Issue January 2016 V6
1 | A LTERNAUTAS 2 ( 2 ) – D ECEMBER 2 0 1 5 Alternautas (Re)Searching Development: The Abya Yala Chapter [Pick the date] Alternautas – Vol.2 – Issue 2 – December 2015 Seeds of Maya Development: The “Fiestas y Ferias de Semillas” Movement in Yucatan - Genner Llanes Ortíz ‘Underdeveloped Economists’: The Study of Economic Development in Latin America in the 1950s – Stella Krepp "Vivir Bien": A Discourse and Its Risks for Public Policies. The Case of Child Labor and Exploitation in Indigenous Communities of Bolivia – Ruben Dario Chambi The Production of Meaning, Economy and Politics. Intercultural Relations, Conflicts, Appropriations, Articulations and Transformations – Daniel Mato From the Political-Economic Drought to Collective and Sustainable Water Management - Gustavo García López Taking Matters into Their Own Hands: The MST and the Workers’ Party in Brazil – Bruce Gilbert Strategic Ethnicity, Nation, and (Neo)colonialism in Latin America – Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui Race, Power, Indigenous Resistance and the Struggle for the Establishment of Intercultural Education – Martina Tone t Book Review: Climate change and colonialism in the Green Economy – Sebastian Kratzer [Type the document subtitle] | user ISSN - 2057 -4924 -- Alternautas is a peer EDITORIAL BOARD reviewed academic blog that publishes content Adrian E. Beling (Humboldt Universität, Germany – Universidad related to Latin American Alberto Hurtado, Chile) Critical Development Ana Estefanía Carballo (University of Westminster, United Kingdom) thinking. Anne Freeland (Columbia University, United States) María Eugenia Giraudo (University of Warwick, United Kingdom) It intends to serve as a Juan Jaime Loera González (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, platform for testing, Chile) circulating, and debating María Mancilla García (Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden) new ideas and reflections Julien Vanhulst (Universidad Católica del Maule, Chile) on these topics, expanding Johannes M.
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