbe ge nuinely nicest accepting r~gi . tration s for it. winter se ni or sport. instructional pro­ one the last collegiate player of the Marvin Spence - That every play­ sports people anywhere in the tate. grams to be held at th e Poli ce Athletic League. ln. tru cti ona l classes yea r (J.D. Drew) received. er who can return , doe . The To all local sports people - A in lenni , Tai-Chi , yoga, ae robi cs. free weights and go lf start the Former Newark National, St. Viking. were preny young and still afe and happy Holiday . eason! wee k of Jan . I and will continue un til March 19. Acti it y fe e. vary Mark's and UD ba eball tar po. ted a 7-3 record . Look out for each cia. s. For more information, call 57:1-:!043 .

Everything you ~c, C hef c;<.\o~o~ want to know. .?lTichael' s Drop off ~ I ~~~ ~~ ~ AFf DECK 00 ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~c,··· clean polystyrene o~c, ~~~ ~~ foam packaging, Everything you RE TA RA T & DOCK BAR~ need to know. K ~ <-~ y..o (#6 ), the packaging used The Finest in Seafood, Steaks & Sunset(! c::::J ~ t: 0~~ to protect electronic ~ products and fragile items ... at Serving Lunch &. COME BY LAND II II Dinner ·~iA~~... CAU NOW FOR OR SEA Every week. Sun.-Thurs. 11:30-9 ~~~· NEW YEAR'S 200 Cherry Street ~ Fri . &. Sat. I I :30-10 ~ EVEDINNER North East. MD FP International CLOSED TUESDAY Re ervation ... Banquet Fadllties -A.~ RESERVATIONS Subscribe today!·Enjoy reque red 1::] 111 Alan Drive in Hannony Business Park in Newark. convenient mail deliv­ Up to 200 ery. Just $15.95 per 410-287-6200 l l Call 302-731-8691, extension 17 for directions. year, in-county. Call 737-fT/24. December 28 and January 8 Monday-Frid v (.XC New Year's Day) 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM •• ' ... Pu.~ 20 • FW\RK Pos·t • O E<.t. ~IBJ:.R 25, 1998 Visit us on the World Wide Web

N: \\ -\1\l\ r~ )\ 1 ·:· OBITUARIES

Services were private. A ervice was held Dec. 12 at Thomas the Apo tie Catholi c Harry McMillan, .. Church, Wilmington. Burial wa is steel worker Paul Monigle, owned Cathedral Cemetery. Mario Peter carpet store The fa mily uggests contribu ­ D !aware City re ident Harry tions to Jeanne Ju gan Re. i d en~e . McMill an died unday, Dec. 6, Newark re. ident Paul Moni gle Newark, 197 13. 1998, in Chri Iiana Ho, pital. died Tuesday, Dec . 8 1998, in Mr. McMillan, 59, wa. a steel Panaglini, Jr., Union Hospi tal. worker at Luken, teel in Mr. Monigle, 92, was Lorraine Bogia, Bell oatesvi lle, Pa ., for 31 year. , retir­ owner/. ale man fo r Lynn Carpet in telephone operator ing in May. He attendeJ Newark psychologist, therapist Wilmington. retiring in the 1970' BaptL t hurch. His wife, Mary Hi I­ aft er many year . He graduated in Newark res iden t Lorrai ne Bogia aman McMi ll an, died in 1983. 1925 from Sale. ianum School and died Thu r day, Dec. I 0, 1998, at He i urvived by on , C I f Newark resident Mario Peter wonderful dry way of talking in 1927 from Goldey- Beacom Bu i­ home. Delaware ity, and Michael of and he :old 'I deal with Pazzaglini Jr. died Saturday, me, nes Co llege. Mr . Bogia, 90, wa. a te lephone Newark· daughter., Charlene Royal Dec. 5, 1998, in Sloan Kettering crazy people and I charge a lot He is urvived by hi s wife of 50 operator for Bell Te lephone Co, fo r of Sparta, N.C., and Ju lia Harrison of money; you're not crazy."' Memorial Ho pital in New York. years, Gladys H. Moni gle; son, Paul 25 year before retiring in 1970. She of Newark: bro th er, H wa rd of Mr. Pazzaglini, 58, was a Grant described Pazzaglini as Jr. of Phoen ix; daughter , Marlys was a fo rmer vo lunteer at the Li ttle Mill sboro; si. te rs, Zollie Wyatt of a "Main Street character" in the psychologist and therapist who Porter of Wilmington, Beve rl y Put­ Sisters of the Poor. She wa a mem­ Sparta, and Dori. Magaw of lkton , best sense of the word. "He specialized in treating recovering nam of Seattl e, and Lynd a Fox of ber of the Telephone Pi oneers and Mel.; seven gmndchildren. had a pleasantly cyncial view of drug abuser . Warwick, Md .; three grandchildren wa a for mer member of St. Thoma A service wa held Dec . II at Dorothy Lockwood, a sociol­ politics and 1 loved to talk to and two great-grandchild re n. th e Apos tl e Catholi c Church in Cleve land & Gofu. Funeral Home, him," said Grant. ogist who worked with him, aid A se rvice was held Dec. II at Wilmin gLO n. Avondale, Pa. Buri al was in Mo unt he was instrumental in the devel­ Hundreds of people attended chapel of th e Jeanne Ju gan Resi­ She i. survived by her son, John, Zion United Method ist emetery, a service held on Dec. at St. opment of drug and alcohol 11 dence. Burial was pri vate. and daughter, Lorrain e B. Vi cario, Fo untain Green, Md. James Episcopal Church in treatment services in Delaware The fa mily ugge t contribu­ both of Wilmington; eight grand ­ Wilmington. "They were black during his more than 30 years ti ons to Jeanne Ju gan Residence, chil dren and 13 great-grandchil­ and white, old and young - here. Newark , DE. ctren. Mary Virginia some obviously with problems Pazzaglini also had a private Service and burial were pri vate. George, foster parent practice in Newark and was well and some who looked surprised The famil y uggest contribu­ at who they saw there," said known throughout the city as a Marie W. Orga, tion s to Little Sisters of th e Poor, "ll person who was in touch with was very informal and Jea nne Juga n Re idence, 185 Salem Newark resident Mary Virginia touching as people were allowed homemaker what was happening - especially Church Road, Newark 197 13. George died Sunday, Dec. 6, 1998, with young people and drugs. to get up and say anything they Elkton re ident Mari e W. Orga in Wilmington Ho pital. "He gave the Community Coali­ wanted about what Mario meant di ed Mond ay, Dec. 7, 1998 in Lau­ Mrs. George, 71, was a fo ter tion a lot of help when we were to them." relwood Continuing Care Center. Peter Ross Van paren t fo r 10 year, with the tate etting up our intern outreach At a reception following the Mrs. Orga, 92, was a homemak­ Den Heuvel Departmen t of Services fo r Chil­ project," aid Gene Danneman, service, Grant said the room was er. Her hu band , Albert A. Orga, i. dren, Yo uth and Their Fami lies. her owner of the Copy Maven on lined with paintings by Pazzagli­ deceased. Newark resident Peter Ros Van hu sband, Robert H. George III , died Main Street. "He really made an ni . ''Someone also read a poem She is . urvived by her nephew, Den Heuvel di ed Thur day, Dec. I 0 in 1989. impact." Mario had written," said Grant. who looked after her, Joseph Patri ck at hi s res idence. She is survive d by her sons, City councilman Gerald "He was obviously a man of Wei. of Chino, Ca lif. Mr. Heuve l, 27, wa. a heatin g robert IV of Elkton, Md., Steve of Grant said Pazzaglini was the many talents." A service was held Dec. 14 at and air conditioning tec hn ician fo r Homa, as, a, Fla., and Jonathan of rirst person who talked to him A native of Endicott, N.Y., Immac ul ate Co ncepti on Cath o li c The Plumbing Work for ix weeks. Kissi mmee, Fla.: da ughters, Lau­ about the heroin problem in Pazzaglini earned his doctorate Church chapel, Elkton. Burial was Earli er, he worked for Superi or Ser­ rett e Pai nter of North Ea t, Md., and Newark. "For a long time 1 from the University of in Immac ul ate Conception Ceme­ vice in Delaware City, Berry ginny Sparklin of Wilmin gton; and couldn't believe what he was Delaware. tery, Cherry Hill. Refri gerati on in Newark and Hen­ 12 grandch ildren and th ree great­ telling me," Grant said. "Now it He is survived by son, Antho­ tkow. ki Inc. in Marshallton. grandchildren. eem he wa ahead of us alJ." ny Albano of Las Vegas; mother, He is survived by hi s parents, Grant said he couldn't Dina Pazzaglini, brother, Peter James Daniel Fontello, Harry E. and Nancy S. Van Den remember when he first met Pazzaglini, and sisters, Celeste longtime foster parent Heuve l of Newark ; sisters, Jo Ellen Pazzaglini but it was probably Mack and Elissa D'Eila, all of Rathbun and Lynn V. Chri ti an en, back in the 1980s. "1 was having New York ~ and companion, Bear area res idem James Danie l both of Newark, and Kathryn some problems a long time ago James Tunis of Newark. Fontello di ed Dec. 6, 1998, in Chri - Hutchin of North Ea t, Md . Eleanor C. Henze, and I went to talk to him about The family suggests contribu­ ti ana Hospital. A ervice was held Dec. 14 at it," recalled Grant. "He had a tions to Menta Fund or charity. Mr. Fontell o, 69, was raised and Spicer Mullikin & Warwi ck Funeral attended St. John's li ved mo t of hi life in Delaware. Home. Buri al was in Beth el Ceme­ Holy Angels He worked with the Memori al tery, Chesapeake City, Md. • Local ohiruaries are prinred F. Dav is; son, Glenn F. of Newark ; Ho pita! in the boiler room, retiring Newark resident Eleanor C. in 1975. Previously, he work ed wirh Henze died Saturday, Dec. 5, 1998 , free r~f chcuge a .IJHt ce JJermi rs. da ughter, Susan D. Strumbeck of Maryann Williams, at her residence. Infomwrion usually is supplied fo Quito, Ec uador; mother, Win ifred th e Wilmington Fire Department fo r rh e J)(tp er hy funero l direcro rs. Blair of New Ca. tie; sister, Frances approx imately I 0 year . . saleswoman Mr . Henze, 85, wa a member Hml'el'e t: for more informar ion, Smith of Stanton; th ree grandchil­ He and hi . late wife, Mildred of St. John 's-Holy An gels Catholic contact Denise Wi lson, who com­ dren. were fo ter parent fo r the Chil ­ Newark res ident Marya nn Church. Her hu sband, Carl F. drens' Bureau and th e Cath oli c Henze, di ed in 1978. piles rhis column. Co l/ her ~ l' eekd£1\'s A service was held Dec. II at Willi ams di ed Friday, Dec. II , or 737-0724 or fax 737-90 19. . Spi ce r-Mullikin Fun eral Home. Soc ial Services. ca rin g for over 20 1998, in Ingleside Ca re Center, She is survi ved by her sons, Carl Burial wa. in Gracelawn Memori al fos ter children, and ultimately Hockessin. F. Jr. of Newark , and Charle S. of Pa rk. adopting 3 children. Mrs. 'Villiams, 68, wa a sa les­ Fair Hill , Md .; daughters, Barbara Jack Moore Willis, The fa mil y suggests contribu­ He is survived by two sons, women for the food service indu try Anne Kellner of Long Valley, N.J. , DuPont analyst ti ons to Memorial Sloan-Ketterin g, Steven Fontell o of Albuquerqu e, in the Greater Delaware Vall ey for Jane E. Wil on of St. Petersbutg, 1275 York Ave., New York , N.Y. NM, and Robert C. Fo ntell o at several years. Her husband, Joseph Fl a., and Mary Jo Warren of Hockessin res ide nt Jack Moore 1002 1. home; one daughter, Chri sta Fo ntel­ J. William , di ed in 1995. Newark; 12 grandc hil dren . Willi . died Mo nday. Dec .. 7, 1998, lo at home; fo ur broth er , John She is survived by a daughter, A memori al service was held in the Veterans Affairs Med ica l en­ Fontello and Robert Fontell o, both Chri stina W. Stoner of Houston Dec. 12 at St. John 's Catholic ter, Elsmere. Ruth V. Fleming, of Wilmington Milton Fontell o and Texa . . Church. Buri al was pri vate. The Mr. Wi ll is, 71, as an analyst at worked at J. C. Penney Paul A. Fo ntell o. Sr. of Smyrna; fi ve A service was held on Dec. 14 at famil y ugge. t contri buti on. to the DuPont o. L uvier. site, re tir­ . isters, Eleanor Kimble of Wilming­ Holy Angles Cath olic Church. Bur­ Delaware Hospi ce, Wilmington, DE ing abo ut seven years ago after 40 Newa rk res ident Ruth V. Flem­ ton, Shirley Willi am. of Shreveport, ial was pri vate. 198 10, or Habitat fo r Humanity, 900 yea rs . He was a Wo rld War II Navy in g di ed Thursday, Dec. 3, 1998, in LA, Beatri ce Clark of Newark, Flo­ The famil y . ugge. t contribu ­ Wa hington Ave., Wi lmington. DE eteran, se rvi ng in the Phil ip pines . Wilmington Hospital. rence Stockman of Bridgeville, and tion s to American Cancer Society. 19809. He was a me mber of th e dd Fe l­ Mr. . Flemin g, 80, was a mer­ Mari ae lena Fo ntell o of St. Thomas lows. chandi se handl er at the J. C. Penn y Virgin Islands; and fos ter father to H is ~urvived by hi s wife of 42 store at Prices Corner fo r 20 year , several foster children. year. , Joan ne M. Wils n Willis; son, retiring in I 980. A ervice in Celebration of hi s Randa ll . of Wil min gton; da ughter, She is. urvived by her sons, John Li fe was offered Dec. II at Bee on J. baron DeVincentis of Newark: of Newark , and Harry of Gary, Ind.; Memori al Service of Christiana­ three grandchildre n. daug hter, Patri cia Fleming of Taft , Elkton. Bu rial was in Gracelawn g rave~ i de service was held Fla.: eight grandchildren and two Memorial Park . Dec . I 0 at S i Ive rb rook Cemetery. great-grandc hildren. The family . ugge ts contribu­ tion in memory of James to Ameri ­ CLASSIFIED The fa mily : ugge. l. co ntribu­ Service and burial were private. ti m to Vete rans Affai rs Med ical The famil y suggests contribu­ can Cancer Society, 92 Read' Way, enter, Kirkwood Highway. tions to Ameri can Di abete Associa­ New Cas tl e, DE 19720. Ebmere. tio n. Joseph Antonini, RMATION TH Millard F. "Inky" Nijah D. Johnson mushroom farmer Davis, retired New Castl e res ident Nijah D. Newark res ident Joseph Antonini asbestos worker Johnson died Sunday, Dec. 6, 1998, died Tuesday, Dec. 8, 1998, at NO SECRET! . hortl y aft er her birth in Chri ti ana home. New as tl e res ident Millard F. Hospital. Mr. Antonini, 90, was a partner "Inky" Dav i. died Monday. Dec. 7, She i urvived by her mother; in Antonini Brothers Mu shroom 199 , in Chri stiana Hospital. maternal grandmother and tep­ Farms for 50 years, retiring in 1980. Mr. Davi , 72, retired in 198 grandfather, Ramona and Derek He was a former member of St. fro m A s be~ t o . Wo rk er~ Local 42 Washington, and maternal grandfa­ Thomas the Apostle Catholic after 37 years. He had served as ther and stepgrandmother, Kerry Sr. Church, Wilmington. treasurer of the building committee and Leslie Johnson, all of New Cas­ He is survived by his brothers, and on the executive board. He was tle: maternal great-grandparents, Rudolph and Alfred, both of Wilm­ a World War II Army veteran . Florine and Willie Johnson, and ington; sister. Helen Maraldo of He is survived by hi s wife, Ruth Rosell Watson, all of Newark. Kennett Square, Pa. For Changes or New Ads Call Laurie 410-398-1230 or 1-800-220-3311 Fax 410-398-4044 Reach Over 30,000 Homes! ad deadline is Friday before the Friday run.

RED LION UNITED Kingswood United Newark 1st Church In Ministry to the Faith Conummities of Neu ark. the Unil 'l!l'l'iry. l/1/{lthe World. METHODIST CHURCH Methodist Church of the Nazarene Allhe comer uf Rts. 7 & 71 i11 Bear Man·ow. Road & 69 East Main Street 1545 Church Road Bear, DE 19701 302-737-1400 Newark. DE 19711 Brook ide Blvd. ( 02) 368-8774 302-834-1599 NE~RK Newark, DE 19713 Pastor Bill Jarrell United Methodist Church We are full y accessible to all! Sunday School 9:00a.m . Worship Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. 302-738-4478 Sunday Morning Worship 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., ll:OOa. m. Sunda ySc hool9:30 a.m. Service & Crossroads Radio Broadcast 9:00a.m. Worship Service I J :00 a.m. 9:15a.m. Nursery Radio Station WNRK 1260AM Youlh Group 6:30p.m. unday School 9:15a.m. Church School Rev. John M. Du nnack, Senior Pastor ''Where friends 9:30 a.m. Worship Service Broadca t on WNRK 1260AM Rev. Robert Simpson, Associate Pastor and family meet to wor hip !" 9:30a.m. & 10:45 a.m.

.. St. .\ndn•\\s l'n·sh~ tuian ( 'hurdl Head of Christiana :wo \ Iarnm s Ko;HI Presbyterian Church \t·\lark. DE IIJ7U A caring community welcoming you Jill-7 .Ul-.BJ I to a life in Christ. Worship Sunday with a friendly congregation. Founded in hur h chool Wor hip 'ervice 10:00 a.m. 1706 All Ages (N ursery Provided) Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Bible Study 7:30p.m. Youth Group 6:30p.m. {.. :Jrorrmive :}Jrai•eanJ7/(r,~~ First Church Unitarian NEWARK WESLEYAN CHURCH of Christ, wilh Co mmun io n 10:00 am Universalist 706 West Church Rd.- Newark Scientist (302) 737-5190 Service IOa.m. cll owshi pof 48 West Park Place, Newark, DE 19711 ~ Ch ild C;.Jre & Newark d Sch I II 9'30 am Church School9:30 a.m . .,0 w.11 Rct sun ay oo ·a ages ...... Sunday Service* &Sunday School* Sunday, 10.11 a.m. Rev. Curtis E. Leins, Ph.D. Sunday School 4_ I a · Testimony Meeting • Wednesday,7:30-8 :30 p.m. Newark. DE Morning Worship ...... 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Reading Room Saturday, 10 a.m. ·12 noon locarcd I 1/2 miles north (30 2). 368-2984 Sunday Evening Adutt &Youth Activities.6:30 p.m. 11:00 a.m. • Child care is providld of Elkron on Rr. 2 I 3 Topic: Handicapped Accessible/Nursery Provided · ~------~------, 1 C hildren's claues provided 4PM "Childrens Chapel", Fahs Hall 1100 Church Rd. Just off 273 All Are Welcome Small Group Bible Studies -throughout the week West of Newark. 41 0·392·3456 8PM "All The Glad Tidings", Ph. 302-731 -4169 .. MacKinnon Hall :::: Pastor James E. Yoder Ill FIRST PRESBYTERIAN PRAISE ASSEMBLY EVANGELICAL AGAPE CHURCH 1421 Old Baltimore Pike • Newark The Ep~copal Church WekomesYou 292 West Main St. • Newark 737-5040 PRESBYTERIAN FELLOWSHIP 731-5644 St. Thomas's Parish CHURCH OF NEWARK (302) 738-5907 Sunday School ...... 9:15 a.m . 276 S. Coll egr A, e. at Park Plare, Ne"ark, De 1971 1 A Spirit-Filled 9:00 AM Christian Education (.'02) 368-4644 Churc h Office (9:00-1 :00 Mon .- Fri .) 308 Possum Park Rd. (Including Adults) Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. &5 :30p.m. !3021366-027.1 Parish lnformalion H01linc Local Expression Of Sunda1 WorshiP and Education Newark, DE • 737-2300 10:30 AM Worship Wednesday ...... 7:00 p.m. 8:00a.m. Holy Euc hari sl. Rile One The Body Of Christ (Including Children's Worship) 9:15 :un. Chri slian Educmion (all a~es ) Sunday FAMILY NIGHT (YOUTH GROUP, 10:.10 a.m. Holy Euchari. l. Rite Two· Sunday Worship ...... 10:00 a.m. Infant & children's Nursery Available ROYAL RANGERS, & Chi ldren's Wor ~ hip 1.\unrn ' '""''"'' Worship ...... 8:25 & II :00 a.m. At Howard Johnson 's, Rt. 896 & 1-95 Ramp Access for Wheelchairs MISSIONETTES & RAINBOWS) 5:.10 p.m. Holy Euchari st Youth Grouos: Jr. High al HXl p.m. Sunday School...... 10:00 a. m Pastor: Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Hundley Michael Petrucci, Sr. Hi gh at 7:.10 p.m. Wednesday Associate Pastor: Rev. D. Kerry Slinkard Pastor Tht Rn•. Tholllf! B. }t•Jt!'· Rmor Evening Worship ...... 6:30 p.m. Home Meeting ...... 7:30p.m. cof1 [k CHRISTIANA Faith Lutheran Calvary Baptist Sclluul 11/ Ministrv PRESBYTERIAN FIRST ASSEMBLY (!dJ-c'*'t 10 tuu -1 'f'behtk1.L~ CHURCH ~ Church» Church e.~/Ae~ Welcomes vou and \'Ours. to experience OF GOD • Outstandin g teaching staff which 15 N. Old Baltimore Pike 215 E. Delaware Ave. includes pastors from this region the h o lid~ys with Love, Joy & Peace! 129 Lovett Avenue • Ministeri al Studi es & Counseling Christiana, DE Sunday School- 9:30a.m. Newark, DE 19711 Majors 368-0515 Sunday Worship- 10:30a.m. Newark, DE 19713 302-368-4904 • Accrediled by International Christian Wednesday Advent Service 7:00-7:45p.m. Acc rediting Assoc iation Worship at 11 :00 a.m. Special Christmas Eve Candlelight Service • Member of the Oral Roberts Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. 7:00- 8:30p.m. 731-8231 Come to Calvary Uni versity Educa ti on Fe llowshi p NURSERY AVAILABLE Located I mil e south on Rt. 71 (Red Li on • Affordable prices & tu itions sc holarshi ps HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE Grow With Us Road) from the Rt. 72 intersection in Bear. Hugh Flanagan, Pastor (302) 453-1183 Robert Bruce Cumming, SUNDAY 30 Blue Hen Dr Delaware Pastor 834-1214 SUNDAY SERVICES • Praise Service ...... 9 :00 AM SPIRIT & LIFE BIBLE CHURCH Bible Study 9:30a.m. THE FELLO\\'SHIP 32 Hilltop Road • E lkton, MD • Sunday School ...... 10:00 AM \kl'liii:C \I \ \\ ( \ Re v. and Mr . James Forbes • Worship Service ..... 11 :00 AM ~ I s . ..., . ( "II' ~·t \ \ ' .. \,' \\ .II h. Ill· Sunday WORSHIP SERVICES -.~- \-11\ • . \~:; ~·~-~~ Wo rship & Bible lass I 0 : 0 AM Tuesday I 0:00 AM Morning Wor hip 10:30 a. m. WEDNESDAY "Supe r C hurch " for youth Teaching & Prayer Junior Churches 10:30 a. m. • Covered Dish Dinner. 6 :00 PM Sunday Bible Classes (S unday School for all ages) Wednesday 7:30 PM Evening Worship 7:00p.m. Prayer 5:30PM Praise. Teaching • Singspiratlon ...... 6:30 PM (All Af(tJ)...... 9:00 a.m. Pra ise, Preaching 6:30PM • Adult Bible Study ..... 6:45 PM Worship Service (Prayer for ·ick) FAMILYNITE WEDNESDAY 7:00p.m. C Bible College Classes now available ) • Youth Programs •.••••. 6:45 PM (Nunt ry A•·aifable}...... IO:OO a.m. Adult Bible Study The Words that 1 speak unto you, they are Sf:Jirlt and Rainbow • Mi.'fsionelles • AduH Choir ..•.•••..•••••• 7:50 PM "Sharing Christ In Mutual Ministnw Royal Rangers they are Life. John 6:63 Nursery Provided Handicapped Accessible ALL WELCOME Everyone Welcome! For more Information, 410-398-5529 Nursery Available

I ... I •I I.J!H .,,.,: !~ .·' ·· ' .. PA(, f. 22 • NEW.\RK Pos • DECEMBER 25, 1998 Visit us on the World Wide Web NEWARK PosT OR FAX 410-398-4044 1-800-220-3311 153 East Chestnut Hill Rd. + Servtns Gruter Newuk Since 1910 + Newark, DE 19713

-index- Serving New Castle County in Delaware, Chester County in Pennsylvania and A Cecil, Kent, Talbot, Dorchester, Caroline RENTALS & ~'"':~ • 305 Apa~menls UnlurniShed SERVICES - 310Apartmenl• FurniShed &Queen Anne's Counties in Maryland 315 Hou•es for Rent ANNOUNCEMENTS 320 Waterfront Renta ls 510 Chtld Care Serv•ces • FARM MARKET 515 Heahh Care Servoces 325 Vacalton!Resor1 Renlal• 020 Noroces 330 Condos lor Rent 520 Home Improvement Serv•ces 710 Produce 530 Hearlng/AC seJVIces 720 Poullry/Mears 030 AdoptiOns 335 Ouplues lor Rent E'RE ON 540 Cktantng ServiCes 730 PlantsfTre es h k I "f" d 040 Lost & Found" 340 MFG Homes for Rent THE WEB AT WWW .C esapea ec aSS I 1e .CO 550 Lawn & Garden SeMces 735 Chr !Sima s Trees & Plants 050 Freebres 345 Rooms for Rent II II 560 Frnancla VM oney 10 Lend 740 Farm Supplres!Equrpmenl 060 Personals" 350 To Share 570 lnsrruclton 750 Livestock 070 Happy Ads·· 355Lors/Acreage lor Aenl 080 Card ol Thanks"' 580 M• sc SeMcos Business/Office Hours: 360 Hun11ng Prope~y lor Ren1 090 In Memor111m ·· 365 Commercial Rentals 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday 370 Want ed 10 Rent .. 375 Mtsc Renrals LINE AD DEADLINES Newark Post: Wednesday 3 p.m .

MERCHANDISE .~ TRANSPORTATION 610 Anlrque s/Art important information eLD 615 Appliances 810 Workb oa rs/Commercta l Please check your ad the first day to see tha t all information IS correct. Thrs will ensure your ad rs exactly what you want EM PLOYMENT 620 Computers & Accessones 815 Power Boa ls readers to see. Calf us fhe very flist day your ad appears to make changes or corrections By doing fhrs we can credrt you for 625 FurnttureiFurOishrngs 820 Sailboats REAL ESTATE the lnst day If an error occurred. The newspaper's frnanclal responsibili ty, rf any, for errors ol any krnd Is hmited 10 the charge II 0 Help Wonled FT 630 F!fewood 825 Boa ts/Other 640 General Merchandrse 830 Man ne Accesso11es!Srorage for the space for one day 115 Help Wanled PT 405 Houses for Sal 645 Pels 840 Recrea11on Vehtcles The publisher wants to do everything possible Wlthln the contrnes of good taste and legal constraints to help you advenise 120 Jobs W nted" 41 0 Open Houses 415 Walerfront for Sale 650 Per Servtces/Supphes 845 Campe rs/Pop-Ups your products or servoces to your best advantage. The newspaper does reserve the nghr to edrl or reject any copy or 420 Condos for Sale 655 HorsesfTack/EqurpmenV 850 Mororcycles/ATV"s illustrahon that does net meet the newspaper's standard of acceptance. Serv1ces 860 Auto Pans & Accessories 425 Duplo•es lor Safe We make &very eHortlo ensure thai advertrsers are reputable. However. we welcome your comments and suggestions BUSINESS 430 MFG Homes for Sale 660 Yard Sales 870 Trucks/Span Ulthly Vehrcles concernrng any of our adverhsers. Call Classrhed and ask for the manager. OPPORTUNITIES 435 Farms for Sale 665 Auct1 ons 875 Van~/Mtn Vans 440 Lois/Acreage for Sale 670 Machtnery & 880 AUIOS Classified customers of the Newark Post will be asked to p

·=~HELP WANTED LEGAL NOTICES full-time I HAIR STYLIST- Be your INTHECOURT LEGAL NOTI E own boss! Chair ren tal, li­ No ti ~:c i hert: by given that the propenies listed below wen; s ~:i ze d for violati n of Tit h.: 16 of th e Dclawart: Code . Owner or OF COMMON PLEAS censed only. Downtown lie nholder::. who ca n estnblish that thc propeny was forfeited by an ac t or omi ss ion committed or omi tt ed with ut their FOR THE STATE Newark 302-366-8346 knowledge or conse nt may apply for rerni. sion Jt tht: office of the Att orne y Genera l. Forfeiture Division, Wilmington. Delaware. OF DELAWARE ANNOUNCEMENTS Pr.:t :so.ns desiring to co ntesl the forfeiture of assets sei zed pursuant to Tit le 16 of the Delawar · Code , Section 4784, may protect IN AND FOR HVAC looking for thetr tntercst hy filing a ~: i v tl petition in Superior Coun within 45 day after the date of this noti ce, or mailed notice. whichcvt:r i NEWCASTLE service techs and in ­ later. uperior uri ivil Rule 7 1. 3 sets out the req uirements for filing a civi I forfe iture petition. COUNTY stallers . 5yrs. experience ,.,. NOTICES required. 302-998-2257 FROM : Ben nell onm. n AGENCY: Wilmington Police Dept. AGENCY: New Castle Co. Police TNRE: AGENCY: New Ca tie o. Poli ce Dep t. WHER E: 11 00 Blk N Broom St. Dept. CHANGE OF NAME OF Laborer WHERE: 457 Robin son Drive DATE SEIZED: 11125/98 WHERE: Canby Park Apt s. Olivia Melvine Morse VEHICLES WANTED! General I Maintenance PETITIONER(S) 1998 Tax Donation! Mfg Co has ft position DATE EIZ D: 11/1 3/98 ART ICLE: $2 165.00 US Currency DATE SEIZED: 12/04/98 TO Donate Cars, Trucks, avail. for a general la­ ARTI LE: $ 166.00 US Currency ARTICLE: $589 .00 US Currency Olivia M elvine Mulberrie RVS, & Boats to: borer/maintenance person. FROM: Twihisha Bibbins NOTICE IS HEREBY National Multiple Individual must be hard FROM : Edward Cord ero FROM : Step hen Dineen AGENCY: New Castle Co. Police Dept. GIVEN that I, Olivia M . Sclerosis Society working and dependable. WHERE: Rt 13 @Parkway Pla za AGENCY: Newark Poli ce Dept. AGENCY: Wilmington Police Dept. Morse intends to present Free towing! Position involves various WHERE: 24th & Bower Sts. DATE SEIZED: 11/20/98 WHERE: 127 K Ches tnul rossing 1 duties incl. Washing & a Petition to t he Court of L-_ _-_so_o_-_F_IG_H_T_-M_S_.---J DATE EIZED: I 0/3 1/98 ARTICLE: $276.00 US Currency DATE SEIZED: 12/04/98 cleaning cabinets for ARTI CLE: $542.44 US Currency ARTICLE: 199 1 Mitsubishi ; Common Pleas for the painting. Please apply in FROM : Dustin Sunon VIN#JA3CR56V6MZ026590 State of Delaware in and person to: VTI FROM . Jam\! Brow n AGENCY: New Cas tle Co . Police Dept. for N w Castle County, to 24 McMillan Way AGEN Y Wilmington Poli ce Dept. WHERE: 32 Balfour Ave. FROM : Troy Collins change h er name to Newark, DE 19713 Olivia Melvine Mulberrie. WH l~E : W th & Jefferson Sts . DATE SEIZED: II/ 15/98 AGENCY: Wi lmington Police Dept. Olivia M . Morse MASSEUSE-MASSEUR DATE EIZED: 12/07/98 ARTICLE: $200.00 US Currency WHERE: 600 Blk W 6th St. Petitiooer(s) FT/PT. We will train. Good ARTI LE: $590.00 U urrency DATE SEIZED: 11122/98 pay after training. FROM: William Mateo ARTICLE: $367 .00 US Currency DATED: 12n/98 EMPLOYMENT 800-248-4494 AGENCY: Wilmington Police Dept. np 12/18,25, 1/8 FROM : James Ashley MEDICAL BILLING FROM : Edward Cordero AGEN Y: Wilmington Police Dept. WHERE: 11 00 Blk Pleasant St. . A nationwide company DATE E!ZED: 12/0 1/98 AGENCY: Newark Police Dept. ~HELP WANTED WHERE: 400 N Pml! St IN THE COURT seeking billers. PC re­ DATE SEIZED: 12/07/9 ARTICLE: $352 .00 US Currency WHERE: 127 K Che tnut Cro ing full-time quired. No experience DATE SEIZED: 12/04/98 OF COMMON PLEAS ART I LE: $240.00 U urrenl!y Accounts Receivable - necessary. Earn $31,500+ ARTICLE: Nokia Digital Telephone ; OF THE FROM : Stephen Dineen STATE OF Experi.ence necessary. Call: 1 -800-624-1478 FROM : Jeffrey Archil! AGENC Y: Delaware State Police SN#2350 1986496 DELAWARE With accounts receivable Mfg. Production AGEN Y: Wilmington Police Dept. WHERE: Rt. 9. New Ca lie and accounts payable. DATE SEIZED: 11/25/98 FROM : Edward Cord ero IN AND FOR Supervisor WHER : 1822 W Jrd St. Al so includes computer Production Supervisor AGENCY: Newark Police Dept. NEW CASTLE DAT SEIZ D: 12/0J/98 ART ICLE: $698.00 US Currency posting, filing, and other needed w/solid mfg plant WHERE: 127 K Chestnut Crossing COUNTY ARTI LE: $75 .00 US urrency TN RE: CHANGE OF misc. duties. Send re - exp for electrical/electronic FROM: Stephen Dinee n DATE SEIZED: 12/04/98 sume to: COLONIAL NAME OF mfg co. Req. Inc! a thor­ FROM : Jaml!s Bar AGENCY: Delaware State Police ARTICLE: Motorola Pager; HONDA, 5439 Pulaski ough understanding of the WHERE: Rt. 9, New Castle SN#AO HNB5961 AAI 20XWK4MN2 GELA RIVERA Hwy, Perryville Md. 21903 AGENCY: Wilmington Police Dept. TO production of sheet metal, WHERE: 600 Blk W S1h St . DATE SEIZED: 11/25/98 paint shop and electri­ ANGELA RIVERA, Cashiers/Stock People DATE ElZED: 12/06/98 ARTICLE: $698.00 US Currency FROM: Pilar Santana cal/electronic assembly AGENCY: Wilmington Police Dept. Petitioner Full/Part time positions ARTICLE: $ 11 9.00 US Currency available. Apply in person. plus the ability to coordi­ FROM: Stephen Dineen WHERE : Lancaster Ave. & Jl awley St. NOTICE IS HEREBY nate production schedul­ GIVEN that Gela Rivera No Phone calls, please. FROM : Damond Anderson AGENCY: De laware State Police DATE SEIZED: 11 /28/98 Ing. We offer an out­ ARTICLE: $604.00 US Currency intends to present a See Store Manager. AGEN Y: Wi lmington Pohce Dept. WHERE: Rt. 9, New Castle Dollarland Stores standing benefits pkg. & DATE EIZED: 11 /25/98 Petition to the Court of competitive pay. We pro­ WHERE: 400 Blk E 8th t. FROM: Lakcves Laws Common Pleas for the 140 Pencader Plaza ARTICLE: Nokia Digital Plus mote a drug-free & a DATE SEIZED: 11/07/98 AGENCY: Wilmington Police Dept. Newark, DE Cell Phone ; SN#23505293963 State of D elaware in and smoke-free environment. ARTICLE: $695 .00 US Curren cy WHERE: 2400 Blk Carter St. 1709 Lancaster Avenue, for New Castle County, Wilmington DE To apply, mail your re­ DATE SEIZED: 11/06/98 to ch ange her name to sume, w/verifiable ref. 7 FROM : Quadeer Jinkins FROM: SHAWN PHILLIPS 3602 Miller Road, ARTICLE: $159 .00 US Currency Angela Rivera. salary req's to : P. 0. Box AGEN Y: Wilmington Police Dept. AGENCY: Wilmington Police Dept. Wilminqton, DE Thmar, Simonoff, 9086, Newark, DE 19714 WHERE: 800 Blk Bennett St. WHERE: 400 Blk W 7th St. FROM: Joseph Boddy Adourian, O'Brien, Electrical/Electronic DATE EIZED: 12/04/98 DATE SEIZED: 12105/98 PLUMBING Mechanics AGENCY: Wilmington Police Dept. Kaplan, Jacoby & Designer ARTICLE: $108 .25 US urrcncy ARTICLE: $482.00 US Currency Good pay, excellent bene· WHERE: 505 #2 W 5th St. Graziano Local mfg needs f/t de­ fits . Residential & Com­ DATE SEIZED: 11/25/98 signer to provide produc­ FROM: Jeffrey Rose John X . Denney, Jr., mercial. Call East Coast FROM: Dion Henriques ARTICLE: $216.00 US Currency Esquire tion design for electrical & Plumbing & HVAC for ap­ AGENCY: New Castle Co . Police Dept. AGENCY: Wilmington Police Dept. Delaware State Bar I.D. electronic equip. incl. pointment at: WHERE: 400 Blk W 7th t. WHERE: 119 C4 Carvel Ave. FROM: Sinquc Miller packaging, wiring, sheet 302-266-0530 DATE SEIZED: 11/20/98 AGENCY: Wilmington Police Dept. No. 787 metal chassis and enclo­ DATE SEIZED: 11/19/98 919 Market Street ARTICLE: $49 1.00 US Currency ARTICLE: $654.00 US Currency WHERE: 29th & Bowers Sts. sures. Exp. req'd with MI­ 1701 Mellon Bank Center cro-Station & or Auto-Cad FAST CASH DATE SEIZED: 11/20/98 P.O. Box955 FROM: Oliver Lewi FROM: Carl Rice ARTICLE: $100.00 US Currency systems. We promote a Wilmington, DE 19899 drug-free, smoke-free en­ AGENCY: Wilmington Police Dept. AGENCY: New Castle Co. Police Dept. Sell your unwanted treasures (302) 661-3110 vironment. To apply mail WHERE: J 19 C4 Carvel Ave. FROM : Glenn Fedale WHERE: 400 &lk W 7th St . Attorney for Petitioner your resume to : P. 0. Box for $10.00 Your 411ne ad DATE SEIZED: 11/20198 AGENCY: Wilmington Police Dept. DATE SEIZED: 11/19/98 Gela Rivera 9086, Newark, DE 19714 will run 10 limn and reach ARTICLE: $288.00 US Currency ARTICLE: $200.00 US Currency WHERE: 9th & N Jackson St. ~~ED: November 30, over 40,000 BUYERSI DATE SEIZED: 11119/98 If YOU FINO AN ITEM ARTICLE: $2600.00 US Currency FROM: Glen Fedale FROM: Charlmin Howard np 12125,111,1/8 Give us a call to place an Cecil Whig Classifieds np 1W25 ad! There is NO CHARGE Cell 41~398-1230 to run a 3 line ad all weeki D Ec£.\1 Bl:. R 25. 1

RECEPTIONIST FT/PT NOTTINGHAM TOWER SUPERSTDRI/!!1 for busy Chiropractic Of­ APTS- 1 BR & 2 BR's available. 1•' month rent fice . Computer knowledge #1 7096 & customer service re ­ FREEl Call610 932-3331 #17042 quired. Call 302-378-5413. ~HOUSES ,.,. HELP WANTED ,... FOR RENT ' part-time . Retail ' f!J!J!J t:RANIJ PRIX SIS S/SIJAN Earn Holiday f!J!J!J t:RANIJ AM • Money Now!!! • SALE SALE $15 999* PRICE $191 799* Start earning money now Crystal Beach. 3 BR PRICE 1 tor Christmas and beyond. Rancher. Large BR 's. 2 NOCASH $189 NOCASH Huffy Service First needs enclosed porches. All OR $149 x 36 Mo. DOWN OR x 39 Mo. DOWN part-time merchandisers to appliances, W/0 , A/C. "GMAC SmartBuy. 12,000 Miles Yrly. 38 Payments of S289.99 + 1 Payment assemble, service and View of Bay. $700/mo. 'GMAC SmartBuy. 12,000 Miles Yrly. 35 Payments ol $249.99 + 1 Payment of $11,440.00 or Return Veh icle with S250 D1sposal Fee stock product displays in Credit check & Sec. dep. of $9578.85 or Return Vehicle with S250 Disposal Fee . local retail stores in your 610-664-0697 Amount financed $19, 168 31 at 6 . 5~·. area. No selling. At least Amount financed S1 5,291.16 at 8%. 18 years old , valid driver's license, proof of auto in­ ELKTON - 3-4 bedroom, surance, reliable trans­ 2 bath. Fireplace. 1 acre . "To Qualified Buyers. All lncenbves Applied Close to De. line. 900/mo . GMAC FINANCING TaK &Tags EXlra EKP!res 12124198. portation. Call 1 - 800-95~ - 0.9% APR K 36 MO: 2.9% APR x 48 MO.; 4.9% APR x 60 MO. 4738, press 1, then 2004. plus utilities. 410-398-3082 EOE M/F/DN Out of Stock Purchase Program For GM Employees 250 E. CLEVELAND AVENUE • NEWARK • 302·738·6161 ~BUSINESS and Family Available On "All" Vehicles. See Our Inventory on ... WWW.nUCOrmotorS.COm ~PPORTUNITIES * ALL TUNE and LUBE Join the Team! Be a Part of a multi-billion dollar in­ dustry. Franchise avail. in Del aware area. Free Bro­ ~ FINANCIAL/ chure 1-800·935-8863 ""MONEY TO LEND AVOID Bankruptcy stop collection calls. Cut payments up to 50%. Reduce interest, Free confid . debt help. Na­ tionally Cert.Counselor's CCS of MD & DE 1-800-642-2227 A Non Profit Agency RENTALS VISA & Master Charge ~APARTMENTS Avoid another bill by 1998 SEPHIA 1998 SPORTAGE charging your next clas­ ,... UNFURNISHED 5 Speed, Remote Trunk Release, Dual Air Bags,Tinted Glass, PS, "4x4", 5 Speed, Power Windows & Locks, Alarm, sified ad to either Visa AM/FM Cass, Floor Mats, Rear Defroster. #5028~ MSRP $11,094 Elkton - Vict.2 Br hdw or Master Charge. Call A/C, CD Player, #50252 MSRP $18,554 firs heat incl gar exc area today to place your ad, sec dep avail Jan 1 99 $630/mo 41 0-398-3851 410 398-1230. ~':! LEGAL NOTICE ... s8,999* ~':!.~15,499* ·All Rebates Appl ied. Tax & Tags Extra . Expires 12/24/98. CITY OF NEWARK DELAWARE CITY COUNCIL NDriUl;;:;::;:;. =:r 250 E. CLEVELAND AVENUE • NEWARK •302·738·6161 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE L:PONTIAC•KIA See Our t JANUARY 11, 1999 • 7:30 PM Inventory on .. . WWW.nUCOrmO OrS.COm Pursuant to Section 402 .2 of the City Charter and Section 32-79 of the Code of the City of Newark, Delaware, notice is hereby given of a public hearing at a regular meeting of the Council in the Council Chamber at the Municipal Building, 220 Elkton Road, Newark, Delaware, on Monday, January 11, EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW. 1999 at 7:30 p.m., at which time the Council will consider for Final Action and Passage the following proposed Ordinances: EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW. Bill 98-33 - An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map of the City of Newark, Delaware, by Rezoning From RM (Multi-Family Dwellings - Garden Apartments) to RA (Multi-Family Dwellings - High EVERY WEEK IN THE Rise Apartments) 2.38 Acres Located on the West Side of South Chapel Street, South of Delaware Avenue Bill 98-34 - An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map of the City of Newark, Delaware, By Rezoning From RD (Single-Family, Semi-Detached) to MI (General Ind\lstrial) a .15 Acre Parcel and From MI (General Industrial ) to RD (Single-Family, Semi-Detached) a .02 Acre Parcel Located on the East Side of Old Coach's Bridge Road, North of Bellevue Road Bill 98-36 - An Ordinance Amending Chapter 32, Zoning, By Changing the Notification Requirements for a Rezoning Request in the City of Newark· Susan A. Lamblack, CMC/AAE City Secretary np 12125,118

PUBLIC AUCTION Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will NEWARK POST. sell at public auction on January 20, 1999 at 10 a.m. at: CHURCHMAN$ MINI STORAGE Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 455 EAST NEW CHURCHMAN$ ROAD NEW CASTLE, DE '9720 the personal property heretofore stored with the undersigned by: A049 - Sheila Briddell - couch, tables, boxes, lamp, Every week, the professional reporting and editorial staffs of your hometown entertainment center, chairs np 12/18,25 newspapers deliver all the int~esting news of your neighborhood, town and county. PUBLIC AUCTION Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell at Public Auction on 01/28/99 at 2:00p.m. at: PUBLIC STORAGE Amultitude of goods and services are available right in your neighborhood, offered ••s NEW CHURCHMANS ROAD N.W CASTU, D. ,.7.0 the personal property heretofore stored with the undersigned by: by our many local advertisers and classifieds users. C071 - Jeannie Kenny; H001 • Doris Hairston; C077- Andrea Levin; C164 ·Sandra Drummond; E022 • Kimberly Jones; E039 - Donna A. Grande; F069. Mammle Green; C174 ·Ken Starrick; 0053 • Kim Truitt; E033 - Russell Lawson; FOSO - Curtis Don't miss an issue! Bradley; F136 • Lydia White; F141 - Ojas Khanderla; G029 • Sharon Weddington; 00003 • Luis Ortiz; E003 • John Duening; F112 • Harry Catlin Enjoy convenient home delivery, right to your mailbox every week. np 12118,21

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STEEL BUILDINGS, new, must sell 40 x 60 x 14 was '94 Mercury '95 Mustang '95 Mustang SHORE WINDS $17 ,430 now $10,671. Grand Marquis Coupe Coupe HUNTING FARM 50 x 120 x 16 was $33,560 Leather, fully equipped, Red, AC, cass., Red, AC, cass., MERCHANDISE now $23,865. 60 x 150 x Midnight Blue. P/W,P/L,CD. PIW,P/L,CD. Jerry & Pat Lynch 16 was $48,630 now 5392 At. 49, $32,350 100 X 175 X 20 $9899 $9995 $9995 Millville, N.J. 08332 ,.FIREWOOD was $98,650 now $78,650 A.DVANTAGEE3! ADVANTAGEEE A.DVANTAGE!!!3 1-BOG-406-5126 ~~ ~~ ~~ Traditional Wing 41 0·392-5400 410-392-5400 410-392-5400 Shooting in the 800-420·5337 800-420·5337 800-420-5337 Fireplace Wood $80/cord. ,. PETS Pristine South Jersey " MAPLE" the Canadian Pine Barrens! Hardwood $1 00/cord. Lo­ cust or Oak $120/cord. Bear BEANIE BABY. Bird Hunting for hunters $200 Firm 410-620-3010 CHOW·CHOW. who demand a chal­ Unsplit hardwood $60/cord 8 years old . Blond our Newly Expanded service Facility Is lenge. Our Y2 day hunts Stacking fee $20/cord. Female. Spayed. $50 offer a challenge for Other services include: log MUST SELL before 410-885-5516 Novv Open to Offer You even the most experi­ splitting, stump removal, year end! Three Undeliv­ enced hunter & dog! Our trash removal, light haul­ ered Steel Buildings 16x ing . 410-398-2457 or 410- 20, 25x30, 30x54. Fi ­ Golden Retriever Pups hunting adventure is AKC . 3 M,1 F. Family geared for hunting with 658-6518 In Newark area nancing Available. Great 302-738-4326 or toll-free for backyard shops and raised Mom & Dad on your dog(s) , but guided premises 410-287-3295 hunts with Shore Winds pager 1-888-975-9919 garages. Call today : dogs are available upon (follow your number with 1-800-341 -7007 mJII"' YARD request. Hunts avail­ the It sign) able on Saturday & ~ SALES Sundays, Morning, or The Shoppe's of Afternoon. Weekdays: DoNALD G. VARNES lucy & Ethel Phone to arrange 16 Inside Vendors! hunts. For 1998/99 AND SONS, INC. New & Used Goods Season Rates, and Hardwood Floors Collectibles more information, Newark, De.302-737-8212 please call us at: 609- • Sanding/Finishing SEGASATURN 327-4949 " It's Easy to • Installation With controllers Find Your Way Here, A • and 14 games. Pleasure to Find Your Our Family's Been $200 or best offer. Way Back" Doing Floors For 41 G-939-0177 Over 30 Years FAST CASH FARM MARKET ~ SELL IT (302) • Front or rw pad or SELL YOUR STUFF IN shoe repiKemenl""'* with Moplr BUY IT 737-5953 ~PLANTS/ Pll1S (seri-metlllic) THE CLASIFIEDS •lnspecl rolor, drum and caliper RENT IT ,.... TREES lreflcint'machining extrl) Reach 40,000 buyers in the THE NEWARK 4 LINES $10 • Check brllle ftuid level HAY FOR SALE· Clover • ROIO-tett vehicle Cecil Whig Classifieds " POST 10 DAYS & Timothy. 400-500 bales. 398-1230 CLASSIFIEDS CALL 410-398-1230 $2.50 per bale. Call A. H. Walters. 410-648-5386 ------: REALLY WORK! Santa says if you want one of these for Christmas, forget the chimney ... TRANSPORTATION I!!NrTRUCKS/SPORT you've got to leave ti"' UTILITY VEHICLES '97 LAREDO Driftwood, 6 cyl., 4 x 4 the garage door open! P/W, P/l, cass. Low miles! $21,895 ADVANTAGE~!! ~.oiiiiE:. 41 0-392-5400 800-420-5337 a§ CHEVY SUBURBAN C-20 1985. 4 wheel drive, 350, 4 speed, H.D susp. Dualexhaust, Am/Fm cassette. New clutch & recent tires. RUNS AND LOOKS GREAT! $2995 080 410-398-9149

'96 Plymouth (502) 456·1600 • 1·800·456·1075 • Call Joe or Lee for an appointment Voyager Rosewood, V-6, AC, cass. $12,995 ADVANTAGE!i::;: ~..-::11' " Drivers wanted~® 410-392-5400 800-420-5337

FAST CASH SELL YOUR STUFF IN THE CLASIFIEDS 4 LINES $10 10 DAYS CALL 410-398-1230 TO ADVEilfJS£ '96 Grand Prix SE Rally red, 4 DR, V-6, IIIJl£ PIW,P/L, cass. CALL KATHY $11 ,495 410-398-1230 ADVANTAGE !! :~! NEW & USED ~.. 41 0-392-5400 800-420-5337 l)u ick l)odge r~OIH. L. l '96 Sebring LXI Green, SIR, WILLIAMS NEWARK auto, leather, CHEVROLET TOYOTA LOADED! Newark, DE $14,995 OLDSMOBILE ~ 123 Briclp St. , Elkton, MD 738·6161 1344 Marrows Rd., ADVANTAGE EZ 4 1~7... ~la ...471t ~.- 41 0-398-4500 Newark 41 0-392-5400 800-420·5337 302-368-6262 YOUR AD COULD USED CARS '97 Breeze BE HERE! Nissan Red, auto, AC, cass. ~.. No Credit Low miles! TO ADVERTISE CALL RT 40 & 222- PERRYVILLE 642-2433/1 800-818-8680 Bad Credit Oxford, PA ~ l/\1'/\ \ :\N $10,995 KATHY Mon - Thur~ 9-9/rri lJ-8/Sat. 9-5 <. 208 W. Main St., #lln Serv1 e-4Ye;usinilrow! No Problem! ADVANTAGE E~ 61 0-932-2892 Elkton, MD 410-598-1250 IF THIS EMBLEM ISN'TON YOUR NEW NISSAN, Newark Toyota ~.. YOU PROBABLY PAID TOO MUCH! 410-392- 5400 BEL AIR HONDA lm ort Outlet 800-420-5337 Ford c=hevr()let STAPLEFORD'S 408 Baltimore Pike 114 s. DuPont Highway '97 Neon Highline CHEVROLET Bel Air, 1 Blk. North Of Rt. #13 Btwn. 1·295 &1-495 Used Cars Red, 4 dr, auto, AC, OLDSMOBILE Harford Ma ll cass. Low miles! 838-9170 • 893-0600 302·326·61 00 $8995 302-834-4568 Always 300 New ADVANTAGE ~~ 560 E. PULASKI HWY. "S IN E 1925" Nissan · in Sto k Newark, DE ~.. 410-398-3600 H undai 41 0-392-5400 • New Car Center 1-800-899-FORD 738·6161 800-420-5337 • New Truck Center ... 1·800·969·3325 Car, boat, truck, RV do­ • U sed Car Center Gil) nations wanted for KIDS • Body Paint Shop FUND. Running or not, & Volkswagen ST. GEORGES, DE fast free tow, tax receipt Gee 4003 N. DuPont Highway Pontiac given, check our book C l e~e l a nd Ave. & Rou te 13 at 1·495 value for your vehicle. Kirkwood Hwy. 800·241-6&44 Sntitk ADVERnSE HERE. .. CALL NO HASSLE LOW PRICES Revenue used locally. feel Newark, DE LARGE SELECTION VOLKSWAGEN,LTD. good funding children's 30 2-453-6800 KATHY 410·398· I '130 4304 Kirkwoot.l Highway, col educ. 410-532-9330 or toll free 1-877-532-9330 WILMINGTON, DE 302-998-0131 FORD GALAXY 500 , 1970 $1000 or best offer. Oxford, PA Drivers wanted'" ® Call : A.H.Walters 410- 648-5986 61 0-932-2892 TO YOUR AD COULD ADVERTISE BE HERE! NUrAR==:= TO ADVERTISE CALL ~£/PONTIAC•KIA HERE CALL 1233 Telegraph Road, KATHY KATHY AT Rising Sun, MD 21911 Newark, DE 410-598-1250 , 601 E. Pulaski Hwy 4tO·S9B·t2SO 41 0-658-4801 Elkton, MD 738·6161 1-800-McCoy-57 FORD MUSTANG '85 1-800-420-J EEP 1·800·969·3325 Black, 50,000 original miles. 4 speed on th e floor, ps, pb, $1600. Can ,-:~N~~~~N~~~~N~~~~N~~~~~~N~~~~N~~~WI"'iii~~N~~¥.,...N~N¥.,...N~N'\.: ~;~:~?;g~~~~i;.:c i ~o :~ ·· · · · · · · · · ·su&SCRIB·E· ·rooAv·r ·· · · · · · ·· · ~: HONDA CIVIC '86 PS, PB , Auto Trans. 98K :~Don't miss a single issue of your community's hometown journal~~ Mi. Gold, Clean Car. Runs & Looks GREAT! Will Inspect. ::Enjoy convenient mail delivery and excellent savings! ~ $1700 ~ --...~ • ~ Ao I ...... ·.: ...... 4 .., ':::A.."t. .,~·· ~ ·~ • ...... '""" r ~ .. • ..-: .:-~ · ·~ :.:.~ ... ,·~ · ~ \.."'.o ··~ ~ ~...... · ~ ...... :...... IIIJ:. ' .. ~ '"'.., ...... ~ 0 ~ ~ ...t~rto:. / ~ ~ ~ ...· ~ 410-398-7331 IIIII.: ···~·-~~.~.a ~~~~. ~~~~,... , .... ~~~~ . ~ -~~~~4 ... ~ 't,.,,;,:;~ .. ~~ ~~~~:..4 .,..~~ .. « '1.r;..~. ~~~ ~ ~ ...~ ~~~

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I I WYN LEA PERSIMMON CREEK FAIRHAVEN ESTATES 1 COLONIAL RIDGE WALNUT HILLS • ELKTON, MD PRICES STAAT IN THE MID $200'8 FROM THE $260'S FROM THE LOW $90,000'8 I From $116,99b FROM $87,490 . I Custom 3BA, 2.5 BA. brick front, single Now offering townhomes with 9' first floor famHy homes with 2 car garages, I Open House every Saturday and Sunday 1 overtOokina the 17th fairway. Standard Montgomery Gerncraft Homes 2 Bedrooms, 1.5 baths, full 1 ceilings, up to 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, features lncludlng palladian windows, from 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm . Homesites Model Home open dally 12-6. basement. Great location. Rt. 213 I e1Cp8!181Ye master autte wfwhirtpool, open available throughout Fair Hill Area with Garage or tull daylight basement. Plus I first floor plan. gas hea1lhot water. vaulted Closed Thursdays and Fridays. 1 Elkton, MD. Other models available. 1 ceil!ngs and more .. .DIR : from 1-95, exit 100 pricing from the $170's. At. 273 to $2,000 settlement help! Models open 11- I or At. 40 take 212 South thru the town of FaitView Road. Model on Right. C811 Chuck or Linda for directions I Also now selling single family 1 6 daily, Mon. 12-6, Closed Wed. & Thurs. 1 Norltl East to Cheeapeake Golf Club on homes. left. I 1 ., 111•1•1•e.__,..,. ••, IITMII .., e.,,. ~ ERA Mason Dixon ~ ERA Mason Dixon 1 Davitt-Simmon LLC. 1 Chuck & Linda Gregg Jim Caper ~Gedc: 31 Ginty o,., North EMt, liD I ~~ ~ ~~~ Chuck & Linda Gregg 1 • LINDA FERRIS ...... aoo-398-8175 a .... '".,. 800-398-8175 1ill 4 L0 -620-9411 I 41G-287-G144 ill ... ___ .... __ ------*To advertise your home in this section you must be a licensed Real Estate ~gent. For more . information contact Renee Quietmeyer at 410-398-3311 or 1-800-220-3311 RESTAURANT & BANQUET FACIUTIES Located on Rt 40 in Elkton (formerly Swi L-ela, Dlaaer" Suaday Bnac~~· ·~ Gift Certificates

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