The How To A manual – but really a copy/paste job from the website

Patrick Gantz @Improyster

Improv As Improv Does Best Manual The How To Patrick Gantz 2018

Build collaboratively. React boldly. Emotionally engage active endowments. Have fun. Do Improv As Improv Does Best.

An ensemble of players gets on stage without previously rehearsed lines or blocking and acts out, making up the show as they go along. The audience understands that this show is constructed from nothing before their eyes. In these aspects, improvisational performance differentiates itself from any other performance medium.

Improvisation is at its best when it leverages its monopoly on spontaneous collaboration before a live audience. When a group of individuals creates something out of nothing together on stage, the audience sees magic. Magic. “How’d you all do that?” they ask, blown away by the ideas, characters, scenes and show built piecemeal from their simple suggestion.

We want to cultivate that “you had to be there” magic.

When we are Specific with our Details in-the-moment – surprise!

Improv as improv does best.

When we Emotionally React to imagined Active Endowments – crazy!

Improv as improv does best.

And when we Collaboratively Establish and Heighten Patterns that gel an ensemble and connect an audience –

We get it!

Improv as improv does best.


Improv As Improv Does Best Manual The How To Patrick Gantz 2018

How To

Whether you are looking to become a better improviser or desiring to grow into a better improv teacher, I can help.

Teaching improv is my favorite thing. I love – and excel at – taking subjective processes and developing concrete steps for teaching them.

And I’m extremely proud of my approach as detailed below in my “Improv As Improv Does Best” manual, combining theory and practical walk-throughs.

My approach to Group Collaboration is based in progressive pattern building, developing a game through agreement, empowerment and repetition (not just through one person’s subjective view of “the first funny thing”).

My approach to Two Person Scenes is based in establishing and heightening patterns of emotional behavior that allow players to react through rather than think through their scenes, making improvisation easier for the performer and more satisfying for the audience.

Teaching improv is the thing I am best at, and I do believe myself to be among the very best at teaching improv. But don’t take my word for it; engage my manual.


Improv As Improv Does Best Manual The How To Patrick Gantz 2018

Contents 1.0 – The 3lements ...... 4 1.1 – The Self Contained Emotional Statement ...... 9 1.2 – Collaboration ...... 13 1.3 – Game Mechanics ...... 20 1.4 – To The Ether Games ...... 26 1.5 – Help Desk Games ...... 36 1.6 – More Help Desk Games ...... 40 1.7 – Hey Everybody Games ...... 44 1.8 – More Hey Everybody Games ...... 48 1.9 – Organic Games ...... 51 Organic Group Games workshop ...... 56 2.0 – “Two Person Scene” Theory ...... 64 2.2 – More “Two Person Scene” Practical ...... 80 3D.1 – Being Tertiary ...... 89 3D.2 – Subsequent Beats ...... 97 4.1 - Forging an Organic Format: part one ...... 106 4.2 - Forging an Organic Format: part two ...... 111 4.3 - World Hopping ...... 116 Gantz……………………………………………………………………………………………..………124


Improv As Improv Does Best Manual The How To Patrick Gantz 2018

1.0 – The 3lements

Improvisation: Making it up as you go along.

A group of players gets on stage without previously rehearsed lines or blocking and acts out. The audience understands that this show is constructed from nothing before their eyes. In these aspects, improvisational performance differentiates itself from any other performance medium.

Improvisation then i