With Lorazepam: Discontinuation Effects

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With Lorazepam: Discontinuation Effects Research Paper Articlel de recherche Safety of ipsapirone treatment compared with lorazepam: discontinuation effects Usoa E. Busto, PharmD; Claudio A. Naranjo, MD; Karen E. Bremner, BSc; John E. Peachey, MD; Monica Bologa, MD, MSc Busto Addiction Research Foundation, Psychopharmacology Research Program, Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, and Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont.; Naranjo - Psychopharmacology Research Program, Sunny- brook Health Science Centre, and Depts. of Psychiatry, Pharmacology and Medicine, University of Toronto; Bremner Psychopharmacology Research Program, Sunnybrook Health Science Centre; Peachey - University of Ottawa and Royal Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, Ont.; Bologa Bayer Canada Inc., Toronto, Ont. Objective: To determine discontinuation effects of ipsapirone, a novel azapirone and partial 5-HT,A ago- nist that has anxiolytic effects clinically and has not caused dependence or withdrawal symptoms in animals, and to compare these effects with those of the benzodiazepine lorazepam, owing to concern about depen- dence or withdrawal symptoms following use of these drugs. Design: Prospective, randomized, double- blind, placebo-controlled trial. Setting: Outpatient and inpatient treatment. Participants: Sixty-five healthy male volunteers who had experience with sedative-hypnotics or anxiolytics and did not meet DSM- Ill-R criteria for abuse or dependence. Interventions: Participants were randomized to receive ipsapirone 15 mg per day (n = 17), ipsapirone 22.5 mg per day (n = 16), lorazepam 3 mg per day (n = 16), or placebo (n = 16) as outpatients for 36 days (treatment) followed by single-blind placebo as inpatients for 3 days and as outpatients for 6 days (withdrawal). Outcome measures: Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D), Spielberger State Anxiety Scale, Sleep Quality Questionnaire, Gen- eral Symptom Checklist, self-rated intoxication, Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment Benzodi- azepines (CIWA-Benzo), psychomotor testing and urine drug screen. Results: Only 45 subjects com- pleted the study; discontinuation rates did not significantly differ among treatment groups. At day 39, fewer and less severe symptoms (e.g., insomnia and fatigue) were found on the CIWA-Benzo scale after treat- ment with ipsapirone or placebo than after treatment with lorazepam (p < 0.05). Subjects reported longer sleep latency and poorer sleep quality after receiving lorazepam than after receiving ipsapirone or placebo. Scores on the HAM-D, Spielberger State Anxiety and HAM-A scales did not change from baseline. Con- clusions: Withdrawal symptoms were detected after discontinuation of therapeutic doses of lorazepam. Significantly fewer symptoms were observed after withdrawal from anxiolytic doses of ipsapirone. Objectif: Determiner les effets de l'interruption de l'ipsapirone, nouvel azapirone et agoniste partiel 5- HTIA qui a des effets anxiolytiques sur le plan clinique et n'a pas provoque de sympt6mes de dependance Correspondence to: Dr. Usoa E. Busto, University of Toronto, Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, Psychopharmacology Research Program, 2075 Bayview Ave., Room F327, North York, ON M4N 3M5; fax 416 480-4708; [email protected] Medical subject headings: Anti-anxiety agents; anti-anxiety agents, benzodiazepine; lorazepam; substance dependence; substance withdrawal syndrome J Psychiatry Neurosci 1998;23(l):35-44. Submitted Mar. 24, 1997 Revised Oct. 21, 1997 Accepted Oct. 22, 1997 (c) 1998 Canadian Medical Association Vol. 23, no I, 199B Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience VL1 ho |Y1998 3 6f,. Mumscience 35 Busto, Naranjo, Bremner, et al ou de sevrage chez les animaux, et comparer ces effets a ceux de la benzodiazepine lorazepam parce que l'on craint que l'usage de ces medicaments provoque des sympt6mes de dependance ou de sevrage. Conception: Etude prospective randomisee a double insu contr6lee par placebo. Contexte : Traitement en service externe et en service interne. Participants: Soixante-cinq hommes benevoles en bonne sante qui avaient de 1'experi- ence des nooleptiques ou des anxiolytiques et ne satisfaisaient pas aux criteres DSM-111-R relatifs a I'abus ou a la dependance. Interventions : On a administre au hasard de l'ipsapirone a 15 mg par jour (n = 17), de l'ip- sapirone a 22,5 mg par jour (n = 16), du lorazepam a 3 mg par jour (n = 16) ou un placebo (n = 16) aux partici- pants qui ont ete traites en service externe pendant 36 jours (traitement) et ont requ ensuite un placebo a sim- ple insu en service interne pendant 3 jours et en service externe pendant 6 jours (sevrage). Mesures de resultats: Echelle d'evaluation de I'anxiete de Hamilton (HAM-A), echelle de la depression de Hamilton (HAM- D), echelle de 1'etat d'anxiete de Spielberger, questionnaire sur la qualite du sommeil, liste de contr6le des symptomes generaux, intoxication autoevaluee, evaluation du sevrage en institut clinique benzodiazepines (CIWA-Benzo), test psychomoteur et test de depistage dans l'urine. Resultats: Seulement 45 sujets ont ter- mine 1'etude; les taux d'interruption n'ont pas differe de faqon significative entre les groupes de sujets. Au 39e jour, on a constate des sympt6mes moins nombreux et moins graves (par exemple, insomnie et fatigue) selon 'echelle CIWA-Benzo apres le traitement a l'ipsapirone ou au placebo qu'apres le traitement au lorazepam (p < 0,05). Les sujets ont signale une plus longue latence du sommeil, qui etait aussi de moins bonne qualite, apres avoir requ du lorazepam qu'apres avoir requ de l'ipsapirone ou un placebo. Les resultats sur les echelles HAM- D, 'echelle de 'etat d'anxiete de Spielberger et HAM-A n'ont pas change par rapport a la ligne de base. Con- clusions: On a detecte des sympt6mes de sevrage apres une interruption de doses therapeutiques de loraze- pam. On a observe beaucoup moins de symptomes apres le sevrage de doses anxiolytiques d'ipsapirone. Introduction been reported with the use of benzodiazepines,7,8 but substantial tolerance develops to many of these effects Benzodiazepines have been prescribed for the treat- after several days of use.8 Medications that have com- ment of anxiety disorder for decades, because of their parable efficacy and cause fewer unwanted effects are proven efficacy and safe side-effects profile.' However, desirable. long-term treatment with benzodiazepines is limited A variety of alternatives to the benzodiazepines by the agents' capacity to produce a variety of discon- have been developed and studied in the past few tinuation syndromes. Abrupt discontinuation has been years; these include partial agonists to the GABA- shown to be associated with withdrawal symptoms benzodiazepine-chloride receptor, such as melamine, and rebound phenomena.2'3 Strategies to alleviate dis- and drugs that act at the serotonin-receptor level, continuation syndromes, such as gradual tapering of such as the 5-HT3 receptor antagonist ondansetron9 the medication or substitution with a benzodiazepine and the 13-carboline abecarnil.'0 Partial agonists of the with a longer half-life, are usually employed but do 5-HTlA receptor have also been studied in the treat- not completely overcome the difficulties of discontinu- ment of anxiety." Buspirone, an ipsapirone 5-HT1 par- ing prolonged treatment.' Discontinuation of benzodi- tial agonist, is now marketed for this indication and azepines may produce various syndromes: 1) recur- may offer some advantages over benzodiazepines, in- rence, which is the reappearance of the original cluding a less sedative effect."2 condition for which the patient sought treatment (e.g., Ipsapirone is a novel azapirone that has been devel- anxiety, insomnia), with symptoms similar in type and oped as an alternative to benzodiazepines for the intensity to the original complaint; 2) rebound, which treatment of anxiety, panic disorder and depres- is the worsening of the initial condition; or 3) physical sion.'-"" Like buspirone, it is a partial agonist of the 5- dependence, which is a withdrawal syndrome after HTlA receptor. Ipsapirone has agonist properties at the discontinuation of long-term use.4-6 Appearance of 5-HT,A presynaptic sites, which include decreased symptoms not experienced before or during treat- serotonergic tone and transmission.'6 In humans, ip- ment, such as hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli and sapirone is rapidly and extensively absorbed after perceptual distortions, have also been observed after oral administration, reaching a maximal plasma con- benzodiazepine discontinuation.7 Attentional, psy- centration between 0.5 and 1.3 hours after ingestion. It chomotor, cognitive and memory impairments have is highly protein-bound (91% to 94%), mainly to albu- 36 Revue de psychiatrie et deI neuroscience 1998 36 Rt*.e. de psychii.We et ae neuroscience AA. 21 W, l, E970 Safet f ipsapirone Vs. lorazepam min. Elimination of ipsapirone is biphasic, with a ter- cording to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ofMental minal half-life of 1 to 2 hours. Three metabolites, with Disorders, 3rd edition, Revised (DSM-III-R). Subjects had no important clinical activity, have been identified in no medical or psychiatric conditions, as determined by urine."7 Hence, ipsapirone is a potential nonbenzodi- medical examination and laboratory tests, drank fewer azepine alternative for the treatment of anxiety. than 28 alcoholic drinks per week and had not used Ipsapirone lacks the side-effects profile of benzodi- any psychoactive medications for at least 6 months be- azepines. In animal studies, it does not produce
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    THE ROLE OF THE 5-HT tA RECEPTOR IN CENTRAL CARDIOVASCULAR REGULATION Printed by: Duphar B.V. C.J. van Houtenlaan 36 1381 CP Weesp The Netherlands Isbn 90-9004025-0 Cover design by F. W. Pompe. © G.H. Dreteler, Elst, 1991 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, photocopying. recording, or otherwise. without written permission from the publisher. THE ROLE OF THE S-HT1A RECEPTOR IN CENTRAL CARDIOVASCULAR REGULATION DE ROL VAN DE 5-HT1A RECEPTOR IN DE CENTRALE CARDIOVASCULAIRE REGULA TIE PROEFSCHRIFT TER VERKRIJGING VAN DE GRAAD VAN DOCTOR AAN DE ERASMUS UNIVERSITEIT ROTTERDAM OP GEZAG VAN DE RECTOR MAGNIFICUS PROF.DR. C.J. RIJNVOS EN VOLGENS BESLUIT VAN HET COLLEGE VAN DEKANEN DE OPENBARE VERDEDIGING ZAL PLAATSVINDEN OP WOENSDAG 27 MAART 1991 OM 15.45 UUR door GERRIE HENDRIKA DRETELER GEBOREN TE DELDEN PROMOTIECOMMISSIE PROMOTOR: PROF.DR. P.R. SAXENA OVERIGE LEDEN: PROF.DR. A.J. MAN IN 'T VELD PROF.DR. P.A. VAN ZWIETEN DR. J.F.M. SMITS CO-PROMOTOR: DR. W. WOUTERS The investigations described in this thesis have been performed at the Institute of Pharmacology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Department of Pharmacology. Duphar B.V., Weesp, The Netherlands and the Department of Pharmacology, Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London, U.K. The work was supported by Duphar B.V., Weesp. CONTENTS page CHAPTER I General introduction 1.1 Serotonin (5-HT) I l.l.l Localisation of 5-HT I 1.1.2 Function of 5-HT 2 1.2 5-HT receptors
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