Jule Charney's Influence Norman A. Phillips , NOAA on ' Washington, D.C. 20233

The opportunity to address the Society on the contributions of Jule Charney to our science is an honor of the highest rank, and I thank you for this invitation. I will try to capture for you a meaningful impression of the extent to which our common undertaking has been influenced by this man (Fig. 1). Let me begin by recalling three historical contexts. The first of these is January 1,1917. Jule is born on this day in San Francisco, to Stella and Ely Charney. Five thousand miles away in Bergen, Norway, Vilhelm Bjerknes and his collabor- ators are developing the concepts of fronts and air masses. Some distance south of Bergen, Lewis Richardson is trans- porting wounded soldiers with the Friends Ambulance Corps. In spare moments, he is working on his monumental formulation of what is now called numerical weather prediction. My second context is around 1940. Jule had entered the University of California at Los Angeles in the mid-thirties, and is now a graduate student there in mathematics. UCLA is expanding, and and Jrirgen Holmboe ar- rive about this time. (A few years earlier, Bjerknes had pub- lished an important paper on long waves. In 1939, while he was at M.I.T., Carl Rossby published his well known model FIG. 1. A picture of Jule Charney (left), with E. Lorenz, taken in of long waves. These events are unknown to Jule.) Jule 1976 during a visit by Chinese meteorologists to the Massachusetts knows nothing of meteorology until one day he hears a talk Institute of Technology. (Courtesy of E. Kalnay). by Holmboe to the mathematics students; he then accepts Holmboe's invitation to work in the meteorology department.2 Holmboe is not the only person we must thank for Jule's (bureaucratic and otherwise), and meteorologists (theoreti- commitment to meteorology, however. Perhaps prompted cal and applied) are engaged in this program to measure the by the seeming imminent entry of the United States in World atmosphere on a global scale. It has been preceded by several War II, Jule seeks advice from Theodore von Karman. preliminary experiments and countless planning studies, and Should he, for example, enter the field of aeronautics instead it is efficiently exploiting new technologies of observation of mathematics or meteorology? Von Karman recommends and data processing. It signifies a profound change since Jule meteorology as a challenging field, whereas aeronautics has first heard Holmboe mention meteorology at UCLA. become mostly engineering. This advice is especially impor- The title of my talk is "Jule Charney's Influence on Mete- tant to us, because Jule had already completed the essential orology." You will have a good over-all idea of this influence if part of a doctoral thesis in mathematics. I were to simply state that it was he who developed much of As my last point of historical context, I will jump 39 years the scientific insight that made this experiment a meaningful to 1979, two years before Jule's death. What is now taking thing to do; he who played the major role in its conception; place? It is, of course, the Global Weather Experiment. An helped convince responsible officials of its significance; and amazing number of countries (large and small), institutions worked hard on many of the planning studies. I suspect that each of us is occasionally angered by the randomness of prov- idence in the way people whom we respect and admire meet what seems to be an untimely death. In the case of Jule Char- 'Memorial Lecture presented at 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, 11 January 1982, San Antonio, ney, we must temper any such regret by the realization that Tex. For information on the MIT symposium celebrating Jule Char- he did live to see this proof of his influence on meteorology. ney's contributions to atmospheric and oceanic sciences on 21 Everyone in this audience is familiar with the facts that March 1983, see announcement on p. 565 of this issue. there has been a Global Weather Experiment, that forecast- 21 am grateful to George Platzman and Jane McNabb for allowing ing nowadays begins with computer-based calculations, and me to listen to an interview that Platzman recorded with Jule in August 1980. This has been especially useful for my knowledge of that there is something called baroclinic instability. In the Jule's early life. remainder of my talk, I will try to give you a deeper feeling

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Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/06/21 07:14 PM UTC Bulletin American Meteorological Society 493 for the style and substance of Jule's contributions to these Northwestern United States." It was a good paper, written and other developments. by Seymour Hess and Harold Wagner at the University of Jule's thesis was entitled "Dynamics of long waves in a Chicago, presumably under the aegis of Rossby. In their baroclinic westerly current." It took up the entire October paper, Hess and Wagner describe the motion of surface isallo- 1947 issue of the Journal of Meteorology. For the first time, baric patterns moving eastward into Montana. In a very per- this paper established a believable mechanism for the devel- ceptive analysis, they find that they must call most of these opment and motion of the large-scale disturbances in the at- patterns "fast waves," because they move much faster than mosphere. At that time, the disturbances were called simply the low-level winds from the Pacific. It is with a strong ac- "long waves." Their relation to surface cyclone waves was companying impression of astonishment that they record the not clear. The major study of atmospheric instabilities to be fact that westerly wind speeds matching this translational found then was in Physikalische Hydrodynamik, by V. pattern speed can often not be found below the 20000 foot Bjerknes and collaborators. Halvor Solberg, in this book and level! This fact, then so surprising in the heyday of the polar elsewhere, had attempted to show that the polar front cy- front cyclone model, is explained today by a casual reference clone arose as an unstable wave on the sloping frontal dis- to "the equivalent barotropic level." It was Jule, in his thesis, continuity surface. But the mathematical problem was very who first deduced a value for this level, and it was also his difficult. In his thesis, Jule, in the same way as Solberg, thesis that encouraged many of us to think of the atmosphere treated small perturbations on a basic state. But Jule's ap- as a three-dimensional system. proach differed from Solberg's in two fundamental and far- Jule's next effort was the formulation of the quasi-geo- reaching respects. First, Solberg viewed with suspicion any strophic equations of motion. He did this while on a National attempt to simplify the equations in the process of getting an Research Fellowship in Oslo during 1947-8. This step was answer. Jule, on the other hand, found that intelligent simpli- very significant because the treatment he had used in his the- fication was not only needed to get an answer, it also helped sis was generalized to apply to nonlinear flows which, of one understand the physical process. It was this aspect of course, made it directly applicable to real flow patterns. The Jule's thesis work that led him to early success in developing technique he used was a scale analysis. In this procedure, one practical numerical weather prediction models. This simpli- assigns orders of magnitude to variables and to length and fication was arrived at by systematic quantitative arguments. time scales, in order to see if any simplifications result. From Unlike Rossby's barotropic model, it was not based on an in- comments by Jule and Platzman in their August 1980 inter- tuitive short cut. view, I would guess that this approach might have been sug- The second respect in which Jule differed from Solberg gested to Jule when he read Prandtl's analysis of the turbu- was in his ignoring of the polar front. This, of course, came lent boundary layer. (Jule had visited Rossby at Chicago on from his familiarity with the recent work of J. Bjerknes and his way to Oslo, and Rossby had mentioned Prandtl's book Rossby. For some years after publication of Jule's thesis, the when Jule expressed an interest in learning more about principal advantage of this difference from the point of ex- hydrodynamics!) plaining baroclinic instability was only that it was soluble, The quasi-geostrophic system that Jule formulated enabled whereas the discontinuous polar front model seemed intrac- the largely advective large-scale motions to be analyzed and table. However, in 1956 I did some work with Jule's equa- predicted without the distracting complication of gravity tions as a member of his group at Princeton. These computa- waves. They were free of the sensitivity to the latter that we tions predicted the formation of proto-fronts during the now know were the source of Richardson's difficulty thirty process of long wave development. Later, the work of Peter years earlier. It must be conceded, however, that the geo- Stone, Terry Williams, Brian Hoskins, and Frances Brether- strophic system was "in the air" at that time. In 1947, Sutcliff ton showed that true discontinuities of a frontal character derived the vorticity-equation part of the geostrophic sys- were formed by the developing long wave. The front thus was tem. In 1949, Obukhov published his derivation for the baro- seen to be more a creation of the long wave than its creator. tropic case. And in Oslo, Eliassen had independently pro- This prescient choice of approach in his thesis was only the posed a variant that now is called the "semi-geostrophic" first of many cases in which Jule's openness and ability to be system. Jule's work was completely independent of these. stimulated by other scientists would produce excellent His was unique in that it was deductive, complete, and results. general. At this time, a similar study of long wave instability was Numerical prediction was already on Jule's mind as a goal being worked on by Eric Eady in England. The two men met when he was in Oslo. In August 1946, before leaving the somewhat by accident, when Jule reached Norway in the United States, he had attended a meeting at the Institute for spring of 1947, and they became good friends. Advanced Study, at Rossby's suggestion. This meeting of Although it may be difficult for younger meteorologists leading meteorologists had been called by John von Neu- today to ignore the knowledge acquired in the last 35 years, mann to discuss the possibility of using electronic computers let's imagine we are meteorologists in the late 1940s. The re- to forecast weather. George Platzman refers to it in his Starr cently developed radiosondes had shown what flow patterns Memorial Lecture. When Jule returned from Oslo to work looked like. But what made them move and change? For with von Neumann, in the middle of 1948, he knew the gen- those of you who might wonder about this, I can recommend eral direction in which to proceed. But precisely how? nothing better than to read a paper in the February 1948 His next two papers are essentially devoted to this ques- Journal of Meteorology, which appeared two issues after tion. In the first of these—"On a physical basis for numerical Jule's thesis did. It is entitled "Atmospheric waves in the prediction of large-scale motions in the atmosphere"—he in-

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FIG. 2. Visitors and participants in the 1950 ENIAC computations. Left to right: H. Wexler, J. von Neumann, M. Frankel, J. Namias, J. Freeman, R. Fjrirtoft, F. Reichelderfer, and J. Charney. The photo is taken in front of the ENIAC. Wexler, Frankel, Namias, and Reichelderfer are visitors from the Weather Bureau. G. Platzman and J. Smagorinsky are absent. (Courtesy of J. Slocum). vestigated several critical factors. In particular, he made a never occur again. I am convinced that without Jule's will- closely reasoned estimate of the volume for which computa- ingness and ability to study the hydrodynamical aspects, this tion must be made in order to produce a meaningful forecast first attempt would have failed. The ingenious quasi-geo- for an area such as the United States. He also insisted on be- strophic system might have become a theoretical curiosity ginning with a well-defined, simple model, and only gradu- for a long time, with little hope for thorough experimental ally extending this to more realistic, but also more compli- verification. I believe this aspect of Jule—the importance he cated, versions. The simplest model was the barotropic one. attached to comparing theory with reality, and his awareness Jule showed that this should be applied at 500 mb. In the sec- of the care that this often requires—is something we should ond paper, "A numerical method for predicting the pertur- be even more grateful for than we are for his well-known bations of the middle latitude westerlies", which he wrote theoretical ability. with Arnt Eliassen, the concept of the "influence region" was The basic success of these first numerical predictions was 3 refined further. so clear that the idea of numerical prediction began to be ac- The first numerical predictions were done on the ENIAC cepted immediately by the meteorological world. The accep- computer because von Neumann's computer was not yet fin- tance grew as the Princeton group, under Jule, demonstrated ished (Fig. 2). This work has been thoroughly described in success in predicting cyclogenesis. They also showed that his 1979 by Platzman. The results were successful and were pub- geostrophic system could even simulate elementary aspects lished in 1950 in a joint paper with von Neumann and Ragnar of the general circulation. Fjrirtoft: "Numerical integration of the barotropic vorticity Jule was not an "ivory tower" academic. He played a equation." This success was due to von Neumann's grasp of strong part in creating the Joint Numerical Weather Predic- computational techniques and to Jule's careful investigation tion Unit in 1954. As part of this, he trained George Cress- of the hydrodynamical factors in the two papers I have just man and Fred Shuman in these principles. He also encour- described. I would like to emphasize this last point. Consider aged the formation of what is now the Geophysical Fluid the situation as it then existed. Here we have von Neumann, Dynamics Laboratory under the directorship of Joseph uniquely qualified to design the mathematical operations, Smagorinsky. He arranged for many other visitors to learn and eager to see if weather prediction can be done on his new the new methods at his Princeton group (Fig. 3). Several of computer as one of its first problems. This was a unique op- his programmers even went on to have an impact elsewhere portunity for meteorology, the equivalent of which may in meteorology. Glenn Lewis, for example, was the first di- rector of the NCAR computer facility in the mid 1960s. James Cooley shares honors with John Tukey for the devel- opment of the Fast Fourier Transform. And Bruce Gilchrist 3 This paper also contains the first treatment of the vertical veloc- became head of the computer facility at Columbia University. ity from Ekman-layer convergence as the proper boundary condi- tion for frictionless geostrophic flow above the boundary layer. Jule Before he left Princeton for M.I.T. in 1956, Jule made two credits Eliassen with this fundamental principle of rotating flows. major contributions to oceanography. These were stimu-

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FIG. 3. A group of meteorologists in front of the Electronic Computer Project building at the Institute for Advanced Study, probably in late 1950. Left to right: B. Bolin, T. Davies, J. Charney, C. Rossby, and J. Smagorinsky. (Courtesy of J. Slocum). lated by many discussions with Henry Stommel at Woods The energy spectrum in this type of flow is predicted to be Hole. In the first of these papers, Jule showed how the con- quite steep, with energy density falling off as the minus third vergence of the Ekman wind drift could be used as the upper power of the wave number. The consequences were described boundary condition to deduce the 3-dimensional forced cir- very clearly by Tennekes in 1978. This steep fall-off leads to culation, due to wind stress on the oceans. This freed ocea- much smoother fields than one finds in other types of turbu- nographers to move beyond the vertical averages that Sver- lence. Without this relative smoothness, synoptic networks drup, Stommel, and Munk had been forced to use. In the would not be sufficient to allow simple predictions by ex- second paper, Jule showed how the narrow Gulf Stream trapolation. I find it very fitting that Jule made a contribu- could be derived as a nonlinear inertial flow near the coast, in tion to the examination of this question. It was, after all, the response to the slow westward drift that accompanied the long history of synoptic observations that led to the Bjerknes Sverdrup meridional flow in the interior of the oceans. and Rossby papers that had, in turn, guided Jule in his thesis. In the 25 years of Jule's life at M.I.T., he made many new In 1975, Jule gave the Symons Memorial Lecture to the contributions to the theory of atmospheric motion. I would Royal Meteorological Society. His topic was "Dynamics of like to describe briefly some of these for you. With Philip deserts and drought in the Sahel." I shall not discuss the mete- Drazin, he initiated the study of vertical propagation of long orological significance of this research, interesting as it is. wave energy. Many other scientists have continued this type Rather, I will emphasize his methodology. His hypothesis of approach, to examine stratospheric warming and other here demanded comparison with the real world. This he ac- phenomena. With Melvin Stern, he showed how the stability complished by collaboration with scientists at the Goddard criterion for internal baroclinic jets was related to the well- Institute for Space Studies in New York. Their general circu- known Rayleigh criterion for nonrotating Couette flow. Re- lation model was used for this purpose. But this was not the newing his collaboration with Eliassen, he proposed a mech- first thing that Jule did after thinking of his hypothesis. The anism to which they gave the name "Conditional Instability first thing he did was to examine his hypothesis as far as pos- of the Second Kind." In this process, cumulus convection sible with a very simple mathematical model. Only then did was organized by a hurricane so as to supply the release of he enter the complicated world of general circulation models. latent heat needed to maintain the hurricane. Perhaps, in this day of powerful computers and dial-up ac- In 1971, Jule showed that 3-dimensional quasi-geostrophic cess to general circulation models, Jule has left us guidance motion should have an energy spectrum similar to that for here which we should consider more deeply than we are wont two-dimensional flow. This rather abstract concept is related to do. to one of the most important facts about our atmosphere, The influence of Jule on meteorology was much greater and thereby to the very existence of meteorology as a science. than his impressive list of honors, publications, and out-

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FIG. 4. Nora Charney, J. Charney, and H. Stommel at the Uni- versity of Chicago in 1970, when Charney and Stommel were awarded honorary degrees. (Courtesy of G. Platzman).

standing doctoral students would indicate (Fig. 4). Let me give you one example. Almost the first thing that Jule did on arrival at M.I.T. was to organize with Willem Malkus an in- formal fortnightly seminar. These Friday afternoon meet- ings gradually involved people from the Meteorology, Geo- physics, and Mathematics departments at M.I.T.; from Woods Hole; and from Harvard, Brown, Rhode Island, and Yale universities. All kinds of fluid dynamical problems of possible relevance to meteorology and oceanography were discussed and joyfully debated. The site of the meetings ro- tated, but we thought nothing of the 90-mile distances in- volved. As an indication of the vitality of these events, I would like to show you an announcement that Henry Stom- mel prepared for a meeting in 1959 (Fig. 5). This seminar series lasted 22 years. Formal teaching in class by Jule was not a polished per- FIG. 5. Announcement for one of the fortnightly seminars formance. But those students fortunate to have had him as started by Charney and Malkus. This announcement was prepared their thesis advisor received a personal indoctrination in the by Stommel. (Courtesy of J. Young.) three factors that give life to creative conceptions in science: enthusiasm, rigor, and an obligation to compare theory with the real world whenever possible. We can rely on a continu- ing influence by Jule on meteorology through these former speech to the United Nations. This called on the World Mete- students. orological Organization to study measures "to advance the I finally come to Jule's influence on the Global Weather state of atmospheric science and technology," and "to Experiment. Although I was a colleague of his at this time, I develop weather forecasting capabilities." was then not directly involved in this activity. My hazy This was a broad assignment. By the end of 1961, however, memory has been greatly helped for this purpose by Mr. Jule had already come to the conclusion that a much more Oliver Ashford, recently retired from the World Meteorologi- focussed goal was necessary. His idea was for an observation cal Organization. In particular, he provided me with a copy experiment that would measure the large-scale circulation of a four-page note entitled "GARP—some personal recol- over the entire globe for a limited period. He presented this lections," that Jule had written in 1980 at Ashford's request. idea first at a society-sponsored conference in December, I also have read the paper that Ashford presented at the 1981 and then, in January 1962, to a meeting of the Academy's meeting in Toronto of the American Association for the Ad- Committee on Atmospheric Science. The logic of his reason- vancement of Science. ing began to meet with acceptance. After an early plan had In April 1961, Jule was asked on behalf of Jerome been drafted, Jule, with Morris Tepper and Philip Thomp- Wiesner, the science advisor to President Kennedy, to sug- son, traveled to Europe in early 1964. There they met with gest methods of international cooperation in meteorology in leading scientific and technical people, including representa- the light of space technology. Jule met promptly with seven tives of the International Council of Scientific Unions and other meteorologists at the society headquarters. Their rec- the World Meteorological Organization. According to Jule, ommendations eventually led to Resolution 1721 of the Gen- their presentation of the observation experiment concept met eral Assembly in late 1961, through Kennedy's September with strong support and good advice in every instance.

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knowledge is of a meagre, unsatisfactory kind: it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced to the state of science.

Jule Charney helped us make this advance.

Acknowledgments. George Platzman was a major source of infor- mation, not only from his interview with Jule, but also with mate- rial that he had acquired in preparing his 1978 Starr Memorial Lec- ture. Mrs. Jane McNabb arranged for the interview tapes to be given me and helped in other ways. Oliver Ashford's copy of Jule's GARP recollections was extremely helpful. Eugenia Kalnay, Edward Carl- stead, Joel Slocum, John Young, and others were very helpful in ob- taining photographs.


I. Papers by Jule Charney referred to in the text.

1947: Dynamics of long waves in a baroclinic westerly current, J. Dr. Norman A. Phillips delivers the Jule Charney Memorial Lec- Meteor oh, 4, 135-162. ture at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the AMS, San Antonio, Tex., 11 1948: On the scale of atmospheric motions, Geofys. Publikasjoner, January 1982. Dr. Phillips is Principal Scientist, National Meteor- 17, 1-17. ological Center, National Weather Service, Washington, D.C. 1949: On a physical basis for mumerical prediction of large-scale motions in the atmosphere. J. Meteoroh, 6, 371-385. 1949: and A. Eliassen: A numerical method for predicting the per- turbation of the middle latitude westerlies. Tellus, 1, 38-54. In the United States, Jule then headed an Academy panel 1950: with R. Fjrirtoft and J. von Neumann: Numerical integration consisting of Robert Fleagle, Vincent Lally, Herbert Riehl, of the barotropic vorticity equation. Tellus, 2, 237-257. and David Wark. In 1966, this panel produced a major 1954: Numerical prediction of cyclogenesis. Proc. Nat. Acad. ofSci., Academy report, "The feasibility of a global observation and 40, 99-110. analysis experiment." This report was instrumental in organ- 1955: The generation of ocean currents by wind. J. Mar. Res., 14, izing solid support for the plan, both in the United States and 477-498. abroad. Jule was responsible for the large-scale scientific 1955: The Gulf Stream as an inertial boundary layer. Proc. Nat. considerations that constituted the first 31 pages. In the re- Acad. Sci., 41, 731-740. port, he developed the need to view the atmosphere as a 1961: and P. G. Drazin: Propagation of planetary-scale disturbances single system, global in extent. He marshalled the talents of from the lower into the upper atmosphere. J. Geophys. Res., 66, no. 1, 83-109. Cecil Leith at the Livermore Laboratories, Yale Mintz at the 1962: and M. E. Stern: On the stability of internal baroclinic jets in a University of California, and Joseph Smagorinsky at the rotating atmosphere. J. Atmos. Sci., 19, 159-172. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. Together they in- 1964: and A. Eliassen: On the growth of the hurricane depression. J. vestigated the problem of how rapidly errors in initial data Atmos. Sci., 21, 68-75. would grow in a numerical model. This predictability ques- 1966: R. Fleagle, V. Lally, H. Riehl, and D. Wark: The feasibility of tion was fundamental for the design criteria of the observing a global observation and analysis experiment. A Report of the systems. It was to be addressed and refined repeatedly in the Panel on International Meteorological Cooperation to the Commit- 13 years that elapsed before the beginning of the experiment. tee on Atmospheric Sciences, Publication 1290, National Academy Jule continued his concern for this question in collaborative of Sciences, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. work with Robert Jastrow and Milton Halem at the God- 1969: and M. Halem and R. Jastrow: Use of incomplete historical data to infer the present state of the atmosphere. J. Atmos. Sci., 26, dard Institute for Space Studies. 1160-1163. The successful Global Weather Experiment, of course, re- 1971: Geostrophic turbulence. J. Atmos. Sci., 28, 6. quired creative actions by many other people—in organiza- 1975: Dynamics of deserts and drought in the Sahel. Quart. J. Roy. tional arrangements, financing, new technology, detailed Meteoroh Soc., 101, 193-202. planning studies, and resourcefulness during the experiment itself. Jule would be the first to insist on recognizing this. But if any one persons' role was crucial, it was, we may be sure, II. Papers by other authors. that played by Jule Charney. I would like to close with a well-known quotation from the Ashford, O. M., 1981: Development of International Organization of Popular Lectures and Addresses of Lord Kelvin, given nearly GARP. Paper presented at the 1981 Toronto meeting of the Amer- a century ago. ican Association for the Advancement of Science. Bjerknes, J., 1937: Theorie der aussertropischen Zyklonenbildung. When you can measure what you are speaking about, Meteoroh Zeit., 54, 462-466. and express it in numbers, you know something about Bjerknes, V., J. Bjerknes, H. Solberg, and T. Bergeron, 1933: Physi- it; but when you cannot express it in numbers, your kalische Hydrodynamik, J. Springer, Berlin, 797 pp.

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Eady, E., 1949: Long waves and cyclone waves. Tellus, 1, 33-52. London, Cambridge University Press, 236 pp. Eliassen, A., 1949: The quasi-static equations of motion with pres- Rossby, C.-G., and Collaborators, 1939: Relation between varia- sure as independent variable. Geofys. Publ., 17(3). tions in the intensity of the zonal circulation of the atmosphere Hess, S., and H. Wagner, 1948: Atmospheric waves in the North- and the displacements of the semi-permanent centers of action. J. western United States. J. Meteorol., 5, 1-19. Marine Res., 2, 38-55. Hoskins, B., and F. Bretherton, 1972: Atmospheric frontogenesis Stommel, H., 1948: The westward intensification of wind-driven models: mathematical formulation and solution. J. Atmos. Sci., ocean currents. Trans. Am. Geo. Union, 29, 202-206. 29, 11-37. Stone, P., 1966: Frontogenesis by horizontal wind deformation Munk, W., 1950: On the wind-driven ocean circulation. J. Meteorol., fields. J. Atmos. Sci., 23, 455-465. 7, 79-93. Sutfcliff, R., 1947: A contribution to the problem of development. Obukhov, A., 1949: K voprosu o geostroficheskom vetra. Izv. Akad. Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 73, 370-383. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Geograf. Geofiz., 13, 281-306. Sverdrup, H., 1947: Wind-driven currents in a baroclinic ocean, with Phillips, N., 1956: The general circulation of the atmosphere: a nu- application to the equatorial currents of the Eastern Pacific. Proc. merical experiment. Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 82, 123-164. Nat. Acad. Sci., 33, 318-326. Platzman, G., 1979: The ENIAC computations of 1950—Gateway Tennekes, H., 1978: Turbulent flow in two and three dimensions. to numerical weather prediction. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 60, Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 59, 22-28. 302-312. Williams, R. T., 1972: Quasi-geostrophic versus non-geostrophic Richardson, L., 1922: Weather Prediction by Numerical Process. frontogenesis. J. Atmos. Sci., 29, 3-10. •

announcements (continued from page 491)

William T. Pecora Award Call for papers—Energy Technology Conference and Exposition The National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Department of the Interior jointly have established an award to The 10th annual Energy Technology Conference and Exposi- honor the memory of William T. Pecora, who was the motivat- tion (ET'83), sponsored by the American Gas Association, Elec- ing force behind the establishment of Earth Resources Sensing tric Power Research Institute, Gas Research Institute, National from space. He had a deep appreciation for the use of satellite Coal Association, and more than a dozen other organizations system programs in continually inventorying and managing representing energy users, government, and alternative energy national resources more effectively and in helping to prevent sources, will take place 28 February-2 March 1983 at the Sher- degradation of the environment. aton Washington Hotel, Washington, D.C. The conference Federal agencies, private individuals, scientific institutions, program of 200 international speakers and 70 topics will cover professional societies, and industrial organizations are invited major new developments in energy technology applications; a to submit nominations of qualifying individuals or groups. The concurrent trade show will host 300 exhibit booths of innova- award recognizes contributions of those in the scientific and tive energy hardware and services. Together, the Conference technical community as well as those involved in the practical and Exposition are the nation's largest forum of energy profes- application of remote sensing. Consideration will be given to sionals; 6500 attended the February 1982 event. sustained or single contributions of major importance to the art Abstracts are now being accepted and reviewed for papers to or science of the understanding of the earth through observa- be presented at the Conference. Proposed papers should explore tions made from space. All individuals or groups working in the practical and innovative developments in energy technology field of earth resource sensing, including those from both the applications and should be oriented to a well-informed, man- scientific and non-scientific communities, are eligible for this agement-level audience. Sales presentations are strictly prohib- award. ited. Three copies of the proposed paper's title, one-page ab- A brief statement in support of the nomination will be suffi- stract, and author's biography should be submitted to the ET'83 cient, but a more developed evaluation of the nominee is pre- Program Chairman by 10 August 1982 or earlier. Send them to: ferred. Anyone believed to meet the criteria may be nominated. ET'83 Program Chairman, c/o Government Institutes, Inc., In selecting the recipients, the award committee will consider P.O. Box 1096, Rockville, Md. 20850 tel: (301) 251-9250. For cumulative achievements as well as single concrete contribu- further information on the Conference, contact Martin Heav- tions. Previous nominees not selected as recipients will be ner at the same adress. reconsidered for this year's award. Such nominations should be updated by the submittors. The nominations, which close on 16 July 1982, may be made by a letter (an original and seven copies) to the William T. Pecora Award Committee, Office of Personnel, Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 or to the Incentive Awards Board, NB-45, National Aero- nautics and Space Administration, Washington, D.C. 20546. (continued on page 527)

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