
100 Character Personality

By Joshua Kubli, Imperfekt Gammes 6 November 2010

Have a sudden need for a basic NPC personality, but have no ideas? These are a few classic personality archetypes. You can roll a couple of times to get more depth, or even use the archetypes as a backstory to explore the NPC's history, and how they came to be who they are today. For more complex characters, roll multiple times, and explore how the character got to be that way. Give it a try!

1. 27. Swashbuckling Romantic 2. 28. Pious Religionist 3. 29. Secretive Wizard 4. Rogue With A Heart Of 30. "Old Yellow Gold Pages"/Floozie 5. Dark Avenger 31. Babbling Lunatic 6. Reluctant Messiah 32. Murderous Psychopath 7. Grim and Gritty Soldier 33. Insatiable Sex Fiend 8. Cunning and Slimey 34. Questing Collector Manipulator 35. Dour Bureaucrat 9. Big Bruiser 36. Idiot Savant 10. Hyperactive Kid 37. Technogeek 11. Spoiled Brat 38. Constant (and Poor) Liar 12. Quiet Wanderer 39. Uncomfortable Foreigner 13. Wronged Woman 40. Evasive Paranoid 14. Ardent Cynic 41. Lazy Lump 15. Worshipper 42. Old Grouch 16. Cold and Detached 43. Sweet Grandma-Lady Analyst 44. Obsessive Revolutionary 17. Young Hothead with 45. Hardworking Blue-Collar Potential 46. Shy Reader 18. Laconic Provincial 47. Starched Military Officer 19. Scheming Megalomaniac 48. Prattling Gossip 20. Trusted Lackey 49. Handicapped Achiever 21. Life of the Party 50. Village Idiot 22. Purehearted 51. Corrupt Politician 23. Savage Sidekick 52. Dumb 24. Encyclopedic Nerd 53. Fickle Heartbreaker 25. Career Woman 54. Energetic Entrepreneur 26. Narcissistic Clothes- 55. Sacred God-King Horse 56. Bootlicking Yes-Man 57. Guilt-Ridden Penitent 80. Clinging Worrywart 58. Morbid Doomsayer 81. Parental Guilt-Tripper 59. Senile Old Person 82. Anti-Establishment 60. Bitter Has-Been Renegade 61. Compulsive Neat-Freak 83. Health/Exercise Nut 62. Smear-Artist Journalist 84. "Golden Boy"/Athletic 63. Unconscious Scholar Kleptomaniac 85. Armchair 64. Double (Or More) Agent General/Backseat Driver 65. Closet Pervert 86. Whining Hypochondriac 66. Undiscovered Genius 87. Meditative Pacifist 67. Faithful Caretaker 88. Famous Celebrity 68. Loyal Scapegoat 89. Reminiscing Oldster 69. Bold, Charismatic 90. Meddling Stowaway Kid General 91. Champion of Justice 70. Pawn of Conspiracy 92. Impassioned Debater 71. Traumatized Victim 93. Peacemaking Mediator 72. Heartless Sadist 94. Wandering/Touring 73. Self-Martyring Masochist Musician 74. Explosive Berserker 95. Cheery Poor Folk 75. Toiling Wage-Slave 96. Rich Snob 76. Cruel/Stupid Boss 97. Superstitious Occult- 77. Renaissance Man/- Dabbler of-All Trades 98. Frumpy Domestic 78. Wistful Lover 99. Wierdness Magnet 79. Gregarious Chatterbox 100. Disgruntled Employee