
1 McCarthy. "Treason in Washington Exposed by Senator McCarthy." 1950.

2 Sullivan, George E. "The Road to Victory!" January 1942.

3 Dresser, Robert B. "The ." 1950.

4 Kamp, Joseph P. "Class War on the Home Front: How to Live on $25000 a Year? You'll Live on $129 a year--and Like It!"

5 Neylan, John Francis. Address delivered at the Commonwealth Club, San Francisco. November 23, 1951.

6 Crain, Lucille Cardin and Anne Burrows Hamilton. "Packaged Thinking for Women." American Affairs Pamphlets. October 1948.

7 Millikan, Robert A. "Shall Government Subsidize our Public Schools?" American Affairs Pamphlets. October 1947.

8 Johnson, William R. ", Key to the Orient--and to Asia." 1950.

9 Palmer, Cecil. "British Socialism is Destroying British Freedom." 1949.

10 Cowling, Donald J. and Carter Davidson. "The Government's Reach for Education." American Affairs Pamphlets. January 1949.

11 "The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Report of the Committee to Curb Communism." March 30, 1951.

12 Barnes, Harry Elmer. "The Court Historians versus Revisionism: an Examination of Langer and Gleason, 'The Challenge to Isolation,' 1937-1940." 13 "A Re-Examination of the Secret Plotting of the World Imperialists whose Subversive Activities are Accepted as our American System."

14 Kamp, Joseph P. "Vote for Candidates Endorsed by Alger Hiss."

15 Barnes, Harry Elmer. "The Struggle Against the Historical Blackout."

16 "The Great Idea: a plan to create a world government and direct the civilization of the future."

17 Linn, Walter. "Dangers to our American Way of Life." Remarks to the Cresheim Valley Council of Republican Women. Economic Council Papers, Vol.4, No.3. January 2, 1947.

18 Hughes, Frank. "The Bias of Great Wealth: an examination of the activities of leading American foundations and those who direct their affairs." 1950.

19 "Undermining our Republic: Do you know what the children are being taught in our public schools? You'll be surprised..." 1941.

20 "Twenty-Fifth Women's Patriotic Conference on National Defense: Summary of Proceedings." January 1951.

21 Flynn, John T. "The Smear Terror." 1947.

22 Gusted, D. "The Dictate-Aper: A Tale of Modern Times." 1941.

23 Huxley, Julian. "Unesco: Its Purpose and its Philosophy." 1948.

24 "Partners in Progress." Summary of a report to the President by the International Development Advisory Board. March 1951. 25 Moreell, Ben. "The Challenge to American Business." Address delivered at the General Meeting of American Iron and Steel Institute. May 22, 1952.

26 Moos, Elizabeth. "The Educational System of the Soviet Union."

27 "Discrimination in Higher Education." 1950.

28 Taylor, Reese H. "The Road We Travel." Address before the Purchasing Agents Association. January 22, 1952.

29 Kamp, Joseph P. "Strikes...and the Communists Behind Them." 1947.

30 "Communists within the Government: the Facts and a Program." Report of Committee on Socialism and Communism. January 1947.

31 Munger, Bob. "Students' Answer to the Marxist Challenge: Official Handbook." 1952.

32 Lane, A.H. "The Hidden Hand: A Plain Statement for the Man in the Street."

33 "Report on the Japanese Peace Treaty." September 1951.

34 Kamp, Joseph P. "The Fay Case."

35 Spellman, Francis Cardinal. "Communism is Un-American."

36 Kamp, Joseph P. "Native Nazi: Purge Plot." 1942.

37 Kamp, Joseph P. "The Fifth Column in Washington." June 1940. 38 Kamp, Joseph P. "The Fifth Column vs. the Dies Committee." 1941.

39 Kamp, Joseph P. "The Fifth Column in the South." 1940.

40 Kamp, Joseph P. "How to be an American, to Organize for America, to Fight Un-American." 1946.

41 Kamp, Joseph P. "Famine in America: Home Grown by the Farmers from Union Square." 1943.

42 Moss, James A. "US: A Presentation of Americanism." 1940.

43 Marsden, Victor E. "Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion." 1942.

44 Miller, Marion Mills. "Manual of Ready Reference to the Authors' Digest containing brief analysis of the World's Great Stories."

45 "Teaching about the United Nations in the Schools and Colleges of the in 1950 and 1951."

46 "The Korean Experience." Journal of International Affairs, Vol.6 No.2. Spring 1952.

47 The Conference Board Educational Extension Program. "Report on Progress." 1948.

48 Dies, Martin. "Truth Crushed to Earth Will Rise Again." Speech. May 17, 1951.

50 "Primer for Americans." 1950.

51 Chadbourne, Richard McClain. "Two Organizers of Divinity: Ernest Renan and ." September 1949.

52 Timasheff, N.S. "The Basic Conflict of Our Age." December 1949.

53 Aronson, Moses J. "The Juristic Thought of Mr. Justice Frankfurter." January 1940.

54 Lowenstein, Karl. "The Union of Western Europe: Illusion and Reality." 1952.

55 "United Europe: A Statement of Progress."

56 McCarthy, Joe. "McCarthyism: The Fight for America." Documented answers to questions asked by friend and foe. 1952.

57 "Life Story of 'Ike' Eisenhower In Pictures." 1952.

58 "How Red is the Federal Council of Churches."

59 Yerxa, Fendall and Ogden R. Reid. "The Threat of Red Sabotage." 1950.

60 Hook, Sidney. "Heresy, Yes--Conspiracy, No!" 1950.

61 "Who Wants War?" 1935.

62 "Who Wants War? Part II"

63 Gibbons, Edward H. "It's Your Move. Do You Want to Wreck Stalin's Racket? This Book Tells You How."

64 Kamp, Joseph P. "Hitler was a Liberal." 1949. 65 Moss, James A. "Your Rights Under the Constitution."

66 Aronson, Gregor. "Soviet Russia and the Jews." 1949.

67 "The Activist." Winter 1961.

71 Townsend, Ralph. "The High Cost of Hate." January 1939.

72 Townsend, Ralph. "Seeking Foreign Trouble." 1940.

73 Hoffman, Clare E. "Frame-Up in Steel." Address delivered in the House of Representatives. September 29, 1949.

75 Bealle, Morris A. "Washington Squirrel Cage: The Story of the Raw Deal in Satire." 1952.

76 Fritsch, Ludwig A. "The Crime of Our Age: A Call to the Clergy and to All Christians in the United States of America." 1949.

78 Bealle, Morris A. "The Drug Story." 1949.

79 Colegrove, Kenneth. "Senator McCarthy."

80 Kilborn, Orson. "The Constitution Be Damned." 1952.

81 Debnam, W.E. "Weep No More, My Lady." A Southerner answers Mrs. Roosevelt's report on the "Poor and Unhappy South." 1950.

82 Marion, George. "Bases and Empire: A Chart of American Expansion." 1949.

83 "The Best of The Nation." A selection of the best articles of lasting value to appear in The Nation during the recent past. 1952.

84 Sumner, William Graham. "What Social Classes Owe to Each Other." 1952.

86 Goff, Kenneth. "Red Betrayal of Youth." 1948.

87 "Amended Petition to the President and the Congress of the United States." 1947.

88 "The Plot of the Jews." 1948.

89 Dilling, Elizabeth. "The Red Betrayal of the Churches."

90 Dodd, Thomas J. "The Mortal Struggle...the objectives in the fight of free men against communist enslavement."

91 "How Can We Help Get Better Schools?"

92 Lane, Rose Wilder. "Give Me Liberty." The Freeman, Vol.2 No.1. 1945.

93 Field, A.N. "Socialism Unmasked: Who Propagated it, How and Why."

94 "Know Your Enemy: the 'Unrra' Infiltrators." December 1947.

95 Fahey, Denis. "The Rulers of Russia."

96 Fahey, Denis. "The Rulers of Russia." 1938.

97 Britton, Frank L. "Behind Communism."

98 Baarslag, Karl. "Communist Trade Union Trickery Exposed." 1949. 100 Fry, L. "California Betrayed."

101 Smith, Gerald L.K. "Too Much and Too Many Roosevelts." 1950.

102 Loos, A. William. "Two Giants and One World: A Discussion of Soviet- American Relations." 1948.

103 Haziltt, Henry. "Illusions of Point Four." 1950.

104 "Sabotage: How to Guard Against it." 1950.

105 "Still No Amnesty."

106 Muste, A.J. "Of Holy Disobedience." 1952.

107 Muste, A.J. "The World Task of Pacifism." Pendle Hill Pamphlet No. 13. 1941.

108 Bailey, Alice A. "The Reappearance of the Christ." May 1947.

109 McCann, Irving G. "Why the Taft-Hartley Law." 1950.

110 "Communist Economic Policy in the Less Developed Areas." July 1960.

111 Armstrong, George W. "The Truth About My Alleged $50,000,000.00 Donation." 1950.

112 Everingham, Harry T. "U.S.A. Beyond the Crossroads." June 1952.

113 Dresser, Robert B. "How We Blundered into Korean War and Tragic Future Consequences." 114 Barnes, Harry Elmer. "Was Roosevelt Pushed into War by Popular Demand in 1941?" December 29, 1950.

115 "Danger! They're After our Schools."

116 Barnes, Harry Elmer. "Rauch on Roosevelt: a Study in Appearances and Realities."

117 Rogers, Frederick Rand. "American Higher Education: its Betrayal of Trust and Faith."

118 Rogers, Frederick Rand. "Progressive Education: Irresponsible and Immoral Pedagogy." 1952.

119 Smith, Gerald L.K. "Jews in Government and Related Positions of Power." 1951.

120 Williams, Robert H. "Know Your Enemy." 1950.

121 "This is our Problem." February 1951.

123 Cox, Earnest Sevier. "Let My People Go." May 1925.

124 Horsley, G. William. "Analysis of testimony given before the Seditious Activities Investigation Commission with regard to the investigation of University of Chicago and Roosevelt College, together with comments and additional material collected."

125 Fosdick, Raymond B. "We Must Not be Afraid of Courage." October 1949.

126 "Government by Authorities." 127 "Rugg Philosophy Analyzed." Parts I-II-III-IV. 1941.

128 Allen, Marilyn R. "America Forever: Operation 'Scuttling of America.'" December 1947.

129 Allen, Marilyn R. "Calling All Christians." January 1951.

130 Allen, Marilyn R. "America Forever: 'The New Testament.'" January 1948.

131 "The Strange Case of Merwin K. Hart." An open letter to .

131 Allen, Marilyn. "America Forever, Whose Country is This?"

132 Allen, Marilyn. "Admiral Nimitz and the United Nations."

133 Kaub, Verne P. "An Analysis of Laski's Book The American Democracy." September 1948.

134 Manne, Roy E. "Giddy Minds and Tragic Results." Sermon. May 6, 1951.

135 "Should America's College Professors be Pro-American?"

136 Fuller, Harry J. "The Emperor's New Clothes or Prius Dementat." Economic Council Papers, Vol. IV, No.7. August 15, 1951.

137 "European Federation Now." December 1951.

138 Edmonson, Robert Edward. "The Jewish System Indicted by the Documentary Record." 139 Edmonson, Robert Edward. "'Anti-Semitic' Clauses of Today." February 1937.

140 Edman, V. Raymond. "Karl Marx...or Jesus Christ." 1949.

141 "Creeping Paralysis."

142 "Communist Infiltration in the United States: its Nature and How to Combat it." 1946.

143 "Communist and Communist-Front Organizations in America."

144 Matthews, J.B. "Tactics and Methods of Communism in America." A Harding College Freedom Forum Presentation. May 2, 1952.

145 "National Committee for Union Shop Abolition."

146 Rogers, Arthur. "The Palestine Mystery: Sidelights on Secret Policy." 1948.

147 Wittmer, Felix. "Freedom's Case Against Dean Acheson." American Mercury.

148 Toledano, Nora de. "Time Marches on McCarthy." American Mercury. Vol.74, No.338. February 1952.

149 Payne, Jessica Wyatt. "Who's Trying to Save Our Schools?"

150 MacArthur, Douglas. Address before a joint session of the Mississippi Legislature. March 22, 1952.

151 Patterson, Vernon W. "The Principles and Objectives of the Federal Council." July 1947. 152 Olds, Irving S. "Inflation or Free Enterprise."

153 Williams, Robert H. "The Untold Story of State Medicine." 1948.

154 Lamont, Corliss. "Why I am Not a Communist." January 1952.

155 Hughes, Frank. "Leftist Views Rule Columbia Citizen Course." August 1951.

156 Kaub, Verne P. "The Yale Whitewash."

157 Randall, Clarence B. "Seizure...the New Push-Button Warfare on Business." An address before the National Press Club. April 25, 1952.

158 Cornelius, W.M. "Corporations Do Not Pay Taxes." Address to Michigan Bankers' Association. May 15, 1952.

159 Flynn, John T. "Why Korea? Story of Blackest Intrigue and Betrayal in America's History." 1952.

160 Randall, Clarence B. "These are the Facts, Mr. President." Radio-TV address. April 9, 1952.

161 Barr, John U. "Yesterday--Today--What of Tomorrow?" May 22, 1952.

162 Kaub, Verne P. "The Federal Council of Churches Takes its Stand with Enemies of America."

163 Lamont, Corliss. "Soviet Aggression: Myth or Reality?"

164 "How Red are the Schools?" 165 "Thus Speaks the Talmud." The Case of Judaism vs. Christianity with evidence from the Jewish Rabbi Scriptures.

166 Edman, V.R. "The Ramparts We Watch."

167 "Hidden Empire."

168 "Must American Youth be Taught that Communism and Socialism are Superior to Americanism?"

169 "Pay Day for Jones."

170 "For When They Shall Say Peace and Safety."

171 "The Battle is the Lord's."

172 Stokes, Jeremiah. "For Freedom's Sake Stop America's Leftist Course Toward Self-Annihilation." Address delivered at a Mass Meeting at Denver. January 8, 1946.

173 "The Impeachment of Frances Perkins." January 24, 1939.

174 "New Dealers in Office...with their Red Front personnel."

175 Flynn, John T. "The Road Ahead." 1949.

176 "The Red Shield" or "Know Your Enemy."

177 "Yiddish Proverbs." Selected and translated by Joseph A. Weingarten. 1941.

178 "The Christian Harmony in Competition." 179 "Comment on Communists and Communism."

180 Thorkelson, J. "Who are the Communists?" 1939.

181 Sanctuary, E.N. "Communism--its Heart and Goal." 1936.

182 Jenner, William E. "Can You Trust the Future to those who Betrayed the Past?" September 15, 1950.

183 Field, A.N. "Facts About the Bank of England." 1938.

184 Holman, Frank E. "The United Nations: a Hope or a Menace?" March 1952.

186 Curtis, Catherine. "Britain's War Aims."

187 "United Christian Front." The Bishop of Chelmsford of Spain: his statements refuted in a series of letters to "The Times." 1938.

188 "High Treason."

189 "Trotsky." By a former Russian Commissar. 1937.

190 Lane-Fox, G. "Czecho-Slovakia: the Naked Truth about the World-War Plot." September 26, 1938.

191 Nenoff, Stephen. "Teaching Treason." 1949.

192 Townsend, Ralph. "America Has No Enemies in Asia." 1938.

193 Stokes, Jeremiah. "Remember Pearl Harbor: Americans' Three-fold Task for Self-Preservation." 1942. 194 Baker, Alonzo L. "Is the World Going Red?" 1935.

195 Waters, John E. "Red Justice." 1944.

196 Lunn, Arnold. "Spain: The Unpopular Front."

197 "Joint Letter of the Spanish Bishops to the Bishops of the Whole World Concerning the War in Spain."

198 Code, Joseph B. "The Spanish War and Lying ." July 21, 1938.

199 Griessemer, Tom. "The System of Hitler, Stalin or Streit: Which is America's Choice?"

200 "Democracy's Answer to Hitler." January 22, 1941.

201 Tulga, Chester E. "The Case Against Communism." 1949.

202 Pope Pius XI. "Atheistic Communism." Encyclical letter.

203 Feely, Raymond. "--Communism--the U.S.A." A study of the parallels and contrasts of Fascism and Communism and their threat to America.

204 Sheen, Fulton J. "Communism Answers Questions of a Communist."

205 Feely, Raymond T. "Communism and Union Labor: Where Do You Stand?" October 21, 1937.

206 Sheen, Fulton J. "Communism and Religion." 207 "Why: America in a World at War." 1941.

208 Close, Upton and John Howland Snow. "The Plan to Enslave Congress and You." American Papers No.4. 1950.

208 "Exchange of Communications Between the President of the United States and the Chancellor of the German Reich." April 1939.

209 "You Can Defend America." 1941.

211 Et Veritas. A Yale Publication of Philosophical and Religious Interest. Vol. II, No.4. May-June 1948.

212 Et Veritas. A Yale Publication of Philosophical and Religious Interest. Vol. III, No.1. October 1948.

213 Et Veritas. A Yale Publication of Philosophical and Religious Interest. Vol. III, No.2. November 1948.

214 Et Veritas. A Yale Publication of Philosophical and Religious Interest. Vol. III, No.4. February 1949.

215 Et Veritas. A Yale Publication of Philosophical and Religious Interest. Vol. III, No.5. March 1949.

216 Et Veritas. A Yale Publication of Philosophical and Religious Interest. Vol. III, No.6. May 1949.

217 Tucker, Rufus S. and . "Economic Planning." Address delivered before the American Academy of Political and Social Science. March 30, 1945.

218 "The Power of Your Vote." 219 Benson, George S. "The Challenge."

220 Plattes, Cyril W. "Economics for Elementary Schools." April 30, 1952.

221 Budenz, Louis Francis. "The Communist Conspiracy." October 19, 1951.

222 "Basic Economics--A Basis for Understanding."

223 Ganus, Clifton L. "History Condemns Socialism." September 11, 1951.

224 Haake, Alfred P. "The Long Range Implications of Welfare State Measures." September 11, 1951.

225 Davisson, William G. "Our Constitutional Democracy--Shall We Keep It?" April 30, 1952.

226 Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. "The Freedom Programs."

227 MacLennan, A. Gordon. "The National Council of Churches." An address in the Shadyside United Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh. April 15, 1951.

228 MacLennan, A. Gordon. "The National Council of Churches." An answer to Dr. Samuel McCrae Cavert.

229 Polk, Keen. "Abstract of Title to Palestine."

230 Rockefeller, John D. "The Christian Church: What of its Future?"

231 Garrett, Garet. "The Man Who Thought With His Hands." May 1952. 232 "The Untouchables."

233 "The Six-Year Plan of Economic Development and Building the Foundations of Socialism in Poland." 1950.

234 Goff, Kenneth. "Confessions of Stalin's Agent." 1948.

235 Vyshinsky, A.Y. Speeches on the reduction of armaments, prohibition of the atomic weapon, and on international control. 1951.

236 Vyshinsky, A.Y. Speeches on measures against the threat of another war and for strengthening peace and friendship among nations. Delivered November 8, 1951.

237 "Economic Life--U.S.A." 1949.

238 "The Responsibility of Christians in an Interdependent Economic World." 1950.

239 Peters, Paul O. "Dissenter's Handbook." 1952.

240 Oliver, F.S. "On Politics and Politicians." 1952.

241 Bean, William T. "Socialism: Europe's Lost Cause."

242 "Building for Peace." The Story of the First Four Years of the United Nations 1945-1949.

243 McWilliams, Carey. "What About Our Japanese-Americans?" 1944.

244 Buck, Pearl S. "Tell the People--Mass Education in China." 1945. 245 Social Order. Vol. II, No. 3. March 1952.

246 "The Church and Economic Life: Basic Christian Principles and Assumptions." September 1948.

247 Hall, Cameron P. "The Churches Deal with Economic Issues." 1949.

248 Hall, Cameron P. "What Churches Can Do About Economic Life." December 1948.

249 Schuman, Frederick L. "Peace Without Appeasement." March 15, 1951.

250 Malik, Charles. "The Challenge of Communism." December 14, 1950.

251 Lattimore, Owen. "The Citizen and American Policy in Asia." October 2, 1950.

252 Lie, Trygve. "Statement on the World Situation." October 1951.

253 "The Message of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights." 1951.

254 Williams, Robert H. "Can the Police Protect Us?" 1952.

255 Volwiler, A.T. "Social Implications of the Report on the Social Studies." October 1936.

256 Armstrong, George W. "The Zionists."

257 "A Handbook for the Improvement of Textbooks and Teaching Materials." 1949. 258 Zocca, Marie and Louis. "The United Nations--Action for Peace." A Layman's Guide. 1951.

259 Farley, Miriam S. and Vera M. Dean. "Korea and World Politics." Behind the Headlines. Vol. X, No.5. October 1950.

260 Lattimore, Eleanor H. "Labor Unions in the Far East." 1945.

262 Hirsch, Carl. "Public Enemies in Public Office." July 1951.

263 Tse-tung, Mao. "On Practice." 1937.

264 Labor Research Association. "Monopoly Today." November 1950.

265 "President's Report for the Year 1950."

266 "Official Program: Thirty-Sixth Annual Convention for National Association of Secondary-School Principals." 1952.

267 "Report to the United Nations 1948-1949."

268 Leese, Arnold. "The Jewish War of Survival." 1945.

269 Leese, Arnold. "Racial Inequality in Europe." 1952.

270 Wolman, Leo. "Industry-Wide Bargaining." 1948.

271 Tompkins, E.F. "Snares for American Liberties."

274 Snow, John Howland. "America...Which Way?" 1945.

276 Dodds, Harold W. "Communism and the Defense of America." April 1949.

277 British Information Services. "The North Atlantic Treaty: Debate in the House of Commons." Excerpts from speeches. May 12, 1949.

278 Jeffrey, William H. "Mitre and Urquiza: a Chapter in the Unification of the Argentine Republic." September 1952.

279 National Council Against Conscription. " in Education." February 1950.

280 McDonald, Milo F. "American Education: the Old, the Modern and the New." 1952.

281 McDonald, Milo F. "'Progressive' Poison in Public Education." 1951.

282 National Education Association. "The Pasadena Story: an analysis of some forces and factors that injured a superior school system." June 1951.

283 Shearon, Marjorie. "Old Doc Truman's Pink Pills." 1951.

284 United Nations. "Historical Survey of the Question of International Criminal Jurisdiction." 1949.

285 Committee for the Preservation of Methodism. "Is There a Pink Fringe in the Methodist Church? If So, What Shall We Do About It?" 1951.

286 Marvin, Fred R. "United We Stand or Divided We Fall." 1939.

287 Matthews, J.B. "The United Front Exposed." November 19380

288 League for Constitutional Government. "The Genesis of the 'New Deal' With Some Revelations." 1936.

289 League for Constitutional Government. "International 'New' Deal." 1935.

290 Marvin, Fred R. "Christianity vs. Organized Pacifism."

291 "Songs for America: American Ballads, Folk Songs, Marching Songs, Songs of Other Lands." 1939.

292 Kristol, Irving. "'Civil Liberties,' 1952: A Study in Confusion." February 1952.

293 McIntire, Carl. "The New Bible, Revised Standard Version: Why Christians Should Not Accept It."

294 Hicks, Hamilton. "Ours to Reason Why." May 1941.

295 "Why F.E.P.C." (The So-Called Fair Employment Practice Code)

296 Clinchy, Russell J. "Human Rights and the United Nations." February 1952.

297 Smith, Gerald L.K. "My Fight for the Right."

299 Smith, Gerald L.K. "Hollywood High School Speech: Exposing Reds and their Dupes in the Film Colony." 1951.

300 "Propaganda in U.S. School Banks." 1947.

301 Cooley, Oscar W. and Paul Poirot. "The Freedom to Move." 1951. 302 Smith, Gerald L.K. "Is Communism Jewish?" 1950.

303 "Anti-Semitism, its Causes and Cures." A symposium. 1941.

304 Arcand, Adrien, Henry Hamilton Beamish and Robert Edward Edmondson. "The Greatest War in History Now On." Three speeches. 1937.

305 Fitch, Geraldine. "China Lob-Lolly." 1950.

306 Women's National Committee to Keep U.S. Out of War. "Your Answers to the War Dancers." 1941.

307 "A.D. 1776 for Liberty: H.R. 1776 for ."

309 Haile, Pennington. "After the War: Plans and Problems." May 1941.

310 "Facts about the League of Women Voters."

311 "Red Stars in Hollywood."

312 "Freedom Needs a Soap Box Too..."

313 Bundy, Edgar C. "Christianity or Communism?" July 20, 1951.

314 "The General Assembly: United Nations." November 1949.

315 Vyshinsky, A.Y. "The Soviet Position on Prohibition of Atomic Weapons and International Control of Atomic Energy." Speeches at the Fourth Session of the United Nations General Assembly. November 1949. 316 "Leninism--Lewisism."

317 Lohbeck, Don. "Two-Party Treason." 1951.

318 "McCarthyism: American Fascism on the March." February 1954.

319 "The School Board Member in Action." November 1949.

320 Committee for Constitutional Government, Inc. "Needed Now-- Capacity for Leadership, Courage to Lead." 1944.

321 Conant, Newton C. "Present Day Methodism and the Bible." 1949.

322 Robnett, George Washington. "Can We Preserve our 'American System' in the Postwar World?" 1944.

323 Fraenkel, Osmond K. "The Supreme Court and Civil Liberties: How Far Has the Court Protected the Bill of Rights?" October 1949.

325 "Democracy in Trade Unions: A Survey, with a program of action." May 1949.

326 American Civil Liberties Union. "Our Uncertain Liberties." August 1948.

327 Abrams, Charles. "Race Bias in Housing." July 1947.

328 Read, Leonard E. "Students of Liberty." 1950.

329 "Hitler's Communism Unmasked." 1938.

330 Cotter, Hilary and R. De Roiste. "World Dictatorship by 1955? Why Forrestal Threw Himself Out of the Window." 1951.

331 Nathanson, Jerome. "Religious Creeds and Religious Freedom."

332 Valentin, Hugo. "The Jews' Financial Power."

333 Valentin, Hugo. "The Jews and Radicalism."

334 Valentin, Hugo. "Jewish Influence in the of the Weimar Constitution."

335 Valentin, Hugo. "The Jews and ."

336 "The Convention on Genocide."

337 American Association for Social Security. "Social Security in Wartime and After." 1942.

338 Quitman, Gertrude and William H. Allen. "Dictator Isms and Our Democracy." 1940.

339 Lindeman, Eduard C. "Upon What Does Peace Depend?" April 1941.

340 "G.O.P. 'Fifth Column' Finds the Fleshpots."

341 Scoville, John W. "Labor Monopolies--Or Freedom." 1946.

342 "We Charge Genocide: The Crime of Government against the Negro People." 1951.

343 Luxemburg, Rosa. "What is Economics?" 1954. 344 Pettengill, Samuel B. and Paul C. Bartholomew. "For Americans Only." 1944.

346 Springer, Harvey H. "'Communism Out to Take America' and Other Sermons."

347 "Perkins, Jonathan Ellsworth. "The Biggest Hypocrite in America: Gerald L.K. Smith Unmasked."

348 Springer, Harvey H. "In Mysterious Ways." January 1949.

350 "The United Nations Calling the Peoples of the World."

351 Lie, Trygve. "The Struggle for Lasting Peace." A record of United Nations achievements. July 5, 1948.

352 Armstrong, George W. "Money and the Tariff."

353 Armstrong, George W. "Zionist Wall Street." 1949.

354 Wilmoth, William F. "The United States of America was Betrayed into the World War."

355 Goering, Hermann. "Field-Marshal Hermann Goering Speaks from his Grave to his Accuser, Prosecutor, Judge and Hanman--Winston Churchill and to the World-Christian Conscience."

356 Greife, Herman. "Slave Labor in Soviet Russia."

357 "Report of Committee on American Citizenship to be presented at the 75th Annual Meeting." New York State Bar Association. January 25- 26, 1952. 358 Garrett, Garet. "The Revolution Ways." 1945.

359 Briefs, Goetz A. "Can Labor Sit in the Office? Sociological Aspects of Union-Management Cooperation." American Affairs Pamphlets. 1948.

360 Cleaveland, Agnes Morley. "American Primer." American Affairs Pamphlet. 1949.

361 Byrd, Harry F. "Now...The Fiscal Crisis." American Affairs Pamphlets. 1949.

362 Kane, Wanden M. "The Planners and the Plan." 1952.

363 "Ten Good Reasons for Cracking the Quota System in American Education."

364 "Prejudice Won't Hide." A guide for developing a language of equality.

369 Houser, George M. "CORE: A Brief History." Congress of Racial Equality.

370 Redfield, Robert. "Race and Religion in Selective Admission."

371 "The United States and the Soviet Union: Some Quaker Proposals for Peace." A report prepared for the American Friends Service Committee. 1949.

372 The National Elementary Principal. Vol.29 No.4. February 1950.

373 Harbison, E. Harris. "Religious Perspectives of College Teaching in History."

374 Boulding, Kenneth. "Religious Perspectives of College Teaching in Economics."

375 Bellinger, Alfred R. "Religious Perspectives of College Teaching in The Classics."

376 Sinnott, Edmund W. "Science and Religion: a Necessary Partnership." 1950.

377 Blanshard, Brand. "The Uses of a Liberal Education." 1949.

378 "Eleventh Report to Congress of the Economic Cooperations Administration." 1950.

378 "The Marshall Plan: a Program of International Cooperation."

380 "The California Lobby." April 4, 1939.

381 "The United Nations: Facts and Fallacies."

382 Snow, John Howland. "Government by Treason." American Papers No.3. 1946.

383 Abegg, C.J. Addresses given during his visit to the United States. May 1951.

384 Muzzey, David Saville. "Beyond Church and Synagogue."

385 Blac, Algernon D. "The Church and Religious Freedom."

386 Friess, Horace L. "The Vision of Felix Adler."

387 Markham, Reuben H. "Let Us Protestants Awake." December 1950. 388 Williams, Robert H. "The Anti-Defamation League and its Use in the World Communist Offensive." 1947.

389 Bentwich, Norman. "Wartime Britain's Alien Policy." February 1942.

390 Steinberg, Milton. "First Principles for American Jews." December 1941.

392 "From Here On." The charter of the United Nations with interpretive comments and pertinent discussion questions. 1951.

393 Murray, Philip. "Unite For Victory Against Disruption, Against Disunity." 1942.

394 "War Management in Washington: A Review of Conditions Widely Criticized in August and September, 1942." September 1942.

395 Hart, Merwin K. "The Bureaucrat Comes to Town." July 1943.

396 Hill, Helen. "Planning the War for Peace." Reprinted from The Virginia Quarterly Review. Winter 1942.

397 "War Production." Congress of Industrial Organizations. 1942.

398 "Know Your Community as a Basis for Understanding the Schools' Problems." Leaflet No.57, Know Your School Series. 1941.

399 Williams, Chester S. "Fair Trial." 1941.

400 Hughes, T.W. "Forty Years of Roosevelt." 1944.

401 "Know Your America." Suggested study course in Americanism. 402 "The American Economic System Compared with Collectivism and Dictatorship."

403 "Yorktown: Climax of the Revolution." National Park Service Source Book Series. No.1. 1941.

404 Armstrong, George W. "World Empire." 1945.

405 "The Social Studies." Review of Educational Research. Vol.11, No.4, Part 2. October 1941.

407 Counts, George S. "American Education through the Soviet Looking Glass." 1951.

408 Josephson, Emanuel M. "A Job for Every Man." Reprinted from "Your Life is their Toy."

409 Josephson, Emanuel M. "The Truth about Milk." From "Your Life is their Toy."

410 Josephson, Emanuel M. "America's Communist Conspiracy." 1946.

411 "The Melish Case: Challenge to the Church." 1947.

412 "Expressions on Education by Builders of American Democracy." 1951.

413 Keesecker, Ward W. "Education for Freedom." 1948.

414 Stevenson, Archibald E. "Education for Citizenship." Address given at the Second Annual Conference on the Quality and Cost of Education at Albany, New York. February 11, 1941. 415 "Proceedings." Third American Youth Congress. July 3-5, 1936.

416 Roelofs, Howard Dykema. "Democracy and the Curriculum." Reprinted fromThe Southern Review, Vol. 5, No. 2. Autumn 1939.

417 Johnson, Jones. "On the Record."

418 "Civil Rights in the United States in 1950: A Balance Sheet of Group Relations."

419 "The Impact of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 1951.

420 "Schools for a New World." American Association of School Administrators. 1947.

421 "Report to the United Nations 1949-1950." United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. 1950.

422 Warburg, James P. "Danger and Opportunity."

423 "National Council for the Social Studies." 32nd Annual Meeting. November 27-29, 1952.

424 "Contempt of Congress: The Trial of Earl Browder."

425 Marley, Sheppard. "Stalin's Tool in the U.N.?" Plain Talk. October 1947.

426 Auerbach, Frank L. "The Admission and Resettlement of Displaced Persons in the United States." 1950.

427 "Human Rights: Unfolding of the American Tradition." A selection of documents and statements. 1949. 428 "America's Future." Right to Work Edition. 1941.

429 "What Democracy Means in the Elementary School." Education and National Defense Series Pamphlet No.6. 1942.

430 Wahl, Albert L., Bessie L. Rehwinkel and Lawrence Reilly. "The Birth of a Science." 1949.

431 "Final Report of the United Nations Economic Survey Mission for the Middle East." Part 1 the Final Report and Appendices. December 1949.

432 Ezekiel, Mordecai. "Lines of Action in Economic Reconstruction." November 1942.

433 "Why are Jews Persecuted for their Religion?"

434 "Institute of Jewish Affairs Program." 1941.

435 "The Unesco Story." May 1950.

436 "Jewish Press-Control." 1939.

437 "Universal Declaration of Human Rights." December 10, 1948.

438 Klein, Henry H. "Roosevelt's Impeachment Demanded by Klein." 1943.

439 McKee, C.W. and H.G. Moulton. "A Survey of Economic Education. 1951.

440 Friedman, Philip. "The Bibliography of the Warsaw Ghetto." Reprinted fromJewish Book Annual, Vol.11. 1952-1953. 441 "The System of "Stealing" Party Nominations." Issued by League for Constitutional Government.

442 Morreel, Ben. "To Communism...Via Majority Vote." October 22, 1952.

443 Noel-Baker, Francis. "The Greek Spy Trial." Reprinted from World Review, July 1952.

444 Wilcox, Edward B. "Imperial Communism." 1947.

445 "Common Human Needs: An Interpretation for Staff in Public Assistance Agencies." Public Assistance Report No.8. 1945.

446 Moulton, Harold G. and Louis Marlio. "The Control of Germany and Japan." 1944.

447 Garrett, Garet. "Ex America." 1951.

448 Mote, Carl H. "Political Theologians and Theological Politicians." April 2, 1945.

449 Harris, Seymour E. "Foreign Aid and Our Economy." Bold New Program Series No.7. 1950.

450 Isaacs, Harold R. "Two-Thirds of the World: Problems of a New Approach to the Peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America." Bold New Program Series, No.2. 1950.

451 Fabricant, Solomon. "The Rising Trend of Government Employment." Occasional Paper 29. June 1949.

452 "Supplementary Readings in Economics 11." Department of Economics and Social Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 453 "Wieboldt Foundation: Annual Report." 1948.

454 "Democratic Education: Suggestions for Education and National Defense." Progressive Education Association.

455 Social Research. An International Quarterly of Political and Social Science. Vol.8, No.3. September 1941.

456 Williams, Chester S. and John W. Studebaker. "Teaching Democracy: A Teacher's Manual."

457 "The Untouchables."

458 Lewis, Alfred Baker. "Liberalism and Sovietism." 1946.

459 Sinclair, Upton. "Forty Years of Education." League for Industrial Democracy. 1945.

460 Cushman, Robert E. "American Civil Liberties in Mid-Twentieth Century." May 1951.

461 Boldyreff, John W. "Psychology and the Social Order." 1940.

462 White, William L. "Report on the Russians."

463 "A Plot for the World's Conquest." 1936.

464 "The Churches and Human Rights." Official Statement. December 1948.

466 Goff, Kenneth. "Will Russia Invade America?" 1951. 468 MacArthur, Kathleen W. "What Can Unite the World?" 1950.

469 "The Rights of Man are Worth Defending." 1942.

470 Yale University. "Report of the President of Yale University to the Alumni." 1950-1951.

472 , Vol. 73, No. 331. July 1951.

473 Meiklejohn, Alexander. "Crisis at the University of California." December 1950.

474 "The Smith Act and the Supreme Court." April 1952.

475 "Academic Freedom and Academic Responsibility." April 1952.

476 "To Take a Copy from the Nazis."

477 Chafee, Zechariah. "Thirty-Five Years with Freedom of Speech." May 1952.

478 Bruce, J. Campbell. "Must Liberty Bow Her Head in Shame?" The Reader's Digest. August 1952.

479 Jensen, Oliver. "The Persuasive Roger Baldwin." Reprinted from Harper's Magazine. September 1951.

480 "Universal Declaration of Human Rights." December 10, 1948.

481 Goff, Kenneth. "The Scarlet Woman of Revelation." 1952.

482 Fellers, Bonner. "Thought War against the Kremlin." The Human Affairs Pamphlets. 1949.

483 "A Plot for the World's Conquest." 1936.

484 David, Trefor. "The Bloody Red Streak." 1951.

485 Leese, Arnold. "Devilry in the Holy Land."

486 Leese, Arnold. "Our Jewish Aristocracy." March 1949.

487 Leese, Arnold S. "Bolshevism is Jewish." 1939.

488 "Rex versus Leese." December 12, 1950.

489 Leese, Arnold S. "My Irrelevant Defense: Meditations Inside Goal and Out on Jewish Ritual Murder." 1938.

490 Leese, Arnold. "The Legalized Cruelty of Shechita: The Jewish Method of Cattle-Slaughter."

491 "Race and Politics." 1938.

492 Field, A.N. "To-Day's Greatest Problem." Reprinted from Examiner No.7. June 1938.

493 Smith, T.V. and Robert A. Taft. "The American Way of Life." Foundations of Democracy. No.1. February 21, 1939.

494 Feely, Raymond T. "Just What is Communism?"

495 Kerrish, William E. "Catholic Layman Speaks." 1952. 496 "Confuse and Control: Soviet Techniques in Germany."

497 Warburg, James P. "Hell Bent for Election." 1935.

499 Hazlitt, Henry. "Economics in One Lesson."

500 Franklin, Benjamin. "Autobiography." 1948.

501 Field, A.N. "To-Day's Greatest Problem." Reprinted from Examiner No.7. June 1938.

502 "The Miracle Decision."

503 Committee for Free Asia. "Asia in the World Today."

504 Grayzel, Solomon. "Jewish Books for Your Home."

505 "Some Books of Jewish Interest." 1950.

506 Goldstein, Fanny. "The Jewish Child in Bookland."

507 Dresser, Robert B. "Socialism and the Federal Estate and Gift Taxes." 1952.

508 Kaub, Verne P. "Follies, Fallacies and Falsehoods of Tennessee Valley Authority."

509 White, C.M. "Of, By and For the Government."

510 "The Church Peace Union: What It Is and What It Does."

511 "United Nations: 60 Countries Pledged to Act." 512 "Christian Women Building Lasting Peace."

513 "The Code of the Good American."

514 Morgan, Joy Elmer. "Your Life in the Making."

515 Clinchy, Everett R. "Education and Human Relations." Personal Growth Leaflet No.149.

516 Morgan, Joy Elmer. "A Golden Treasury on the Art of Living." 1930.

517 "Basic Facts about the United Nations." June 1961.

518 White, C.M. "The Eagle and the Bear."

519 Waters, John E. "CCCP: Communism, Contempt, Corruption, Persecution."

520 "Schoolboy 'Expendables': Our Retrogression to Barbarism."

521 "In Defense of the Constitution." Excerpts from remarks of Presidents of the United States of America. 1934.

522 Redmond, Paul A. "Betrayal of Tomorrow's Generation." Address delivered September 17, 1951.

523 Allen, Marilyn R. "Our Statue of Liberty." I Love America Series No. 11.

524 Edmondson, Robert Edward. "Manifesto to the Jews." A Church Promissory.

525 "What Do You Mean, Free Speech?" 526 "This is the American Civil Liberties Union."

527 "Presenting the International League for the Rights of Man."

528 Hutshins, Robert M. "What Price Freedom?" October 1949.

529 Josephson, Emanuel M. "Eisenhower Gives Us No Change, America's Betrayal Continues."

530 "Plans of the 'Synagogue of Satan.'"

531 American Textbook Publishers Institute. "The American Way of Publishing - Your Safeguard Against Subversion in Textbooks." 1956.

532 Hutchins, Robert M. "The Education We Need." The Pamphlets No.22. September 1947.

533 Chodorov, Frank. "Taxation is Robbery." The Human Events Pamphlets No.15. 1947.

534 Palyi, Melchior. "The Creeping Paralysis of Europe." The Human Events Pamphlets No.25. December 1947.

535 Nock, Samuel Albert. "High Schools and Education." The Human Affairs Pamphlets No.32. July 1948.

536 Eliasberg, George J. "Marxism's Hostile Children." The Human Affairs Pamphlets No.39. February 1949.

537 Reimann, Guenter. "The Black Market: Inevitable Child of Statism." The Human Affairs Pamphlets No.35. October 1948.

538 Dawson, Christopher. "Education and the Crisis of Christian Culture." Human Affairs Pamphlets No.43. June 1949.

539 Dallin, David J. "The Economics of Slave Labor." The Human Affairs Pamphlets No.42. May 1949.

541 Fry, L. "An Analysis of Zionism."

542 Prentis, H.W. "Foreign Assistance and the American Economy." Address given December 3, 1952.

543 "Higher Education and American Business."

544 "The Man Behind the Men Behind the President." 1936.

545 Harris, Seymour E. "National Health Insurance and Alternative Plans for Financing Health." 1953.

546 "The Factfinder and Facts about Frauds." September 1952.

547 Sullivan, George E. "The Great Deception." June 1946.

548 DeLeon, Daniel. "Reform or Revolution."

549 DeLeon, Daniel. "What Means this Strike?"

550 DeLeon, Daniel. "Industrial Unionism." Selected editorials. 1933.

551 Johnson, Olive M. "Daniel DeLeon." 1923.

551 DeLeon, Daniel. "Two Pages from Roman History." 1935.

552 DeLeon, Daniel. "Socialist Reconstruction of Society." 1930. 553 Peterson, Arnold. "W.Z. Foster--Renegade or Spy?" 1935.

556 Hass, Eric. "Socialist Industrial Unionism: The Worker's Power." 1941.

557 "The Journal of International Liberal Exchange." 1950, No. 2.

559 "Out of their own Mouths." December 5, 1937.

560 "Tearing Away the Veils." 1940.

561 Sanctuary, E.N. "War Guilt and Warmongers."

562 Sanctuary, E.N. "An Answer to the 'Voice for Human Rights.'"

563 Crick, Walter and Frederick Soddy. "Abolish Private Money, or Drown in Debt."

564 Sanctuary, E.N. "Blind Leaders." 1935.

565 Sanctuary, E.N. "Revolution and the Real Fifth Column."

566 "The Holy See and the Jews." From the Special Number 1939 of the International Review of Secret Societies."

567 Neylan, John Francis. "The Governor's Budget." Address given January 23, 1953.

568 Dilworth, Nelson S. Address at the Los Angeles County Institute. January 17, 1952.

570 "Loyalty in a Democracy." Public Affairs Pamphlet No. 179. 1952. 571 Prentis, H.W. "Foreign Assistance and the American Economy." December 3, 1952.

572 Melby, Ernest O. "American Education Under Fire." 1951.

574 "How Have Our Schools Developed?"

575 "How Can We Organize For Better Schools?"

576 "How Can Citizens Help their Schools?"

577 "Girl Scouting and the Schools."

578 "Working Together." A manual to assist industrialists, businessmen and educators in organizing and conducting workstudy training courses for youth.

579 "The United States and the Underdeveloped Countries." Memo. January 1953.

580 "The Fund for the Advancement of Education." Annual Report 1951- 1952.

581 "Where to go for U.N. Information." Department of State. 1952.

582 "Simplified Economics." Vol. 13, No. 154. February 1953.

583 Jacobsson, Per. "Credit Policy: Recent European Experience." Studies in Business Economics No. 33.

584 McKenna, Philip M. "Economics and the Engineer." Address before the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. March 18, 1952. 585 Adams, Orval W. "The Printing Press and the Treasury." April 20, 1950.

586 Spahr, Walter E. "Why People of U.S. Need a Gold Standard." October 16, 1952.

587 Kemmerer, Donald L. "The Gold Standard, the People, and the Gold Mining Industry." February 15, 1951.

588 White, Andrew Dickson. "Fiat Money Inflation in France." The Freeman, Vol. 2, No. 3. 1945.

588 Hardin, Garrett. "Interstellar Migration and the Population Problem." 1959.

589 Spahr, Walter E. "Our Irredeemable Currency System."

590 Kaub, Verne E. "Satan Goes to School."

591 "The Red Front in the United States."

593 Barr, Stringfellow. "Let's Join the Human Race." 1950.

594 Woltman, Frederick. "The Shocking Story of the Amerasia Case." 1950.

595 Gilbert, Dan. "Un-Americanism in High School Textbooks." 19420

596 Soltin, J. "The Struggle against Anti-Semitism." 1938.

597 Miller, Moses. "A Jew Looks at War." 1940. 598 Novick, Paul. "Zionism Today: the Zionist Movement, Labor Zionism, Palestine Realities." 1936.

599 "The Struggle for Lasting Peace."

600 "The Menace in Unesco." 1953.

601 University of Colorado. "Extension Center."

602 International Council of Religious Education. "An Introduction to the Revised Standard Version of the New Testament." 1946.

603 "Desirable Athletic Competition for Children." November 1952.

604 Iowa State Education Association. "What is a Good Teacher Education and Certification Program?" August 1950.

605 "Catalogue of Faith Theological Seminary." 1952-1953.

606 Iowa Commission on Teacher Education and Professional Standards. "What is a Good Teacher?" August 1949.

607 Public Law 414 - 82nd Congress.

608 Iowa Commission on Teacher Education and Professional Standards. "What is a Good School?" 1948.

610 "Reflections on Faith and Freedom." 1952.

611 "The Structure of the American Economy." Part 1 - Basic Characteristics. National Resources Committee. June 1939. 613 "Teachers Handbook for United Nations Day and Week." 1951.

614 "Rise and Progress of Revolution: Charge to the Grand Juries of the County Courts of the Fifth Circuit of the State of Pennsylvania." December Sessions, 1800.

615 "School District Reorganization." 1951.

616 Katona, George. "The People Versus Inflation, Part 1." 1952.

617 Young, Glenn O. "Is there a "Red" or "Pink" Cell Operating in our own [Presbyterian] Church?"

618 Smith, Gerald L.K. "Was Jesus Christ a Jew as We Now Know Jews?"

618 "So Proudly We Hail." A source book on Foundations of Citizenship.

620 "Fighting Words." Selections from 25 years of Daily Worker. 19493

621 "Communism and Academic Freedom." The Record of the Tenure Cases at the University of Washington. 1949.

622 Strong, Donald S. "Organized Anti-Semitism in America: The Rise of Group Prejudice During the Decade 1930-1940." May 1941.

623 Theology Today. October 1950.

624 Weigle, Luther A. "Public Education and Religion." 1940.

625 Johnson, Hewlett. "The Secret of Soviet Strength." 1943.

626 Gostick, Ron. "Zionism and the Middle East Crisis." 627 Esquire. March 1953.

628 Poirot, Paul L. "Property Rights and Human Rights." In Brief, Vol.10 No.1.

629 High, Stanley. "The Moral Issue." 1940.

630 General Motors Corp. "Supplemental Agreements Covering Pension Plan and Insurance Program." May 29, 1950.

631 "Agreement between General Motors Corporation and the UAW-CIO." May 29, 1950.

632 Olds, Irving S. "The Price of Price Controls." In Brief, Vol.9 No.1.

633 Von Mises, Ludwig. "The Individual in Society. In Brief, Vol.8 No.1.

634 Research Bulletin of the National Education Association. Vol. 30, 1952.

635 Hamel, Richard. "Lincoln Champion of ."

636 Read, Leonard E. "On That Day Began Lies." In Brief, Vol. 3, No.1.

637 Pettengill, Samuel B. "Where Karl Marx Went Wrong." 1953.

638 Russell, Dean. "The First Leftist." In Brief, Vol. 7, No.1.

639 Sumner, William Graham. "On Minding One's Own Business." In Brief, Vol. 7, No.2.

640 Hunt, Betty Knowles. "Show Me Any Other Country. In Brief, Vol. 1 No.2.

641 Benn, Ernest. "Rights for Robots." In Brief, Vol. 4 No.3.

642 Webster, Pelatiah. "Not Worth a Continental." In Brief, Vol. 5 No.3.

643 Phelan, Towner. "Liberalism Stands for Freedom." In Brief, Vol. 3, No.3.

644 Lipscomb, Ed. "The Personal Practice of Freedom." January 1952.

645 Russell, Dean. "Equality and Security." May 1952.

646 Harper, F.A. "Gaining the ." June 1952.

647 Harper, F.A. "Morals and the Welfare State." 1951.

648 New York Community Trust. "New Look." Report for 1951.

649 "Analysis of the Taft Amendments." Economic Council Papers, Vol. 8, No.2. March 15, 1953.

650 "A Nation Wide-Crusade."

651 Wettrick, Charlotte. "The Menace of the Social Science Studies in the Public Schools."

654 Lingo, Marie Tunstall. "George Mason and the Bill of Rights."

655 National Defense Committee. "One Flay! One Nation!"

656 Gaard, Ruth B. "Christmas Day and the New Covenant." A radio talk. 657 Velde, Harold and James B. Carey. "How Can We Best Combat Communism?" The American Forum of the Air. Vol. 16, No.7. February 15, 1953.

658 Lory, Milton M. "World Government: A Philosophy of Evil and Darkness."

659 Dilling, Elizabeth. "Brotherhood."

660 Burdick, Usher L. "Our Treaty With the United Nations." Speech given February 3, 1953.

661 Key, Francis Scott. "The Star-Spangled Banner."

662 Lucas, Frances Barrett. "The Story of the Pledge of Allegiance."

663 Patton, Marguerite Courtright. "The American's Creed."

664 "The Declaration of Independence."

665 Livermore, H.W. "America."

666 White, William. "The Railroads...Captive Industry in a Free Economy." and Charles E. Wilson, "Big Government and Little People." September 16, 1952.

668 Novick, Paul and J.M. Budish. "Jews in the Soviet Union: Citizens and Builders."

669 McCloskey, Mark A. and Hyman Sorokoff. "Schools and Neighbors in Action." May 1950.

670 Ford, James W. "Anti-Semitism and the Struggle for Democracy." 1938.

671 Bittelman, Alexander. "To Secure Jewish Rights: The Communist Position." 1948.

672 Blake, Aldrich. "Freedom of Choice."

673 Miller, Moses. "Soviet 'Anti-Semitism'--The Big Lie."

674 Younger, George. Social Action. May 15, 1951.

675 O"Connor, Tom. "The Truth About Anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union." 1949.

676 Bittelman, Alexander. "Should Jews Unite? Jewish People's Unite as a Force for American National Unity."

678 "The High School Parent-Teacher Association." 1951.

680 "Comparative Specifications." Radiation Laboratory Accelerators. October 1951.

681 "Nuclear Research." At the University of California, Berkeley.

682 Foner, Philip S. "Jews in American History 1654-1865."

683 Holman, Frank E. "Dangers of Treaty Law." 1952.

684 Stalin, Joseph. "From Socialism to Communism in the Soviet Union." 1939.

685 Browder, Earl. "Keynes, Foster and Marx: Part I, and Progress." 1950.

686 Kenny, Michael. "American Masonry and Catholic Education." 1926.

687 "Town Meeting." Bulletin of America's town meeting on the air. May 5, 1941.

688 Sarah Mellon Scaife Foundation: A Report for the Period Ending December 31, 1952.

689 Saroyan, William. "The People With Light Coming Out of Them." 1941.

690 Boyd, James. "One More Free Man." 1941.

691 Sherwood, Robert E. "An American Crusader." 1941.

693 Gallacher, William and Earl Browder. "Anti-Semitism: What it Means and How to Combat it." 1943.

694 Lenin, Vladimir Ilich. "Lenin on the Jewish Questions." 1934.

695 Sarolea, Charles. "Daylight on Spain: the answer to the Duchess of Atholl." 1938.

696 Morgan, Lewis Henry. "Montezuma's Dinner: an essay on the tribal society of North American Indians." 1950.

697 Curtiss, W.M. "The Tariff Idea." 1953.

699 Citizens No Foreign War Coalition. "A Manual of the Citizens No Foreign War Coalition." 1941. 701 Hirsch, Richard. "The Soviet Spies: The Story of Russian Espionage in North America." 1947.

702 "The Red Record of Senator Claude Pepper."

703 Fagan, Myron C. "Documentation of the Red Stars in Hollywood." 1950.

704 Fish, Hamilton. "The Red Plotters." 1947.

705 Kamp, Joseph P. "America Betrayed: The Tragic Consequences of Reds on the Government Payroll." 1950.

706 "Christian Social Relations at General Convention."

707 Walch, J. Weston. "Supplement on the Welfare State."

708 Holm, James N. "How to Debate Successfully." 1950.

709 Baarslag, Karl H.W. "Communism: An Estimate of the Situation Today."

710 Kornfeder, Joseph Zack. "Conquest by Subversion." February 22, 1952.

712 Department of State. "In Quest of Peace and Security." Selected documents on American foreign policy, 1941-1951.

713 Inter-American Council of Jurists. "Handbook: First Meeting of the Inter-American Council of Jurists." May 22, 1950.

714 Walch, J. Weston. "Complete Handbook on the Welfare State." 1950. 715 "Five Thousand Five Hundred Questions and Answers on the Sacred Scriptures." 1946.

716 "Organization of Communist Youth Groups."

717 National Conference for Cooperation in Health Education. "Handbook for School Administrators." 1952.

718A "A Christian's Handbook on Communism."

719 Denton, Frank R. "According to Plan?" A study of the limitations of government planning in promoting economic prosperity. June 1952.

720 Matthews, J.B. "Communism and the Colleges." American Mercury. May 1953.

721 Tulga, Chester E. "The Case Against the National Council of Churches." 1951.

722 Coughlin, Chas. E. "Why Leave Our Own?" 13 addresses on Christianity and Americanism. January 8 - April 2, 1939.

723 "The People's Song Book." 1948.

724 The Antioch Review. Vol.2, No.4. Winter 1942.

725 Bulletin of the Pan American Union. May 1943.

726 "Education for ALL American Youth: A Further Look." 1952.

727 Shafer, Paul W. "Is there a 'Subversive' Movement in the Public Schools?" Speech given March 21, 1952. 729 De Jouvenel, Bertrand. "No Vacancies." 1948.

730 Sumner, Robert L. "The 'New' Bible: an Appraisal of the Revised Standard Version."

731 McIntire, Carl. "Russia's Most Effective Fifth Column in America." 1948.

732 "The Truth About the Federal Council of Churches." 1950.

733 De Boer, John J. "Design for Elementary School." 1945.

734 Kilpatrick, William Heard. "Modern Education: its Proper Work." 1950.

735 Benedict, Agnes. "Dare Our Secondary Schools Face the Atomic Age?" 1947.

736 Bostwick, Prudence and Chandos Reid. "A Functional High School Program for the Urban Community." 1947.

737 Witty, Paul and Lou LaBrant. "Teaching the People's Language." 1951.

738 Goff, Kenneth. "One World a Red World." 1952.

739 Shearon, Marjorie. "Saskatchewan's Embattled Physicians: a Tribute to Gallant Defenders of Freedom." 1962.

741 Association of American Universities. "The Rights and Responsibilities of Universities and their Faculties." March 24, 1953.

742 Ward, Louis B. "A Sketch Book of British ." 1941. 743 Shearon, Marjorie. "Blueprint for the Nationalization of Medicine." 1947.

744 "The Empire of 'The City:' The Five Ideologies of Space and Power." 1944.

746 Denton, Frank R. "Not of Arms Alone." Speech at the 1952 graduation ceremonies of the Culver Military Academy.

747 Department of State. "The Threat of Soviet Economic Policy." 1961.

748 McIntire, Carl. "Bishop Oxnam Prophet of Marx."

749 "S. 692 in the Senate of the United States." January 29, 1953.

750 Jones, Lewis Webster. "Academic Freedom and Civic Responsibility." 1953.

752 "The Truth about Senator Joe McCarthy."

753 Sullivan, George Edward. "Academic Freedom."

754 "The Eye Opener." 1953.

755 McIntire, Carl. "The Truth about the Federal Council of Churches and the Kingdom of God." 1950.

756 Palmer, Cecil. "Rx: Antidote for Socialized Medicine Poisoning."

757 "Conference on World Affairs." University of Colorado. April 1963.

758 "Was Washington a Mason?" 1933. 759 "The Limits of Academic Freedom." June 1939.

760 Klein, Henry H. "Sanhedrin Produced World Destruction," "The Old Testament Versus the Talmud and the Protocols," "The Poison in the Jews Cup," "The United States of the U.N.O." 1946.

761 Flynn, John T. "America's Unknown War."

762 Riesel, Victor. "Ten Men Who Could Paralyze America for Thirty Days." FromCosmopolitan, April 1952.

763 Edwards, Lewis. "The Socialist Octopus." 1928.

764 "Secret Societies Unveiled."

765 "Perspectives USA." Winter 1953.

766 Kamp, Joseph P. "With Lotions of Love." 1948.

767 Gaard, Conrad. "Destiny of America." March 1953.

768 "World Trade Affects You." League of Women Voters of the USA.

769 "Governments in the United States in 1952."

770 "Hollywood Studio Blue Book." 1953.

771 "Secrets of the Communist Party Exposed." 1947.

772 Citizens Protective Association. "The Kiss of Death."

773 Rugg, Harold. "Pupil's Workbook of Directed Study." 1931. 774 "U.N. Week." April 13-17, 1953.

775 "Social Studies Grades 7, 8, and 9: A Guide for Teachers." 1952.

776 Chamber of Commerce of the United States. "The Welfare State and the State of Human Welfare." 1950.

777 Marx, Karl. "Communist Manifesto."

778 Winrod, Gerald B. "The United Nations: A Tower of Babel."

781 "Facts and Attitudes on World Trade." League of Women Voters. 1956.

782 Legant, R.E. "Is Communism Jewish?"

783 Andelson, Bob. "Which Spirit of '76?" 1952.

784 Emery, DeWitt. "Can We Take It?" 1953.

785 Bundy, Edgar C. "Communism Invading the Churches: The New Per- Version of the Bible." 1953.

786 New York University Bulletin. Vol. LIII No. 34. July 20, 1953.

787 "Who Killed Horatio Alger?"

788 "The Episcopal Church: Some Essential Facts."

789 Dilling, Elizabeth. "An Answer to Radio Attack by Bishop G. Bromley." 1938. 790 Tenney, Jack B. "Zionist Network." 1953.

791 Methodist Church. "The Episcopal Address." 1948.

792 Johnstone, Anne Hartwell. "Making Foreign Policy: USA." 1953.

794 "The Walter-McCarran Law." Extracts from testimony before President's Commission on Immigration and Naturalization. 1952.

795 Jensen, B. "The Men Behind the 'U.N.O.' Fraud."

796 "Mandel vs. McCarthy."

797 Garman, W.O.H. "What is Wrong with the Federal Council?" 1950.

798 "How Should Democracy Deal with Groups which Aim to Destroy Democracy?" Town Meeting. May 18, 1948.

799 Goetz, Delia. "Russia and America: Old Friends, New Neighbors." 1945.

800 Newton, Louie D. "An American Churchman in the Soviet Union." 1947.

801 Strake, George W. "America Under Freedom and Christianity." May 1953.

802 "The Case Against Fluoridation." The Factfinder, Vol. 4, No.8. February-April, 1953.

803 Muste, A.J. "War is the Enemy." 1942. 804 Rockwood, Perry F. "The Power of the Blood."

805 Rockwood, Perry F. "After Death What?"

806 Whiteside, Edward. "The Case of Senator McCarthy."

807 Good, Kenneth H. "Entertainmentism."

808 Harper, F.A. "Stand-by Controls." 1953.

809 "Wake Up, America!"

810 Gates, Edward D. "World Government and American Freedom." Sermon delivered February 1953.

811 Newton, Niles Rumely. "What Our American Republic Means to Me."

812 Rudd, Augustin G. "Stomach Communism." Reprinted from National Republic, October 1953.

814 "How to Capture a University." The meaning of the Southwest Review attack upon John Beaty.

815 Christy, Howard Chandler. "The Signing of the Constitution of the United States."

816 Hoover, J. Edgar. "Harry Dexter White Case."

817 "You Must Read This: Let's Outlaw Communism."

818 Doherty, Jack. "Truman Asks Nation-Wide TVA Network." 819 "The Palestine Fraud."

820 Bestor, Arthur E. "Education for 1984."

821 Webster, Daniel and H.B. Liddell Hart. "Conscription." In Brief, October 1953.

822 Read, Leonard E. "Combating Statism." In Brief, September 1953.

823 United Nations High Commission for Refugees. 1952.

824 Fink, Joseph E. "Good Will between Christians and Jews." 1938.

825 "A Brief Synopsis of the Brotherhood."

826 Russell, Dean. "My Freedom Depends on Yours." September 1953.

827 "In Time of Jacob's Trouble." Jeremiah 30:7.

828 Kamp, Joseph P. "Senator McCarthy's Methods." 1954.

829 "Pride and Mrs. Roosevelt."

830 "Is This What is Meant by 'The Best Possible Educational Program?'"

831 Holman, Frank E. "Treaty Law-Making." 1950.

832 Allen, Marilyn R. "Catspaws and Bond Salesmen." I Love America Series No. 7.

833 "Everyman's United Nation." 1950. 834 Kamp, Joseph P. "Ford Motor Company and American Bar Association Help Communist Conspiracy by Joining Plot Against McCarthyism." November 1953.

835 Kamp, Joseph P. "Why Win the War and Lose What We're Fighting For?"

837 Klein, Henry H. "My 40 Year Flight for Justice." 1953.

838 Richberg, Donald R. "The Murder of a Candidate."

839 Edmondson, Robert Edward. "The Rape of the Press: American Free Speech Subversion Unmasked." 1953.

840 Busbey, Fred E. Are the United Nations United?" Congressional Record. Proceedings and debates of the 83rd Congress, first session.

841 "The International Monetary Fund." 1950.

842 "United Nations."

843 Hood, Clifford F. "Profit is Not Without Honor." 1953.

844 "United Nations Day 1952." A message from the Secretary-General.

845 "A Bold Scheme to Kill Self-Government, Put Business out of Business, and Impose Socialist Statism on the U.S.A."

846 "WHO: World Health Organization." October 1951.

847 Budenz, Louis Francis. "Attack Communism." 1953. 848 Nenoff, Stephen. "U.N.--World Dictatorship."

849 American Bar Association. "Brief on Communism, Marxism-Leninism: Its Aims, Purposes, Objectives and Practices."

850 "Publications of the American Council on Education." 1953.

851 Barbash, Jack. "Taft-Hartley Act in Action, 1947-1954."

852 Kirkpatrick, Frank. "As I See It." Three broadcasts. August 1953.

853 "United Nations: The Road to Disaster."

854 Battelle, Fanchon. "Fluoridation Unmasked."

855 The Colorado Foundation for Research in Tuberculosis. "Annual Report, 1953-1954."

856 Anonymous. "How I Answered Joe McCarthy." 1953.

857 Barnes, Harry Elmer. "The Chickens of the Interventionist Liberals Have Come Home to Roost: The Bitter Fruits of Globaloney."

858 Wilcox, Edward B. "The Strange Case of Stephen Fritchman."

859 "How to Get a U.S. Government Job."

860 Shefferman, Nathan. "Labor's Stake in Lower Taxes." May 1953.

861 Parker, C.F. "Israel's Migrations or an Attack Answered." 1947.

862 Widener, Alice. "U.N. Judgement Day." 1953. 863 Butts, Joseph G. "Treaties and Potatoes." Economic Council Papers. Vol. 9, No.1. February 1, 1954.

864 Long, Hamilton A. "Usurpation of Power Arch Enemy of Individual Liberty." 1952.

865 Fagan, Myron C. "U.S. or U.N.? Only One Can Survive." December 1953.

866 Holman, Frank E. "Primer on 'Treaty Law' and the Bricker Amendment." November 1953.

867 Monthly List of Books catalogued in the Library of the United Nations. 1953.

868 "Significant Roll Calls." 83rd Congress, first session. Vol. 1, No. 2. August 1953.

869 Fagan, Myron C. "How You Can Abolish United Nations." January 1954.

870 Fagan, Myron C. "Hollywood Backs U.N. Conspiracy." June-July 1953.

871 O'Neill, Richard W. "Vote For John L. Lewis and Communism: A Tale of Two Cities." 1937.

872 Malik, Charles. "Human Rights in the United Nations." 1952.

873 Matthews, J.B. "Red Infiltration of Theological Seminaries." Reprint fromAmerican Mercury.

874 Matthews, J.B. "Reds and Our Churches." Reprint from American Mercury. 875 Bridges, Styles. "Korea--A Positive Proposal." Reprint from American Mercury.

876 Widener, Alice. "The Korean Failure: A Blunder in Statesmanship." Reprint from American Mercury.

877 Varney, Harold Lord. "The Truth about Joe McCarthy." Reprint from American Mercury.

878 Flynn, John T. "Communists and the New Deal. Reprint from American Mercury.

879 "McCall's How to Plan a Club Program."

880 Mises, Ludwig von. "Middle-of-the-Road Policy Leads to Socialism." Address given April 18, 1950.

881 "Managing the School District Insurance Program." June 1953.

882 Jones, Kitty. "What Do We Want for Our Children?"

883 Woman's Auxiliary to the National Council. "When You're Chairman for Social Relations." 1944.

885 American Institute for Economic Research. "The First Twenty Years and Plans for the Future." 1954.

886 Foundation for Study of Treaty Law. "Treaty Law Manual."

887 "Jewish Congregations: Statistics, History, Doctrine and Organization." 1940.

888 Kamp, Joseph P. "Vote CIO and Get a Soviet America." 1944. 889 Close, Upton. "The Commentators' Story." Six broadcasts.

890 Rosenthal, A.M. "The United Nations: Its Records and Prospects." 1953.

891 Lenin, V.I. "State and Revolution: the great classic on the nature of the state, capitalist democracy and proletarian revolution." 1932.

892 "United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America: Labor Arm of the Communist Party?"

893 Starr, Mark. "Labor Looks at Education." 1947.

895 Bullis, G.P. "Face the Facts on War Guilt." 1946.

896 "World-Wide Enforcement of Strategic Trade Controls." Third Report to Congress, first half of 1953.

898 "Draft Treaty Embodying the Statue of the European Community." Information and official documents of the Constitutional Committee. October 1952 - April 1953.

899 Carlson, Oliver. "Handbook on Propaganda for the Alert Citizen." 1953.

900 Tillman, Carroll. "What to Expect in 1954."

901 Fagan, Myron C. "Thieves' Paradise." A comedy-drama in three acts.

903 Consolidated List of Organizations Designated by the Attorney General of the United States... April 29, 1953.

904 Fagan, Myron C. "Secret 'Minutes' of World Federalists' Copenhagen Meeting." April 1954.

905 Fagan, Myron C. "Why Ike Fears Bricker Amendment." February- March 1954.

906 Haney, Lewis H. "Will Individual Freedom Survive?"

907 "Bridges Heads Gold Return Movement." The Gold Standard News, Bulletin No. 51. July 9, 1953.

908 "Let Freedom Ring: The Struggle for a Peaceful World."

909 "Report to Congress on the Mutual Security Program." For the six months ended December 31, 1953.

910 Desser, Hanna F. and Ethel C. Phillips. "Here's the Way to Secure these Rights."

911 Counts, George S. "The Right to Make Mistakes."

912 Poirot, Paul L. "Public Housing." January 1954.

913 Hoover, J. Edgar. "J. Edgar Hoover Speaks." Statement before the U.S. Senate Internal Security Committee.

914 Nenoff, Stephen. "Who Are the Fellow Travelers?"

916 Kamp, Joseph P. "Will President Eisenhower Join the ADL Book Burners?"

917 Palyi, Melchior. "How Sick is Socialized Medicine?" 1952. 918 "United Nations: What it is, What it Does, How it Works."

919 "Members of the American Council on Education." October 1949.

920 Fairless, Benjamin. "The Great Mistake of Karl Marx." 1952.

921 Smith, Gerald L. K. "Mr. Smith Returns from Washington: A Sensational Report on the Nation's Capital."

922 Nenoff, Stephen. "It Will Happen Here."

923 Rockwood, Perry F. "Protestants Awake."

924 "Plain Facts about the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A."

925 "A Brief Statement of the History and Activities of the American Council on Education, 1949-50." October 1949.

926 "A Study of National History Textbooks Used in the Schools of Canada and the United States." June 1947.

927 Tulga, Chester E. "The Case Against the World Council of Churches." 1949.

928 Flynn, John T. "McCarthy: His War on American Reds, and the Story of those Who Oppose Him."

929 Williams, Robert H. "Is there Still Time?"

930 "So, It's a Red Herring." National Precinct Workers. 1954. 931 Fagan, Myron C. "Red Treason on Broadway." 1954.

933 "The Fifth Column Conspiracy in America." Authentic map and directory.

934 "The Great Anti-Christ 666."

935 Flynn, John T. "They War On Our Schools." 1952.

936 "Cultural Relations between the United States and the Soviet Union."

937 Douglas, William O. "Neither to Right Nor Left."

938 Harper, F.A. "Liberty: A Path to its Recovery."

939 Marion, George. "Stop the Press." 1953.

940 Rumely, Edward A. "Statement to Buchanan Committee."

941 Schibsby, Marian and Read Lewis. "How to Become a Citizen of the United States." 1949.

942 King, Janet. "A Catholic Pamphlet for Protestants."

943 Verney, Harold Lord. "What has Joe McCarthy Accomplished?" Reprinted from American Mercury. May 1954.

944 "The World's Enemies: Their Actions and their Methods Described by one of their Own Race."

945 Maguire, Russell. "In the Mercury's Opinion." Reprinted from American Mercury. January 1954. 946 "The Little Church at Alden." Chapple. 1953.

947 "Say a Prayer for the Boys in Korea." Chapple. 1953.

948 Gwinn, Ralph W. "A 20-Year History of Communism in New Deal Washington Down to Date." Congressional Record, Proceedings and debates of the 83rd Congress, second session.

949 Bunzel, Claude. "Front Organizations of the Communist Party."

950 Reinhardt, Bryson. "Treaties to Destroy America." May-June 1954.

951 "Case of Private Keefe."

952 "Rules of Procedure: Committee on Un-American Activities." July 15, 1953.

953 "Statements of Carnegie Corporation of New York." July 1954.

954 The President's Committee on Education Beyond the High School. "Second Report to the President." July 1957.

955 "Christianity in Democracy will Save the World." February 1949.

956 Pope Leo 13. "Humanum Genus Freemasonry."

957 Adams, Arthur S. "In the Public Interest..." Statement by President of American Council on Education. June 17, 1954.

958 "Before the Special Committee to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations." Statement of the Rockefeller Foundation and the General Education Board. 959 Cahill, E. "Freemasonry: Origin and History of the Craft." 1944.

960 Hunt, C. Penney. "The Menace of Freemasonry to the Christian Faith." 1938.

961 "Reflections on Freemasonry." 1930.

962 Cahill, E. "Freemasonry--Its Character and Purpose." 1944.

963 Malloy, Joseph I. "May Catholics Be Masons?"

964 Rumble, L. "Catholics and Freemasonry." 1952.

965 "Quizzes on Secret Societies." 1942.

966 "Human Liberty: The High Trust of Education."

968 Varney, Harold Lord. "The Egg-Head Clutch on the Foundations." Reprint from American Mercury. June 1954.

969 Smith, T. V. "The Bill of Rights and our Individual Liberties." 1954.

970 Long, Hamilton A. "Your Yardstick."

971 Benitez, Jaime. "The U.S., Cuba, and Latin America." 1961.

972 "Pocket Concordance of Fourteen Hundred Texts for British-Israel Believers."

973 Fagan, Myron C. "Red Rainbow." A murder mystery in three acts. 1946. 974 Rollins, Arthur S. "The Plymouth Experiment."

975 The Journal of the Federal Communications Bar Association. Vol. 11, No. 2. Summer 1950.

977 The Emancipator: An independent forward-looking monthly. May 1948.

978 "The Institute for Advanced Study: Report of the Director." 1948- 1953.

979 "The Social Sciences in Historical Study." A report of the Committee on Historiography. 1954.

980 Kamp, Joseph P. "The Red-Addled 'Brain' Behind the Scripps-Howard Smear of Senator Joe McCarthy."

981 Kamp, Joseph P. "Behind the Plot to Sovietize the South."

982 "News Agencies: Their Structure and Operation."

983 "This is Your House Committee on Un-American Activities." September 19, 1954.

984 "Free Enterprise and University Research." University of California.

985 "Throw the Bum Out: Official Communist Party Line of Senator McCarthy."

986 Jenner, William E. "Let us Safeguard America First." Speech, August 13, 1954.

987 Ashby, Thaddeus. "My Argument with a Communist." Faith and Freedom. November 1954.

988 "History: Americana, England and Russia."

989 "100 Things You Should Know about Communism and Education."

990 Welch, Robert H.W. "The Life of John Birch." 1954.

991 "Protest Training Red Pilots in U.S. Air Force."

992 Robinson, Samuel H. "Present-Day Martyrs."

993 Fellers, Bonner. "Our Flag." Address delivered at the Annual Flag Day Dinner, June 14, 1954.

994 Tenney, Jack B. "Let's Try Freedom Again."

995 Jenner, William E. "An Individual Cannot Defeat a Conspiracy." Speech given November 15, 1954.

996 Varney, Harold Lord. "America's Master Blunder: The United Nations." Reprint from American Mercury. November 1954.

997 Matthews, J.B. "An Anti-Communist's Guide to Action." Reprint from American Mercury. May 1954.

998 Varney, Harold Lord. "Can a Socialist be an Anti-Communist?" Reprint fromAmerican Mercury. March 1954.

999 Sensing, Thurman. "The Right to Own Property."

1000 Klein, Henry H. "Zionism and Slavery versus Americanism and Freedom." 1954.

1001 Long, Hamilton A. "America Needs an American Foreign Policy."

1002 Blake, Aldrich. "The Job Can be Done: What to do about the Segregation Decision."

1003 "Investigating the Foundations."

1004 "Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs." July-December 1954.

1005 Fagan, Myron C. "How to Abolish the U.N." March 1955.

1006 Fagan, Myron C. "The Eisenhower Myth." February 1955.

1007 Willen, Paul. "Who 'Collaborated' With Russia?" Reprinted from The Antioch Review, Fall 1954.

1008 "How Free is Enterprise?" Symposium.

1009 "Primer for New Teachers." 1954.

1010 New World Review. November 1955.

1011 Raushenbush, Stephen and Dewey Anderson. "To Make a Free World: An Exploration of a New Foreign Policy." January 1955.

1012 "This We Believe about Education." A statement concerning education in America. March 1954.

1013 Rosenwald, Lessing J. "Jews, Arabs and Zionism." Reprint from American Mercury.

1014 "Colorado Labor Supply and Training Facilities." A report of a state's human resources. 1950.

1015 Dale, Ernest. "Sources of Economic Information for Collective Bargaining." Research Report No.17. 1950.

1016 Industrial and Labor Relations Review. Vol. 4, No. 1. October 1950.

1017 "The Steel Labor Case of 1952.

1018 "Estes Park Conference on Human Relations in Industry." 1951 Program.

1019 Educational Policies Commission. "Point Four and Education." June 1950.

1020 "A Teaching Guide: The Challenge of Cancer."

1021 "Training and Research Opportunities under the National Mental Health Act."

1022 Blough, Glenn O. and Paul E. Blackwood. "Science Teaching in Rural and Small Town Schools." Bulletin 1949, No.5.

1023 Lewis, Gertrude M. "Educating Children in Grades Seven and Eight." Bulletin 1954, No. 10.

1024 Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government. "Progress Report to the Congress." December 31, 1954.

1025 "The Price of Liberty." A condensed version of the first report to the Congress by the National Security Training Commission. February 1952.

1026 Blough, Glenn O. and Paul E. Blackwood. "Teaching Elementary Science: Suggestions for Classroom Teachers." 1954.

1027 "Annual Report of the Tennessee Valley Authority." 1954.

1028 "Economic Report of the President Transmitted to the Congress." January 1955.

1029 Spahr, Walter E. "The Supply of Currency and Economic Activity." December 27, 1956.

1030 "The Bill of Rights." You and Your USA.

1031 "United States Air Force Academy." Information Bulletin.

1032 "U.S. Refugee Relief Program: How American Citizens Can Help Others to New Lives in the United States." Questions and Answers.

1033 "Christian Peace Aims: A Harmony of Recent Pronouncements."

1034 Dulles, John Foster. "Not One of Us is Alone." A Mutual Security Program. April 1954.

1035 "100 Years of Chicago Jewry." The Sentinel.

1036 "Literature (A-M) Consisting of Biography, Criticism, Essays, Fiction, Histories, Poetry."

1036A "Literature Including Biography, Criticism, Essays, Dante, Histories, Fiction, Poetry, Shakespeare." 1037 "Philosophy Including Ethics, Histories, Esthetics, Theology, Metaphysics, Comparative Religion."

1039 "Scholarly Library in , Archeology, Sociology, Ethnology."

1040 "The Second Declaration of Havana." 1962.

1041 Fagan, Myron C. "Now We Must Outlaw the U.N." September 1954.

1042 Kelly, Alfred H. "Where Constitutional Liberty Came From." 1954.

1043 Whitman, Howard. "Freedom Forum Presentation: Speak Up, Silent People." April 14, 1954.

1044 Penrose, Stephen B.L. "The Palestine Problem: Retrospect and Prospect." April 1954.

1045 "Academic Freedom: Some Recent Philadelphia Episodes."

1046 Fagan, Myron C. "The Sellout in Korea." August 1953.

1047 United States Naval Institute Proceedings. Vol. 83, No. 9. September 1957.

1047 United States Naval Institute Proceedings. Vol. 81, No. 4. April 1955.

1048 "World Government: The Report of the Second Parliamentary Conference." September 20-26, 1952.

1049 Fagan, Myron C. "Documentations of U.N. Plot to Destroy U.S." April- May 1955. 1050 "Naval Historical Foundation."

1051 Yates, Richard E. "Introduction to the Social Sciences." A syllabus. 1941.

1053 "A Declaration of Policy Adopted by the Board of Directors of the Southern States Industrial Council." May 19-20, 1955.

1054 "'Right-to-Work' Laws: Three Moral Studies."

1055 Weisenberg, Mina. "The L.I.D. Fifty Years of Democratic Education, 1905-1955."

1056 "The Promise of America."

1057 Council for Financial Aid to Education, Inc. "Aids to Corporate Support of Higher Education." Methods for helping the colleges and universities. 1955.

1058 Fagan, Myron C. "Yalta is Now Spelled G-E-N-E-V-A!" June-July 1955.

1059 Harley, Francis Clay. "The Key to the Constitution of the United States." 1955.

1060 MacBride, Roger Lea. "Treaties versus the Constitution." 1955.

1061 Hecht, R.S. "Dancing with the Bear: A Capitalist's Impression of Soviet Russia." 1954.

1062 Rubin, Ellis S. "Report on Investigation of Subversive Activities in Florida." March 1955.

1063 Stone, Kathryn H. "Choosing the President of the U.S.A." 1954. 1064 Holman, Frank E. "The Increasing Need for a Constitutional Amendment on Treaties and Executive Agreements." February 1955.

1065 The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. "Teachers' Salaries in Black and White." February 1942.

1066 Pinkerton, Milo Blish. "The Right to Work versus Slavery." 1944.

1067 "Debate Over the New Bible." The "New Bible" versus the "Old- Fashioned Bible."

1069 Yeager, Leland B. ": America's Opportunity." 1954.

1070 Mises, Ludwig von. "The Economics of War." 1950.

1071 Holman, Frank E. "Story of the 'Bricker' Amendment." 1954.

1072 Buck, Hart. "The Freedom to Shop Around." May 1954.

1073 Reece, B. Carroll. "The Ford Fund for the Republic." Speech. Congressional Record. July 21, 1955.

1074 Reece, B. Carroll. "Are the Foundations Untouchable?" Extension of remarks. Congressional Record. June 1, 1955.

1075 Marx, Karl. "Communist Manifesto." Introduction by Stefan T. Possony. 1954.

1076 Gentz, Frederick. "The French and American Revolutions Compared." Introduction by . 1955.

1077 Machiavelli, Niccolo. "The Ruler: A Modern Translation of II Principe." Introduction by A. Robert Caponigri. 1955. 1078 "America Faces Bolshevism."

1079 "Protestant Leadership Capitulates."

1080 Sanctuary, E.N. "A Foundation of Sand." 1943.

1081 Coughlin, Charles E. "Am I an Anti-Semite?" Nine addresses on various "Isms" answering the question. November 6, 1938 - January 1, 1939.

1082 Katsh, Abraham I. "Hebraic Contributions to American Life." 1941.

1083 Gordon-Canning, R. "Arab or Jew?"

1084 Alderman, Harry J. "American Jewish Bibliography." July 1941 - June 1942.

1085 Moller, Elise F. "Jewish Holidays--Do You Know Them?" 1947.

1086 Sanctuary, E.N. "An Open Letter to 'The American Hebrew.'"

1087 Patria, Pro. "Refugees Before Britons: A Menace to the Health of the Nation."

1088 "Palestine: Shall Arabs or Jews Control it or America Admit 100,000 Communist Jews From Behind the Iron Curtain?"

1089 Sullivan, George E. "Global Egomaniacs." August 1944.

1090 Garrett, Garet. "Rise of Empire." 1952.

1091 Jordan. Virgil and . "Freedom in America." The Freeman, Vol. 2, no. 2. 1945.

1092 MacBride, Roger Lea. "The American Electoral College." 1953.

1093 Alesen, Lewis Albert. "The Physician's Responsibility as a Leader." 1953.

1094 Chamber of Commerce. "Communists Within the Labor Movement." A handbook on the facts and countermeasures. 1979.

1095 "A Refutation of the Report of the American Legion Special Committee on Covenant of Human Rights and United Nations." October 1955.

1096 Americanism Committee. "Analysis of the Ray Murphy Committee Report on Unesco." August 31, 1955.

1097 Battley, Charles W. "Encroaching Socialism." 1948.

1098 Wham, Benjamin. "The Reece Report on Foundations." September 1955.

1099 "Who are Communists and Why?" March 1954.

1100 Kamp, Joseph P. "About the Man who will Win the 1956 Election." 1956.

1101 Bundy, Edgar C. "How the Communists are Penetrating our Churches."

1102 Picker, Jean S. "United Nations: What You Should Know About It." 1955.

1103 Hess, Karl. "Dead or Alive? The Mercury Investigates the Fantastic Mystery of Harry Dexter White." American Mercury. April 1956.

1104 Ideas on Liberty. No.3, November 1955.

1105 Murch, James DeForest. "The Coming Great Church: A Critique of the World Council of Churches." 1954.

1107 Pels, Esther Julia. "Art for Whose Sake?" Reprinted from The American Legion Magazine. October 1955.

1108 Eastland, James O. "The Supreme Court's 'Modern Scientific Authorities' in the Segregation Cases." Speech given May 26, 1955.

1109 Beek, Joseph Allan. "Is the Flag Worth Fighting For? A Discussion of American Privileges and Responsibilities." 1950.

1110 Fulton, William. "Harvard: Red Hunting Ground." A series of six articles on the Communist and Communist-front connections and activities of Harvard professors and alumni. 1951.

1111 Fagan, Myron C. "FDR was 'Indispensable Man' Too!" February-March 1956.

1112 Fagan, Myron C. "U.N. is U.S. Cancer." November 1952.

1113 General Assembly, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. "Program and General Information." December 9-12, 1952.

1114 Whittenburg, Roy R. "Our Best Hope for Permanent World Peace." 1954.

1115 Bevans, Gladys Huntington. "Talks With Teachers." 1116 Daniel, Carey. "God the Original Segregationist." Sermon, May 23, 1954.

1117 "Zionism and the Church."

1118 "Why are the Jews Hated?" 1937.

1119 Webster, Nesta H. "Germany and England." 1938.

1120 Bergmeister, Karl. "The Jewish World Conspiracy: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion before the Court in Berne." 1938.

1121 "100 Things You Should Know About Communism." May 14, 1951.

1122 Reece, Carroll. "Remarks before the National Press Club Luncheon (February 23, 1955) and the Commonwealth Club of California (March 11, 1955)."

1123 Jenner, William E. "Reexamination of Our Foreign Policy Makers." Speech: January 19, 1956.

1124 Hoffman, Clare E. "The Real Walter Reuther and his Purpose--the Establishment of a Socialistic Government." Congressional Record. August 2, 1955.

1125 "The Saddest Story Ever Told."

1126 Flynn, John T. "The Hand in Your Pocket." January 22, 1956.

1127 Flynn, John T. Broadcast Reprint M-105. Scheduled Mutual Broadcasting System. January 29, 1956.

1128 American Hotel Association. "Traveling the Hotel Way with Ivan and Igor."

1129 Committee on Communism. "Communism: Where do we Stand Today?" 1952.

1130 Dulles, John Foster. "The Spirit of Inter-American Unity." March 4, 1954.

1131 Dulles, John Foster. "Intervention! The Story of International Communism in the Americas." March 8, 1954.

1132 Shaw, Bruno. "Soviet Nonaggression Pacts--A Record of Soviet Aggression." Reprinted from The Elks Magazine. March 1954.

1133 Smith, Robert A. "Should the UN Admit Red China?"

1134 "Freedom's Facts Against Communism." Vol. 2, No. 3.

1135 Hayek, F.A. "Economic Myths of Early Capitalism." In Brief. April 1954.

1136 Kornfeder, Joseph Z. "Brainwashing and Senator McCarthy." 1954.

1137 "Conquest via Immigration." 1956.

1138 Taylor, Reese H. "Business Men Must Take Lead in Fighting Trend to Socialism." January 1952.

1139 Students for America. "Communist Fronts for Students and Education."

1140 Students for America. "True Academic Freedom Means Facts Not Socialist Propaganda." 1141 Kamp, Joseph P. "How the New York Times Betrayed its Readers on 'McCarthyism.'" 1954.

1142 Clark, Fred G. and Richard Stanton Rimanoczy. "Hey Joe! He Wants to Know What's Holding Up the Revolution." 1955.

1143 North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. "Know Your North Central Association." January 1955.

1144 Donner, Robert. "World Federalism and American National Interest." 1952.

1145 American Civil Liberties Union. "Clearing the Main Channels." 1955.

1146 Dodd, Norman. "The Dodd Report to the American People." March 20, 1956.

1147 National Precinct Workers. "Everything is Booming but the Guns." 1956.

1148 National Association for Mental Health. "Mental Health and World Citizenship." 1948.

1149 Colegrove, Kenneth. "What World Federation Would Mean to America."

1150 Spratt, Philip. "Blowing Up India." 1955.

1151 The American Jewish Committee. "What of Their Future? The Half- Million Jews of North America." February 1955.

1152 Clark, Greenville and Louis B. Sohn. "Peace Through Disarmament and Charter Revision." February 1956. 1153 "The United States Armed Forces Institute Catalog."

1154 Fagan, Myron C. "Our Secret Government." April-May 1956.

1155 Fagan, Myron C. "What We Must Do in 1956." January 1956.

1156 Library Company of Philadelphia. "Catalogue of Books Belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia." 1956.

1157 Catholic Civics Clubs of America. "Good Citizens: Official Handbook." 1946.

1158 Commission on American Citizenship. "The Teaching of Current Affairs." A teacher's manual. 1946.

1159 Young, Glenn O. "Deviationists to the Mad House."

1160 "The United States of America vs. Lucille S. Miller." 1955.

1161 "The United States of America vs. Manuel S. Miller." 1955.

1162 Lewis, Fulton. "The Fulton Lewis Jr. Report on the Fund for the Republic."

1163 "The Foundations of Freedom." 1955.

1164 Allen, Marilyn R. "The Supreme Court Decision, Outlawing Segregation in our Schools." I Love America Series, no. 17.

1165 Pittman, R. Carter. "The Supreme Court, the Broken Constitution and the Shattered Bill of Rights." 1954. 1166 National Education Association. "Report of an Investigation: Kansas City, Missouri." October 1955.

1167 "Open Letter to Congress: Gentlemen, Are You Mice or Men?" 1948.

1168 "The 1956 American Voter: Presidential Election Edition." 1956.

1169 American Association of University Professors. "Academic Freedom and Tenure in the Quest for National Security."

1170 "Social Science and Freedom: A Report to the People." 1955.

1171 O'Meara, Joseph. "Freedom of Inquiry Versus Authority: Some Legal Aspects." December 1955.

1172 "Racial Desegregation and Integration." The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science." March 1956.

1173 "How Much Do You Know About the Constitution of the United States."

1174 Benton, William. "The Voice of the Kremlin." 1956.

1175 "The Truth About the United Nations." 1955.

1176 Ewing, Oscar R., Herbert H. Lehman, George Meany, Walter P. Reuther, etc. "Freedom and the Welfare State." A Symposium--League for Industrial Democracy. 1950.

1177 "A Compilation of Public Records 2109 Methodist Ministers." Vol. 2, 1956.

1178 Stewart, Maxwell S. "The Negro in America." Public Affairs Pamphlet No. 95.

1179 Grew, Joseph C. "Invasion Alert: Red China Drives on the UN." 1956.

1180 Coulter, Charles Wellsley and Richard Stanton Rimanoczy. "Education for What?" 1956.

1181 Hobbs, A.H. "The Sociological Perspective." September 1956.

1182 Williams, John Bell. "The Supreme Court Must be Curbed." January 1956.

1183 Hofstadter, Samuel H. "The Fifth Amendment and the Immunity Act of 1954."

1184 Kamp, Joseph P. "Election Guide for Voters Who Don't Like Ike or Adlai." 1956.

1185 Supreme Court of the United States. Nos. 10 and 13 - October Term, 1949.

1186 Willoughby, Charles A. "Soviet Espionage and American Red Collaborators." July 1956.

1187 Donner Foundation, Inc. "Report as of December 31, 1955."

1188 Hutchins, Robert M. "The Bill of Rights: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow." 1956.

1189 "Assembly of Captive European Nations." First Session. February 12, 1955 - September 20, 1955.

1190 Assembly of Captive European Nations. "ACEN News. Nos. 15-17. June - August 1956.

1191 State of New York. "Report of the Joint Legislative Committee on Charitable and Philanthropic Agencies and Organizations." 1956.

1192 Hammarskjold, Dag. "Prelude to Independence: The International Significance of the Bill of Rights." May 15, 1956.

1193 Benson, Ezra Taft. "Farmers at the Crossroads." 1956.

1194 "The Defense of Church Properties in America from Soviet Control." 1953.

1195 Clark, Fred G. "Breaking the Mental Barrier in Economic Communications." Address. June 22, 1956.

1196 America"s Future. "What's Happened to our Schools?"

1197 Lowry, Charles W. "Conflicting Faiths: Christianity vs. Communism." 1953.

1198 International Association of Machinists. "'Right-to-Work' Laws: Three Moral Studies."

1199 Chesterton, A.K. "The Menace of World Government."

1200 Lewis, Fulton. "A GATT in Your Ribs." 1956.

1201 Americans for Democratic Action. "Voting Guide 1956: How to Make your Vote Count."

1202 Howe, Quincy. "A Guide to Politics." 1954. 1203 Gostick, Ron. "The Architects Behind the World Communist Conspiracy."

1204 Campbell, Bernard. "63 Tested Practices in School-Community Relations." 1954.

1205 Kraus, Robert. "The Rabbit Brothers."

1206 "Congress Must Act on Civil Rights."

1207 Burgess, John W. "Recent Changes in American Constitutional Theory." 1923.

1208 Opitz, Edmund A. "Religion and the Social Problem." November 1956.

1209 Dilworth, Nelson S. "A Freedom Manifesto." April 1955.

1210 Drake, Francis and Katherine. "How we could have Better National Defense for Less Money." February 1957.

1211 Clark, Fred G. "Not By Bread Alone."

1212 The American Economic Foundation. "How to Enlist Employee Loyalty and Increase Productivity." October 1955.

1213 Departments of National Education Association. "It's High Time." Guide for parents of high school students. 1955.

1214 Koch, Gerda. "Federal Aid: Trap for the Unwary."

1215 National Society, Sons of the American Revolution. "A Bill of Grievances." 1216 Rennie, Thomas A.C. and Luther E. Woodward. "Mental Health and the World of Today." 1949.

1217 Foundation for Economic Education. "Report on Freedom." 1956- 1957.

1218 Wham, Benjamin. "While the Nation Sleeps." October 1956.

1220 Nash, Vernon. "It Must be Done Again." 1940.

1221 Harper, Elsie D. and Helen Rainey Gillmore. "For a Better World: a History of YWCA Policy in Public Affairs." November 1948.

1223 Ham, Mordecai F. "The Hidden Hand Behind the Confusion of World Events."

1224 Kamp, Joseph P. "Trickery, Treachery, Tyranny and Treason in Washington."

1225 What's On Your Mind? Vol. 1, Nos. 21, 22, 26, 28.

1226 Kohler, Herbert V. "Can a Free Economy Tolerate Union Violence?" Address given February 25, 1957.

1227 Clark, Fred G. "Is Socialism Irreversible?" Address: March 14, 1957.

1228 "Know the Facts." May 1956.

1229 American-British Foundation for European Education. "The Story of an Experiment." January 1954.

1230 "Why 25 Oregon Cities Rejected Fluoridation in 1956." 1231 Huxley-Blythe, P.J. "Betrayal: the Story of Russian Anti-Communism."

1232 Hunt, Alan Reeve and Paul A. Lacey. "Friends and the use of the Fifth Amendment." 1957.

1233 Gross, Francis. "Open Letter to Al Smith Polonia Restituta God's Chosen People."

1234 Morreel, Ben. "Freedom...Triumph of the Uncommon Man." September 27, 1954.

1235 The American Fund for Public Service. "Report for the Two Years, 1928-30."

1236 "Have the Methodists Accepted Communism?"

1237 Kaub, Verne P. "Communism and Socialism: Marxian Twins."

1238 "Reading List for Americans."

1239 Shaw, Esther Popel. "Personal Adventures in Race Relations." 1946.

1241 Muste, A.J. "Where Are We Now? American Radicalism and the Impact of Recent Soviet Developments."

1242 Muste, A.J. "The Camp of Liberation." November 1954.

1243 Muste, A.J. "How to Deal with a Dictator." 1954.

1244 Height, Dorothy I. and J. Oscar Lee. "The Christian Citizen and Civil Rights." A guide to study and action. 1949. 1245 Northwestern University. Reviewing Stand.

1246 American Council for Judaism, Inc. Council News.

1247 Grossman, Kurt R. "Germany's Moral Debt: the German-Israel Agreement." 1954.

1248 Gensler, Kinereth Dushkin. "Ahad Ha-am, Prophet of Cultural Zionism." A Syllabus based on Ahad Ha-am.

1249 Huebener, Theodore. "Education in Israel." December 1953.

1250 Government Printer, Jerusalem. "Peace in the Middle East: a Record of Israel's Peace Offers to the Arab States."

1251 Government of Israel. "The Arab Refugees." November 1953.

1252 Eban, Abba. "The Arab Refugees - Road to a Solution." 1955.

1253 "American-Israel Relations." Addresses and statements to the Conference of Major Jewish Organizations." March 5-6, 1955.

1254 National Education Department. "America's Role in Israel's Independence." 1949.

1255 Gold, Zev. "Theodor Herzl in Light of Tradition." 1955.

1256 Bentwich, Norman De Mattos. "Early English Zionists, 1890-1920." 1940.

1257 Sieff, Israel M. "The Struggle for the Balfour Declaration." 1258 Greenberg, Hayim. "Jewish Culture and Education in the Diaspora." 1951.

1259 Israel Office of Information. "Facts and Figures." 1955.

1260 Schwartz, Shalom. "Herzl's Views on Labor."

1261 Brandeis, Louis D. "The Jewish Problem: How to Solve It." 1948.

1262 Hirsch, David E. "A Record of American Zionism." 1956.

1263 "Arnold Toynbee and the Jews." Jewish Frontier. December 1954- February 1955.

1264 Katznelson, Berl. "Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of his Passing." Excerpts of his articles translated from Hebrew. July 1954.

1265 Jenkins, Burris. "Inside Israel 1956." A series of articles depicting life in Israel.

1266 Drake, Francis and Katharine. "New Weapons Against Heart Disease." May 1957.

1267 . A weekly journal of opinion. May 18, 1957.

1268 American Civil Liberties Union. "Liberty is Always Unfinished Business." 1956.

1269 Allen, Mary L. "Education or Indoctrination." and "While you Slept," by John T. Flynn. 1956.

1269a Bentley, Elizabeth. "Out of Bondage." and "The Final Secret of Pearl Harbor," by Robert A. Theobald. 1959. 1270 Senate of the State of California. "Ninth Report of the Senate Fact- Finding Committee on Un-American Activities." 1957.

1271 Education Department, Chamber of Commerce of the United States. "The School Construction Issue." Packet of materials summarizing the facts.

1273 Edwards, Robert V. "Truman's Inheritance." 1952.

1274 Wilson, Everett P. "The Constitution of the United States of America, a Bulwark of Liberty." 1955.

1275 Circuit Riders. "Fifty Years of Un-Methodist Propaganda." 1957.

1276 Elsom, John R. "Lightning Over the Treasury Building." 1941.

1277 Pitt-Rivers, George. "The World Significance of the Russian Revolution." 1920.

1278 Long, Hamilton A. "Usurpers--Foes of Free Man." 1957.

1279 California Legislature. "Fifteenth Report: Senate Investigating Committee on Education. Building Needs for State Colleges and Public Schools." 1955.

1280 Adams, Orval W. "Dollar Literacy, the American 'Must.'" May 25, 1953.

1281 Adams, Orval W. "Inflation: The Termite of Civilization." October 1956.

1283 Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health. "First Annual Report." 1956. 1284 Springer, Harvey H. "The Devil's Incubator." January 1948.

1285 "Report to Congress on the Mutual Security Program." 1955.

1286 Harwood, E.C. "Cause and Control of the Business Cycle." 1957.

1287 American Institute for Economic Research. "What Will Deflation or More Inflation Mean to You?" 1957.

1288 Rorty, James. "Report on James Rorty." September 20, 1957.

1289 "Report of the Committee on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution." September 1957.

1290 Committee on Un-American Activities. "Soviet Total War: 'Historic Mission' of Violence and Deceit." Vols. 1 and 2. September 1956.

1291 Frye, William R. "A United Nations Peace Force." 1957.

1292 Addison, Alexander. "Rise and Progress of Revolution: a Charge." December 1800.

1294 Public Affairs Institute. "Regional Development for Regional Peace: a New Policy and Program to Counter the Soviet Menace in the Middle East."

1295 State of Louisiana Joint Legislative Committee. "Subversion in Racial Unrest." Parts I and II. March 6-9, 1957.

1296 "Ten Directors of the N.A.A.C.P."

1297 Sims, Ernest M. "The Right to Work is the Right to Live." 1298 "Laboratory Practice Descriptions dealing with Understanding the Economic Community." 1952.

1299 Charter of the United Nations. "Report to the President on the Results of the San Francisco Conference." June 26, 1945.

1301 Oppenheim, Samuel. "The Early History of the Jews in New York, 1654-1664." 1909.

1302 Stonehill, C.A., ed. "The Jewish Contribution to Civilization." 1940.

1303 Edmondson, Robert Edward. "'I Testify': Amazing Memoir-Exposure of Anti-National War Plotting." 1953.

1304 Mack, Ray. "Picketing the Commies and Commie Frontiers in Hollywood."National Wage Earner, Vol. 2, No. 12.

1305 United World Federalists. "Facts, Opinions and Personalities." May 1953.

1306 American Bar Association. "Report of Committee for Peace and Law Through United Nations." September 1, 1950.

1307 Holman, Frank E. "Giving America Away." October 12, 1949.

1308 Nash, Vernon. "It Must be Done Again." 1948.

1309 Clark, Greenville and Louis B. Sohn. "A Digest of Peace Through Disarmament and Charter Revision." 1953.

1310 Nash, Vernon. "Yes, But--." Questions and answers about a Federal World Government. January 1950. 1311 Hodgin, David Reid. "Escape from 1910." The Humanist. 1957, No.3.

1315 Gulf Oil Corporation. "Aid to Education."

1316 National Council for the Social Studies. "World Trade: Goals and Problems." Bulletin No. 27, 1953.

1317 World Government News. A monthly report of Progress toward world federation. August 1950.

1318 "Potted Biographies: a Dictionary of Anti-National Biography."

1319 "Americans for Democratic Action." April 1958.

1320 Beach, Fred F. and Robert F. Will. "The State and Nonpublic Schools, with Particular Reference to Responsibility of State Departments of Education." 1958.

1321 Rich, Ben E. "A Friendly Discussion."

1322 McConkie, Bruce R. "What the Mormons Think of Christ."

1323 Morgan, John. "The Plan of Salvation."

1324 Smith, Joseph. "Tells His Own Story."

1325 "The New Group of World Servers."

1326 "Russia." Parts I - III.

1327 Opinion Research Corporation. "What the American People Think about Money, Inflation and the Gold Standard." 1954. 1328 Georgia Commission on Education. "Communism and the NAACP." 1959.

1329 Allen, Marilyn R. "For Freedom's Sake." August 1950.

1330 Allen, Marilyn R. "For Christ and Country."

1331 Allen, Marilyn R. "Patriotism Demands Criticism." Christmas, 1950.

1332 Allen, Marilyn R. "The Deadly Power to Tax." I Love America Series No.3.

1333 Tax Foundation. "The Financial Challenge to the States." An analysis of state fiscal developments, 1946-1957.

1334 "Gold Manipulation and Depressions." 1938.

1335 Community Research Associates. "Current Social Research." 1957.

1336 "Worldwide Communist Propaganda Activities in 1954." February 15, 1955.

1337 Chamberlain, Grace Williamson Willett. "An Horrific Scandal in Corruption in the Democratic Administration, 1942-1952." January 4, 1954.

1338 Women Investors Research Institute, Inc. "Analysis and Historical Review of the Foreign Policy of the United States from 1796 to 1954."

1339 "The Book of Hadassah (or Esther)." A fragment transcribed from the scrolls of the Essenes. 1953.

1340 President's Committee on Government Contracts. "Fourth Annual Report on Equal Job Opportunity." 1956-1957.

1342 "Delaware Corporation Law Annotated 1953."

1343 "Better Schools or a New Form of Government?" Bulletin of the Council on Educational Needs. Vol. 1, Issue 3. September 1957.

1344 Reuther, Walter P. "Price Policy and Public Responsibility." January 28, 1958.

1345 McIntire, Carl. "The National Council of Churches: an Appraisal." 1957.

1346 Pittman, R. Carter. "The Law of the Land." 1958.

1347 Holman, Frank E. "The Proposal for an 'International Bill of Rights.'" September 17, 1948.

1348 Holman, Frank E. "Address at a Meeting of the District of Columbia Bar Association." February 8, 1949.

1349 Holliday, W.T. "Our Number One Job: World Peace." January 1950.

1350 Cook, Eugene. "The Ugly Truth about the NAACP."

1351 "The NAACP Legislative Scoreboard: the Civil Rights Crisis and the 84th Congress."

1352 Byrnes, James F. "The Supreme Court Must be Curbed." May 1956.

1353 Citizens' Councils. "Congressional Committee Report on What Happened when Schools were Integrated in Washington, D.C." 1354 Gillespie, G.T. "A Christian View on Segregation." Address: November 4, 1954.

1355 Eastland, James O. "We've Reached Era of Judicial Tyranny." December 1, 1955.

1356 Association of Citizens' Councils. "A Jewish View on Segregation."

1357 Williams, John Bell. "Where is the Reign of Terror?" March 27, 1956.

1358 Citizens' Councils. "The Educational Fund of the Citizens" Councils."

1359 "The Citizens' Council."

1360 Harper, F.A. "Liberty Defined." 1958.

1361 Fourth World Congress. "ICFTU: Report of the Fourth World Congress." May 1955.

1362 Committee for World Development and World Disarmament. "Report of Arden House Conference on Disarmament." December 14-17, 1956.

1363 Gordon, Rosalie M. "Nine Men Against America: the Story of the Supreme Court and Your Liberties."

1364 Fagan, Myron C. "Genocide: a Menace to United States." November- December 1950.

1365 American Committee for Israel's Tenth Anniversary Celebration. "Israel: 10 Years of Progress, 1948-1958, Facts and Figures." 1958.

1366 American Committee for Israel's Tenth Anniversary Celebration. "Highlights in the Life of Israel." 1957. 1367 Pollock, A.J. "Reasons why a Christian should not be a Freemason."

1368 Cassidy, Morley. "A Statement of Faith...in a Cultural Heritage of the English-Speaking People."

1369 Keith, P.J. "Some Heresies and their Founders."

1370 Keith, P.J. "English Masonic Isolation: a Myth Exploded." April 1937.

1371 Smith, Noel. "The Supreme Court and Integration." 1957.

1373 Young, Leonard. "Deadlier than the H-Bomb." 1956.

1374 Trapp, H. Thornton. "Christian or Freemason." January 1954.

1375 "Should a Christian be a Freemason?" Reprinted from Theology, January 1951.

1376 "What the Jews Say About Themselves."

1377 Jensen, B. "The 'Palestine' Plot." 1948.

1378 Friends Committee on Legislation. "Questions and Answers about Nuclear Tests." August 1957.

1379 Young, Glenn O. "Sixteen-Carat Diamonds and One Way to Get Them." November 10, 1957.

1380 "A Letter to the South on Segregation."

1381 Lessing, Otto Eduard. "Jew and Gentile." 1940. 1382 Sincere, Earnest. "The Plan in Action."

1383 Siward. "The Reign of the Elders, Part I."

1384 Siward. "The Reign of the Elders, Part II." 1939

1385 Gross, Francis. "The Jews are the Parasites of the World."

1386 Welch, Robert. "A Letter to Khurshchev." April 1958.

1387 Franks, Maurice R. "Warning! Danger Ahead!"

1388 Smith, McLellan. "Compulsory Union Membership: Un-Americanism at Work."

1389 Lu, Martin. "Why...Right-to-Work Laws are a Necessity." February 1958.

1390 "The Communist Party of the U.S.A.: What it is, How it Works." A handbook for Americans. December 21, 1955.

1391 "Will He Bury Us?"

1392 "Bigotry and Blackmail: a Report on the Arab Boycott Against Americans." 1958.

1393 Chamberlin, William Henry. "The Failure of Socialism." February 1958.

1394 American Tariff League. "The Thoughtful Businessman Must Decide...What is a Sound Foreign Trade Policy?" April 1958. 1395 Kamp, Joseph P. "Meet the Man who Plans to Rule America." 1958.

1397 Malone, George. "Our Money and Trade Patterns are Leading us into International Socialism." June 1958.

1398 Delaware. "Delaware General Corporation Law, Corporation Franchise Tax Law."

1399 "The Edmondson Case: Jews vs. Christians in Court." 1936.

1400 "Move to Destroy Free Speech." 1937.

1401 Pittman, R. Carter. "All Men are Not Equal." July 1956.

1402 Pope Leo XIII. "Testem Benevolentiac."

1404 United World Federalists. "One World...Or None." 1957.

1405 Committee on the Judiciary, . "The 'Suppressed' Report: Hearing." February - March 1958.

1406 Trustees of Americanism Fund. "The Betrayal of America." Complaint to California Legislature in re: to subversive textbooks and curriculum practices in public schools. 1947.

1407 Opitz, Edmund. "The Powers that Be: Case Studies of the Church in Politics." 1956.

1408 Heard, Gerald A. and Edmund A. Opitz. "The Kingdom Without God: Road's End for the Social Gospel." 1956.

1409 AWARE, Inc. "The First Front: a Forum Discussion of What Important Issues Face Young People Today." February 5, 1955. 1410 Ohio Un-American Activities Commission. "Report, 1953-1954."

1411 Educational News Service. "The Tomb of American Liberty." 1957.

1412 Fellers, Bonner. "Survival." 1942.

1413 Ravage, Murcus Eli. "A Real Case Against the Jews." January 1953.

1414 Saltman, Jules. "Emphysema: When the Breath of Life Falters." Public Affairs Pamphlet no. 326. 1962.

1416 Commission of Inquiry. "...on the Steel Strike of 1919." 1920.

1417 De Kiewiet, C.W. "Tomorrow is Too Late." July 1957.

1419 Unesco. "The Influence of Home and Community on Children Under Thirteen Years of Age." 1949.

1420 United States Congress. "Investigation of Communist Activities in the Philadelphia Area." Hearing. 1953.

1421 Salluste. "Marxism and Judaism." 1947.

1422 Varney, Harold Lord. "Red Hues in the Columbia Blue." April 1958.

1423 Talmadge, Herman E. "You and Segregation." 1955.

1424 McGregor, A.H. "Has the Methodist Church Gone Mad?" October 1961.

1425 Neylan, John Francis. "Is Patriotism Obsolete?" Address to the Commonwealth Club of California. July 2, 1958. 1426 Burlingame, Roger. "General Billy Mitchell, Champion of Air Defense." 1956.

1427 Kuhn, Irene Corbally. "Your Child is Their Target." June 1952.

1428 Wilmshurst, W.L. "The Ceremony of Passing." 1900.

1429 Wilmshurst, W.L. "The Ceremony of Initiation: Analysis and Commentary." 1953.

1433 Finley, Joseph E. "Labor Act Upside Down." 1958.

1434 Rhee, Syngman. "An Asian Leader Speaks for Freedom."

1435 Economic Education Institute. "You and Economic Issues." A series of resource units for teachers in secondary schools. 1953.

1436 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "Federal Reserve Bulletin." December 1957.

1437 Department of State. "Treaties in Force." A list of treaties and other International Agreements of the United States in Force on January 1, 1958.

1438 Trusteeship Council, United Nations. "Report of the United Nations Commission on Togoland Under French Administration." 1958.

1439 Schoeman, Johan. "Small Essays on Big Subjects."

1440 Barnes, Harry Elmer. "Hiroshima: Assault on a Beaten Foe." May 1958.

1441 Barnes, Harry Elmer. "The End of the Old America." Spring 1958. 1443 Lang, J.T. "Communism in Australia." 1944.

1444 Townsend, Ralph. "There is No Halfway Neutrality." 1938.

1445 Fish, Hamilton. "Proposed Amendments to the Alien and Sedition Act to Conform to the Bill of Rights." April 6, 1943.

1446 Cramer, Frederick H. "Demosthenes Redivivus: a page from the record of Isolationism." April 1941.

1448 Frankel, Charles. "Third Great Revolution of Mankind." February 1958.

1449 Congressional Record. Proceedings and Debates of the 84th Congress, Second Session. 1956.

1450 Dwight, Timothy. "A Discourse on the Character of George Washington, esq. at the Request of the Citizens." 1800.

1451 Series of Editorials on the United States Supreme Court. 1957.

1452 Redfield, Robert. "Talk with a Stranger." 1958.

1453 Department of Racial and Cultural Relations. "The Negro American: a Reading List." 1957.

1454 New York Supreme Court. "Saint Nicholas Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church of North America against Wassil A. Kreshik, etc."

1455 Supreme Court of the State of New York. Trial Term.

1456 Morley, Raymond. "Political Responsibility." 1958. 1457 National Economic Council. Economic Council Letter. No. 434. July 1, 1958.

1458 Colegrove, Kenneth. "Democracy versus Communism." 1958.

1459 Hoover, Herbert. "A Cause to Win." Five speeches on American Foreign Policy in relation to Soviet Russia. 1951.

1460 National Education Association. "Missoula County High School, Montana: a Study of Ineffective Leadership." July 1958.

1461 Human Events. Vol. 14, No. 41. October 12, 1957.

1462 Matthews, J.B. "Communism in the Churches." March 22, 1958.

1463 Flett, Austin T. "The United States as a Satellite Nation...Under Which Flag?" March 4, 1958.

1464 Marsden, Victor E. "World Conquest Through World Government: Protocols of Zion." 1958.

1465 Butler, Eric D. "Brain-Washing: a Synthesis of the Communist Textbook of Psychopolitics."

1466 U.S. Department of State. "The Geneva Conference of Heads of Government." July 18-23, 1955.

1467 Foundation for Foreign Affairs. Modern Age, a . Vol.2, No.3. Summer 1958.

1468 Matthews, J.B. "United States National Student Association." July 14, 1958. 1469 Kamp, Joseph P. "We Do Not Believe in God, Said Walter Reuther." 1958.

1470 Brittingham, Thomas E. "The Brittingham International Scholarship Saga." 1957.

1471 Harvey, Paul. "Unesco: Communism's Trap for our Youth." July 1958.

1472 "A Compilation of Public Records 614, Presbyterian's Church U.S.A., Clergymen." March 1958.

1473 "The Scoreboard." July-August 1958.

1474 Gwinn, Ralph W. "The State of the Unions--Now." June 1958.

1475 Sensing, Thurman. "Vote."

1476 Sensing, Thurman. "Needed: Another Revolution."

1477 Gent, Cock van. "Cock van Gent: Oils, Drawings, Watercolors from 1952-1956." 1958.

1478 Johnson, Melvin Maynard. "Author's Proof of Address on Freemasonry in America Prior to 1750." November 1916.

1479 "Resolutions Adopted by the Sixty-Seventh Continental Congress." April 1958.

1480 Vital Speeches of the Day. Vol. 21, No. 14. May 1, 1955.

1481 "Oder an Neisse Frontier and Peace Settlement for Germany." July 1958. 1482 Committee on Un-American Activities. "The Erica Wallach Story." March 1958.

1483 Eradahl, Sivert. "The Devil's Altar Boys." 1945.

1484 Southern States Industrial Council. "Union Power and the Public Interest." August 1958.

1485 International Juridical Association. "Curbing the Courts." 1937.

1486 Carr, William Guy. "The National Federation of Christian Laymen and What We Stand For."

1487 Ornes, German E. "The Other Side of the Coin." A collection of articles.

1488 Ornes, C. "The Betrayal of German Ornes." 1956.

1489 Freeman, Roger A. "Federal Aid to Education - Boon or Bane?" 1955.

1490 "Constitution Party: Platform and Resolutions."

1491 Curtis, Carl T. "Vilification of the Clergy Must Stop." Speech. March 26, 1958.

1492 Morse, Stanley F. "Operation Survival." Address. March 27, 1958.

1493 Spaak, Paul-Henri. "Current Topics." June 1958.

1494 Del Valle, P.A. "There's Something Rotten in the State of Denmark." Task Force, Vol. 5, No. 3. July 1958.

1495 Institute for Biopolitics. "Pax Americana: the Elite Whiteman's Guidebook."

1496 National Monetary Congress. "Resolution Adopted." August 26, 1944.

1497 U.S. Department of Congress. "Statistical Abstract of the United States." 1958.

1499 American Iron and Steel Institute. "Steel in the Soviet Union." General report. May 21 - June 21, 1958.

1500 "Hearings Before the Committee on Rules, House of Representatives, Seventy-Second Congress." July 1932.

1501 Jenner, William E. "What Has Happened to Our Country?" August 21, 1958.

1502 American Friends Service Committee. "Toward Security Through Disarmament." 1952.

1503 Giertych, Jedrzej. "Poland and Germany." 1958.

1504 "What is Foreign Aid?" A series of articles. August 1958.

1507 Committee on Un-American Activities. "Communist Strategy of Protracted Conflict." May 1958.

1508 Senate Committee on foreign Relations. "Adequacy of United States Laws with Respect to Offenses Against National Security." April 17, 1953.

1509 United Nations Department of Public Information. "Your United Nations: Official Souvenir Guide Book." 1953. 1510 Circuit Riders. "A Compilation of Public Records 30 of the 95 Men Who Gave Us the Revised Standard Version of the Bible." 1960.

1511 Dobbs, Zygmund. "Red Intrigue and Race Turmoil." 1958.

1513 "Automation and Major Technological Change: Impact on Union Size, Structure and Function." Panel Discussion. April 22, 1958.

1514 Clark, Fred G. "Soliloquy."

1515 "Labor Looks at the 85th Congress." 1957.

1516 Hannah, Walton. "Darkness Visible: a Revelation and Interpretation of Freemasonry." 1954.

1518 Alfred Kohlberg, Inc. "Open Letter to Walter Lippman." October 7, 1952.

1519 Goff, Kenneth. "Reds Promote Racial War." 1958.

1520 International Finance Corporation. "Second Annual Report." 1957- 1958.

1521 Council for Basic Education. "CBE Bulletin." No. 1. June 1958.

1522 Williams, Robert H. "The Ultimate World Order." 1957.

1523 Dominican Republic. "Dominican Laws Protect Investors." 1958.

1524 Sass, Herbert Ravenel. "From the Congressional Record 1956 Mixed Schools and Mixed Blood." 1525 Beik, Paul H. "Transactions of the American Philosophical Society." February 1956.

1526 "Annual Report of the Chief National Guard Bureau." June 1957.

1527 International Chamber of Commerce, United States Council. "As Others See Us: Survey of World Business Opinion on United States Trade Policy." 1958.

1528 Alesen, L.A. "Who Owns Your Mind?"

1529 Committee on Educational Interchange Policy. "Hungarian Refugee Students and U.S. Colleges and Universities One Year Later." February 1957 - January 1958.

1530 Research Group for European Migration Problems. R.E.M.P. Bulletin. Vol.5, No.1. January/March 1957.

1531 "The French Constitution." 1958.

1532 "Money Made Mysterious." American Mercury. 1958.

1533 Conference on Economic Progress. "Toward a New Farm Program: Economic and Moral Aspects of a New Program Fair and Beneficial to Farmers, Workers, Consumers." December 1958.

1534 Montgomery, Zachary. "The School Question from a Parental and Non-Sectarian Stand-Point." 1886.

1535 "Report of the Zellerbach Commission on the European Refugee Situation."

1536 "Sensational Disclosure of Red Plot in U.S. Government." 1954. 1538 Dewitt, R.B. "One Man's Opinion."

1539 Sirkin, A.M. "Youngville, U.S.A.: American Youth Tells its Story."

1540 Lindsey, Albert J. "The Church and Social Action."

1541 Franks, Maurice R. "The Franks Plan for a Dependable Secret Ballot." 1958.

1542 Franks, Maurice R. "Union Shopping." March 1952.

1543 Clark, Fred G. "The Socialistic Sixteenth--a National Cancer."

1544 General Federation of Women's Clubs. "Years of Achievement, 1890- 1952."

1545 American Council of Christian Laymen. "Scriptural Refutations of Teachings of E. Stanley Jones."

1546 "The Southern Labor Story."

1547 "Fitness of American Youth: a Report to the President of the United States on the Fort Ritchie Meeting." September 1958.

1548 Lanston, Aubrey G. "Government Securities, Congress, and the Budget." 1959.

1549 Josephs, N. Henry. "Criminal Optimism and the Four Summits." 1956.

1550 Allen, Luke S. "Freedom and Unlimited Markets."

1551 Hawaii Statehood Commission. "Hawaii, USA, Showcase for Americanism." 1959.

1552 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. "Assets, Liabilities and Capital Accounts: Commercial and Mutual Savings Banks." Report No. 49. June 23, 1958.

1553 "You Are Being Robbed." July 1957.

1554 "The President's Report to the Alumni of Yale University, 1956-1957."

1555 Stoddard, Alexander J. "Schools for Tomorrow: an Educator's Report."

1556 "The Federal Reserve Act as Amended Through December 31, 1956."

1557 Varney, Harold Lord. "Mental Health Fact and Fiction." April 1957.

1558 Morrow, Wright. "The Law of the Land." November 24, 1958.

1559 Hoover, Herbert. "Two Addresses in Brussels, Belgium." July 4, 1958.

1560 American Institute for Economic Research. "The First Quarter Century and Plans for the Future." 1959.

1561 Circuit Riders. "A Compilation of Public Records 20.5% of 1411 Protestant Episcopal Rectors." 1960.

1562 "The Legal Register for the District of Columbia." 1958.

1563 Committee on Political Education. "How to Win: a handbook for political action."

1564 Johnson, Manning. "Color, Communism and Common Sense." 1958. 1565 Fagan, Myron C. "Special Report on State of the Nation."

1566 Bridges, Styles. "Report of American Bar Association Special Committee on Communist Tactics, Strategy and Objectives." Congressional Record. August 1958.

1567 Fagan, Myron C. "Supreme Court Chief Ally of Communism."

1568 Kissinger, Henry A. "Force and Diplomacy in the Nuclear Age." April 1956.

1569 American Bar Association. "Communist Tactics, Strategy, Objectives." 1959.

1570 Circuit Riders. "Recognize Red China?" 1958.

1571 Jordan, George R. "The New International Gold Market Limited."

1572 Harwood, E.C. "Twentieth-Century Common Sense." 1958.

1573 Bouscaren, Anthony T. "Admission of Aliens and U.S. Security." January 1959.

1574 National Defense Committee. "School 'Tests' and Questionnaire."

1575 American Security Council. "Annual Reports."

1576 Hargis, Billy James and Julian E. Williams. "The Far Reaching Implications of Mental Health Legislation."

1578 Cvetic, Matt. "The Mental Health of Goldbrick." March 1959. 1579 American Bar Association. "Report." December 1958.

1580 "What is Metropolitan Government?" October 1958.

1581 Bell, Don. "Terrible 1313."

1582 Tyson, Robert C. "Another Look at Wage Inflation." 1959.

1583 Matthews, J.B. "Some Truths About Castro." February 1959.

1584 Weidner, C. Ken. "The American Dilemma: an Analysis by an Amateur." April 1959.

1585 Colorado State Department of Education. "Guides to School District Organization." 1957.

1587 Allen, Marilyn R. "Open Letter to W. Chandler." Closer Up. April 1959.

1588 Scherer, Gordon H. "American Bar Association Speaks." Remarks.Congressional Congress. February 1959.

1589 State of New York. "First Report of the Joint Legislative Committee to Investigate Procedures and Methods of Allocating State Moneys for Public School Purposes and Subversive Activities." 1941.

1590 Service, Whaley-Eaton. "The Ominous Distrust of the Dollar." May 1959.

1591 Parker, Loyd L. "The Gold Report: How to Buy a Dollar's Worth of Gold for 45 cents." 1959.

1592 Barr, John U. "State Department Speaks." Economic Council Letter. No. 457. June 15, 1959. 1593 Kisling, Richard. "Income Tax - a Crime Against Humanity." Women's Voice, Vol. 17, Nos. 7 and 8. February and March 1959.

1594 "First National Directory of 'Rightist' Groups, Publications and Some Individuals in the United States." 1955.

1595 "The Population Bomb."

1596 "USSR Exhibition."

1598 Siegrist, Bob. "Siegrist Exposes UNICEF." October 27, 1958.

1599 National Defense Committee. "The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)."

1600 "The Federal Tax Racket."

1601 Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. "You Pay This Unfair Tax."

1602 Staff of the Senate Republican Policy Committee. "The Labor Bosses-- America's Third Party." July 1958.

1603 Dos Passos, John. "What Union Members Have Been Writing Senator McClellan." September 1958.

1604 Maguire, Russell. "In the Mercury's Opinion."

1605 American Jewish Congress. "The Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Decisions of the United State Supreme Court for the 1957-1958 Term." 1957.

1606 Commonwealth of Massachusetts. "Eighth Interim Report of the Special Commission to Study and Investigate Communism and Subversive Activities and Related Matters in the Commonwealth." March 1956.

1607 Schwulst, Earl B. "Race and Housing: the Basic American Dilemma."

1608 Sales, Reno H. "UNESCO: a Communist Conspiracy?"

1609 World Politics, Vol. 11, No. 2. January 1959.

1610 Williams, Elmer Lynn. "The Fix-It Boys: the Inside Story of the New Deal and the Kelly-Nash Machine." 1940.

1611 Commission on Race and Housing. "Where Shall We Live?" 1958.

1612 "This is America." Official United States guide book, Brussells World's Fair 1958.

1613 Department of State. "The Korean Problem at the Geneva Conference." April 26 - June 15, 1954.

1614 New World Review. May 1959.

1615 Dominican Republic. "White Book of Communism in Dominican Republic."

1616 President's Commission on Immigration and Naturalization. "Whom We Shall Welcome." 1953.

1617 Eliot, T.S. "The Frontiers of Criticism." 1970.

1618 Reston, James B. "An Appraisal of the Cold War." 1955. 1619 Gilbert, Dan. "Moscow Over Hollywood."

1620 McIntire, Carl. "Metropolitan Nicolai: Agent in Soviet Secret Police." How the Communists are using the National Council of the Churches of Christ.

1621 MacRae, Allan A. "Why I Cannot Accept the Revised Standard Version."

1622 Library Company of Philadelphia. "Annual Report." 1956 - 1963.

1623 Council for Advancement of Secondary Education. "Capitalism and Other Economic Systems." 1959.

1624 Rudd, Augustin G. "The Revolution Education." November 14, 1958.

1625 Right to Work Committee. "The Kennedy-Ervin Bill." 1959.

1626 Hubbard, Bela. "The Hybrid Race Doctrine: a Critical Analysis of Some Teachings of Modern Anthropology." 1960.

1627 Seaton, Fred A. "World Petroleum Statistics." December 1958.

1628 Matteson, William J. and E.C. Harwood. "Life Insurance and Annuities from the Buyer's Point of View." 1958.

1629 Zellerbach Commission on the European Refugee Situation. "European Refugee Problems, a Special Report." 1959.

1630 "Enrolled Joint Resolution No. 2, House of Representatives."

1631 Sensing, Thurman . "Free Enterprise vs. the Welfare State." April 16, 1959. 1632 Citizens Foreign Aid Committee. "Foreign Aid and You." March 16, 1959.

1633 Reuther, Walter P. "Policies for Economic Growth." February 9, 1959.

1634 Prentice-Hall, Inc. "The Executives Tax Report."

1635 Joint Economic Committee. "Economic Report of the President." January 1959.

1636 Joint Economic Committee. "Economic Indicators." March 1959.

1637 Walch, John Weston. "Complete Handbook on the Welfare State." 1950.

1638 Assembly of Captive European Nations. "Denial of Human Rights in Eastern Europe." December 10, 1958.

1640 Bates, Maurice L. "The German Marxian Atheistic 5th Column in Our American Public Schools and its Background."

1641 Martin, Joseph W. "Our Foreign Policy Crisis." A tribute to Douglas MacArthur. April 13, 1951.

1642 Walter, Francis E. "The Truth About the Immigration Act." May 1953.

1643 "Report on Donner Scholarship Grants." 1958-1959.

1644 Morse. "Bill Analysis: Proposals to Amend the Railroad Retirement Act and Railroad Unemployment Compensation Act." April 27, 1959.

1645 "Immigration, Our Front Door Policy." 1958. 1646 "Report of American Bar Association Special Committee on Communist Tactics, Strategy, and Objectives." 1958.

1647 "Why Dominicans Call Him El Benefactor." 1959.

1648 Worden, Robert E. "Our Forty-Ninth State in a Competitive World." October 1958.

1649 Demorizi, Emilio Rodriguez. "United States Military Intervention." 1958.

1650 Bohlinger, Alfred J. "Supreme Court of the State of New York in the Matter of the Application of the People of the State of New York." 1951.

1651 Hand, Harold C. "A Scholar's Devil Theory." April 1958.

1652 State of Colorado. "Journal of the Senate Forty-first General Assembly, Second Regular Session." January 27, 1958.

1653 Symes, James M. "A Tide in the Affairs of Railroads." October 13, 1958.

1654 Andrews, T. Coleman. "Here's How Inflation has Victimized You--and the Worst is Yet to Come." March 1959.

1655 "Sensational Disclosure of Red Plot in U.S. Government." Official Report, Vol. 1, No. 1. 1954.

1656 Lewis, Nolan D. C. "Twenty-Fourth Annual Report of the Director of the New York State Psychiatric Institute." March 31, 1953.

1656a Kolb, Lawrence C. "Thirty-Second Annual Report of the Director of the New York State Psychiatric Institute." March 31, 1961. 1656b Kolb, Lawrence C. "Thirty-Third Annual Report of the Director of the New York State Psychiatric Institute." March 31, 1962.

1657 Murdock, James. "Reds' Influence in U.S. Pulpits 'Rampant,' Investigator Asserts." The Daily Advance.

1658 Engineers Joint Council. "Principles of a Sound National Water Policy." July 1951.

1659 Rosenthal, D.J. and J.H. Lawrence. "Radioactive Isotopes in Medicine." 1957.

1660 Lawrence, John H. "The Treatment of Chronic Leukemia."

1661 James, Fleming. "Contributory Negligence." April 1953.

1662 Kamp, Joseph Peter. "Communist Carpetbaggers in Operation Dixie." 1946.

1663 U.S. Department of Congress. "Survey of Current Business." May 1959.

1664 James, Fleming. "Tort Liability of Occupiers of Land: Duties Owed to Licensees and Invitees." 1954.

1665 Peterson, William H. "The Question of Governmental Oil Import Restrictions." August 1959.

1667 Department of Health, Education and Welfare. "Public Health Service Grants and Fellowships Awarded by the National Institutes of Health." 1958

1668 Jackson, Esther Cooper. "This is My Husband: Fighter for his People Political Refugee." 1953. 1669 Finney, Guy W. "The 2 Faces of ."

1670 Benson, George C.S. and John M. Payne. "National Aid to Higher Education." May 1958.

1671 Hoover, John Edgar. "Annual Report." Fiscal Year of 1958.

1672 "Report of Committee on American Citizenship." January 1952.

1673 Brown, Harrison. "Problems of Survival." March 9, 1958.

1674 "Uniform Crime Reports for the United States." 1958.

1675 Watts, V. Orval. "The United Nations: Road to War."

1676 "They Said it in 1956."

1676a "They Said it in 1958."

1676b "They Said it in 1959."

1678 American Iron and Steel Institute. "Charting Steel's Progress." 1959.

1679 "Report to the President: the 1959 Labor Dispute in the Steel Industry." October 19, 1959.

1680 Conference on Economic Progress. "The 'Recession'--Cause and Cure." June 1958.

1681 Department of State. "The Communist Threat in the Area." 1958. 1682 Le Blanc Publications. "Hang On and Pray."

1683 Snyder, John I. "Good for Business: an Employer Views the Union Shop." 1958.

1684 Sultz, I.C. "Chronological History of the World in a Nutshell with Concurring Signs Showing the End."

1685 "Ignorance or Treason." Women's Voice, Vol. 19, Nos. 1 to 4. November 1960.

1686 Brady, Tom P. "A Review of Black Monday." October 28, 1954.

1687 National Military-Industrial Conference. "The Soviet Economic Challenge." 1959.

1688 "Initial Staff Report on Relationships Between Foundations and Education." May 20, 1954.

1689 National Association of Manufacturers. "Facing the Issue of Income Tax Discrimination." 1956.

1690 Nadler, Marcus and Jules I. Bogen. "The Bank Holding Company." 1959.

1691 Hamburger, L. "How has Mobilized and Controlled Labor." 1940.

1692 Witkin, Richard, ed. "The Challenge of the Sputniks, in the Words of President Eisenhower and others." 1958.

1693 Bicknell, John E. "A Prediction of Effectiveness in Secondary School Teaching." A summary report. June 1959. 1694 Springer, Harvey H. "An Alliance with the Devil." 1947.

1695 Rand, Howard B. "The American Form of Government." December 1943.

1696 National Anti-Communist Movement of Free Venezuela. "Venezuela: a Powerful Communist Bulwark in America." October 1958.

1697 Council for Advancement of Secondary Education. "American Capitalism: an Introduction for Young Citizens." 1958.

1698 "U.S. Participation in the UN." Report by the President to the Congress for the Year 1958. July 1959.

1699 Hartnett, Vincent W. "Confidential Notebook (File 13)."

1700 Matteson, William J. "What Will Social Security Mean to You?" 1959.

1701 Beria, L.P. "Brain-Washing: a Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics." 1955.

1702 Committee on Foreign Relations. ""The Austrian State Treaty." 1955.

1703 Essig, Edith. "Keeping the Record Straight." 1958.

1704 American Jewish Committee. Contemporary Jewish Record. Vol. 7, No. 6. December 1944.

1705 American Council on Education. "1959 Publications."

1706 Benson, Ezra Taft. "Don't Let Freedom Slip Away." July 1959. 1707 National Education Association. "Citizens Speak Out on School Costs." 1959.

1708 "Protection of War Victims." August 1949.

1709 Institute of Fiscal and Political Education. "Democracy and Communism: a High School Textbook." 1955.

1710 Tenney, Jack B. "Tabulation of the Republican Score." November 12, 1951.

1711 Wright, Clyde J., ed. "Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion." February 1934.

1712 World Jewish Congress. "The Economic Destruction of German Jewry by the Nazi Regime, 1933-1937." November 1937.

1713 Research Corporation. "Annual Report for 1958."

1714 Nikitin, N.N. "Why I Could Not Live in Soviet Russia." 1945.

1715 Oliver, Revilo Pendleton. "The Communist Conspiracy and Conservative Strategy."

1716 Roosevelt, Archibald B. "Manual for American Action." 1956.

1717 United Steelworkers of America. "The Steel Shutdown: Your Key to the Issues."

1718 Wormser, Felix Edgar. "Dollar Integrity Requires Gold." January 1961.

1719 World Federation for Mental Health. "1960 - World Mental Health Year." 1720 "Facts About UNICEF for 1959."

1721 Clymer, R. Swinburne. "The Crime Against Humanity by Americans Against Americans."

1722 Clymer, R. Swinburne. "Cancer, the Killer."

1723 "This is Khrushchev: the Story Behind the Man Who Controls the Fate of the World."

1724 Daughters of the Revolution. Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine. November 1959.

1725 United States Treasury Department. "Cumulative List: Organizations Described in Section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954."

1726 Women Investors Research Institute. "Special Report No. 1512-29 Digest and analysis of Testimony Relative to Investigation of Administered Price Industries." March 1959.

1727 Lawrence, John H. and Cornelius A. Tobias. "Radioactive Isotopes and Nuclear Radiation in the Treatment of Cancer." 1959.

1728 Harwood, E.C. "Twentieth Century Common Sense and the American Crisis of the 1960's." 1960.

1729 Schwarz, Fred. "Communism, Diagnosis and Treatment." 1955.

1730 Colorado Springs Charter Convention. "The Charter of the City of Colorado Springs." November 1953.

1731 Kendall, Willmoore and Mulford Q. Sibley. "War and the Use of Force: Moral or Immoral, Christian or Unchristian?" Sibley-Kendall Debate. 1732 Paulsen, Stephen. "The World Wide Betrayal." September 1959.

1733 Hoffman, Paul G. "One Hundred Countries, One and One Quarter Billion People."

1734 Kamp, Joseph Peter. "The Bigots Behind the Swastika Spree." 1960.

1735 National Science Foundation. "Ninth Annual Report, 1959."

1736 "Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States." 1959.

1738 Hooser, Lafayette A. "The Meaning of 'Laborism' and How to Stop it."

1739 Department of Health, Education and Welfare. "Health, Education and Welfare Trends." 1961.

1740 Pan American Union. "Recordings of Latin American Songs and Dances." 1950.

1743 Journal of the Franklin Institute. Vol. 261, No. 1. January 1956.

1744 National Science Foundation. "Scientific Personnel Resources." 1955.

1745 Campbell. "Examination of Economic and Technical Assistance Program for India." September 1959.

1747 National Institutes of Health. "Scientific Directory and Annual Bibliography." 1959.

1748 Thin, James. "History and Economics."

1749 "The Story of the Federal Bureau of Investigation." 1750 Department of Health, Education and Welfare. "The Advancement of Medical Research and Education." June 1958.

1751 Barnes, Wilson K. "United Nations UNmasked (an outline)."

1752 League of Women Voters. "Give the Voter a Hand." A voters service handbook. March 1960.

1754 Jordan, George Racey. "Gold Swindle: the Story of our Dwindling Gold." 1959.

1755 "Constanza Maimon Estero Hondo: Communist Aggression against the Dominican Republic." 1959.

1756 American Medical Association. "Fourteenth National Conference on Rural Health." March 1959.

1757 Warburg, James P. "Faith, Purpose and Power: a Plea for a Positive Policy."

1758 Ornes, German E. "German Ornes: a Self-Portrait." 1958.

1759 "Careers in Mental Health."

1760 National Science Foundation. "Basic Research: a National Resource." 1957.

1761 "The Constitution of the State of Colorado." May 1958.

1762 National Institute of Mental Health. "A Draft Act Governing Hospitalization of the Mentally Ill." September 1952.

1763 Committee on Un-American Activities. "Guide to Subversive Organizations and Publications." May 1951.

1764 Schreiber, Julius. "The Durham Decision - A Beacon in the Dark." 1956.

1765 Spahr, Walter E. "Proper Functions and Supply of our Different Kinds of Currency." May 1957.

1766 Spahr, Walter E. "Our Gold Reserve Ratio." December 1960.

1767 Wiegand, G.C. "Fundamental Causes and Cures in Payments Problem." November 1960.

1768 Wiegand, G.C. "Federal Spending to Accomplish full Employment Imperils Dollar." March 1961.

1769 Palyi, Melchior. "A Lesson in French - Inflation." 1959.

1770 National Education Association. "Taxes are Good." March 1961.

1771 "The Civil Rights Fight: a Look at the Legislative Record." 1960.

1772 The Plain Speaker. No.9, July 1958.

1773 "Ability, Integrity, Character Available to Industry."

1774 Fagan, Myron C. "Treason in Washington and U.N." September- October 1955.

1775 Fagan, Myron C. "United Nations 'On Trial' in Washington, D.C." June 1956. 1776 Fagan, Myron C. "The True Story of Yalta." April-May 1953.

1777 Fagan, Myron C. "Americans: a Blueprint for Victory." November- December 1955.

1778 Fagan, Myron C. "We Need the ." September 1952.

1779 Fagan, Myron C. "Can Ike be our Salvation?" February-March 1953.

1780 Osorio Lizarazo, J.A. "Birth and Growth of Anti-Trujilism in America." 1958.

1781 "A Partial Documentation of the Sorge Espionage Case." 1950.

1786 Smith, Mortimer. "A Citizens Manual for Public Schools." 1959.

1787 Maury, Reuben. "The Nature of the Enemy."

1788 Wadsworth, James J. "Red China and the United Nations."

1789 Coopersmith, J.M. "Music and Musicians of the Dominican Republic." 1949.

1790 National Cancer Institute. "Highlights of Progress in Research on Cancer." 1958.

1791 National Commission on Safety Education. "Careers in Highway Traffic Safety." 1958.

1792 Crain, Lucille Cardin. "Know Thine Enemy: the United States versus Sputnik." 1793 Spring, Agnes Wright. "The First National Bank of Denver: the formative years." 1960.

1794 Brown, R.W. "The Builders of Ursinus: a College in the American Tradition in Old Pennsylvania." 1951.

1795 "Economic Report of the President." January 1960.

1796 Smoot, Dan. "America's Promise." 1960.

1798 The New Age Magazine. Vol. 63, No. 7. July 1955.

1799 "Keynes at Harvard: Economic Deception as a Political Credo." 1960.

1800 Osorio Lizarazo, J.A. "The Marxian Bacillus." 1959.

1801 Baxter, William J. "Gold is Going Higher: These Shares Should be Bought." October 1959.

1803 Department of Health, Education and Welfare. "Social Security Handbook on Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance."

1804 Mead, Frank S. "On our Own Doorstep." 1948.

1805 Koch, Fred C. "A Business Man Looks at Communism." 1960.

1806 "Federal Home Loan Bank Board Seizure of Long Beach Federal Savings and Loan Association." Twenty-third report by the Committee on Government Operations. July 1960.

1807 "Statistisches Amt Der Europaischen Gemeinschaften." October 1959. 1808 "Fire Fighting for Householders."

1809 Federal Council on Aging. "White House Conference on Aging Chart Book." 1961.

1810 Kennedy, John Fitzgerald. "Inaugural Address." January 20, 1961.

1811 "Report of the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws." 1961.

1812 "Testimony of Dr. Linus Pauling." June 21, 1961.

1813 Millis, Walter. "Permanent Peace." 1961.

1814 Pacific Northwest Metals and Minerals Conference. "Gold and Money Session." April 1960.

1815 Moreell, Ben. "The Chips are Down."

1817 Journal of Calendar Reform. December 1954.

1818 Moseley, George V.H. "The Suppressed Speech." June 1, 1939.

1819 "A Handbook of Suggestions on the Teaching of Geography."

1821 Circuit Riders. "A Compilation of Public Records 660 Baptist Clergymen." September 1960.

1822 Circuit Riders. "A Compilation of Public Records 42% of the Unitarian Clergymen and 450 Rabbis." January 1961.

1823 Pope, H.G. "New Peas in an Old Shell Game." January 1960. 1824 Bokelman, W. Robert and Ernest V. Hollis. "College and University Endowment Investments: a Survey." June 1958.

1825 Harwood, E.C. "What Would More Inflation Mean to You?" 1961.

1826 Buchanan, Scott, et. al. "Tragedy and the New Politics." 1960.

1827 "The Status of World Health in Outline Text and Chart." March 1959.

1828 Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Vol. 16, No.4. 1957.

1829 Vennard, Wickliffe B. "What is Your Answer?" A series of unanswered letters to congressmen.

1830 "American Jewish Committee Budget." 1953.

1831 "American Jewish Committee Budget." 1954.

1832 Republican National Committee. "Are You a 'Shadow Voter?'" 1961.

1833 Rocky Mountain Regional Conference of Municipal Judges. "Processing the Alcoholic Defendant." Report of Proceedings. October 1959.

1834 Blakeslee, Alton L. "Alcoholism - a Sickness that Can be Beaten." 1952.

1835 Doyle, Kathleen Cassidy. "When Mental Illness Strikes Your Family." 1951.

1836 Dach, Elizabeth M. "Your Community and Mental Health." 1958.

1837 Thorman, George. "Toward Mental Health." 1960. 1838 Pratt, Dallas and Jack Neher. "Mental Health is a Family Affair." 1949.

1839 Dublin, Louis I. "Walter Fluoridation: Facts, Not Myths." 1957.

1840 Wyatt, Walter. "Official Reports of the Supreme Court." 1958.

1841 Brown, Harrison and James Real. "Community of Fear." 1960.

1842 Merchiers. "Congo." July 1960.

1843 Alexander, Robert C. "A Study of our Immigration Laws." May 1960.

1844 "The Crusade against Government Investigating Agencies."

1845 Hansen, Joseph. "Too Many Babies?"

1846 Dilworth, Nelson S. "Can America Maintain Peace?" An address delivered August 25, 1959.

1847 Caswell, Hollis L. "The Attack on American Schools." 1958.

1848 Angas, L.L.B. "The Dollar War Finance and Your Pocket, or How the Banks Inflate." 1951.

1849 American Institute for Economic Research. "Economic Education Bulletin." December 1960, No. 1.

1850 Ellis, Amanda M. "Pioneers." 1955.

1851 Jones, Robert V. "Understanding the Ruble." 1961.

1852 Levner, Bill. "Is it True What They Say About Cohen?" 1948. 1853 Cannon, James P. "Stop McCarthyism." April 1954.

1854 "Committee of One Million, Against the Admission of Communist China to the United Nations."

1855 Heath, Spencer. "Progress and Poverty Reviewed." 1952.

1856 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. "Civil Rights Crisis of 1957." NAACP Annual Report for 49th Year. 1958.

1857 Beckley, John L. "The Best Kept Secret in the Country." 1950.

1858 "The North Atlantic Treaty Organization: the NATO Handbook." 1959.

1859 "The U.S. and Revolution." 1961.

1860 Piel, Gerard. "Consumers of Abundance." 1961.

1861 "Report by the Supreme Commander to the Combined Chiefs of State on the Operations in Europe of the Allied Expeditionary Force." June 1944 - May 1945.

1862 "The President's Brief."

1863 European Coal and Steel Community. "Investment in the Community Coal Mining and Iron and Steel Industries." September 1960.

1864 Department of Health, Education and Welfare. "Teaching About the United Nations in the United States." 1956-1959 report.

1865 "British Israel from A to Z." A concise concordance. 1866 "The Incredible Case of Attorney George E. Shibley." October 1956.

1867 Valeo, Francis. "The China White Paper." 1969.

1868 Bailey, L.W. "Civilian Nominations." October 1951.

1869 Sorokin, Pitirim A. "Mutual Convergence of the United States and the U.S.S.R. to the Mixed Sociocultural Type." 1961.

1870 Sorokin, Pitirim A. "A Quest for an Integral System of Sociology." 1961.

1871 Chamberlin, Edward H. "The Economic Analysis of Labor Union Power." 1958.

1872 Hoffman, Paul G. "The Greatest Challenge of All." 1961.

1873 MacVane, John. "Embassy Extraordinary: the U.S. Mission to the United Nations." 1961.

1874 Watts, V. Orval. "Should We Strengthen the United Nations?" Studies in Human Action, Vol. 1, No. 1. Winter 1961.

1875 Gordon, Rosalie M. "The MacArthur-Korea Story." 1961.

1877 "The Conspiracy against the Schools." An analysis of Rapp-Coudert. March 1940- January 1941.

1878 Fagan, Myron C. "Third Party to Save America." July-August 1952.

1879 United Steelworkers of America. "Work for Rights." 1880 Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch. "Intelligence Activities: a Report to the Congress." 1955.

1881 "Biennial Report of the Chief of Staff of the ." 1945.

1882 National Precinct Workers. "Shall Labor Bosses Rule America?" 1960.

1883 Webb Institute for Medical Research. "Annual Report 1959-1960."

1884 "Report to Congress on the Mutual Security Program." June 1957.

1885 The . Bulletin. April 1, 1961.

1886 Grace, J. Peter. "It is Not Too Late in Latin America." 1961.

1887 Stokes, Dillard. "Social...But is it Security?" 1961.

1888 Benedict, Ruth and Gene Weltfish. "The Races of Mankind." 1961.

1889 Wham, Benjamin. "The Strange Case of Alger Hiss." February 1951.

1890 Ellis, Amanda M. "Legends and Tales of the Rockies." 1954.

1891 Masterson, F.X. "The Chance of a Lifetime."

1892 Springer, Harvey H. "A Case of Conspiracy."

1893 "Life Imprisonment for Exposing Communists." February 1949.

1893a U.S. Information Agency. "Sixth Review of Operations." January 1 - June 30, 1956. 1893b U.S. Information Agency. "Seventh Review of Operations." July 1 - December 31, 1956.

1894 Comas, Juan. "Racial Myths." 1951.

1895 Leiris, Michel. "Race and Culture." 1951.

1896 Klineberg, Otto. "Race and Psychology." 1951.

1897 Rose, Arnold M. "The Roots of Prejudice." 1951.

1898 Dunn, L.C. "Race and Biology." 1951.

1899 Roth, Leon. "Jewish Thought as a Factor in Civilization." 1954.

1900 Darden, Ira M. "My Night." 1951.

1901 Dilworth, Nelson S. "What is our Constitution For?" April 1951.

1902 Tenney, Jack B. "Zion's Fifth Column." 1953.

1903 "The Roosevelt Death: a Super Mystery." 1947.

1904 Housing and Home Finance Agency. "Urban Renewal...What is it?" December 1959.

1905 National Broadcasting Company. "Meet the Press." Vol. 5, No. 22. June 41, 1961.

1906 National Broadcasting Company. "Meet the Press." Vol. 5, No. 28. July 16, 1961. 1907 National Broadcasting Company. "Meet the Press." Vol. 5, No. 27. July 9, 1961.

1908 Commission on national Goals. "Goals for America." 1960.

1909 Oliver, Revilo P. "Why They Smear." The Greater Nebraskan. Vol. 38, Nos. 5-6. June 1951.

1910 Newberry, Mike. "The Revival...the Inside Story of the John Birch Society." 1961.

1911 "Speak Truth to Power: a Quaker Search for an Alternative to Violence."

1912 Department of State. "Our Foreign Policy." 1950.

1913 United States Naval Institute Proceedings. Vol. 84, No. 5. May 1958.

1914 American Medical Association. "Mental Hygiene in the Classroom: How Would You Help a Child Like This?" 1956.

1915 Case, Paul Foster. "The Great Seal of the United States: its History, Symbolism and Message for the New Age." 1935.

1916 Department of Health, Education and Welfare. "National Institute of Mental Health."

1917 Strausz-Hupe, Robert. "The United States and Yugoslavia: a Reappraisal."The Yale Review. Vol. 55, No. 2. December 1955.

1918 Kamp, Joseph P. "The Facts behind the Case against the Browders."Headlines and What's Behind Them. Vol. 5, No. 2. May 18, 1953. 1919 Kamp, Joseph P. "Report on Reds in our Government." Headlines and What's Behind Them. Vol. 6, No. 5. October 10, 1952.

1920 Headlines and What's Behind Them. Vol. 5, No. 1. January 24, 1953.

1921 Headlines and What's Behind Them. Vol. 3, No. 4. March 15, 1951.

1922 Headlines and What's Behind Them. Vol. 7, No. 1. April 5, 1955.

1923 Headlines and What's Behind Them. Vol. 6, No. 1. April 5, 1954.

1924 Headlines and What's Behind Them. Vol. 4, No. 4. August 29, 1952.

1925 Headlines and What's Behind Them. Vol. 4, No. 1. March 15, 1952.

1926 Headlines and What's Behind Them. Vol. 4, No. 2. June 25, 1952.

1927 Headlines and What's Behind Them. Vol. 4, No. 3. July 3, 1952.

1928 "Federalists Falsely Claim Support of Pope Pius XII." Headlines and What"s Behind Them. Vol. 3, No. 9. December 31, 1951.

1929 "MacArthur Crusade Heartens Anxious Americans." Headlines and What's Behind Them. Vol. 3, No. 8. September 15, 1951.

1930 "'Respectable' NPA Plans to Destroy U.S. System." Headlines and What's Behind Them. Vol. 3, No. 7. July 15, 1951.

1931 "New Evidence to Prove Lattimore's Guilt as a Red." Headlines and What's Behind Them. Vol. 3, No. 6. June 1, 1951.

1932 "Three Secret Deals Behind 'Stalemate' in Korea." Headlines and What's Behind Them. Vol. 3, No. 5. April 1, 1951.

1933 "AFL and CIO Top Brass Help Cause of Communism." Headlines and What's Behind Them. Vol. 3, No. 3. March 1, 1951.

1934 "Rockefeller Fortune Backed British Socialism." Headlines and What's Behind Them. Vol. 3, No. 2. February 15, 1951.

1935 "Uncle Sam's Acheson used to Work for Uncle Joe." Headlines and What's Behind Them. Vol. 3, No. 1. February 1, 1951.

1936 "Taxpayers Pay for Red Propaganda and Filth." Headlines and What's Behind Them. Vol. 2, No. 1. March 25, 1939.

1937 The Freeman. January 1961.

1938 National Broadcasting Company. "Meet the Press." Vol. 5, No. s13. April 2, 1961.

1939 "Open Letters to United States Senators." One complete set: 1-31.

1939a "A Special Open Letter to the United States Senators."

1940 Young, Glenn. "Ike's Soviet Medal."

1941 "Invisible Government Up For Congressional Approval--the 'Essobee' Selects the Cabinet."

1942 "Business Advisory Council Official Membership List." April 28, 1961.

1943 State of New York. "Report of the Joint Legislative Committee on Charitable and Philanthropic Agencies and Organizations." March 31, 1955. 1944 Burdick, Usher L. "The Great Conspiracy to Destroy the United States."Congressional Record. April 28, 1954.

1945 McDonald, Donald. "Religion and Freedom." July 1958.

1946 Hacker, Andrew. "Politics and the Corporation." 1958.

1947 Arens, Richard. "Our Immigration System - a First Line of Defense." April 1957.

1948 Jenner, William E. "The Tower of Babel." April 1957.

1949 Knowland, William F. "Speech." April 15, 1957.

1950 Johansen, August E. "Speech." April 17, 1957.

1951 "Open Letter No. 1 to a United States Congressman."

1952 "Special Progress Report to the Subscribers of the Council on American Relations."

1953 Matthews, J.B. "World Council of Churches." August 1954.

1954 Varney, Harold Lord. "Is the Republican Party Committing Suicide?" July 1954.

1955 Flynn, John T. "Fifty Million Americans in Search of a Party." February 1955.

1956 Lyons, Eugene. "Coexistence: Formula for Surrender." 1954.

1957 Varney, Harold Lord. "When We Tried to Give Labor to the Commies." December 1953.

1958 Bow, Frank T. "Why Put GIs in Foreign Jails?" April 1956.

1959 Edwards, Willard. "Mr. Eisenhower and the Socialized State." August 1955.

1960 Matthews, J.B. "The Oppenheimer Story." October 1954.

1961 Matthews, J.B. "Hutchins to Investigate Communism?" June 1955.

1962 Varney, Harold Lord. "Where is the 'Liberty' in Civil Liberties." January 1956.

1963 St. Marks Vestry Committee. "Report on the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America." 1961.

1964 Alpenfels, Ethel J. "Sense and Nonsense about Race." 1946.

1965 Leese, Arnold. "Gentile Folly: the Rothschilds." 1940.

1966 "Jewish Influence in the Federal Reserve System." 1921.

1967 "Failure at ." An analysis of trial, evidence and verdict.

1968 Tetens, T.H. "Know Your Enemy." 1944.

1969 Gwinn, Ralph W. "Mr. Folsom's Colossal Error." Congressional Record. March 11, 1957.

1970 Robnett, George Washington. "A Close Look at the 'American Civil Liberties Union' (ACLU)." News and Views. Vol. 24, No. 8. July 1961. 1971 Tannous, Izzat. "Tension and Peace in the Middle East."

1972 National Broadcasting Company. "Meet the Press." Vol. 5, No. 34. August 27, 1961.

1973 National Broadcasting Company. "Meet the Press." Vol. 5, No. 30. July 30, 1961.

1974 National Broadcasting Company. "Meet the Press." Vol.5, No.31. August 6, 1961.

1975 National Broadcasting Company. "Meet the Press." Vol. 5, No. 32. August 13, 1961.

1976 National Broadcasting Company. "Meet the Press." Vol. 5, No. 33. August 20, 1961.

1977 National Broadcasting Company. "Meet the Press." Vol. 5, No. 35. September 3, 1961.

1978 Possony, Stefan T. "Analysis of the Khrushchev Speech of January 6, 1961." June 16, 1961.

1979 Howard, Peter. "An Idea to Win the World." 1955.

1980 "Thirteen-Thirteen East Sixtieth Street, Chicago." 1961.

1981 National Broadcasting Company. "Meet the Press." Vol. 5, No. 29. July 23, 1961.

1982 "Public Administration Service." 1960.

1983 Goldwater, Barry. "A Foreign Policy for America." 1961. 1984 Commission on Money and Credit. "Money and Credit: their Influence on Jobs, Prices and Growth."

1985 Committee for Economic Development. "Defense Against Inflation: Policies for Price Stability in a Growing Economy." 1958.

1986 Voltaire. "Candide or Optimism." 1946.

1987 National Defense Committee. "Two-Faced NATO."

1988 Trump, J. Lloyd. "Focus on Change--Guide to Better Schools."

1989 "Termites of the Cross." Parts I, II, III, IV.

1990 "Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Tests." Index to hearings. May 1959.

1991 "How Progressive is Your School?"

1992 California Legislature. "Sixth Report: Senate Investigating Committee on Education." 1949.

1993 "Comm-un-ism Debunked."

1994 Utt, James B. "Washington Report." June 22, 1961.

1995 Stein, Eric. "Some Implications of Expanding United Nations Membership." 1956.

1996 John Birch Society. "From Our Mail."

1997 Welch, Robert. "Through All the Days to Be." April 11, 1961. 1998 Butler, Eric D. "The Red Pattern of World Conquest." 1961.

1999 Naft, Stephen. "Questions for Communists." 1950.

2000 "The History of a Tragedy."

2001 Reece, B. Carroll. "Russia is Not America's Greatest Daughter." Address delivered February 22, 1960.

2002 McBride, S. Dean. "Not For Sale at Any Price." Sermon, July 2, 1961.

2003 Moreell, Ben. "The Nature of the Crisis." 1961.

2004 Varney, Harold Lord. "UNESCO, the UN's Brainwashing Apparatus." February 1954.

2005 Manly, Chesly. "The Truth About the United Nations." June 1953.

2006 Hess, Karl. "Your Checklist on the UN: the Truth About This International Organization." March 1956.

2007 "Statement of 81 Communist and Workers Parties Meeting in Moscow, USSR." December 1960.

2008 Klein, Henry H. "Frankfurter Over the White House, Baruch Over Congress, Rockefeller Over the World." 1976.

2009 Anti-Defamation League. "Two Seasons, Two Faces."

2010 "Questions and Answers on American Labor and World Affairs." 1979. 2011 Committee on Un-American Activities. "The Shameful Years: Thirty Years of Soviet Espionage in the United States." December 1951.

2012 Gwinn, Ralph W. "What Can the Ordinary Citizen Do?" February 11, 1952.

2013 Department of Health, Education and Welfare. "The National Cancer Institute." 1959.

2014 Department of Health, Education and Welfare. "Characteristics of Local School Board Policy Manuals." 1959.

2015 Department of Health, Education and Welfare. "Highlights of Progress in Mental Health Research." 1960.

2016 Department of Health, Education and Welfare. "Aging: a Review of Research and Training Grants Supported by the National Institutes of Health." December 1958.

2017 Department of Health, Education and Welfare. "The Report of the United States Public Health Mission to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics." 1957.

2018 Department of State. "Background Highlights of Foreign Policy Developments." 1958.

2019 Pearcy, G. Etzel. "The Middle East, an Indefinable Region." 1959.

2020 Temple, Wayne C. "Sketch of 'Tad' Lincoln." 1958.

2021 Lindstrom, Ralph G. "Lincoln and Prevention of War." 1953.

2022 Pratt, Harry E. "Dr. Anson G. Henry, Lincoln's Physician and Friend." 1944.

2023 Lincoln Herald. Summer 1958.

2024 Lincoln Herald. Winter 1958.

2026 Presidential Advisory Committee. "Water Resources Policy." December 1955.

2027 "Your Health of Body and Mind is at State."

2028 Gaither, Thomas. "Jailed-In." 1961.

2029 Bowman, LeRoy. "Youth and Delinquency in an Inadequate Society." July 1960.

2030 League for Industrial Democracy. "The Forward March of American Labor: a Brief History of the American Labor Movement." 1945.

2031 Bloomberg, Warner. "The Age of Automation: its Effects on Human Welfare." 1956.

2032 Davis, Michael M. "National Health Insurance." 1957.

2033 Clapp, Gordon R. "TVA and its Critics." 1955.

2034 Thomas, Norman. "Democratic Socialism." 1967.

2035 Goodman, Mary Ellen. "A Primer for Parents, Educating Our Children for Good Human Relations." 1959.

2036 Committee on Un-American Activities. "Review of the Methodist Federation for Social Action." February 17, 1952.

2037 Committee on Un-American Activities. "Citations by Official Government Agencies of Organizations and Publications Found to be Communist or Communist Fronts." December 18, 1948.

2038 B'Nail B'Rith Committee for Israel. "The B'Nai B'Rith Israel Program." September 1960.

2039 Soviet Literature Monthly. No. 2. 1952.

2040 Soviet Literature Monthly, No. 8. 1952.

2041 Soviet Literature Monthly, No. 7. 1953.

2042 Harpers Magazine, No. 993. February 1933.

2043 Walter, Francis E. "The Un-Americans." Congressional Record. Speech delivered July 17, 1961.

2044 Thurmond, Strom. "Excerpts from Speeches by Senator on Efforts to Gag Military Anti-Communist Speeches and Seminars."Congressional Record. Speech delivered July and August, 1961.

2045 Thurmond, Strom. "Actions to Frustrate Anti-Communist Programs and Internal Security Subcommittee Testimony Relating Efforts to Gag Military Speakers." Congressional Record. August 1961.

2046 Thurmond, Strom. "Senators Thurmond and Tower Present Case for Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker, Including Text of His Pro-Blue Program."Congressional Record. August 30, 1961. 2047 Thurmond, Strom. "Sen. Thurmond Answers Testimony of Defense Secretary on Gagging Military and Soft-Pedaling Anti-Communism." Congressional Record. September 18, 1961.

2048 Foundation for Economic Education. The Freeman, Ideas on Liberty. September 1958.

2049 Lawrence, John H. "Early Experiences in Nuclear Medicine." Northwest Medicine. May 1956.

2050 Cooper. "The United States Constitution: Text, Index, Chronology and Leading Questions." December 31, 1948.

2051 Celler, Emmanuel. "The United States Constitution: Text with Analytical Index." June 29, 1961.

2052 "The Constitution of the United States of America." 1961.

2053 Department of State. "Berlin: City Between Two Worlds." 1960.

2054 Dodd, Thomas J. "Red China and the U.N." and "Should We Recognize Outer Mongolia?" Speeches. July and August 1961.

2055 83rd Congress. "Activities of United States Citizens Employed by the United nations." March 22, 1954.

2056 Troper, R. E. "The U.N. is Strangling the Free Press." November 1959.

2057 Grey, Hilary. "U.N. the New Cominform." July 1959.

2058 Kennedy, Robert F. with Lawrence E. Spivak. "Meet the Press." Vol. 5, No. 37. September 24, 1951. 2059 Dodd, Thomas J. "The Crisis in the Congo." Congressional Record. Speeches given September 1961.

2060 Dodd, Thomas J. "The Real Facts about the Congo Crisis." Congressional Record. Speeches given September 22, 1961.

2061 Root, E. Merrill. "Reflections." 1961.

2062 Thayer, John B. "The Sinking of the S.S. Titanic." 1940.

2063 "America's Future." A weekly review of news, books and public affairs. Vol. 3, No. 16. April 21, 1961.

2064 "America's Future." A weekly review of news, books and public affairs. Vol. 3, No. 30. July 28, 1961.

2065 "America's Future." A weekly review of news, books and public affairs. Vol. 3, no. 44. November 3, 1961.

2066 "America's Future." A weekly review of news, books and public affairs. Vol. 3, No. 43. October 27, 1961.

2067 "America's Future." A weekly review of news, books and public affairs. Vol. 3, No. 38. September 22, 1961.

2068 "America's Future." A weekly review of news, books and public affairs. Vol. 3, No. 37. September 15, 1961.

2069 Walker, Edwin A. "Censorship and Survival." 1961.

2070 Davison, Mary M. "Comm-UN-ism Debunked: 'Communism' is Rooted in 'Capitalism.'" Part I. 2071 Davison, Mary M. "Comm-UN-ism Debunked: 'Communism' is Rooted in 'Capitalism.'" Part II.

2072 Davison, Mary M. "Comm-UN-ism Debunked: 'Communism' is Rooted in 'Capitalism.'" Part 3 - 14.

2073 Baxter, William J. "How to Make Money that you can Keep." 1961.

2074 "Proof of the Communist Domination of Venezuela." 1959.

2075 Isaac, Jules. "Has Anti-Semitism Roots in Christianity?" 1961.

2076a Vaught, W.O. "The People of Russia - How they Live." Freedom Forum, Lubbock Christian College. May 3, 1961.

2076b Penha, Armand. "Communism in America." Freedom Forum, Lubbock Christian College. May 3, 1961.

2076c Adams, Wayne. "America's Future: What Can We Do?" Freedom Forum, Lubbock Christian College. May 3, 1961.

2076d Golden, Floyd. "The Social and Economic Conditions in the Soviet Union." Freedom Forum, Lubbock Christian College. May 3, 1961.

2076e Bates, Jack. "The Socialists' Plan to Take America." Freedom Forum, Lubbock Christian College. May 4, 1961.

2076f Williamson, John C. "Socialism and its Erosion of the American People." Freedom Forum, Lubbock Christian College. May 2, 1961.

2076g Hunter, Edward. "Communist Psychological Warfare: Brainwashing." Freedom Forum, Lubbock Christian College. May 2, 1961. 2076h Benson, George S. "How to Win - the Prospects of Success." Freedom Forum, Lubbock Christian College. May 3, 1961.

2076i Stewart, G.B. "The Threat of Communism." Freedom Forum, Lubbock Christian College. May 2, 1961.

2076k Ganus, Cliff. "European Socialism - its Economic Failure." Freedom Forum, Lubbock Christian College. May 3, 1961.

2076m Terry, Paul. "Freedom and Responsibility of the Press." Freedom Forum, Lubbock Christian College. May 4, 1961.

2076n Graff, Willard J. "The Responsibility of Public High Schools." Freedom Forum, Lubbock Christian College. May 3, 1961.

2077 Holifield, Chet. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 4. January 28, 1962.

2078 Freeman, Orville L. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 6. February 18, 1962.

2079 Dodd, Thomas J. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 7. February 25, 1962.

2080 Roper, Elmo. "The Goal is Government of All the World." 1960.

2081 Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health. "Digest of First Annual Report." 1956.

2082 Stevenson, Adlai. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol.5, No. 36. September 17, 1961.

2083 Boland, Frederick H. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 5, No. 38. October 1, 1961.

2084 Tsiang, T.F. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 5, No. 39. October 8, 1961.

2085 Jagan, Cheddi. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 5, No. 40. October 15, 1961.

2086 Ellis, Frank B. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 5, No. 41. October 22, 1961.

2087 Seaborg, Glenn. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 5, No. 42. October 29, 1961.

2088 Galbraith, John Kenneth. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 5, No. 44. November 12, 1961.

2089 Luther, Martin. "The Jews and Their Lies." 1948.

2090 Cohen, Oscar. "The Swastika 'Epidemic' and Anti-Semitism in America."Christian Friends. Vol. 17, No. 2. June 1960.

2091 Van Til, William. "Challenge to America: The Role of Education in Intergroup Relations."

2092 Tumin, Melvin M. "Anti-Semitism in America." 1961.

2093 "Prejudice and the Lively Arts."

2094 The Ethel Walker School. "Our First Fifty Years." 1911-1961.

2095 "The 'Left Swing' in Education." Including Left-Wing Traps for Youth. 2096 Robnett, George Washington. "Who Controls What You Read?" Address delivered March 29, 1961.

2097 Cancer Seminar. Vol. 2, No. 6. October 1961.

2097a Cancer Seminar, Vol. 3, No. 1. Fall 1961.

2097b Cancer Seminar, Vol. 3, No. 2. Fall 1962.

2098 International Development Association. "First Annual Report." 1960- 1961.

2099 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. "Sixteenth Annual Report." 1960-1961.

2100 National Association of Manufacturers. "Your Government: What Do You Know About It?"

2101 "Catholics in America: Some Facts and Opinions Pertinent to the 1960 Campaign." The New Republic.

2102 Pulliam, Eugene C. "The Menace of Socialism as a Challenge to America." October 22, 1948.

2103 American Progress. Vol. 3, No. 2. Spring 1957.

2104 Truman, Margaret and Margaret Mead. "Margaret Truman and Margaret Mead Talk..." Redbook. January 1961.

2105 "UNESCO Publications Checklist." 1961.

2106 Benson, George S. "The National Education Program." 1961. 2107 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. "What is Unesco?" 1960.

2108 "Unesco and its Programme." 2-13.

2109 "History of Chicago Jewry." The Sentinel. December 7, 1961.

2110 Closer Up. Year 15, No. 8. May 1, 1959.

2111 Crockett, Sam. "Frankfurter's Red Record." 1961.

2112 Davison, Mary M. "The Secret Government of the United States." 1962.

2113 Weniger, G. Archer. "Ecumenical Folly: Modernism of National Council of Churches as Shown by San Francisco General Assembly." 1961.

2114 Cvetic, Matt. "Conspiracy: an Expose of Soviet Agents in America."

2115 Barnes, Harry Elmer. "Blasting the Historical Blackout." 1963.

2116 McFadden, Louis T. "Federal Reserve Corporation." 1936.

2117 Goldwater, Barry. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 5, No. 45. November 19, 1961.

2118 Hamilton, Fowler. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol.5, No.46. November 26, 1961.

2119 Gullion, Edmund A. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 5, No. 47. December 3, 1961.

2120 Ball, George W. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 5, No. 48. December 10, 1961.

2121 Meany, George. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 5, No. 49. December 17, 1961.

2122 Shriver, Sargent. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 5, No. 50. December 24, 1961.

2123 Dulles, Allen W. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 5, No. 51. December 31, 1961.

2124 Halleck, Charles A. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol.6, No. 2. January 7, 1962.

2125 "Don Bell Reports." A weekly commentary. October 27, 1954.

2126 Dilling, Elizabeth. "Wanted--a Presidential 'Man on a White Horse.'"

2127 Dilling, Elizabeth. "Dare We Oppose Red Treason?"

2128 Moreell, Ben. "The Several Faces of Communism." March 3, 1961.

2129 Americanism Committee. "The Truth About Great Decisions." 1962.

2130 Barnes, Elizabeth Chesnut. "The Fate of Forgotten Men." 1961.

2131 "Suggested Steps for Increasing New-Squeeks on the Right."

2132 "Economic Report of the President, Transmitted to Congress." January 1962.

2133 Kusserow, Wilhelm. "The Creed of the Nordic Race." 1936. 2134 Ellsworth, Ralph E. and Sarah M. Harris. "The American Right Wing: a Report to the Fund for the Republic." 1962.

2135 Camus, Albert. "Neither Victims nor Executioners." February 1960.

2136 Hayden, Tom. "Revolution in Mississippi."

2137 Jensen, B. "The 'World-Food-Shortage:' a Communist-Zionist Plot." 1947.

2138 The Dan Smoot Report. Vol. 7, No. 22. May 29, 1961.

2139 Jenkins, Newton. "The Republic Reclaimed." 1939.

2140 Michelson, Arthur U. "The Jews and Palestines in the Light of Prophecy." 1939.

2141 Kozak, Jan. "And Not a Shot is Fired: the Communist Strategy for Subverting a Representative Government." 1962.

2142 "No Army, No Navy, No Air Force."

2143 Barnes, Elizabeth Chesnut. "The United Nations - a Trojan Horse." March 1962.

2144 McCarthy, Joe. "McCarthyism: the Fight for America." 1952.

2145 Scammon, Richard M. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 4, No. 46. November 13, 1960.

2146 Kohler, Herbert Volirath. "The American Tragedy." An address delivered November 17, 1961. 2147 United States Steel Corporation. "Annual Report." 1960, 1962.

2148 Deatherage, G.E. and T.G. Kent. "State of the Union Message." Written for J.F.K.

2149 University of Pennsylvania. "Foreign Policy Research Institute." January 1962.

2150 Taylor, Edward T. "A History of the Committee on Appropriations." 1941.

2151 Jones, Jenkin Lloyd. "Who is Tampering with the Soul of America?" Address delivered October 16, 1961.

2152 Weaver, Robert B. "Our Constitution."

2153 Reich, William T. and Odin W. Anderson. "Colorado's Medical Care Program for the Aged." 1960.

2154 Husted, Ralph W. "The Teenage Mind and Analytical Objectivity." Some comments on the report of the National Task Force on Economic Education.

2155 "Your America." Series of ten pamphlets. 1949.

2156 The Factfinder and Facts about Frauds. Vol. 1, No. 1. February 1950.

2157 Anti-Defamation League. "Mary Smith Meets Mr. People."

2158 "A More Perfect Union...the UAW Public Review Board."

2159 Education Information. "Secret Files for Secret Purposes." 1961. 2160 Education Information. "The Virginia Bill of Rights, 12 June 1776."

2161 Twiang, Tinfu F. "Communist China: a Current Appraisal." 1962.

2162 American Iron and Steel Institute. 'Steel's Competitive Challenge." December 1961.

2163 "Report to Congress on the Mutual Security Program." 1959.

2164 Kennan, George F. "Current Problems in the Conduct of Foreign Policy." 1950.

2165 Education Information. "Minutes of a Communist Cell on Art." 1960.

2166 Council for Advancement of Small Colleges. "Washington Conference on 'the Small College in the 60's.'" May 16, 1960.

2167 Council for Advancement of Small Colleges. "A Directory of Member Colleges." 1966.

2168 Kimmel, Husband E. "Facts About Pearl Harbor." June 3, 1958.

2169 Civil Defense Joint Council. "Civil Defense, Basic Survival Plan."

2170 Bureau of Intelligence and Research. "World Strength of the Communist Party Organizations." January 1962.

2171 Dirksen, Everett McKinley. "Report of American Bar Association Special Committee on Communist Tactics, Strategy and Objectives. Congressional Record. March 1, 1962.

2172 Scherer, Gordon H. "Who are the Enemies of the House Committee on Un-American Activities." Congressional Record. May 1, 1962. 2173 "Public Law 487."

2174 Department of Health, Education and Welfare. "The National Mental Health Program and the States."

2175 Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health. "Action for Mental Health." March 1961.

2176 Jenner, William E. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol.1, No. 30. July 28, 1957.

2177 Hallstein, Walter. "The History of European Integration." April 16, 1962.

2178 European Atomic Energy Community. "Nuclear Installations in the Countries of the European Atomic Energy Community." June 30, 1961.

2179 European Community Information Service. "Summary of Euratom Fifth General Report." April 16, 1962.

2180 Malvestiti, Piero. "Sources of Energy and Industrial Revolutions."

2181 European Community Information Service. "The European Development Fund and the Associated Overseas Countries." 1959- 1961.

2182 "Summary of the General Objectives for Steel for 1965."

2183 Nora, S. "Toward a Single Energy Policy: Individual National Policies vs. a Concerted European Policy." April 1961.

2184 Gaudet, Michel. "Community Topics: the Common Market and the Law." 1961. 2185 "Summary of the Tenth General Report of the High Authority of E.C.S.C." February 1961 - January 1962.

2186 "Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier." March 1962.

2187 National Conference of Christians and Jews. "Books for Brotherhood, for Adults, Young People and Children."

2188 Shearon, Marjorie. "Testimony of Appointment of Wilbur J. Cohen." March 1961.

2189 MacArthur, Douglas. "An Old Soldier to the New Ones: Duty, Honor and Country." May 20, 1962.

2190 "Berlin: a Solution with Honor."

2191 Hassler, Alfred. "Neither Run Nor Hide: the Case against Civil Defense." October 1955.

2192 Homer, Dorothy R. "The Negro: a List of Significant Books." 1960.

2193 Eavey, C. Benton. "Why the Methodist Church Has Gone Modern." 1949-1959.

2194 Eavey, C. Benton. "A Shocking Study of Modernism at its Worst."

2195 Eavey, C. Benton. "A Study in Apostasy: the Sun and the Umbrella."

2196 Matthews, Joseph Brown. "Certain Activities of Certain Congregational Clergymen Documented." 1960.

2197 Morgan, Martin. "The Roosevelt Saga." 2198 Buck, Paul H., etc. "The Role of Education in American History." May 1957.

2199 Circuit Riders. "A Compilation of Public Records of 658 Clergymen and Laymen Connected with the National Council of Churches." April 1962.

2200 Rostow, Walt Whitman. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 16. May 6, 1962.

2201 Ball, George W. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 17. May 13, 1962.

2202 Clay, Lucius D. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 18. May 20, 1962.

2203 Kefauver, Estes. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 14. April 14, 1962.

2204 Brown, Harold. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 15. April 29, 1962.

2205 Root, E. Merrill. "Just How Red is the Little Red Schoolhouse???" April 1953.

2206 Haake, Alfred P. "Is Private Education Compatible with Christianity?" Talk given February 1950.

2207 Church League of America. Assorted fliers.

2208 Hayes, Samuel Evans. "The Only Workable Plan F or World Peace: a Plan that Ends the Evils of Both Capitalism and Communism." May 1961. 2209 Laird, Melvin R. and Bourke Hickenlooper. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 20. June 10, 1962.

2210 Ribicoff, Abraham A. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 21. June 17, 1962.

2211 National Precinct Workers. "The Left Wing Rides Again." 1962.

2212 "The People Take the Lead: a Record of Progress in Civil Rights, 1948- 1959."

2213 Hirsh, Selma. "Fear and Prejudice." 1957.

2214 Storen, Helen F. "Readings in Intergroup Relations." October 1959.

2215 Allport, Gordon W. "The Resolution of Intergroup Tensions."

2216 Leskes, Theodore. "The Civil Rights Story...a Year's Review." 1960.

2217 "Origin, History and Methodology of the 'Front' Movement in America."

2218 "Jewish Control of the English Press."

2219 Wittmer, Felix. "I Fought the Reds and Lost My Job."

2220 Wittmer, Felix. "The Kremlin Likes United World Federalists."

2221 Wittmer, Felix and Thomas F. Hunt. "Slow Poison for the Young Idea: Two Educators Report on Pro-Soviet Texts." The Freeman. December 3, 1951. 2222 Wittmer, Felix. "On Ruining Our Schools."

2223 Wittmer, Felix. "Discussion Without Facts."

2224 Wittmer, Felix. "Core Study."

2225 Wittmer, Felix. "Speeding Thru the U.S.A."

2226 McColvin, Lionel R. "Public Library Services for Children." 1957.

2227 National Association of Secondary-Schools Principals. "Planning for American Youth: an Educational Program for Youth of Secondary- School Age." 1951.

2228 "Some Questions About Foreign Aid." May 1959.

2229 "Archbishop Nikodim, Soviet Spokesman for the Russian Orthodox Church: How the Communists are Using the World Council of Churches." 1962.

2230 Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights. "Layman's Guide to Individual Rights Under the United States Constitution." 1962.

2231 White, William Russell. "The National Forum and University of Government and Leadership."

2232 Thomas, J. Parnell. "Ten Years of Vigilance." Speech delivered May 26, 1948.

2233 Haag, Ernest Van Den. "The War in Katanga: Report of a Mission." 1962.

2234 Barnhouse, Donald Grey. "An Impartial Investigation of Charges Made by the Controversial Air Force Manual." Eternity. September 1960.

2235 Labin, Suzanne. "Counter Attack: a Plan to Win the Political Warfare of the Soviets."

2236 Wilkie, Leighton A. "The Story of Productivity." Commencement address given June 3, 1962.

2237 Annis, Edward R. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol.6, No. 22. June 24, 1962.

2238 Powell, Wesley and David Lawrence. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 23. July 1, 1962.

2239 Continental Congress, National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution. "Resolutions." April 1957.

2240 Heilbroner, Robert L. "This Growing World: Economic Development and the World Bank." 1956.

2241 Coyle, David Cushman. "The United Nations - What it is." 1961.

2242 Kamp, Joseph P. "The Red-Addled 'Brain' Behind the Scripps-Howard Smear of Senator Joe McCarthy."

2243 Stevenson, Adlai E. "Red China and the United Nations."

2244 Smith, Austin, ed. "Dear Patient: a Collection of Cartoons Concerning Doctors and their Patients." 1957.

2245 Dillon, Douglas. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 3. January 21, 1962. 2246 Foster, William C. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol.6, No. 8. March 4, 1962.

2247 Kennedy, Edward M. (Ted). "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 9. March 11, 1962.

2248 Lodge, George Cabot. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 10. March 18, 1962.

2249 Olympio, Sylvanus. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 11. March 25, 1962.

2250 Plumley, Ladd. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 25. July 15, 1962.

2251 Fitzgerald, Gordon. "A Catholic Rebels." 1962.

2252 Groseclose, Elgin. "The Decay of Money: a Survey of Western Currencies, 1912-1962."

2253 "When Doctors Disagree." Warnings by physicians, dentists and scientists around the world on the known dangers and possible hazards of fluoridation. 1962.

2254 Jacobsson, Per. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 24. July 8, 1962.

2255 Department of Health, Education and Welfare. "A Federal Education Agency for the Future." April 1961.

2256 Anderson, William G. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 27. July 29, 1962. 2257 Goldwater, Barry and Vance Hartke. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 28. August 5, 1962.

2258 National Education Association and The American Legion. "Teaching About Communism: Guidelines for Junior and Senior High School Teachers." 1962.

2259 Lewis, Alfred Baker. "Why We Have Depressions and Recessions." 1962.

2260 Dodd, Thomas J. "Laos and the Southeast Asia Crisis." Congressional Record. May 21, 1962.

2261 Swanson, S. Hj. "Christ and the Lodge." 1957.

2262 George, Wesley Critz. "The Biology of the Race Problem." 1962.

2263 Schwarz, Fred C. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol.6, No. 31. August 26, 1962.

2264 Bennett, John C. "The Religious Concern with Politics." November 15, 1960.

2265 Finkelstein, Louis. "Emerging Concepts of Man and Society: Character Education in a Pluralistic Society." November 14, 1961.

2266 "The Standard Map of Israel."

2267 Tilley, John S. "Facts the Historians Leave Out." 1951.

2268 Anti-Defamation League. "With Justice for All: a Guide for law enforcement officers." 2269 Borja, Isidro. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 32. September 2, 1962.

2270 Butler, John Marshall. "The United States State Department and American Policy in the Far East." August 1951.

2271 McMahon, Brien. "Peace and Problems of Atomic Energy." March 1, 1950.

2272 Truman, Harry S. "Report of Special Committee to Investigate National Defense Program." May 26, 1942.

2273 Lindbergh, Charles A. "Lend-Lease Bill." January 23, 1941.

2274 McClellan, John L. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol.6, No.33. September 9, 1962.

2275 Bouscaren, Anthony T. "You Can Stop Communism."

2276 Gardner, Gerald. "Who's In Charge Here?" 1962.

2277 Curtis, Laurence. "Meet the Press: America's Press Conference of the Air." Vol. 6, No. 19. June 3, 1962.

2278 "46 Angry Men: the 46 Civilian Doctors of Elisabethville Denounce U.N.O. Violations in Katanga." 1962.

2279 "Count-Down." Issue No. 1. 1962.

2280 Rawson, Mary. "Property Taxation and Urban Development." 1961.

2281 Tax Study Advisory Committee. "Taxation and Urban Blight: a Case Study of Greater Dayton." March 1962. 2282 Committee on Tax Policies. "Tax Policies and Urban Renewal in ." May 1960.

2283 Committee on Tax Policies. "How Tax Exemption Broke the Housing Deadlock in New York City." 1960.

2284 Hall, Gus. "Peace Can Be Won." Report to 15th Convention Communist Party. January 1951.

2285 Lightfoot, Claude. "An American Looks at Russia: Can We Live Together in Peace?" January 1951.

2286 Communist Party. "The McCarran Conspiracy Against the Bill of Rights." The Communist Party's answer to the charges of the Attorney-General. 1951.

2287 Davis, Benjamin J. "The Negro People in the Struggle for Peace and Freedom." February 1951.

2288 Winston, Henry. "What it Means to be a Communist." February 1951.

2289 Beria, L.P. "Thirty-Fourth Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution." November 6, 1951.

2290 Maury, Reuben. "The Methods of the Enemy."

2291 Fertig, Lawrence. "Why Free Enterprise." Capitalism's Success vs. Communism's Failure.

2292 Flett, Austin T. "The United States as a Communist Nation...Under Which Flag?" March 1958.

2293 Tax Foundation, Inc. "Public Assistance: a Survey of Selected Aspects of State Programs." 1960.

2294 Tax Foundation, Inc. "Growth of Federal Domestic Spending Programs, 1947-1963."

2296 Davis, John C. "The Furrows of Freedom." 1961.

2297 Snow, John Howland. "The Case of Tyler Kent." 1962.

2298 "An Invitation to Mr. Robert Donner to Participate in a Private Educational Venture."

2299 The Factfinder, and Facts About Frauds. April 1951.

2300 McIntire, Carl. "The Truth About the Churches, National Council of Churches, Revised Standard Version, Noisy Detractors: an Analysis and Refutation." 1962.

2301 Aptheker, Herbert. "The American Civil War." 1961.

2302 Department of Health, Education and Welfare. "Education in the United States of America." 1962.

2303 Department of State. "Five Goals of U.S. Foreign Policy." 1962.

2304 U.S. Treasury Department. "Gold Regulations." August 1962.

2305 U.S. Treasury Department. "Depreciation: Guidelines and Rules." September 1962.

2306 Department of Health, Education and Welfare. "Activities of the National Institutes of Health in the Field of Gerontology." January 1962. 2307 Treasury Department. "A Guide to Federal Estate and Gift Taxation." 1961.

2308 Treasury Department. "Your Federal Income Tax." 1963 edition.

2309 "How the Russian Orthodox Church is Promoting Communism Throughout the Whole World."

2310 "Civil Rights Legislation." Congressional Quarterly. May 1960.

2311 "The Trade Expansion Act of 1962." Congressional Quarterly. November 1962.

2312 "U.S. Participation in the UN." Report by the President to the Congress for the year 1961.

2313 Moreell, Ben. "Reflections from a Rolling Stone." June 4, 1962.

2314 National Institute of Mental Health. "Training Grant Program, Fiscal Years 1948-1961." Also 1962.

2315 Moreell, Ben. "Be Ye Doers of the Word." January 5, 1962.

2316 Michael, William. "Changing Your World." Vol. 1-5. 1932.

2317 National Council of Jewish Women. "Censorship: Safeguard or Threat?" October 1956.

2318 Foster, William Z., and others. "The Communist Position on the Negro Question." February 1947.

2319 Davis, Benjamin J. "The Path of Negro Liberation." April 1947. 2320 "Extending the Frontiers of Freedom: the Role of the Public Library." 1954.

2321 "Freedom Agenda in the Community, 1954-1956."

2322 Engels, Frederick. "Socialism: Utopian and Scientific."

2324 Engels, Frederick. "The Housing Question." 1955.

2325 "The Testing Craze."

2326 Chamber of Commerce. "The Economics of the Money Supply." 1959.

2327 American Association for the United Nations. "United Nations Charter together with the Statute of the International Court of Justice."

2328 Eichelberger, Clark M. "The United Nations Charter: What Was Done at San Francisco." July 1945.

2329 American Association for the United Nations. "We the Peoples...a Brief History of the United Nations." 1948.

2330 American Association for the United Nations. "Where Do We Go From Here?"

2331 American Association for the United Nations. "The Security of the United States and Western Europe." January 1949.

2332 American Association for the United Nations. "United Nations Guards and Technical Field Services." September 1949.

2333 American Association for the United Nations. "Report Number 1 - the London Session." April 1946. 2334 "The Story of the United Nations Postage Stamps."

2335 "Your United Nations." October 1952.

2336 "The Department of State Bulletin Supplement: Arming the United Nations." August 1947.

2337 Moreell, Ben. "I'm Fed Up to Here." January 11, 1963.

2338 "You Are Not Needed: a Battle Cry." 1962.

2339 "Does Capitalism Offer Youth a Fair Opportunity?" Radio Forum. April 28, 1941.

2340 Nixon, Richard. "It is Time to Speak Up For America." July 28, 1960.

2341 Shearon, Marjorie. "National Compulsory Social Security Medicine." Reprint of testimony. 1948.

2342 Clymer, R. Swinburne. "Diabolical Practices: Humanity's Crimes Against Humanity by those who Should be their Protectors." 1960.

2343 Clymer, R. Swinburne. "Deadly Poisons in Your Food and Liquids." 1960.

2344 Economic Education Bulletin. "Why Gold?" Vol. 3, No. 1. February 1963.

2345 O'Connor, Basil. "Science and Government: the Perilous Partnership." Speech delivered January 16, 1963.

2346 Hansen, Joseph. "The Socialist Workers Party: What it is, What it Stands For." May 1958. 2347 "The Death Agony of Capitalism and the Tasks of the Fourth International." 1946.

2348 Levy, Hyman. "Jews and the National Question." 1958.

2349 Munis, Grandizo and James P. Cannon. "Defense Policy in the Minneapolis Trial." International Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 2. June 1942.

2350 Frozen Food Action Communications Team. "Does the American Civil Liberties Union Serve the Communist Cause: What Do You Think?" 1963.

2351 Blake, Aldrich, "The Only Way to Victory." September 1960.

2352 Independent College Funds of America. "Directory: State Associations of Privately Supported Colleges and Universities." 1963.

2353 Cannon, James P. "Socialism and Democracy." March 1959.

2354 Hansen, Joseph. "In Defense of the Cuban Revolution." 1961.

2355 Hansen, Joseph. "Trotskyism and the Cuban Revolution: an answer to Hoy." October 1962.

2356 Hansen, Joseph. "The Theory of the Cuban Revolution." February 1962.

2357 Castro, Fidel. "Cuba's Socialist Destiny." July 26, 1961.

2358 Kornfeder, Joseph Zack. "Communist Deception in the Churches." October 1952.

2359 National Defense Committee National Society. "Operation Peace Corps." 1961.

2360 Antiquarian Bookman, Vol. 27. February 20, 1961.

2361 Spahr, Walter E. "Demonetizing the Federal Debt." May 1953.

2362 National Council for the Social Studies. "Control of Social Studies Textbooks." May 1941.

2363 National Information Bureau. "Safeguard We Must the Contributor's Trust."

2364 Khrushchev, N.S. "Current Soviet Documents." April 5, 1963.

2365 Dodd, Thomas J. "The Nuclear Test Ban Negotiations and the Quest for Peace." February 21, 1963.

2366 Marin, Luis Munoz. "An America to Serve the World." Speech delivered on April 7, 1956.

2367 "Against Wall Street and the Kremlin." Manifesto of the Second World Congress of the Fourth International to the Exploited Masses of the World.

2368 Socialist Workers Party. "The Class-Struggle Road to Negro Equality." November 1957.

2369 Cannon, James P. "American Stalinism and Anti-Stalinism." July 1947.

2370 Cannon, James P. "The Coming American Revolution." April 1947.

2371 "The Last Words of Adolf Joffe: a Letter to Leon Trotsky." July 1950. 2372 "Stop Imperialist Warmakers by Fighting for Socialism." 1951.

2373 "Only Victorious Socialist Revolutions Can Prevent the Third World War." April 1946.

2374 "Fight the Slave Labor Law." 1947.

2375 Burnham, James. "Let the People Vote on War."

2376 Sweezy, Paul M. "Principles of Communism." June 1956.

2377 Trotsky, Leon. "Bulletin of Marxist Studies: the Chinese Revolution."

2378 "Bulletin of Marxist Studies...Documents on the Negro Struggle." 1961.

2379 Castro, Fidel. "Speech at the United Nations." General Assembly Session, September 26, 1960.

2380 Luxemburg, Rosa. "Socialism and the Churches." May 1959.

2381 Mayer, Herbert C. "Diplomacy and World Security." 1960.

2382 "American Viewpoint, Inc."

2383 Fahey, Denis. "the Rulers of Russia and the Russian Farmers." 1948.

2384 Matthews, J.B. "Certain Activities and Affiliations of 181 Lutheran Clergymen." April 1963.

2385 "The Real Rulers of America: the Challenge of the Awakening Peoples: What You Can Do to Help." 2386 "Constitution of the United States."

2387 Council for Statehood. "Open Letters to the Governors, Senators and Representatives of the Sovereign States."

2388 American Coalition of Patriotic Societies. "Resolutions." February 1, 1962.

2389 "Visa Procedures of Department of State: the Struelens Case." August 6, 1962.

2390 Boehm, Eric H., ed. "Historical Abstracts, 1775-1945." Vol. 6. 1960.

2392 "The Texas Panhandle P-TA Story."

2393 "Documents of Freedom."

2394 Kurtzman, Harvey. "Who Said That?" 1962.

2395 LeFevre, Robert. "The Role of Private Property in a Free Society." February 28, 1963.

2396 "Genesis of Property." March 1963.

2396b "Community and Private Property." March 1963.

2396c "Capitalism." June 1963.

2397 "July 4, 1776." July 1963.

2399 American Civil Liberties Union. "In the Shadow of Fear." January 1950. 2399a American Civil Liberties Union. "Security and Freedom the Great Challenge." 30th Annual Report. June 1951.

2400 Mabley, Jack. "Who's On First?" 1956.

2401 Kelly, Frank K. "The Press and the Fund for the Republic." January 1957.

2402 "Mother Goose Goes to Washington."

2403 Davison, Mary M. "International Peace and Security: the United Nations Charter and How it Effects You."

2403 "Institute for Humane Studies." August 1961.

2405 Department of State. "Foreign Service List." April 1963.

2406 Kubek, Anthony. "Communism at Pearl Harbor: How the Communists Helped to Bring on Pearl Harbor and Open up Asia to Communication." 1959.

2407 Burnham, James. "Does Ada Run the New Frontier." 1963.

2408 Clark, Fred G. "The Real Threat of Communism." November 15, 1961.

2409 American Civil Liberties Union. "The Gag on Teaching: the story of the new restrictions by law on teaching in schools and by public opinion and donors on colleges." 1940.

2410 "Money." August 1963.

2411 "Cuba." 1963. 2412 George, W. "Race, Heredity and Civilization: Human Progress and the Race Problem." 1962.

2413 Moreell, Ben. "Freedom and Public Opinion." January 6, 1961.

2414 National Defense Committee. "Study Course on Communism."

2415 Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government. "Civil Rights and Legal Wrongs." 1963.

2416 Schuman, Frederick L. "Atomic Diplomacy: Deadlock and Prospects." January 9, 1950.

2417 Shapiro, Harry L. "Race Mixture." 1953.

2418 Vennard, Wickliffe B. "The Enemy Within." 1962.

2419 Harris, Morgan. "Closed Doors: a Report on Certain Cases of Unfair Discrimination Among Students Applying for Admission to Publicly Tax Supported Institutions of Higher Education in California."

2420 "Abraham Lincoln and the Constitution vs. the Establishment." Vol. 8, No. 7.

2421 The Tucumcari Girl Scout Story. "Consolidation - a Threat to the Girl Scout Movement."

2422 Taylor, Everett Ridley. "Toward the Victory." April 1962.

2423 Hiss, Donald. "United States Participation in the United Nations." November 1947.

2424 Mental Health Pamphlets. 2425 Frank, Lawrence K. "The Fundamental Needs of the Child." 1952.

2426 Menninger, William C. "There is Something You Can Do About Mental Health." 1949.

2427 Advocates of Our Lady. "Alerte." November 1954.

2428 "You and the Investment World." A series.

2429 Sears, Roebuck and Co. "ABC's of Urban Renewal." 1957.

2430 Catskill Area Project. "Small School Design." 1959.

2430a Catskill Area Project. "School Aides at Work." 1959.

2431 Gordon, Rosalie M. "How the Reds Won: the Lesson Behind American Soviet Parleys." September 1959.

2432 Public Affairs Committee. "Freedom of Speech." March 1936.

2433 Taylor, Everett Ridley. "Toward Education." October 1955.

2434 Read, Leonard E. "Conscience on the Battlefield." 1951.

2435 Fagan, Myron C. "Eisenhower - a Truman Trap." August-September 1951.

2436 American Heritage Foundation. "Good Citizen: the Rights and Duties of an American." 1956.

2437 McGuire, Edna. "With Liberty and Justice for All." 1948. 2438 "Twenty-Five Years of the Foreign Policy Association, 1918-1943."

2439 United States Marine Corps. "How to Respect and Display Our Flag." 1965.

2440 Anti-Defamation League. "Anti-Semitism in the United States in 1947." 1948.

2441 European Economic Community. "Memorandum of the Commission on the Action Programme of the Community for the Second Stage." October 24, 1962.

2442 European Coal and Steel Community. "High Authority." Financial Report for the year 1962. No. 8.

2443 Fabra, Paul, Gilbert Mathieu and Alan Murcier. "French Industry and the Common Market." December 1962.

2444 Commission to Study the Organization of Peace. "Draft Declaration of the International Rights and Duties of Man and Accompanying Report." March 8, 1945.

2445 Rich, Wilmer Shields. "Foundations and Community Trusts." 1951.

2446 "An Educational Platform for the Public Schools: Some Phases of Instructional Policy." 1952.

2447 Satterfield, John C. "Unlimited Federal Control of Individuals, Businesses and the States." Analysis of "The Civil Rights Act of 1963."

2448 Council for Financial Aid to Education. "The Role of Corporations in Aiding Higher Education." 1953. 2449 "Annual Report of the Church League of America." 1962.

2450 Childs, John L. and William H. Kilpatrick. "John Dewey as Educator." Two essays.

2451 Eisenhower, Dwight D. "The State of the Union Address." February 2, 1953.

2452 Adow, Benjamin. "Democracy." 1941.

2453 Novack, George E. "The Bill of Rights in Danger: the Meaning of the Minneapolis Convictions." 1941.

2454 "In the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, No. 10791." Appellant's Brief.

2454a "A Defense of the 4th Amendment in the Supreme Court of the United States." October 1953.

2454b Fisher, Paul G. "The People Shall Be Free From Unreasonable Search and Seizure."

2455 "Ralph Stell vs. Savannah-Chatham County Board of Education." Opinion and Judgement. June 28, 1963.

2456 Colorado Education Association. "Twenty-Fifth Delegate Assembly." Reports of Committees and the Board of Directors. December 14-15, 1951.

2457 Overholser, Winfred. "An Historical Sketch of Saint Elizabeth's Hospital." 1956.

2458 American Council on Education. "The Teacher and International Relations." 1941.

2459 Cohn, Roy M. "Only a Miracle Can Save America from the Red Conspiracy." November 10, 1954.

2460 Ritchie, Jess M. "Why a Constitution Party." Address delivered July 4, 1957.

2461 Freedom School. "Education." September 1963.

2462 National Council. "Annual Report." 1949.

2463 National Education Association. "Twin Falls, Idaho: an Example of Unfair Dismissal Practices when Supervisory Responsibilities are Indefinite." September 1950.

2463a National Education Association. "Oglesby, Illinois: a Case Involving Unfair Dismissal Practices and Unethical Conduct on the Part of Teachers." May 1951.

2463b National Education Association. "The Pasadena Story: an Analysis of some forces and factors that injured a superior school system." June 1951.

2463c National Education Association. "Mars Hill, North Carolina: a case involving the coercion of teachers through political pressures." October 1951.

2463d National Education Association. "Report of the Professional Investigation Committee on Teacher Dismissals in Newport, New Hampshire." August 1950.

2463e National Education Association. "An Inquiry into the Organization and Administration of the State Education Agency of Utah." August 1950.

2464 Christopher Television Films. "Alerting the Millions."

2465 United Nations. "The United Nations Flag Code and Regulations." As amended on July 28 and October 30, 1950.

2466 "Tell Us About the National Council."

2467 Pruemmer, Dominic. "Birth Control." 1933.

2468 American Radium Society. "Program of the Forty-Third Annual Meeting." May 1961.

2469 Council for Social Action. "Social Resolutions of the General Council of the Congregational Christian Churches." June 1956.

2470 Barnes, Elizabeth Chesnut. "From the Horse's Mouth." 1961.

2471 Fulton, William. "Let's Look at our Foundations." August 1952.

2472 Ingrim, Robert. "What Eisenhower Has Learned in Europe." January 1952.

2473 Committee on Public Information. "The German-Bolshevik Conspiracy." War Information Series, No. 20. October 1918.

2474 "The 1963 Conference on Cold War Education." June 12-15, 1963.

2475 Clark, Fred G. "Automation and Industrial Relations." April 19, 1955.

2476 National Citizens Council for Better Schools. "Let's Get Our Schools Ready Now."

2477 National Federation for Constitution Liberties. "Investigate Martin Dies: the Case for a Grand Jury Investigation of Martin Dies." 1942.

2478 Johnson, Hewlett. "The Road to Peace." January 1949.

2479 National Precinct Workers. "Missiles, Bombers and Ballots: the Story of America on the Brink." 1963.

2480 Murray, J.A. "The Road to Statism."

2481 Clark, Fred G. "The Antidote for Socialism." July 1950.

2482 American Economic Foundation. "News, Censorship and Morale." Broadcast, September 13, 1942.

2483 American Red Cross, Pikes Peak Chapter. "Report for 1943."

2484 Clark, Fred G. "Success Story USA." Radio interview, March 7, 1956.

2485 Freedom School. "Education Tax Bill." October 1963.

2486 "The Paid Wreckers: Free Russian Office News and Intelligence Service Release."

2487 Institute of International Education. "32nd Annual Report." 1951.

2488 "Letter to Friends of the Ithaca Reading Room." October 1, 1955.

2489 Independence Foundation. "We Must Have a Rebirth of our Nation: a New Fight for the Return of Our Freedom." 2490 Institute of International Education. "Blueprint for Understanding." A thirty-year review. 1949.

2491 National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials. "Working Together for Urban Renewal." September 1963.

2492 "What Everyone Should Know About the Constitution of the United States of America." 1960.

2493 British Information Services. Labor and Industry in Britain, Vol. 9, No. 4. December 1951.

2494 Hunt, Frazier. "The Untold Story of Douglas MacArthur." and "Retreat from Learning," by Joan Dunn. All-American Book Digest Vol. 4.

2495 Department of Commerce. "Do You Know Your Economic ABC's?" A simplified explanation of gross national product and how it mirrors our economy.

2496 "Walter Reuther's Secret Memorandum."

2497 Kephart, William M. "The Family Court: Some Socio-Legal Implications."

2499 National Council for American Education. "Red-ucators at Harvard University."

2500 Malik, Charles. "War and Peace." November 23, 1949.

2501 Gardner, D. H. "Canadian Interests and Policies in the Far East Since World War II." October 1950.

2502 Hobbs, A.H. "Comment: Psychiatry and Sociology as Related Approaches." April 1953.

2503 Hobbs, A.H. "An Evaluation of 'Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.'" June 1948.

2504 Sanctuary, Eugene Nelson. "Excerpts from a Coming Book Entitled 'Making Ananias a Piker.'" 1939.

2505 Council on Foreign Relations. "Publications of the Council on Foreign Relations." Fall 1960.

2506 National Conference on Religion and Race. "Religion's Role in Racial Crisis."

2507 Action, Inc. "Information from Action, Inc."

2508 American Council for Judaism. "A Record of Affirmation and Dissent for Americans of the Jewish Faith." Resolutions passed at annual conferences. 1963.

2509 Pacific Northwest Metals and Minerals Conference. "Proceedings of the Second Gold and Money Session." April 1963.

2510 Kubek, Anthony. "The Lesson of China's Loss."

2511 National Council of Farmer Cooperatives. "Blue Book." Official handbook.

2512 Trumbo, Dalton. "Harry Bridges: a discussion of the latest effort to deport Civil Liberties and the rights of American Labor." 1941.

2513 Sayegh, Fayez A. "The Palestine Refugees." 1952. 2514 National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems. "Semiannual Report to the President and to the Congress." April-September 1953.

2515 National Defense Committee. "The Constitution of the United States of America."

2516 Sutherland, Robert L. "Color, Class and Personality." 1942.

2517 Long, John D. and Arthur M. Weimer. "Summary of a Research Report on Financing of College and University Student Permanent Housing." 1957.

2518 American Council on Education. "The Need to Close Ranks in Higher Education." February 1959.

2519 American Council on Education. "College Teaching as a Career." 1958.

2520 American Council on Education. "A Federal Program to Develop Higher Education as a National Resource." 1963.

2521 American Council on Education. "The Price of Excellence: a report to decision-makers in American higher education." October 1960.

2522 American Council on Education. "Public Understanding and Support for Education." 1958.

2523 Americans for National Security and Liberty Lobby. "The Moscow Treaty." 1963.

2524 "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing." October 1937.

2526 Warner, J.K. "The Real Hate Mongers." 1963. 2527 Rand, Howard B. "Palestine: Center of World Intrigue." May 1949.

2529 Public Opinion Index for Industry. "Space Age Alters Business Climate." 1958.

2530 Foerster, F.W. and T.H. Tetens. "Open Letter to the Loyal Americans of German Descent." 1943.

2531 Landone, Brown. "Your Path Direct to the Goal You Desire."

2532 National Council on Alcoholism, Inc. "Annual Report 1961."

2533 "Land of the Free." Series of six booklets. 1950.

2534 Fry, L. "Planned Economy: Public Ownership, Collectivism, Sovietism." 1939.

2535 Clark, J. Reuben. "The Monroe Doctrine."

2536 Lamont, Corliss. "Soviet Russia and the Post-War World." 1944.

2537 Linville, Henry R. "Oaths of Loyalty for Teachers." 1935.

2538 American Civil Liberties Union. "Liberty Under the New Deal." June 1934.

2539 National Education Association. "Teachers' Oaths and Related State Requirements." June 1949.

2540 Freedom School. "When Christmas was a Sin." December 1963.

2541 Freedom School. "The Public Sector." January 1964. 2542 Institute of Fiscal and Political Education. "Freedom, the American Ideal." 1951.

2543 Strong, Anna Louise. "Cash and Violence in Laos and Vietnam." 1962.

2544 Eastland, James O. "Is the Supreme Court Pro-Communist?" 1962.

2545 "Unmasking the Civil Rights Bill."

2546 Patrick Henry Group. "Communism and the Negro Revolution."

2547 Doane Agricultural Service. "Farm Management of Farms, Ranches, Plantations, Citrus Groves and Other Services."

2548 Doane Agricultural Service. "American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers."

2549 Massey, William A. "The New Fanatics." 1963.

2550 Conant, Melvin. "Canada - Time of Trial." 1964.

2551 "The Federal Reserve System: its Purposes and Functions." 1939.

2552 Grubiak, Olive and Jan. "The Guernsey Experiment." A study of this well-known 19th century essay in monetary reform. 1963.

2553 Adams, Silas Walter. "The United States Treasury System." 1960.

2554 Housing and Home Finance Agency. "Our Nonwhite Population and its Housing: the changes between 1950 and 1960." July 1963.

2555 Barnes, Harry Elmer. "Revisionism and Brainwashing: a Survey of the War-Guilt Question in Germany After Two World Wars."

2556 Connors, Michael F. "The Development of Germanophobia." 1962.

2557 "German Woman in Soviet Hands." The journal of a young German wife under Bolshevik occupation from January 29 to May 31, 1945. November 1962.

2558 Boyle, Donzella Cross. "To Make Men Free - the Constitution."

2559 "Peace Through the Soviets?" 1962.

2560 "A Pocket Full of Fish Hooks and Whale's Teeth?"

2561 Washington World. "A Primer: United States Government." 1963.

2562 MacBride, Roger Lea. "Treaties Versus the Constitution." June 1955.

2563 Rothbard, Murray N. "What Has Government Done to Our Money?" Winter 1963.

2564 Russo, Francois and Robert J. Roth. "The Meaning of Teilhard de Chardin." 1964.

2565 Longmore, Laura. "Immigration Limited: Britain's Case." November 1962.

2566 Moreell, Ben. "It is Not Enough to be an Engineer." An address delivered February 3, 1964.

2567 Moreell, Ben. "Our Destination - Bondage or Freedom?" An address delivered January 17, 1964. 2568 Tsiang, Tingfu F. "Freedom vs. Communism." A Report from Free China.

2569 Schleppey, Bloor. "Education Hysteria." 1963.

2570 Patrick Henry Group. "Is the NAACP Subversive?" 1963.

2571 Andrews, T. Coleman. "Ripening Fruit." July 1963.

2572 "The United Nations and the Congo: Some Salient Facts." February 1963.

2573 "The Congo: an account of United Nations action and a look ahead." March 1963.

2574 Murphy, Agnes. "An Evil Tree: the Story of Communism." 1961.

2575 Simmons, William J. "A Comparison of Attitudes During Reconstructions I and II." April 1962.

2576 "Russian Propaganda." Senate Report No. 526: 66th Congress, second session. April 14, 1920.

2577 Wasley, Robert S. "A Perspective of Operations Research." May 1962.

2578 Education Information, Inc. "A Second Report on Slanted Textbooks: the Texas Textbook Investigation." Vol. 8, No. 4. 1962.

2579 Americanism Committee. "The Truth about Great Decisions." 1964.

2580 Bellaire, Joan. "Our Future as Revealed by 'Modern' Art." 1960. 2581 "Four Dark Days in History: November 22, 23, 24, 25, 1963." A photo history of President Kennedy's Assassination. 1963.

2582 "S. Res. 230: a Resolution to Investigate the Operation and Administration of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce." March-April 1950.

2583 Bernthal, Wilmar F. "Value Perspectives in Management Decisions." Current Business Topics, Vol. 5, No. 3. December 1962.

2584 Treasury Department. "Your Federal Income Tax." 1964 edition.

2585 Treasury Department. "A Guide to Federal Estate and Gift Taxation." 1961.

2586 Treasury Department. "Rules for Deducting Travel, Entertainment and Gift Expenses."

2587 Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government. "The Civil Rights Cases."

2588 Freedom School. "Guilt 1." February 1964.

2589 Freedom School. "Guilt 2." March 1964.

2590 Freedom School. "Guilt 3." April 1964.

2591 Joint Commission on Ecumenical Relations. "Report on National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America."

2592 Liberty Lobby. "The Ev and Charlie Show: How the GOP Leadership Sells Out the Voters." 1964. 2593 Woods, George D. "Address to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development." March 25, 1964.

2594 Freedom School. "Industrial Revolution 1." May 1964.

2595 American Coalition of Patriotic Societies. "A Pillar of Strength: Our Immigration Laws."

2596 "The Joint Legislative Committee on Un-American Activities: State of Louisiana." January 9, 1963.

2597 United Nations. "Monthly Sales Bulletin." 1964.

2598 Shipkov, Michael. "Breakdown." March 1950.

2599 Advisory Council on Social Security Financing. "Financing the Old- Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance." 1959.

2600 Hoopes, Roy. "A Memorial Edition of What the President Does All Day." In tribute to John Fitzgerald Kennedy, thirty-fifth President of the United States. 1962.

2601 Studebaker, John Ward. "Education for Democracy: Public Affairs Forums." Bulletin 1935, No. 17. 1936.

2602 "Safeguard Our Rights." Stories based on the report of the President's Committee on Civil Rights.

2603 Pincus, Arthur. "Terror in Cuba." 1936.

2604 Mortimer, R.K. and R.C. von Borstel. "Radiation-Induced Dominant Lethality in Haploid and Diploid Sperm of the Wasp Mormoniella." June 1963. 2604 Rescigno, Aldo. "Flow Diagrams of Multi-Compartment Systems." May 10, 1963.

2604 Lawrence, John H. "Alpha Particle and Proton Beams in Therapy." October 1963.

2604 Linfoot, John A. "The Alpha Particle or Proton Beam in Radiosurgery of the Pituitary Gland for Cushing's Disease." September 19, 1963.

2604 Rosenberg, Lawson L. "Thyroid Function in Chickens and Rats." May 1963.

2604 Beck, James S. "Effects of X-Irradiation on Cell Differentiation and Morphogenesis in a Developing Beetle Wing." August 1963.

2604 Anger, Hal O. "Gamma-Ray and Positron Scintillation Camera." 1963.

2604 Kalbhen, D.A. and T.W. Sargent. "Preliminary Studies of the Distribution and Fate...in the Human Body." 1963.

2604a Donner Laboratory and Donner Pavilion. "Semiannual Report Biology and Medicine." Spring 1964.

2605 National Education Association. "Court Decisions on Teacher Tenure."

2606 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. "General Assembly, Delegate Packet." December 9-12, 1952.

2607 American Mercury. April 1959.

2608 McCunn, Drummond J. "Controversy in California: the Knights of Burlingame vs. Academic Freedom." Teaching About Communism in Our Schools, Vol. 8, No. 5. 1962. 2609 "The Commission of the Churches on International Affairs." 1951- 1952.

2610 Sayers, Dorothy L. "The Lost Tools of Learning." 1961.

2611 "First National Directory of 'Rightist' Groups, Publications and Some Individuals in the United States (and Some Foreign Countries)." 1962.

2613 Buckley, William F. "Conservative Answers to Panama, Red China, Cuba, Taxes, Government Spending, Poverty, Africa, Social Security, the UN, TVA, Missiles, and Others." 1964.

2614 Council for Statehood. "An American Speaks from the Grave." Open letter.

2615 Barach, Arnold B. "U.S.A. and its Economic Future." 1964.

2616 Robinson, Steward MacMaster. "And We Mutually Pledge." 1964.

2617 Schlafly, Phyllis. "A Choice Not an Echo." 1964.

2618 "Looking at the Plus and Minus of the 1964 Tax Law."

2619 Kamp, Joseph P. "Goldwater Must be Destroyed." 1964.

2620 Department of Health, Education and Welfare. "Higher Education." Education Directory 1963-1964 Part 3.

2621 Society for the Prevention of World War III. Prevent World War III. 1948-1949.

The Following are Not Numbered

Allen, Gary. "The Plan to Burn Los Angeles."

Beamish, Henry Hamilton, , and Robert Edward Edmondson. "The Greatest War in History Now On: International Jewish System Against National Patriotism." 1937.

Berrier, Hilaire du. "Inside the Arab World." The Review of the News, Vol., 2, No. 15.

"Brain-Washing: a Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics."

Browder, Earl. "The Communists in the People's Front." 1937.

Browder, Earl. "New Steps in the United Front." 1935.

Byrd, Harry F. Speech delivered May 4, 1955.

Close, Upton. "The Commentators' Story."

Committee on Un-American Activities. "Guide to Subversive Organizations and Publications." 1951.

Dameron, Travis M. "Is Our Constitution Obsolete?"

Djilas, Milovan. "The New Class: an Analysis of the Communist System." 1957.

Donner, Robert. "Quotations of Theodore Roosevelt and Will Rogers." Assembled April 16, 1951.

Donner, Robert. Statement. May 23, 1952. Dresser, Robert B. "The Korean War."

Eddowes, Michael H.B. "Khrushchev Killed Kennedy." 1975.

Educational Policies Commission. "The United Nations Unesco and American Schools." December 1952.

Foster, William Z. "Organizing Methods in the Steel Industry." 1936.

Fry, L. "Waters Flowing Eastward." 1934.

Hicks, Wilson, ed. "This is Ike: the picture story of the man." 1952.

"How Far Should We Go in Public Housing?" The American Forum of the Air, Vol. 12, No. 25. June 20, 1949.

Kalbfleisch, Marilyn. "Christian Living." Part 1 - 3.

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald. "Inaugural Address." January 20, 1961.

Kirkpatrick, T.C. and F.J. McNamara. "Communism: What You Can Do About It." July 1951.

Mangasarian, M. M. "From George Washington to The Knights of Columbus and the ."

Marx, Karl. "Selected Works in Two Volumes."

McCormick, Colonel Robert R. "The Battle of Waterloo."

Morris, Max. "How to Win Over Communism." 1962. National Review. A conservative weekly magazine.

"Parents are Puppets of the P-TA." 1963.

Pendrell, Nan and Ernest. "How the Rich Live and Who to Tax." 1939.

Pratt, John M. "Revitalizing a Nation." April 1952.

The Review of the News. Vol. 2, Nos. 16, 20-22, 24-31, 37. April-September 1975.

S.A.R. "Index to Betrayal of America."

"Secret Societies Unveiled: the Evil Purpose Behind them Exposed." May 1953.

"Should We Have a Federal FEPC?" The American Forum of the Air, Vol. 12, No. 24. June 13, 1949.

Stalin, Joseph. "From Socialism to Communism in the Soviet Union." 1939.

Stalin, Joseph and H.G. Wells. "Marxism vs. Liberalism: an Interview." 1935.

Sitton, J.W., ed. "Original Mexican Food Recipes." 1961.

Tarentino, Jimmie. "Six Years of Hollywood Life." 1952.

Webster, Nesta. "Where are We Going?" 1947.

Wise, Jennings C. "The Voice of the Republic." 1939.

"Youth Wants to Know." August 3, 1958.