The NEURONS and NEURAL SYSTEM: a 21st CENTURY PARADIGM This material is excerpted from the full β-version of the text. The final printed version will be more concise due to further editing and economical constraints. A Table of Contents and an index are located at the end of this paper. A few citations have yet to be defined and are indicated by “xxx.” James T. Fulton Neural Concepts
[email protected] July 19, 2015 Copyright 2011 James T. Fulton 2 Neurons & the Nervous System 4 The Architectures of Neural Systems1 [xxx review cogn computation paper and incorporate into this chapter ] [xxx expand section 4.4.4 as a key area of importance ] [xxx Text and semantics needs a lot of work ] Don’t believe everything you think. Anonymous bumper sticker You must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool Richard Feynman I am never content until I have constructed a model of what I am studying. If I succeed in making one, I understand; otherwise, I do not. William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) It is the models that tell us whether we understand a process and where the uncertainties remain. Bridgeman, 2000 4.1 Background [xxx chapter is a hodge-podge at this time 29 Aug 11 ] The animal kingdom shares a common neurological architecture that is ramified in a specific species in accordance with its station in the phylogenic tree and the ecological domain. This ramification includes not only replication of existing features but further augmentation of the system using new and/or modified features.