Application* for the Arvin Johnson Prise Graduate Scholar­ Earmarked to pay^for athletics at the College, a $1 increase in _ ship, of fered j^tt* ^w, School^ Education meeting held Monday, April 21. "Hie $3f7,50O allocated by the BHE m h^ biKiget remjest fOr for Social Kesearch, .can toeob ­ athletics at City Collets wa^ not present ifr the executive Bmjget^for 1952-1953 which wa:s pasacd by the Board of mate Wednesday. -.,..."'.' ^-.;: -;• -- ..:••*.•••"" -;. -r~- .^^---?-•->••.•*;*.•^ . tainedfrom theDepartment of Since the Board of Estimate passed on the entire rjtidget sub^ Psychology *-42€A- They must be iBedTTimnSBdMfe^FwTO^PfOfessor^ letics^theGoHegewasctit» '-•••_''•" J. E. Barmacky Department of — With this new increase in fees, students enroBirigift th# Business School m >Septanb«r are Psi^i^lp^r^j^w^ ------pect of paving $7.50 per semester. The last rise in the general fee was effected fe tiie Sprit^wags semesteadded tor costof * Three senior- students at Gfty referendum, fne" College are eligible for the grants for student activities.^ which provide two years of free Dean of Administration, tuition at $120 per semester. lie EngJer, who They must be majoring in any increase, stated that one of the following field*: Eco­ iate athletic competition would Mary Daly and Nancy Heed, staff members of the Grace have been impossible at the Col­ nomics, Governrnent, Public Ad- Etowns Modeling School will be guest speakers of the Retail­ lege next 'year- :w|thoiifc:;#;-c«itt»- ministratioav ing Society Thursday at 12:15 in 1322r pulsory atnletic f^e. Kie claimed fi&etory,Phikwophy, X. A former air hostess, Miss Daly is sow in charge of the that there w^^m-oiBe^^so^irer Psychology, ^;«t~Sojcsta*]gyi «*4 TWA Hostess Training Program at the Fashion School. of revenue with which to support have t B ^iif^^^iii^iM^r :vfield While working in the airline she the programs made flights for five years, both its art and culture. These people of specialization? 1 .v- - then returned home and made Explaining that when the Mad­ Studies may be taken izx the domestically and. internationally! ison Square Garden receipts, Miss Reed, a^nedel and television use of the newly acquired infor­ Graduate Faculty of Political and mation in their respective fields. which had previously supported Social Science at the New School, actress, also teaches modeling at the entire athletic program at the leading toward the Master's and the School. "Lotte," a designer whose styles will be utilized in the. .Retailer's College, were no longer available, Doctor's degrees in any of the All coeds interested in modal- the CoOege had to resort to a re* following subjects: Economics, ing-ofr -hostess oareers should -at­ the Camera's^1^;^ which will • serve^fiin^ta prefer" ter continue istrat&on 4Ck)vernjnent), tend to witness the hectares and - in,sports competition, the Dean demonstrations. .take place Friday evening. May phy, PsychoJagy^ or Sociology. 9 at 8:30 in PET, was among declared that this fund, has been The award becomes effective Beginning Monday and lasting. Affair Tonight those who went to the new re­ Faculty-Student Open House, completely depleted. in September,-1963. With the through Wednesday, an exhibit public. .-•.----., Further_ proclaiming that the permission of the Dean of the of Indonesian art^and culture will Bpeinsariii •nut annnslhf by Sig­ Connected^ with Drewyn Sports- ma Alpha; wta be held tms eve­ responsibility for the continua­ New School, recipients may en­ be presented by the Society from tion of the intercollegiate pro­ gage in part time employment 1C to 10 in the Faculty lounge. •wear. Ltd., she recently based a ning at Sin the Churchill Lounge of Lamport House, 25 East. 22 gram rested with the admimstra- , during the day while taking gra­ Included among the artifacts to new line'on-tbe Indonesian theme. Many of the original fabrics she Street. tion of the School, Dean Engler duate courses daring the evening. be displayed are fabrics, statues, added that the authorities at­ For further details prospec­ brought back to the country will The purpose" of the affair is to jewelry, -baskets,—-belts, cere- - be shown at the exhibit which foster closer relations between tempted to take the earliest po*-* tive applicants should consult monial ornaments and garment sible action so that the students any member of the City College also includes machine-made re­ the students and the faculty. All decorations. All material, ex­ productions. The originals shown organisations are asked to send could become fully acquainted . Committee of Selection at the hibited has been donated by the with the new fee before the sum­ Main Center. These faculty con­ will be of the Batik fabric which representatives to the function Indonesian Information Servicec- is produced by a process of dye­ and- to submit a list of the same mer break. sultants are: Professor Miriam Indonesia is the most recent President Harry N. Wright, in Faries, Department of Student ing by the application of wax to to SA, 921. addition to the world's family, of those parts of the cloth not to Sigma Alpha is the honor-ser­ linking the fee with the changing Life; Professor Oscar X. Janow- nations. Centuries-old in culture, sky, Department of JHistory; Pro­ be dyed. vice society of the College. athletic policy of the College, de­ it has existed as a free and demo­ clared that the administration is fessor Yervant H. Krikorian, De­ cratic state only since August 17, partment of Philosophy; Profes­ 1945. * sor Harry Shubnan, Department School-Wide Hop Set for Sat.; S^S'Sw of Sociology; Professor Henry H. In an attempt to inform the in a manner entirely consistent ViBerd. Department of Econo­ world of such things as who they. Tickets Redeemable at Booth with the School's educational mics; Professor Wallace S. Sayre, Indonesians are, how they live By Sonia Breanstein standards. Department of Government; and and what- they are like, the in­ City College's first dance open to all classmen, the Since there are approximately Professor Barmack, Department fant State invited many Ameri­ Srhool-Wide Prom, will be held at the City Center Ballroom, ( Ott •) of Psychology. can experts to go there and study 135 West 55 Street, Saturday cve-: Senior Class Combination Tix -3?££^%^t£:SC' Bwdride Committee Hires •"ZZZSZZZZ ^ Varied Entertainment for Trip Now Available on NinthFloor chasable at the ninth floor booth. Steve Fmesmith and his Society Ondiestra, which ha* Commencement combination cards, which include the However, those holding $2 prom performed at the Hotels New Yorker, Park Sheraton and price of two tickets to the Class of "52's Numeral Lights pledges need only put an addi­ Waldorf-Astoria, has^ j«st beei* engaged by Student Council Dance* Class Night Show, Senior Beer Party, and the rental tional $4 toward their ticket by to entertain on the annual City : of the cap and gown, are now on redeeming their pledge. College Spring Boatriae to Bear orchestra; song stylist^Char|©tte sale at a ninth floor booth. The chip% that can be eaten. Dancing Everyone will be seated around Mountain, Saturday, May 1& Medhick; and the square dancing cards are priced -at-'jit' ~~ wjllr be to both a band and re­ small tables. Groups washing to Berths on the boat can be se- jtrio^-PhirTSitUeman, Larry Levy cured by purchasing tickets which 7 and Jerry Mandel With a card, Seniors will be corded music. be seated together or near^one able to pick up their tickets for Those seniors, possessing Class another should turn in their lists sell for $1.50 per in the Depart­ At noon-time, the ship will low­ ment of Student Life, 921, or er its anchor at Bear Mountain the Seniprjteer Party which will cards, but not commencement so that seating arrangements can be beld"FirMay, May 9, at Beeth­ combination cards, will be re­ from any member of SC. pier. Waves of City students will be completed. Unless lists are re­ oven Hall, 230 East 5 Street. quired to pay 2Se for the first As fOIL the actual mechanics disperse in all" directions. Ball _Tbe drinking aarty will be held ticket and 50c for an additional ceived, the arrangements will be of the trip, City College students fields, picnic groves, swimming after a basketball game between ducat if accompanied by another made at the discretion of the from all centers (Uptown, Mid- accomodations and other .activi­ a squad1 of seniors and the Eve­ person. Non-card holders will be Prom Committee;-—--- ~—; town and- the Business School> ties will be accessible in this rting Session Commerce Varsity. charged $1 for admission. Featured for music and merry- are expected to coverge upon the locust-type -operation. The game which starts at 8 in Already in rehearsal' is the making will be a triumvirate of cruiser, the S. S. Americana, The boat will start to slip down the evenirar~wSl be played' in Senior Class Night Show which current headliners in the enter- which will* be prepared to leave the Hudson again at 6 in the eve­ Hansen Hall. is based on the trials and tribu­ ta&unent world. Enoch Light and from the Battery Entrance at 9 ning and the entertainers will On tap for the evening's en­ lations of TICKER editors after hi*/ fourteen-piece orchestra,/ in­ in the nrornmg. take up where they left off in the tertainment is all the free beer an April Fool issue is published. cluding, a vocalist, will provide During^ the boat trip—clocked morning. One additional stop will arid soda that can be guzzled, The show will be held sometime the backdropVJnusic and instru- at three hours last year—enter- be made at 125 Street *&d then and all the- pretzels and potato in June. mentals. tainment.jvill be supplied by the the final landing at the Battery, U April 2lVm£

Kpr tfie-firsf taber ^aext -semester, graduate >atu^ ^a&e' no<£>-%e|hg ;,^ccepted:' by -naiaons cost 25c and the Student Council. All graduate efof UxiMB *52.^Furthe*^ ^naericafr^A^toinb-. di^wiag^wirr be lieW Thursd^, students mtetesfed inust pick ires ha?ve>b€5Kr^strilHH^ by inter- informattoh can be obtafiled Company, wfi! -pre- J*&B&tt^^^ the Reverend James F£ Bobinson ^wlttH^-tfoe^gaest op petitions hr 15tudemV*:a Moving cup&^*frtich w^lJbe H°^rffiiA .^ggie;:l3me, day .and place „ . > to Gustavus Adohphus <^cBsah^ ^5i East ~* ' '"*" — - ^ jsrjz>iag and AujBo^^refreah your roemoryv granted to the grojips'which have Minds of Students and for the H^ Sl^ted-that h^>fouhd Asians rendered outstark!iri& *errt%jto ^nobtle BisuT^nee^ Thursday'(every) in r pd ;hl our the School and cmiiincuiity. These interested^iflr^tsuranee^r^. : es- 2-rln-4N •'. Destiny..-.-of 1*e %orld." - ^S^^K > ^J «*<» mutt be filed in the Department pecialfejr Jfr^^ey ipwh -cars and sentation thi6.-f _ Luncheon being held feom 12-5. ^«ey»rend JtotuiJsc^s^ auttibiog May 9. ^ Acc&unting Fcnvm, published etth semester by the raphy, relates his childhood ex­ JiCJ£07, Thursday at noon is Robert AWa, The first annual Facufty-Aiujnru^-Student deception, Accounting Seciety, "Will be put --, ticle by Robert I*. Kane, Jr.vEdu- City College empkryment .office Boosters- still are selling tickets The cos^^^Jt%V luncheon^ for ninth floor. J - ..,-• " ^ : :—-—•.^^ " mltted to ICB for_toal choice. Articles by prominent educa­ His book explains -hpwr he Commencing the evening's ac­ Association and aA«dvteprin the of ChiBieothe. Ohio, Peelsionn will be baaed upon im­ carion Director of the American requests all^thbsV'seniors who for the latest and bestest Broad­ students 'Witt jbe"$l and the cost tors and public accountants will > learned-at an early ^age of the tivities will be a panel discussion Offre e Of Graduate Studies. He Murphy received hir F*tf> provement in the quality of serv­ Institute of Accountants- V . wan): ^ob* after - graduation to way shows. . . if youwant to be for the faculty will be '$1.-65. 1 comprise the fornrtfet of the maga­ "inferior position' to which the on the recent proposal to place graduated from City College wi from Columbia University in ice of the various CTrgahT^tkws. There will^aJso^be-an article by g&down -any^ old tinae . ^-,-in^the Reservations: may be ieft in the zine together with the questions Negi'o Is suojunated. He explains the nnrtinicipal colleges Uno^er state a PDA-degree in—W2& 2923; 1 Professor Thomas McHill, As­ near future ... and fill out an arp- just "drop around to the Elbow Christian Association mail box k Contestants have been divided from the Certified Public Ac­ -how . his- determmation to raise controL The members of the ceived his MA degree fro6_C6i=___until he joined the staff at CHy sistant Professor of Accounting, pbcation . . . so much for that . . , Lounge Thursday at 12 . . in the Department of Student into two categories by the Com­ countante*&mixmpon- himself above this level led him panel are David Feldman, ­ umbia in 1935. ^> _ in 1940. mittee—one for those having a Department of Business and En­ Lanoport JQouse - members .r .:. swinging and. swaying j»dthJSatnt Life no-later than today. ^_ Michael A: C. Hume, Chairman to further his^ ant Registrar; Samuel F. Thomas. ^«r. Thomas- started teaching — ^t^Ct^ryrtJrT Murphy ism?. *a? of 12-30 students, gineering Administration of the Honwi ftsw -to -you-. ^-, -are- sell­ ray-Kayer^is old ^sfuffl * .^^now. —For the- past-s«--ino»thj5,^tfee of the Committee on Accounting ing-raffles to finance the pur­ Hls-deep-facUi/led him^^^07tne--^A^^tanr~ProTessor'Tn"The~t3ov=—^it-Gity-i» -after obtaining ^g^^ mosT^ei^^eortKractive aho* •the other fear those comprised of- Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ it's shafting -and «cracking witfe Reverend has toured Europe and Machinery for the New Tork chase of a television set . . . an- ministry and to the desire to help eminent Department; WHliam bis RA from Columbia and his rhore than 30 members—and a nology, concerning '^Managerial free M^uinbo lessoiis every Thurs­ Asia under the Presbyterian eager ^participation of his stu- State Society of Certified Public other ~ . median for watching both the Negroes and whites solve . Gibelman, Assistant Director- o€^ JgPAandPhD degrees frorn Syrt- dents in pIsMroom winner to be selected: front each Accounting in J?erspective/' day at mealtixBe (noon) in Board-of-foreign Missions. He Accountants, will discuss in his ar­ Brooklyn run away with the pen­ the -race ;problenrL Now pastor of Research for the New York State eose; Ifc. Gft>elman received bis wd^their class. Hearings will be heid to Of«interest to those families Lounge A .. . Friday there win bas spoken' before hundreds of ticle the opportunities available nant , . .the raffle winner will the Church of tHe Master in Man- Department of Labor; and Roslyn BBA and MA from consider facts contained in the who-own a business, J. K. Xasser be a. dance in "Lounge Cat 1 .. . students. for accounting "systeoi^work." has composed an article that, take home an Emerson Portable everybody is invr&d to attend battan, it was through his ef­ and is now Editor -of the School Carthyism is not so great a o^iestkmmaires which need fur­ Riegel, member of the Executive of business Alumni nemapaper. Of special interest to all ac­ stresses the advantages of incor­ Radio .and tbe__jcunner-up an and prove what was' learned the CX^the^-many auestions put to forts that in. 1938, immed&rtely tor in influencing the student's ther clarification. Committee of the Society. The proposal tot be debated by counting rnajbrs wiH be an ar­ porating a family -partnership. Eversharp Pen and Pencil Set day before . . . him in hfc tours, the most fre­ after his' graduation from Union political opinions, but that those The cups will be inscribed with quent ^one was on Jbow he was Seminary, that this church was Bar. Feldroan is Secretary of the group was contained in a re­ the name-of the organization end who are ^uaathetic toward pofltios treated ais a Negro in America. begun. the School of Business Alumni port to the Mayor by Dr. George use it as an-excuse by say ing Uwtt permanently placed in a show­ D. Strayer and Louis XL ^favner case in the School. •flaey are afndd of beias; brandeti and recomnaended the