Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1954-07-02
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. , Serving the State Th. Weather University of Iowa ParilJ elO1ld7 wlUa INaI thandenllowen t. d a '!. Campus and m.b ,s-,1. latonia; to eoaiIDae vel"! warm wtUa ~attel't!d ahowen ID the Iowa City .nernOOD Ind Dlcht. Elt. 1868 - AP leaaed Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, July 2, 1954 u.s. Steel Ups P.rice Helen Jepson Arrives in Iowa City Senate Kills: Propos I To Offset Wage Hike To Cut "Taxes, 50-33' PFM'SBURGH (.4')- The na WASHINGTON (.4')- The sen tion's biggest steel producer, U.S. Steel corporation, boosted ate struck down Thursday. by a the price of steel $3 a ton Thurs Senator Hits Local Man Kills Sell 50-33 vote, an II th hour move to day to offset a wage increase in House Voles give every taxpayer a $20 reduc Its new labor contract. tion on his bill. Just what effects the increase UN Proposal will have on -the average Ameri (rop Support As Father Looks On 11 was the third time in two can Is still unanswered. Most To B, JOE MORAN days that the idea of ,eneral tax Seat Reds relief was rejected. The prevail manufacturers of products made An Iowa Cilian watched his pollce his son had said severa I ot steel are Inclined to think the WASHINGTON (JP) - Sen. Ing arlument was that the gov only son commit suicide Thurs times that he was "gOing to price boost will not be passed WIlliam F. Know land ('R-Cal.) Compromise day afternoon. ernment needs the money. on to the consumer. said ThurJday that If the United Edmund L . Kelley, 38, local check out," but that he hadn't In another roll call vote. the Nations admits Red China he WASH[NGTON (JP) - The liard days have fallen on rendering plant worker, took 9 believed him. Kelley said he senate cut trom the general tax some manufacturers ot automo will quit his post as the Senate house Thursday refused to ac dose of deadly strychnine, while rl)vislon blll the most Important Republlclln leader and devote believed the bottle of strychnlne biles. home appliances. farm cept the administration's flexible his father, who believed It was contained only table salt, even part of an administration plan to equipment and many other in all his energy to take the United only harmless table salt, looked give special relief to taxpayers States out of the U. N. system or larm price supports but when his son told him "It's the dustries using steel. Their sa les voted 179-164 lor a compromise on. who get part of their Income already are olf. The deadly serious, deep-voic The police found Kelley ly real McCoy." He said he con from dividends. The vote was a ed Knowland declared in a Sen plan which would support basic Decline To Comment Ing on the floor of an upstairs tinued to belive It was salt when lopsided 71-13. ate speech that France, "In a commodities at from 82!4 to 90 room rented by his father at iMost manufacurers. however, thinly disguised surrender." Is his son poured "enough crysta!s ReveDue Need Cited per cent parity. 646 S. Dodge st.• when they ar into the glass to kill 10 men" Here, again, the government·s declined to comment immedi letting much at the Indochina rived at the scene about 2:30 ately on the effect of Increased Slip Into Red hands whUe "the Both actions In the big farm need lor revenue was cited. An p.m. An empty, 9~ ounce and filled it one-quarter full 0: Bteel prices. free nations of the world seem fight were tentative and subject water. other argument WQS summed up 101011, Jewa. ,het. b, Dr...... Mebrr) bottle of strychnine lay on a by Sen. Henry Dworshak (R- CliUord F. Hood. U.S. Steel to be faced with Inertia." to reconsld'latlon when the HELEN JEP ON. FORMER METROPOUTAN opera .&a.r cur neat'by table. A drinking glass Following this Communist Beeame Alarmed Idaho), a candidate for reelec president. said the price hike house takes 'final action on its renUy on Ii lecture tour, steps trom a United AJrllnes convair at containing a few of the pOISO.l will be put Into effect as soon as victory. he predicted, there will The older man added that it tion: general agriculture blll today. the Iowa City airpOrt Thursday afternoon. The soprano rave a ous crystals was beside It. was almost an hour aUer cost production lists can be pre spring up a concerted effort to oombllUltJon leeture-recltal entltJed "Backlta,e at the Met" Lloyd Merlin Kelley, 58, told "This Is not the time for H, pared. That Is expected to take bring Communist China Into the President Eisenhower's pro-. his son had swallowed the when we cannot do anything for Tbursday nlrht In SUI's Macbride hall. The pro,ram Is the flrst potion that he became alarmed only a few Clays. U. N. through action of the Gen gram for supporting the main 01 the lummer lesllion lecture series. part of the 16th annual the wage earner." eral assembly. and called the police station. Expect More !ncre.... crops on a sliding scale ranging Fine Arts Festival. Prot. Orville Hitchcock of the SUI speech de Those voting on the amend "On the day that Communist Wh en the police arrived a few Most of the nation's bl.g steel from 75 to 90 per cent of parJty partment Is dlreetor ot the lecture aeries. ment to whittle down the benefit China Is voted into member Opera Star minutes later, the drug, which for dividend income lncluded 30 producers are expected to tall in ship," he 'said, "I shall resign was shouted down on a voice attacks the central nervous sys Une quickly and announce price senators whose terms expire at my majority leal:!ership In the vote. Songs, Talk Delight tem, had stopped both heart and the end of this year. Of thMe, 27 Incr~ases similar to U.s. Steel's. lung action. County Coroner senate so that without embar Last-Minute Compromise voted tor the amendment and 3 Last year the industry boosted rassment to any of my collegue, Busy Singer Enjoys Lecture Audience George D. Callahan pronounced But GOP leaders succeeded in against it. the price of steel $4 a ton alter or to the administration, I can Kelley dead. Iowa City police slaning an agreement with the devote my fuli efforts In the putting across their last-minute Soprano Helen Jepson gave reported the death as suicide. This amendment was offered approximately 400 people a ·pri- cro United Steel Workers giv scnate and throughout the coun compromise aIter intlmating it by Sen. Edwin C. Johnson (D Tour, Recalls Opera Debut vileged glimpse Into the back- Kelley said that his son had Colo.) who. is not a candidate Ing workers an 81h cents an try to terminate United States was an alternative to a presiden :;tage life of a Metropolitan op- been living with him for the tor re-election. It would elimin hour pay hike. That boost was membership in that organization tial veto of farm legislation this By DRAKE MABRY era star Thursday night in Mac- past week. The younger man passed on to consumers. and our financial support of it." ate a section under which tax Helen Jepson, former Metro- Broadway musical "Wonderful bride hall auditorium. And she and his wife, Mrs. Viola Fern payers could deduct five per ~oy W. Johnson, executive Krrowland has been majority year. politan opera star, is one lecturer· Town." did it with such charm and Kelley. 1027 Friendly ave .• were vice-president of General Elec leader, succeeding the late Sen. Rep. Charles A. Halleck of In- who gets a kick out of looking Miss Jepson considers her Met- .poise that the audience sal separated. cent ot their dividend income from their tax bill. It would leave tric company's appllance and Robert A. Taft of Ohio, since diana, the Republlcan house lead- across a different set of footlights 1"0polJian debut opposite Law- through the hour and one-half Mrs. Kelley began divorce electronics division, said the new Jan. 5. a section by which they could er, appealed to members to go two or three nights each week. rence Tibbett the most memor- lecture-recital completely en- proceedings June 21 after charg figure the first $50 of dividends Iteel rates may force higher Before and since that date, along with the mlddle-ot-the- Obviously enthused about her able event In her entire career. grossed In her commentary. ing Kelley with assault and bat he has been cryi ng for action liS tax-free. price tags on a few consumer road approach "as the first step current tour, even though her "Of course, all the roles I have Starting with her early lite tery three days before. She has products manufactured by his to stem communism. especially to get away lrom high, rigid price lecture-recital Thursday night is played were wonderful and ex- ("my high school principal sub- been living with her parents Dividend Treabaent A.... l1ed company. In Asia. supports put on In wartime." the last belore she returns to citing, but that opening night I stltuted glee club credits 101' since then. Democrats assailed the pro So far, 17 of the 60 member Will Absorb rote Many tarm stat;e legislators New York and a month's vaca- r('celved 200 telegrams and 50 chemistry so I could graduatc:,> II Children posed dlviden as special treat nations of the U.