Course Catalog
UNITED STATES COAST GUARD ACADEMY NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT CATALOG OF COURSES 2014-2015 Catalog of Courses 5 201 - UNITED STATES COAST GUARD ACADEMY 2014 NEW LONDON, CT OURSES C ALOG OF AT C U. S. Coast Guard Academy Reservation of Rights his Catalog primarily reflects information regarding the Cadet Under- Tgraduate Program for the Class of 2017. The statements set forth in this catalog are for informational purposes only and may not be construed as the basis of a contract between a cadet and the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. Any conflict between this catalog and the applica- ble statutes or regulations shall be resolved by reference to language of the statute or regulation only. The Academy reserves the right to change programs of study, academic requirements, course offerings, regulations, teaching staff, Critical Dates Cal- endar, and other matters described in the catalog without prior notice, in accor- dance with established procedures. The U.S. Coast Guard Academy endeavors to maintain the accuracy of all information provided in this catalog. However, it is the responsibility of the cadets to be aware of the current regulations, cur- riculum, and graduation requirements for their class and chosen major. Human Relations Statement The United States Coast Guard Academy is an equal opportunity employer guided by applicable Federal laws and regulations. The Academy is committed to the principles of fair treatment and equal opportunity. We recruit, educate, train and employ personnel based on merit so that each individual can excel and reach his or her maximum potential without regard to gender, race, color, religion, national origin, reprisal, sexual orientation and/or where applicable, age (over 40) and/or physical or mental disability.
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