S1158 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 15, 2018 days, the nurses on the floor mixed up their yond the statistics, however, for she would never be officially inducted into the own IV’s, it didn’t come out of the phar- understood that the organization’s NASCAR Hall of Fame, I had my doubts. macy,’’ she explained. ‘‘We didn’t have IV strength comes from the voices of Squier had just returned home from a trip to Charlotte, , where he and teams or drip machines. Now that seems like those who believe access to healthcare ancient history.’’ were presented with the first an- She retired from Manchester Memorial for all women is a right. Those who up nual Squier-Hall Award for NASCAR Media Hospital in Manchester, Connecticut, in 1987 until recently believed that there was Excellence, an honor for which they were co- at age 62, when her husband became ill and nothing they could do or say that namesakes. He felt at the time that he had required constant care. She and Bill moved would make a difference. Those who reached the pinnacle of his career. to Putney, , and when he passed she simply went on with their lives as if NASCAR had just unveiled an exhibit in moved in with her children. She only re- they had no other options. It is those its Hall of Fame museum that featured audio cently stopped volunteering for her church, from his famous broadcast of the 1979 Day- same people who have taken to the tona 500. Each year since then, a media visiting the sick and washing alter linens. streets—in Washington, in Vermont, Murphy stays fit and spry with daily walks member has been honored with an award on a treadmill, healthy diet, reading books and across the world—to let their named after him. and playing board games with her eight voices be heard. Cecile’s unwavering Last weekend, returned to the grandchildren. She enjoys keeping up with passion and commitment to advocating Hall of Fame in Charlotte—this time to ac- health science news and reading scholarly for these voices is one of her greatest cept an even more prestigious honor: being articles online. She’s honored to represent strengths as a leader. the first journalist ever inducted into the the first generation of college-educated NASCAR Hall of Fame itself. While Planned Parenthood is strong- ‘‘Because the panel is made up of a major- nurses, and delighted to watch the profes- er than ever, Cecile leaves a legacy ity of drivers and media guys, there were two sion’s evolution and progress. that will be hard to follow. Her ability or three who said, ’You just have to be ‘‘I follow nursing and the sciences. There there.’ So there I went,’’ Squier said. are so many things in my life now that peo- to lead with grace and courage has Around Vermont, as the former owner of ple speak of so routinely, that didn’t exist given hope to those who need it most. WDEV Radio and Thunder Road, Squier has before. I’ve done it all, from prenatal to old She has truly been inspiration to us been a prominent public figure. But at people’s homes, and I’ve had a ball,’’ she re- all. NASCAR events, fans worship the ground he flected. ‘‘Nursing is what I am. I’m proud to Marcelle and I wish Cecile Richards walks on. Why? see the young women who work in labs or go all the best as she moves into the next It’s simple: NASCAR wouldn’t be the sport into other countries and use their edu- chapter. it is today without him. cation.’’ As auto racing rose in prominence during f f the 1960s and early ’70s, the sport began ap- TRIBUTE TO KEN SQUIER pearing on television. But it was never given TRIBUTE TO CECILE RICHARDS the treatment that baseball, basketball, Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I would Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, it is my football or hockey got: live, start-to-finish like to take a moment to recognize the honor and privilege to recognize the coverage. In 1979, Squier changed that. inspiring and dedicated work of Cecile achievements of a great Vermont broadcaster and friend, Ken Squier. At the direction of NASCAR co-founder Richards, who has recently announced Bill France Sr., Squier convinced skeptical she is stepping down as president of Ken recently became the first jour- CBS–TV executives to air flag-to-flag cov- Planned Parenthood after 12 years. nalist ever to be enshrined in the erage of the . Throughout her tenure as president NASCAR Hall of Fame. While his roots It was a smashing success—literally. The of Planned Parenthood, Cecile has been are at WDEV Radio in Waterbury, VT, race ended in thrilling fashion, with Cale Ken is known nationally as the coun- Yarborough and spinning out a passionate advocate for healthcare and getting in a fistfight on the infield. Ken for women and men across the country. try’s most recognizable voice of auto racing. Without question, Ken’s voice and color commentator David Hobbs vividly Despite the constant attacks leveled at captured the excitement and delivered a live Planned Parenthood in recent years, and calls of the most memorable auto broadcast to 15.1 million viewers, many of the organization managed to grow races were key to the rise in promi- whom were snowed into their homes after a stronger with Cecile at the helm. nence of the sport. blizzard buried the Northeast. Today Planned Parenthood has more Still, with all of the national rec- That date—Feb. 18, 1979—was when racing volunteers, supporters, and donors than ognition, Ken has always made went from being a Southern fringe-sport to a nationwide phenomenon. it ever has had before. None of that Vermont his home. His radio station, WDEV, is strongly committed to com- Squier served as the lap-by-lap commen- would have been possible without tator for the next 20 Daytona 500s. He fa- Cecile’s exemplary leadership. munity service and serves the people of mously nicknamed the event ‘‘The Great Millions of Americans depend on his hometown and the greater Vermont American Race.’’ Planned Parenthood for their community with distinction. Ken ‘‘The beaches of Daytona, in Ormond— healthcare, and for many, Planned Par- Squier is, without question, a Vermont that’s the history of American motorsports,’’ Squier said. ‘‘They were racing there over 100 enthood is their only source of care. As treasure. In honor of Ken’s induction into the years ago. . . . This wasn’t just another president, Cecile maintained Planned race—this was Daytona.’’ Parenthood’s mission, and she never NASCAR Hall of Fame and his contin- Squier expresses hesitation about being in stopped fighting for the millions of ued outstanding service to Vermont, I the same Hall of Fame as the racing legends American women and men—including ask unanimous consent that the article who he covered. tens of thousands of Vermonters—that by Jasper Goodman, from the January ‘‘There was still that catch in my throat,’’ he said. ‘‘Guys like and Tiny have trusted and depended on Planned 24, 2018 edition of the Barre Montpelier Times Argus, ‘‘Profile: Squier a living Lund and so many of those guys who were so Parenthood for their basic healthcare good—they all died doing what they wanted legend,’’ be printed in the RECORD. needs, including annual health exams, to do, which is not the same as any other cervical and breast cancer tests, and There being no objection, the mate- sport. If you are dedicated to racing, it can HIV screenings. Because of her dedica- rial was ordered to be printed in the cost you your life. I just felt they needed to tion to helping low-income women, she RECORD, as follows: be represented far more than announcers or worked to ensure free birth control [From the Times Argus, Jan. 24, 2018] promoters or sponsors.’’ Squier’s hesitation is unsurprising. Unlike coverage was included in the Afford- PROFILE: SQUIER A LIVING LEGEND many modern-day broadcasters who enjoy di- able Care Act. Cecile is leaving as (By Jasper Goodman) recting the spotlight at themselves, Squier president when the teen pregnancy rate ‘‘Guys like Neil Bonnett and has never been one to place himself at the is at a historical low and unintended and so many of those guys who were so center of attention. Vermont Governor and pregnancies overall are at a 30-year good—they all died doing what they wanted three-time Thunder Road track champion low. None of that would have been pos- to do, which is not the same as any other Phil Scott noted last Friday that in the first sible without Cecile’s relentless deter- sport. If you are dedicated to racing, it can draft of Squier’s acceptance speech, there mination to her mission of helping cost you your life. I just felt they needed to was ‘‘not one single mention of himself.’’ be represented far more than announcers or ‘‘He’s been telling us the great American those that do not have the resources to promoters or sponsors’’—Ken Squier. story his whole life,’’ Scott said in his intro- help themselves. Seldom is Ken Squier wrong in his prog- duction of Squier at the Hall of Fame induc- The true measurement of Cecile’s nostications about the motorsports industry. tion ceremony. ‘‘But we never hear his work at Planned Parenthood goes be- But when he told me five years ago that he story.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Feb 16, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15FE6.045 S15FEPT1 February 15, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1159 The line about Squier not wanting to talk The same can be said of Squier, an ordi- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of BBEDCA. CBO esti- about himself was repeated over and over nary, down-to-earth Vermonter who changed mates that this budget authority will again last weekend. And in a 90–minute a sport in extraordinary ways. increase discretionary outlays by interview for this story, it proved to be Squier has given much of his life to $11,185 million in 2018. largely true. Squier managed to eloquently NASCAR. Last weekend, the sport gave back brush off questions about his career accom- to him. As a result of the aforementioned designations, I am revising the alloca- plishments. Instead, he chronicled the his- f tory of motorsports—as he so often does in tion to the Committee on Appropria- conversation. BUDGETARY REVISIONS tions by increasing the revised security But make no mistake: The fact that Squier Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, section 251 and nonsecurity budget authority lim- rarely speaks of himself isn’t a character of the Balanced Budget and Emergency its and the amount of allowable out- flaw. It’s what makes him the best at what lays by the amounts listed above. Fur- he does. Deficit Control Act of 1985, BBEDCA, establishes statutory limits on discre- ther, I am increasing the budgetary ag- He is a storyteller—not of his own life, but gregates for 2018 by those same of others’. And without his innate ability to tionary spending and allows for various deliver those stories, NASCAR would have adjustments to those limits, while sec- amounts. never enjoyed the national prominence that tions 302 and 314(a) of the Congres- I ask unanimous consent that the ac- it does today. sional Budget Act of 1974 allow the companying tables, which provide de- Squier grew up in Waterbury and worked chairman of the Budget Committee to tails about the adjustment, be printed throughout his adolescence at WDEV, which establish and make revisions to alloca- in the RECORD. his father, Lloyd, founded in 1931. tions, aggregates, and levels consistent There being no objection, the mate- ‘‘I was lucky,’’ Squier said. ‘‘(WDEV) was with those adjustments. The Senate re- rial was ordered to be printed in the always full of kids—young, young guys. And RECORD, as follows: Rusty (Parker) ran it fluidly. It gave me an cently considered and passed H.R. 1892 with S. Amdt. 1930, the text of the Bi- opportunity that a lot of people wouldn’t REVISION TO BUDGETARY AGGREGATES have had to go out and do something that I partisan Budget Act of 2018, which pro- (Pursuant to Sections 311 and 314(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of really desired, which was the racing. It was vided emergency funding for disaster 1974) big and it was growing and every year it got relief. bigger and bigger. But I could always come This legislation includes language $s in millions 2018 home.’’ that increases security discretionary Even as he rose to national prominence, Current Spending Aggregates: budget authority by $1,170 million and Budget Authority ...... 3,085,147 Squier always called Vermont home. Outlays ...... 3,101,424 ‘‘I loved Verniont and everything it stood nonsecurity discretionary budget au- Adjustments: thority by $83,266 million this year. Budget Authority ...... 84,436 for,’’ he said. Outlays ...... 11,185 Squier once described NASCAR drivers as This measure contains provisions that Revised Spending Aggregates: ‘‘ordinary people doing extraordinary designate these appropriations as Budget Authority ...... 3,169,583 Outlays ...... 3,112,609 things.’’ emergency funding pursuant to section REVISION TO SPENDING ALLOCATION TO THE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018 (Pursuant to Sections 302 and 314(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974)

$s in millions 2018

Current Allocation: Revised Security Discretionary Budget Authority ...... 553,743 Revised Nonsecurity Category Discretionary Budget Authority ...... 552,266 General Purpose Outlays ...... 1,188,350 Adjustments: Revised Security Discretionary Budget Authority ...... 1,170 Revised Nonsecurity Category Discretionary Budget Authority ...... 83,266 General Purpose Outlays ...... 11,185 Revised Allocation: Revised Security Discretionary Budget Authority ...... 554,913 Revised Nonsecurity Category Discretionary Budget Authority ...... 635,532 General Purpose Outlays ...... 1,199,535 Program Disaster OCO Integrity Relief Emergency Total

Memorandum: Detail of Adjustments Made Above: Revised Security Discretionary Budget Authority ...... 0 0 0 1,170 1,170 Revised Nonsecurity Category Discretionary Budget Authority ...... 0 0 0 83,266 83,266 General Purpose Outlays ...... 0 0 0 0 11,185

ANNIVERSARY OF PROTESTS IN tions, that the regime has not upheld intention of upholding its commit- BAHRAIN this fundamental commitment. ment. In fact, the situation has only grown The State Department last certified Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, in a worse over the past 12 months as the in 2013 that the regime had fully imple- truly dubious distinction, this week regime has actually taken a number of mented a mere handful of the BICI rec- marks the 7th year since tens of thou- huge steps back. ommendations. The last State Depart- sands of Bahraini citizens took to the ment update, in 2016, failed to identify streets of Manama in protest. In January of 2017, the regime re- stored arrest and detainment powers to any further progress taken. These brave men and women put Bahrain’s National Security Agency, Last year a panel of UN human rights themselves at great risk to demand despite that agency’s past involvement experts noted a ‘‘sharp deterioration of greater access to their political system in torture and coercion of political the human rights situation in the and more accountability from their prisoners. country . . . aimed at muzzling any government. Later in the year, the King approved discordant voice and suppressing dis- Rather than engage these protestors a constitutional amendment allowing sent.’’ in meaningful dialogue, the regime re- military courts to try Bahraini citi- The State Department’s most recent sponded with violence, tear gas, and zens, a move Amnesty International Human Rights Report details the Bah- rubber bullets. called ‘‘disastrous’’ and warned would raini regime’s willingness to revoke After much international attention, be used to crack down on political op- citizenship as a punishment, often Bahrain’s King agreed to set up the position. without providing a concrete justifica- Bahrain Independent Commission of In- These policies are fundamentally at tion and without an opportunity for quiry, or BICI, and to fully implement odds with the BICI recommendations basic due process. its recommended reforms. and make clear what folks in inter- A Washington Post story from last I say to the Senate today, on the sev- national human rights community year indicated the regime revoked citi- enth anniversary of the demonstra- have long said, that the regime has no zenship from more than 100 Bahrainis

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Feb 16, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15FE6.053 S15FEPT1