Facere et Docere


THE 101010710 777ththth SEASON

To be presented to the Annual General Meeting to be held in the Jacaranda Room, Crosby Park, Crosby Road, Albion on Wednesday 12 October 2011 at 7.00pm [BLANK]



Chaplain: REV. FR. L. COOTE P.P.

President: Mr J.E.F. FRAYNE

Vice-President: Mr P.D. FRENCH

Immediate Past President: Mr A.A. SHAW

Chairman: Mr J.E.F. FRAYNE

Rugby Manager: Mr Z.R. HILTON (Resigned 25/02/2011) Mr A.M. THOMPSON (Appointed 28/02/2011)

Hon. Treasurer: Mr D.J. HOGAN

Hon. Secretary: Mr A.J. MCDERMOTT






Mr K.P. FEGAN (1955), Mr J.A. BUCHANAN (1959), Mr T.L. SWEENEY (1961), Mr B.J. DAWSON (1977), Mr R.B. MCGRUTHER O.B.E. (1982), Mr A.A. SHAW (1985), Mr. R.S. CONN (1989), Mr P.E. MCLEAN M.B.E . (1996), Mr P.B. HOARE (1998), Mr. M. WATT (2000), Mr J.A. EALES A.M. (2001), Mr P.J. OSWALD (2002), Mr R.G.J. PRICE (2003), Mr. D.J. HOGAN (2004), Dr. P.N. ANDERSEN (2005), Mr. D. CROFT (2006), Mr. D.A. DUNWORTH (2008), Mr. R.W. URE (2009),


Rev. Bro. P.A. FURLONG C.F.C* (1912), Rev. Bro. W.M. REIDY C.F.C* (1912), Rev. Bro. L.B. TEVLIN C.F.C* (1912), Mr. J.P. FLYNN* (1926), Mr. C.J. CRANLEY*(1932), Mr. M.G. LYONS*(1934), Mr. V.J. DORE*(1938), Mr G.J. BRERETON*(1940), Mr. J.A.S. MOORE*, Mr. E. STAPLETON*, Mr. R. HODGE*(1947), Mr. J.E. ROSS M.B.E .*(1948), Mr. J.L. BARLOW*(1949), Mr J.P. FRENCH A.M. *(1950), Mr B.P. O’CONNELL*(1951), Mr. T.B. MCCORMACK c .B.E .*(1952), Mr K.J. HODDA*(1953), Mr. D. GUILFOYLE*(1954) , Mr G.F. BERKELEY A.M .*(1960) , Mr C.V.J. DAHL O.A.M .*(1962), Mr K.M. MACCHERONI*(1963), Mr B.F. REID*(1967), Mr J. KENNY*(1969), Mr M.T. HAZELL O.A.M .*(1972) , Mr P. ZAPPALA*(1981) , Mr F.J. DUHIG*(1983)

* Deceased


Mr. A.S. GRALTON*(1904), Mr. D.S. CARTER*(1915), Mr. J.P. FLYNN*(1931), Mr. J.E. ROSS M.B.E .*(1939), Mr. T.B. MCCORMACK c .B.E .*(1956), Mr J.P. FRENCH A.M. *(1959), Mr K.J. HODDA*(1961), Mr. J.J.BREEN*(1990), Mr R.B. MCGRUTHER O.B.E. (2000)

* Deceased


Mr. T.B. MCCORMACK c .B.E .*, Mr J.P. FRENCH A.M. *

* Deceased

Brothers Rugby Club – LADIES DAY 2011


The Committee of Brothers Rugby Club Inc. had several objectives for the year just ended. They were as follows;

(1) To stabilise a seriously deteriorating financial position; (2) To continue with the Rugby Development Program; (3) To achieve a more mutually rewarding agreement with Brothers Junior Rugby Club Inc.; and (4) To gain an extension of the lease over Crosby Park from its expiry date of 21 October 2011.

The ultimate goal obviously is to be success on the Rugby field.

This report measures how we have dealt with the above and whether we were successful in meeting those objectives. Later in the report I will deal with the future of the Club.

Financial position:

A review of our cash position, and forecast for the future, made at the end of the 2010 season indicated a serious financial position. Without an urgent injection of funds we could not meet the debts accumulated or fund the deficit arising from our operation of the Crossbar and the number of employees we had engaged. In addition we had not engaged any sponsors for 2011.

The committee entered into a fully drawn loan agreement for $100,000, ceased trading in the Crossbar and terminated the employment contracts of the General Manager and staff of the Crossbar, negotiated with the Rugby Manager to take over certain administrative functions, commenced a process of collection of outstanding sponsorship monies and negotiated with existing and new sponsors for 2011.

A sub-lease for the Crossbar area was negotiated with a group that sought to operate a commercial restaurant. The terms of the sub-lease were such that if the operators were successful we could rely on substantial revenue for a long period. Despite the fact negotiations were complete before the end of 2010 the sub-lease could not be executed without approval from the Brisbane City Council. The approval was not obtained until early April 2011.

The injected funds did not deal with all outstanding creditors at the time the arrangement was made and consequently the current year has been one where we have attempted to raise sufficient funds to meet those outstanding creditors and discharge expenses arising during the year.

We therefore enter the off-season still struggling to make ends meet but in a much better position than we were in at this time last year.

We are behind in our commitment to loan repayments however would expect to regain the agreed schedule in the New Year. Des Hogan will report on the results for the year ended 30 June 2011.

I would have to say that reporting on a year that begins in the middle of the prior season and ends in the middle of the current season is hardly enlightening particularly when we use a combination of cash and accrual accounting that, whilst conservative, is fundamentally misleading. I suggest that the committee reviews and recommends to members that we report next on the results to 30 September 2012 or 31 October (i.e. on completion of the 2012 season), and in subsequent years at the 30 September or 31 October.


Clearly we were unable to sustain the luxury of a General Manager and a Rugby Manager particularly in an environment where the economy was not robust and the initiative to generate revenue from the Crossbar had failed.

We owe a debt of gratitude to Zane Hilton for the manner in which he shouldered some of the responsibilities of the General Manager whose contract we were forced to terminate.

Zane accepted an appointment to a coaching position in Japan which was an opportunity for him that we felt obliged to ensure he took consequently he resigned prior to the commencement of this season.

Fortunately for Brothers, Zane steered Adrian Thompson our way and Adrian took up the responsibilities of Rugby/General Manager.

Adrian had an enormous capacity for work, bought a mature approach to the tasks at hand, was innovative and a delight to work with. I am sure he had a positive influence on the players and added something that saw Premier Grade almost achieve a goal not expected of them after 2010.

Adrian has also moved on to a role that will challenge him even more than dealing with the difficulties he has encountered at Brothers.

We have high hopes for Matthew Kaye as he steps into the role of Rugby/General Manager coming as he does from a local and international background of coaching and skills development.

Rugby Development Program:

There is no doubt that this somewhat ambitious goal of progressive improvement of players and coaches across all grades was neglected through the 2011 season. There are reasons for that primarily amongst them being a lack of definition of roles and responsibilities particularly at the commencement of the season. In fact with the concentration on administrative tasks that had been neglected, player and coaching development, as a formal program, went by the wayside.

That neglect also meant that Colts recruitment for 2011 was haphazard, lacking proper planning and execution. As a consequence, even though the Colts group played manfully and achieved some success and developed a great spirit, player numbers and results were below expectations.

Rugby Success:

We were well represented as a Club by our Premier Grade side.

After our early exit from the finals in 2010, and the disruption to coaching ranks early in the season, supporters could be forgiven for not having high expectations for the Premier side in 2011. In fact they achieved magnificently, being second on the ladder for most of the season, gaining the top position after a stunning victory over the premiers from 2010, University, and finishing the season in second place.

Their success in the minor semi-final was a display of real spirit and an absolute shock for the minor premiers University. Two weeks off was not a luxury they have enjoyed in any of the three grand final appearances for this team in the last five seasons.

Whereas our supporters were so impressed by the fire power of the opposition, Sunnybank, they only hoped Brothers would put up a “good show”, the team itself was confident of a win, so great is their belief in each other and, by now, their coaching staff. It goes without saying they did a lot more than supporters had hoped for, but were disappointed themselves in not achieving their dream.

We can only wish every one of them congratulations on a job well done and admiration for their tenacity and guts as they strove much against the odds. We can also thank the coaching staff that performed magnificently – well done Adrian, Carl (Marshall) and Des (Kissane).

Unfortunately injuries and a shortage of numbers in pivotal positions meant the other grades were up against it particularly First Grade who failed to make the finals. Second Grade played the elimination final but were not successful and Third Grade were knocked out in the minor semi-final the week prior.

No Colts team made the finals, a matter that is being addressed currently. A strong recruitment and retention sub-committee has been formed and has made giant steps forward in the last several months. That committee will continue to operate throughout the off-season and next year’s season as a football management committee.

Brothers Junior Rugby Club Inc:

I would have liked to be able to report that we had agreed to a licence for use of the grounds and facilities and had completed an agreement for management of those shared facilities with Brothers Juniors. The negotiations have however reached in principle agreement for long term tenure for Brothers Juniors and for a process that ensures both clubs are equally responsible for the operation, maintenance and renewal of the facilities at Crosby Park.

Such an arrangement will simplify the process of dealing with the matter of compensation for costs associated with the sharing of grounds and facilities and allow the development of a cooperative and rewarding relationship between the two clubs.

Extension of the Crosby Park lease:

This matter would not have reached the stage it has without the efforts of Dick McGruther and the voluntary input of town planner, Tim Connolly.

We have received a letter from Council advising that they agree to an extension of 20 years with some changes to the existing boundaries after the completion of community consultation of the overall Crosby Park Plan. It appears to us that the only contentious issue for that consultation is the off-lease dog area that will not affect the Club in any way.

The Future of the Club:

There have been several instances during this year, and even prior, where I and others have questioned the strength of support for the Club.

Some regular supporters have commented that the Club is always seeking money, and in fact this is true as it is the only means by which we can survive, but if we concentrate on too few supporters to the point where they are disenchanted, we run the risk of having too few supporters for survival

For many years we may have taken supporters for granted and neglected to ensure that those who have finished their playing careers are still part of the team.

I think we expect supporters to help the Club but do we in fact give them any reason to do so? We live in an era now where people have different priorities and staying in touch with an aspect of youth may not be one of them particularly if they see little benefit in doing so.

Without broad and considerable support the future for this club as a force in Brisbane Community Rugby is fast coming to an end.

We as a committee have recognised this but we can’t say we have the answer. We believe that communication is the start and that requires an upgrade of our capacity to do so through improvements in our web-site and its capabilities and a vast improvement in the integrity of our database an asset that has been neglected for quite some time.

The upgrade will introduce member interactive capability that will allow us to survey the database that now exists; so we can learn more about those who claim or once claimed an allegiance to Brothers; find out what they require from the Club to re-engage; find out how we can provide them with value from a membership which is now and has been for quite a few years perilously low; and encourage them therefore to become members of the Club.

A strong membership base, something we lack, may allow us to launch programs that will attract sponsors and advertisers. Members may be enticed back to games and induced to purchase merchandise, on-line, refreshments at or after a game, raffle tickets or entry tickets to fund raising events, or donate either time, kind or cash.

There is no doubt the football product at Premier Grade level is worth watching and the team has presented supporters with four appearances in the last six grand finals.

There is no doubt however that the Club has neglected, more through a lack of resources than intent, the comfort of supporters. To improve facilities requires a joint venture of all of the users of Crosby Park and some financial commitment from Government.

We have negotiated an agreement with Brothers Juniors for shared management of the facilities which will allow us to approach Government on a united front for the purpose of gaining a fair share of grants to be allocated in future for upgrade of facilities.

Raising revenue sufficient to ensure the continued operation of the Club and to redress the neglect of the past is not automatic. Sponsors also require some return for their largesse and now days mere appearances in grand finals does not constitute return.

Sponsors are looking to be part of a network that thrives on supporting its members. Obviously the businesses that do support us want the opportunity to do business with the members of the networking club i.e. fellow sponsors, businesses run by members and supporters and members and supporters themselves.

The lack of substantial active membership and supporter base that we can communicate with effectively means we lose out on the contribution that the members and supporters can make and the ability to attract and retain sponsors.

We really have no choice than to speedily work at ways and means to re-engage with those men who have passed through Brothers, provide what attracts them and build our membership and active supporter base significantly. That will be the main aim of the next committee I just hope we have the time to be successful.

The Committee for 2012:

The structure of the committee, and the roles of committee persons for next year, has changed in a way that will allow for accountability and responsibility for those who seek election.

To the committee for 2011 I thank you for your support and sometimes indulgence. I doubt anyone found it that easy, and sometimes some of you may have questioned your decision to work so hard without rewards. We certainly need to believe that the job we do is worthwhile and commit to continuing.

To those that are leaving the committee this year thank you for your effort and to those that are coming on we look forward to your input and participation.

Jim Frayne



J.C. Atherton, H.F. Edwards & Mick Flynn Memorial Trophy Club Man of the Year

- Anthony Sauer

F.M. Arnell & J.P. Gralton Memorial Trophy Most Improved Player

- James Carter

Robert McGladrigan Memorial Trophy For Training & Club Spirit This trophy is awarded to the player who displayed an outstanding effort at training and through his endeavours both on and off the field has shown excellent Club spirit.

- Jonathon Roussetos

Cyril Fogarty Memorial Trophy For Outstanding Service to the Club

- Sandra Prestedge

Anthony O’Brien Memorial Trophy For Service & Support to the Lower Grades (3rd , 4th & 5 th Grades)

- John Diamond

Tom Gaffney Memorial Trophy Club Captain

- Anthony Sauer

Charlie Seymour Memorial Trophy Most Outstanding Player in a Representative Match Awarded to the Brothers player for the most outstanding performance in a representative match

- Dominic Shipperley ( R17: Reds vs. )



Brothers Old Boys Rugby Club Trophy Awarded for playing 100 Premier Grade Games for the Club

- Damon Murphy (114 Games), Matthew Dews (113 Games), Nathanuel Gendle (113 Games)

Christian Brothers Trophy Best & Fairest Club Player

- Andrew Coady

M.T. “Merv” Hazell O.A.M. Memorial Trophy Best & Fairest Colts Player

- Matthew Blair

Highest Point Scorer

- Matthew Smith (141 Points)

Patron’s Trophy Rookie of the Year

- Iosefo Tabalala

F. McDonnell & J.E. Ross M.B.E. Memorial Trophy Awarded to the best performed team

- Premier Grade

Chairman’s Trophy Awarded to the best player in a Grand Final

- Simon Price (Premier Grade)

Appreciation Trophy To the person or persons who have made an outstanding contribution to the Club.

- “GREEN SHED BAR” Renovation Crew – Paul Doneley, Anthony Sauer, Tom Sayer, Corbin Crain, Nathanuel Gendle, Simon Price


2011 pre-season training started well before Christmas for players who were part of the Premier squad. Like all clubs the Brisbane floods disrupted training but by mid January all coaches and many players had started preparations. It was a very long pre-season given the late start to the season.

We finished the season with three very competitive club trials against Sunnybank, GPS and Uni. These trails were a big success although unfortunately proved we were unable to field a 3 rd Colts team. This is area which needs to be rectified for next season.

Early season fixtures provided good results for the senior teams and mixed results for our Colts. As usual injuries played their part but in most cases teams were able to overcome this. The first round finished with most teams either in the Top 4 or just outside it. Special mention must go to our Normanby Cup boys who were undefeated at the end of the first round. Our Normanby cup and Wyatt cup teams are an important part of the club who sometimes do not receive the recognition they deserve.

The second round saw Premier grade and 2 nd grade secure a place in the Top 2 and 3 rd grade was also successful in making the Top 4. There were some definite hard luck stories. 1 st grade battled on bravely only to miss the finals by 1 point. This was a fantastic effort given the number of disruptions caused by injuries in Premier grade. 4th grade battled on bravely to still be in contention with 2 weeks to go only to eventually miss out. A really positive part about the end of the season was the way the colts finished off. Premier Colts and Colts 1 both finished the season strongly and this is a good sign for next year.

Finals footy is always a challenging experience. The 3 rd grad boys met a strong GPS outfit and were eliminated in the minor semi. The 2 nd grade team did not play well in the major semi against Uni and were forced to play Sunnybank in the prelim final. They were beaten by a better team on the day but played well and can be proud of their efforts. The Normanby Cup team made the Grand final only to be beaten in a great game by GPS.

The Premier Grade team qualified for the Grand Final after a thrilling last gasp win against Uni. The grand final against Sunnybank lived up to the pre-game hype. After 50 minutes Sunnybank lead 29- 5 and things did not look good for Brothers until 3 tries in 10 minutes reduced the margin to 5 points. Two late penalties to Sunnybank meant they secured the Hospitals Cup but every Brothers person should be very proud of the team’s efforts.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the coaches and managers of all teams. Your tireless work does not go unnoticed. I also would like to thank your families for their patience and involvement in what has been a huge year for all involved. Without people like you this club would not be able to be as good as it is.

I have finished in my role with the club. It is been a privilege to be involved with one of the most famous clubs in the world and I wish all well for 2011.

Adrian Thompson



Ted Postal Mitchell Feldsman Jean-Phillipe Pradaud Dallan Murphy


Mitchell Feldsman Iosefo Tabalala Luke Beauchamp



Ted Postal BRISBANE:

Andrew Coady : Matt Dews Sam Grasso Sam Cordingley Dallan Murphy Nathanuel Gendle Charlie Freney QUEENSLAND 2 nd XV: Adrian Thompson (Coach)

Dominic Shipperley Mitchell Feldsman BRISBANE U/19: Dallan Murphy Andrew Coady Luke Beauchamp © Mitch Felsman

QUEENSLAND XV vs. CANADA: NEW ZEALAND MARIST: Dominic Shipperley Mitchell Feldsman James Carter Dallan Murphy Andrew Coady Nathanuel Gendle



FLYNN-LEWIS Memorial Shield vs. G.P.S. Old Boys

LT. H.M. Flynn D.C.M. - FLTLT. L.S. Lewis Memorial Challenge Shield

The Flynn-Lewis Memorial Shield is a challenge trophy which will be contested annually by the Brothers and GPS Rugby Club’s. The Shield has been named in honour of a past member of each of our Club’s, who not only contributed to their respective Club as a player but served their Country during the dark times of War.

However, rather than using the existing model of the Templeton-McLean (Brothers vs. University), Pilecki- Shaw (Brothers vs. Wests) and Cromwell (GPS vs. Easts) Cup ties as Premier Grade only contests, the Club’s have decided to make this Shield a whole of Club challenge where all teams from Premier Grade to Colts 2 contribute to the overall result.

The Shield can be only challenged for at the Holders home ground during the home and away season.

Hugh Michael Flynn (1887-1917):

A product of St. Joseph’s College - Gregory Terrace, Flynn was a foundation player of Christian Brothers Football Club in 1905. Flynn went on to play in 7 Senior Grade Grand Finals winning 4 Premierships; 1907, 1911, 1912 (Captain), 1913 (Captain). He also played in 10 matches for Queensland in 1911, 13.

In May 1915, Flynn enlisted into 4th Lighthorse Regiment (3rd Field Ambulance) of the 1 st Australian Imperial Force. Whilst serving on the Western Front in 1916, he received the Distinguished Conduct Medal (D.C.M.) for conspicuous gallantry in; “carrying the wounded over open country under very heavy shell fire”, back to front line trenches for medical treatment.

Unfortunately Lieutenant Flynn was killed in action in the Battle of Menin Road, Ypres on the 20 th September 1917.

Llewellyn Stanley “Wally” Lewis (1912-1990):

A product of Brisbane State High School, Lewis played for Queensland 32 times from 1931-40. He also played 4 tests against the All Blacks in 1934, 36 and was a member of the 2 nd Wallaby Tour to the United Kingdom and Ireland in 1939 which was subsequently cancelled due to the outbreak of the Second World War.

A noted Clubman of the GPS Club, Lewis served on the GPS Executive was also the Club Captain in 1937 and 1938. He was made a Life Member of the GPS Old Boys Rugby Club in 1940 for services rendered.

In April 1942, Lewis enlisted into the R.A.A.F. Flight Lieutenant Lewis was demobilised from the R.A.A.F. in January 1946.

COMPETITION RULES: (i) Position on the Shield table will be determined by the accumulation of competition points from each competing grade. • Points for a win – 4 • Points for a draw – 2 • Points for a loss by seven points or less – 1 • Points for four tries or more – 1

(ii) In the event of the two Clubs being equal on competition points the winner will be determined on the basis of the Club with the most wins on the day in the competing Grades.

(iii) In the event of the above being drawn the Club that has the best accumulated ratio of points scored for and against in the days matches will be deemed to be the winner of the Shield.

(iv) In the event of the above being drawn the Club that has scored the most accumulated number of tries in the days matches will be deemed to be the winner of the Shield.

(v) If still not resolved the Holder shall retain possession of the Shield.

DIFF. WINS TRIES TRIES Colts 1 Colts 1 TOTAL 1st Grade 1st Grade 4th Grade 3rd Grade 3rd Grade 2nd Grade Premier Colts Club Premier Grade Brothers 5 4 5 5 1 0 1 21 4 -27 19 GPS 1 1 0 1 5 5 5 18 3 27 28

The Tradition Continues - A Celebration of Our Centurions


John McCullagh

It is with great sadness that Brothers wishes to inform you of the passing of John McCullagh. John was a tremendous contributor to the club as both a long serving President of the Junior Club and member of the Senior Board. Or sympathies are extended to John’s wife Colleen and sons Daniel, David and Michael.

John's Funeral Service which is to be held in the Pinnaroo Lawn Cemetery Chapel, Graham Road, Bridgeman Downs, Tuesday, 5th July, 2011, at 12.00 noon.

Helen Felsman

We also wish to extend our sympathies to the Felsman family on the passing of Helen. Helen was the mother of club member and former player Greg and the grandmother of current player Mitchell.

Family and Friends are warmly invited to attend Helen's Funeral on Monday, 4th July, at the Mary Immaculate Catholic Church, Edmund Rice Drive, Ashmore, Gold Coast, at 10 a.m., followed by Burial at Southport Lawn Cemetery.

Ross Johnston

Ross Johnston was born and bred in New Zealand, where he attended New Plymouth Boys’ High School. An avid All Blacks supporter, Ross was a walking dictionary on All Black history. After arriving in Queensland to marry his lovely Aussie wife, Dawn, he continued to support the All Blacks, but he also proudly supported his “adopted country” whenever the Wallabies played any other Rugby playing nation.

“Rossco” as he became known, lived with his family in Crosby Rd – almost opposite Brothers. A then well- known radio personality, Russ Tyson, often complained about the excessive noise generated from the newly- opened Brothers Clubhouse in 1972. Ross’ introduction to Brothers came about in unusual circumstances. Ross was not a Catholic, and he incorrectly thought that he might not be welcome at Brothers. Because of his love of rugby and beer, one Sunday afternoon he said to his wife, Dawn, ‘Damn it! I’m going over to that Brothers mob for a beer…..All they can do is chuck me out!” There were about 25 drinkers in the Members bar that Sunday when Ross appeared. “’Scuse me” said Rossco to the bar staff, half expecting to be thrown out, “I’m a neighbour from across the road”. The Bar people instantly thought he was another Russ Tyson who had come to complain about the noise from the Clubhouse, and hastily introduced this new neighbour to all the drinkers! Those members shouted him for several hours that afternoon. When Ross finally stumbled home to his wife he is reported to have said: “Those Brothers bastards are a great mob after all!” The rest is history…..Ross never left Brothers, and was a devoted supporter for almost 40 years!

Some of the positions that he held at Brothers included: • Team Manager for Tich Reid’s Under 18 teams • The first Public Address Announcer at Brothers’ home games • He was also ground announcer at Ballymore for a time • Chairman of the very successful Colts Sub Committees at Brothers for several years • Brothers delegate to the QJRU • Chairman of Brothers’ Licensed Club • Committee member of Brothers’ Rugby Club • Seller of raffles to raise money for under 19’s tours to Fiji and NZ • A keen supporter of the club, both on the field, at the restaurant, and wherever he could help.

Elizabeth (Betty) Breen

Betty was the mother of former Brothers Rugby Club member and player’s John (deceased) and Tony Breen. John served on the committee of Brothers, QRU and ARU and was also a Life Member of the QRU. John was Wallaby manager for the 1991 Australian team.

Family and Friends are warmly invited to attend Helen's Funeral on Monday, 8th August, at the Little Flower Catholic Church of St Therese and St Anthony, 80 Turner Rd, Kedron, at 12:30 p.m., followed by Burial at Pinnaroo Lawn Cemetery, Bridgeman Downs.


ARU “WALLABY HALL OF FAME” – 2011 Inductees

Former Brothers, Queensland and Australian captains; Paul McLean MBE and John Eales AM have been inducted to the Wallaby Hall of Fame for 2011.

Paul McLean made his debut against the All Blacks at the SCG as a 20-year old in 1974. Over the next eight years, Paul McLean would accumulate 31 Test caps, be widely acknowledged as one of the world's finest goal-kickers, and play a key role in the emergence of Queensland as a powerhouse on the domestic Rugby landscape. He also played in a further 40 non-capped international matches.

McLean ended his career with a perfect winning record as captain. He was in charge for one Test, with the Wallabies downing Fiji 22-9. When he retired in 1982, he did so as Australian Rugby’s highest Test points- scorer.

A leader on and off the field, McLean continued in the game after his playing retirement as a holder of high office at both the Queensland Rugby Union and Australian Rugby Union.

McLean spent two years as first grade coach at Brothers and four years as club president before succeeding his former Queensland and Wallabies coach Bob Templeton as President of the QRU for six years. He also served as ARU President from 2005 to 2009 and spent two years on the iRB.

John Eales made 86 Test appearances over a decade and captained the Wallabies 55 times. Under Eales the Wallabies won a World Cup in 1999, held the Bledisoe Cup from 1998 to 2001, two Tri Nations in 2000 and 2001 and a series win against the British and Irish Lions in 2001.

He was also a member of Australia's winning team in the 1991 World Cup final at Twickenham. Eales ended his career by leading Australia in a further seven Tests in 2001 when the Wallabies also won the Tri-Nations.

Eales was elected unopposed to the Board of the ARU in 2010.


Since its election your Management Committee has held 13 meetings, attendance at Committee Meetings were as follows;

Mr. J.E.F. FRAYNE (President)………………………………………..………….13 Mr. D.J. HOGAN (Hon. Treasurer)……………………………………….……..11 Mr. A.J. MCDERMOTT (Hon. Secretary)………………………………….…...11

Mr. P.D. FRENCH (Vice-President)……………………………………..……....10 Mr. G.F. JEFFERIES…………………………………………………………………..11 Mr. J.P. DIAMOND…………………………………..………………………..…..…13 Mr. R.G. GRASSO…………………………………………………….………..……..11 Mr. M.J. GIBBS…………………………………………..……………………..………13

Mr. Z.R. HILTON (Rugby Manager) (Resigned 25/02/2011)…..…….…4 Mr. A.M. THOMPSON (Rugby Manager) (Appointed 28/02/2011)…....8

Mr. A.S. SAUER (Club Captain)…………………………………………………….0


GRADE COACHES MANAGERS Queensland Premier Rugby: Premier Grade Adrian Thompson, Carl Marshal Anthony McDermott

Premier Colts Alan Beauchamp, Guy Ledwidge Clint Warner

Brisbane Rugby Union – 1st Division: 1st Grade Des Kissane, Brendan Gabbett Sandy Prestege, Paul Favell

2nd Grade David Magoffin, Peter Williams John Diamond

3rd Grade Carl McHale, Tim McKellar, Nick Panter James McKellar

4th Grade Regan White, Peter Hinds

Colts I Graeme Silvester, Mepi Faoagali, Tracey Silvester Luke Stanley

Colts 2 No team fielded

Women No team fielded

Queensland Suburban Rugby Union: Normanby Cup Matthew Gardiner Fraser Bax

Wyatt Cup Gerard Jefferies, Frank Jefferies Mark Andrews


Rugby Manager: Adrian Thompson

Doctor: Dr. Peter Andersen MBBS

Dentist: Dr. Bill Westerman BDS MDSc DDH

Physiotherapist: Ian Astbury

Registrar: John Diamond

No team statistics supplied for inclusion in this Annual Report. CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP TABLE

Queensland Rugby Union - Club Championship "DOUGHTY CHALLENGE SHIELD"

Colts1 Colts2 TOTAL Women 1stGrade 4thGrade 3rd Grade 3rd 2ndGrade PremierColts Club PremierGrade University 73 76 69 72 53 48 33 60 71 555 Sunnybank 66 77 79 63 71 31 40 72 34 533 GPS 63 74 66 52 54 43 62 40 454 Easts 63 38 33 56 36 39 74 47 64 450 Brothers 67 28 52 65 54 25 28 319 Souths 23 15 32 55 65 15 9 38 252 Wests 24 12 23 44 23 63 27 19 235 Norths 29 50 32 6 2 10 36 165 Logan City 53 23 4 17 20 117 Gold Coast 27 61 88 Sunshine Coast 25 18 43 Redlands 13 13 26



Queensland Premier Rugby - Premier Grade "HOSPITAL CHALLENGE CUP"

< Club Played Won Lost Draw For Against 4T 7pts Points University 18 14 3 1 625 275 13 2 73 Brothers 18 13 5 0 605 302 11 4 67 Sunnybank 18 13 5 0 618 330 11 3 66 GPS 18 13 4 1 473 327 7 2 63 Easts 18 14 4 0 511 387 7 0 63 Norths 18 6 12 0 339 648 5 0 29 Gold Coast 18 5 13 0 336 581 4 3 27 Sunshine Coast 18 4 14 0 360 557 5 4 25 Wests 18 3 14 1 390 625 5 5 24 Souths 18 3 14 1 306 531 5 4 23

Queensland Premier Rugby - Premier Colts

< Club Played Won Lost Draw For Against 4T 7pts Points Sunnybank 18 16 2 0 584 268 12 1 77 University 18 15 3 0 588 212 13 3 76 GPS 18 15 3 0 605 229 12 2 74 Gold Coast 18 12 6 0 465 258 9 4 61 Norths 18 9 9 0 427 356 9 5 50 Easts 18 7 10 1 311 440 7 1 38 Brothers 18 5 12 1 304 454 5 1 28 Sunshine Coast 18 4 13 1 208 479 0 1 19 Souths 18 3 14 1 219 615 1 0 15 Wests 18 2 16 0 219 619 2 2 12




< Club Played Won Lost Draw For Against 4T 7pts Forfeit Points Sunnybank 18 15 3 0 595 324 16 3 0 79 University 18 15 3 0 558 261 8 1 0 69 GPS 18 13 5 0 494 235 10 4 0 66 Logan City 18 11 7 0 445 326 7 2 0 53 Brothers 18 10 8 0 424 326 7 5 0 52 Easts 18 6 12 0 330 399 5 4 0 33 Norths 18 6 11 1 278 485 3 3 0 32 Souths 18 5 12 1 310 386 6 4 0 32 Wests 18 4 12 2 247 519 2 1 0 23 Redlands 18 3 15 0 190 610 0 1 0 13

BRU Division 1 - 2nd Grade

< Club Played Won Lost Draw For Against 4T 7pts Forfeit Points University 18 15 2 1 609 237 10 0 0 72 Brothers 18 13 5 0 645 278 11 2 0 65 Sunnybank 18 12 6 0 645 294 13 2 0 63 Easts 18 12 6 0 383 246 6 2 0 56 Souths 18 10 7 1 456 354 10 3 0 55 GPS 18 10 8 0 566 274 7 5 0 52 Wests 18 9 9 0 331 351 5 3 0 44 Logan City 18 4 14 0 332 438 2 5 0 23 Redlands 18 3 15 0 116 840 1 0 0 13 Norths 18 1 17 0 101 872 0 2 0 6

BRU Division 1 - 3rd Grade "W.H. BICKLEY CUP"

< Club Played Won Lost Draw For Against 4T 7pts Forfeit Points Sunnybank 16 14 2 0 799 217 13 2 0 71 Souths 16 12 2 2 577 246 12 1 0 65 Brothers 16 10 5 1 630 337 10 2 0 54 GPS 16 10 4 2 501 208 8 2 0 54 University 16 10 6 0 584 233 10 3 0 53 Easts 16 6 9 1 448 363 7 3 0 36 Wests 16 5 11 0 257 470 3 0 0 23 Logan City 16 1 15 0 82 1024 0 0 0 4 Norths 16 1 15 0 130 910 1 1 2 2 Redlands 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



BRU Division 1 - 4th Grade "COL KAUS CUP"

< Club Played Won Lost Draw For Against 4T 7pts Forfeit Points Wests 14 12 1 1 528 161 12 1 0 63 University 14 10 3 1 314 174 5 1 0 48 GPS 14 9 5 0 290 227 6 1 0 43 Easts 14 8 6 0 256 254 5 2 0 39 Sunnybank 14 5 8 1 327 363 8 1 0 31 Brothers 14 5 9 0 212 383 4 1 0 25 Logan City 14 3 11 0 182 408 3 2 0 17 Souths 14 2 11 1 207 346 1 4 0 15

BRU Division 1 Colts - 1st Grade

< Club Played Won Lost Draw For Against 4T 7pts Forfeit Points Sunnybank 16 15 1 0 574 179 12 0 0 72 GPS 16 13 3 0 464 225 8 2 0 62 University 16 12 4 0 509 201 9 3 0 60 Easts 16 9 5 2 344 349 5 2 0 47 Norths 16 6 8 2 335 344 5 3 0 36 Brothers 16 5 10 1 300 471 5 1 0 28 Logan City 16 4 12 0 238 362 5 1 1 20 Wests 16 3 12 1 224 490 2 3 0 19 Souths 16 2 14 0 184 551 1 2 1 9 Redlands 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0




Club Played Won Lost Draw For Against 4T < 7pts Forfeit Points Brothers 14 12 2 0 393 133 9 0 0 57 Wests 14 11 3 0 434 140 9 2 0 55 GPS 14 11 3 0 465 152 9 1 0 54 Norths 14 10 4 0 307 165 6 2 0 48 Easts Longhorns 14 4 9 1 130 266 1 2 0 21 Souths 14 3 10 1 175 316 3 3 0 20 Sunnybank 14 3 11 0 155 401 2 3 0 17 University 14 1 13 0 85 571 0 1 0 5


Club Played Won Lost Draw For Against 4T < 7pts Forfeit Points UQ-Vet Science 14 13 0 1 386 101 5 0 0 59 UQ-Medicals 14 11 3 0 398 131 7 2 0 53 GPS 14 10 3 1 308 185 6 2 0 50 Wests 14 7 7 0 242 237 4 3 0 35 Easts Longhorns 14 7 7 0 218 244 1 3 0 32 Brothers 14 5 9 0 213 307 3 1 0 24 Brisbane Irish 14 1 13 0 91 341 0 3 0 7 UQ-T.C. Beirne 14 1 13 0 116 426 0 1 2 1


Season 2011 was a year of change, cultural development, challenges and in some ways many new beginnings.

Season 2011 has been that of a memorable one. The year started fresh with Adrian Thompson taking the role of Premier Grade coach and club General Manager. His back to basic approach to football in his 9 months with the club saw a return of enjoyment and a definite hunger to regain the premiership title last held in 2009. Adrian’s coaching efforts saw some unfamiliar faces and a handful of young butcher boys make their premier grade debuts this year, cementing regular places in the clubs 1 st XV giving the future of the club a very promising look.

As a club we fielded 9 teams in 2011 starting with Premier Grade down to 2 Under 19 Colts sides, and for the first time since our centenary year 2 Friday night teams. Of these nine teams, 4 teams achieved final appearances with 2 reaching Grand Finals. Normanby Cup, the first of the 2 grand finalists just missed the cherry in their nail biting grand final, unable to capitalize on scoring opportunities close to fulltime. Division 1, 3 rd Grade bowed out with a mighty effort losing to GPS in a knock semi final, while Division 1, 2 nd Grade went one step closer eventually suffering a disappointing loss to a strong Sunnybank outfit in the major semi final. Premier Grade took the easy approach to the final series defeating University in the minor semi final to head straight into the big one to face a highly favored Sunnybank unit. The game took off in a flash. Before you could blink the Bankers were up 17-0 and half time were upon us. Despite an enormous effort that saw the boys in blue dominate the 2 nd half and put the fear of god into a team laced with Super Rugby stars, Sunnybank were eventually crowned the premiers of 2011.

Season 2011 showed plenty of promise for the future, with teams Premier Grade to 3 rd Grade finishing between 2 and 5 on their respective ladders. It was a disappointing year for our 2 colt’s sides, but both unleashing their talent late, finishing the season on a positive note winning the final 3 games, achieving a definitive hunger to improve for season 2012.

Off the field the club continued to boast its cultural strength and spirit throughout the grades and colts which spilt over into the senior junior club teams. It was an exciting start to the year socially with great numbers supporting player functions and generously volunteering time to a club that without this support would fail to launch each year. Of the off-field achievements in 2011, the refurbishment of the “Green Shed Bar” was easily the greatest. A collective group of senior and colts players selflessly devoted endless hours of labour & their own money (combined with generous club supporters) to create a stylish players bar that is modern and already played host to some of the greatest nights at Brothers Rugby Club.

Colossal thanks and gratitude must again go to the committee of 2011, who without their tireless efforts the club would not function in any order or achieve the on and off field success Brothers members have seen over the past couple of years. A special mention to the return of the Brothers Golf day was undoubtedly one of the days of the year where club sponsors, members and players all took to the links of Indooroopilly Golf Club in a much appreciated fundraiser to ensure the club can maintain its current financial position and continue to grow in future years.

2011 saw a mixed result of success and disappointment on the field. With 2012 already in preparation to exceed the heights and resurrect the lows felt this year ensures Brothers Rugby Club is as strong as ever, and I look forward to lining up with you all in January to do it all again.

Anthony Sauer


Premier Grade

The extended Premier Squad of 40 excited souls started back at Crosby Park the first week of January full of enthusiasm for the 2011 season.

The pre-season camp unfortunately had to be cancelled, but the Premier Grade group decided to travel north to Stockland Park in Kawana and run a training session for the boys and girls of Brothers Rugby Club – Sunshine Coast in an attempt to spread the word with our Country Affiliate. The Bhoys ran training sessions for the junior teams and ended up getting a lot out of working with the kids and their parents. We were also fortunate to meet with Paul Casley and Clayton Williams two of the founding members of Brothers Rugby Club – Sunshine Coast and seeing how the Brothers Brand is growing throughout Queensland.

With the early start of the new Super Rugby season, the members of the Queensland 2 nd XV embarked on a series of matches against Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and ACT 2 nd XV. Brothers were fortunate to have a number of Premier Grade players involved in the 2 nd XV programme; with Dominic Shipperley, Mitchell Felsman, Dallan Murphy and Andrew Coady gaining some quality game time and experience in these fixtures.

The end of February saw Zane Hilton step down as Premier Grade Head Coach and Rugby Manager to take up a professional coaching appointment with the Kyuden Voltex in Japan as an Assistant Coach. Brothers was fortunate to gain the services of a highly credential Coach in Adrian Thompson, who just happened to be the former Head Coach of the Kyuden Voltex.

Adrian is a former Premier Grade coach of Eastern Districts (Brisbane), winning a premiership with them in 1999. He has also coached Queensland (2001-2004), Australia ‘A’ (2002-03) and Kyuden Voltex (2005-11) in a stellar professional career.

Round 1 of the Queensland Premier Rugby season kicked off with a convincing 53–12 win against Norths at Hugh Courtney Oval. The game also saw Iosefo Tabalala, Matt Smith, Kapa Moeke, Sinave Fonoti and Dustin Henegan make their Premier Grade debuts for the Club.

Iosefo Bele Tabalala or “Bellsie” came to the Butcher Bhoys via the Fiji Warriors side that played a trial match against the Melbourne Rebels and then Pacific Rugby Cup fixtures against the Junior Waratahs, Queensland 2 nd XV and the Brumby Runners prior to this year’s Super Rugby Championship.

Dom Shipperley also made his Super Rugby debut for the Reds against the in Wellington; he would go on to gain 7 caps for the Reds in their Championship winning season.

Brothers’ first home game of the season was against Souths and the bhoys were too strong for Souths, defeating the Magpies 26-10. Angus Cameron, who came to Brothers from Q-Cup Club Norths Devils also made his Premier Grade debut.

Brothers won their 3 rd game in a row when they GPS 46-12 at Yoku Road Sports Ground, the game had extra significance with Damon Murphy playing his 100 th Premier Grade game for the Club with a dominating display. James Carter and Lachlan Creighton also joined the season’s list of Premier Grade debutants.

The annual Tradition Day fixture between Brothers and University at Crosby Park is always a spirited affair. With Queensland having a bye in Super Rugby our Reds players, Will Chambers and Dom Shipperley were available to turn out for the Butcher Bhoys. Unfortunately the Red Heavies put pay to our early season winning streak with a hard-fought 20-13 win

The match against the Gold Coast took on added significance with the players wanted to bounce back from the disappointment of the week before. Matthew Dews became the 2 nd player this year the play playing his 100 th Premier Grade game for the Club. The Bhoys recorded a convincing 62-0 win over the Gold Coast and Dewsy even notched up two late conversions to celebrate the win. Jon Roussetos and Cam Massie also made their Premier Grade debuts.

The IRB Junior World Championship was held in Italy from 5-21 June and Brothers player Dominic Shipperley was initially selected for his second Championship. However Dom was released from the team so he could continue to play the Reds in the Super Rugby Competition. However 2 former Brothers players in Ted Postal and J.P. Pradaud were selected in the 2011 Australian U20 team.

The player group headed to Sunnybank full of confidence ready to take on the ‘Bank at their home ground. The Bhoys notched up yet another impressive victory, beating Sunnybank 28-24 in one the upsets of the season.

Brothers travelled to Stockland Park, Kawana the home of Brothers Rugby Club-Sunshine Coast to take on the Stingrays in Round 7 of the Hospitals Cup. The game was an opportunity to extend our winning run leading into the mid-season bye. A fantastic defensive effort to repel the repeated scoring efforts saw Brothers take home a 17 points to 11 win. This was a game that set up our season on the way to the finals.

A healthy crowd gathered at Crosby Park for the 6 th Annual Ladies Day, but before everyone had time to even finds their seats the Tigers showed their intentions and crossed for their first try. However Brothers, who were playing in pink in support of Kim Walters Choices Breast Cancer Research, were not going be out done and scored one of their own to make the score 7-5 to the visitors barely 10 minutes into the game. This would be how the game was played out, with each team taking turns to score points; unfortunately the Tigers would end up winning the game 35 points to 28.

Premier Grade Captain Dallan would make his Super Rugby debut for the Reds against the in Hamilton on the same day.

Brothers kept in touch with the competition lead with a powerful 39-15 victory over Wests in Round 9 of the Queensland Premier Rugby competition at Sylvan Road. The tradition match between Brothers and Wests also saw the Pilecki-Shaw Cup up for grabs, the dominant victory meant the Brothers holds the Cup again.

The mid-season bye saw the 3 rd Annual City-Country carnival take place at Ballymore. With Brothers sitting in 2 nd place on the Competition behind Easts on 7 wins and 2 losses, it meant that a number of our players would be involved in the Metropolis teams to play Queensland Country. Andrew Coady, Matt Dews, Sam Grasso, Dallan Murphy, Nathanuel Gendle and Charlie Freney were selected in the Open City team with Brothers Premier Grade Coach Adrian Thompson appointed as the Coach. Luke Beauchamp and Mitch Felsman were also selected in the City U19’s team, with Beachy captaining the side.

A Grade – Queensland Country 27 defeated Brisbane 26 Under 19 – Brisbane 20 defeated Queensland Country 19

Brothers’ Premier Grade Assistant Coach, Carl Marshall was also busy during the mid season break. Carl was appointed the Head Coach of the Queensland Schools team that contested Australian Schools Rugby Union Championships at Ballymore. His dominant Queensland 1 side defeated archrivals NSW I 37-20 in the final and claimed their sixth consecutive national title.

The start of the second round saw Brothers take on Norths at Crosby Park and emerge with a strong 30-18 victory. The match also saw Tom Favell and Ryan Schultz, a former Norths player, make their Premier Grade debut.

The Bhoys then took on Souths at Chipsy Wood Oval and handed out a rugby lesson to the struggling Magpies by defeating them 52 points to 21 in the Round 11 fixture.

The home game against GPS also doubled as the inaugural Flynn-Lewis Memorial Shield challenge match. With the lower grade matches results split 3-all; this meant that the winner of Premier Grade game would win the Shield for their respective Club for 2011. Fortunately the Bhoys continued their winning ways and defeated GPS 34 to 21 to extend their winning streak to 4 games in a row and take out the Flynn-Lewis Memorial Shield.

The Templeton-McLean Cup was on offer in the Premier Grade fixture against University at St Lucia. University enlisted to services of Wallaby Matt Giteau into their team which included another 2 Wallabies and if you believed the press leading into the match, the Students had already won the game.

However they forgot to tell the Brothers players and with their trademark tenacity went on to produce a stinging 24-22 win over the star-studded University line-up.

Brothers travelled to the Gold Coast to take on the Breakers with the hope of extending the current winning streak to 6 in a row. This match also saw Andrew Coady play his 150 th Premier Grade game for the Club and Paea Siulangapo making his debut. The Bhoys worked hard and finished the road trip with a dominant win over the Breakers by 47 points to 6.

James Carter was selected to represent Brothers in the New Zealand Marist Colts Tour of Waikato and the Bay of Plenty. James continues the tradition of Brothers sending a promising player to New Zealand to gain experience in different styles of play and conditions, which has been in place since 1999.

Confidence was high amongst the player group as they headed into Top 4 clash with Sunnybank at Crosby Park. The game started well and was going to plan with the Bhoys up 15-3 at half time. However this would be a game of two halves, with Sunnybank coming out firing after oranges and putting on 30 unanswered points to win the game 33 points to 15.

Sam Grasso, Charlie Freney and Mitch Felsman were also invited to attend the Australian 7’s training camp in . This was a golden opportunity for the bhoys to be involved in a professional football set-up and showcase their skills with an eye to gaining possible selection in the Australian 7’s programme.

The Bhoys bounced back from the defeat in the previous week to hand out a rugby lesson to Stingrays. The 64 point to 3 win, was a resounding result but the most significant highlight was the fact that they didn’t let the Sunshine Coast cross the stripe to score a try. Anthony Pyers also had a field day scoring 4 tries in the game and Corey Meehan made his Premier Grade Debut.

Luke Beauchamp and Mitchell Felsman were selected in the Australian Academy U19 side which played the English Schools team at the Sydney Grammar School in Sydney.

Brothers travelled to Bottomley Park to take on Easts in the 79 th Welsby Cup Final. The Welsby Cup is contested by the top 2 teams at the end of the 1 st Round of Premiership fixtures. Unfortunately Brothers fell agonizingly short, with Easts converting a penalty goal just on full time and winning the Final by 16 points to 13.

Brothers’ players, Dominic Shipperley, Mitchell Feldsman, Dallan Murphy, Andrew Coady and Nathanuel Gendle were named in a Queensland XV to play Canada in a mid week fixture as a warm-up to the Rugby World Cup in New Zealand.

In the final game of the Home & Away season, Wests caused a massive upset in defeating Brothers 20-17 at Crosby Park. The Bulldogs also claimed the Pilecki-Shaw Cup for the first time. Even with this loss Premier Grade still finished second and would take on traditional rivals University in the Major Semi-final.

The Butcher Bhoys headed to Ballymore for the Major Semi-final against University full of confidence and self belief. The game developed into arm wrestle, however University got out to an early 14-3 lead, but the Brethren managed to fight back and go into half time up 15-14. The player group was quietly confident as they had seen that no matter what the Red Heavies threw at them they always had an answer.

With only 2 minutes to play and the scores tied at 23-all, it looked like extra time beckoned the combatants. However Dom Shipperley received the ball down the right flank before showing both speed and elusiveness to evade multiple University defenders in a 30 metre dash to the line to score the match winner. Brothers were through to the Grand Final with a 30 point to 23 win and would get the week off to prepare for the “BIG DANCE”.

The 2011 QRU – Premier Grade Grand Final would turn out to be match of highlights for the code in Queensland. In the 125 th season of Club Rugby in Queensland, Brothers would contest its 50 th A Grade Grand Final and would play Sunnybank for Hospitals Challenge Cup for the first time.

Sunnybank scored within the first 10 minutes of the match and with the help of a penalty and then a penalty try pushed on towards halftime; however Dom Shipperley narrowed the gap with some outstanding play and scored an unconverted try to go to oranges only down by 17 to 5.

Another Sunnybank try early in the second half and an interesting penalty try to the Dragons say them with a 29-5 lead in the second half before three tries in the space of 10 minutes to Anthony Sauer, Damon Murphy and Nathanuel Gendle set the scene for a dramatic climax to the Grand Final with the score at 29-24 to Sunnybank.

Two late penalties to Sunnybank in the last 8 minutes unfortunately killed off Brothers brave second half fight back and saw them take out the 2011 Queensland Premier Rugby Grand Final 35 points to 24. I hope you all take pride in the lionhearted effort you displayed on Grand Final day and aren’t too disappointed.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Adrian for allowing me to be the Manager of this year’s Premier Grade team; it’s been an absolute pleasure. Getting to work with a Professional Coach with international experience was a fantastic opportunity that I’m very grateful for.

To Adrian Thompson, Carl Marshall, John Druery, Ian Astbury, Tom Sayer and Joel McPhee; thanks for your patience, assistance, feed-back and good humour throughout the year.

To the 36 Players who played Premier Grade this year, thanks for your help, camaraderie, good humour, positive feed-back and assistance in making this season a most enjoyable one. I hope you take time to enjoy the fruits or your labour and look back with a sense of pride on the season you had.

Anthony McDermott Manager

Premier Colts

The 2011 Colts season got off to a less than favourable start with player numbers down on previous years and a great deal of angst among the player group. In the lead up to the third trial against University some of the issues would culminate in the reins being handed over to Guy Ledwidge and Alan Beauchamp to coach Premier Colts for the 2011 season. Guy and Alan took on what promised to be a challenging year.

After a shaky start, we were 1 from 3. Round 3 was also the last time we’d have our Captain Luke Beauchamp or Fullback and Five-Eighth Mitch Felsman, with both being promoted to Premier Grade for the remainder of the season. Mid way through 2011 and we were 2 wins and a draw from 9. However, there was a real positive feeling and a great sense of mateship in the team. The season continued in similar fashion. The coaches and managers trying everything to figure out why the guys would put in some great efforts at training yet weren’t able to produce on game day.

With three rounds remaining Guy had had enough and decided we’d take training away from the football field and into a boxing session. It was a chance for the guys to let off a bit of steam and train in a different environment. This was followed by a night of games prior to the weekends match. This relaxed week of training was the start of a three week points scoring spree that ended our season on a relative high with three wins back to back.

Although 2011 was not as successful as we’d have liked, the amount of character, maturity and accountability shown by the player group was beyond their years and they should be very proud of themselves in that regard.

I think it’s safe to say 2011 was a great learning year for the club from a Colts perspective. A number of measures have been planned and some already implemented to ensure player numbers are up in 2012.

Congratulations also to Luke Beauchamp and Mitch Felsman, both playing Premier Grade for the majority of the year and selected for City U/19’s and the Australian National Academy U/19’s. A great effort that speaks volumes of the type of players Luke and Mitch are. Well done to both of you!

Thanks to Guy and Alan for your efforts, the players had a great deal of respect, admiration and appreciation for you guys. Thanks to Denis O’Rourke, the man they call Rugby and for good reason; your tireless work through the year made everyone’s job a lot easier. Also thanks to the Colts One staff: Graeme, Mepi and Tracey, the medical staff, Adrian Thompson and Anthony McDermott for all your help along the way. Looking forward to 2012 and all it holds for Brothers and the Colts program.

Clint Warner Manager

Division One – 1st Grade

The 2011 season was definitely a lot of fun a good playing roster and coaching/management staff.

The start of the season wasn’t a good one a few losses and struggling against some teams we should have controlled, until the second round. Then we started to put things together shows how important a good start is. Missing the finals by one point hurt.

A large number of players got a start in Prems this season which is very pleasing, Matt Smith, James Carter, Lachlan Creighton, Gus Cameron, John Roussetos, Ryan Schultz, Sinave Fonoti, Dustin Henegan, Ernest Skelton, Cam Massey and Corey Meehan. We believe that next season a lot of them will be permanent in Prems. We were also luck to have the services of some very talented players, Anthony Pyers, Kapa Moeke, Tom Sayer, John Gabbett, Jackson Darby, Wayne Robinson, Lindsey Gauld, Sampson Hatfield, Ben Hicks, Harry Symes, Thomas Favell, Scott Fayle, Simon Obongo and Salvador Palha.

A pleasing thing about this season was the big improvement in our set pieces and defence, such a big part of the modern game. We were happy with the leadership skills of a lot of players especially Dusty and everyone else who helped the ref make decisions.

Brendan Gabbett and his wife had another baby during the season. A well done from all the team and look forward to seeing you and the family again next year.

The Coaches (Gabbett, and Kissane) and Managers (Sandy Prestege, Paul Favell) congratulate the team and hope to see you all again next season to finish off some unfinished business.

Des Kissane Coach

Division One – 2nd Grade

The minor premiership season for second grade was quite successful with 13 wins and five losses. These results enabled the team to finish second on the ladder at the end of the competition rounds.

Unfortunately in the finals the team ran into a very good University side (the eventual premiers) and lost the major semi-final 26-5. The next week against Sunnybank in the preliminary final the team was unfortunate to go down 26-20 with the both sides scoring two tries and penalties goals ending up the difference.

Thanks must go to all the players who were a part of this team this season (be that playing, reserving, running water etc). Without the commitment and application of the players to being part of Brothers Rugby Club, ranging from training to playing to socialising, there would not be anywhere near the level of club spirit and the success that comes with this.

Congratulations to our award winners – Best Back Christopher Ferraro, Best Forward Luke Williams and Best and Fairest John Wicks.

The physiotherapy and sports management support provided by Joel McPhee and Ian Astbury (and their able assistants) was also greatly appreciated by the team. The support of the coaching staff of the other teams was also greatly appreciated through the season.

Thanks must also go to John and Sandy Diamond for all the time and effort they put into assisting a number of the club teams to ensure they had jerseys, water and got the book filled out correctly amongst other things.

Finally thanks must go the other coaches of the team Alan Beauchamp (although only for a short period with this team), Peter Pettinari and Peter Williams. Through the season they ensured that during training and on game days that everything was well organised, the task at hand was being focused upon and that we were always looking for ways and means to continue developing.

In conclusion season 2011 was quite successful but fell short the ultimate result. I hope that on balance all the players who were involved with this team enjoyed the season and that they all have taken something from it.

David Magoffin Co-coach Division One – 3rd Grade

Overall a much improved season for 3 rd Grade this year, finishing 3 rd in the competition over GPS with tied points but a far better scoring average. This made it all the more difficult to accept the loss in the first semi final. 3rd grade making semi-finals was no doubt aided by our attacking force which resulted in us being the 2nd ranked offensive side home and away in the Competition. Our defence at times lacked focus and will be the coaching staff target to improve for next season with our ranking this year being only 5 th ranked.

Individual highlights in the forwards this year being stability in the 2 nd rowers with Liam Blake earning himself ‘Best forward ‘ and James Vail holding the pack together. Front rower Trent Bourke earned ‘Best and Fairest ‘ but on the down side we suffered some disruption in the front row due to injuries throughout the season and significant losses to injury and personal retirements with James Frayne retiring due to health reasons and Tobias Hall retiring after the sad loss of a personal friend from Uni.

In the backs we have seen Captain Zac Harding being much improved this year, being the 2 nd highest points scorer for Brothers and 4 th in the 3 rd grade competition overall, earning himself the ‘Best back’ award for 3 rd Grade and a solid selection for 2 nd Grade towards the end of season, ably backed up by fly half Tom Giorgas and Anthony Steele, also a special mention for young wing Dan Jenner who has been plagued by injuries throughout his short career with Brothers, despite missing the last four games of the season and the semi this year his personal tally of 17 (15-3rd Grade, 2-4th Grade) tries resulted in him finishing joint top try scorer in the club, and no doubt helped gain Brothers 3 rd spot in the 3 rd Grade competition.

To off, a very good offensive season, a deserved 3 rd place finish and giving special mention to a few up and coming players, those being utility back Dan Wilson, wing/centre Dylan Regan and scrum half Craig Seaton.

Finally a big Thank you to Coaches Tim McKellar and Nick Panter for their help with the squad this year I hope they will return in 2012

A strong focus on forwards stability and defensive structure for next year

Carl McHale Coach

Division One - 4th Grade

Coaches declined to submit team report for inclusion in this Annual Report.

Regan White Coach

Division One - Colts I

Coaches declined to submit team report for inclusion in this Annual Report.

Graeme Silvester Coach QSRU - Normanby Cup

Manager declined to submit team report for inclusion in this Annual Report.

Fraser Bax Manager

QSRU – Wyatt Cup

The 2011 year saw a fresh group of debutants to the Friday night dynasty. With injuries and retirements from last year, numbers would need to be found. Ads where placed on milk cartons and in a world wide rugby publications (Play Boys etc). What started as a dribble will be remembered as the flood of 2011. Players from as far away as Brisbane West to Ireland, England and Scotland. Word had even reached Neil (Buckwheat) Johansson who after awaking in a rat infested toilet in some Mediterranean port spied the ad on the back side of the centerfold page. Not to forget the code hoppers from NFL (who were shocked to learn that helmets and body amour were out, but soon warmed to the task of flesh on flesh).

The Wyatt Cup season started 8 th April but the mighty Friday night fish eaters wouldn’t get to hit the field in anger till 29 th April, 3 weeks of waiting saw us keep The raving Irish scoreless we were on our way. The next game we came up against the Animal Fiddlers, Ag Vet, 40 odd young country boys that can run all day, with a ref that was just as young and fit we couldn’t keep up.

We won the next week, lost the one after that, won the next one, lost the following one, some thing had to give there was no consistency then we played the Cadaver Cutters (Aka Med XV). A good hard game that saw them hang our carcass out to dry or they were to surgical for us, you get the picture.

A couple of losses followed, training numbers fell, word had hit the sheds that Dougie Stevens would make a comeback if the trend continued, this was enough to fire the boys into a frenzy and a win was had, Dougie’s Boots stayed in the closet. A few more losses a couple of wins and the season was over, 6 th on the ladder

Special highlights include Roy’s (aka Terry Mead) 20 second injection from the bench which included taking an intercept, only to be mowed down and sustain an injury that would see him on the sideline for weeks. Then there was Sam Hazell's solo effort to score against Wests. Another highlight included Jason Luks 40mtr sprint for the line only for him to stop at the twenty yes stop there was no defender near him.

Old, not so old, young and not so young bodies wouldn’t have been able to run on and stay on if it wasn’t for our dedicated and loyal strapping and medical staff thanks again Sue, Jake and family. It always amazes me what electrical tape can hold up or sometimes even down.

Gerard Jefferies & Mark Andrews. Coach & Manager


Brothers’ Rugby Club would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Brothers’ Club’s throughout Australia on yet another successful season.

Cairns (CDRU): Sydney (NSWSRU) 4th Division: st A Grade – 5th 1 Grade (McLean Cup) – UNDEFEATED Res Grade – Grand Finalist PREMIERS & Minor Premiers Women – Preliminary Finalist 2nd Grade (Grose Cup) – PREMIERS & Minor Colts (U19) – No Competition Premiers Club Championship – 4th 3rd Grade (Walker Cup) – Semi-Finalist Club Championship (Herlihy Shield) – 1st Townsville (TDRU): 1st Grade – PREMIERS & Minor Premiers St Patrick’s - Sydney (NSWSRU) 1st Division: 2nd Grade – Grand Finalist 1st Grade (Kentwell Cup) – 5th 3rd Grade – PREMIERS 2nd Grade (Burke Cup) – Preliminary Finalist Colts (U19) – Grand Finalist 3rd Grade (Whiddon Cup) – 7th Club Championship – 2nd 4th Grade (Judd Cup) – Preliminary Finalist 5th Grade (Sutherland Cup) – 7th Mackay (MDRU): Colts (U21) (Barbour Cup) – PREMIERS & A Grade – Grand Finalist Minor Premiers Res Grade – Grand Finalist Club Championship (Graham Shield) – 3rd Colts (U19) – No Competition Joondalup (RugbyWA): Rockhampton (CQRU): 1st Grade (3rd Gold) – PREMIERS & Minor A Grade – Semi-Finalist Premiers Res Grade – 8th 2nd Grade (4th Gold) – PREMIERS & Minor Colts (U19) – No Competition Premiers 3rd Grade “A” (4 th Blue) – Semi-Finalist Sunshine Coast (SCDRU): 3rd Grade “B” (4 th Blue) – 5th Currently not fielding teams in Senior Colts (U18) – 10 th Competitions. Club Championship – 9th



Premier Grade Premier Colts Best Forward: Luke Beauchamp Best Forward: Alex Skippen Best Back: Damon Murphy Best Back: Pierce Fitzgerald Best & Fairest: Nathanuel Gendle Best & Fairest: Matt Blair

Division 1 - First Grade Division 1 - Colts I Best Forward: Dustin Henegan Best Forward: Hugh O’Reilly Best Back: Jonathon Roussetos Best Back: Charles Tobin Best & Fairest: Salvador Palha Best & Fairest: Felix Sheehan

Division 1 - Second Grade Best Forward: Luke Williams Best Back: Chris Ferraro Best & Fairest: John Wicks

Division 1 - Third Grade QSRU - Normanby Cup Best Forward: Liam Blake Best Forward: Dugald Asprey Best Back: Zac Harding Best Back: Tony Andrews Most Improved: Trent Burke Best & Fairest: Luke Hannan

Division 1 - Forth Grade QSRU - Wyatt Cup Best Forward: Greg Beaver Best Forward: Ben Roberts Best Back: Dylan Regan Best Back: Matt Horsey Best & Fairest: Rob Gee Best & Fairest: Jason Luk



Test Test Captain No Player Honour Board Caps Year Match Caps 1 Colton, T.J. 2 1905 2 Carmichael, P.P. 4 1907 3 Oxenham, A. McE. 2 1907 4 Flanagan, P 2 1907, 08, 09 5 Fihelly, J.A. 1 1907 6 Murphy, P.J.B. 9 1910, 13, 14 7 Murphy, W 1 1912 8 Flynn, J.P. 2 1912, 13, 14 C 1914 23 1 9 McMahon, M.J. 1 1913 10 Thompson, J 2 1914 11 Birt, R.S .W. 1 1914 12 Kruetzer, S.D. 1 1914 13 Morrissey, W 1 1914 1 14 Swenson, W.H. 0 1914 1 15 Swenson, F. 0 1914 K 16 Gorman, T.S. 10 1928 C 1928 31 7 17 Howard, J. 2 1938 18 McMaster, R.E. 7 1946, 47, 48 2 19 Hod da, K.J. 0 1946 20 Bourke, T.K. 1 1947, 48 21 Harvey, P.B. 2 1949 22 Fogarty, J.R. 2 1949 23 Forbes, C.F. 6 1952, 53, 54, 56 24 Sweeney, T.L. 1 1953 25 Ryan, K.J. 5 1957, 58 26 Connor, D.M. 12 1957, 58 C, 59 1958 131 2 27 Roberts, H.F. 4 1958, 61 2 28 Forbes, L.J. 0 1958 1 29 Knapp, P.L. 0 1961 30 O’Neill, D.J. 2 1962, 63, 64 31 Honan, R.E. 2 1964 32 Purcell, M.P. 3 1966, 67 33 Honan, B.D. 9 1967, 68, 69 34 Reilly, N.P. 10 1968, 69 35 Pope, A.M. 1 1968 36 Barry, M.J. 1 1968, 69, 71 37 Kelleher, R.J. 2 1968, 69 2 38 Sullivan, S.S. 0 1968, 69 39 L’Estrange, R.D. 16 1968, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 2 40 Moore, P.D. 0 1969 41 McLean, J.J. 13 1971, 72, 73, 74 42 Dunworth, D.A. 5 1971, 72, 73, 75, 76 2 43 Flynn, B.M. 0 1971 44 Freney, M.E. 6 1972, 73 45 Cocks, M.R. 10 1973, 75 46 Shaw, A.A. 36 1973, 75, 76, 78 C, 79 C, 80 C, 81 C, 82 1978 211 15 47 McLean, P.E. 30 1974, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80 C, 81, 82 1980 221 1 48 Moon, B.J. 35 1978, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86 49 Handy, C.B. 6 1978, 79, 80 50 D’Arcy, A.M.W. 10 1979, 80, 81, 82 51 Hanley, R.G. 3 1982, 83, 84, 85 2 52 Nightingale, S.N. 0 1982 53 McBain, M.I. 7 1983, 84, 85, 86, 87 W, 88, 89 54 Grigg, P.C. 25 1985, 86, 87 W 55 Frawley, D.J. 10 1986, 87, 88 56 McCall, R.J. 40 1986, 88, 89, 90, 91 W, 92, 93, 94, 95 CW 1995 330 1 57 Maguire, D.J. 3 1989, 90 2 58 Ryan, M.J. 0 1990, 92, 93 59 Eales, J.A. 86 1991 W, 92, 94, 95 W, 96 C, 97 C, 98 C, 99 CW , 2000 C, 01 C 1996 334 55 60 Tabua, I.S. 10 1993, 94, 95 W 1, 2 61 Cannon, B.J. 0 1996, 97 62 Flatley, E.J. 38 1997, 2000, 01, 02, 03 W, 04, 05 63 Panoho, G.M. 21 1998, 99 W, 2000, 01, 03 64 Spooner, N.R. 2 1999 65 Cordingley, S.A. 25 2000, 06, 07 W, 08 66 Hardman, S.P. 4 2002, 06, 07 W 67 Croft, D.N. 5 2002, 03 W, 04 68 69 70


Captain No Player Matches Honour Board Year Match Caps 1 Tabua, I.S. 1993 2 Faoagali, M. 1997 3 Croft, D.N. 1999, 2000 4 Sauer, A.S. 2004, 05, 06, 07 C, 08 2007 5 Murphy, D.C. 2005, 06 E, 08, 09 CW 2009 6 Shipperley, D.P. 2009, 10 7 8 9 10 BROTHERS' AUSTRALIAN REPRESENTATIVES (NON TEST MATCHES vs. A.I.F.)

Captain Player Matches Honour Board Year Match Caps 3 Breen, W.M. 2 1919 Australia vs. A.I.F. Flynn, J.P. 2 1919 Australia vs. A.I.F. Kruetzer, S.D. 1 1919 Australia vs. A.I.F. 4 Liddy, J. 0 1919 Australia vs. A.I.F. McMahon, M. J. 1 1919 Australia vs. A.I.F. 3 Mooney, V. 2 1919 Australia vs. A.I.F. Murphy, P.J.B. 3 1919 Australia vs. A.I.F. 3 Murray, R. 1 1919 Australia vs. A.I.F. 3 O'Sullivan, B. 2 1919 Australia vs. A.I.F. Thompson, J L/C pl 3 1919 A.I.F. vs. Australia


Test Captain Player Matches Honour Board Year Match Caps Banks, P.E. 1 1930 Australian XV vs. Great Britain 5 Costello, J. 0 1934 Australian XV vs. New Zealand 5 Mott, E. 0 1934 Australian XV vs. New Zealand Deignan, B. 1953 Australian XV Tour to Ceylon Swepson, P. 1953Australian XV Tour to Fiji Andrews, W.B. 1 1969Australian XV vs. Fiji

AUSTRALIAN U21's AUSTRALIAN U20's AUSTRALIAN U19's NAME YEAR NAME YEAR NAME YEAR Costello, P. 1980 Shaw, A.G. 2009 Pentecost, A 1993 McBain, M 1980 Shipperley, D.P. 2010 Brosnan, W. 1993 Nightingale, M. 1980 Postal, T. 2011 Condon, B. 1994 Hanley, R. 1981, 82 Pradaud, J.P. 2011 Grasso, J. 1996 Crank, M. 1981 O'Brien, M. 1996 Dahms, S. 1981 Ross, S. 1996 Frawley, D. 1983 Appleton, G. 1997, 98 Partridge, S. 1986 Grant, L. 1997 Merlo, A. 1988 Croft, D. 1998 Eales, J. 1990 Satui, S. 2004 Ryan, S. 1990 Mailata, T. 2005 Washington, J. 1995 Hennessey, S. 2005 Condon, B. 1995 Felsman, M. 2011 Flatley, E. 1996, 97, 98 Beauchamp, L. 2011 Ross, S. 1998 Hardman, S. 1998 Croft, D. 1999, 2000 Daruda, S. 2005 Mailata, T. 2005 BROTHERS' INTERNATIONALS (OTHER NATIONS)

Test Test Captain No Player Honour Board Caps Year Match Caps 1 Tabua, T. 3 FIJI 1995, 96 2 Bari, M. 18 FIJI 1995, 96, 97 3 Tabua, I.S. 16 FIJI 1998, 99 W 4 Seruvakula S. 2 FIJI 2002, 03 W 5 Buchholtz, J. 9 UNITED STATES 2004


Test Years at Test Captain No Player Honour Board Caps Brothers Year Caps 1 Gralton, A.S.I. 3 1899, 1903 1905-19 2 Fihelly, J.A. 0 - 1908 Kangaroo Tour 1905-07 3 Gorman, T.S. 10 RUGBY LEAGUE - 1924, 1929-30 C 1926-28 1928 7 4 Hamalainen, H.A. 3 1929 1923-28, 32-33 5 Connor, D.M. 12 NEW ZEALAND 1961, 62, 63, 64 1954-59 6 Ryan, K.J. 2 RUGBY LEAGUE - 1963, 64 1954-59 7 Cleary, J. 0 RUGBY LEAUGE - 1963/64 Kangaroo Tour 1958-59 8 Bolawagatabu, E.V. 15 FIJI 1963, 69 C, 70 C, 72, 73 1965-68, 74-75 4 9 Honan, R.E. 2 RUGBY LEAGUE - 1969 1964-66 10 Hall, D.A. 15 1980, 81, 82, 83 1973-77 11 Rickit, H. 2 NEW ZEALAND 1981 1974 C C C C 12 Hoffmann, P.D. 28 PORTUGAL 1995, 96, 97, 98, 99, 2000 , 01 , 02 , 03 1990-93, 2004-06 10 2 13 Skeggs, A. 0 1993 1991 W 14 Vola Vo la, P. 10 FIJI 1985, 86, 87 , 91 1994-97, 2005 15 Cannon, B.J. 42 2001, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07 1995-97 W W 16 Daly, A.J 39 1989, 90, 91 , 92, 93, 94, 95 1996 17 Carne, W. 10 RUGBY LEAGUE - 1991, 92, 93 1997 18 Moore, D. 2 RUGBY LEAGUE - 19 95 2000 19 Fava, S.G. 5 2005, 06 2000-01 20 Siale, T. 2 TONGA 1997 2003-04 21 Gardener, J. 13* PORTUGAL 2010,11 2003-06 22 Scott -Young, S.J.N. 7 1990, 91, 92 2006 W 23 Palha, S. 16* PORTUGAL 2006, 07 , 08, 09, 10 2011 24 Siulangapo, P. 1* TONGA 2010 2011 25

NOTES C Test Captain 1 Selected for Test Match - Uncapped Reserve W Rugby World Cup 2 Wallaby Tourist - Tour Matches Only K Rugby League International 3 Australia vs. AIF (Non-Test Match) E Commonwealth Games 4 Selected for Australia vs. AIF Match - Uncapped Reserve * Current Player 5 Selected for Australian XV Match - Uncapped Reserve Correct as at 30 September 2011 BROTHERS RUGBY CLUB QUEENSLAND REPRESENTATIVES

45 Banks, P. 1930, 31, 32 No. NAME HONOUR BOARD 1 Colton, T. 1905 46 Casey, T. 1930, 31 2 Fihelly, J. 1905, 06, 07, 08 47 England, C. 1930 3 Flanagan, P. 1905, 06, 07, 08 48 Mott, E. 19 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 4 Oxenham, A. 1905, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 49 Woodward, V. 1930 5 Ahern, F. 1906, 07, 08 50 Arnell, F. 1931, 32, 33, 34 6 Carmichael, J. 1906, 07, 08, 09, 10 51 Hamalainen, H. 1932 7 Carmichael, P. 1906,07 52 Costello, J. 1933, 39, 40 8 Gallagher, B. 1907, 08 53 Dore, V. 1933, 34 9 Murphy, P. 1908, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19 54 McCarthy, C. 1933 10 Scanlon, A. 1908 55 Sammon, F. 1934 11 Grealey, L. 1909 56 French, J. 1935, 36 12 Guilfoyle, D. 1909, 10 57 Bowers, H. 1936 13 O’Sullivan, D. 1909 58 Bowers, J. 1936 14 Carmichael, V. 1910, 13 59 Brown, T. 1936 15 Swenson, W. 1910, 11, 14 60 Stewart, R. 1936, 37 16 Thompson, J. 1910, 11, 14, 19, 20* 61 O’Shea, J. 1937 17 Flynn, H. 1911, 13 62 Howard, J. 1937, 38 18 McMahon, M. 1911, 12, 13, 14, 19 63 McNamara, C. 1938 19 Ryan, T. 1911, 12, 13 64 Walker, L. 1938, 39, 40 20 Flynn, J.P. 1912, 13, 14, 18*, 19, 21* 65 Comerford, J. 1939, 40 21 Murphy, W. 1912 66 Keim, J. 1939, 41 22 Birt, R.W.S. 1913, 14 67 McNeill, T. 1939, 40 23 McManis, R. 1913 68 Vogel, A. 1939 24 Morrissey, W. 1913, 14 69 Ivers, S. 1940 25 Russell, J. 1913, 14 70 Bou rke, K. 1941, 47, 48 26 Kreutzer, S. 19 14, 18*, 19, 20*, 21* 71 Desmond, K. 1941 27 Smith, R. 1914 72 Sheehan, J. 1941 28 Swenson, F. 1914 73 Carmody, F. 1945 29 Breen, W. 1919 74 Kennedy, K. 1945, 46 30 Liddy, J. 1919 75 Maloney, W. 1945, 48 31 Mooney, T. 1919, 21*, 22* 76 O’Connell, B. 1945, 46 32 Mooney, V. 1919 77 Carroll, T. 1946 33 Murray, R. 1919 78 Hodda, K. 1946, 47 34 O’Sullivan, B. 1919 79 McMaster, R. 1946, 47 35 Daly, J. 1920* 80 Rutkin, K. 1946 36 Allman, G. 1925*, 26* 81 Fogarty, J. 1947, 48, 49 37 Riipinen, E. 1925* 82 Harvey, P. 1947, 48, 49, 50 38 Gorman, T. 1926*, 27*, 28* 83 Johnson, E. 1947 39 O'Mara, J. 1928* 84 Bourke, J. 1948 40 Carter, C. 1928, 29 85 Ludwig, T. 1948 41 Holohan, T. 1928 86 Maccheroni, K. 1948, 49, 50, 51, 52 42 McCormack, A. 1928 87 Patane, J. 1949, 50 43 Twomey, J. 1928 88 Spillane, K. 1949 44 Arnell, L. 1930, 31 89 Brusasco, I. 1950, 51 90 Clancy, H. 1950, 51 137 Allen, E. 1968 91 Guilfoyle, D. (Jnr) 1950 138 Kelleher, R. 1968, 69, 70, 71 92 Maccheroni, T. 1950 139 L’ Estrange, D. 1968, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 93 Buchanan, J. 1951 140 Reilly, P. 1968, 69 94 Smith, S. 1951 141 Sullivan, S. 1968, 69 95 Corcoran, T. 1952, 53 142 Andrews, W. 1969, 70, 72, 75 96 Forbes, C. 1952, 53, 54, 56 143 Dunworth, D. 1969, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 97 Heenan, P. 1952, 53 144 Flynn, M. 1969, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78 98 145 McLean, J. 1969, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 Sweeney, T. 1952, 53, 54 99 Deignan, B. 1953, 54 146 Moore, P. 1969, 70 100 Smith, J. 1953, 54 147 White, B. 1969 101 Swepson, P. 1953, 54 148 Freney, M. 1970, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 102 Connor, D. 1954, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 149 Lewis, P. 1970 103 Ellis, J. 1954, 55 150 Price, R. 1970, 71, 72, 74 104 Ryan, K. 1954, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 151 Fleming, P. 1972 105 Forbes, L. 1955, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 152 Handy, C. 1972, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 106 Chambers, B. 1955 153 O'Reilly, J. 1972 107 Connors, P. 1955 154 Cocks , R. 1973, 74, 75 108 Traill, G 1955 155 McLean, P. 1973, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82 109 Clarke, J. 1956, 59 156 Shaw, A. 1973, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83 110 Sweeney, P. 1956 157 Anderson, M. 1974 111 Hogan V. 1957, 58 158 Logan, D. 1974, 75, 76 112 Roberts, H. 1958, 59, 61, 63 159 Rickett, H. 1974 113 Deveries, G. 1958 160 White, G. 1974, 75 114 Fitzpatrick, K. 1959 161 Dunsdon, R. 1974 115 Flynn, J. 1959 16 2 Howell, B. 1974 116 Cullinan, M. 1960 163 Twist, P. 1974 117 Lusk, K. 1960 164 Hall, D. 1975, 76 118 McCarthy, D. 1960 165 Leal, B. 1975, 76 119 Knapp, P. 1961 166 D’Arcy, T. 1978, 79, 80, 81, 82 120 Stevens, P. 1961, 62, 65 167 Moon, B. 1978, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84 121 Laracy, R. 1961 168 Costello, P. 1980, 81, 83, 84 122 O’Neill, D. 1962, 63, 64, 65, 66 169 McBain, M. 1980, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 123 Arnell, F. (Jnr) 1963 170 Nightingale, S. 1980, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88 124 Honan, R. 1963, 64, 65, 66 171 Hanley, R. 1981, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87 125 Hose, A. 1963, 64 172 Nightingale, M. 1982 126 Suggars, W. 1963 173 Burke, G. 1982 127 Murphy, J. 1965, 66 174 Crank, M. 1983, 84, 85, 86, 90 128 Purcell, M. 1965, 66, 67 175 Lavin, P. 1983 129 Ryan, D. 1965, 66 176 Tighe, D. 1983 130 Bar ry, M. 1966, 71 177 Frawley, D. 1985, 86 131 Honan, B. 1966, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 178 Grigg, P. 19 85, 86, 87, 88, 89 132 Bolawagatabu, 1967, 68 179 Mills, P. 1985, 86, 87, 88 E. 180 McCall, R. 1986, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 133 Costello, J. 1967 181 Partridge, S. 1987 134 Dunsdon, J. 1967, 68 182 Maguire, D. 1989, 90, 91, 92 135 Pope, A. 1967, 68, 69, 70, 71 183 Dodson, T. 1990 136 Shanahan, T. 1967 184 Eales, J. 1990, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 01 18 5 Ryan, M. 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 186 Skeggs, A. 1991 187 Holt, M. 1993 1 Hall, D. 1986 188 Jefferies, K. 1993 2 Frawley, D. 1987 189 Panoho, G. 1993, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 01, 02, 03 3 Merlo, A. 1990 190 Tabua, I. 1993, 94, 95, 96 4 Daly, A. 1997 191 Bari, M. 1996 5 McKibbin, B. 2010 192 Cannon, B. 1996, 97, 98 6 193 Daly , A. 1996 7 194 Flatley, E. 1996, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 8 195 Carne, W. 1997 9 196 Coombe, A. 1997 10 197 Grant, L. 1997 198 Harley, A. 1997 199 Watkins, J. 1997, 98 ACT (1996 - Present) 200 Cordingley, S. 1999, 2000, 06, 07, 08

201 Hardman, S. 1999, 2000, 01 , 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 1 10 Ross, S. 1999, 2000 2 Shaw, L. 2006 202 Spooner, N. 1999 3 203 Croft, D. 2000, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08 4 204 Fava, S. 2000, 01 5 205 Daruda, S. 2005 206 Sauer, A. 2005, 06, 09 207 Collis, D. 2005 WA FORCE (2006 - Present) 208 Satui, S. 2006 209 McKibbin, B. 2009 1 Daruda, S. 2006, 07 210 Sha w, A.G. 2009, 10 2 Mailata, T. 2006 211 Chambers, W. 2010, 11 3 Postal, T. 2010, 11 212 Shipperley, D. 2011 4 213 5 214 215 Victoria REBELS (2011 - Present) QUEENSLAND SUBURBAN (1964-Present) 1 Cordingley, S. 2011 2 No. NAME HONOUR BOARD 1 Hoatson, K. 1996 3 2 Horton, T. 2002 4 3 Harrington, D. 2003 5 4 Klinge, R. 2003 5

Correct as at 30 September 2011


PLAYER GAMES M. Ephraims 95 A. Apelt 54 B. O’Connell 230 B. Hunt 94 J. Grasso 54 J. Windsor 181 K. Jefferies 93 J. McKendry 54 A. Shaw 180 S. Burstow 91 E. Bolawa gatabu 53 P. Mills 168 A. Cox 90 J. Murphy 52 M. McBain 166 M. Potts 88 J. Smith 52 D. Tighe 160 J. Grant 85 Z. Hilton 52 P. Lavin 158 J. Harvey 84 D. Frawley 51 A. Coady 156 G. Panoho 79 D. Woods 51 M. Nightingale 156 Dallan Murphy 78 A. McLean 50 G. Burke 153 Sean Ryan 78 C. Mounsey 50 M. Crank 146 P. Moore 77 J. Bosanquet 50 P. Costello 145 A. Bennie 76 K. Stanton 50 D. Maguire 139 T. O'Sullivan 75 B. Leal 49 J. Watkins 138 B. Moon 74 J. Gabbett 49 G. White 135 A. Dixon 72 L. Shaw 49 S. Price 133 B. Stapleton 72 Peter Sweeney 48 T. Dodson 129 A. Dunn 70 A. Miller 47 R. McCall 127 R. Cocks 69 B. Dawson 47 S. Partridge 127 M. Flynn 68 B. Delahunty 47 A. Pyers 126 P. Beckett 66 P. Twist 47 A. Sauer 126 S. Reid 65 S. Windsor 47 D. Logan 121 T. D'Arcy 65 F. Carmody 46 T. Grady 120 D. Ryan 64 T. O'Connell 46 S. Hardman 115 P. Stevens 64 A. O'Brien 45 Damon Murphy 114 G. Traill 63 K. Allen 45 M. Dews 113 J. Hannan 62 M. Itel 45 N. Gendle 113 P. French 62 M. Steele 45 P. McLean 113 K. Maccheroni 61 C. Forbes 44 R. Price 113 R. Craig 61 D. Marshall 44 P. Bone 112 L. Forbes 60 J. Dunsdon 44 P. Tunney 111 D. Dunworth 59 J. Eales 44 J. McCall 110 G. Leyden 59 J. Maguire 44 N. Ross 110 P. O'Donnell 59 P. Knapp 44 P. Doneley 110 J. Buchanan 58 B. Smith 43 R. Hanley 110 A. Merlo 57 P. Loli 43 S. O'Brien 110 B. Walker 57 Paul O'Brien 43 G. Tagicakibau 109 D. Drake 57 R. O'Malley 43 D. Woolnough 108 D. L'Estrange 57 S. Grasso 43 David Croft 108 J. McLaughlin 57 D. Kilmartin 42 J. O'Reilly 106 T. Corcoran 57 Andrew Shaw 41 C. Handy 105 B. McKibbin 56 D. Connor 41 J. Woodward 104 H. Clancy 56 G. Tracey 41 B. Gabbett 102 M. Halpin 56 M. Ramalli 41 J. Aland 102 R. Laracy 56 P. Grigg 41 M. Freney 100 D. O'Rourke 55 P. Vola Vola 41 S. Nightingale 100 J. Connolly 55 Sean W. Ryan 41 M. Andersen 95 W. Andrews 55 W. Reilly 41 Darren Murphy 40 T. Honan 30 E. Allen 23 J. O'Connor 40 B. Honan 29 G. Kelly 23 T. Jones 39 D. McCarthy 29 J. Narruhn 23 A. McLay 38 G. Appleton 29 L. Reilly 23 D. Collis 38 J. Ellis 29 P. Reilly 23 P. Heenan 38 M. Barry 29 A. Harley 22 R. Vaughan 38 Paul Sweeney 29 B. Cannon 22 A. Hose 37 B. McCormack 28 D. Kappu 22 B. Chalmers 37 C. Whyllie 28 G. Lawler 22 C. Bidois 37 D. Mason 28 M. Wiggins 22 D. O'Neill 37 F. Wright 28 P. Douglas 22 M. Purcell 37 J. Grainger 28 S. Smith 22 C. Hammond 36 J. Suggars 28 A. Skeggs 21 H. Roberts 36 J. Washington 28 B. White 21 K. Ryan 36 Luke Harvey 28 D. Dyson 21 R. Hose 36 M. Hefferan 28 D. Semple 21 S. Ross 36 M. James 28 Dennis Croft 21 D. Asprey 35 M. Lyons 28 J. Fitzpatrick 21 P. Frisby 35 M. Mahoney 28 P. Hancock 21 A. Pope 34 P. Hawke 28 R. Elmer 21 G. Felsman 34 R. Hogan 28 R. Hoffman 21 G. Gross 34 A. Wright 27 R. McGruther 21 P. D'Arcy 34 D. Dunsdon 27 S. Fava 21 V. McLoughlin 34 D. Hall 27 T. McMahon 21 D. Carlton 33 P. Swepson 27 A. Coombe 20 D. Dalton 33 S. Cordingley 27 A. Hudson 20 E. Flatley 33 T. Burkett 27 G. Millburn 20 M. Ryan 33 T. Frisby 27 J. Delahunty 20 P. Neisler 33 D. Shipperley 26 J. Patane 20 R. Pentecost 33 F. Bistrain 26 J. Peters 20 S. Dahms 33 J. McLean 26 S. Sullivan 20 T. Maccheroni 33 M. Geary 26 T. Colley 20 T. Tabua 33 N. Superina 26 A. Gold 19 A. Boyd 32 R. Tully 26 B. Gillespie 19 A. Burtenshaw 32 W. Brosnan 26 D. Gardner 19 B. Campbell 32 W. Grayson 26 E. Burke 19 C. Freney 32 G. Warren 25 G. Hutchinson 19 M. Conway 32 J. Power 25 L. Barber 19 R. Honan 32 S. Best 25 M. Braithwaite 19 Samiuela Satui 32 S. Kelly 25 M. Cullinan 19 W. Maki 32 S. Seruvakula 25 M. Felsman 19 B. Nadenic 31 J. Bourke 24 M. Gaviolli 19 I. Thomson 31 J. Costello 24 M. Twist 19 J. Durkin 31 P. Connors 24 N. Freney 19 J. Tolhurst 31 P. Mooney 24 P. Stephenson 19 M. Edwards 31 P. O'Neill 24 B. Perkins 18 N. O'Connor 31 D. Bowman 23 D. Hannay 18 J. Johnston 30 D. Dunn 23 J. Martin 18 L. Beauchamp 18 A. Hefferan 14 L. Grant 11 M. Morgan 18 B. Power 14 M. Bari 11 P. Andrews 18 D. Greathead 14 M. Cook 11 P. McGrath 18 D. McKay 14 M. Sinclair 11 P. Tully 18 J. Healy 14 P. Gilbert 11 R. Kennedy 18 K. Francis 14 P. Lewis 11 R. McCrane 18 M. Dennehy 14 P. Lung 11 T. Collins 18 S. Daruda 14 P. Rhead 11 W. Beck 18 A. Copping 13 R. Kelly 11 B. Condon 17 A. Scarbosio 13 S. Gelling 11 D. Hedditch 17 D. Steele 13 W. Maher 11 L. Donald 17 E. Skelton 13 A. Cruice 10 M. Thompson 17 G. Cameron 13 B. Howell 10 N. Fleming 17 G. McNamara 13 B. McGarry 10 P. Harvey 17 G. Vincent 13 D. Corbenici 10 T. Jack 17 Iosefo Tabalala 13 E. Glasson 10 T. Sayer 17 J. Cleary 13 J. Atu 10 T. Sweeney 17 K. Fitzpatrick 13 J. Baker 10 V. Hogan 17 L. Evans 13 K. Carmody 10 W. Gray 17 M. Faoagali 13 M. Slade 10 C. Gentle 16 M. O'Connor 13 N. Spooner 10 G. Esmonde 16 T. Fogarty 13 P. Conran 10 I. Tabua 16 A. Cowley 12 P. Dwyer 10 J. Betts 16 B. Rummery 12 P. Jacks 10 R. Dunsdon 16 J. Carter 12 P. Wallace 10 R. Korst 16 J. Clark 12 P. Zappala 10 R. Noud 16 J. French 12 R. Chapman 10 S. Handy 16 J. Hawes 12 R. Schultz 10 W. Challenor 16 L. McKeown 12 T. Postale 10 A. Hacker 15 M. Miller 12 T. Walker 10 D. Dowling 15 M. Richardson 12 A. Fanning 9 G. Barnard 15 M. Sitch 12 A. Rae 9 G. Crocombe 15 P. Fleming 12 Angus Cameron 9 J. Bennie 15 P. O'Brien 12 B. Hose 9 J. Lynch 15 R. Andersen 12 C. Anderson 9 K. Lusk 15 R. Leeson 12 E. Naiwasetawa 9 M. Blockey 15 T. Canty 12 G. Campbell 9 M. Cristan 15 B. Hart 11 G. Davies 9 M. McGrath 15 B. Phelps 11 J. Barry 9 M. Shanahan 15 C. Osborne 11 J. Crowley 9 P. Buxton 15 C. Windsor 11 J. Flynn 9 P. Leary 15 D. O'Brien 11 J. Gordon 9 P. Murray 15 E. Gillen 11 J. Roderick 9 P. Wall 15 F. Arnell 11 K. McCormack 9 R. Cook 15 G. Frisby 11 M. Arnold 9 S. Whalley 15 H. Adams 11 M. Fogarty 9 V. Nuggin 15 H. Rickitt 11 M.R. Smith 9 A. Hammond 14 L. Gibbons 11 P. Fitzgerald 9 R. Currie 9 M. O'Brien 7 B. Meapo 5 S. Healy 9 R. Winterscheidt 7 B. Wood 5 T. Daly 9 S. Cash 7 D. Deignan 5 T. McKellar 9 S. Cox 7 D. Flynn 5 A. Carr 8 S. Fonoti 7 D. Lyons 5 A. O'Neill 8 S. McCarthy 7 D. Swepson 5 B. Berge 8 Sitani Satui 7 F. McDonnell 5 B. Daly 8 T. Cassidy 7 G. Swepson 5 C. Cronin 8 T. Ludbrook 7 G. Walker 5 C. Walker 8 T. Mailata 7 J. Buchholtz 5 D. Guilfoyle 8 T. Reid 7 J. Cummins 5 D. Hennegan 8 T. Shanahan 7 K. Bourke 5 D. O'Hara 8 W. Ryall 7 M. Crossland 5 G. Cootes 8 B. Collins 6 M. Frawley 5 J. Bruce 8 B. Rigg 6 N. Schwarzer 5 J. Keane 8 B. Wellbrook 6 P. Burnett 5 L. Harvey 8 C. White 6 P. Stevenson 5 N. Davis 8 D. Partridge 6 R. Klinge 5 N. Proctor 8 D. Smith 6 R. Lemass 5 P. Graham 8 G. McGrath 6 T. Ah Ben 5 P. Hollamby 8 G. Tonner 6 V. Oxenford 5 R. Aldridge 8 J. Gibbons 6 W. Reeves 5 R. Doherty 8 J. O'Callaghan 6 A. Buckley 4 R. Graham 8 K. Flexman 6 B. Conway 4 R. Hickey 8 K. Krueger 6 B. Kehoe 4 S. Edwards 8 L. Crieghton 6 C. Johnson 4 S. Tagicakibau 8 L. Hegerty 6 C. Niwa 4 W. Martell 8 L. Kelly 6 D. Bechler 4 A. Davidson 7 M. Anderton 6 D. Coles 4 A. James 7 M. Kearney 6 D. Moore 4 B. Deignan 7 M. Luddy 6 F. Bourke 4 B. Warnick 7 N. Morrison 6 G. Clouston 4 C. Campbell 7 O. Mayhew 6 G. Kerr 4 C. Ferraro 7 P. Byrne 6 Geoff Lawler 4 C. Lawson 7 P. McGill 6 J. Coutts 4 C. Massie 7 R. Baker 6 J. McCallum 4 C. Stewart 7 R. Culpitt 6 J. Muisneiks 4 D. Aleckson 7 R. Hawton 6 K. Tuicolo 4 D. Bartlett 7 T. Bryce 6 N. Stanley 4 D. Dignam 7 T. Dixon 6 P. Cartwright 4 D. Staley 7 T. McDonnell 6 P. Moloney 4 D. Suki 7 T. Newsome 6 P. O'Malley 4 G. Berkeley 7 W. Reid 6 P. Spizziri 4 G. Gallagher 7 W. Suggars 6 P. Twomey 4 J. Burke 7 A. O'Loan 5 R. Budd 4 J. Fogarty 7 B. Felsman 5 S. Bikneris 4 M. Kreis 7 B. Knapp 5 S. Fiti 4 M. Murray 7 B. McCall 5 S. Guthrie 4 T. Barbour 4 A. Borle 2 P. O'Shea 2 T. Enright 4 A. Hayes 2 P. Taylor 2 T. McCulloch 4 A. Tuibua 2 R. Dunn 2 W. Hammond 4 B. Abbott 2 R. Goodwin 2 A. Cameron 3 B. Fogarty 2 R. Howden 2 A. Nixon 3 B. McKenzie 2 R. Martin 2 B. Grayson 3 B. Pascoe 2 R. Ure 2 B. Healy 3 B. Reid 2 S. Hennesy 2 B. McGrath 3 C. Carlton 2 S. Ohiyama 2 B. Origlasso 3 C. Flack 2 S. Roberts 2 B. Taylor 3 C. Shilley 2 S. Simpson 2 C. Milligan 3 Christian Steve Smith 2 Anderson 2 C. O'Connor 3 T. Begg 2 D. Barr 2 C. Wilder 3 T. Graham 2 D. Eri 2 D. Fraser 3 T. Haidley 2 D. Harrington 2 D. McGrath 3 T. Pagliaro 2 D. Hicks 2 G. Conaghan 3 T. Spencer 2 D. Hinch 2 H. Hamilton 3 T. Wiley 2 D. Lavercombe 2 J. Allen 3 W. Chambers 2 D. Marsh 2 J. Breen 3 W. Mace 2 D. Wright 2 J. Carpenter 3 W. Purcell 2 F. Mitchell 2 J. Gardener 3 A. Cunneen 1 G. Huntington 2 J. Gray 3 A. Ingram 1 G. Kirk 2 J. Heineger 3 A. McDonald 1 G. Waters 2 J. Keppie 3 A. Nock 1 I. McCulloch 2 K. McMahon 3 A. Soanes 1 I. Warmington 2 K. Moeke 3 B. Canniffe 1 J. Aloua 2 K. Spillane 3 B. Hayes 1 J. Barnett 2 K. Whelan 3 B. McCarthy 1 J. Hamilton 2 M. Barbosa 3 B. Miller 1 J. McGilvary 2 M. Sloan 3 B. Ryan 1 J. McMahon 2 M. Tancred 3 B. Steele 1 L. Cella 2 P. Bader 3 B. Stewart 1 L. Clarke 2 P. Edwards 3 B. Williams 1 Luke Donald 2 P. Menzies 3 B. Wyllie 1 M. Allen 2 P. Siulangapo 3 C. Maxwell 1 M. Corbett 2 P. Thompson 3 C. Meehan 1 M. Cranitch 2 P. Verhoven 3 C. Sinapati 1 M. Grainger 2 P. Williams 3 D. Chapman 1 M. Hurley 2 Paul Williams 3 D. Crowe 1 M. Keen 2 R. Dunworth 3 D. Ford 1 M. Windsor 2 R. Freney 3 D. Gornall 1 N. Hunt 2 S. Driscoll 3 D. Kissane 1 N. Winkler 2 S. Flynn 3 D. Rangi 1 P. Bourke 2 T. Dunworth 3 D. Robertson 1 P. Crowley 2 T. Young 3 D. Scott 1 P. Healy 2 Tim Shaw 3 D. Thompson 1 P. Howlie 2 W. Corbett 3 D. Tinney 1 Dan Dalton 1 M. Gibson 1 R. Coetzee 1 E. Aila 1 M. Healy 1 R. Crane 1 E. Nogoua 1 M. Joyce 1 R. Faiva 1 F. Wilkinson 1 M. Keam 1 R. Mackay 1 G. Anderson 1 M. Leota 1 R. Moore 1 G. Asprey 1 M. Linnane 1 R. Nalatu 1 G. Brandenberg 1 M. McCarthy 1 R. Rinaudo 1 G. Dearlove 1 M. Muttakumaru 1 R. Walk 1 G. Fowler 1 M. Neville 1 R. Webb 1 G. Jesson 1 M. Patuara 1 S. Brown 1 G. Lalor 1 M. Pike 1 S. King 1 G. Lynch 1 M. Skinner 1 S. Maidment 1 J. Beiers 1 M. Tanwan 1 S. McKellar 1 J. Fenton 1 Michael Ryan 1 S. Milfull 1 J. Hegarty 1 N. Mullen 1 S. Paramore 1 J. Kavanagh 1 N. Patrick 1 S. Waqanaceva 1 J. Kenny 1 N. Steel 1 S. Williams 1 J. King 1 P. Adams 1 T. Dammers 1 J. McKeon 1 P. Ahern 1 T. Favell 1 J. McVeigh 1 P. Baxter 1 T. Hilton 1 J. More 1 P. Bradley 1 T. Lola 1 J. Ray 1 P. Caldwell 1 T. McCormack 1 J. Roussetos 1 P. Cannon 1 T. Phillips 1 J. Vail 1 P. Cavanagh 1 T. Siale 1 J. Zehmke 1 P. Dornan 1 W. Avery 1 K. Cuminer 1 P. Hyland 1 W. Carne 1 K. Murphy 1 P. Jarrett 1 W. Miller 1 L. Hannan 1 P. Johnson 1 L. McKeering 1 P. Netto - Fernandes 1 Lee Evans 1 P. Nolan 1 M. Doxey 1 R. Buckby 1


GRAND FINALISTS, Winners of the Templeton-McLean Cup & Flynn-Lewis Memorial Shield