Japanese Delegation of Athletics Team for Doha,Qatar 2019 27 SEP-06 OCT
Japanese Delegation of Athletics Team For Doha,Qatar 2019 27 SEP-06 OCT IAAF World Championships in Athletics-Doha,Qatar 第 17 回 IAAF 世界陸上競技選手権大会 ( カタ ー ル ・ドー ハ ) ❶ Hirooki ARAI(L)& Kai KOBAYASHI(R) Play Back London 2017 [プレイバック・ロンドン大会2017] 前回の2017年ロンドン大会では男子50kmW勢が躍動。 荒井広宙が2位、小林快が3位とダブル表彰台に上り、 丸尾知司も5位に入りました。また、男子4×100mR も3位に入り、世界選手権では初のメダルを獲得。また、 サニブラウン アブデルハキームは男子100mで準決勝、 200mでは決勝に進出(7位)。日本はメダル3、入賞2 の成績を収めました。 ❷ Men’s 4×100m Relay ❸ Satoshi MARUO ❹ Abdul Hakim SANIBROWN Japanese Medalists & Prizewinners in London 2017 Silver Athlete Record Men 50kmW Hirooki ARAI ❶Left 3.41.17 Bronze Men 50kmW Kai KOBAYASHI ❶Right 3.41.19 S.TADA,S.IIZUKA, Men 4×100mR 38.04 Y.KIRYU,K.FUJIMITSU❷ 5th Men 50kmW Satoshi MARUO❸ 3.43.03 7th Men 200m Abdul Hakim SANIBROWN❹ 20.63 02 Message[メッセージ] thletes aiming at the top of the world will be gathering in the blazing city Doha. The IAAF World Athletics Championships Doha 2019 is a great stageA for you to challenge the “power and skill” of the world, and it has an important meaning as a prelude to 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games which is quickly approaching. Expand your athletic ability you have gained through competition experiences and years of hard training here in Doha and make a huge step towards the grand stage. Along with your athletic ability, human quality is also very important. Athletics is an individual sport except for relays, but it is necessary to have Team JAPAN awareness. The consciousness of competing as a team will also enhance your human quality, and that rise helps to improve individual competitiveness. For athletes and staff, I ask you to unite by respecting each other, and have the spirit of “One for All, All for One”.
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