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Any special needs your group may have may group your needs special Any artists in the field, as well. Students will view and learn about the sculptures of Casey Downing, the the Downing, Casey of sculptures the about learn and view will Students well. as field, the in artists

. Please prepare a second and third date choice date third and second a prepare Please . r tou of time and Date installation represents the distinctive style of each featured artist, while showcasing three young young three showcasing while artist, featured each of style distinctive the represents installation

Age or grade level(s) and number of children in your group your in children of number and level(s) grade or Age them for this very special exhibition of the works of Casey Downing, Bruce Larsen and Nall. Each Each Nall. and Larsen Bruce Downing, Casey of works the of exhibition special very this for them

Name, address and phone number of school and contact and school of number phone and address Name, Three unique and larger-than-life contemporary, local artists bring parts of their own studios with with studios own their of parts bring artists local contemporary, larger-than-life and unique Three

Please have ready: have Please

July 12, 2019 – January 5, 2020 5, January – 2019 12, July

Southern Masters: Casey Downing Jr., Bruce Larsen, & Nall & Larsen, Bruce Jr., Downing Casey Masters: Southern

You may also fill out a field trip interest form at at form interest trip field a out fill also may You


[email protected] [email protected]

use every day, but are also a part of creating art in your optional studio art class, a colorful, cityscape cityscape colorful, a class, art studio optional your in art creating of part a also are but day, every use

Angie King, 251.208.5205 King, Angie ood, 251.208.5212 251.208.5212 ood, W Kim

elements of art are not only a part of the natural world around you and the visual language that we we that language visual the and you around world natural the of part a only not are art of elements

Grades 9th - 12th, Colleges & Universities & Colleges 12th, - 9th Grades Grades Pre-K - 8th - Pre-K Grades

examples of color, line, shape, texture and scale, five of the elements of art and design. These These design. and art of elements the of five scale, and texture shape, line, color, of examples


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Prepare to be immersed in a world about ART! School groups will not just be looking at art, but will will but art, at looking be just not will groups School ART! about world a in immersed be to Prepare

December 15, 2018 – Ongoing – 2018 15, December

*Discount rates & funding available for Title I school visits on a first come, first serve basis. basis. serve first come, first a on visits school I Title for available funding & rates *Discount For Children For


A $50 fee will be invoiced to your organization for no shows. no for organization your to invoiced be will fee $50 A

Tours must be canceled 24 hours in advance. in hours 24 canceled be must Tours

booking. booking.

The Museum can accommodate a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 100 students per per students 100 of maximum a and 20 of minimum a accommodate can Museum The

times: 9 and 10am and 9 times:

student price. student

introduction to literary, cultural and historical elements of the African-American experience. Tour Tour experience. African-American the of elements historical and cultural literary, to introduction

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This visual and performing arts tour for elementary and middle school groups provides an an provides groups school middle and elementary for tour arts performing and visual This

(unless otherwise stated) otherwise (unless

February 6 & 7; 13 & 14; 20 & 21 & 20 14; & 13 7; & 6 February

Docent tour + Studio art class: $6 class: art Studio + tour Docent

Procession Dance Class, Gallery Tour and Readers Theater Studio Art Class ($9 per student) per ($9 Class Art Studio Theater Readers and Tour Gallery Class, Dance Procession

Docent tour: $3 per student per $3 tour: Docent

Celebrate African-American History African-American Celebrate ADMISSION

program is appropriate for all ages. Call MMofA or the Archaeology Museum to schedule your visit. your schedule to Museum Archaeology the or MMofA Call ages. all for appropriate is program

move on to the Mobile Museum of Art to experience a gallery tour and optional studio art class. This This class. art studio optional and tour gallery a experience to Art of Museum Mobile the to on move learning

artifacts from the Gulf Coast covering more the 12,000 years of prehistory and history. Then they they Then history. and prehistory of years 12,000 the more covering Coast Gulf the from artifacts Expand the literacy level of the student through visual experience, to encourage life-long life-long encourage to experience, visual through student the of level literacy the Expand

about learning , South of University the at Museum Archaeology the tour groups Student Engage the student in the production of a work of art of work a of production the in student the Engage

works of art of works South Alabama Archaeology Museum Archaeology Alabama South

Encourage creative expression through analysis, interpretation and evaluation of specific specific of evaluation and interpretation analysis, through expression creative Encourage Art and Archaeology: Joint Tour with the University of of University the with Tour Joint Archaeology: and Art

Relate educational disciplines to the visual arts visual the to disciplines educational Relate

Understand the relationships of time, continuity and change in art in change and continuity time, of relationships the Understand tours and studio art classes to enhance your classroom objectives. classroom your enhance to classes art studio and tours

Interpret the historical significance of an art piece art an of significance historical the Interpret the people of Mobile and their collective sense of place and community. Call to schedule gallery gallery schedule to Call community. and place of sense collective their and Mobile of people the

Compare the art of various artists and cultures and artists various of art the Compare videotaped interviews and tours. This exhibition tells the story of the social and cultural values of of values cultural and social the of story the tells exhibition This tours. and interviews videotaped

Identify the cultural diversity of the world the of diversity cultural the Identify photographs, models, architectural plans, maps, elevations, building materials, publications and and publications materials, building elevations, maps, plans, architectural models, photographs,

Identify the various techniques used by different artists different by used techniques various the Identify Fort to Port’ offers a unique glimpse into Mobile’s architectural history through timeline timeline through history architectural Mobile’s into glimpse unique a offers Port’ to Fort

Recognize the basic elements and principles of art of principles and elements basic the Recognize fine arts and architecture, MMofA offers tours and studio classes. In particular, the exhibition ‘From ‘From exhibition the particular, In classes. studio and tours offers MMofA architecture, and arts fine

literature, science, social includes that curriculum any and program PACE MCPSS the compliment To

and production. They include the following: the include They production. and

PACE Tours: Humanities and Architecture and Humanities Tours: PACE incorporate the Discipline-Based Arts Education (DBAE) principles of history, criticism, aesthetics aesthetics criticism, history, of principles (DBAE) Education Arts Discipline-Based the incorporate

SPECIAL TOURS 2019 - 2020 - 2019 TOURS SPECIAL Trained volunteer museum guides lead tours based on National Visual Arts Standards that that Standards Arts Visual National on based tours lead guides museum volunteer Trained book your next field trip! field next your book

4850 Museum Drive Mobile, AL 36608 251.208.5200

MMofA’s classes and programs are made possible by support from MOBILE MUSEUM OF ART SCHOOL TOUR PLANNER 2019 - 2020 (cont.) SPECIAL EXHIBITION TOURS 5TH – 8TH GRADE Lee M. Hoffman: A Legacy | July 12, 2019 – January 5, 2020 Lee M. Hoffman (1932-2010) has been called ‘the artist’s artist’. Hoffman devoted over thirty years to teaching at the University of South Alabama TOUR 1: ART: A WINDOW ON THE WORLD TOUR 3: STILL LIFE and at and was loved and admired by both peers and students. Also dubbed the ‘founding father of art in Mobile’ by a former Objectives: Objectives: student, teacher and artist, Hoffman inspired his students and other artists through his portraits, landscapes and architectural paintings in watercolor. Define the basic elements and principles of art (language arts) Define still life This exhibition includes many of those artworks, as well as a Matisse-inspired series of oil paintings. School groups will learn about how varied an Compare the art of different cultures and times, e.g. , , North Recognize the basic elements and principles of art in a still life painting artist’s style can be when they tour this exhibition and create a Hoffman-inspired watercolor landscape in their optional studio art class. America, South America, and Africa (social studies) (visual arts) Discuss the function of art in different cultures Discuss how different textures can be created by repeating a pattern From Fort to Port & Beyond: An Architectural History of Mobile | October 11, 2019 – April 19, 2020 Understand the historical meaning of a work of art (math) Create an Asian brush painting Create a textured, colorful still life This exhibition, organized by the Mobile Museum of Art with guest curator and architectural historian, Cart Blackwell, explores the architectural Activity: Sumi-e (Japanese calligraphy) Activity: Too Pretty to Eat: A Still Life history of this extraordinary community—one of the twenty oldest continuously inhabited cities in the . Presented through a selective timeline of photographs, models, architectural plans, maps, elevations, building materials, videotaped interviews and tours, and publications—the TOUR 2: SELF-PORTRAIT TOUR 4: ABSTRACT DESIGNS IN ART exhibition documents the changing social and cultural story of its places and people over a period of centuries, spanning Mobile’s unique and long Objectives: Objectives: history. School groups will tour the exhibition and then have the option of a studio art class, “A New Wing for Your School!”. Define self-portrait Identify characteristics of abstract art including lines, shapes and space Compare and contrast painting styles and details in portraits and (math) BESA Holocaust Remembrance | January 16 – May 16, 2020 self-portraits (critical thinking skills) Recognize specific artists, their abstract compositions and their place in This inspiring and powerful exhibition of photographic portraits and narratives is about the “Righteous Among the Nations”, Albanian non-Jews who Understand the relationships of time, continuity and change in art as time (social studies) risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust. Besa, which means a promise, reflects the code of honor which still exists today that binds the seen in famous self-portraits (social studies) Identify the function of a compass rose on a map (social studies) people of Albania to extend protection to all peoples asking for assistance. Tour groups will learn more about this remarkable event in the history of Draw a self-portrait combining basic proportions by utilizing a mirror Create an abstract collage using a compass rose as the central theme World War II, sparking gallery discussion about personal acts of compassion, loving-kindness and a desire to help those in need, even those of Activity: Me, Myself and I Activity: Directions in Art: the Compass Rose another faith or origin.

Ongoing Exhibitions 9TH – 12TH GRADE Students of history and culture will benefit from visits to three ongoing exhibitions: ‘The Charles and Mary Rodning Asian Gallery’, ‘All American: American Art from the Collection’ and ‘Native American Art from the Collection’. Docent-led group tours may be scheduled with a corresponding TOUR 1: HISTORIC HIGHLIGHTS IN AMERICAN ART TOUR 3: THINK CONTEMPORARY studio art class. Objectives: Objectives: Interpret the historical significance of a work of art (social studies) Define what is meant by “contemporary” (language arts) Recognize the importance of American history as expressed in art Analyze, interpret and evaluate examples of contemporary art (critical (social studies) thinking) Where will you be, what will you be 10 years from now? (project Compare and contrast contemporary art in the permanent collection yourself) and Material Imaginings galleries, using 19th and 20th centuries Activity: American Landscape examples TOURS & ACTIVITIES BY GRADE LEVEL Identify various media in the craft traditions: clay, glass, wood, fabric TOUR 2: A PLACE IN PERSPECTIVE: A STUDY OF MATH IN ART and mixed media PRE-KINDERGARTEN – 2ND GRADE Objectives: Connect the similarities of function, media and shape in various cultures Gain an understanding of architecture and its role in everyday life (social studies) TOUR 1: COLOR & SHAPE TOUR 2: ANIMALS IN ART Define ‘perspective’ Activity: Gestural & Geometric Abstract Painting Objectives: Objectives: Understand spatial relationships Identify the primary and secondary colors on a color wheel in artwork Identify the primary and secondary colors on a color wheel and artwork Identify horizontal, vertical, and slanted lines in a landscape Identify the basic shapes (math) Experiment in the mixing of colors Activity: A New Wing for Your School! Create a mixed media artwork using shapes and colored markers Create a painting of an animal in its habitat (science) Activity: Shapes Are Everywhere Activity: My Favorite Animal

2ND – 4TH GRADE SELF-GUIDED TOUR This tour allows prepared educators to guide their students through the museum galleries independently. These tours can take place anytime the TOUR 1: FACES TOUR 2: ART DRAWN FROM NATURE museum is open, including weekends. All standard rules apply, specifically the one adult per every 10 students. Objectives: Objectives: Define a portrait as art depicting a person or persons in a painting or Identify the basic elements of art in a landscape, e.g. shape, color, sculpture (social studies) texture, value, line perspective (math) Recognize portraits by famous artists with special emphasis on Compare various works of art depicting natural environments (Science) Leonardo da Vinci Define a landscape as a painting of natural scenery that can also TEACHER RESOURCES Discuss proportions in a portrait (math) include a scene from one’s community (social studies) Mobile Museum of Art also offers resources for teachers to use in the classroom, professional development opportunities throughout the year, and even Create a portrait using basic principles of proportion in the human face Create a painting of a nature scene or object adult classes to expand your own skills and interests in the arts. For more information, visit Activity: Facial Fantasies Activity: In My Backyard