LIFE Project Number LIFE09 ENV/FI/000569 FINAL Report Covering the project activities from 1/10/2010 to 30/9/2013 Reporting Date 30/12/2013 Participatory monitoring, forecasting, control and socio- economic impacts of eutrophication and algal blooms in River Basin Districts (GisBloom) Data Project Project location Helsinki, Finland Project start date: 01/10/2010 Project end date: 30/09/2013 Total Project duration 36 months (in months) Total budget 3 060 856 € EC contribution: 1 503 638 € (%) of total costs 49,12 % (%) of eligible costs 49,25 % Data Beneficiary Name Beneficiary Suomen ympäristökeskus (SYKE) Contact person Dr Olli Malve Postal address P.O.Box 140, FI-00260 Helsinki Visit address Mechelininkatu 34a, 00260 Helsinki Telephone + 358 295 251 401, direct n° + 358 400 148 826 Fax: + 358 9 5490 2190, direct n° + 358 9 5490 2391 E-mail
[email protected] Project Website US/Research__Development/Research_and_development_projects/Projects /Tools_for_evaluation_and_management_of_eutrophication_GisBloom 1 1. List of content 1. List of content .............................................................................................................................. 2 2. Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................... 3 3. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 6 4. Administrative part .....................................................................................................................