Issue #88 August 2013 Tottori, Japan Newsletter of the "Global Issues in Language Education" Special Interest Group (GILE SIG) of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) GLOBAL ISSUES IN LANGUAGE EDUCATION NEWSLETTER ! ! ! 88th Issue celebrating 88 issues and 23 years in print since 1990 Kip A. Cates, Tottori University, Koyama, Tottori City, JAPAN 680-8551 E-mail:
[email protected] Check out back issues on our homepage! Website: Facebook: NEWSLETTER #88 This summer newsletter comes out as teachers and students here and abroad strive to stay cool and safe amid soaring temperatures and heavy rains. Our main articles in this edition include: (1) a description by Anthony Lavigne of how TED talks on global issue themes can be used to promote language learning and (2) an EFL research and education project designed to promote tolerance, reduce nationalism and eliminate xenophobia among school children in Russia. Our special feature this issue is a lesson about peace activist and “world citizen” Garry Davis who passed away in the US in July. Other items include a report on this spring’s IATEFL 2013 conference in Liverpool, resource books on war and peace plus a round-up of global education news, events and resources. ! E-SUBSCRIPTIONS: After 20 years as a paper newsletter, we now offer electronic subscriptions by e-mail. Please let us know if you’d like to try this eco-friendly option! * Abstracts of articles on global themes from ELT journals and the media 4 * News and announcements from language